Michigan Fossils Side by Side
MMiicchhiiggaann FFoossssiillss A2 - BRACHIOPOD, B2 - CRINOID pieces, A1 - BRACHIOPOD, B1 - CORAL or CHAIN invertebrate - invertebrate - invertebrate - CORAL, invertebrate - Mucrospifier profundus - Megistocrinus sp. ? - Pentamerus sp. - Cordell Halysites sp. - Cordell Silica formation - Alpena limestone - dolomite - Silurian age - dolomite - Silurian age - Devonian age - Devonian age - Alpena Chippewa Co. - 65 mm, Chippewa Co. - 110 mm, Washtenaw Co. - 50 mm, Co. - 30 mm (lower right) internal cast or steinkern siliceous replacement - calcite replacement - R. , calcite replacement - - R. Elowski R. Milstein Milstein GSD B4 - CORAL or A4 - CORAL or B3 - SNAIL or COLONIAL CORAL A3 - TRILOBITE, COLONIAL CORAL, GASTROPOD, Petoskey Stone, invertebrate - Phacops invertebrate - invertebrate - genus not invertebrate - rana - Silica formation - Syringopora sp. - Cordell determined - Cordell Hexagonaria percarinata Devonian age - dolomite - Silurian age - dolomite - Silurian age - - Alpena Limestone - Washtenaw Co. - 70 mm, s Chippewa Co. - 125 mm, s Chippewa Co. - 75 mm, Devonian age - calcite replacement - S. siliceous replacement - l internal cast or steinkern Charlevoix Co. - 200 mm, Wilson l R. Milstein - GSD calcite replacement - R. i i Milstein s s D1 - BANDED IRON C1 - MASTODON Tooth, C2 - EUCARYOTIC algae FORMATION (BIF), from D2 - PLANT root section, s vertebrate - Mammut filaments, plant - s fossils - result of plant - Stigmaria, genus americanum - Glacial Grypania spiralis - Grypania and others - not determined - Saginaw deposit - Quaternary age Negaunee Iron Formation Banded Iron Formation - Formation - o - 200 mm long, the - Precambrian age - o Precambrian age - Pennsylvanian age - “Michigan State Fossil” - Marquette Co. - large Marquette Co. - 600 mm, Eaton Co. - 150 mm in Central Michigan loop about 20 mm , F from the rock walkway at diameter, internal cast - F University Rowe Museum oldest macrofossil - GSD the - Eddy Discovery T.
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