
The Claremont Mrs. Ferentz visited The February 2017. The Claremont Colleges is a consorum of 5 undergraduate liberal arts colleges nestled in beauful Southern (1 hour east of ). The undergraduate colleges include: Pomona , , Claremont McKenna College, , and . Each of the Claremont Colleges is an independent instuon with its own student body, faculty, campus, mission and identy. Together, the col‐ leges form a rich intellectual network and offer cross‐registraon in courses, and share a bookstore, health and counseling services, recreaonal opportunies and a prisne two million volume library. Over 8,000 stu‐ dents aend the Claremont Colleges, and students connect and interact through over 250 clubs and more than 2,000 courses. Outdoor study spaces are abundant‐ from quiet rooop tables to manicured lawns and courtyards, there is ample space highlighted with the stunning as the backdrop.

Pomona College

Pomona College was the first of the 5 built and the highest ranked amongst the consorum. It is a with small classes (8:1 student to faculty rao), as the founders envisioned a “ type college” when designing the school. Pomona offers over 45 majors and 50% of students study abroad. Weekly guest speakers host lectures and students sign up in person to get the chance to sit with the guests, including Bill Clinton, Laverne Cox, and many others. “Ski‐Beach Day” takes advantage of the locaon: stu‐ dents ski at a local resort in the morning and then spend the aernoon at a beach in Orange County.

Scripps College

Scripps College is a women’s college with a mission, “to educate women to develop their intellects and tal‐ ents through acve parcipaon in a community of scholars, so that as graduates they may contribute to society through public and private lives of leadership, service, integrity, and creavity.” The welcoming feel of campus is recognized the moment one enters the campus: sycamore trees and rose gardens line Spanish style buildings. Artwork and colorful quotes are painted by each graduang class in the courtyard, and a vin‐ tage brick walled coffee house is a common study spot for Scripps students.

Claremont McKenna College

Claremont McKenna students are known to study business, polics and , although humanies and sciences are also available to study. Admissions is need‐blind and emphasizes the demonstraon of leader‐ ship accomplishments. More than 90% of students parcipate in internships throughout their college expe‐ rience, and there are eleven world class research instutes for students to work with. CMC is consistently ranked in the top Division III athlecs.

4 Student Services Bulletin

Harvey Mudd College

Harvey Mudd College is well known for its strong , science and math programs. Walking around campus is deceiving though, since you will not see much more than a few buildings. Underground is where many of the science labs are built. Students have the opportunity to study STEM while also exploring liberal arts courses, because Harvey Mudd’s goal is to “educate engineers, sciensts and mathemacians to become leaders in their fields and have a clear understanding of the impact their work has on society.” Students can oen be found longboading throughout campus and spending me near the pools at the student union.

Pitzer College

Pitzer College was recently ranked #1 test‐oponal college in the West by , which is an excellent benefit for many who apply to the liberal arts and sciences college. Well known for its environ‐ mental and interdisciplinary studies courses, students are encouraged to work with faculty and community members on projects to examine the effects of social and environmental policies. Just like all 5 colleges, Pitzer is located in Claremont, California, a town filled with eclecc shops and unique restaurants. Nearby parks, trails and mountains offer students endless recreaonal opportunies in the town.

5 Student Services Bulletin