J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 2020; 33(10): 1321–1333

Shi-Qi Lu, Jia-Yan Feng, Jie Liu, Xin-Bao Xie, Yi Lu and Kuerbanjiang Abuduxikuer* storage disease type VI can progress to cirrhosis: ten Chinese patients with GSD VI and a literature review https://doi.org/10.1515/jpem-2020-0173 Introduction Received April 4, 2020; accepted May 30, 2020; published online September 7, 2020 type VI (GSD VI; OMIM #232700) is an autosomal recessive genetic disease Abstract caused by the deficiency of hepatic glycogen phos- phorylase. PYGL containing 20 exons is the only Objectives: The aim of our study is to systematically gene responsible for encoding hepatic glycogen phos- describe the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of phorylase. The best estimation for the incidence of GSD Glycogen storage disease type VI (GSD VI), especially in VI is 1 of 100,000; however, it is generally believed that Chinses population. the true incidence is underestimated because of Methods: We retrospectively analyzed ten Chinese nonspecific and variable phenotypes [1]. Patients with children diagnosed as having GSD VI confirmed by next GSD VI often have disease onset during infancy or generation sequencing in Children’s Hospital of Fudan childhood, with common phenotypes including hepa- University and Jinshan Hospital of Fudan University. We tomegaly, poor growth, elevated hepatic trans- described the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of aminases, hyperlipidemia, , and , GSD VI through the clinical and genetic data we and rare cases of severe phenotypes including pre- collected. Moreover, we conducted a literature review, prandial and postprandial lactic acidosis, recurrent and we compared the genotypic and phenotypic spec- hypoglycemia, or marked hepatomegaly have been re- trum of GSD VI between Chinese population and non ported [2, 3]. GSD VI usually has a benign disease Chinese population. course, with most children having intact intellectual Results: For the first time, we found that four Chinese development. Clinical and biochemical abnormalities patients showed cirrhosis in biopsy characterized by have a tendency to improve with age, and there is no the formation of regenerative nodules. In addition, consensus whether patients with GSD VI should be c.772+1G>A and c.1900G>C, p.(Asp634His) were recurrent treated with uncooked cornstarch and high-protein diet in three Chinese families and four European families [4]. In recent years, fibrosis, cardiomyopathy, focal respectively indicating that the genotypic spectrum of nodular hyperplasia, and hepatocellular carcinoma PYGL gene may vary among the population. Furthermore, have been reported in some patients [4–7]. However, we identified seven novel variants in PYGL gene. cirrhosis has not been reported in GSD VI. Molecular Conclusions: Our study enriched the genotypic and genetic testing can accurately diagnose GSD VI, and phenotypic spectrum of GSD VI, and provided a new clue invasive liver biopsy may be avoided [2]. Although a for management of GSD VI. GSD VI murine model recapitulating the phenotypes of Keywords: Chinese; cirrhosis; glycogen storage disease human GSD VI was generated, there is a paucity of types VI; hepatic ; PYGL gene. patients with GSD VI confirmed by molecular genetic testing in the literature including only one patient in Hong Kong, China [8, 9]. Considering the full genotypic *Corresponding author: Dr. Kuerbanjiang Abuduxikuer, MPH, PhD, The Center for Liver Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, and phenotypic spectrum of GSD VI continue to evolve, Shanghai 201102, China. Phone: +86 21 64931171, we reported 10 Chinese patients with GSD VI confirmed E-mail: [email protected] by next-generation sequencing (NGS) and reviewed Shi-Qi Lu, Xin-Bao Xie and Yi Lu, The Center for Liver Diseases, literature to give a systematic description of patients ’ Children s Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 201102, China with GSD VI in Chinese population. We believe that our Jia-Yan Feng, The Department of Pathology, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China study supports an expanding genotypic and phenotypic Jie Liu, The Department of Pediatrics, Jinshan Hospital of Fudan spectrum of GSD VI. University, Shanghai, China

