CD Program Notes
CD Program Notes Contents very quick dynamic sounds are op- the Buenos Aires City Conservatory. posed in space to quick, close-range He has composed instrumental and microsounds, sometimes opposing electroacoustic music and his works electronic and acoustic sources. But are performed at international con- his originality, for me, is found in certs and festivals. Part One: Beatriz Ferreyra, the enormous, dynamic general Some of his compositions include: Curator breathing that we can also find in Tres piezas par Orquesta de Camara other of his works. (1958), Movimientos para piano, Elsa Justel puts microsounds into flauta, oboe y clarinette (1964), Estu- Curator’s Note primary place in her compositions, dio en Triptico (electroacoustic mu- including Alba Sud, creating incredi- sic, 1984), Faber Farven Christine Groult, Enrique Belloc, ble, original variations of qualities, (electroacoustic music, 1985), Sin- Roger Cochini, and I studied and colors, forms, and dynamics, not fonia Concertante for digital orches- worked in the 1960s and 1970s with only for each microsound but for tra and synthesizer (1988), Homenaje Pierre Schaeffer and his musical their relationships, articulations, op- a Pierre Schaeffer for live samplers method. Even if Elsa Justel came positions, and so forth. These rela- and synthesizers (1989), Para Bla, un along in the 1980s and searched for tionships occur on the small scale saludo a Barbara Belloc (1993), po- her own way, her work and interest along with larger sounds placed in Pierre (1994), Rugosidades del Incon- in acoustic sounds put her very near different points of audible space. ciente colectivo (1995), Suite the Schaefferian acousmatic ap- For Passagers imminents, Chris- Acusmatica (1995), Objetos Reen- proach.
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