Absorbing State in Markov Decision Process, 330 Absorption, 466
Index Absorbing state Average-cost criterion, 326, 360 in Markov decision process, 330 Back-substitution, 182-183 Absorption, 466 Bailey's bulk queue, 209, 247-248 Accelerating convergence, 273 Balance equations, 412 Acceleration, 268, 270 global, 130, 411-412, 414 Action space, 326 job-class, 423 Adjoint, 215, 230 local, 130, 422 Agarwal, 289, 298 partial, 411-414, 418, 422 Aggregate station, 437 station, 411, 413-414, 418, 422 Aggregation, 57 and blocking, 427 Aggregation matrix, 102 failure of, 425 Aggregation step, 103 restored, 427, 429, 435 Aliased sequence, 277 Barthez, 272 Aliasing, 266 BASTA, 373 See also Error, aliasing Benes, 282, 284, 287 Alternating series, 268 Bernoulli arrivals, 373 Analytic, 206, 208, 210, 216, 235, 238 Bernoulli process, 387 Analyticity condition, 294 Bertozzi, 304 And gate, 462 Binomial average, 270 Approximation, 375, 377-378, 380-381, 388, Binomial distribution, 270 392-393, 396 Block elimination, 175, 179, 183 of transition matrix, 180, 357 and paradigms of Neuts, 187-189 Arbitrary-epoch tail probabilities, 381 Block iterative methods, 93 Arbitrary service time, 381 Block Jacobi, 94 Argument principle, 207, 239 Block SOR, 94 Arnoldi's method, 53, 83, 97 Block-splitting, 93 Arrival-first, 366 Blocking, 158, 425-427 Asmussen, 293, 299, 301 Blocking probability, 410 Assembly line, 415 Erlang,283 Asymptotic behavior, 243 time dependent, 280, 282 Asymptotic formulas, 282 Borovkov, 281 Asymptotic parameter, 294 Boundary probabilities, 206, 210, 218 Asymptotics, 303 Bounding methodology, 428-429 Automata:
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