Open Access. © 2020 Shi-Qi Lu et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 1322 Lu et al.: Glycogen storage disease type VI can progress to cirrhosis

Methods isolated hepatomegaly [9]. To give a better description in Chinese population, we included him in our cohort (patient Subjects and genetic testing 11). The clinical features of 11 Chinese patients with GSD VI, 10 males and one female, from 11 unrelated families at

We performed a retrospective analysis for patients diagnosed as diagnosis are summarized in Table 1. Except patient 11 who having GSD VI in Children’s Hospital of Fudan University and Jin- was a child of a consanguineous couple of first cousins, all shan Hospital from 2015 through 2019. All patients clinically sus- patients had no consanguineous family history. The mean pected as having glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) were confirmed age of initial presentation was 20 ± 16 months (range: 5– PYGL to carry biallelic pathogenic variants in gene by NGS. Live 48 months). Seven (64%) patients initially presented with biopsy was complementary to NGS to diagnose GSD VI [10, 11]. NGS elevated transaminase, while three (27%) patients and one was conducted in Molecular Genetic Diagnosis Center, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University or commercial companies, and (9%) patient initially presented with abdominal distention NM_002863 is used for reference sequence. Known disease-causing and hepatomegaly, respectively. Two (18%) patients pre- variants such as nonsense, canonical splice site, and frameshift sented with short stature (defined as a height less than the variants were regarded as pathogenic. The pathogenicity of novel third percentile). Patient 2 was diagnosed as having hy- in silico missense variants was assessed using tools such as pothyroidism at a local hospital. PolyPhen-2 [12], Sorting Intolerant From Tolerant (SIFT) [13], and combined annotation-dependent depletion (CADD) score [14] and public database including the Exome Aggregation Consortium Browser (ExAC, http://exac.broadinstitute.org) and 1000 Genomes Biochemical features and hepatic ultrasound Project (1000G, http://www.internationalgenome.org/data). Medi- results at diagnosis cal records were reviewed for clinical symptoms, laboratory reports, imaging reports, liver biopsy, and NGS. This study was approved by the ethics committees of both Children’sHospitalofFudanUni- Hepatic ultrasound results and biochemical features versity and Jinshan Hospital and was performed in compliance with including transaminase, hypoglycemia, cholesterol, tri- the Declaration of Helsinki. glycerides, and lactate are summarized in Table 1. An elevated transaminase level was presented in 10 (91%) Statistical analysis patients, hypoglycemia was presented in six (55%) pa- tients, hyperlipidemia was presented in three (27%) pa-

The age of initial symptom and liver biopsy was expressed in terms of tients, and serum lactate was slightly elevated within or mean ± standard deviation. The patients who underwent liver biopsy more than the boundary value in four (36%) patients. He- were classified into two groups. Group 1 stood for patients without patic ultrasound revealed hepatomegaly in all patients hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis, and group 2 stood for patients with without echogenicity and splenomegaly. hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. The age of liver biopsy in two groups was analyzed by using the Mann–Whitney U-test of IBM SPSS Statis- tics, version 23. A two-sided p value of <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Liver biopsy

The age of liver biopsy and histological features of our Literature review nine patients are summarized in Table 2. The age of liver biopsy was 30 ± 21 months (range: 13–73 months). The The literature review was conducted in December 2019. Search terms liver biopsy of patient 11 showed an extensive deposition such as “GSD VI,”“GSDs,”“glycogen phosphorylase,” and “PYGL gene” were used in various combinations and permutations to identify of glycogen in the hepatocytes, with no cirrhosis or relevant literature in PubMed databases. Patients with GSD VI only amylopectin found [9]. Excepted patient 6, all patients confirmed by molecular genetic testing (at least one variant was underwent liver biopsy and four patients (patients 7–10) identified in PYGL gene) were included in our literature review. underwent electron microscopy examination (Figure 1). Of the nine patients who underwent liver biopsy, all showed swollen hepatocytes (Figure 1A), and electron Results microscope examinations of four patients (patients 7– 10) showed an extensive deposition of glycogen and Clinical features of Chinese patients with lipid droplets in the swollen hepatocytes, which GSD VI at diagnosis confirmed the diagnosis of GSDs (Figure 1B). Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) staining and Diastase-Periodic Acid- When we reviewed the literature, we found that a Chinese Schiff (D-PAS) staining showed liver sections stained asymptomatic boy (Hong Kong, China) presented with with PAS-positive material and then subjected to Table : Clinical phenotypes of  Chinese patients with GSD VI at diagnosis and most recent follow-up.

