ADDRESS CONTACT Office: 120 Science Hall Email: [email protected] Dept. of Biology Phone: (434) 592-3459 Liberty University 1971 University Blvd. Lynchburg, VA 24502

EDUCATION Ph.D. Geosciences, University of Rhode Island, December 2006. Ph.D. Dissertation: “Richness Trends of Mosasaurs (Diapsida, Squamata) during the Late Cretaceous”, 197 pp. M.S. Paleontology, SD School of Mines and Technology, December 2002. M.S. Thesis: “Stratigraphy and Paleontologic Resources of the Lower Pierre Shale at Brown Ranch, Southwestern South Dakota”, 62 pp. B.S. Earth Science, Pennsylvania State University, May 1998. B.S. Thesis: “A Faunal Assemblage Study of the Peedee Formation, North Carolina, and Comparison with New Jersey Formations,” 18 pp.

EXPERIENCE Associate Professor of Geology, Liberty University, 2005- present. Assistant Director, Center for Creation Studies, Liberty University, 2005-present.


Courses Taught BIOL 495: Special Problems in Biology BIOL 371: Vertebrate Paleontology CRST 290: History of Life (residential) CRST 290: History of Life (LUO) ENVR 220: Physical Geology ENVR 221: Laboratory in Physical Geology ENVR 330: Energy Resources and Efficiency PHSC 210: Elements of Earth Science (LUO) PHSC 210: Elements of Earth Science (residential) PHSC 211: Elements of Earth Science Laboratory (residential)

Research Activities Dinosaur systematics and baraminology Paleontological evaluation of the Flood/post-Flood boundary Collaboration on animal “kinds” for Ark Encounter project Investigation of mosasaur diversity, morphological trends, and extinction Oversight of development of multiple fossil displays for the LU Creation Museum.

1 Society Memberships Geological Society of America, 2000-present. Creation Biology Society, 1999-present. Creation Geology Society, 2008-present Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 1998-2001, 2004, 2007-present. Lynchburg Gem and Mineral Society, 2008-2009. Fellow, Center for Science and Culture, 1999-2004.

Society and Professional Service Evaluation of new Allosaurus fossil donated to the Creation Museum. Christian Scholar’s Trip through the Grand Canyon with Answers in Genesis and Canyon Ministries, 2012. Answers in Genesis Ark Encounter project: estimation and description of created “kinds” taken aboard Noah’s ark. Conference Organizer for ORIGNS 2011, the CBS/CGS joint annual meeting, field trip, and lay conference Secretary, CGS, 2008-present Executive Council, BSG, 2007-2009 Master of Ceremonies, “All Creation Groans” 2007 BSG annual meeting

Publication/Organization Review Service Andrews University Press Answers in Genesis Answers in Genesis Creation Museum Answers Magazine Answers Research Journal Apologia Educational Ministries Creation Biology Society Creation Geology Society Christianity Today Creation Ministries International Creation Research Society Quarterly Geology International Conference on Journal of Creation Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Lehigh University Press Netherlands Journal of Geosciences W.W. Norton

Honors Thesis Committees Seth Beech, Biology, 2011-2012 (Chair) Erin Reynolds, Education, 2008-2009 Taylor Dodgen, Biology, 2007-2008 Brad Wilson, Business, 2007-2008 Michelle McConnachie, Biology, 2006-2007

2 University Service Organized the campus screening of Switch, including panel discussion among industry representative, working with the School of Business and other departments. Supported LU Athletics’ Think Green Initiative, March 2013. Established a weekly faculty luncheon for discussion of creation-relevant scientific research papers. LUO prospective faculty interview. April, 2012 Faculty workshop, “Noah’s Flood: Where Genesis Meets Geology”, August 2011. Collaboration with Mark Tinsley (LU Online) in content development for PHSC 210 including production of two videos. Summer 2011. Faculty Senator, Dept. of Biology/Chemistry, 2007-2010 Organized a pre-release viewing of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed for LU Faculty, 2007. Guest lecture, CRST 390 (taught by Dr. David DeWitt) and Darwin Year ad-hoc committee, 2008-2009


Peer-Reviewed and Edited Articles Ross, M.R., in prep. Geologic dating I and II. Lab manual for PHSC 211.

