
Histological evi de nce of tra u ma i n t us ks of so ut her n Africa n dicy no do nts

§ Megan R. Whitney 1, * , Y u e n Ti n g Ts e 1 & C hristia n A. Si dor 1, 2 1 Depart ment of Biology and Burke Museu m, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 98195, U.S. A. 2 Evol utio nary St udies I nstit ute, U niversity of the Wit watersra nd, Joha n nesb urg, So uth Africa Received 11 May 2018. Accepted 20 Dece mber 2018

Dicy no do nts were a cla de of globally- distrib ute d t hera psi ds k no w n for t heir ab u n da nce i n t he fossil recor d a n d for s urvivi ng t he Per mo- mass exti nctio n. T he gro u p ha d disti nctive de ntal a da ptatio ns i ncl u di ng a beak a n d, i n ma ny s pecies, paire d maxillary t usks. T he f u nctio n of t hese t usks has lo ng bee n of i nterest, yet re mai ns poorly u n derstoo d. We re port here o n t wo i nsta nces of u n us ual morphology in tusk dentine fro m speci mens of: 1) Lystrosa ur us fro m the Basin of and, 2) an unidentified dicy no do ntoi d fro m t he Lua ng wa Basi n of Za mbia. I n bot h, t he cross-sectio nal s ha pe of t he t usk root is lobe d a n d i nfol de d, w hic h histological feat ures s uggest is a res ult of ab nor mal de nti ne de positio n. We i nfer t hat t his ab nor mal mor p hology is likely t he co nse - q ue nce of tra u ma give n its re parative nat ure a n d str uct ural si milarities to tra u ma-relate d mor p hologies re porte d i n t he t usks of mo der n ele p ha nts. T his st u dy de mo nstrates t hat histological sa m pli ng of dicy no do nt t usks ca n s he d lig ht o n t he biology of t his i m porta nt cla de of t hera psi ds. Key words : Dicy no do ntia, Triassic, So ut h Africa, Za mbia, Per mia n, pat hology, de nti ne.

Palaeontologia africana 2019. ©2019 Megan R. Whitney, Yuen Ting Tse & Christian A. Sidor. This is an open-access article published under the Creative Co m mons Attrib utio n 4.0 U nported Lice nse ( C C B Y4.0). To vie w a copy of the lice nse, please visit http://creativeco m mo ns.org/lice nses/by/4.0/ . This lice nse per mits u nrestricted use, distrib utio n, a nd reprod uctio n i n a ny medi u m, provided the origi nal a uthor a nd so urce are credited. This article is per ma ne ntly archived at: http:// wiredspace. wits.ac.za/ha ndle/10539/26243

