Volume 10, Number 10, October 2004 In the Media: Brief Updates

Centenary Events Planned for In the last few months five letters to the edi- tor, written by ARI’s David Holcberg, were published in the Wall Street Journal. The topics California and New York of the letters were: the right of individuals to their earnings; the threat to America by ; To mark the centenary of ’s birth in the moral obligation of fighting an assertive February 2005, the will war against Islamic totalitarianism; the moral hold a series of public events and lectures. The bankruptcy of the United Nations; and the need goal of the events is to celebrate Miss Rand’s to allow free international trade. (Two of the life and achievements, by raising the public letters also appeared in the European edition profile of her work and educating people about of the Journal.) Other letters by Mr. Holcberg her , . have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, New The first series of events is scheduled to York Post, New York Daily News, New York Sun, take place in Irvine, California, beginning Washington Times, Austin-American Statesman on Wednesday, February 2 (the day of Miss and Gulf News (a leading English-language Rand’s birth), with a special reception and newspaper in the United Arab Emirates). open house at the headquarters of the Ayn * * * Rand Institute. On the weekend of February Recently, Playboy invited Robert Tracinski, a 4–6, there will be a number of lectures and senior writer for ARI, to submit a letter to the panels on Miss Rand’s life and ideas. So far, editor, responding to an article in the magazine the following speakers have been scheduled to on genetically modified foods. Mr. Tracinski’s participate: Dr. , Dr. Michael letter, which appeared in the September issue, Berliner, , Dr. , argued that GM foods should not be opposed. Dr. Shoshana Milgram, (Mr. Tracinski wrote an op-ed on this sub- and Mary Ann Sures. ject, “Kill the Frankenstein Myth: Genetically Another weekend-long series of events Modified Food, Science and Technology Are will take place in New York City in late April. We are in the final stages of finalizing the Good,” which can be found on our Web site.) So far, the following speakers have been arrangements of these centenary events; others * * * scheduled: Dr. , Dr. Michael are planned for later in 2005. Impact will bring In September ARI released “The Meaning of Berliner, Jeff Britting, Dr. Shoshana Milgram you further news and updates on the schedule Michelangelo’s David,” an editorial by Lee and Mary Ann Sures. of events. Sandstead, to mark the 500th anniversary of the statue David. Mr. Sandstead writes, in part: “Crowds of visitors have been drawn to Florence Talk by Bernstein to Cap End of ARI Lecture Series 2004 to experience this magnificent sculpture over the past 500 years—and they continue to visit in On November 11, Dr. will tual expression. Similarly, their citizens pos- record numbers. Why does a work of art created conclude our Lecture Series 2004 with the sess economic freedom, including the right to half a millennium ago possess such a timeless, talk “Global : The Cure for World own property, to start their own businesses and universal appeal? What meaning does this 500- Oppression and Poverty.” Dr. Bernstein is the to seek profit. By stark contrast, the pre-capi- year-old sculpture hold for modern-day man?” author of the forthcoming Capitalist Manifesto; talist systems of history, and the non-capitalist In contrast to the medieval view of man as he is also a senior writer for ARI and a long- systems of the present, are politically oppres- sordid and helpless, Mr. Sandstead agues that time member of our speakers bureau. This sive and economically destitute; their citizens Michelangelo’s statue projects a view of man event will take place at the Hyatt Regency have few or no rights and, consequently, little as efficacious and heroic. Later in the article he Hotel in Irvine, California. The doors open at or no wealth. states that “Michelangelo’s David is the best 6:30 p.m.; the lecture begins at 7:30 p.m., “What deeper principles make possible the expression of this Renaissance sense of life. The followed by a question period. freedom and wealth enjoyed under capitalism— sculpture was inspired by the story of the young The description of and lacking in its political antipodes? How shepherd boy who chose to fight a far stronger the lecture reads: “The has capitalism already greatly enhanced the adversary in order to save his people from inva- opponents of global lives of millions of human beings in formerly sion. Wearing no armor, with a sling as his only capitalism overlook impoverished Third World countries? What can the key points in the the men of the free world do to further promote continued on page 3 debate. The capitalis- the spread of capitalism into the repressed tic nations of Europe, nations of the globe? These are the questions North America and Asia addressed in this talk.” In this Issue: are by far the wealthiest We invite readers of Impact who live in societies in history— the area to attend and to bring with them any • Discovering Ayn Rand’s Philosophy: Andrew