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$&RPSDULVRQ RI,QVWLWXWLRQDO $UUDQJHPHQWVIRU 6WDII 5RDG3URYLVLRQ 5HVHDUFK3DSHU %DUU\$EUDPV 3HWHU&ULEEHWW 'RQ*XQDVHNHUD 7KHYLHZVH[SUHVVHGLQ WKLVSDSHUDUHWKRVHRI WKHVWDIILQYROYHGDQGGR QRWQHFHVVDULO\UHIOHFW WKRVHRIWKH3URGXFWLYLW\ &RPPLVVLRQ $SSURSULDWHFLWDWLRQLQ -XQH LQGLFDWHGRYHUOHDI Commonwealth of Australia 1998 ISBN 0 646 33548 0 This work is subject to copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, the work may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or training purposes, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source. Reproduction for commercial use or sale requires prior written permission from AusInfo. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Manager, Legislative Services, AusInfo, GPO Box 84, Canberra, ACT, 2601. Enquiries: Media and Publications Officer Productivity Commission Locked Bag 2 Collins Street East Post Office Melbourne VIC 8003 Tel: (03) 9653 2244 Fax: (03) 9653 2303 An appropriate citation for this paper is: Abrams, B., Cribbett, P. and Gunasekera, D. 1998, A Comparison of Institutional Arrangements for Road Provision, Staff Research Paper, Productivity Commission, AusInfo, Canberra, June. Information about the Productivity Commission and its current work program can be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.pc.gov.au Contents Acknowledgments VII Abbreviations IX Overview 1 1 Introduction 7 1.1 The significance of roads 7 1.2 Roads – a form of economic infrastructure 9 1.3 What this paper is about 13 1.4 Structure of the paper
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