ODŽǕǐǃdžǓ 23ǓDž Ǖǐ ODŽǕǐǃdžǓ 30Ǖlj St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr Roman Catholic Parish and Oratory DECEMBER 5TH TO DECEMBER 13TH 524 W. Historic Mitchell Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204-3509 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT ~ 2020 VICAR GENERAL AND DELEGATE FOR THE UNITED STATES INSTITUTE OF CHRIST THE KING The Very Reverend Monsignor M. Schmitz Provincial Superior Canon Matthew Talarico Parish Administrator and Rector Rev. Canon Benoît Jayr (414) 226 5490 (Priory), (414) 226 5534 (fax) , (414)-335-3124 (Emergencies) Oblate Abbé George Baird Assisting Priest Canon Matthew Weaver Secretary Mrs. Jo Ann Neumann Mr. Christopher Berry ~ Director of Sacred Music & Organist Mr. Fabian Qamar ~ Associate Director of Music To contact the St. Stanislaus office, please send e-mails to
[email protected] Website: institute-christ-king.org/milwaukee- home/ FROM THE RECTOR’S DESK Dear Faithful, “Full of Grace”: these words include everything that is to say the Holy Trinity’s presence within a young lady whose name is Mary. A presence that is prevented from all sin, known as the Immacu- late Conception. Mary was preserved from Original Sin by the foreseen merits of Jesus, her Son and her Redeemer. She is the first redeemed, created by God as a fitting dwelling place for His Son. The Church teaches us that God endowed Mary’s soul with sanctifying grace from the first moment of her conception. She has never been, not even for a moment, under the power of sin. Therefore she is called “Immaculate” that is having no stain of sin in her soul. Children tend to imitate their par- ents.