
What it takes to measure with fast radio bursts

Stefan Heimersheim1, Nina Sartorio1, Anastasia Fialkov1,2, and Duncan R. Lorimer3,4

1Institute of , University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK 2Kavli Institute for , Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK 3West Virginia University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, P. O. Box 6315, Morgantown, WV, USA 4Center for Gravitational Waves and Cosmology, West Virginia University, Chestnut Ridge Research Building, Morgantown, WV, USA

August 2, 2021

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are extra-galactic radio transients pearing just a few tens of million years after the which, owing to the observed dispersion of the signal, can [23]. On the other hand, observations of high- be used as cosmological probes. In this Letter we use high find evolved and luminous objects including a bright at redshift FRBs to constrain the history of reioniza- 푧 ∼ 11 detected by the [HST, 24] and tion and measure the reionization optical depth 휏. For the a metal-rich galaxy at 푧 ∼ 9.1 observed by the Atacama Large first time, we do so in a model-independent way by using a Millimeter/submillimeter Array, HST and Spitzer whose exis- free-form parameterization of the reionization history. In tence requires formation to begin at 푧 & 15 [25]. Therefore, a Bayesian analysis we find that 100 localized FRBs, pro- if the correlation between SFR and the number of FRBs holds duced during the first billion years of cosmic history (red- for the entirety of cosmic history, it is possible that sensitive shifts 푧 > 5), are required to surpass the measurement by telescopes such as the future (SKA) the satellite, constraining 휏 to an accuracy of 11% will see a multitude of FRBs originating from high redshift (at 68% confidence) and the midpoint of reionization to 6%, galaxies [e.g., 26, 27]. while 1000 FRBs would further tighten these constraints to The exact expected number of high redshift FRBs is uncer- 9% and 3% accuracy respectively. tain as both the FRB luminosity function and the of FRB progenitors are poorly understood and might change as stellar Introduction A new type of radio transient signals, called populations evolve. The recent detection of a Galactic FRB Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), is one of the unsolved mysteries in 200428 associated with magnetar SGR 1935+2154 [4, 28] sug- astronomy. The quest for understanding their origins is ongoing, gests that at least some FRBs are related to highly magnetized and, since the discovery of the very first FRB in 2007 [1], a few neutron . However, the ambiguity remains as there are hundreds such signals have been detected by the most sensitive multiple channels through which a magnetar could give rise to radio telescopes [2–5]. an FRB [29–34]. Moreover, magnetar formation itself is still an These signals are significantly dispersed by the ionized open question [35, 36] and it is yet unknown how the abundance medium distributed along the path between the sources and the of magnetars changes in the course of cosmic history. One pos- observer. Since the observed dispersion, quantified in terms of sibility is that magnetars [37–42], or even FRBs themselves [38, dispersion measure (DM), is much larger than the contribution 43–47], result from stellar mergers. In this case the expected of our local environment, it is now known that the overwhelm- number of high-redshift FRBs would strongly depend on the ing majority of FRBs are of extra-Galactic origin. For the bulk highly uncertain initial mass function of the first generations of of the detected FRBs the large fraction of DM is due to the free stars [48–52]. electrons found in the intergalactic medium [IGM,6,7], with From the observational point of view, detecting high red- a lesser contribution from the FRB host environment and the shift FRBs beyond the current limit of 푧 ∼ 3 requires both, . Dependence of DM on the cosmological redshift, sufficient telescope sensitivity and a capability to detect highly 푧, of the FRB hosts may shed on properties of the IGM dispersed events. Some of the existing telescopes already have arXiv:2107.14242v1 [astro-ph.CO] 29 Jul 2021 [8–10] and can be used to measure cosmological parameters [5, these specifications, including the Five-hundred-meter Aper- 10–19]. For instance, using a sample of observed low-redshift ture Telescope (FAST) which could detect the brightest FRBs ∼ FRBs (푧 . 0.66), Macquart et al. [10] demonstrated that these up to 푧 10 [53]. The Green Bank Telescope (GBT) can detect signals are sensitive to the total fraction along the line FRBs at similar carrying out a high-sensitivity search of sight and, thus, can help solving the using the GREENBURST experiment [54]. (Although on their by counting the total number of in the IGM. own these telescopes will not be able to localize FRBs.) Next Existing data imply that the number of FRBs traces the star generation telescopes such as SKA will be able to detect mul- formation rate [SFR, 20, 21], suggesting that a population of tiple FRBs per day originating at high redshifts [12, 55] and it FRB progenitors could exist beyond the current observational has the potential of detecting the brightest FRBs from the first cutoff at 푧 ∼ 3 [22]. It is yet unknown when the first star form- billion years of cosmic history [12, 55]. ing objects, potential progenitors of the earliest FRBs, might If detected, high redshift FRBs will be extremely rewarding have formed. Theoretical models predict an early onset of star in terms of the they deliver. First, either detection or formation with the first stars in the observable ap- non-detection of these events would probe progenitor theories