1) Dialogue on the post-Flood boundary: Marcus Ross and Tas Walker, in review. Journal of Creation, vol. 28, no. 1 (April 2014). 2) Ross, M.R., 2013. Letter to the editor, “Schism in Flood Geology”, Journal of Creation, vol. 27, no. 3, p. 46-47. 3) Garner, P.A., Wood, T.C., and Ross, M.R., 2013. Baraminological analysis of Jurassic and Cretaceous Aviale. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Creationism, 19 p. 4) Ross, M.R., 2013. “The Flood/post-Flood boundary”, Journal of Creation, vol. 27, no. 2, p. 43-44. 5) Ross, M.R., 2012. Using biostratigraphy and biogeography to evaluate the Flood/post- Flood boundary. Journal of Creation v. 26, no. 2, p. 82-87, with online supplement. 6) Ross, M.R., Hoesch, W.A., Austin, S.A., Whitmore, J.H., and Clarey, T.L., 2010. Garden of the Gods at Colorado Springs: Paleozoic and Mesozoic Sedimentation and Tectonics. Geological Society of America Field Guide 18. (This is also an official field trip, led by the authors, for the 2010 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Field Trip Series) 7) Ross, M.R., 2009. Charting the late Cretaceous seas: mosasaur richness and morphological diversification. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v 29, no. 2, p. 409-416. 8) Ross, M.R., and Fastovsky, D.E., 2006. Trans-Atlantic correlation of Upper Cretaceous marine sediments, Northeastern Geology and Environmental Science, v.28, no.1, p. 34-44. 9) Ross, M.R., and Nelson, P.A., 2006. A Taxonomy of Teleology: Phillip Johnson, the Intelligent Design community, and young-Earth creationism, in Darwin’s Nemesis: Phillip Johnson and the Intelligent Design Movement, InverVarsity Press, p. 261-275. 10) Ross, M.R., 2005. Who Believes What? Clearing up confusion about Intelligent Design and Young-Earth Creationism, Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 53, n. 2, p. 319-323. 11) Ross, M.R., 2004. Stratigraphy and Analytic Paleontology of Brown Ranch, Hermosa, South Dakota, South Dakota Academy of Science, v. 83, p. 163-181. 12) Nelson, P.A., and Ross, M.R., 2004. Problems with Characterizing the Protostome- Deuterostome Ancestor. PCID 3.1.3

3 13) Meyer, S.C., Ross, M.R., Nelson, P.A., and Chien, P., 2003. The Cambrian Explosion: Biology’s Big Bang, in Meyer, S.C. and Campbell, J.A., Darwinism, Design, and Public Education, Michigan State Press, p. 323-402, and Appendices C-E, p. 593-611.