Bernstein with per capita incomes friends or associates who may be interested in What Is Reason?...... page 2 in the range of $20,000– the lecture. • Excerpts from “The Morality of War” $30,000 annually. But capitalism is not merely To obtain video and audio recordings of by Yaron Brook ...... page 2 the system of prosperity; fundamentally, it is lectures from the 2004 series, contact the Ayn the system of individual rights and freedom. Rand Bookstore (www.aynrandbookstore.com; • ARI Op-Ed: “Reject Environmentalism, “Capitalistic nations protect their citizens’ 1-800-729-6149). Not DDT”...... page 3 , of the press and of intellec- A few days later Sadr’s men killed a U.S. soldier in Baghdad. A few months ago the Marines entered Falujah with the intent of destroying the insur- gent forces located there—insurgents that had been killing American soldiers for months. After days of combat they left, leaving the insurgents alive and well—free to strike and kill U.S. troops in the future. And that is what they have been doing. These actions are not the exception in our Objectivist Ethics” in The of Selfishness) current wars. Observe how we fight our so-called What Is Reason? The faculty of reason is central to the “war on .” From the beginning, political philosophy of Objectivism, and in this column and military leaders in all ranks have emphasized Each month Impact suggests readings and other we have merely sketched its nature and that civilians in enemy countries were to be resources for fans of Ayn Rand’s fiction who wish operation. Here are a few suggestions for your spared. Our soldiers have been ordered to follow to learn more about her philosophy, Objectivism. reading and study. In addition to the essays strict rules of engagement that have cost many by Ayn Rand, which are quoted above, see their lives, so as to avoid hurting enemy civilians. also “The Comprachicos” (in Return of the Numerous operations have been canceled or halt- yn Rand wrote that “To live, man must Primitive). Miss Rand’s book Introduction ed in order to avoid collateral damage. Monsters Ahold three things as supreme and ruling to Objectivist Epistemology is a statement of like Osama bin Laden and his deputies are still values of his life: Reason—Purpose—Self- her theory of knowledge. There is a lengthy alive because we hesitated to bomb them out of esteem.” What is reason? discussion of reason—and of the Objectivist their hideouts, for fear of hitting so-called inno- “Reason” is the faculty that identifies theory of knowledge—in Objectivism: The cents. We avoid military action against actively and integrates the material provided by man’s Philosophy of Ayn Rand by Dr. Leonard Peikoff. threatening regimes, such as Iran. And when we senses. It is man’s tool of knowledge and basic See also: “Rationality and Objectivity,” do take military action, we first seek the approval means of survival. a taped course by Dr. ; “Reason of hostile countries and the United Nations. “Reason integrates man’s perceptions by and Freedom,” a taped lecture by Dr. Darryl In this so-called war, the idea of victory has means of forming abstractions or conceptions, Wright; and “Integration: The Dynamo of been discarded entirely. After all, as we have thus raising man’s knowledge from the Reason,” a taped course by Dr. Gary Hull. been told repeatedly, this is “a new kind of war,” perceptual level, which he shares with animals, Dr. Harry Binswanger has lectured on aspects one that will last decades. How will it end? to the conceptual level, which he alone can of the faculty of reason; see the courses You’ve probably heard President Bush himself reach. The method which reason employs in “Consciousness as Identification,” “Psycho- address this issue. In a recent TV interview, Bush this process is logic—and logic is the art of Epistemology” and “Free will.” said: “I don’t think you can win it [the war]. But I non-contradictory identification.” (“Faith and think you can create conditions so that those who Force: The Destroyers of the Modern World,” Audit Courses on Objectivism via the Internet use terror as a tool are less acceptable in parts of in Philosophy: Who Needs It.) Thinking is not the world.” Of course, he later backpedaled—but automatic; man must choose to use his mind There is still time he assured us that we can’t expect victory “in a and operate at the conceptual level. to sign up to audit conventional” sense. university-level How in pattern is that done? “It is TM But what does an unconventional victory not a passive state of registering random course on Ayn mean? how could it be achieved? No one says, impressions. It is an actively sustained process Rand’s ideas at the but the current plan seems to be that a democrati- of identifying one’s impressions in conceptual Objectivist Academic Center. Auditors can cally elected Iraqi government will somehow terms, of integrating every event and every participate from anywhere in the world by lead to a political renaissance in the Middle East observation into a conceptual context, of listening to audio recordings of classes via that will somehow stop terrorism in some distant grasping relationships, differences, similarities