INTRODUCTION speci mens were prepared and thin-sectioned Dicy no do nts evolve d o ne of t he most s pecialize d foo d follo wing standard methods (La m m 2013). In both speci- processi ng syste ms wit hi n t he sy na psi d li neage, c harac- me ns, t he t usks were broke n w here t hey e merge fro m t he terize d by a hor n-covere d beak a n d (ofte nti mes) maxillary maxillae, b ut preserve most of t he root portio n of t he tusks, along with a distinctive ja w hinge ( Cro mpton & t usks. T hi n sectio ns were ma de per pe n dic ular to t he lo ng Hotto n 1967; A ngielczyk 2004). E nlarge d, paire d t usks, axis of t he t usk, gro u n d to a t hick ness of a p proxi mately w hic h are t he na mesake of t he cla de, have lo ng i ntrig ue d 100 µ m, and i maged with a Nikon Eclipse L V100P OL palaeontologists with proposed functions including microscope an d NIS-Ele ments soft ware. foragi ng for foo d, sex ual di mor p his m i n so me s pecies a n d b urro wi ng be havio urs (S ulliva n et al . 2002; Ra y et al . 2 0 0 5; SYSTE MATIC PALAEO NTOLOGY Mo desto & Bot ha- Bri nk 2010; Bot ha- Bri nk 2017). Des pite Synapsida Osbor n, 1903 this variety of proposed roles, gross morphological T hera psi da Broo m, 1905 evi de nce has provi de d little i nsig ht i nto t he f u nctio n of Dicy no do ntia O we n, 1859 dicy no do nt t usks. Dicynodontoidea O we n, 1859 Here we describe t he histology of t wo t usks a n d t heir surrounding hard tissues in speci mens of Lystrosa ur us Dicy no do ntoi dea i n det. fro m the Karoo Basin of South Africa and an indeter mi - Referred speci me n . N H C C LB836, tusk-bearing left and nate dicynodontoid (possibly Dicy nodo n ) fro m t he ri g ht m a xill a e fr o m o n e i n di vi d u al. Luang wa Basin of Za mbia. Unusually, these speci mens L oc alit y . T his s peci me n was collecte d fro m locality L424, preserve anato my consistent with a develop mental a mediu m-sized outcrop of the upper me mber of the ano maly or pathology, although non-pathological Madu mabisa Mudstone For mation near the southern i nfol de d de nti ne (i.e. plici de nti ne) is see n i n so me border North Luang wa National Park ( Northern Prov - pelycosa ur-gra de sy na psi ds ( Bri nk et al . 2014). Base d o n i nce, Za mbia). Detaile d locality i nfor matio n is available co mparisons with modern tusked ani mals, we conclude fro m N H C C or the authors. t hat tra u ma is t he most likely ex pla natio n for t his a no ma - Lystrosaur us Co pe, 1870 lo us de nti ne a nato my, w hic h ca n provi de i nsig ht i nto t he f u nctio n of t usks i n at least so me dicy no do nts. Lystrosaur us i n d et. Referred speci me ns . S A M-P K- K011603, tusk-bearing right MATERIALS A N D MET H O DS maxilla; S A M- P K- K011604, partial sk ull, i ncl u di ng orbits The tusk and surrounding alveolar ja w bone of the a n d s no ut. * Aut hor for corres po n de nce. E- mail: meg whit @u w.edu L oc alit y . S A M-P K- K011603 was collected near the bound -

Palaeontolo gia africana 5 3 : 7 5 – 8 0 — I S S N 2 4 1 0- 4 4 1 8 [ P al a e o nt ol. afr.] O nli n e o nl y Per manently archived on the 17th of January 2019 at the University of the Wit watersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa T hi s arti cl e i s p er m a n e ntl y ar c hi v e d at: htt p:// wir e d s p a c e. wit s. a c. z a/ h a n dl e/ 1 0 5 3 9/ 2 6 2 4 3