1 and would, thus, act as an indirect probe of star formation contribution is systematically underestimated. For the specific at high redshifts. Second, high-redshift FRBs are expected synthetic data used here, the asymmetric model of Dai & Xia to be sensitive cosmological probes. Theoretical predictions [61] yields better constraints on the EoR but still significantly show that a population of FRBs at 푧 ∼ 3 − 4 could be used underestimates 휏. to probe second helium reionization happening around redshift In this Letter we adopt a model-independent approach and, 푧 ≈ 3.5 [56–60], while signals from 푧 > 5 would primarily for the first time, use it to constrain the full shape of the reion- trace variation in the ionization state of hydrogen atoms, and, ization history as well as the optical depth 휏. This method consequently, could be used to probe the Epoch of Reionization allows surpassing the accuracy of the-state-of-the-art CMB ex- [EoR, 12, 61–65]. Such measurements would help to constrain periments in constraining the EoR and 휏 while avoiding the the total optical depth of the Cosmic Microwave Background pitfalls of commonly used techniques. (CMB), 휏, to a higher accuracy than what is presently achievable [12, 61–63]. Methods Our reionization constraints rely on measuring the Current best limits on 휏 have a large uncertainty of more than DMs and source redshifts of high-푧 FRBs. In order to test 10% and represent a hurdle for precision cosmology. These lim- our method, we generate two synthetic FRB data sets with 100 its are derived from the CMB [Planck 2018 results, 66, hereafter and 1000 FRBs, respectively. These catalogs, consisting of Planck18] which is affected by the EoR as scatter off the observed redshifts 푧obs and dispersion measures DMobs, are ionized gas. The signature of the EoR in the CMB is degenerate described in Section A.1. In essence, we generate host galaxy with the initial amplitude of curvature perturbations 퐴푠 [67], redshifts, randomly sampled from a distribution scaling with and, thus, the poor precision in 휏 also degrades the estimates cosmic SFR between redshift 푧 = 5 to 15 [adopted from 71], of the primordial power spectrum. Another quantity that suf- and simulate the observed source redshifts at 10% accuracy, fers from the poor estimate on 휏 is the sum of neutrino masses, assuming spectroscopic surveys can be used to identify redshifts Σ 푚휈, extracted from a joint analysis of the CMB and Large of host galaxies, e.g. with the James Webb Space Telescope Scale Structure [68]. A more accurate measurement of 휏 is, (JWST). As the adopted redshift distribution of FRBs is based therefore, expected to improve our fundamental understanding on the SFR which drops quickly at high redshifts, we find a 1 of the Universe . negligible number of events above 푧 = 15 (a fraction of < Although the importance of high-redshift FRBs as the EoR 2 · 10−5 of all events). However, SFR at such high redshifts probes has been praised in literature [12, 62–65], existing is poorly constrained by observations, and early star formation 2 works make assumptions that either lead to biases in the re- [in agreement with theory and simulations 23, 72] is plausible, sults or limit the constraining power of the data. Fialkov & which would result in a larger number of high-redshift FRBs Loeb [12] were the first to point out that FRBs could be used than what we consider here. as precision probes of the EoR and performed a simplified er- The corresponding DMobs are computed by adding the IGM, ror analysis to estimate the expected accuracy on 휏 (a similar Milky Way, and host galaxy contributions, and taking uncer- analysis was performed by Beniamini et al. [62]), which stimu- tainties on all of these quantities, as well as the measurement lated further studies. Beniamini et al. [62] and Hashimoto et al. errors, into account. When calculating the IGM contribution [64] constrain the ionized fraction by grouping FRBs into red- we use an input (true) reionization history from Kulkarni et al. shift bins and considering the difference between neighboring [73] with 휏 = 0.057 and the midpoint of reionization at 푧 = 7.3. DM bin-averages. As a result of binning, redshifts and DMs Our analysis pipeline, as described in Section A.2, is based on of the individual FRBs are lost and with them the capabilities the free-form method “FlexKnot” [74] where the full reioniza- to smoothly trace the EoR. Furthermore, in the absence of a tion history is parameterized by a series of free-moving knots. functional form for the reionization history, this approach does This algorithm is not informed about the true reionization his- not permit imposing global relationships (such as the mono- tory and allows us to scan the space of all possible EoR scenar- tonicity of the reionization history) across large redshift ranges. ios without assuming a specific functional form or shape, thus Another approach was taken by Zhang et al. [63] and Pagano avoiding biasing the results. For each such FlexKnot scenario & Fronenberg [65] who postulate a specific shape of the reion- we then model the dispersion measure relation and compute its ization history, either the popular tanh function or a simulation- likelihood given the data. Finally we use Bayesian inference based form. Because the actual EoR history is unknown, such to constrain the parameter space (including the positions and assumptions lead to biased results. In order to demonstrate number of knots), recovering the reionization history as well as the limitation of the latter approach, we use our synthetic data cosmological parameters. (described below and in Section A.1) to derive reionization con- straints assuming the widely adopted tanh model [e.g. 63]. We find that fixing the reionization history to the symmetric tanh Results We apply the described method to our synthetic function, parameterized by the duration and midpoint of the FRB observations and demonstrate that strong reionization con- EoR, underestimates the value of 휏 by ∼ 10%, excluding the straints can be achieved. Figure1 shows the constraints on the true value at high confidence (99%). The tanh model enforces a reionization history, 푥푖 (푧), marginalized over individual knot symmetric reionization history so that a potential high-redshift positions and cosmological parameters that have effect on DM (Ω푏/ℎ and Ω푚, see Section A.1.1), and including the CMB 1A similar goal can be achieved with future radio experiments measuring polarization constraint on the high-redshift contribution to the the redshifted 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen in the IGM [69]; however, the total optical depth from 푧 = 15 − 30 [휏15,30 from 75, based on 21-cm signal is sensitive to a combination of thermal and reionization histories Planck18]. and extra care should be taken to remove this degeneracy when constraining the EoR [70]. In Figure1 the posterior and prior distributions of 푥푖 (푧) are 2Note that here we only consider methods based on localized FRBs. indicated by the orange and purple contours respectively, with

