
10 new jQuery and CSS3 Resources JQuery UI

ThemeRoller guidelines and principles explained by its creator Filament Group Aloha Editor migration to JQuery UI 25 Tutorials and Resources for Learning jQuery UI JQuery UI grid branch (useful to implement new listbox) JQuery UI Grid and project Datatables is a nice table component for JQueryUI Essential Control List JQuery Mobile JPolite look at XDO programming model JPolite3 is quite under development JQuery Mobile

Although it is designed for mobile apps, it could be used for desktop apps too. It is in a sense much more modern than JQuery UI with wider industrial support and relies on CSS3 more. One can even wonder why JQuery UI does not migrate to JQuery Mobile.

JQuery Mobile Main Page Rapid Interface Builder JQuery Mobile Forms documention is interesting to read because it is a real example of large UI framework implementation A Forms Tutorial also here JQM Tutorials JQM Roadmap JQM 1.0, 1.1 and ahead JQM Test Doc (next release) Filament Group Popup Test List Formatting (shows that it is possible to go quite far) JQM Plugins Octomobi rapid app prototyper Web Simulator to test JQM applications on mobile platforms IWKMail shows how to combine Webkit and JQM to make a hybrid mail reader SplitView can be used to create left panel sites MultiView shows something even more advanced than split view JQuery Mobile Icons JQuery Mobile Icons v2 JQM Bowlerplate has everything to start. Also on github JQM Bootstrap theme JQM Routes (to be used with Backbone.js or Spine.js) JQM Subpage A test to show how pages can be cached 10 awsome JQuery mobile plugins (most only, not JQM) 10 Free Mobile Icon Sets Simple Dialog 2 JQM Pagination Demo Ajax Include Pattern (related to renderjs?) Responsive List 10 Awesome jQuery Mobile Plugins For Mobile Developers Action Sheet Meilleurs plugins JQM Scrumit is a demo JQM app for desktop JQM Gallery jQuery Mobile Advanced Tutorial – RSS reader app Frameworks

In order to select a framework, it is important to understand the criticism on MVC such as the one byM ichel Beaudouin- Lafon.

jQuery Custom Events: They Will Rock Your World! explains the concept of custom events in JQuery and how this can be used to wrap different parts of code (see also Introduction to jQuery’s custom event). This reading is useful to understand what JQuery already does and which does not require an MVC framework for. Backbone.js is used by DocumentCloud and has an article in DLFP - it is based on Underscore.js Angular seems interesting to have a look at CorMVC - jQuery-powered Model-View-Controller Framework CorMVC - My jQuery-Powered Model-View-Controller (MVC) Framework Welcome to corMVC - My jQuery-powered Client MVC Framework. Model-View-Controller in jQuery ScaleApp - a JavaScript framework for One-Page-Applications (based on JQuery) JavascriptMVC Single Page Application

Wikipedia: Single Page Application Which JavaScript Frameworks are best for page-based websites Javascript framework for very simple single-page prototype Recommended Javascript Framework for Single-Page-Applications Package complete application as a single jQuery UI page Architecture of a single-page JavaScript web application Building Single Page Applications With jQuery’s Best Friends Meteor is a framework which unifies client side and server side JS programming (but in UNG we want only client side) Other

ParisJS: a good source of trends Video: Nicholas C. Zakas — Scalable JavaScript Application Architecture An article about Backbone.js in Linuxfr An personal finance application: http://aurelio.net/moneylog/moneylog4.html is useful to see how fast it can be