ISS N 2410-4418 P al ae o nt. afr. (2019) 5 3 : 75–80 7 5 ary bet ween the far ms Weltrevreden and Ripple mead f u n nel-s ha pe d p ul p cavity (Fig. 1b), i n dicative of a n ever- ( Nieu Bethesda District, Eastern Cape Province) by Dr gro wing tusk (Steenka mp 2003). Roger S mith as field nu mber RS 337, fro m rocks of the N H C C L B836 i ncl u des associate d left a n d rig ht maxillae Triassic u p per Pali ngkloof Me mber of t he Balfo ur For ma - that contain inco mplete tusks (Fig. 2). The caninifor m ti o n ( Lystrosa ur us Asse mblage Zone; S mith & Botha- Brink processes of t he maxillae are a ngle d slig htly per pe n dic u - 2014). S A M-P K- K011604 was also collected by Dr Roger lar to the dorsoventral axis and more r ugose than the S mit h fro m Lo wer Triassic rocks o n t he far m Do nal d 207 surrounding maxillary bone (Fig. 2a). The left maxilla (Fairy dale) i n t he Bet h ulie District, Easter n Ca pe Prov - includes approxi mately 7.5 c m of tusk and the right is ince, approxi mately 54 metres above the inferred slig htly more co m plete, preservi ng 8.4 c m of t usk i ncl u d - Per mo–Triassic boundary. i ng more of its dorsal portio n. O n bot h si des, t he dorsal portio n of t he maxillae are broke n to ex pose t heir i nterior DESCRIPTI O N a nat o m y as well as t he r o ots of t he t us ks. O n t he ri g ht si de, t his broke n s urface ex poses w hat a p pears to be reg ularly Gross anato my de posite d de nti ne i n a circ ular cross-sectio nal s ha pe. T he S A M-P K- K011603 is an inco mplete right maxilla pre - left si de, ho wever, reveals t hat t he root of t he t usk has servi ng m uc h of t he lateral s urface, i ncl u di ng t he palatal dee ply i nfol de d de nti ne, w hic h is visible macrosco pically ra mus, caninifor m process, and a s mall section of the (Fig. 2b). Esse ntially no ne of t he f u nctio nal t usk is pre - a nterior process (Fig. 1a). Base d o n its size a n d a nato my, ser ve d o n eit her si de, i ncl u di ng pote ntial wear facets. w e r ef er it t o Lystrosa ur us s p., w hic h accor ds well wit h its stratigra p hic positio n, as t here are no ot her dicy no do nt Histolo g y ge nera k no w n fro m t he Triassic portio n of t he Pali ngkloof The tusk of S A M-P K- K011603 is co mposed of dentine Me mber of the Balfour For mation (S mith & Botha- Brink wit h no o uter ca p pi ng tiss ue s uc h as e na mel or ce me nt u m 2 0 1 4). preserved, although the lack of ce mentu m in the E mbe d de d wit hi n t he maxilla is a sectio n of t usk a p prox - preer u ptive root co ul d be preservatio nal. Fro m t he root i mately 5 c m lo ng, alt ho ug h it is o nly visible e mergi ng e n d (i.e. a pex i n sta n dar d de ntal ter mi nology; Fe hre nbac h fro m t he dorsal a n d ve ntral s urfaces of t he bo ne. A p proxi- & Popo wics 2016) to wards the tip of the tusk, the mately 5 m m of erupted cro wn is preserved with not cross-sectio nal s ha pe of t he t usk c ha nges fro m havi ng a n e no ug h material preserve d to exa mi ne wear facets. Base d u n us ual wavier bor der to a more ex pecte d circ ular o ne. o n w hat is visible a n d t he c ur ve of t he ca ni nifor m process, T he wavy margi n is t he s urface ex pressio n of t he i nfol di ng t he root is slig htly rec urve d a n d it ta pers i n dia meter of t he u n derlyi ng de nti ne, w hic h ca n exte n d dee p to near to wards the occlusal surface. The root of S A M-P K- the pulp cavity (Fig. 3a). To wards the tip end, the K011603 is da mage d a pically, b ut a not her, more co m plete i nfol di ngs gra d ually beco me s hallo wer a n d less exagger- Lystrosa ur us speci men (S A M-P K- K011604) was sectioned ate d ( Fi g. 3 b– d) u ntil n o irre g ularities are prese nt ( Fi g. 3 d). lo ngit u di nally a n d reveals a wi de o pe n root wit h a disti nct T he most dra matic i nfol di ng is prese nt o n t he a nterior

Fi g ure 1 . Gross a nato my a n d histology of Lystrosa ur us t us ks. A , Cast of S A M- P K- K011603 i n rig ht lateral vie w. B , Thin section of S A M-P K- K011604 wit h a n o pe n, f u n nel-s ha pe d p ul p cavity i n dicative of a n ever-gro wi ng t usk. Scale bars eq ual: A, 3 c m; B, 5 m m. Abbreviatio ns: ab, alveolar bo ne; d e, d e nti n e; p c, p ul p c a vit y.