Patient b

Onset age,   (months) Initial ET ET ET ET AD ET AD ET ET AD Hepatomegaly symptoms SexMMMMF MMMMMM Hepatomegaly,           NA (mm below costal) Height rd th th rd <st <st th th th th NA Weight th th th st th rd th nd th th NA Hypoglycemia ++− +++−− − + − ALTa/ASTc / / / / / / / / / / − CHOLd/TGe ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. − Serum lactatef ...... .... −

Liver biopsy F F GGGNACCCCG cirrhosis to progress can VI type disease storage Glycogen al.: et Lu Status at the most recent follow-up Age, (months)      NA NA NA  NA NA UCS, (g/kg/day) .–NA NA NA . NA NA Height th <st th th <st NA NA NA st NA NA Weight th th th th rd NA NA NA th NA NA Hepatomegaly,      NA NA NA  NA NA (mm below costal) ALT/AST / / / / / NA NA NA / NA NA Serum lactate ..... NA NA NA . NA NA

+, positive result; −, negative result; NA, not available; ALT, alanine transaminase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; CHOL, cholesterol; TG, triglyceride; ET, elevated transaminase; AD, abdominal distention; M, male; F, female; G, glycogenosis; F, fibrosis; C, cirrhosis; UCS, uncooked cornstarch. aReference range for ALT: – IU/L. bLiterature review. cReference range for AST: – IU/L. dReference range for CHOL: .–. mmoL/L. eReference range for TG: .–. mmoL/L. fReference range for lactate : .–. mmoL/L. 1323 1324 Lu et al.: Glycogen storage disease type VI can progress to cirrhosis

Table : Histological features of nine Chinese patients with GSD VI.

Patient Group Age Genotype Microscopy Electron microscope

Enlarged Glycogen Inflammation Conclusion Glycogen Lipid hepatocyte condensation deposition droplet

months c.+G>A/c.C>A, ++ − Fibrosis NA NA p.(SerTyr) months c.G>A, p.(GlySer) ++ + Fibrosis NA NA (hom) months c.+G>A (hom) ++ + Glycogenosis NA NA months c.+G>A (hom) ++ + Glycogenosis NA NA months c.+G>A/c.T>G, ++ + Glycogenosis NA NA p.(LeuArg) months c.−G>A/c.C>T, ++ − Cirrhosis ++ p.(LeuPhe) months c.+G>A/c.C>T, ++ − Cirrhosis ++ p.(GlnTer) months c.G>A, p.(ValMet)/ ++ − Cirrhosis ++ c._delTA, p.(IeuSerfs*)    months c.−G>C/c.G>A, ++ − Cirrhosis ++ p.(TrpTer)

+, positive result; −, negative result; NA, not available.