2 1.0 95% Fiducial Characteristic points 0.8 Posterior

i Prior x



0.4 Confidence level Ionized fraction


0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Redshift z

Figure 1: Posterior and prior contours of the reionization history function 푥푖 (푧) derived from 1000 localized FRBs distributed proportional to SFR between 푧 = 5 and 15 and including the CMB 휏15,30 < 0.019 [95% 75] limit. The orange and purple areas correspond to the posterior and prior probability density, respectively, where the 68 and 95% confidence regions are marked by contour lines. The dashed cyan line indicates the reionization history that was used to generate the synthetic FRB data [from 73]. Additionally, the markers and error bars show the redshifts of start (푥푖 = 0.1), midpoint (푥푖 = 0.5) and end of reionization (푥푖 = 0.9) with 68% (light blue) and 95% (dark blue) confidence intervals.

68% and 95% confidence intervals marked by the solid lines. reionization are asymmetric and the high-redshift tail of the EoR The posterior provides precise constraints on the reionization is poorly constrained. We can compare the midpoint limits to history, and encompasses the true reionization history [dashed the constraints from observations, e.g. Greig & Mesinger cyan line, 73] used to generate the data. The prior distribution, [76] use the dark fraction of Lyman 훼 and 훽 forest observations shown in purple, follows from assuming a monotonic reioniza- combined with Planck measurements to constrain it to ∼ 12% tion history and imposing a uniform prior for each individual (at 68% confidence level, using physical reionization history knot position. This leads to a weak, non-uniform, prior on models). We see that even 100 observed FRBs will greatly the interpolated value at any given point, as indicated by the surpass this accuracy. contours. As can be seen from Figure1, the constraints on the charac- We find that the FRB data can constrain the reionization his- teristic points of the EoR are slightly shifted compared to the tory especially well at 푧 . 10 where the vast majority (97%) posterior distribution (orange contours) due to the priors (purple of the FRB sources in our synthetic catalogue are located. The contours) imposed by the flat priors on the knots. We correct for fact that there is only a small number of FRBs at higher red- these priors as described in Section A.2.3 so that the constraints shifts results in weaker EoR constraints at 푧 = 10 − 30. The on the critical EoR redshifts are obtained with respect to a flat high-redshift constraints are, to a large part, driven by (i) the prior on those redshifts. enforced monotonicity of the function, (ii) the preference for Marginalizing over all other parameters, including different 3 simpler functions , and also (iii) by the CMB constraint on shapes of reionization histories, we derive posterior probability early reionization via 휏15,30. distributions for the optical depth 휏 assuming 100 and 1000 With the FlexKnot method we can directly compute posterior FRBs (shown in Figure2 with blue and orange posteriors re- probabilities of the start (푥푖 = 0.1), midpoint (푥푖 = 0.5) and end spectively) and quote the detailed 68% and 95% limits in Table (푥푖 = 0.9) of reionization, which is possible as we have the full 1. We find that 100 and 1000 FRBs can constrain the optical shape of 푥푖 (푧) for every parameter sample. The results are listed depth to 11% and 9% accuracy respectively (68% confidence). in Table1 and shown in Figure1 with the error bars indicating Our results for 100 FRBs are competitive with the Planck18 68% and 95% confidence limits. With 100 FRBs we constrain +0.0050 measurement of 휏 = 0.0504−0.0079 (68% confidence), while the the end, midpoint and start of reionization to an accuracy of 7%, accuracy for 1000 FRBs surpasses that of Planck. 6% and 13% respectively at 68% confidence level, achieving a FRBs provide a new probe of 휏 with a much stronger lower better accuracy of 5%, 3% and 12% respectively for the sample limit than Planck’s while the upper bound is weaker due to the with 1000 FRBs. Note that due to the lack in our catalogue of scarceness of sources at high redshifts, as can be seen from sources at very high redshift, the 95% constraints on the start of the asymmetric posterior distribution (Figure2). This behav- 3Note that the preference for simpler functions is an outcome of the weighing ior can also be exemplified by considering the low (푧 < 10) by Bayesian evidence. It leads to a slight preference for models with fewer knots and high (푧 > 10) redshift contributions to 휏 constraints sepa- if the data provides only weak constraints (“Occam’s razor”), which corresponds +0.0025 rately: For 100 FRBs we find 휏푧<10 = 0.0513−0.0025 and 휏푧>10 = to a slight preference for a fast reionization (e.g. when the 2-knot model is +0.0048 0.0042−0.0042 (68% confidence), increasing the data set to 1000 preferred) over a more complex reionization history which starts slowly and +0.0011 +0.0050 ends fast (requiring more degrees of freedom). However, this effect becomes FRBs yields 휏푧<10 = 0.0528−0.0011 and 휏푧>10 = 0.0057−0.0051. very weak if the data are sufficiently constraining (e.g. in Figure1). While the accuracy in measuring 휏푧<10 improves with the sam-

