E2044 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 15, 2006 and where children have the quality education, spotlight the issue of slavery around the world, ment, to over 4,700 in 2005. Last year’s fig- child care, and the health care they need to through the annual Secretary of State’s Traf- ure—an increase from about 3,000 the year grow into our leaders of tomorrow. ficking in Persons Report, diplomatic engage- before—was especially dramatic among coun- The Alliance for Children and Families rep- ment, speeches and multiple prosecution, pro- tries in Africa (from 29 TIP convictions in 2004 resents several vital organizations in Chicago. tection, and prevention programs around the to 58 in 2005) and East Asia and Pacific na- There are fifteen Alliance members who work world. tions (from 348 TIP convictions in 2004 to in the heart of Chicago. Included in this group Earlier this year, New York Times columnist 2,347 in 2005). of advocates are: Casa Central; Centers for Nicholas D. Kristof praised the U.S. commit- Specifically, Ambassador Miller’s diplomatic New Horizons, Inc.; Chicago Children’s Advo- ment to abolishing modern-day slavery, noting: efforts helped persuade Japan to vastly re- cacy Center; Child Care Association of Illinois; [T]he heaviest lifting has been done by the duce the number of TIP-exploitable ‘‘entertain- Children’s Home and Aid Society of Illinois; State Department’s tiny office on traf- ment visas’’ Japan issued for young women ChildServ; Generations of Success; Jane Ad- ficking—for my money, one of the most ef- from the Philippines—to fewer than 5,000, fective units in the U.S. government. The of- dams Hull House; Jewish Child and Family from a high of 80,000 a year. In addition, Am- fice, led by a former Republican congress- bassador Miller has carefully honed the re- Services; Kids Hope United; Lawrence Hall man, John Miller . . . puts out an annual re- Youth Services; Methodist Youth Services, port that shames and bullies foreign govern- port’s system of tier rankings to cultivate glob- Inc.; Metropolitan Family Services; and Salva- ments into taking action against forced al anti-TIP efforts. This year, for example, Ma- tion Army Family Services. I am grateful for labor of all kinds. lawi rose from Tier 2 to Tier 1 on the TIP Re- each of them and all the wonderful work that The 2006 Trafficking in Persons Report is port, while Ecuador rose from Tier 3 to Tier 2. they do. Specifically I would like to recognize the most comprehensive worldwide report on Over the last 2 years, Ambassador Miller the Jane Addams Hull House, which recently the efforts of governments to combat severe helped enhance the U.S. government’s anti- received a $3 million dollar grant from the De- forms of trafficking in persons. Along with pre- trafficking efforts to include a greater focus partment of Education for its Early Reading vious editions, its findings have raised global against child sex tourism (CST), a crime in First program. This grant illustrates the out- awareness and compelled countries to take ef- which people travel from their own country to standing work that the three-hundred member fective actions to counter human trafficking. developing countries, such as Laos or Cam- organizations of the Alliance for Children and Under Ambassador Miller’s direction, the Re- bodia, looking for anonymity and the avail- Families do for our citizens. I recognize and port has steadily increased its country assess- ability of children in prostitution. Ambassador understand the importance of groups like the ment total each year—from 124 governments Miller’s leadership against CST has netted Jane Addams Hull House that provide impor- reviewed in 2003 to 158 countries assessed in success, as Time magazine recently ob- tant services to communities. I also want to the 2006 TIP Report. served: recognize the efforts of the numerous other or- During that time, Ambassador Miller also Those working to protect children in Cam- ganizations in the Seventh District of Illinois oversaw crucial refinements to the Report, ele- bodia agree that the police force has recently vating the annual compendium to a level of shown a far stronger commitment to tar- that are not members of the Alliance but who geting pedophiles. But it’s not just law and are committed to the betterment of child wel- sophistication rarely enjoyed by a publication order that is doing the trick. A new political fare and well-being. These organizations work of its kind: the Trafficking in Persons Report will to root them out is the result of diplo- hard to teach our children, advocate on behalf has become the gold standard on which gov- matic incentives and pressures, both the car- of families everywhere, and provide necessary ernments and the media are able to weigh rots of international donors and the stick of services to help strengthen communities. progress on the global effort to fight human the U.S. State Department, say child protec- As George Bernard Shaw once said, ‘‘Per- trafficking. tion workers. . . . But the stick came in 2005 haps the greatest social service that can be Annual release of the report has also gen- when the U.S. State Department, fed up with erated increasing media coverage, helping the impunity enjoyed by traffickers here, rendered by anybody to this country and to relegated Cambodia to it lowest tier three mankind is to bring up a family.’’ The Alliance raise global consciousness of the existence rating on its global trafficking report. Cam- for Children and Family and their three hun- and widespread problem of modern-day slav- bodia was lumped in with Burma, Cuba and dred members help families and communities ery. Release of the 2006 Report, for example, North Korea, and Washington threatened successfully achieve the greatest social serv- produced widespread coverage by national sanctions against Phnom Penh for its inabil- ice by providing the tools necessary to ensure and international print, broadcast, and Internet ity to comply with ‘minimum standards’ to healthy and stable communities. It is my great media, reaching, for the second year in a row, combat human trafficking and convict offi- honor to recognize National Family Week, the more than 400 million people across the cials involved. Alliance for Children and Families, and all that globe. Media coverage was particularly in- In part because of Ambassador Miller’s ef- they do to ensure the success of our nation’s tense in many of the Tier 3 and Tier 2 Watch forts, since 2003 over 30 American pedophiles children and families. List countries, such as Saudi Arabia and . have been extradited back to the U.S. and f Today, the TIP Report is the essential ref- sent to jail. erence for global benchmarks that challenge With Ambassador Miller’s prodding, the IN RECOGNITION OF AMBASSADOR all governments to join the 21st century aboli- United States last December became an offi- JOHN R. MILLER tionist movement. The annual Trafficking in cial party to the U.N. Protocol to Prevent, Sup- Persons Report serves as the primary diplo- press and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Es- HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY matic tool through which the U.S. Government pecially Women and Children, also known as OF NEW YORK encourages partnership and increased deter- the Palermo Protocol. The Trafficking in Per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mination in the fight against forced labor, sex- sons (TIP) Protocol, which supplements the ual exploitation, and modern-day slavery. U.N. Convention Against Transnational Orga- Wednesday, November 15, 2006 ‘‘In our judgment,’’ declared Dr. Mohamed nized Crime, is an important multilateral com- Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to Mattar, Executive Director of the Protection ponent of the worldwide effort to combat mod- honor the work of one of the leaders of the Project, ‘‘this report constitutes the primary ref- ern-day slavery. It seeks to prevent trafficking, modern-day abolitionist movement, Ambas- erence and main source of information on ef- protect victims, and promote anti-trafficking co- sador John R. Miller, who has announced he forts made by foreign governments to combat operation among nations. will step down as Director of the U.S. Depart- trafficking in persons.’’ As chairman of the interagency Senior Pol- ment of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Armed with the report, Ambassador Miller icy Operating Group, Ambassador Miller has Trafficking in Persons. has engaged with governments from Japan to improved coordination among U.S. agencies, He will be greatly missed. Jamaica, from Belize to Bangladesh, to bring helping to make the panel a decision-making As Ambassador Miller has often reminded about improved law enforcement, victim pro- body whose participants have furthered the us, trafficking in persons is modern-day slav- tection, and prevention of this odious crime. U.S. effort against trafficking in person both at ery. With that conviction, he has led his office, Worldwide, Ambassador Miller’s diplomatic home and abroad. For example, the Depart- and the whole of U.S. government, on a mis- leadership helped spur new or improved anti- ment of Justice (DOJ), in 2005 charged 116 sion to settle for nothing short of the abolition human trafficking legislation in 41 countries in individuals with human trafficking, almost dou- of this terrible international crime. 2005, along with the establishment of dozens bling the number charged in FY 2004. Ap- Under Ambassador Miller’s leadership, the of new survivor shelters. That effort paid huge proximately 80 percent of those defendants U.S. government has grown in its commit- dividends: anti-trafficking convictions world- were charged under the federal Trafficking ment—both at home and abroad—against wide increased from several hundred, before Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000. Forty- modern-day slavery. His work has helped Ambassador Miller arrived at the State Depart- five traffickers were convicted, of which 35

