Shubert-Majestic TKSATRB

SHUBERT 'fflSATRfCAL CO. Lewee*. MESSRS. LEE and J. J. SHUBERT Manasins Directors EXECUTIVE STAFF Telephone. HANCOCK 8000 connecting all departments Edwin W. Fuller ...... General Msr. C. N. Griffin Mana&rer PACKING John W. Luce Gen. Press Representative We pack China, Bric-a-Brac, Silver- Hugo Lundfirren Treasurer ware, Books, Wedding Gifts and Geo. E. Curran .^...Master Mechanic Household Goods.

The telephone number of this theatre is MOVING 4520 HAHcock. Specialize in House to House and Long Distance Moving. Ticket Office open from 9 A.M. until 10 P.M. To arranire for SPECIAL THEATRE PAR- STORING the most Mod- TIES or BENEFIT PERFORMANCES at the Place at your disposal the Storage of Majestic. Shubert. Plymouth or Wilbur Thea- ern Warehouses for Goods, Pianos, etc. tres. kindly address E. W. Fuller. Shubert Household Theatre Buildinfir. 265 Tremont Street. Boston. SHIPPING Household Furniture and Office Equip- Tickets for this theatre can he ordered by ment shipped tc all parts of the telephone, or will be mail, t^earaph. and World. held 24 hours, except when ordered on the day of the performance for which they are Packing Department and Warehouse to be used when they will be held until 12 (noon) for matinees, and 6 P.M. for evenfnn. 3175 WASHINGTON STREET Boston, Mass. Tickets ordered by mail and paid for will be held until called for unless otherwise ordered. Main Office Mail orders will at all times receive prompt 46 BROMFIELD STREET attention if they contain certified check, postal Boston, Mass. or express order. Tf party desires tickets mailed, self-addressed return envelopes should accompany order, thus avoidinsr possibility of error. Special attention will at all times be HINCKLEY & WOODS iriven to out-of-town orders. Tickets will he selected as near the desired location as possible I N S U R A N C at the time the orders are received. 40 BR0ADST-„^^"^ liabil- A trained nurse is on duty at all per- ITY, AUTO- formances at the Shubert Theatres and her BOSTON^^?^ MOBILE. BUR- services are available for all patrons request- GLARY AND EVERY in cr same. DESCRIPTION OF INSUR- This theatre cannot assume any responsi- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. bility for injuries of any nature unless a re- BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1 868 port of same is immediately made to the Manaprement.

Not r#*«ponsihlp for persons! property unless So It’s Come To This! checked. Check room in Main Lobby. ^^Gus,” said Bill, as he caught up with him on the way back to Camp, Toadies’ RetlHnt? Rooms on left side of lower ^^are all and left side of first halconv, and also the rest of the boys out of nf second haleonv the woods yet?” ^‘Yes,” said Gus. Parties finding lost articles in any part of “All six of them?” the theatre will please leave them at the ticket office. The mana]?ement is not responsible for “Yes; all six of them.” lost articles, unless they are checked. “And they’re all safe?” “Yep,” answered Gus; “they’re all The management does not tolerate inatten- safe.” tion or lack of courtesy on the part of the »moloyees. Should either he manifested please “Then,” said Bill, his chest swell- notify (Jeneral Manaeer. Shubert Boston Thea- ing; “I’ve shot a deer.” tres. 266 Tremont Street. Boston.

Griffin-Smith. Inc., publishers of the Shubert, “Battle of the Sexes. With Sound.” Wilbur, Plymouth, Majestic, Copley. Colonial. —Advertisement. “From my own do- Tremont, Hollis Theatres and Boston Opera House programs. 260 Tremont Street, Metro- mestic experience, this offers no novel- politan Building. Telephone HANcock 0727. ty,” insists Bill Dee. Ediisoti s /amp a Success

CLThe incandescent electric lamp, developed by Edison in 1879, rev- olutionized theatre lighting the world over. Ct,In 1882 an Electrical Exposition was held at Munich, Germany. Here a small temporary theatre was erected and completely lighted by incandescent bulbs, so

that: theatrical managers might see the advantages of using electricity

in this new form. CL Its success was so n^arked that the Bijou Theatre, in Boston, and the Savoy Theatre,

in, Iix)ndon, installed elec-

’ tricity the same year.

ij of a series depicting the development of theqtreMghting





1—EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FAN. From Nikita Balieff's collection left in Russia. Scenery and costumes by A. Zinovieff. MMES. ALEXANDROVA, GUERMAN, KARABANOVA AND TARASSOVA.