Abstracts and Professional Presentations

1) Beech, S., and Ross, M.R., 2012. A Preliminary (Re)Estimation of the Ark-borne Animals. Journal of Creation Theology and Science, Series B., vol. 2, p. 1. 2) Ross, M.R., 2011. Biogeography and Biostratigraphy: Coupled constraints on the placement of the post-Flood boundary. Journal of Creation Theology and Science, Series C, vol. 1, 5-6. 3) Ross, M.R., 2011. A creationist geological field trip of the Black Hills of South Dakota. ORIGINS 2011 conference (unpublished). 4) Wood, T.C., M. Ross, and P. Garner, 2011. Preliminary Baraminological Analysis of Jurassic and Cretaceous Avialae. Journal of Creation Theology and Science, Series B. 5) Wood, T.C., M. Ross, and P. Garner, 2011. Detecting Discontinuity in the Dinosauria using Baraminic Distance Correlation. Journal of Creation Theology and Science, Series B. 6) Ross, M.R., 2010. Integrative and approaches to Late Cretaceous marine biostratigraphy and biogeography. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs. 7) Ross, M.R., 2010. YEC geology in the classroom: Educational materials challenges and needs. Creation Geology Society Abstracts, p. 5-6. Available online at: 8) Ross, M.R., 2007. Twelve years in Athens: A creationist’s journey in geological education. Proceedings of the First Conference on Creation Geology, Cedarville University, p. 46. Available online at: 9) DeWitt, D.A., Ross, M.R., and Deckard, Steve, 2007. Assessing student ideas on creation, evolution, and the age of the Earth. Proceedings of the First Conference on Creation Geology, Cedarville University, p. 21-22. Available online at: 10) Ross, M.R., and Fastovsky, D.E., 2007. New tools to uncover trends in mosasaur richness and morphology: stratigraphically correlated assemblages. Second Mosasaur Meeting, Abstracts with programs, p. 38 Fort Hays State University, Sternberg Museum of Natural History, Kansas. 11) Ross, M.R., and Fastovsky, D.E., 2006. Resolving mosasaur (Diapsida, Squamata) extinction across the Atlantic. Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs vol. 38, n. 7, p. 401. 12) Nelson, P., and Ross, M.R., 2004. Problems with characterizing the protostome- deuterostome ancestor, Developmental Biology vol. 271, p. 601. 13) Ross, M.R., and Fastovsky, D.E., 2004. Quantitative Approaches to Late Cretaceous Shallow-Marine and Shelf Stratigraphy of Marine Vertebrates, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. 24, n. 3 (supplement), p. 105A. 14) Ross, M.R., and Fastovsky, D.E., 2004. Refining Global Mosasaur Biostratigraphy, First Mosasaur Meeting, Abstract Book and Field Guide, p.68. 15) Ross, M.R., 2004. Mosasaurs: Baraminology, Biostratigraphy, and Boondoggle, Occasional Papers of the Baraminology Study Group, n. 4, p. 15. 16) Meyer, Steven C. and Ross, M.R., 2004. The Cambrian Explosion, Intelligent Design and the Future of Science, Biola University. DVD available through Access Research Network (

4 17) Ross, M.R., 2003. Intelligent Design and Young-Earth Creationism: Investigating Nested Hierarchies of Philosophy and Belief, GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, vol. 36, n. 6, p. 607. 18) Nelson, P.A, and Ross, M.R., 2003. Understanding the Cambrian Explosion by Estimating Ontogenetic Depth, Developmental Biology, vol. 259, p. 459-460. 19) Ross, M.R., and Nelson, P.A., 2002. Ontogenetic Depth as a Complexity Metric for the Cambrian Explosion, GSA Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, vol. 34, n. 6, p. 427. 20) Ross, M.R., and Cuffey, R., 2002. Chondrichthyan and Reptilian Fossils from the Upper Cretaceous Peedee Formation at Elizabethtown, Southeastern North Carolina, and Comparison to New Jersey Faunas, Southeast GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, vol. 34, n. 1, p. 66. 21) Ross, M. and Pranger, T., 2002. Microfossil vertebrate assemblage from the Hell Creek Formation, Southwest North Dakota, 87th Meeting of South Dakota Academy of Science, 81: 289. 22) Ross, M.R., Varriale, F., and Bell, G., 2001. A Preliminary Report on the Geology and Paleontology of the Lower Pierre Shale (Gammon Ferruginous, Sharon Springs, Mitten Black Shale Members) at the Igloo Burning Grounds, South Dakota, 133rd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science, vol. 20, p. 51-52. 23) Ross, M. and Nelson, P., 1999. A Discussion on the Cambrian Explosion, Intelligent Design Symposium: Detecting Design in Creation, American Scientific Affiliation, 54th Annual Meeting.

