Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Measures

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Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Measures ` Anti -money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures Palau Mutual Evaluation Report September 2018 1 Anti- - Palau money laundering and counter terrorist financing measures in 2018 © APG 2018 The Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) is an autonomous and collaborative international organisation founded in 1997 in Bangkok, Thailand consisting of 41 members and a number of international and regional observers. Some of the key international organisations who participate with, and support, the efforts of the APG in the region include the Financial Action Task Force, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, OECD, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Asian Development Bank and the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units. APG members and observers are committed to the effective implementation and enforcement of internationally accepted standards against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, in particular the Forty Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF). For more information about the APG, please visit the website: This mutual evaluation report was adopted by the APG at its annual meeting in July 2018. © September 2018 APG No reproduction or translation of this publication may be made without prior written permission. Applications for permission to reproduce all or part of this publication should be made to: APG Secretariat Locked Bag A3000 Sydney South New South Wales 1232 AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 2 9277 0600 E mail: Web: Cover image: The legendary Money Bird of Palau (Delerrok) TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................................................................................3 A. ....................................................................................................................................................................3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY B. ...................................................................................................................................... 5 C. Key Findings ........................................................................... 6 D. Risks and General................................ Situation ............................................................................................................................10 E. EffeOverall Level of Effectiveness and Technical Compliance................................ ..............................................................12 Priority Actions .............................................................................................................13 ctiveness & Technical Compliance Ratings Preface.......................................................................................................................................................................................13 MUTUAL EVALUATION REPORT OF PALAU .......................................................................................................15 Background .............................................................................................................................................................................15 CHAPTER 1. ML/TF RISKS AND CONTEXT - .....................................................................................................15 Materiality................................ ................................................................................................................................................17 ML/TF Risks and Scoping................................ of Higher ................................Risk Issues ............................................................................................. 19 actors.................................................................................................................19 Structural Elements .....................................................27 Background and other Contextual F ..................................................................................................................27 CHAPTER 2. NATIONAL AML/CFT POLICIES AND COORDINATION .......................................................................................28 Key Findings and Recommended Actions ........................................................................35 Immediate Outcome 1 (Risk, Policy and Coordination) ..................................................................................................................35 CHAPTER 3. LEGAL SYSTEM AND OPERATIONAL ISSUES .........................................................................................38 Key Findings and Recommended Actions ............................................................................... 45 Immediate Outcome 6 (Financial intelligence................................ ML/TF)................................ .......................................................... 53 Immediate Outcome 7 (ML investigation and prosecution) RATION..................................60 Immediate Outcome 8 (Confiscation) ..................................................................................................................61 CHAPTER 4. TERRORIST FINANCING AND FINANCING OF PROLIFE ................................................................................63 Key Findings and Recommended Actions ............................................... 65 Immediate Outcome 9 (TF investigation and prosecution)................................ ..................................................................... 67 Immediate Outcome 10 (TF preventive measures and financial sanctions) ...............................................................................................................71 Immediate Outcome 11 (PF financial sanctions) ..................................................................................................................71 CHAPTER 5. PREVENTIVE MEASURES .........................................................................................................72 Key Findings and Recommended Actions SUPERVISION......................................................................................................................................79 Immediate Outcome 4 (Preventive Measures) ..................................................................................................................79 CHAPTER 6. ...........................................................................................................................80 Key Findings and Recommended Actions ................................................................................91 Immediate Outcome 3 (Supervision) ..................................................................................................................91 CHAPTER 7. LEGAL PERSONS AND ARRANGEMENTS ................................................................................92 Key Findings and Recommended Actions ..............................................................................................97 Immediate Outcome 5 (Legal Persons and Arrangements) ..................................................................................................................97 CHAPTER 8. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ..............................................................................................98 Key Findings and Recommended Actions Immediate Outcome 2 (International Cooperation) 1 Anti- -terrorist Palau money laundering and counter financing measures in 2018 © APG 2018 .............................................................................................................................105 - - ...........................................105 TECHNICAL COMPLIANCE ANNEX - ......................................................................108 Recommendation 1 - Assessing Risks and applying................................ a Risk Based................................ Approach .................................. 109 Recommendation 2 - National Cooperation and Coordination................................ ........................................ 110 Recommendation 3 - Money laundering offence ................................................................................................ 111 Recommendation 4 - Confiscation and provisional measures .... 113 Recommendation 5 – Terrorist financing offence ............................................ 116 RecommendationRecommendat 6 – TargetedNon- financial sanctions................................ related to terrorism................................ and terrorist................................ financing .... 117 Recommendation 7 – Targeted financial sanctions related................................ to proliferation................................ .................. 119 ion 8 – profit organisationsligence .................................................................................................... 119 Recommendation 9 –FinancialRecord- keepinginstitution................................ secrecy laws................................ ................................................... 121 Recommendation 10 – Customer due di ............................................................................................ 122 Recommendation 11 – ................................................................................................... 123 Recommendation 12 – Politically exposed persons ................................................................................. 123

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