Figure 1: Histological findings in four patients with GSD VI and cirrhosis. (A) Hematoxylin-eosin staining showed diffuse swollen hepatocytes resembling a lake with infiltration of inflammatory cells (200×); (B) Electron microscopy showed accumulation of glycogen and lipid droplets in swollen hepatocytes (scale bar 20 μm); (C and D) PAS staining and D-PAS staining showed liver sections stained with PAS-positive material and then subjected to diastase digestion no longer contained PAS-positive material (200x); (E and F) Reticular and Masson staining revealed that extensive fibrosis encircled regenerative nodule indicating cirrhosis (100×). Lu et al.: Glycogen storage disease type VI can progress to cirrhosis 1325 diastase digestion no longer contained PAS-positive Molecular genetic analysis material (Figure 1C,D). Two patients (patient 1 and pa- tient 2) revealed hepatic fibrosis. Four patients (patients Of the 11 Chinese patients, five were homozygous and six 7–10) showed that the structure of normal liver lobules were compound heterozygous. Patient 11 was homozygous disappeared, and Reticular and Masson staining for c.698G>A, p. (Gly233Asp), which originated from the confirmed that extensive fibrosis encircled regenerative father and mother, respectively, and this variant was not nodule (Figure 1E,F), indicating stage 4 (cirrhosis) [15]. identified in our cohort [9]. Totally, we identified 13 PYGL For all these four patients with cirrhosis, serum albumin, variants in 11 unrelated Chinese patients including six prothrombin time, and international normalized ratio missense variants, two nonsense variants, four canonical were normal and splenomegaly was not found under splice-site variants, and one frameshift variant (Table 3). hepatic ultrasound. Except patient 7 who showed We identified seven novel variants including one nonsense marked elevated transaminase and hepatomegaly under variant: c.1475G>A, (Trp492Ter); two canonical splice-site hepatic ultrasound (100 mm below costal), there was no variants: 244-1G>A, 1519-1G>C; one frameshift variant: significant difference from other patients. Group 1 c.2417_2418delTA, p.(Ile806Serfs*9), and three missense included three patients (patients 3–5), and group 2 variants: c.107T>G, p.(Leu36Arg), c.730C>T, p.(Leu244- included six patients (patients 1–2andpatients7–10). Phe), and c.1289C>A, p.(Ser430Tyr). All seven novel vari- The age of liver biopsy in group 1 was significantly ants were not found in public database including ClinVar, earlier than group 2 (p=0.048). ExAC, and 1000G, and all three novel missense variants were predicted to be deleterious in in silico analysis. Thus, we considered all seven novel variants as pathogenic. Of Follow-up and prognosis note, c.772+1G>A was recurrent in three unrelated families, and c.1768+1G>A, c.2467C>T, and p.(Gln823Ter) were The current age, transaminase, growth, lactate, and he- recurrent in two unrelated families. patic ultrasound during the last visit and treatment for individuals are summarized in Table 1. Once the diagnosis was established, therapy with uncooked cornstarch was Literature review initiated. The dose of uncooked cornstarch varied from 0.5 to 2 g/kg/day. We also recommended a high-protein diet Totally, we found 41 patients from the literature review [3, (2 g/kg/day) for all patients. Six patients (patients 1–5 and 4, 7, 16–22] (Table 4). One patient in Hong Kong, China, was patient 9) had follow-up data, and four patients (patients included in our cohort as mentioned previously [9]. With 6–8 and patient 10) were lost to follow-up. No information available data, the average age of initial presentation of 40 about follow-up was recorded in the literature for patient non-Chinese patients from 36 families, 18 males and 22 11. Elevated transaminases and hepatomegaly improved in females, was 20 ± 12 months (range: 1–54 months). The all patients. Growth was improved in patients 1, 3, 4, and 9. initial symptoms included hepatomegaly in 16 (73%) pa- However, the height of patient 2 deteriorated from 28th tients, distended abdomen in four (18%) patients, fasting centile to less than first centile, and the height of patient 5 miserable in one (4.5%) patient, and feeding difficulty in still remained under the first centile. Two biochemical one (4.5%) patient. The clinical phenotypes were domi- hypoglycemic episodes were recorded in patient 1 (mini- nated by hepatomegaly (100%) and elevated transaminase mal value, 2.6 mmoL/L), and he was treated with (90%). Hyperlipidemia (82%) and short stature (74%) were uncooked cornstarch (2 g/kg/day). Patient 2 with no epi- common, and hypoglycemia (43%) was less common. The sodes of hypoglycemia recorded was treated with levo- liver biopsy was performed in 15 patients, and six (40%) thyroxine sodium and uncooked cornstarch, and the dose patients showed hepatic fibrosis. The genotypic spectrum of uncooked cornstarch was increased from 1.5 to 2 g/kg/ of PYGL gene in Chinese and non-Chinese population is day. One biochemical hypoglycemic episode was recorded shown in Figure 2. Except one patient who carried only one in patient 3 (glucose value, 3.84 mmoL/L), patient 4 PYGL gene variant, c.1900G>C, p.(Asp634His) [3], all pa- (glucose value, 3.3 mmoL/L), and patient 5 (glucose value, tients carried biallelic PYGL gene variants. Totally, we 3.0 mmoL/L); they were treated with uncooked cornstarch identified 43 variants in non-Chinese population including (2 g/kg/day). Patient 9 was 9 years old at the last visit, he 27 (63%) missense variants, eight (19%) splice variants, experienced no hypoglycemic episode either clinically or four (9%) nonsense variants, two (5%) large insertion and biochemically, and he was treated with uncooked corn- deletion variants, one (2%) synonymous variant, and one starch (0.5 g/kg/day). (2%) in-frame deletion variant. c.1900G>C, p.(Asp634His) Table : The in silico assessment of PYGL variants identified in  Chinese patients. 1326

