How About Never Is Never Good for You?

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How About Never Is Never Good for You? Henry Holt and Company, LLC Publishers since 1866 175 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10010 www .henryholt .com Henry Holt® and ® are registered trademarks of Henry Holt and Company, LLC. Copyright © 2014 by Bob Mankoff All rights reserved. Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Mankoff , Robert. How about never— is never good for you? : my life in cartoons / Bob Mankoff . — First edition. pages cm ISBN 978- 0- 8050- 9590- 6 (hardback)—ISBN 978- 0- 8050- 9591- 3 (electronic book) 1. Mankoff , Robert. 2. Cartoonists— United States— Biography. 3. Periodical editors— United States— Biography. 4. New Yorker (New York, N.Y. : 1925) I. Title. NC1429.M358A2 2014 741.5′6973—dc23 [B] 2013021129 Henry Holt books are available for special promotions and premiums. For details contact: Director, Special Markets. First Edition 2014 Designed by Toshiya Masuda Printed in the United States of America 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 020-55629_ch00_7P.indd vi 1/23/14 6:11 AM Dedicated to everyone who has ever done a cartoon for Th e New Yorker Charles Addams, John Agee, Alain, Constantin Alajalov, Edward H. Allison, Gideon Amichay, C. W. An- derson, Geroge Annand, Robb Armstrong, Ed Arno, Peter Arno, Andrea Arroyo, Jose Arroyo, Jose Aruego, Niculae Asciu, Van Ass, T. K. Atherton, Aaron Bacall, Tom Bachtell, Peggy Bacon, Howard Baer, Bruce Bairnsfather, Ernest Hamlin Baker, Cyrus Baldridge, Perry Barlow, Bob Barnes, H. Barnes, Charles Bar- sotti, Donna Barstow, Ralph Barton, H. M. Bateman, Ross Bateup, Roland Baum, Glen Baxter, Ben Hur Baz, Alex Beam, Kate Beaton, Frank Beaven, Ludwig Bemelmans, Nora Benjamin, Bill Berg, Erik Berg- strom, Mike Berry, François Berthoud, Daniel Beyer, Michael Biddle, Reginald Birch, Kenneth Bird, Abe Birnbaum, Mahlon Blaine, Harry Bliss, Barry Blitt, A. Bloomberg, Victor Bobritsky, W. Bohanan, Ruben Bolling, Simon Bond, George Booth, David Borchart, Douglas Borgstedt, Irv. Breger, Herb Breneman, Wayne Bressler, Steve Brodner, Buck Brown, Chris Browne, M. K. Brown, Johan Bull, Gilbert Bundy, R. Van Buren, Loy Byrnes, Pat Byrnes, J. O. Cain, John Caldwell, E. Simms Campbell, Jerry Capa, D. T. Carlisle, Joe Carroll, H. H. Caviedes, Robert Censoni, Oscar Cesare, Tom Chalkley, P. Chapman, H. M. Charleton, Roz Chast, Tom Cheney, David Christianson, Robert Churchill, Richard Cline, Roger Clouse, Sam Cobean, Llyod Coe, Jonny Cohen, Mr. Colby, Nate Collier, Raul Colon, Russell Connor, J. S. Cook, John Corcoran, Jon Cornin, Frank Cotham, Miguel Covarrubias, Dave Coverly, Joseph Cowan, A. Cramer, Michael Craw- ford, Aline Kominsky- Crumb Robert Crumb, Leo Cullum, Andrej Czeczot, Gregory D’Alessio, D’Egville, C. Covert Darbyshire, Whitney Darrow Jr., Joe Dator, James Daugherty, Sal Davenport, Raymond David- son, Baron Davis, Chon Day, Robert Day, Abner Dean, Richard Decker, Eldon Dedini, Paul Degen, Adolf Dehn, William de la Torre, Harold Denison, Victor de Pauw, Rodney de Sarro, Andre de Schaub, Drew Dernavich, Matthew Diff ee, Rachel Domm, Liza Donnelly, John Donohue, Leonard Dove, Nick Downes, Eric Drooker, Boris Drucker, John