S68 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 27, 1998 Environmental Protection Agency, and athletes and parents at Francis Howell sion, I ask unanimous consent that at two stints in the Department of En- High School are fortunate to have such 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 28, ergy. He has been a tireless advocate an inspirational role model and educa- the Senate proceed to executive session for the programs in which he has been tor. to consider en bloc the following nomi- involved, most notably for me, cleanup I congratulate Coach Miller for his nations on the executive calendar: No. of our nation’s most polluted former hard work and success. Additionally, I 454, Ann Aiken; No. 486, Barry Silver- defense nuclear production sites. commend his undying energy through- man; No. 488, Richard Story. I personally found Al to be the most out his many years of coaching and I further ask unanimous consent that accessible and helpful assistant sec- wish him continued success at Francis there be a total of 2 hours for debate, retary in the administration. He Howell High School.∑ equally divided between the chairman worked closely with me, other mem- f and ranking member. bers of the Washington congressional I further ask consent that at 2:15 on delegation, our staffs, and our con- TRIBUTE TO WATO RADIO Wednesday the Senate proceed to 3 stituents to ensure Hanford’s most im- ∑ Mr. FRIST. Mr. President. I would consecutive votes on the confirmation portant programs received adequate like to congratulate WATO radio in of the nominations. I finally ask con- funding and support. Al’s steadfast sup- Oak Ridge, Tennessee for 50 years of sent that following the votes, the port for Hanford, in the face of so many radio broadcasting excellence. WATO President be immediately notified of competing needs, has been outstanding. got its start in 1948 when it was com- the Senate’s action and the Senate Whether it is safety, funding, expedit- missioned by the Department of En- then return to legislative session. ing work, or employee concerns, he has ergy (DOE), which in those days was The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without been out in front. I will sorely miss Al. known as the Atomic Energy Commis- objection, it is so ordered. Al has accomplished a lot in the 20 sion. f months in which he has served as the WATO was the first radio station es- MEASURE READ THE FIRST leader of Environmental Management. tablished on a military reservation. It TIME—S. 1575 He has led the charge in revitalizing was created as a service to the growing management and focusing energy on community that resulted with the es- Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, on be- getting sites—and programs—closed, or tablishment of the DOE Oak Ridge Res- half of Senator LOTT, I understand that well on their way to closure, by 2006. ervation in the early 1940’s. Over the S. 1575, which was introduced earlier The billions of dollars and decades of years, WATO has kept Oak Ridgers in today by Senator COVERDELL, is at the time saved are extraordinary in them- touch with the DOE and other govern- desk. I now ask for its first reading. selves, but the public health and envi- ment related entities. The station has The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ronmental protection are the real, tan- also made the community an impor- clerk will read the bill for the first gible results of his efforts. He has tant part of their programing, through time. helped us develop a goal and start mov- its coverage of local events. Whether it The legislative clerk read as follows: ing toward that goal. be educational activities, athletic A bill (S. 1575) to rename the Washington Mr. President, I want to say a big events or providing the community National Airport located in the District of thank you to Al Alm on behalf of my- with important service announce- Columbia and Virginia as the ‘‘Ronald self and my Senate colleagues. We will ments, WATO is very much involved in Reagan Washington National Airport.’’ miss him and his leadership of a very the Oak Ridge community. Mr. SPECTER. On behalf of Senator difficult, complex and controversial Mr. President. WATO has become a LOTT, I now ask for a second reading program. We wish him all the best in familiar voice to area residents. Their and object to my own request on behalf whatever endeavors he undertakes and support of the Oak Ridge community of the other side of the aisle. hope he leaves knowing how much we and their close relationship with DOE, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill have appreciated his enthusiasm and the areas most prominent employer, will be read on the next legislative day. hard work.∑ have made WATO a vital part of the f f community. I commend the time and RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING commitment that WATO has invested RECOGNITION OF STEVEN MILLER ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE over the past 50 years in their program- ∑ Mr. BOND. Mr. President, I rise BRONCOS AND THEIR QUARTER- ing and their relationship with the peo- today to recognize Steven Miller whose BACK ple of Oak Ridge. I wish them another dedication to Missouri athletics has 50 years of success. Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, on be- earned him a place in the Missouri ∑ f half of Senator LOTT, I ask unanimous State Track and Cross Country Coach- consent that the Senate immediately es Hall of Fame. For more than 20 1997 YEAR END REPORT proceed en bloc to the consideration of years Coach Miller has strived to make Senate resolution 166 and Senate reso- his Francis Howell High School team The mailing and filing date of the 1997 Year End Report required by the lution 167, which were submitted ear- in St. Charles, Missouri one of the best. lier today by Senators CAMPBELL and Under Coach Miller’s guidance, The Federal Election Campaign Act, as amended, is Saturday, January 31, 1998. ALLARD. Francis Howell track team has won 22 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The out of 39 Conference titles and the Principal campaign committees sup- porting Senate candidates file their re- clerk will report the resolutions, en Cross Country team has won 10 out of bloc. 18. Even more impressive are the indi- ports with the Senate Office of Public Records, 232 Hart Building, Washing- A resolution (S. Res. 166) recognizing the vidual accomplishments by his former outstanding achievements of the Denver athletes. Coach Miller has coached one ton, D.C. 20510–7116. The Public Records office will be Broncos in winning XXXII. pole vaulter who proceeded to the 1996 A resolution (S. Res. 167) recognizing the Summer Olympics, a woman distance open from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. on the outstanding achievement of the Denver runner who became a two-time NCAA filing date to accept these filings. For Broncos’ quarterback, John Elway, in the Division I All-American, more than 50 further information, please contact the victory of the in Super Bowl athletes who have become coaches, 14 Public Records office on (202) 224–0322. XXXII. state champions and a girl’s cross f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there country team who won the state cham- objection to the immediate consider- pionship in 1987. UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- ation of the resolutions? High school athletics is an area that MENT—NOMINATIONS OF ANN There being no objection, the Senate I believe helps to teach very important AIKEN, BARRY SILVERMAN AND proceeded to consider the resolutions. values to young people and it is always RICHARD STORY Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I ask encouraging to learn of a coach with Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, on be- unanimous consent that the resolu- and commitment to excel- half of our distinguished majority lead- tions be agreed to, the preambles lence shown by coach Miller. Coaches, er, Senator LOTT, as in executive ses- agreed to, the motions to reconsider be January 27, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S69 laid upon the table, and that any state- ation of Senate resolution No. 169, sub- I urge the speedy passage of S. Res. ments related to these resolutions ap- mitted earlier today by Senator HATCH 169. pear at this point in the RECORD. and others. Mr. GRAMS. Mr. President, there are The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The acts of courage and personal sacrifice objection, it is so ordered. clerk will report. that are so great that they should The resolutions (S. Res. 166 and S. A resolution (S. Res 169) to designate Feb- never be forgotten. There are acts Res. 167) were agreed to. ruary 3, 1998, as ‘‘Four Chaplains Day’’. which decades—even centuries—later The preambles were agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there still reverberate, and touch our soul as The resolutions, with their pre- objection to the immediate consider- a nation. Surely, the heroic deeds of ambles, are as follows: ation of the resolution? the ‘‘Immortal Four Chaplains’’ count S. RES. 166 There being no objection, the Senate among such acts. proceeded to consider the resolution. These four Chaplains sacrificed their Whereas on August 14, 1959, a passion was Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, S. Res. lives to save the lives of others when born in the heart of the Rocky Mountain Re- 169, commemorates the ‘‘Immortal the Dorchester, a transport ship, was gion that brought such memories as ‘‘Orange Four Chaplains’’ whose brave sacrifice torpedoed by a German U-boat off the Crush,’’ ‘‘The Drive,’’ ‘‘The ,’’ ‘‘The is an inspiring story of personal honor coast of Greenland on February 3, 1943. Three Amigos,’’ and 4 previous Super Bowl and patriotism. Their heroism of 55 During the 18 minutes that the Dor- appearances; Whereas the fans of the Denver Broncos years ago stands today as an eloquent chester was sinking, the four Army are recognized throughout the National and enduring example of service, fel- Chaplains—a Jewish rabbi, a Catholic Football League (referred to in this resolu- lowship, and love. priest, and two Protestant ministers— tion as the ‘‘NFL’’) for their unconditional On February 3, 1943, a German U-boat worked to comfort the frightened men allegiance to the team, contributing to 229 torpedoed the American transport ship and direct them to safety. They dis- consecutive sold-out stadium home games; Dorchester, sinking it off the coast of tributed life jackets, and when there Whereas the Denver Broncos’ organization Greenland. Among the nearly 1,000 were no more in the storage locker, the assembled a championship caliber coaching American soldiers aboard the Dor- Chaplains removed their own life jack- staff who created a championship caliber chester were four chaplains whose self- team; ets and gave them to waiting soldiers. Whereas the Denver Broncos played in 4 less acts of courage have left a distin- Rabbi Alexander Goode did not ask previous Super Bowls