3 100 FRBs 1000 FRBs from 0.48% to 0.33% and 0.30% respectively. Mean 68% 95% Mean 68% 95% Tighter reionization constraints also improve limits on the Í +1.1 +4.3 +1.1 +3.3 sum of neutrino masses, 푚휈. Future large scale structure sur- Start (푥푖 = 0.1) 푧 = 8.8 −1.2 −1.8 푧 = 9.2 −1.1 −1.7 +0.4 +1.0 +0.2 +0.5 veys such as DESI [77, 78], Euclid [79, 80] and SKA6 aim to Midpoint (푥푖 = 0.5) 푧 = 6.9 푧 = 7.0 −0.4 −0.7 −0.2 −0.4 measure Í 푚 but can only achieve their full potential in combi- End (푥 = 0.9) 푧 = 5.9 +0.4 +0.8 푧 = 6.2 +0.3 +0.6 휈 푖 −0.4 −0.7 −0.3 −0.6 nation with an independent optical depth measurement [68, 81]. Optical depth 휏 0.0555 +0.0066 +0.0180 0.0584 +0.0055 +0.0141 −0.0061 −0.0086 −0.0054 −0.0074 While FRBs alone cannot reach the accuracy of 휎휏 = 0.001 tar- +0.0085 +0.0263 +0.0071 +0.0191 휏 without CMB 0.0606 −0.0086 −0.0120 0.0590 −0.0071 −0.0086 geted in Brinckmann et al. [68] due to the large uncertainty in 휏푧>10, they can constrain the lower redshift contribution accu- Table 1: Constraints obtained on characteristic points of the rately. Since the latter accounts for the bulk of the optical depth, reionization history (start, midpoint and end at 푥푖 = 0.1, 0.5 and and provides a lower limit on 휏, its accurate measurement in 0.9 respectively), and on the total optical depth 휏 from FRBs. combination with a large scale CMB polarization measurement We include the CMB constraint on 휏15,30 [75] which improves [e.g. from LiteBIRD or CORE 82, 83] could be sufficient for a Í the high-redshift accuracy but also provide the 휏 constraint from detection (lower limit) of 푚휈. FRBs alone in the last row. We list the mean values and 68% and 95% confidence intervals, where the intervals are chosen such that half the exceeding samples lie on each side. The 3.10 fiducial reionization history used to generate the data has an ) optical depth of 휏 = 0.057, and the start, midpoint and end of s A reionization at redshifts 10.36, 7.32 and 5.95, respectively, all 10 3.05 of which lie within the 95% confidence intervals. Planck CMB ln(10 +100 FRB 3.00 +1000 FRB ple , we find that the constraint on 휏 is not improved by 푧>10 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 the additional data. Optical depth τ

Planck CMB Figure 3: 2D posterior constraints on the primordial power 100 FRBs spectrum amplitude 퐴푠 and the optical depth 휏. Compared to 1000 FRBs the Planck18 constraints (grey contours), adding a 휏 constraints from FRBs significantly decreases the uncertainty in 퐴푠. 100 10 or 1000 FRBs would allow constraints of ln 10 퐴푠 = 3.043 ± 10 0.010 or ln(10 퐴푠) = 3.047 ± 0.009, respectively, compared 10 to the Planck constraint of ln(10 퐴푠) = 3.045 ± 0.014 (errors given as standard deviation, correspond to 68% confidence). 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Optical depth τ Finally, we note than the overall amplitude of the DM(푧) relation would in principle allow to constrain cosmological pa- Figure 2: Posterior constraints on the total optical depth 휏 rameters, as it is directly proportional to the baryon density marginalized over reionization histories as well as cosmologi- parameter Ω /ℎ (and approximately scales with the den- cal parameters, Ω /ℎ and Ω . Here we show the constraints 푏 푏 푚 sity parameter Ω−0.5). However, assuming ΛCDM cosmology, from 100 FRBs (blue) and 1000 FRBs (orange), both including 푚 such constraints are degenerate with low-redshift measurements the 휏 < 0.019 limit [75]. We compare the constraints to 15,30 of He-II reionization or the fraction of electrons in the IGM. the Planck18 FlexKnot measurement 휏 = 0.0504+0.0050 (68% −0.0079 Therefore, we do not consider such constraints here; these cos- confidence, illustrated by the black dashed line) and see that mological parameters can be pinned by FRB surveys at lower FRBs can significantly improve the optical depth constraint, in redshifts [e.g. 13, 19] with experiments such as CHIME [84], particular the lower bound. HIRAX [85] and ASKAP [86]. We also note that the optical depth constraints are not degenerate with the cosmological pa- An accurate optical depth measurement is not only useful rameters Ω푏/ℎ and Ω푚 as one might naively expect. This is as a probe of reionization, but it will also improve the cosmo- because the latter two parameters affect the overall amplitude logical constrains obtained from other probes. As an example, of DM, while optical depth constraints only rely on the shape Figure3 shows the limits on the initial amplitude of curvature of the DM(푧) function. perturbations 퐴푠 measured by Planck4 (grey contours) which are well known to be degenerate with 휏 [67]. An independent Conclusions Using a model-independent approach based on measurement of 휏 from FRBs provides tighter constraints on the FlexKnot method and assuming that the number of FRBs 퐴푠 (blue and orange contours in Figure3). Adding 100 or 1000 scales with the SFR, we have demonstrated the potential of high- 10 FRBs to the Planck data reduces relative error in ln(10 퐴푠) redshift FRBs in constraining the reionization history, the CMB 4Planck here refers to the combination of CMB temperature and polarization optical depth to reionization, the initial amplitude of curvature powerspectra, CMB lensing and Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs) as used perturbations and the sum of neutrino masses. Even if the SFR in Planck18, obtained from the Planck Legacy Archive5. These constraints drops quickly at high redshifts, as adopted here, a sample of assume a tanh reionization history but the 퐴푠 constraint is only degenerate with the total optical depth and does not depend on the precise reionization history. 6https://www.skatelescope.org/