7 6 ISS N 2410-4418 P al ae o nt. afr. (2019) 5 3 : 75–80 Fi g ure 2 . Gross anato my and thin sections of dicynodontoid ( N H C C L B836). A , Sc he matic re prese nti ng w here sectio ns were take n fro m t he pat ho - logical rig ht t usk a n d t he associate d, nor mal left maxilla i n left lateral vie w. B , Nat ural break s ho wi ng t he pat hological rig ht t usk root wit h a nterior to war ds t he to p of t he page. C , T hi n sectio n s ho wi ng i nfol di ng near root e n d of t usk. D , T hi n sectio n take n near ve ntral e n d of maxilla s ho wi ng less pro no u nce d i nfol di ng. E , Boundary bet ween more co mpact ja w bone and more vascularized alveolar bone. F , Hig h mag nificatio n vie w of t he perio do ntal s pace bet wee n t he t usk root a n d alveolar bo ne. Scale bars eq ual: A– B, 1 c m; C– D, 5000 µ m; E, 250 µ m; F, 50 µ m. Abbreviatio ns: ab, alveolar b o n e; c e, c e m e nt u m; d e, d e nti n e; j b, j a w b o n e; p c, p ul p c a vit y; ps, p eri o d o nt al s p a c e; sf, S h ar p e y’s fi br es. margin of the root an d continues with wavy margins on approxi mately 20 µ m apart, which correspond to the 5- t he me dial a n d posterior e dges (Fig. 3a–c). day i ncre me nts of li nes of vo n Eb ner i n ma m mals (Si m mer T he t wo pre do mi na nt histological feat ures of de nti ne, et al . 2008), are visi ble i n t his s peci me n ( Fi g. 3e–f). B ot h t he dentine tubules and incre mental gro wth marks spaced dentine tubules and lines of von Ebner follo w nor mal

ISS N 2410-4418 P al ae o nt. afr. (2019) 5 3 : 75–80 7 7 Fi g ure 3 . T hi n secti o ns of Lystrosa ur us s p. (S A M- P K- K011603) take n at fo ur locatio ns alo ng t he a pical- occl usal axis. A – D , T hi n sectio ns detaili ng t he c ha nges i n u n us ual de nti ne mor p hology fro m t he a pical- most sectio n wit h t he most dra matic irreg ularities ( A) to t he occl usal- most sectio n wit h reg ular mor p hology ( D). E , Boxe d portio n of sectio n ( A) at hig h mag nificatio n detaili ng de nti ne i nfol di ng a n d perio do ntal s pace. F , Boxe d portio n of sectio n ( B) at hig h mag nificatio n detaili ng re d uce d b ut co nti n ue d i nfol di ng. Scale bars eq ual: A– D, 2 m m; E–F, 500 µ m. Abbreviatio ns: ab, alveolar b o n e; d e, d e nti n e; p c, p ul p c a vit y; ps, p eri o d o nt al s p a c e. patterns in non-lobed portions of the tusk with the (i. e. fi br ol a m ell ar b o n e se ns u Fr a n cill o n- Vi ell ot et al . 1990) tubules radiating out fro m the pulp cavity and gro wth with longitudinally oriented canals and evidence of marks co nce ntrically orga nize d aro u n d t he t usk. I n t he extensive re modeling. A periodontal space is present abnor mal portions of the root, ho wever, both features bet ween the tusk and the surrounding alveolar bone mirror t he s ha pe of its fol de d a n d irreg ular circ u mfere nce. ranging in thickness fro m 90 µ m to 500 µ m. In sections The surrounding alveolar bone is co mposed of highly taken both apically and to wards the erupted end of the vascularized woven-fibred bone with pri mary osteons root, Sharpey’s fibres running perpendicular to the