Popular Articles, News Items, and Reviews 1) Ross, M.R., 2013, “Building a Better Dinosaur”, Answers Magazine, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 56-61. 2) Ross, M.R., 2013, “Created Creature: Megalonyx”, Answers Magazine, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 22-25. 3) Ross, M.R., 2013, “Big Animals of the Ice Age”, Answers Magazine, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 56-59. 4) Ross, M.R., 2012, “Marcus Ross at ETS”, guest blog for Todd’s Blog. Archived at: 5) Ross, M.R., 2012, “A Review of American Genesis”, CRSQ vol. 49, no. 2, p. 162-3. 6) Ross, M.R., 2012. “No Kind Left Behind.” Answers Magazine, vol. 8, no. 1, p. 26-29. 7) Ross, M.R., and Howell, D., 2012. “The Barefoot Professor.” Answers Magazine, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 64-69. 8) Ross, M.R., 2011. “T. rex: Fashioned To Be Fearless.” Answers Magazine, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 46- 48. 9) Ross, M.R., 2011. “Hypsolophodon: Least But Not Last.” Answers Magazine, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 50-53. 10) Ross, M.R., 2010, “Accept a Limited Role.” Village Green: Forum on Intelligent Design, Christianity Today, May issue, p. 51. 11) Ross, M.R., 2010. “Created Creatures: Sea Monsters.” Answers Magazine, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 22- 24. 12) Ross, M.R., 2010. “Those Not-So-Dry Bones.” Answers Magazine, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 26-29. 13) Ross, M.R., 2010. “Dinosaurs: Living Large.” Answers Magazine, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 43-45. 14) Ross, M.R., 2010. “Creationist Receives PhD: Walking Through Modern-Day Athens.” Answers Magazine (online edition). 15) Ross, M.R. (attributed consultant), 2009. “Vacations to build your faith: The Smithsonian Museum.” Answers Magazine, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 42-43. 16) Unattributed consultant, 2009, “Creation Vacations: The Denver Museum of Science and Nature.” Answers Magazine (online content):

5 17) Unattributed writer/consultant, 2009. “Creation Vacations: The Black Hills of South Dakota.” Answers Magazine (online content): 18) Ross, M.R., 2009. “Storming Young-Earth Creationism, a review of The Bible, Rocks, and Time”, Christianity Today, April, 2009, p. 63. 19) Unattributed news item, 2009. “Turtle Power”, Answers Magazine, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 11. 20) Unattributed news item, 2009. “Tissue Issue”, Answers Magazine, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 10. 21) Ross, M.R., 2009. “God of the Gaps?”, Answers Magazine, vol. 4, no. 1, p. 60-63. Archived at:

Invited Lectures 1) Ross, M.R., Creation Museum brown-bag lecture “An inside look at dinosaur paleontology: the theropods.” February 2014. 2) Ross, M.R. Village Baptist Church ENGAGE Apologetics Conference, Fayetteville, NC, April 2013 (two lectures: “Flood Tectonics” and “Engaging Athens”) 3) M. Ross, J. Whitmore, and K. Wise, 2012. “Young-Earth Creationism”, CCCU Genesis Colloquium, BIOLA University. This is a seminar for university presidents, provosts, and other administrators for CCCU member schools. 4) J. Francis, M. Ross, J. Whitmore, and T. Wood, 2011. Panel discussion on Creation Education. ORIGINS 2011 conference. 5) Q&A on creation, Erksine College, January 2011. 6) “Creation Weekend: Beyond the Bare Bones” (4 lectures), Creation Science Association of Canada, October, 2010. 7) “Young-Earth Creation: An Update”, Virginia Commonwealth University, October 2010. 8) “Darwin was Wrong about the Fossil Record”, Darwin Was Wrong Conference, Costa Mesa, CA, November 2009. 9) “Biblical Issues in Creation”, Summit Ministries, Lynchburg, VA, June 2009. 10) “Creation and the Fossil Record”, Summit Ministries, Lynchburg, VA, June 2009. 11) “A dialogue on young-Earth creation”, Virginia Commonwealth University, March 2009. 12) “Answers from the Fossil Record”, Answers for Darwin Conference, Answers in Genesis and Liberty University, February 2009. 13) “Forum on Creationism”, Virginia Commonwealth University, March 2008. 14) “Twelve years in Athens.” The Master’s College chapel service, February 2008. 15) “An Inside Look at Dinosaur Paleontology.” The Master’s College 15th Annual Creation Symposium (Technical Session), February, 2008. 16) “How to Date Like a Geologist.” The Master’s College 15th Annual Creation Symposium (Technical Session), February, 2008. 17) “Twelve years in Athens: A creationist’s journey in geological education” First Conference on Creation Geology, Cedarville University, July. 2007. 18) “Creation and Geology.” Lynchburg College, October 2007. 19) “Twelve years in Athens.” Southern Adventist University chapel service, April 2007. 20) “Sea dragons, fire, and brimstone: The life and times of mosasaurs.” Southern Adventist University Biology Club, April 2007. 21) “The Nested Hierarchy of Design.” Virginia Commonwealth University, March 2007. 22) “The Cambrian Explosion: Biology’s Big Bang”. Temple University lecture series “You Decide: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design.” April 2007. 23) “The life and times (and death) of mosasaurs.” Department of Geology, Loma Linda University, November 2003.