2. LOVE WAXES . . . AND WANES. A Sketch by Bastia translated by Nichols. MME. DEYKARHANOVA and MESSRS. GORODETSKY and TAMIROFF

3. THE ROMANCE OF THE TOYS. At midnight the toys come to life and drama appears in their ranks. The shepherdess is in love with the soldier, but the latter becomes enamored of the modem doll with her fine clothes. Suddenly a bear appears and menaces the soldier. Through the power of her love the little shepherdess is able to kill the bear. When the soldier sees this, he returns to his shepherdess, and all the dolls dance in honor of trae love. Scenery and costumes by S. Sudeykin; Music by Charles Laurent. MMES. ALEXANDROVA, GUERMAN, KARABANOVA, TARASSOVA MESSRS. ROMOFF, TCHERNIAVSKY — by the way! is your name on our list for one of the new Borsalino felt hats?

we have just received part of our spring shipment from Italy and many are coming in for their Borsalinos

—not only is the quantity limited but it will take a long time to fill in sizes when these are gone.

a word to Borsalino wise men is sufficient !


4. RUSSIAN FOLK SONGS. Scenery and costumes by M. Dobuzhinsky; Music by A. Archangelsky. MMES. BIRSE, ERSHOVA. SAFONOVA. VALINA 5. THE BILLETING OF THE HUSSARS. The hussars come to a little town where, instead of sleeping, they make merry all night with the inhabitants of the house in which they are quartered. In the morning when the bugle sounds for the departure, the maidens all dissolve in despair. Scenery and costumes by M. Dobuzhinsky; Music by A. Archangelsky. MMES. BIRSE. DEYKARHANOVA, KARABANOVA, KOMISARJEVSKA, SAFONOVA, MESSRS. DALMATOFF, GORODETSKY, TAMIROFF. TCHERKASSKY, ZOTOFF 6. RUSSIAN FOLK RHYMES. Scenery and costumes by V. Remizoff. MME. SELINSKAYA; MESSRS. GELIKHOVSKY, VORONOFF 7. THE MIDNIGHT REVIEW. Napoleon and his marshals review a ghostly array of the troops of all his great battles. Napoleon gives the watchword of his career—“,** and the password—“St. Helena.** This ballad by Zhukovsky, famous Russian poet and the proprietor of Pushkin, sung

The Steinway. Steinert and Jewett pianos and the Victrolas used in this theatre exclusively are from M. Steinert & Sons, Steinert Hall. 162 Boylston Street, Boston.

CHAUVE SOURIS Russian Rushing? Ample stocks make hurry-up outfitting so easy. What you want when you want it. Rogers Peet Company formerly Macullar Parker Company 'Vremont Street at Bromfield

Date Theatre Star ....

Also Impression

In the party were Feeling that a collection of Rogers Peet cartoons might make an interesting record of plays seen, we shall he glad to provide a little album for these clippings. Write to or call at our store. Changed name and left clerlcsliip with East India merchants for stage. Once placed Hamlet two hundred consecutive nights. In 1878 opened '^Lyceum^^ under own management. Several visits to America; first actor ever hnighted; famous for versatility of roles; huried in Ji^est- minster Ahhey. The actor’s name will he found on the last page.

Colony announces a novel series ol Xneatre pro- gram advertisements — tke ^ twenty greatest actors and

actresses. As eack one of tkese appears^ try to guess tke identity ol tke ckaracter ckosen.

\\^atck tkis wortkwkile series — see kow closely our list of celekrities may compare witk one of your own.