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For each one of these terms we calculate its mean value and IGM host MW A Methodology the associated uncertainty, 휎DM , 휎DM , and 휎DM respectively, as described below. In addition, there is a measurement uncer- obs tot Our goal is to predict the accuracy with which future radio sur- tainty, 휎DM, in the observation of DM . veys will be able to constrain the reionization history and the The largest and the most important contribution to DMtot CMB optical depth7 by measuring DMs of high redshift FRBs. for high redshift FRBs is DMIGM. Owing to the fluctuations in In this section we describe the synthetic FRB data catalogue electron density along the line of sight, this quantity is stochastic (Section A.1) and the parameter estimation pipeline (Section with the distribution approaching a Gaussian [10], as studied in A.2) used to infer reionization history and cosmological param- numerical simulations [16, 63, 87]. eters from data. For FRBs coming from redshift 푧, the mean IGM contribution is given by considering a homogeneous distribution of matter A.1 Synthetic FRB catalogues (electrons) ∫ 푧 0 We create a catalog of simulated FRB observations, includ- IGM 푐푛¯푒 (푧 ) 0 DM (푧) = d푧 . (2) obs 0 0 2 ing redshifts 푧 measured from the host galaxy and observed 0 퐻(푧 )(1 + 푧 ) dispersion measures DMobs. 0 In brief, we generate this catalog as follows. We first create In the above equation, 푛¯푒 (푧 ) is the mean number density of free 0 0 “true” FRB redshifts, 푧true, by randomly sampling them from electrons at redshift 푧 and 퐻(푧 ) is the Hubble expansion rate. a distribution that scales with cosmic star formation rate [SFR, Both quantities can be expressed in terms of the cosmological 0 obtained from 71]. We generate two main datasets (with 100 parameters: 푛¯푒 (푧 ) is proportional to the baryon density param- and 1000 FRBs) with 푧true between 5 and 15, i.e. in the EoR eter today Ω푏 and is otherwise determined by the reionization 0 redshift range with 85% of these events falling between redshift history (Section A.1.2); 퐻(푧 ) depends on the background cos- 푧 = 5 and 8, 12% between 8 and 10, and 3% between 10 and mology via the matter density parameter Ω푚 and the Hubble −1 −1 15. Because the adopted SFR is a rather steep function at high parameter 퐻0 today (or ℎ = 퐻0/(100 km s Mpc )). There- redshifts, only a fraction of < 2 · 10−5 of all the events have fore, we can also write Equation2 in a more explicit form 푧 > 15. 푧 0 IGM ∫ 푐푛¯ (푧 )/Ω Ω 1 Next, we use 푧true to generate the observed redshifts, 푧obs, with DM (푧) = 푒 푏 푏 d푧0 ( + 0)2 퐻 √︁ 0 3 an accuracy of 10% (e.g. JWST host galaxy spectroscopy), 0 1 푧 0 Ω푚 (1 + 푧 ) + (1 − Ω푚) obs N( true | {z } | {z } drawing 푧 from a Gaussian distribution 휇 = 푧 , 휎 = EoR dependent 0.1푧true). To compute the corresponding dispersion measures Cosmology dependent (3) obs IGM true DM we compute the mean IGM contribution DM at 푧 following the procedure outlined in section A.1.1. We adopt which shows that DM can be used to constrain cosmological pa- a simulation-based EoR history created by Kulkarni et al. [73] rameters as well as the EoR history. The uncertainty in DMIGM, = = √ IGM with 휏 0.057 and reionization ending around 푧 6 with the 휎IGM, can be approximated by 휎IGM = 0.2/ 푧 DM 9 [5], = DM DM 50% ionization fraction achieved at 푧 7.3. We also assume in agreement with simulations [e.g. 88]. the best-fit values of other cosmological parameters from the The contributions by the host galaxy and the Milky Way are Planck18 analysis8. Synthetic observations DMobs are gener- much smaller compared to that of the IGM. Because the host ated by adding scatter from IGM inhomogeneities, host galaxy, galaxy contribution DMhost is poorly constrained, we assume and Milky Way contributions, and then adding an observational a conservative estimate of DMhost = (200 ± 100) pc cm−3 in measurement error. This approximately corresponds to a Gaus- the host galaxy reference frame. The observed contribution sian distribution with uncertainty 휎 , calculated in Equation DM of this uncertainty is suppressed by a factor of (1 + 푧). The 5. Repeating this process for each of the generated redshifts Milky Way disk can contribute up to ∼ 500 pc cm−3 [see e.g. 7 = ∫ 푧max ( )( + the CHIME/FRB catalog 89], however this can be accurately The CMB optical depth is defined as 휏 푐 휎푇 0 푛푒 푧 1 −1 −1 푧) 퐻 (푧) d푧, where 푧max ∼ 30, 푐 and 휎푇 are the and estimated from a Galactic electron model, e.g. NE2001 [90], Thomson scattering cross-section respectively, 푛푒 (푧) is the number density of YMW16 [91]. Therefore, we assume we can subtract the MW free electrons (from ionized hydrogen and helium) and 퐻 (푧) is the Hubble disk contribution from the observed dispersion measure and parameter. −3 2 2 include an error of 20 pc cm to account for uncertainties in 8We use Ω푏 ℎ = 0.02238, Ωcdmℎ = 0.1201, 퐻0 = 67.32 km/s/Mpc from the CMB power spectra of temperature and E-mode polarization (TT, TE, 9 EE with low E) and including constraints from lensing and Baryon Acoustic Note that this approximation yields a lower error for 푧  푧reio, so we  0  0 IGM ( ) Oscillations. always consider the maximum error Max푧 ∈[0,푧] 휎DM 푧 .

