Country Watch Newsletter

Tandridge Country Watch Newsletter

Bulletin No: 02 23rd January 2020


Dear Country Watch Members,

As Dan Gutierrez wrote in this Bulletin two weeks ago, I have now taken over his role in Tandridge.

By way of introduction I thought you would like to know a little more about my background. I started work with in 2007 as a PCSO based in North Reigate and Banstead. I then became a Police Officer working in the Response Team covering East Surrey before returning to neighbourhoods as a Neighbourhood Specialist Officer – again in East Surrey. In 2015 I became a Detective and was then later promoted to Detective Sergeant working in CID and the Safeguarding Investigation Unit (specialising in Domestic Abuse, Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Abuse).

Currently I am Deputy Force Lead for cases of Stalking. My passion in policing lies with Neighbourhoods and Public Protection work.

I am looking forward to working as Borough Commander in Tandridge and working with the Public and Partner agencies to continue ensuring that Tandridge remains one of the safest Boroughs in Surrey.

Kind Regards

Karen Hughes Tandridge Safer Neighbourhood Inspector

Crime Prevention

Should you require further information on crime prevention matters or require a new Country Watch sign then please contact our Crime Reduction Adviser, Mr Mark Howells via [email protected] or 101 ext: 37044

Incidents of note in Tandridge

Reported crimes across rural Tandridge

Woolborough Lane, Outwood – Sometime between 18/01 & 21/01/20 offender(s) have deliberately set fire to a vehicle (Ref: 45200008477)

Roughets Lane, Valley – Sometime overnight between 20/01 & 21/01/20 offender(s) have forced entry to a garage, abandoned an attempt to remove a quad bike but have stolen a long-armed chain saw (Ref: 45200008341)

Church Road, – Late evening on 20/01/20 offender(s) have deliberately set fire to a horsebox lorry (Ref: 45200008320)

Rooks Nest, – Sometime overnight between 17/01 & 18/01/20 offender(s) have forced entry to a contractors vehicle and stolen four petrol canisters form within (Ref: 45200006968)

Byers Lane, Horne – Sometime between 12/01 & 17/01/20 offender(s) have attempted to gain entry to a residence which is being renovated and to a log cabin and shed within the dwelling grounds (Ref: 45200006687)

Godstone Road, Lingfield – Sometime overnight between 13/01 & 14/01/20 informant reported that they have had animals stolen from the land they still own after being evicted from the property (Ref: 45200005508)

Whitewood Lane, Horne – Sometime overnight between 11/01 & 12/01/20 offender(s) have attempted to gain entry to a garage resulting in damage to the door lock (Ref: 45200005383)

Whitewood Lane, Horne – Early morning of 11/01/20 offender(s) have forced entry to a garden shed and stolen tools from within. They have then have also forced entry and searched victim’s vehicle (Ref: 45200005055)

Church Road, Horne – Early morning of 11/01/20 a male offender has entered an unlocked vehicle and taken a set of keys from within (Ref: 45200004233)

Church Road, Horne – Early morning of 11/01/20 a male offender has entered a garage using stolen keys and stolen a white GTECH electric bike and a Stihl petrol strimmer (Ref: 45200004220)

Byers Lane, Horne – Sometime overnight between 10/01 & 11/01/20 offender(s) have forced entry to a garden shed and stolen a Hayter lawn mower from within (Ref: 45200004203)

Whitewood Lane, Horne – Sometime overnight between 10/01 & 11/01/20 offender(s) have forced entry to a garage and stolen a black Brompton bicycle from within (Ref: 45200004198)

Sandy Lane, – On the morning of 10/01/20 offenders have pulled up in a van at a property and stolen a wacker plate from the driveway (Ref: 45200003826)

Church Lane, Godstone – On the evening of 09/01/20 offender(s) have gained entry to a property and stolen a red Suzuki quad bike (Ref: 45200003645)