6 Professional Meetings Attended (*=presentation/poster given) 2012: Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting ORIGINS 2012: Joint meeting of the Creation Geology Society and Creation Biology Society* 2011: ORIGINS 2011: Joint meeting of the Creation Geology Society and Creation Biology Society* 2010: Geological Society of America, Denver, CO* BSG/Creation Geology joint meeting, Cleveland, GA* 2009: Geological Society of America, Portland, OR BSG/Creation Geology joint meeting, Louisville, KY. 2008: Geological Society of America, Houston, TX BSG/Creation Geology joint meeting, Pittsburg, PA 2007: FAST Meeting (sponsor: Institute for Creation Research); AZ Geology Education for the Future Conference; Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH* Biology Study Group; Liberty University, Lynchburg VA Second Mosasaur Meeting; Sternberg Museum (FHSU), Hays, KS* 2006: Geological Society of America; Philadelphia, PA* Intelligent Design, a Post-Dover View; Colorado Springs* FAST Meeting (sponsor: Institute for Creation Research); St. George, UT 2005: Geological Society of America; Salt Lake City, UT 2004: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology; Denver, CO* First Mosasaur Meeting; Maastricht, The Netherlands* Baraminology Study Group; Bryan College, Dayton, TN* Intelligent Design, the Future; Biola University; Los Angeles, CA* 2003: Geological Society of America; Seattle, WA* 2002: Geological Society of America; Denver, CO* South Dakota Academy of Science; Sioux Falls, SD* 2001: Baraminology Study Group; Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH Kansas Academy of Science; University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS* 1999: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology; Denver, CO Cambrian Explosion Meeting; Chengjiang, China.


Television and Radio Appearances “The Universe Next Door” radio program, 2012. “Darwin or Design” radio program, September 2010. “Darwin or Design” radio program, April 2009. “Liberty Live” with Dean Staver, February 2009. “Darwin or Design” radio program, September 2008. Online at: Cedarville University Radio, WCDR, July 2007 “Liberty Live” with Dean Staver (television program), 2007. Frank Pastore radio program, KKLA, Los Angeles, February 2007, March 2007. “Across the Nation with Bob Dunning”, The Catholic Channel, Sirius Satellite Radio, February 2007. “Faith at Work”, Loma Linda Broadcasting Network, November, 2003.