Drummond, Steve Duenes, J. C. Duff y, Gerald Dumas, Alan Dunn, Roger Duvoisin, Caroline Dworin, William Dwyer, E. K. Easton, Bob Eckstein, Isaac Littlejohn Eddy, K. R. Edwards, E. J. Ellison, John Elmore, W. J. Enright, Benita Epstein, Carl Eric Ericson, Alden Erikson, Rob Esmay, Jaro Fabry, Graham Falk, Joseph Fannel, Joseph Farris, Nancy Fay, Jules Feiff er, Rich Feldmann, Alan Ferguson, Michael Ffolkes, Liana Finck, Ed Fisher, Emily Flake, Floherty Jr., Douglas Florian, Corey Ford, Evan Forsch, Alan Foster, Dana Fradon, Anthony Fraioli, Arnoldo Franchioni, Andre Francois, Ed - ward Frascino, Ian Frazier, Margaret Freeman, Alberto Fremura, Drew Friedman, K. Friedrick, Alfred Frueh, Tom Funk , Roger Furse, J. H. Fyfe, William Crawford Galbraith, D. W. Gale, Felipe Galindo, Rob- ert Gallivan, P. G. Garetto, Eli Garson, M. Gauerke, Arthur Geisert, Th urston Gentry, Mort Gerberg, Ar - thur Getz, Mary Gibson, Mimi Gnolì, Herbert Goldberg, Walter Goldstein, Douglas Gordon, Edward Gorey, Bud Grace, Martha Gradisher, A. S. Graham, Edward Graham, Greasley, Gerald Green, William Green, Alex Gregory, William Gropper, Milton Gross, Robert Grossman, John Groth, Tom Hachtman, William Haefeli, Harry W. Haenigsen, Kaamran Hafeez, William Hamilton, Malcom Hancock, J. B. Handelsman, Frank Hanely, Charlie Hankin, Sidney Harris, Alice Harvey, William Heaslip, Piet Hein, W. E. Heitland, John Held Jr., O. Herford, Justin Herman, Don Herold, Leo Hershfi eld, Eric Hilgerdt, Ned Hilton, Trevor Hoey, Sydney Hoff , H. O. Hofman, Helen E. Hokinson, Tom Holloway, Bernard Hollowood, Pete Holmes, Ellison Hoover, Marshall Hopkins, Oscar Howard, E. F. Hubbard, Albert Hubbell, D. Huff - ine, Stan Hunt, Phil Hustis, Amy Hwang, E. F. Hynes, Benoît van Innis, Rea Irvin, David Jacobson, Louis Jamme, Sewell Johnson, John Jonik, Maira Kalman, Kamagurka, John Kane, Zachary Kanin, Bruce Eric Kaplan, Paul Karasik, Nurit Karlin, Farley Katz, Al Kaufman, Jeff Kaufman, John Kaunus, Jeff Keate, Yann Kebbi, Robert Keith, Eldon Kelley, Jim Kelly, T. E. Kennedy, Gilbert Kerlin, John Kerschbaum, Hank Ket- chum, Ted Key, Ham Khan, Roch King, David L. Kingman, Rollin Kirby, James E. Kirchman, Tom Kleh, I. Klein, B. Kliban, John Klossner, Clayton Knight, H. H. Knight, Bob Knox, Leo Kober, Edward Koren, Anatol Kovarsky, Fernando Krahn, Krakusin, Robert Kraus, John Kreuttner, Ken Krimstein, Peter Kuper, Ralph Lane, David Langdon, Lapcheck, Carol Lay, John Leavitt, Frederico LeBrun, Bill Lee, Stuart Leeds, Alfred Leete, Robert Leighton, Glen LeLievre, Robert Lennen, Monroe Leung, Arnie Levin, David Levine, Eric Lewis, Glen Le Lievre, Peter Lippman, Hendrik W. Van Loon, Lee Lorenz, Robert Love, Cliff C. Lozell, Mike Luckovich, Fred Lundy, Roberta Macdonald, A. Edwin Macon, Steve Macone, Gus Mager, Kenneth Mahood, Henry Major, Hancock Malcom, Christina Malman, Robert Malone, Robert Mankoff , Marisa Acocella Marchetto, Jerry Marcus, Jack Markow, Reginald Marsh, Huguette Martel, Charles E. Martin, Michael Maslin, R. J. Matson, Rip Matteson, Doris Matthews, Bill Mauldin, Ernest Maxwell, Bruce McCall, Richard McCallister, Ann McCarthy, F. McIntosh, William McIntyre, Dorothy McKay, Donald 020-55629_ch00_7P.indd vii 1/23/14 6:11 AM McKee, E. McNerney, Taggart C. McVicker, Sam Means, Jack