Church Lane, Godstone – Sometime overnight between 09/01 & 10/01/20 offender(s) have criminally damaged a fence surrounding a field allowing horses to escape (Ref: 45200003644)

Reported environmental issues in rural Tandridge

Beddlestead Lane, Chelsham – On the afternoon of 22/01/20 informant reported that offender(s) had fly-tipped a load concrete, plaster and tyres on the lane. This information was passed to the relevant Highways Authority (Ref: P20017386)

Outwood Lane, Outwood – On the evening of 16/01/20 informant reported that offender(s) had fly-tipped a load plastic, wood and other rubbish on a bend of the lane. This information was passed to the relevant Highways Authority (Ref: P20012897)

If you have any information to assist with the investigation of these crimes please contact Surrey Police by telephone on 101 quoting the crime reference number

You are free to circulate this document to any of your contacts

Horse Watch, Farm Watch & SUSSEX – POLICE REPORTS

Nothing to Report

General information

Crimestoppers Do you know somebody who is carrying out criminal activity but fear the consequences of being identified as the person who reported them? Maybe you've seen or heard something about a crime but don't know what to do. Are you scared to come forward and be a witness?

If you feel like this, it's easy to think there is nothing you can do, but there is. Crimestoppers is there to support you. Tell them what you know, either by phone on 0800 555 111 or on the anonymous online form and nobody will ever find out who you are

We are asking everyone to be extra vigilant and to call us on 101 if you see anyone or any vehicle acting suspiciously. If you have any information on this report then please call 101, Ref: 452000##### or you can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

More information about securing your property can be found by visiting

Country Watch Signs The first sign is free...additional signs (£10 each) from Caterham Police Station. Please bolt/screw them onto gates/fences and check they are clean and not obscured by foliage. To obtain a new sign, if required, please contact Email: [email protected]

National Equine Crime Database

Saddle Marking (Equine community) If you would like your saddles marked (free) then please email your interest to [email protected] (signs cost £10 each)

Getting and using a horse passport

Environmental Issues Report a problem - Potholes, fallen trees, road signs damaged, street lights not working? There are lots of issues that can be reported direct to Surrey County Council online

REMEMBER! If you are calling to report an incident, please ensure you state that you are a Country Watch member and the following:

A crime is in progress! Suspects are still at the scene. Firearms…if any seen or suspected, (explain your working knowledge of firearms, if you have any). Exact location. Any vehicle registrations or partial registrations seen that may connect. If you are in a vehicle, give details of your vehicle so contact staff can use this as a marker to direct officers.

Please be vigilant and if you have any information or see any suspicious vehicles please contact us on 101 or via our online services.

If you wish to report a NON URGENT crime visit:

This form should be used for reporting non-emergency matters only and may take several hours for us to respond to any incident reported through this online service.

Alternatively you can report it anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

An important part of the Country Watch network is Report, Report, Report! 999

Tandridge Beat Facebook Page

Are you following our Tandridge Beat Facebook page? Find news and updates from the Safer Neighbourhood Team. We have a growing audience and would love you to join us.

Don’t forget you can also tweet us @TandridgeBeat

Just a gentle reminder that our Safer Neighbourhood Team mail box, Facebook and Twitter account are not monitored 24/7. To report incidents please call 101 or in an emergency 999.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Tandridge Safer Neighbourhood Team Telephone: 01483 630220 Email: [email protected]

Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch

The Tandridge Neighbourhood Watch organisation have a Web site which also lists previous newsletters not only for Neighbourhood Watch but also for Country Watch.

If you wish to provide information on non-urgent suspicious matters or unusual behaviour you have observed which may be useful intelligence for us at a future date please email: Tandridge Safer Neighbourhood Team [email protected]

The information you provide will be read and treated in confidence when the staff are next on duty.

If you change your contact details please keep us informed so that you continue to receive the bulletin. Thank you.

Message Sent By Ken Richards (Surrey Police, CountryWatch Administrator, Reigate & Banstead, Tandridge)