7 News Stories, Book Appearances, and Other Print Articles 1) “Flipping the Energy ‘Switch’” by Mark Tait, The Liberty Champion, April 30, 2013. Archived at: 2) “Bill Nye: No science guy” by Caroline Crumpler, The Liberty Champion, Sept. 11, 2012. Archived at: 3) “Doing Good Science”, Scientific American blog by Dr. Janet Stemwedel, Oct. 19, 24 (reply from M. Ross) and 27, 2011. 4) “Two Whee-Ler: Professor Takes to the Streets”, 2010 Selah, p. 74-75. 5) “At evolution exhibit, creationist students are unswayed” (by Virginie Montet), Agence France Press, March 10, 2010. Online at: 10037 6) “Students flock to study creationism at university”. Agence France Press news video, March 8, 2010. Online at 7) The Unlikely Disciple (by Kevin Roose), Grand Central Publishing, 2009. 8) “The Genesis of a Debate” (by Steve Hendrix). The Washington Post, March 11, 2009 p. A1. 9) “Beneath the Surface with Marine Reptiles” (by Tas Walker). Creation Magazine, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 46-48, 2008. Archived at: 10) “Rock of Ages, Ages of Rock” (by Hanna Rosin). The New York Times Magazine, November 25, 2007, p. 30-38. Archived at: geologists-t.html?pagewanted=4&_r=1&ref=magazine 11) “Are there any young-Earth Ph.D. paleontologists?” Answers in Genesis museum blog, October 12, 2007. Archived at: paleontologists/ 12) “He earned a doctorate studying ancient Earth. The problem: He doesn’t believe a word he wrote.” (by Warren Fiske), The Virginian Pilot, May 29, 2007, A1, A12. Archived at: a. -Reprinted as “His Creationist beliefs clash with his URI doctorate”, The Providence Journal, June 4, 2007, p. A-1, A-9. b. -Reprinted as “The science of creationism”, The National Post (Toronto, Canada), p. A7. c. -Reprinted as “Creationist and professor does not believe his own work”, Post Star (Hudson Falls, NY), June 5, 2007. d. -Reprinted as “Expert in geology doesn’t believe his own work is true”, The Wilmington Star (NC). 13) “The road to Liberty: How biology professor Dr. Marcus Ross became a paleontologist and caused creation controversy” (by Dave Thompson), The Liberty Champion, April 3, 2007. Archived at: AID=197 14) “Can you Adam and Eve it?” (by Anjana Ahuja), The Times (London), March 12, 2007. Archived at: 15) “The Divided Scientist” (editorial), The Harvard Crimson, February 22, 2007. Archived at: 16) “Scientist’s degree and belief hard to reconcile” (by Bill Wineke), Wisconsin State Journal, February 18, 2007. Archived at:

8 17) “Young Earth Creationist Stirs a Scholarly Storm” (by Peter McKnight), Vancouver Sun, February 17, 2007, p. C-5. Archived at: defe-421b-a471-f28fbbf2db27&p=1 18) “Believing Scripture but Playing by Science’s Rules” (by Cornelia Dean), New York Times, February 12, 2007, p. A1. Archived at: =slogin&oref=slogin&oref=slogin a. Reprinted as “A creationist takes his place in the world of Fossils”, International Herald Tribune. Archived at: 19) “Dinosaur Details” (by Melissa Paugh), Research Penn State, v. 19, n. 4, September 1998. Archived at:

SERVICE TO CHURCH AND COMMUNITY Provided activities, lectures, and a field trip for Science Camp 2013 at Machen Retreat and Conference Center, July 2013. Produced two labs for minerals and rocks for local chapter of Classical Conversations, a home- school program and collaborative. Guest speaker, “Noah’s Flood” at Berean Baptist Church, Lynchburg, VA, October 2012. Hosted home-school group to discuss rocks and fossils. Strategies for families with newborn/young children (planning stage); at Grace Evangelical Free Church Spring 2012. Noah’s Flood and the Bible: Jr.-High series at Grace Evangelical Free Church, April 2011. Career Day: 5th grade class visit from Liberty Christian Academy, March 2011. LifeGroup leader, Grace Church, Lynchburg, VA. 2008-present. “The Flood: Where Scripture meets geology”, Grace Evangelical Free Church, June 2010. Guest speaker: Plate tectonics lectures, Liberty Christian Academy, May 2009. Geology/Earth science talk to home-school group, April 2009. “Kid’s Night Out: Dinosaurs”: Grace Evangelical Free Church, March 2009. “Dinosaurs and the Bible”, Grace Evangelical Free Church, February 2009. “Biblical issues in Creation”, Grace Evangelical Free Church, February 2009. Invited speaker, Blackstone Valley Baptist Church, Woonsocket, R.I., 2008. Invited speaker, Maple Root Baptist Church, Coventry, R.I., 2008. Special guest children’s presentations to Grace Church on dinosaurs and the Bible. Special guest children’s presentations to Liberty Christian Academy (grades 2 and 5) on dinosaurs and the Bible.