Medoff , Roland Michaud, Mario Micossi, Eugène Mihaesco, Warren Miller, John Milligan, Robert Minter, Joseph Mirachi, Julian de Miskey, Frank Modell, Ariel Molvig, Guy Montone, Wallace Morgan, Jack Moscowitz , Robert Muccio, Peter Mueller, James Mulligan, Lou Myers, Merle Nacht, Ruth Nash, Fred Neher, Ralph Newman, Louis Nitka, Ed Nofziger, Alphonse Normandia, John Norment, Paul Noth, William O’Brian, John O’Brien, Mark O’Donnell, C. E. O’Glass, Sean O’Neill, Richard Oldden, George Olden, Pat Oliphant, Everett Opie, Rob- ert Orr Palmer, Kathy Osborn, Corey Pandolph, Gary Panter, Robert Paplow, W. B. Park, Virgil F. Partch, David Pascal, Jason Patterson, Victor De Pauw, Ralph E. Pearson, Augustus Peck, Ralph Pekor, M. K. Perker, C. F. Peters, Bruce Petty, Mary Petty, Rini Piccolo, Ethel Plummer, Jason Polan, Peter Porges, George Price, Garrett Price, John M. Price, Louis Priscilla, Lee Purcell, Pusey, Radford, Michael Rae- Grant, Gard- ner Rea, Lillian Reed, John Reehill, Paul Reilly, Harry Rein, Doug Reina, John Reynolds, Gaspano Ricca, Emily Richards, Mischa Richter, William Von Riegen, Donald Reilly, George Riemann, J. P. Rini, Robert Risko, Riveron, Cliff Roberts, Victoria Roberts, Boardman Robinson, W. Heath Robinson, Charles Ro- drigues, Dean Rohrer, Stephen Ronay, Carl Rose, Al Ross, Herb Roth, John Ruge, Douglas Ryan, William Sakren, Rodney de Sarro, Charles Sauers, Jennifer Saura, Brian Savage, Charles Saxon, August J. Schallack, Schaub, Jim Schmalzried, Walter Schmidt, Howard Schneider, Bernard Schoenbaum, Adolf Schus, Benja- min Schwartz, William Scully, Ronald Searle, J. J. Sempe, Neil Sessa, Seth, Burr Shafer, Danny Shanahan, George V. Shanks, Michael Shaw, George Shellhase, Barbara Shermund, Vahan Shirvanian, E. L. Shoe- maker, Bud Van Sickle, Dink Siegel, L. H. Siggs, R. Sikoryak, Andrew Singer, David Sipress, Stephanie Skalisky, Barbara Smaller, Francis Smilby, Claude Smith, F. E. Smith, J. K. Smith, Henry Holmes Smith, Ton Smits, Karen Sneider, David Snell, Otto Soglow, Aaron Sopher, Edward Sorel, Leo Soretsky, M. Van Sort, Art Spiegelman, Mark Alan Stamaty, J. Stanley, Leslie Starke, Kemp Starrett, Edward Steed, William Steig, Henry Anton Steig, David Stein, Avi Steinberg, Saul Steinberg, Peter Steiner, Hans Stengel, Mick Stevens, James Stevenson, Jack Stockwell, Storm, Susanne Suba, Ed Subitsky, A. M. Suggs, Julia Suits, Ward Sutton, Anthony Taber, Richard Taylor, Eric Teitelbaum, R. Th ayer, Mark Th ompson, C. Th rockmorton, James Th urber, Tidden, Jack Tippet, Barney Tobey, Tom Tomorrow, Tom Toro, William de la Torre, Tousey, Irwin Touster, M. Towle, S. Trachtenberg, W. P. Trent, Larry Trepel, Charles Tudor, Buford Tune, Mike Twohy, Ed Umansky, Eben A. Valentine, R. Van Buren, Hendrik Van Loon, Bud Van Sickle, M. Van Sort, P. C. Vey, Dean Vietor, S. Wade, T. Waldeyer, John S. P. Walker, Liam Walsh, Dearing Ward, Eric Monroe Ward, Kim Warp, Noel Watson, Arthur Watts, Steve Way, Paul Webb, Robert Weber, Philippe Weisbecker, Andrew Weldon, Christopher Weyant, Shannon Wheeler, Wiggins, A. F. Wiles, Fred Wilkinson, Gilbert Wilkinson, Gluyas Williams, Herb Williams, Wilton Williams, George Wilson, Bernie Wiseman, Horace Woff ord, W. Wolfson, Lawson Wood,
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