
Romanian Wines 2016


Romania, with its long established wine culture, is a renowned European producer of world-class quality wines. Place of Romania world-wide: • area under vine (5th position in the EU) behind Spain, France, Italy and Portugal • grape production (5th position in the EU) behind Italy, Spain, France and Germany • wine production (6th position in the EU), behind Italy, France, Spain, Portugal and Germany • among the first 15 countries in the world with regard to area under vine Romania Wine Country

Tucked in the southeastern corner of Europe where the Blue opens into the Black Sea, Romania has a history that dates back more than 4,000 years. Legend has it that Dionysus, the Thracian god of wine, was born in Romania and that Plato declared its the best in the world. Today, vineyards dot the Romanian landscape from Transylvania to the Danube delta in what has been called Europe’s last great unspoiled frontier. Indigenous grapes and international varieties flourish here at the same latitude as Europe’s finest wine regions including Bordeaux, Burgundy and . Plantings are influenced by both the and individual winemakers. Regions Map Romanian Wines 2016 APEV ROMANIA

APEV Romania, the Wine Exporters’ and Producers’ Association of Romania, groups the most important wine exporters of the country, who hold together over 70% of the total Romanian wine export in value terms. Its members hold also a share of over 70% on the domestic market. APEV Romania was set up in 2001 as a non-profit legal entity, meant to represent, defend and promote its members' rights and interests, both locally and internationally. Mission To act as a generic promotional body for all “Wines of Romania” and for Romania as a top enotourism destination in Europe. It also provides a wide range of professional business support services that add value to member activities and thus help them become most respected members of the international wine community. Services Advocacy. To represent its members interests with Government departments and agencies, Parliament, European and international organisations and other relevant sectors, with a view to support through adequate policies the Romanian wine exporters and, in general, to improve their business environment. Information. To act as an information centre by providing the most relevant news, commentary, guidance and advice among its members via its own publications. Research. To initiate market and other needed surveys on topics of major interests to its members. Promotion. Generic promotion of Romanian wines on the international market. Education. The Association emphasises by all available means the advantages of a constant, moderate and responsible consumption of quality wines as a most healthy component of an anti- aging lifestyle. Affiliation APEV Romania is a founder member of ONIV, the National Interprofessional Vine & Wine Organisation (a value-chain organisation). Together, they participate in the decision-making process with regard to all development strategies and policies concerning the national wine industry. To enhance its action capacity, APEV Romania is also member of the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and, internationally, of FIVS and ITER Romanian Wine Exporters Participants at Prowein 2016:

1. Alcovin - Vinuri de Macin 2. Budureasca 3. Chateau Pietrosaratii 4. Crama Ceptura 5. Cramele Husi 6. Domeniile Blaga 7. Domeniile Sahateni 8. Domeniul Bogdan 9. Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea 10. Halewood Wines 11. Jidvei 12. Viile Metamorfosis

Romanian Wine Exporters

Alcovin Vinuri de Macin In Macin area a wide range of wines is produced now, which bear the impression of their birth place, have an original presentation and an excellent value for price. The wine’s journey begins at Alcovin Măcin, in Tulcea county.

Address: Export Offer: Alcovin - Vinuri de Macin Whites: Aligote, , Ottonel, Feteasca Regala, Str Viticultori 2 825300 Măcin - Romania Reds: , , E: [email protected] Brands: Renatus, Pelegrin, Trei Brate, Curtea Regala W: www.vinuridemacin.ro Romanian Wine Exporters

Budureasca Budureasca vineyards are cultivated on an area of 280 ha, divided into 250 ha of vines which have been replanted in 2010-2011, and 30 ha of old vines. They are located at an altitude of 175-400 m and the climatic conditions favour the growing of black grape varieties.