the Internet. Although courses began in early future. In the meantime, we are told, we should in one’s perceptual material and of abstracting September, auditors who register now can go about our business, show “resolve,” take off them into new concepts, of drawing inferences, catch up by listening to the archived recordings our shoes at the airport and pay attention to the of making deductions, of reaching conclusions, of the classes. Details about auditing OAC color-coded terror alerts so we can know how of asking new questions and expanding one’s courses can be found on our Web site: likely we are to be murdered. knowledge into an ever-growing sum.” (“The www.aynrand.org/academic/. Yet this is not how America has always fought its wars. In 1864, as the Civil war was dragging on in endless, bloody battle, the actions of one general, An Excerpt From “The Morality of War” William Tecumseh Sherman, helped end it with the North’s victory. General Sherman’s decisive Editor’s Note: On September 9, at the Hyatt threats from Islamic totalitarianism.” action was his brutal campaign against Georgia’s Regency Hotel in Irvine, California, Dr. Yaron Impact is pleased to feature this excerpt from civilian population. Brook presented “The Morality of War.” The the introductory section of the lecture. Note that After burning the city of Atlanta, Sherman’s event was part of the Ayn Rand Institute Lecture this is a lightly edited transcript and retains the army ravaged much of the rest of Georgia, burn- Series 2004. informal character of an oral presentation. ing estates, taking food and livestock, destroy- The lecture description reads: “As the death * * * ing warehouses, crops and railway lines. In toll of American troops continues to mount, this doing so, not only did he disrupt the supply of three-year-long war, we are told, must drag on provisions to Lee’s army in Virginia, but also, for years to come—and demand even greater more important, he made the war real to the sacrifices of our soldiers. At home we are urged civilian population that was supporting the war to accept the inevitability of further catastrophic from the rear. In so doing, he broke the spirit of terrorist attacks. Is military victory within our the men on the front lines, who were now wor- reach? And if it is, then why must so many of our ried and demoralized by what was happening to soldiers—and more civilians—die? their homes and families; in so doing, he broke “Why does Washington seem to care more the South’s will to fight. about avoiding civilian casualties in Baghdad In World War II, Allied military command- than in New York? Why does it fear torturing ers took similar actions for the same purpose: to prisoners of war, if that could save American shorten the war and reduce their side’s casualties. lives? In authorizing the bombing of Hamburg, Berlin “In this passionately reasoned lecture, and other German cities—which killed hundreds Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute of thousands—Winston Churchill wrote, “. . . the explains why America’s war is being sabotaged. severe, the ruthless bombing of Germany on an He blames the moral code of — ever-increasing scale will not only cripple her embodied in the ‘Just-War’ theory—that drives war effort . . . but will create conditions intoler- Washington’s battle plans. It is this code of able to the mass of the German population.” warfare that explains why victory is within A similar tactic was being used in the Pacific, our reach, but consciously forfeited. [In late August] American troops engaged in where General LeMay ordered the fire bomb- “But, as Dr. Brook argues, there is an alter- combat in the Iraqi city of Najaf in order to ing of Tokyo and several other Japanese cities; native—a morality of war that leads to unequivo- destroy the forces of Moktadar al-Sadr and bring and where President Truman later ordered the cal and swift victory. Drawing upon Ayn Rand’s him to justice (he is accused of murder). After dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and philosophy, Objectivism, he advocates a morality long days of bloody combat, a deal was cut, Nagasaki to end the war. of war based on the principles of rational ego- setting Sadr and his men free. They even got to All Americans past and present owe their ism. It is a practicable, rational solution to the keep their weapons. continued on page 3