8 the electron model (estimated from the NE2001/YMW16 dif- simulation-based 푥푖 (푧) adopted from Kulkarni et al. [73]; how- ferences in the CHIME/FRB catalog), and an additional un- ever, we use a model-independent parameterization of 푥푖 (푧) in certainty of 50 pc cm−3 to account for possible contributions the parameter estimation pipeline, as discussed in Section A.2. from the Milky Way halo [92, 93], combined in quadrature to Finally note that we treat 푛¯푒 in Equations3 and6 as the MW −3 휎DM = 54 pc cm . cosmological mean number density. This is typically slightly The final contribution to the uncertainty is the measurement higher than the mean number density in the IGM (with the obs error 휎DM, i.e. how well the FRB arrival time at different remaining electrons contained mostly in stars). However this frequencies can be measured, calculated following Lorimer et enhancement is negligible at the high redshift of interest and the al. [94], correction factor approaches unity (e.g. Jaroszynski [16] finds 0.964 at 푧 = 4 from the Illustris [99] simulation and Takahashi √︄ 3 √︁ 2 3 2 et al. [100] report 0.998 at 푧 = 5 using IllustrisTNG [101]). 휈 푇sys [푊 (1 + 푧)] + (DM 푘Δ휈/푁휈 ) 휎obs = int . (4) DM 푘퐺푠 2Δ휈3 A.2 Parameter estimation pipeline The uncertainty mainly depends on (i) the pulse width and (ii) the signal to noise ratio. The width is set by two factors: the in- Our next step is to measure the reionization history and the trinsic restframe width of an FRB (taken as 푊int = 1 ms), and a cosmological parameters directly from the synthetic data. In small contribution (≤ 10%) due to dispersion smearing (caused this process it is essential to avoid biasing the extracted 푥푖 (푧) by by the dispersion of the signal within a frequency channel, ef- any specific functional shape, or the model used in the creation fectively broadening the observed pulse width). Sampling and of the data set. Therefore, here we adopt a model-independent ( ) scattering times . 10 ms are negligible. The signal to noise free-form parameterization of 푥푖 푧 . We achieve this by us- ratio is obtained from radiometer noise considerations [e.g.95] ing the FlexKnot [74] method which allows us to sample all and depends on the peak spectral flux density 푠 of the signal, possible reionization histories without assuming a pre-defined and instrument parameters. We compute the former using the shape. The method parameterizes the history by a series of most distant localized FRB to date, FRB180924 [96], as a proxy, free-moving knots between which the 푥푖 (푧) function is inter- scaled to higher redshift accounting for luminosity distance and polated (Section A.2.1). For any such history we then model model spectral shape, assuming spectral index 훼 = −1.5 compatible the observed dispersion measure DM and compare it to the obs with the recent results of CHIME/FRB [89]. For compari- observation DM to compute the likelihood of that history. In son, FRB180924 has a higher intrinsic luminosity than about addition to the reionization history we vary relevant cosmolog- 75% of the CHIME/FRB catalog samples [89]. The instru- ical parameters, Ω푏/ℎ and Ω푚, as these affect the dispersion ment parameters are taken to be similar to FAST [97] using a measure. Finally, we use Bayesian inference to constrain the −1 gain 퐺 = 15 K Jy , system temperature 푇sys = 35 K, frequency parameter space to recover the “true” reionization history [in 휈 = 1.4 GHz with Δ휈 = 400 MHz bandwidth, and 푁 = 4096 our case from 73, which we used to create the synthetic data] channels. The scaling constant 푘 is 4.15 GHz2 ms cm3 pc−1. as well as the values of the cosmological parameters (Section All these uncertainties on the observed dispersion measure A.2.3). can be combined in quadrature A.2.1 Model-independent parameterization of the EoR √︃ IGM2 host2 MW2 obs 2 history 휎DM = 휎DM + 휎DM + 휎DM + 휎DM , (5) In order to fully harness the power of high-redshift FRBs, we re- assuming that the components are statistically independent nor- quire a parameterization of the reionization history 푥 (푧). This mal distributed random variables. 푖 allows us to take into account the DM and redshift of every mea- sured FRB and combine all information in a Bayesian analysis. A.1.2 The free electron density However, assuming a specific functional shape for 푥푖 (푧) [e.g. 61, 63, assumed tanh and exponential forms] could lead to a bias The mean free electron density in Equation3 is related to the if the true reionization history significantly deviates from that fraction of ionized gas and given by shape. On the other hand, constraining 푥푖 (푧) in fixed redshift bins [as was done by 62, 64] limits the analysis to the binned ( ) = ( + ) ( + )3 ( ) + ( + )3 ( ) 푛¯푒 푧 1 푓He 푛H 1 푧 푥푖 푧 푓He푛H 1 푧 휉 푧 (6) values and does not make use of all the information contained | {z } | {z } H and He first ionization He second ionization in an FRB sample (i.e. individual redshift and DM values of each signal). To avoid such biases and limitations, we need 3 where 푛H (1+ 푧 ) is the mean physical number density of hydro- to parameterize 푥푖 (푧) without restricting the space of possible gen atoms (both neutral and ionized) at a given redshift and 푓He reionization histories. This issue has been previously dealt with is the helium fraction 푓He = 푛He/푛H. In the above equation we by the CMB community in the context of obtaining CMB opti- distinguish between the simultaneous hydrogen and first helium cal depth constraints starting with Hu & Holder [102]. Here we reionization at 푧 > 5 described by 푥푖 (푧), and the second helium adopt the most recent technique from this field, the FlexKnot reionization at 푧 < 4 described by 휉(푧). Since the latter only method which was used to constrain reionization using CMB causes a constant shift in DM of high redshift FRBs and can be observations by Millea & Bouchet [74] and is similar to the calibrated out using lower redshift events (푧 < 5), we assume free-form functional shape constraints on the primordial power for simplicity that 휉(푧) is parameterized by a tanh step function spectrum introduced by Vázquez et al. [103]. [98] with midpoint 푧reio = 3.5 and width Δ푧 = 0.5. For the FlexKnot linearly interpolates 푥푖 (푧) through a series of 푁 purpose of generating the synthetic FRB catalogue we use a points referred to as “knots”. Each knot 푛 is defined by two