Old Colony Trust Company for a hundred years in Russia to music by Glinka, is known in America only through the voice of Fyodor Chaliapin. In dramatizing it for the first time, Mr. Balieff has enlisted the ardent imagination of Napoleon’s compatriot, the celebrated modernist painter. Paul Colin. Scenery and costumes by Paul Colin; Music by Glinka, arranged by A. Archangelsky. MMES, BIRSE, ERSHOVA. SAFONOVA, VALINA MESSRS. AVREY, DEDOVITCH, GAIRABETOFF, GREBENETSKY. TCHERKASSKY. TSVETAEFF, VORONOFF, ZOTOFF 8. THE KNIFE GRINDER. The knife grinder reviews in succession all the suitors for his daughter’s hand. The refrain of this popular song is sung all over France. Scenery and costumes by Mme. Vera Shoukhaieff. MME. KOMISARJEVSKA 10.MESSRS. AVREY, DALMATOFF, GORODETSKY, TAMIROFF, TCHERNIAVSKY, ZOTOFF 9. IN A LITTLE FRENCH CAFE—Song. Lyric by Mitchell Parish; Music by Sammy Fain. MME. BIRSE BOUBLITCHKI. Music by A. Archangelsky. A scene from Soviet life, reviewing the character types to be met on the streets of today—members of the Tcheka, ice cream sellers, doughnut sellers, flappers, orphans, police- men, Red Army soldiers, sailors from the Red Fleet, Ncpmen, aristocrats down at the heels, peasants and peddlers. MMES. ALEXANDROVA, BIRSE. DEYKARH ANOVA, ERSHOVA, GUERMAN, KARABANOVA, KOMISSARJEVSKA, SAFONOVA, SELINSKAYA, TARASSOVA, VALINA MESSRS. AVREY, GAIRABETOFF, GELIKHOVSKY, GORODETSKY, GREBENETSKY, DEDOVITCH, MOSTOVOY, ROMOJ F, TCHERKASSKY, TCHERNIAVSKY. TSVETAIEFF, VORONOFF, ZOTOFF

-THE TALKING^ IHCTURES of 1929” Scenario by Will Rogers, Ring Lardner, Marc Connelly and Irving Caesar Designed and Painted by Carl Link Portrail Caricatures by Ralph Barton and Carl Link Conceived and Staged by MORRIS GEST With the Following Cast

The new JEWETT grand

A piano of a size to fit the Smaller Home at a price to suit the average income $825 Sold on easy terms Fully, guaranteed

M- STEfiSlERT & SONS Co eat a chocolate, light an ice coughing during the

I act Old Golds will he bd during Intermission!”

Don’t crowd, friends, this offer hasn’t been made yet. But if I ever

own a theatre of my own, it may be made.

And that’s because it’s the only humanitarian thing to do in behalf of actors and audience alike. Such an offer would shine like ^a good deed in a naughty world.’ For people come to the theatre for fun

, . . . and coughing isn’t funny.

"^^It is my opinion that the best way to remove throat tickle is not to

have it at all. Which means confining all smoking to OLD GOLDS. I

smoke them myself, and I fully believe that there is not, and there never has been, a cough in a carload.”

Why not a cough in a carload?

OLD GOLD cigarettes are blended from heart-leaf tobacco, the finest Nature grows

. . . Selected for silkiness and ripeness from the heart of the tobacco plant ... Aged and mellowed extra long in a temperature of mid-July sunshine to insure that honey-like smoothness.

On Your Radio . . . OLD GOLD-PAUL WHITEMAN HOUR . . . Paul Whiteman, King of Jazz, with his complete orchestra, broadcasts the OLD GOLD hour every Tuesday, from 9 to 10 P. M., 0 Eastern Standard Time, over the entire network of the Columbia Broadcasting System.

• Id Gold, and enjoy both!

© P. Lorillard Co.. Est. 1760' .



Do You Elay Bridge? i he'd Clip This Coupon . . (9 The Union Tobacco Company.' The Union Tobacco Co. Bridge Expert: ^^What are your 511 Fifth Avenue,

Gentlemen : — I am a bridge player, and would like conventions, Miss Marden?^^ to have your Melachrino- Bridge offer of 60 Mela- chrino Cigarettes — Cork tip. Straw tip and Plain ends — a score-pad with the official rules ofcontract bridge Miss Marden: The same as yours and two packs of Congress Cards {free ofany advertis- ing) bearing my monogram—$4.75 value, obtainable — Melachrinos and play to for $2.50with this coupon, to introduceMelachrinos. win I” Initials Name WHEN ORDINARY CIGARETTES WONT DO—SMOKE MELACHRINOS Address City State.

B.P. 3-11-29 Leaving No Rings Spots Disappear . . wooJs and other materials Coffee, SvTup, Cream, Grease, etc., on silks, cleansing powder are instantly erased by this white like new It will make your felt hat look Annette^s Perfect Cleanser Leaves No Rings” “Ptosltively 50c Stores Sold at all leading Department and Drug St., BOSTON ANNETTE’S PERFECT CLE^®R*CO., 99 Chauncy