7 8 ISS N 2410-4418 P al ae o nt. afr. (2019) 5 3 : 75–80 perio do ntal s pace are ab u n da nt a n d provi de evi de nce of a suggests that nor mal dentine deposition had occurred soft-tiss ue perio do ntal liga me nto us toot h attac h me nt. e arli er i n t h e i n di vi d u al’s lif e. T h us, a c o n g e nit al a n o m al y U nlike t he left t usk of N H C C L B836, w hic h a p pears to c a n b e r ul e d o ut. have reg ular de nti ne (Fig. 2a), t he rig ht si de dis plays a n We suggest that trau ma is the likely cause for the irreg ular, i nfol di ng of de nti ne si milar to t hat see n i n peculiar root morphology observed in these speci mens. S A M-P K- K011603. An open root and the abnor mal Mec ha nistically, t he tra u ma co ul d have res ulte d i n eit her dentine were apparent in the field when the speci men irreg ular origi nal de positio n (i.e. pri mary de nti ne) or was collecte d d ue to breakage of t he maxilla a n d its ex po - re parative de positio n (i.e. seco n dary de nti ne). I n cross- s ure of t he a pical portio n of t he t usk root (Fig. 2b). T he sectio n, t he peri p her y of t he t usks re prese nts t he earliest tusk is co mposed of dentine (Fig. 2c–f) surrounded by site of dentine deposition and thus, the abnor mal and alveolar bone with a thin layer of ce mentu m preserved occasio nally i nfol de d margi n co ul d i n dicate t hat d uri ng (Fig. 2f). A t hi n perio do ntal s pace is a p pare nt aro u n d t he t he o nset of tiss ue de positio n tra u ma res ulte d i n irreg ular t usk wit h S har pey’s fibres i n t he alveolar bo ne i n dicative o do ntoblast activity. Alter natively, seco n dary de nti ne of a go m p hosis (Fig. 2f). T he hig hly irreg ularly de posite d could have been deposited to repair da maged pri mary de nti ne is more exaggerate d i n t he a pex of t he root a n d dentine tissue giving rise to the unusual morphology, t he irreg ular patter ni ng is co nsiste nt o n bot h t he labial wit h eit her sce nario de pe n di ng o n t he ti mi ng of a n i nj ur y. a n d li n g u al m ar gi ns ( Fi g. 2 b). T o w ar ds t h e ti p of t h e t us k, I n eit her case, so me exter nal tra u ma to t he t usk or maxilla t he irreg ular i nfol di ng is restricte d to t he posteroli ng ual wo ul d likely prese nt itself as u n us ual alveolar bo ne wit h as pect of t he t usk (Fig. 2 d). Si milar to t he Lystrosa ur us evidence of reparative bone. Surprisingly, we see no speci men, the unusual dentine shape in N H C C LB836 evi de nce of malfor matio ns or tra u ma to t he maxilla, b ut is r efl e ct e d i n t h e p eri o di c d e p ositi o n al li n es ( als o a p pr o xi - give n t he ra pi d t ur nover rate of alveolar bo ne, it is possi - mately 20 µ m apart) as well as the dentine tubules ble that such evidence has been re modelled a way (e.g. ( Fi g. 2 c). n n Vig nery & Baro n 1980). The folded morphology seen in these speci mens is DISC USSI O N re markably si milar to w hat has bee n describe d i n mo der n Infolded dentine has been recognized in the roots of elephant tusks that have experienced trau ma ( Miles & nu merous groups of a mniotes including Captorhinidae, Grigson 1990) and in many ways, dicynodont tusks are Choristodera, Diadecto morpha, Ichthyosauria, Lepido- co mparable to elephant tusks. The tusks of the Lystro- sauria, Parareptilia and ( Brink et al . sa ur us and the dicynodontoid described here were ever- 2014; Mac Dougall et al . 2014; Max well et al . 2011; Me u nier gro wing and anchored to the maxilla by a periodontal et al . 2013). Ty pically, t he s ha pe of t he i nfol de d de nti ne liga ment (i.e. go mphosis). A mong , LeBlanc is regular and sy m metrical, and has been ter med plici- et al . (2018) reported evidence for a liga mentous tooth dentine ( O wen 1841; To mes 1878). Although the dentine attach ment in the Diade modon , , infol dings observe d here are lobe d like plici dentine, Galesa ur us , t h e t h er o c e p h ali a n B a uri a , gorgonopsians an d the distribution and depth of infoldings around the tapinocephalids, and Jasinoski & Chinsa my (2012b) made cr oss-secti o nal area is hi g hl y irre g ular. A d diti o nall y, l obe d a si milar re p ort f or Trit yl o d o n . T he t usks of ele p ha nts are morphology has not been observed in the tusk roots ever-gro wi ng a n d i n cases of tra u ma, ‘t he portio n of t he of other dicynodont speci mens that have been thin- toot h develo pi ng at t he ti me of a n i nj ury us ually has a sectioned (Thackeray 1991; Green 2012; Jaskinoski & cri nkle d a p peara nce wit h irreg ular for matio n i ncreasi ng Chinsa my-Turan 2012a; LeBlanc et al . 2018) nor are t hey to war ds t he gro wi ng e n d a n d t he tiss ues s ho wi ng sig ns of visible in the contralateral maxilla of N H C C L B836, defective mi neralizatio n’ ( Miles & Grigso n 1990: 404). I n s uggesti ng t hat t he i nsta nces describe d here are a no ma - elephants, the most co m mon reported sources of trau ma lies. Alt ho ug h not exa mi ne d u n der t hi n sectio n, t he lo ng are falli ng or fig hti ng. I n a d ditio n, t usk abrasio n a n d wear axis of t he t us k of Odo ntocyclops whaitsi ( A M N H 5566) does are frequent causes of da mage in digging ani mals like present so me infolding ( Angielczyk 2002), although it walr uses (Steenka mp 2003). Digging and foraging have appears more regular than the infolding seen in S A M- been proposed as potential uses for tusks P K- K011603 or N H C C LB836. The infolding observed in (e.g. Ki ng 1990; Ki ng & Cl uver 1991) a n d t h us, it is u ns ur - Odo ntocyclops co ul d be a differe nt ab nor mality or a differ - prisi ng t hat t hey wo ul d occasio nally accr ue da mage. ent morphology for med fro m a si milar etiology. Ho w - Des pite bei ng disti nct s pecies se parate d by millio ns of ever, without thin-sectioning, useful co mparisons are , S A M-P K- K011603 and N H C C LB836 share re mark - li mit e d. ably si milar, albeit u n us ual, de ntal histology, w hic h i n T he pec uliar cross-sectio nal mor p hology of t hese s peci - tur n suggests the potential for si milar behaviour and me ns was for me d by irreg ularities i n t he pat h of o do nto - utilizatio n of t heir t usks. T he li mite d sa m ple here does blasts take n d uri ng t heir de positio n of de nti ne, w hic h is not precl u de alter native f u nctio ns i n differe nt s pecies; evi dence d by the correspon dence of dentine tubules an d ho wever, it does lend support that many – if not most li nes of vo n Eb ner to t he lobe d mor p hology. T h us, t here dicy no do nts – use d t heir t usks to forage a n d dig, a n d t hat is goo d evi de nce t hat t he lobe d a nato my is a de positio - occasio nally t hese activities res ulte d i n tra u ma to t heir nal a n o mal y, yet its eti ol o g y is diffic ult t o deter mi ne defi n - developing dental tissues. Continued analysis of the itively. It is i nteresti ng to note, ho wever, t hat t he lack i nter nal a nato my of dicy no do nt t usks will el uci date more of infoldings to wards the e merging end of the tusks about their evolution and develop ment as well as shed

