House of Mansur
The HOUSE OF MANSUR PUBLISHED BY 0 MARY REBECCA ELLIS ILLUSTRATED "Money can do much, but cannot buy an Ancestry" 9 PRINTERS THE HUGH STEPHENS PRESS SEPTEMBER, 1926 ]EFFERSON, CITY Mo. COPYRIGHT 1926 BY MARY REBECCA ELLIS Tms VoLUME Is DEDICATED To THE MEMORY OF CHARLES HARLEY MANSUR JOHN H. MANSUR DR. ELLA MANSUR FOWLE WHO HAVE ALL ENTERED INTO REST And ADELLA MARY FOWLE CHARLES HARLEY MANSUR, M. C. 1835 - 1895 THE AMERICAN HERITAGE "Having already observed that the history of a nation is the history of the men who compose the nation, and not of their dwelling-place, and that it is, therefore, a record of what the men were and of what they did, let us consider what this includes. It includes, primarily, their character; that is to say, the dis tinctive quality of their habits, of feeling, thinking and acting, and secondarily, the institutions, social and political, in which those habits found expression. Institutions, when solidified by long practice, came to be, because respected and valued, a permanent factor in moulding and developing character itself. In its earliest form the American stock was the small branch of a large race dwelling in the North Temperate Zone, possessing already, in its old home on the European continent, certain dis tinctive gifts and qualities unlike those of the neighboring racial stocks, Celtic, Slavonic and Italic,, and having also institutions, though still in a rudimentary stage. Julius Caesar and Tacitus tell us that there were in the Germanic tribes kings honored for their lineage, war-leaders chosen for their bravery, and popular assemblies, in which the more important decisions were taken.
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