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:54 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.042 E15NOPT1 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS November 15, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2045 were implicated in sexual exploitation. As of On January 2, 2002, the Washington Times lice broke up a Christian religious festival May 22, 2006, the Department of Health and reported that India is supporting cross-bor- with gunfire. Recently, militant Hindus from Human Services (HHS) had certified 1,000 der terrorism in Sindh, a province of Paki- the Bharatiya Janata Yuva (a youth move- stan, the very same kind of thing that Prime ment affiliated with the BJP and the Fascist victims of human trafficking since the TVPA Minister Singh was claiming is victimizing RSS) attacked the Convent of Loreto and the was signed into law in October 2000. In FY India. In addition, India’s leading newsmaga- school there. A spokesman for the BJP, Mr. 2005, HHS certified 230 foreign victims of zine, India Today, reported that the Indan H. Dikshit, demanded an investigation of the human trafficking from a remarkably diverse government created the Liberation Tigers of school! array of countries. Tamil Eelam (LTTE), identified by the U.S. The murderers of 2,000 to 5,000 Muslims in On a personal note, during his tenure as Di- government as a terrorist organization, and Gujarat have never been brought to trial. An rector of the State Department’s Office to its leaders were put up by the Indian govern- Indian newspaper reported that the police were ordered not to get involved in that mas- Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, ment in the finest hotel in Delhi, How can you blame when India started sacre, a frightening parallel to the Delhi Ambassador John R. Miller has been a friend cross-border terrorism with its own actions? massacre of in 1984. The most impor- and colleague to those of us in Congress who The Indian government has committed ter- tant mosque in India, the Babri Mosque, was have taken a leadership role against modern- rorism against its own minorities. It has destroyed by militant Hindu fundamentalists day slavery. We wish him well in his future murdered over 250,000 Sikh infants, children, who have never been held responsible for work as a Professor of International Studies at youth, men, women, and elderly since 1984, their actions. George Washington University. as well as more than 300,000 Christians in It is good that you have admitted the guilt Nagaland, over 90,000 Mulims in Kashmir, of the Indian government for the Delhi mas- f tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims sacres, in which over 20,000 Sikhs were COUNCIL OF KHALISTAN HAS throughout the country, and tens of thou- killed, by apologizing for the massacres, but SUCCESSFUL CONVENTION sands of Assamese, Bodos, Dalits, Manipuris, what good does it do the Sikh Nation? Where Tamils, and other minorities. A report by are the apologies for the Golden Temple at- the Movement Against State Repression tack, the destruction of the Akal Takht, and HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS (MASR) states that 52,268 Sikhs are being the desecration of Darbar Sahib, and the OF NEW YORK held as political prisoners in India without other atrocities? Where is the compensation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES charge or trial, mostly under a repressive for the victims’ families? That operation was law known as the ‘‘Terrorist and Disruptive yet another act of Indian domestic ter- Wednesday, November 15, 2006 Activities Act’’ (TADA), which expired in rorism. Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, recently, Indian 1995. Many have been in illegal custody since The Guru granted sovereignty to the Sikh Prime Minister publicly stat- 1984! There has been no list published of Nation, saying ‘‘In Grieb Sikhin Ko Deon those who were acquitted under TADA and Patshahi.’’ We must remind ourselves of our ed that India is the victim of cross-border ter- those who are still rotting in Indian jails, heritage by raising slogans of ‘‘Khalistan ror. The Council of Khalistan under the leader- Tens of thousands of other minorities are Zindabad’’ and beginning a Shantmai ship of Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh wrote to also being held as political prisoners, accord- Morcha to liberate our homeland, Khalistan. Prime Minister Singh and reminded him that ing to Amnesty International. Tell the fami- Whoever is honest and dedicated in leading India has been sponsoring cross-border ter- lies of these innocent Sikhs and others that that Shantmai Morcha deserves our support. rorism in Sindh, a province of Pakistan, as the there is no terrorism in India. Every rooming and evening we recite, ‘‘Raj Washington Times reported on January 2, lndian police arrested human-rights activ- Kare Ga Khalsa.’’ Now is the time to act on ist Khalra after he exposed 2002 and that it created the Liberation Tigers it. Do we mean what we say every morning their policy of mass cremation of Sikhs, in and evening? of Tamil Eclam, which our government has which over 50,000 Sikhs have been arrested, The flame of freedom continues to burn identified as a terrorist organization, according tortured, and murdered, then their bodies blightly in the heart of the Sikh Nation. No to Indian Today, which is the leading news were declared unidentified and secretly cre- force can suppress it. Recently, Dal Khalsa magazine in India. mated. Khalra was murdered in police cus- and the Shiromani Khalsa Dal announced It has also sponsored domestic terrorism tody. His body was not given to his family. that they are uniting for sovereignty for against the minorities within its borders, in- No one has been brought to justice for the Khalistan. This was met with chants of cluding murdering a quarter of a million Sikhs kidnapping and murder of Jaswant Singh ‘‘Khalistan Zindabad.’’ The Punjab Legisla- Khalra. The only witness to the Khalra kid- tive Assembly proclaimed the sovereignty of and holding another 52,000 as political pris- napping, Rajiv Singh Randhawa, has been re- Punjab when it cancelled the water agree- oners; killing Muslims by the tens of thou- peatedly harassed by the police, including ments. Only by liberating Khalistan can we sands in Kashmir, where more than 90,000 having been arrested for trying to hand a put an end to the repression and terrorism have been killed, Gujarat, where between note to then British Home Secretary Jack against the Sikh Nation by the Indian re- 2,000 and 5,000 died in a massacre pre- Straw. Last year, 35 Sikhs were charged and gime. Now is the time to rededicate our- planned by the government, and elsewhere; arrested in Punjab for making speeches in selves to the liberation of Khalistan. killing Christians throughout the country, in- support of Khalistan and raising the Last year, Sikh farmers were expelled from cluding over 300,000 just in Nagaland; and Khalistani flag. How can making speeches Uttaranchal Pradesh and their land was and raising a flag be considered crimes in a seized. They were beaten up by the police. mass killing many other minorities. Yet India democratic society? Their homes were bulldozed by paratroopers. proclaims itself the victim of terrorism and pro- The police never released the body of Their homes in many cases were built using claims itself a democracy. Well, Mr. Speaker, former Jathedar of the Akal Talkht Gurdev their life savings and by their own hands. We it certainly doesn’t act that way. Singh Kaunke after SSP Swaran Singh condemn this act of state terrorism by the The repression and terrorism must be Ghotna murdered him, He has never been government of Uttaranchal Pradesh. As you stopped. We should end all aid and trade with tried for the Jathedar Kaunke murder. In know, Sikhs are prohibited from buying land India until such time as the repression ends 1994, the U.S. State Department reported in Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh. Now and people enjoy the most basic human that the Indian government had paid over Uttaranchal Pradesh joins that list. Yet 41,000 cash bounties for killing Sikhs. The there are no restrictions on land ownership rights, and we should throw our full support MASR report quotes the Punjab Civil Mag- in Punjab by non-Sikhs. People from any- behind self-determination in Punjab, Khalistan, istracy as writing ‘‘if we add up the figures where can buy land in Punjab, including peo- in Kashmir, in Nagalim, and wherever people of the last few years the number of innocent ple from Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh. are trying to be free. In addition, we should persons killed would run into lakhs [hun- India is trying to subvert Khalistan’s inde- designate India a terrorist state and impose dreds of thousands.]’’ The Indian Supreme pendence by overrunning Punjab with non- the sanctions that that designation brings. Court called the Indian government’s mur- Sikhs while keeping Sikhs from escaping the Mr. Speaker, I would like to insert the Coun- ders of Sikhs ‘‘worse than a genocide.’’ brutal repression in Punjab. It is incumbent Missionary Graham Staines was murdered on the Sikh diaspora to free Khalistan. We cil of Khalistan’s open letter into the RECORD. along with his two sons, ages 8 and 10, by a must redouble our efforts. That is the only It is a frightening record of Indian terrorism. mob of militant, fundamentalist Hindu na- way to keep these atrocities from continuing COUNCIL OF KHALISTAN, tionalists who set fire to the jeep, sur- and to protect the Sikh Nation and the Sikh Washington, DC, October 10, 2006. rounded it, and chanted ‘‘Victory to religion. OPEN LETTER TO INDIAN PRIME MINISTER Hannuman,’’ a Hindu god. Missionary Joseph The conspired with the Indian MANMOHAN SINGH: INDIA ISATERRORIST Cooper was beaten so badly that he had to government in 1984 to invade the Golden STATE, NOT A VICTIM spend a week in an Indian hospital. Then the Temple to murder Sant Bhindranwale and DEAR PRIME MINISTER SINGH: On October 4, Indian government threw him out of the 20,000 other Sikhs during June 1984 in Pun- you said that India is it victim of country. None of the people involved has jab. Among those who conspired with the crossborder terrorism. India is a terrorist been tried, The persons who have murdered government, according to Chakravyuh: Web state itself and should be subject to the pen- priests, raped nuns, and burned Christian of Indian Secularism, were Dr. Chohan, alties that are imposed on terrorist states. churches have not been charged or tried. Po- Ganga Singh Dhillon, and Didar Singh Bains

VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:54 Nov 16, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15NO8.045 E15NOPT1 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS