GDLC 2016 Advent to Pentecost C
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church South Bend, Indiana rev 11/20/15 Liturgical Music Advent to Transfiguration 2016 Lectionary Cycle C Advent Hymns and texts for Wednesday services taken from “Hark the glad sound.” 29 November Liturgy & Propers Advent 1 Setting Five, Kyrie eleison Psalm 25, To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul Hymnody PRO 238 The Great Litany HOD 436 Wake, awake, for night is flying Wachet auf CO 464 Bread of Life, our host and meal Jesus, feed us 245 Creator of the stars of night Conditor alme siderum PRO 239 Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding Merton 6 December Advent 2 Setting 5, Kyrie eleison Luke 1, In the tender compassion of our God… PRO 249 On Jordan’s bank Puer nobis HOD St. Nicholas Hymn Kremser CO 256 Comfort, comfort now my people Freu dich sehr 241 O Lord, how shall I meet you Wie soll ich dich empfangen PRO 248 People, look east Besançon 13 December Advent 3 Setting 5, Kyrie eleison Isaiah 12, In your midst is the Holy One of Israel PRO 244 Rejoice, rejoice believers Haf trones lampa färdig HOD 259 Fling wide the door Macht hoch die tür CO 245 Creator of the stars of night Conditor alme siderum 250 Blessed be the God of Israel Forest green PRO 260 The King shall come Consolation 20 December Advent 4 Setting 5, Kyrie eleison Luke 1, You, Lord, have lifted up the lowly PRO 264 Prepare the royal highway Bereden väg för herran HOD 251 My soul proclaims your greatness Kingsfold CO 257 O come, O come emmanuel (8 vv) Veni, veni emmanuel PRO 263 Savior of the nations, come Nun komm, der heiden Heiland Christmastide 24 December Christmas Eve Setting 5, Kyrie eleison (choral), Gloria in excelsis Ps 96, Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad PRO 283 O come all ye faithful Adeste fideles HOD 282 It came upon a midnight clear Carol CO 279 O little town of Bethlehem St.
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