9 푛 푛 parameters, its position 푧 (redshift) and value 푥푖 (ionized frac- A.2.3 Parameter inference tion at this redshift). The knots can be allowed to move left and Following Equations1 to3 we calculate the dispersion mea- right (changing 푧푛) as well as up and down (varying 푥푛). From 푖 sure DMmodel (푧) relation for every set of model parameters 휃, observations and theoretical considerations we know that the which include the number of knots in FlexKnot 푁, the set of Universe transitions from fully neutral (푥 = 1) at high redshifts 푖 pairs {푧푛, 푥푛} with 푛 = 1..푁, and the cosmological parameters to fully ionized (푥 = 0) at redshift 5-6 [104] and we expect the 푖 푖 Ω /퐻 and Ω .10 ionized fraction to monotonically decrease with redshift [105]. 푏 0 푚 With this model and the synthetic data set at hand, we use Therefore, we fix the value of the first knot to be 푥1 = 1, and 푖 Bayesian analysis to determine the likelihood and compute pos- the last point 푥 푁 = 0, and require the intermediate points to 푖 terior distributions of all the parameters 휃. The likelihood gives be monotonic. Note that the endpoints differ from Millea & the probabilities of observing the 푖th FRB, 푑 = {DMobs, 푧obs}, Bouchet [74] as we only fix the ionized fraction, but not the 푖 푖 푖 from a source at true redshift 푧0 with dispersion measure redshift of the first and last knot. DMmodel (휃, 푧0), both of which are given by normal distribu- What makes the FlexKnot method stand out compared to tions11 other model-independent techniques such as principle compo- nents analysis [102, 106] or interpolation between values at ! 푧obs − 푧0 DMobs − DMmodel (휃, 푧0) fixed redshifts [Poly-reion, 107] is not only that both, the red- ( | 0) = N 푖 N © 푖 ª 푃 푑푖 휃, 푧 0 ­   ® . 휎푧 (푧 ) ­ 0 model 0 ® shifts and ionized fractions of the knots are free to move but 휎DM 푧 , DM (휃, 푧 ) « ¬ also that the number of knots 푁 is a free parameter. This al- (8) lows the function to be as complex as necessary while values of 푁 higher than warranted by the data will be down-weighted Since the true redshift of the source is unknown we need to by a lower Bayesian evidence. Note that this implies a slight marginalize over 푧0 (taking into account the prior12 on the source 0 prior preference towards simpler reionization histories. Given a redshift 푃(푧 )) to obtain the likelihood of an observation 푑푖 well-constrained steep reionization history at low redshift, a fast given just the parameters 휃. Finally, we multiply the indepen- and late start of reionization would be preferred over an early dent FRB observations to obtain the likelihood for the entire and slow start, as the latter requires more parameters (knots) to data set 퐷 = {푑푖 }: describe. In practice however, this is a small effect and only no- ∫ Ö 0 0 0 ticeable when there are very few constraints. We run 10 models, 푃(퐷|휃) = 푃(푑푖 |휃, 푧 )푃(푧 ) d푧 . (9) starting from 푁 = 2 with only start and end point, to 푁max = 11 푖 with 9 additional, fully movable, knots. Afterwards the evi- We assume flat priors on the positions of the 푁 knots {푥 , 푧 } dence becomes negligible and can neglect models with more 푛 푛 in their respective boundaries broadly established by existing parameters. Specifically, we find that in the case of just 100 reionization constraints (here we very loosely assume 푧푛 to FRBs the simplest model (2 knots) has the highest evidence vary between 5 and 30 and 푥푛 