Address: Export Offer: Budureasca 472 Whites: Sauvignon Blanc, Feteasca Regală, Tămâioasa Românească, Chardonnay, Jud. Prahova Feteasca Albă, , , , Busuioaca de Bohotin Romania Reds: Cabernet Sauvignon, Feteasca Neagră, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Shiraz E: [email protected] Brands: Origini, The Vine in Flames, Noble 5, Budureasca, Bristena, Exuberant W: www.budureasca.ro Romanian Wine Exporters

Chateau Pietrosaratii The vines of the estate are situated on the gentle hill slopes of Istrita in the middle of in the village, where the estate covers about 70 hectares. Chateau Pietrosaratii chose lunar- organic , primarily for "Controlled appelation" vines, meant to propose the consummer a wine of quality, typical of its origin and terroir, with ageing potential. Chateau Pietrosaratii has two ranges of wines: Crai Nou that includes organic wines made from grapes from its Address: own vines and Domeniile Franco-Romane, which includes wines made Chateau Pietrosaratii from grapes purchased from small neighbouring vinegrowers. Str Scolii 143 Sahateni Export Offer: Jud. Buzau - Romania E: [email protected] Crai Nou: Chardonnay, Riesling, Feteasca Neagra, Merlot, Pinot Noir W: www.domeniilefrancoromane.com Terre Precieuse: Chardonnay, Feteasca Neagra, Pinot Noir Domeniile Franco Romane: Feteasca Alba, Muscat Ottonel, Sauvignon Blanc, Tămâioasa Românească, Merlot Rosé, Merlot Demi-Sec Rouge Romanian Wine Exporters

Crama Ceptura Crama Ceptura operates on the Romanian market since 2003. It possesses a brand new vinification centre built in the village Ceptura and operates mostly in , the region famous for its high quality and rich red wines.

Address: Export Offer: Crama Ceptura Whites: Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Fetească Albă, Muscat Ottonel, Riesling 107126 Ceptura de Jos italian, Fetească Regală Jud. Prahova Reds: Merlot, Fetească Neagră, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir Romania E: [email protected] W: www.crama-ceptura.eu Romanian Wine Exporters Domeniile Blaga

Wine Region: Dealu Mare, Prahova, Muntenia Export offer: Whites: Dry Muscat, Feteasca Regala, Muscat Ottonel Reds: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Brands: Domeniile Blaga

Address: Domeniile Blaga 435 Fintesti, Naeni Jud. Buzau - Romania E: [email protected] W: www.domeniileblaga.ro Romanian Wine Exporters Husi Husi Vineyards are located in the Eastern part of Romania and exploits around 1500 Ha of vineyards in Romania, where it produces a wide range of DOC and IG red, white and rosé wines, both from native and international grape varieties. The company stores one of the oldest wine cellars in Romania , currently renovated and wholly functional, capable of hosting multiple types of events with alongside traditional festivities and delicious food. Address: Export Offer: Cramele Husi Whites: Feteasca Alba, Feteasca Regala, Riesling, Zghihara de Husi, Sauvignon BlanC, 3, Calarasi Street Husi Pinot gris, Chardonnay Vaslui County – Romania Rosé: Merlot rosé E: [email protected] Reds: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Feteasca Neagra, Babeasca Neagra , Busuioaca W: www.vinurihusi.ro de Bohotin Romanian Wine Exporters

Domeniile Sahateni Established in 2003 by Aurelia Visinescu, a reputable Romanian oenologist, and her associate Steve Cacenco, Domeniile Sahateni benefited from more than 5 million €uro investments in winery and vineyards. The vineyards are in the heart of Dealu Mare wine region, well known for its high quality grapes and wine production.

Export Offer: Address: Domeniile Sahateni Whites: Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, Feteasca Alba, Tamaioasa Bd. 53 Romaneasca, Chardonnay, 104406 Bucharest Rose: , Merlot Romania Reds: Cabernet Sauvignon, Feteasca Neagra, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah E: [email protected] Brands: Nomad, Karakter, Artisan, Anima, Signum W: www.domeniilesahateni.com Romanian Wine Exporters

Domeniul Bogdan After a long journey in the wine world, we learned that the secret of a good wine is represented by the tasty and healthy grapes. Hence our choice is to have a biodynamic vineyard, a vine plantation extended on 153 hectares near Pestera village from Constanta county.