2 An Excerpt From “The Morality of War,” continued from page2 ARI Op-Ed: “Reject Environmentalism, Not DDT” lives and freedom to the fact that from the Environmental ideology demands opposition to DDT despite the millions of malaria deaths its use could prevent. Revolutionary War through World War II, By Keith Lockitch American leaders have been willing, at least for the most part, to do whatever it takes to achieve The West Nile virus administrator, who hadn’t even bothered to attend victory—to get the enemy’s unconditional surren- deaths being reported the hearings, overruled his own judge and imposed der, and thus secure American life and liberty. across North America are the ban in defiance of the facts and evidence. And Today, we owe the constant threat of terror- a grim echo of a larger the 1972 ban in the United States led to an effec- ism to the fact that our leaders do not share this tragedy. Each year a tive worldwide ban, as countries dependent on willingness. million lives are taken U.S.-funded aid agencies curtailed their DDT use What happened to America’s old willingness worldwide by another to comply with those agencies’ demands. to wage and win wars? mosquito-borne killer: So if scientific facts are not what has driven The answer lies in a change in American malaria. the furor against DDT, what has? Estimates put leaders’ beliefs about morality generally, and the Keith Lockitch (Ph.D. Though nearly today’s malaria incidence worldwide at around morality of war in particular. in physics; University of eradicated decades ago, 300 million cases, with a million deaths every America’s past willingness to go all-out in Wisconsin—Milwaukee) malaria has resurged year. If this enormous toll of human suffering and war was made possible by the conviction that is a junior fellow at the with a vengeance. But death is preventable, why do environmentalists— it was right to do so. This conviction was made Ayn Rand Institute. An the real tragedy is that who profess to be the defenders of life—continue possible by an implicit philosophy of individual- alumnus of the Objectivist its horrific death toll is to press for a global DDT ban? Academic Center, he now ism. This philosophy, when confidently held, teaches an undergraduate largely preventable. The The answer is that environmental ideology led to moral certainty in America’s goodness, course on writing at the most effective agent of values an untouched environment above human in the evil of its enemies and in the justice of OAC. Prior to joining ARI mosquito control, the life. The root of the opposition to DDT is not sci- doing everything necessary to defeat them. But in 2003, Dr. Lockitch was a pesticide DDT, has been ence but the environmentalist moral premise that since these views of war were never explicitly postdoctoral researcher in essentially discarded— it is wrong for man to “tamper” with nature. physics at the University of defended in moral terms—and were in contradic- Illinois and at Pennsylvania discarded based not on The large-scale eradication of disease-car- tion to the moral views that Americans explicitly State University. He has scientific concerns about rying insects epitomizes the control of nature accepted—they were vulnerable to being under- also worked as assistant its safety, but on environ- by man. This is DDT’s sin. To Carson and the mined. And this is exactly what happened. editor of The Intellectual mental dogma. environmentalists she inspired, “the ‘control of The morality of war has been overtaken by Activist magazine. The environmental nature’ is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born a fully explicit, altruistic theory of war—one crusade against DDT began with Rachel Carson’s of the Neanderthal age of biology and philoso- that is universally taught in our universities antipesticide diatribe Silent Spring, published in phy.” Nature, they hold, is intrinsically valuable and war colleges. It is accepted, not merely by 1962 at the height of the worldwide antimalaria and must be kept free from human interference. intellectuals, but by our politicians, the leadership campaign. The widespread spraying of DDT had On this environmentalist premise the proper of the military and the media. It is called “Just- caused a spectacular drop in malaria incidence— attitude to nature is not to seek to improve it for War” Theory—and it is the number one factor Sri Lanka, for example, reported 2.8 million human benefit, but to show “humility” before its animating our war today. I believe that to truly malaria victims in 1948, but by 1963 it had only “vast forces” and leave it alone. We should seek, understand today’s disastrous policies—and 17. Yet Carson’s book made no mention of this. It Carson wrote, not to eliminate malarial mosqui- to know how to fight them—it is essential to said nothing of DDT’s crucial role in eradicating toes with pesticides, but to find instead “a reason- understand what this theory holds and how our malaria in industrialized countries, or of the tens able accommodation between the insect hordes leaders are following it to the letter. of millions of lives saved by its use. and ourselves.” If the untouched, “natural” state Instead, Carson filled her book with misin- is one in which millions contract deadly diseases, formation—alleging, among other claims, that so be it. Brook Lecture in the Media DDT causes cancer. Her unsubstantiated assertion Carson’s current heirs agree. Earth First! that continued DDT use would unleash a cancer founder Dave Foreman writes: “Ours is an eco- On September 9 Dr. Yaron Brook’s lecture “The epidemic generated a panicked fear of the pesti- logical perspective that views Earth as a com- Morality of War” attracted an audience of nearly cide that endures as public opinion to this day. munity and recognizes such apparent enemies as 300 people. Four days later a columnist for the But the scientific case against DDT