Patient cDNA (NM_) Protein change In silico pathogenicity predictions Allele frequency in the public database

SIFT PolyPhen- CADDb ExAC ExAC (East Asian) G ue l:Gyoe trg ies yeV a rgest cirrhosis to progress can VI type disease storage Glycogen al.: et Lu  c.+G>A .. .  c.C>Aa p.SerTyr D PD      c.G>A (hom) p.GlySer D PD .. .   c.+G>A (hom) .. .   c.+G>A (hom) .. .   c.+G>A .. .  c.T>Ga p.LeuArg D PD      c.C>T (hom) p.GlnTer  . .   c.-G>Aa .  c.C>Ta p.LeuPhe D PD      c.+G>A .. .  c.C>T p.GlnTer  . .   c.G>A p.ValMet D PD  .   c._delTAa p.IeuSerfs* −   c.G>Aa p.TrpTer     c.−G>Ca .   c.G>A(hom) p.GlyAsp . 

D, damaging; PD, probably damaging; ExAC, Exome Aggregation Consortium; G,  Genomes Project. aNovel variants. bThe threshold of pathogenicity for CADD, >. Table : The phenotype and genotype of patients with GSD VI published in the literature.

Patient Onset age, Race Sex Onset Hepatomegaly Short Hypoglycemia Elevated Hyperlipidemia Liver Genotype (month) symptoms stature liver biopsy transaminase

[]  Mennonite Female NA ++− NA NA Glycogenosis c.+G>A kindred (hom) Subject  []  Israeli Arab Male Hepatomegaly ++− ++ NA c.+G>A (hom)) Subject  []  Suriname Male Hepatomegaly ++++− Glycogenosis c.−G>C Hindustani /c.A>G, p.(AsnSer) Subject  []  Turkish Female Hepatomegaly + −− ++ Glycogenosis c.C>G, p.(AsnLys) (hom) Subject  []  British Asian Female Fasting +++++ NA c.A>C, miserable p.(Lys Thr) (hom) ue l:Gyoe trg ies yeV a rgest cirrhosis to progress can VI type disease storage Glycogen al.: et Lu Subject  []  British Female Hepatomegaly + −− ++ NA c.C>T, p.(ArgCys) /c._ inv; c. + _ +delGTAC Subject a []  French Male Hepatomegaly +++++ NA c.G>A, p.(ValMet) /c.C>T, p.(SerLeu) Subject a []  French Male Hepatomegaly +++++ NA c.G>A, p.(ValMet) /c.C>T, p.(SerLeu) Subject  []  Polish Male Abdominal ++− ++ Glycogenosis c.A>T, distension p.(AsnIle) /c.T>A, p.(SerThr) Subject  []  Polish Male Abdominal + −− + − Glycogenosis c.A>C, distension p.(GlnPro) /c.G>C, p.(AspHis) Subject  []  Polish Female Abdominal ++− ++ Glycogenosis c.C>T, distension p.(ArgTer) 1327 Table : (continued) 1328