to be between 0 and 1). For the 푍 = 1 ± 0.25 with 3 and 4 knot models yielding evidences 푖 1 cosmological parameters we assume Gausian priors of Ω /ℎ = 푍 = 0.57 ± 0.10 and 푍 = 0.35 ± 0.06 respectively. We take 푏 3 4 0.0724 ± 0.0011 and Ω = 0.3111 ± 0.0056 with mean and models with up to 11 knots into account, where the evidence 푚 variance taken from Planck18. falls to 푍 = 0.01 ± 0.001. For 1000 FRBs however, models 11 The fact that we initially impose uniform priors on the knot with 4 knots achieve the highest evidence (푍 = 1 ± 0.19), with 4 positions {푥 , 푧 } implies non-uniform priors on derived param- other models disfavoured and we cut off again after 11 knots 푛 푛 eters such as 휏 or the midpoint of reionization. When extracting with 푍 = 0.01 ± 0.001. 11 parameter constraints we correct for this effect following Mil- lea & Bouchet [74], adjusting the FlexKnot priors in a mini- mal way [using maximum entropy priors, 109] to ensure a flat A.2.2 Other reionization history parameterizations prior on the derived parameter of interest. For instance, to ob- tain the corrected optical depth posterior distribution 푃(휏|퐷), We briefly check what performance of other commonly used we just divide the flat FlexKnot position priors 휋˜({푥푛, 푧푛}) by parameterizations such as the tanh step-function [63, 98], or the implicit (undesired) prior at the corresponding value of the asymmetric exponential function from Dai & Xia [61] and 10Computing DMmodel basically boils down to the homogeneous IGM con- Douspis et al. [108] IGM tribution DM from Equation3 and adding the contributions from Equation 1 and uncertainties listed in Equation5. Or, equivalently, subtracting the non-  3 3 IGM 1 − (1 − 푥푖,6)(1 + 푧) /(1 + 6) for 푧 ≤ 6 IGM contributions from observations and comparing to DM . 푥푖 (푧) = (7) 11 푥푖,6 exp (훼(6 − 푧)) for 푧 > 6. Here we model the observational error with a minor approximation, com- puting the dispersion smearing part from the mean model dispersion measure DMmodel neglecting the scatter. This significantly accelerates the computation We find that both methods underestimate the optical depth when and has a negligible effect (less than 1%) on the (already small) observational applied to our synthetic data (with the true value 휏 = 0.057). For error. 12 the tanh model we obtain 휏 = 0.0503+0.0049 (휏 = 0.0518+0.0023) This introduces a slight dependence on the true (unknown) FRB distribu- −0.0039 −0.0019 tion. However, the impact of this prior is small and the method does not rely on at 95% confidence level, for the exponential one we find an accurate prior distribution. We use a simple exponential 푧푒−푧 distribution +0.0093 +0.0032 휏 = 0.0513−0.0055 (휏 = 0.0548−0.0027). Therefore, we caution [13] as prior and checked that this only shifts the optical depth estimates by against assuming a functional form when deriving reionization Δ휏 . 0.001 compared to when the true distribution proportional to SFR is constraints from data, as such methods work well only if (by used as redshift prior. The uncertainty in the redshift prior might become more relevant for much bigger data sets in the future. However, with bigger data chance) the assumed model agrees well with the true reioniza- sets we will also be able to constrain the FRB source distribution much more tion history. accurately and resolve this question.

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