was, and ‘disease’ (e.g., malaria) and ‘pests’ (e.g., mosqui- Orange Country Register wrote about the speech, still is, nonexistent. Almost 60 years have passed toes) not as manifestations of evil to be overcome under the headline “Well-educated, No-nonsense since the malaria-spraying campaigns began— but rather as vital and necessary components of a Fanatics Among Us.” The article is an odd with hundreds of millions of people exposed to complex and vibrant biosphere.” mixture: the writer accurately quotes a number large concentrations of DDT—yet, according In the few minutes it has taken you to read of representative statements from the speech, to international health scholar Amir Attaran, this article, over a thousand people have contract- though he seems both sympathetic to Dr. Brook’s the scientific literature “has not even one peer ed malaria and half a dozen have died. This is the argument and yet sarcastically dismissive of it. reviewed, independently replicated study linking life-or-death consequence of viewing pestilent Nevertheless, the piece directs readers to ARI’s exposure to DDT with any adverse health out- insects as a “necessary” component of a “vibrant Web site for information on our public events. come.” Indeed, in a 1956 study human volunteers biosphere” and seeking a “reasonable accommo- ate DDT every day for over two years with no ill dation” with them. effects then or since. To stop this global health catastrophe, the Listen to Lectures on ARI’s Abundant scientific evidence supporting the ban on DDT must be rescinded. But even more Web Site safety and importance of DDT was presented important is to reject the environmental ideology during seven months of testimony before the on which the ban is based. ARI’s newly redesigned Web site is regularly newly formed EPA in 1971. The presiding judge refreshed with new content. In August, for ———————————————— ruled unequivocally against a ban. But the public example, registered users of the site were furor against DDT—fueled by Silent Spring and On September 19 this op-ed was published invited to listen to “Why Should One Act on the growing environmental movement—was so in the Orange County Register (among other Principle?” a lecture by Dr. Leonard Peikoff great that a ban was imposed anyway. The EPA newspapers). originally delivered at the Ford Hall Forum. We also offered a 30-minute radio interview with Ayn Rand on the topic of the psychology In the Media: Brief Updates, other cultures, but to promote—by means of of altruism. continued from page 1 distortions and half-truths—the notion that non- During October registered users can listen Western cultures are as good as, if not better than, to Dr. Brook’s recent lecture, “The Morality of weapon, David defeats Goliath using superior Western culture. Far from ‘broadening’ the cur- War,” including the Q-&-A session. Dr. Onkar skill and courage.” Mr. Sandstead is a gradu- riculum, what seeks is to dimin- Ghate, ARI senior fellow, joined Dr. Brook ate student in art history and an alumnus of the ish the value of Western culture in the minds of during the question period, which went on for Objectivist Academic Center. students. But, given all the facts, the objective more than an hour. * * * superiority of Western culture is apparent, so New audiovisual programs are posted to Also in September we released “Multiculturalism’s multiculturalists artificially elevate other cultures the site regularly, so we encourage you to visit War on Education,” an op-ed by , and depreciate the West.” Mr. Journo, a junior often. To become a registered user of the site is which reveals multiculturalism’s actual purpose. fellow at ARI, is an alumnus of the Objectivist easy and quick. From the homepage of the site, The article looks at how textbooks influenced by Academic Center. follow the link for registration and enter your multiculturalism teach history, and observes that * * * details. Optionally, you can set your browser to there is a “definite pattern behind multicultural- If you would like to receive ARI op-eds in your remember the log-in information, so that you do ism’s reshaping of the curriculum.” e-mail inbox as soon as they are released, we not have to re-enter it on subsequent visits. Mr. Journo argues, in part: “What these invite you to sign up for our distribution list; The audio programs available on our site are textbooks reveal is a concerted effort to portray please visit our Web site (www.aynrand.org/ offered in RealAudio format, and most are also the most backward, impoverished and murderous media/). We encourage you to forward op-eds to offered in Windows Media; software to play back cultures as advanced, prosperous and life-enhanc- any friends or associates who you think may be these audio formats is available for free. ing. Multiculturalism’s goal is not to teach about interested in reading articles by ARI writers. 