ISS N 2410-4418 P al ae o nt. afr. (2019) 5 3 : 75–80 7 9 lig ht o n t heir f u nctio nal sig nifica nce. T his st u dy de mo n - Radiatio n, Histology, Biology , 149–176. Bloo mi ngto n, I n dia na U niversity Pr ess. strates ho w give n t he lack of exter nal, gross a nato mical J ASI N OS KI, S. C. & C HI NS A MY, A. 2012b. Mandibular histology and i n dicatio ns of t he ab nor mality note d here, histological gro wth of the non ma m maliafor m Trit yl o d o n .Jo ur nal of A nat - sa m pli ng is a n i m porta nt tool i n gar neri ng more i nfor ma - o m y 2 2 0 , 564–579. KI N G, G. 1990. The Dicy nodo nts: a St udy i n Palaeobiology . Ne w York, Chap - tio n abo ut t he biology of t hese a ni mals. m a n a n d H all. We thank R. S mith (S A M) for collecting the speci men and Z. Skosan (S A M) for KI N G, G. M. & CL U VE R, M. A. 1991. The aquatic Lystrosa ur us : a n alter na - s peci me n access, K. Bri nk, Y. Hari dy, a n d A. 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8 0 ISS N 2410-4418 P al ae o nt. afr. (2019) 5 3 : 75–80