without winning, rep- guished legacy, a legacy that we hope whether the soldier that he was giving resented the Conference to honor and remember in this resolu- his life jacket to was Jewish; Father in Super Bowl XXXII which had not won a tion. John Washington did not ask whether Super Bowl in 13 years, and was considered Survivors’ accounts describing the he was Catholic; Reverend George Fox the underdog in the game; and short 18 minutes that the ship was did not ask whether he was Methodist; Whereas after almost 40 years, the Denver sinking report that Lieutenant George and Reverend Clark Poling did not ask Broncos became champions of the NFL with L. Fox, a Methodist minister; Lieuten- whether he was Dutch Reformed. The a victory in Super Bowl XXXII over the de- fending national champions and perennial ant Alexander D. Goode, a Jewish Chaplains simply took off their own contenders, the Packers from Green Bay, rabbi; Lieutenant John P. Washington, life jackets and gave them to the next Wisconsin: Now, therefore, be it a Catholic priest; and Lieutenant Clark in line. Resolved, That the Senate— V. Poling, a Dutch Reformed minister The Chaplains were last seen on the (1) recognizes the outstanding achievement worked to alert the soldiers to the dan- hull, with their arms linked together of the Denver Broncos in winning Super ger and direct them to safety. They in prayer, consoling the men who re- Bowl XXXII on January 25, 1998; and distributed life jackets until no more mained on the ship with a final service. (2) congratulates the players, staff, and were available. Then, these four Army The way that they died is so poignant fans of the Denver Broncos for a terrific foot- ball season and a thrilling victory in Super chaplains removed their own life jack- because it reflects the way that they Bowl XXXII. ets and gave them to four soldiers. lived—full of devotion to God and serv- One soldier witnessed a chaplain giv- ing the needs of their fellow men. As S. RES. 167 ing his gloves to a panicked GI shiver- one survivor noted, the Chaplains Whereas since becoming quarterback for ing in the Arctic air to prevent the ‘‘were always together . . . they car- the Denver Broncos in 1983, John Elway has young man from returning to his cabin ried their Faith together.’’ been involved in some of the most striking for his own. The chaplains helped 230 Of the 902 servicemen, merchant sea- comeback victories in the history of the Na- men to safety and then chose to remain men and civilian workers aboard the tional Football League (referred to in this to calm and comfort the nearly 700 who Dorchester, only 230 survived. Many of resolution as the ‘‘NFL’’); went with the ship. True to their them owed their lives to the actions of Whereas John Elway has been a the four Chaplains. Their heroic ac- quarterback, was named NFL Most Valuable faiths and to their fellowmen until the Player in 1987 and the American Football end, they were last seen, arms linked tions served as an inspiration to the Conference’s Most Valuable Player in 1993, in prayer, on the hull of the ship. survivors of the Dorchester; they should holds numerous NFL passing records, and is A postage stamp in 1948 entitled be an inspiration to us now. the all-time winningest quarterback in the ‘‘Interfaith in Action″ commemorated The courage of these four Chaplains, history of the NFL; their bravery. Congress passed a con- and their service to our country did Whereas John Elway’s leadership, dedica- current resolution in 1957 to honor not go unrecognized. Each was post- tion, and perseverance symbolizes excellence these chaplains and those who died humously awarded the Distinguished in these qualities for the entire Nation and with them. Presidents Truman and Ei- Service Cross for services beyond the represents these qualities for America to the world; and senhower also issued proclamations call of duty; memorials to their sac- Whereas John Elway, an exceptional ath- calling for national participation in rifice have been placed around the lete, has sustained a high level of personal memorial services throughout the country, including in the Pentagon and competitiveness and has finally led his team country. The American Legion holds the National Cathedral; a postage to the honor of a Super Bowl championship: an annual commemorative service on stamp entitled ‘‘Interfaith in Action’’ Now, therefore, be it the first Sunday of February. was issued in their memory; and in Resolved, That the Senate— This coming Sunday, February 3, 1998 1957, Congress declared the anniversary (1) recognizes the outstanding achievement marks the 55th anniversary of an epi- of the sinking of the Dorchester to be a of the Denver Broncos’ quarterback, John Elway; and sode in our history that is tragic yet day for the commemoration of the (2) congratulates John Elway as the win- uplifting. Let us remember these acts deaths and the heroic acts of the four ning quarterback of Super Bowl XXXII. of bravery which were not bound or Chaplains. f limited by creed or rank. Their time- Tragically, however, the memory of less sacrifice reminds us that we should their selfless acts has faded. Aside from FOUR CHAPLAINS DAY not be divided by our differences, but the American Legion, which has annu- Mr. SPECTER. Mr. President, I ask that we should face the travails of our ally observed the anniversary of their unanimous consent that the Senate nation together, with faith and deaths, few continue to recognize this proceed to the immediate consider- strength. somber occasion.