3 Announcements Commentary: “Intellectual Beacons” Live Campus Events Please visit our Web site (www.aynrand.org/campus) for an updated Each month Impact features a regular column as part of the author’s byline, a reference to list of forthcoming campus lectures by ARI by the Institute’s executive director, Dr. Yaron the Institute, our mission and our Web site speakers. We encourage you to contact the Brook, who looks at the wider context of address; virtually all newspapers publish that campus club sponsoring an event to confirm ARI’s activities. information along with the article. This serves the time and location, as these are subject to to tell readers that the brief but substantive last-minute changes. RI produces and distributes editorial, intellectual argument they have just finished Aor “op-ed,” articles on many differ- reading has much to do with Ayn Rand’s phi- Forthcoming in November: “The Morality ent topics. In articles released this year, for losophy—and that there exists an organization of War” by Dr. Yaron Brook; New York example, our writers argued for the abolition devoted to disseminating her ideas. University; November 17, at 7:30 p.m., in Kimmel Center, 10th floor of Rosenthal of the Federal Communications Commission; There is some number of active readers Pavilion, 60 Washington Square South revealed the premise underlying the public who will glean the implicit message that all of reaction to the film The Passion of the Christ; our articles—no matter the subject matter— and exposed the ideological reasons for the seek to convey that Objectivism is a valuable * * * banning of the efficacious pesticide DDT (see means of understanding the world. That is an Employment Opportunities ARI is currently page 3). The sweep of topics is indeed broad: excellent selling point for arousing interest recruiting an Archives Assistant and a Mailroom we have also issued op-eds on Wal-Mart, in Ayn Rand’s ideas, because in our culture Assistant. For full details, including information bioethics and foreign policy. many people regard philosophy as irrelevant on how to apply, please visit: to life. Any curious reader, intrigued by the What, then, is the unifying purpose behind www.aynrand.org/employment. this program? How does producing and editorial’s argument, can pursue his interest distributing op-eds advance ARI’s mission to further, perhaps visiting the Institute’s Web reshape the culture into one that is pro-reason? site or perhaps reading or . Op-ed articles give us a mass means of There are other benefits too. Frequently disseminating ideas in the culture. We com- our writers are interviewed on radio ment on cultural issues of major significance programs, and occasionally on television. using Objectivism as the philosophic frame Long after a piece has been released, we of reference. What our op-eds seek to do is to still receive queries from reporters who want explain some concrete issue rationally, using ® to interview our writers. Even when our Impact is published monthly by the Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) and principles derived from Objectivism. We pieces are not published, editors and radio is complimentary to current donors who contribute $35 or more per year. For information on how you can support ARI and to learn champion and defend important principles and producers across the land are reading them. values, such as property rights, free speech, about our projects, please visit our Web site: www.aynrand.org. The articles tell editors that “those Ayn Atlantis Legacy ®, the Institute’s planned giving program and related economic freedom, national self-defense. Rand people” (as some of them call us) have indicia are registered trademarks. In some measure ARI editorials can— something unique and challenging to say. Editor: Elan Journo Copy Editor: Donna Montrezza This helps to keep Ayn Rand’s profile high. Editorial Advisors: Dr. Yaron Brook, Mark Chapman, Anu Seppala and indeed often do—help influence public Designer: Simon Federman Printing: David Antonacci opinion on a specific issue. But they can I view op-eds as intellectual beacons: Headquarters: 2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250, have a wider and more lasting effect. by illuminating some concrete issue in the Irvine, CA 92606-4926 Phone: 949-222-6550 Fax: 949-222-6558 We want readers to tie the content of culture, with Objectivism providing the light, © 2004 The Ayn Rand Institute. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced without permission. the article with the fact that it was issued by they guide people toward Ayn Rand. ARI—and to draw a conclusion from that connection. The articles we release include, —Yaron Brook

Bookstore Catalog Coming Soon

The annual reference edition of the Ayn Rand Bookstore catalog has been sent to press and is due to be mailed to current bookstore customers in the next few weeks. The catalog is probably the biggest yet produced—at 56 pages— featuring virtually every book, course and lecture available. We are proud to offer tapes and CDs of Dr. Leonard Peikoff’s course “The DIM Hypothesis: The Epistemological Mechanics by which Philosophy Shapes Culture” (this item is scheduled for shipment by early December). Many of the other new titles are from courses and lectures presented at the 2004 Objectivist summer conference. We encourage you to sign up for e-mail updates from the bookstore (write to: [email protected]).