F. P. Adams, Frances Alda, John Anderson, J. Brooks Atkinson, Fay Bainter, Phil Baker, Nikita Bailiefif, Vilma Banky, Ralph Barton, , John Barrymore, David Belasco, Robert C. Benchley, Irving Berlin, Anthony Biddle, Jr., Paul Block, Arthur Bodansky, Lucrezia Bori, Herbert Brenon, Christian Brinton, Arthur Brisbane, Heywood Broun, Billie Burke, Nicholas Murray Butler, Irving Caesar, Eddie Cantor, Walter Catlett, Charles Spencer Chaplin, Fyodor Chaliapin, Edna Wool- man Chase, Ina Claire, George M. Cohan, Ronald Coleman, Robert Bruce Coleman, F. Ray Comstock, Marc Connelly, Katharine Cornell, Jane Cowl, Frank Crowninshield, Walter Damrosch, Gerhard M. Dahl, Nemirovich-Dantchenko, Dolores Del Rio, Ruth Draper, Bide Dudley, Leon Errol, St. John Ervine, Douglas Fairbanks, Geraldine Farrar, Lynn Fontanne, Gilbert W. Gabriel, Giulio Gatti-Casazza, Robert Garland, Mary Garden, Norman-Bel Geddes, , Morris Gest, Reina Belasco Gest, Charles Dana Gibson, Beniamino Gigli, Lillian Gish, David W. Griffith, William Guard, Percy Hammond, Jed Harris, Jascha Heifetz, Norman Hapgood, Raymond Hitchcock, Josef Hoffman, Herbert Hoover, Fannie Hurst, Mrs. William Randolph Hearst, William Randolph Hearst, Elsie Janis, Maria Jeritza, Robert Edmond Jones, A1 Jolson, Otto H. Kahn, George S. Kaufman, Karl K. Kitchen, Ring Lardner, Jesse L. Lasky, Ludwig Lewisohn, Robert Littell, Carl Link, Richard Lockridge, Ray Long, Anita Loos, Pauline L4)rd, Alfred Lunt, John McCormack, O. O. McIntyre, Neysa McMein, Lady Diana Manners, Burns Mantle, Elisabeth Marbury, Lester Markel, Don Marquis, Leo Marsh, Quinn Martin, Giovanni Martinelli, Willem Mengelberg, Paul Meyer, Marilyn Miller, Grace Moore, George Jean Nathan, Conde Nast, Adolph S. Ochs, Eugene O’Neill, E. W. Osborn, Mary Pickford,


Wednesday Night — Theatrical Night Thursday Night — Surprise Night Friday Night—Balloon Night

JIMMIE GALLAGHER DINE DANCE CABARET Feature Acts Direct from Broadway, New York JIMMIE GALLAGHER and his Foremost Broadcasting Orchestra

Tel. KENmore 0170 :: :: NO COVER CHARGE VISIT THE NEW YEN HO Chinese Night Club Originally of Nanhin, China

245 TREMONT STREET (Opposite Wilbur Theatre)

Special Luncheon, 50c . . 11 a. m. to 2.30 p. m.

Full Course Dinner, $1.00 . . 5 p. m. to 8 p. m.

Sunday, Table d’Hote, $1.25 . . 12 noon to 9 p. m.

Three Big Revues Daily 12.30 p. m., 7 and 11 p. m.

Dancing 12 to 2 . 5.30 p. m. to 1 a. m.


Rosamand Pinchol, Arthur Pollock, Ralph Pulitzer, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Stephen Rathbun, Max Reinhardt, Harry Richman, Will Rogers, Theodore Roosevelt, Harold Ross, Samuel Rothafel, John Rumsey, Oliver M. Sayler, Joseph Schenck, Nicholas Schenck, Antonio Scotti, Edgar Selwyn, Robert E. Sherwood, J. J. Shubert, Lee Shubert, Constantin Stanislavsky, Leopold Stokowski, Fred Stone, Gloria Swanson, Herbert Bayard Swope, Constance Talmadge, Norma Talmadge, Charles Hanson Towne, Lenore Ulric, Louis Untermeyer, Joseph Urban, Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt, Carl Van Vechten, Armand Vecszy, Lupe Velez, Mayor James J. Walker, Grover Whalen, George White, Walter Winchell, Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, Alexander Woollcott, Ed Wynn, Florenz Ziegfeld, Edward Ziegler, Adolph Z^ikor, Released by United Artists Cooperation.