Export Offer: Address: Domeniul Bogdan Whites: Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat Ottonel, Chardonnay Str. Grigore Mora 13 Rose: Syrah, Merlot 011885 Bucharest Reds: Merlot, Pinot Noir, Syrah Romania Brands: Primoridial E: [email protected] W: www.domeniulbogdan.ro Romanian Wine Exporters

Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea spreads over a blessed terroir with mild sun and harsh soil, like a precious mixture of basic nature and high-altitude human character. Segarcea estate lies on the 44° parallel, known as „the quality parallel”, in the Southern region of Romania called Oltenia. Europe, Asia and America altogether recognized the wines from Segarcea starting with 2007. Address: Export Offer: Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea 108 Dealul Viilor St. Whites: Muscat Frontignan, Fetească Albă, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, 205400 Segarcea Chardonnay, Tămâioasă Românească Romania Reds: Pinot Noir, Merlot, Fetească Neagră, Cabernet Sauvignon, Marselan, E: [email protected] Touriga, Syrah, Viognier W: www.domeniulcoroanei.com Brands: Vardo, Minima Moralia, Principesa Margareta, Blue Train, Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea, S. Segarcea Romanian Wine Exporters

Halewood Wines Founded by Halewood International, UK, in 1997, Halewood Romania currently sells its wines to more than 40 countries around the world and has become the largest Romanian bottled wine exporter: about 40% of the annual production is being sold abroad.

Address: Export Offer: Halewood Wines 76-80 Buzesti Street Whites: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Gris Premium Point Bldg. 3rd Floor Reds: Merlot, Merlot Rosé, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Feteasca neagra 011017 Bucharest Sparkling: Rhein Extra (Sec, Brut Imperial, Rose) Romania E: [email protected] Brands: Byzantium, Theia, Cherry Tree, Hyperion, Kronos, Neptunus, Rhea, W: www.halewood.com.ro Principele, Prahova Valley, Millennium, Floarea Soarelui, Floare de Luna Romanian Wine Exporters Jidvei Jidvei Winery lies in the heart of Transylvania. Its wines are nurtured in the Tarnave Vineyard, laid along the two Tarnave rivers: Tarnava Mica and Tarnava Mare. With 2,400 ha of vineyards, Jidvei produces 10.5 million bottles annually and has a portfolio of over 30 products (still wines, sparkling wines and brandies).

Address: Export Offer: Jidvei Whites: Feteasca Regala, Riesling, Feteasca Alba, Pinot Gris, Gewurtztraminer, Str. Unirii 9 Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat Ottonel, 3191 Jidvei Reds: Pinot Noir, Oporto, Sylvaner Jud. Alba – Romania Sparkling: Romantine, Romantine Roze E: [email protected] W: www.jidvei.ro Romanian Wine Exporters

Vitis Metamorfosis The Marquis Piero Antinori invested in the Dealu Mare Vineyards because of the similarities to Tuscany (climate, soil quality and remarkable sun exposure), being at the same time convinced that Romania has a fantastic potential to be one of the major producers of quality wines in the world. Export Offer: Address: Whites: Fetească Regală, Fetească Albă, Tămâioasă Românească, Muscat Viile Metamorfosis Ungureni Village Ottonel, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay 107243 Vadu Sapat Reds: Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Negru de Drăgășani, Prahova County Merlot, Syrah, Pinot Noir Romania Brands: Coltul Pietrei, Viile Metamorfosis, Fluturi, Cantus Primus E: [email protected]  W: www.vitis-metamorfosis.com Romanian Wine Exporters

Thank You !

APEV Romania Str. Buzesti 76-80 Premium Point Bldg., 3rd Floor 011017 Bucuresti --- Mr. Ioan Stefan APEV Romania, the generic promotional body for all “Wines of Romania” M: +40 723 635 945 and for Romania as a top enotourism destination in Europe. E: [email protected] W: www.wineromania.com