Patient Onset age, Race Sex Onset Hepatomegaly Short Hypoglycemia Elevated Hyperlipidemia Liver Genotype (month) symptoms stature liver biopsy

transaminase cirrhosis to progress can VI type disease storage Glycogen al.: et Lu

/c.G>A, p.(GluLys) Subject  []  Austrian Female Feeding ++− ++ Glycogenosis c.G>C, difficulties p.(AspHis) /unknow Subject  []  Algeria Male NA + NA +++ NA c._insb (hom) Subject  []  Tunisia Female NA + NA − ++ NA c. T>G, p.(LeuArg) (hom) Subject  []  Europe Male NA ++− ++ NA c.-delAAG, p.(Gludel) /c.+T>C Subject  []  Europe Female NA + NA − ++ NA c.C>A, p.(AsnLys) /c.T>C, p.(TyrHis) Subject  []  Turkey Female NA +++++ NA c.C>G, p.(AsnLys) (hom) Subject  []  Europe Male NA + NA − ++ NA c.C>T, p.(ProLeu) /c.G>A, p.(ArgHis) Subject  []  Europe Male NA ++− ++ NA c.G>A, p.(ValMet) /c.C>T, p.(SerLeu) Subject  [] NA Indian Female NA + NA − + NNAc.+G>C (hom) Subject  []  Algeria Female NA + NA +++ NA c.G>T, p.(AspTyr) (hom) Subject  []  Europe Female NA ++NA ++ NA c.-G>T /c.+G>A Subject  []  Africa Male NA +++++ NA c.-_c. + del (hom) Subject b []  Canadian Female Hepatomegaly + − NA + NA Fibrosis c.C>T, p.(GlnTer) /c.−G>A Table : (continued)

Patient Onset age, Race Sex Onset Hepatomegaly Short Hypoglycemia Elevated Hyperlipidemia Liver Genotype (month) symptoms stature liver biopsy transaminase

Subject b []  Canadian Female Hepatomegaly ++NA + NA Fibrosis c.C>T, p.(GlnTer) /c.−G>A Subject  []  Canadian Male Hepatomegaly + − NA + NA Fibrosis c.C>T, p.( HisTyr) (hom) Subject  []  Canadian Male Hepatomegaly + − NA + NA Fibrosis c.G>A, p.(GluGlu) (hom) []  Indian Female Abdominal +++++ Fibrosis c.G>T, p.(GluTer) distension (hom) Subject c []  Caucasian Female Hepatomegaly + NA NA −− Glycogenosis c.T>A, p.(AsnLys) /c.G>C, p.(AspHis) Subject c []  Caucasian Male Hepatomegaly + NA NA + − NA c.T>A, p.(AsnLys)

/c.G>C, p. cirrhosis to progress can VI type disease storage Glycogen al.: et Lu (AspHis) Subject c []  Caucasian Female Hepatomegaly + NA NA − + NA c.T>A, p.(AsnLys) /c.G>C, p.(AspHis) Subject  []  Caucasian Female Hepatomegaly ++NA ++ NA c.A>G, p.( SerGly) (hom) Subject  []  Caucasian Female Hepatomegaly + NA NA + − Hepatic c.A>G, p.(AspGly) fibrosis /c.G>A, p.(GluTyr) Subject  []  Caucasian Female Hepatomegaly + NA NA − + Glycogenosis c.T>C, p.(PheSer) /c.C>T, p.(ArgTer) Subject  [] NA NA Male NA NA NA NA NA NA NA c.G>A p.(AspAsn) /c.C>T, p.(ArgTer) Subject  [] NA NA Male NA NA NA NA NA NA NA c.C>G, p.(LeuVal)/ c.G>A, p.(ValMet) Subject  [] NA NA Male NA NA NA NA NA NA NA c.G>A, p.(ArgHis)/ c.G>C, p.(AspHis) []  NA Male NA NA NA + NA NA NA c.G>A, p.(ArgGln) (hom) Subject  [] NA Brazilian Female NA NA NA NA NA NA NA c.G>A, p.(GlySer) (hom) Subject  [] NA Brazilian Female NA NA NA NA NA NA NA c.G>A,  p.(Arg His) (hom) 1329 a, b, c: Siblings in each family. 1330 Lu et al.: Glycogen storage disease type VI can progress to cirrhosis

Figure 2: Genotypic spectrum of PYGL gene in Chinese and non-Chinese population. Gray box: exons of PYGL gene (exons were not drawn in the scale); the variants above exons are PYGL gene variants identified in Chinese population; the variants below exons are variants identified in PYGL gene in non-Chinese population; red variants: novel PYGL gene variants identified in our study; blue variants: large PYGL gene variants of insertion and deletion. and c.1366G>A, p.(Val456Met) were recurrent in four and chronic liver diseases, with most patients progressing three unrelated families, respectively. When we conducted into decompensated stage silently. The prevalence of a closer scrutiny to c.1900G>C, p.(Asp634His), we found cirrhosis varies among the different types of GSDs with that it carried an allele frequency of 0.003509 in general unclear pathogenesis. Patients with glycogen storage population and an allele frequency of 0.005469 in Euro- disease type I (GSD I) had the most severe metabolic pean population in the ExAC database, and it was pre- phenotype, with only mildly elevated transaminase. dicted to be deleterious by using PolyPhen-2, SIFT, and However, hepatic fibrosis or cirrhosis was not observed CADD. All variants distributed over PYGL gene with no in animal models and patients with GSD I [23, 24]. variant was found on exon 2, exon 13, exon 15, exon 18, and Transaminase levels elevated most obviously in exon 19, so far. glycogen storage disease type III (GSD III), and hepatic fibrosis is a common long-term complication of GSD III, with live biopsy showing the deposition of abnormally Discussion structured glycogen, resembling limit dextrin [1]. Although dietary treatment can prevent hypoglycemia We reported genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of 10 and improve growth, it was found that the improvement patients with GSD VI in mainland China. Hepatomegaly of cannot prevent progressive hepatic is the most common symptom caused by increased fibrosis in animal models and patients with GSD III [25– glycogen storage in hepatocytes in Chinese patients 27]. Patients with glycogen storage disease type IV with GSD VI, and hypoglycemia may not be present as showing the deposition of abnormally structured gluconeogenesis is intact. The most common abnormal glycogen, resembling plant-like fibers of amylopectin in laboratory examination finding is elevated trans- live biopsy, can rapidly progress to cirrhosis [1]. A high- aminaseduetothedamageofhepatocytes.Elevated protein diet and cornstarch cannot prevent progression transaminase can reflect the degree of hepatocyte of the liver disease, and liver transplantation is the damage to some extent because there are not enough primary treatment [28]. All these accumulations of hepatocytes to release transaminase in the later stage. abnormally structured glycogen may be a critical factor Liver cirrhosis is the final usual outcome of various for hepatocyte damage and result in a rapid progression Lu et al.: Glycogen storage disease type VI can progress to cirrhosis 1331

to hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis. Cirrhosis had a high although the improvement of elevated transaminase frequency in glycogen storage disease type IXc (GSD was observed in most of our patients with GSD VI IXc), with 40% of patients with GSD IXc affected by [15, 33]. cirrhosis, and although information about treatment Kobayashi et al. concluded that variants with an allele and prognosis was rare, it was found that some patients frequency higher than 0.01% in the ExAC database were did not develop cirrhosis under treatment of uncooked generally already well characterized in the literature as cornstarch and protein supplementation [29]. Cirrhosis known founder mutations [34]. When we reviewed the was also reported in some cases with glycogen storage literature, we found that c.1900G>C, p.(Asp634His) was disease type IXa, and a structured treatment regimen recurrent in four European families, and we speculated can improve metabolic control and cirrhosis [30, 31]. that this variant may be a founder mutation in European Hepatic fibrosis is caused by chronic liver injury population. Notably, this variant contributed a large because of viral infection, drugs, toxins, or metabolic burden of disease with an allele frequency of 0.003509 in disorders [32]. Activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) general population and an allele frequency of 0.005469 in play an important role in pathogenesis of hepatic European population in the ExAC database. Considering fibrosis [8, 32]. Under the stimulation of cytokines and this variant alone can contribute to a world-wide preva- chemokines released by immune cells and damaged lence of 1.2 of 100,000 in the genetic context based on the hepatocytes, HSCs can be activated, which then differ- Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (the prevalence is equal to entiate into myofibroblasts that secrete various extra- the square of the minor allele frequency), the prevalence of cellular matrix proteins causing hepatic fibrosis [32]. GSD VI is further confirmed to be underestimated. Incon- Cirrhosis can always develop silently, and liver biopsy sistent with an autosomal recessive pattern, only one pa- is an effective way to identify cirrhosis. Here, for the tient is female in our cohort; this may be due to boys getting first time, we reported that four patients showed more attention than girls in the family, and their parents cirrhosis featured by the formation of regenerative have a stronger inclination to bring them to tertiary hos- nodule in liver biopsy, revealing a risk of progression to pital in China. It is also suggested that some female pa- end-stage liver disease. Because most liver biopsies in tients are underdiagnosed or unreported in China. As literature review were conducted without exact time c.772+1G>A was recurrent in three families in Chinese and visual confirmation, we cannot conduct a system- population, it is suggested that the genotypic spectrum of atic analysis for hepatic histopathology. However, in PYGL gene may vary among the population. Furthermore, our study, we analyzed the time of liver biopsy between we identified seven novel variants, bringing the total two groups to explain cirrhosis. We found that the age number of PYGL gene variants to 53, and we considered of liver biopsy conducted in patients without hepatic that all these novel variants were pathogenic based on the fibrosis and cirrhosis was significantly earlier. Thus, we type of variant, in silico analysis, and allele frequency in the cannot rule out the possibility that hepatic fibrosis and public database. even cirrhosis may present over time. A recently con- structed GSD VI murine model also revealed that the Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the damage, inflammation, and fibrosis of hepatocytes families for their willingness to be a part of this project. aggravated with aging [8]. So far, no cirrhosis was re- Research funding:There was no funding for this research ported in patients with GSD VI, and this may be a result project. of the lower number of liver biopsy that has been Author Contributions: The study was designed by investigated. Moreover, cirrhosis is a complicated pro- Kuerbanjiang Abuduxikuer. Shi-Qi Lu collected and cess where genetic and metabolic factor may be analyzed the data, created the tables and figures, and involved in, and it has been demonstrated that cirrhosis drafted the manuscript. Jia-Yan Feng performed was a pathway of hepatocellular carcinoma trans- histopathologic analysis. The patients in our study were formation [25]. Here, our study combined with pub- diagnosed and treated by Jie Liu, Xin-Bao Xie, and Yi Lu. lished literature further confirms that GSD VI can also All authors commented on previous versions of the be in another extreme of the disease severity. Consid- manuscript and approved the final manuscript. ering mounting evidence supported that long-term Competing interests: The authors have no conflicts of complications can be prevented by optimizing meta- interest to declare. bolic control, we recommend an aggressive therapy for Informed consent: This is a retrospective analysis, GSD VI [30]. Systematic follow-up and specificbio- informed consent was not required from the study markers are also needed to monitor this silent course participants. 1332 Lu et al.: Glycogen storage disease type VI can progress to cirrhosis

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