12 THE CELEBRATED POPOFFS PORCELAINS. Scenery and costumes by S. Tchekhonin; Music by P. Tchaikovsky. MMES. ALEXANDROVA, GUERMAN, KARABANOVA, MESSRS. ROMOFF, TCHERNIAVSKY 13 A PAIR OF BAY HORSES. Gipsy Song MMES. BIRSE, ERSHOVA; M. DAVIDOFF 14 THE DOORMAN AT MAXIM’S. Scenery and costumes by R. Dobujhinsky; Music by M. Spoliansky; Lyrics by Mme. Guillome. M. DALMATOFF 15 LES AMOURS DE JEAN-PIERRE. This is a parody of an operatic production given sixty years ago at the Gaite Lyrique in , with an exact copy of the setting and the costumes. At a celebration of the country- side, Jean-Pierre is absent because, to his despair, the local farmer insists upon giving his daughter to the Duke instead of to him. The daughter herself is in love with Jean-Pierre, and the latter’s mother puts a curse on everybody because of the slight to her son. But a messenger announces the death of the Duke and all ends happily for all. Scenery and costumes by Mile. Genny Carre; Music by M. Betove. MMES. ALEXANDROVA, BIRSE, DEYKARHANOVA, ERSHOVA, KARABANOVA, KOMISARJEVSKA, SAFONOVA, SELINSKAYA, TARASSOVA, VALINA. MESSRS. AVREY, DALMATOFF, GELIKHOVSKY, GORODETSKY, GREBENETSKY, MOSTOVOY, TCHERKASSKY, TCHERNIAVSKY, VORONOFF, ZOTOFF 16 FRAGMENT OF AN ETRUSCAN VASE. A Dance Tableau.

Scenery and costumes bv G. Annyenkoff ; Music by C. Debussy. MMES. ALEXANDROVA, GUERMAN; MESSRS. ROMOFF, TCHERNIAVSKY. 17 THE RUSSIAN COSSACKS. An old Russian Print. Scenery and costumes by M. Dobushinsky; Music by A. Archangelsky. MMES. BIRSE, ERSHOVA, SAFONOVA, VALINA MESSRS. DEDOVITCH, GREBENETSKY, ROMOFF, TCHERKASSKY, VORONOFF, ZOTOFF. 18 THE ORGAN GRINDER. Scenery by V. Popoff. MME. SELINSKAYA, MESSRS. GELIKHOVSKY, GORODETSKY 19 YOU OUGHT TO HEAR OLAF LAUGH. A Dutch Song. Written by two American writers: L. Wolfe Gilbert and Abel Baer; Scenery by Herman Rosse; Costumes by Mile. Genny Carre. MMES. ALEXANDROVA, BIRSE, DEYKARHANOVA, ERSHOVA, KARABANOVA, KOMISSARJEVSKA, SAFONOVA, TARASSOVA, VALINA MESSRS. AVREY, DALMATOFF, DEDOVITCH, GAIRABETOFF, GREBENETSKY, GELIKHOVSKY, TCHERKASSKY, TCHERNIAVSKY, ZOTOFF, TSVETAEFF. The Scenes Invented and Devised by NIKITA BALIEFF. The Music Arranged by Alexei Archangelsky. The costumes executed by Maison Landolf, Pascaud, Weld.y, Granie and Karinsky, Paris. The scenery executed in H. Cillardis and Lavignak and Pelgey’s studios in Paris. The wigs executed by Maison Pontet-Bondon (L. Vivant, successeur), Paris. THE MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE THE NUMBERS OR THE ORDER OF THE NUMBERS


Director and Stage-Autocrat Mr. Nikita Balieflf

Composer of the Chauve-Souris. . . Mr. Alexei Archangelsky Chef d’Orchestre Mr. S. Kogan Maitre de Choreographic Mr. G. Bulanchin General Manager Mr. C. Primak Stage Manager M. B. Trigorino Manager for MR. MORRIS GEST. Lawrence J. Anhalt Press Representative E. C. Edson Where Experience Counts

Dresses of the newly popular “TRANSPARENT VELVET” should be entrusted only to a Dry Cleaner in whose skill and advice you can place full confidence

Evening dresses returned in two or three days time when needed

There is a difference in dry cleansing just as there is a difference in anything you buy

Daily Collection and Delivery in Your Neighborhood LEWANDOS 46 Temple Place 284 Boylston Street 29 State Street 1 Galen Street Watertown

Telephones MID dlesex 5700 BACk Bay 3900 !


For all your Fanking needs

A. friendly and experienced institution

Offices tliat conveniently cover all of Boston

A W^omen’s Department . . . also a recently opened office at tlie new Ffortli iStation

The actor referred to on previous page was Sm HENRY IRVING

Old Colony Trust Company

It's toasted

I 1928 The American Tobacco Co., Manufacturers