Portland Daily Press: January 29,1870

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Portland Daily Press: January 29,1870 PORTLAND -J%- DAILY PRESS. Established June 23,180a. Vol. 9. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1870. Terms $8.00 per annum The Portland Daily Press MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. I WANT£I> INSURANCE. Religion» excepted) liy 1·«.1|,β.βββ, Il published every day (Sundays DAILY PRESS -Rev. Robert DAILY PRESS. Howe was on the [THE Thursday last Co., Cent. WANTED. ordained as over Portland Publishing 7 Per Interest firi;, marine. BUSINESS pastor the Free Choice DIRECTORY. PORTLAND. church in North Baptist Portland. Vassalboro'. At 109 Exchange Street, A on AS» Security! SMART you ne man to act as News Agent —Rev. C. late of Dollars a Year in advance. -ljl the train. Apply soon of Parker, has Teems:—Eight We invito the Canton, rt. Seven II GOLD» C. R. CH1SHOLM & BROS., attention of both City and Saturday Morning, Januaiy 29, 1870. ceived and accepted a call to the Per Cent. jan 28-d3t. G. T. Depot. pastorate of Gold, the church at South The Maine State Press Country readers to the list of Port- Xorridgewock. FitKE of l'arable May and November iu IVew Life Insurance following Government Tax. —Rev. Pearce is the at ^wXn ted land Letter from BocUlnud. George oldest mission, Is published every Thursday Morning Vork anil London· BUSINESS HOUSES, which are among a Λ C "V'. ary to India. lie has labored a year; if in advance, at $2.00 (Nearly Ten l'er Cent. Currency.) G Κ IN Jan. 1870. there, for the $2.50 paid WOMAN to care KOCKLAIÎI», 27, take of children and do the the most reliable establishments in the City. English Baptists, for forty-three year. Free of Government Tax. A work ol a seamstress. To the Editor of the Press: jears. jan2.5-lw Apply at 45 Stale street. —Robert Laird Collier, of hat Bates or Advertising.—One inch of space, First Bonds Advertising Agency. I suppose it would hardly be proper to write Chicago, re- " of constitutes a Mortgage Rollins&Adaiu§ AT WELL & CO., 174 Middle Street. a ceived a call to the Church of the in length column, square." letter, without some allusion to the weath- Unity In first week. 75 cents First Board. $1.50 per square daily OF JHoi'tgagic Insurance Com- er. Boston. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE or two gen- Represent the tallowing first-class We have had no week after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; single & Seeds. good sleighing in town per A tlemen can be accommodated with board, in a panies: Agricultural Implements —Rev. K. C. other after first 50 & this winter. A lew were Bolles of Brooklyn, Ν. Y., haa continuing every day week, New-York Oswego Convertible Fund Bonds private family, at No. 7 Dow Stieet. jan24dlw SAWYER & WOODFORD, No. 119 Excbangc St. rash enough on two cents. Sinking occasions to take their FliANKHN sleighs out; hut the accepted the appointment ot Lecturer on Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents· -Α.Τ Ladies or Gentlemen, Auctioneer. streets have not been even one week, $1.00; 50 cents per week after 93, partially covered Natural Sciences in the St. Lawrence Univer- Midland Rail Road ? WANTED!-Agent«,to sell the Life of George Pe^body." Can- Jfire Insurance Company. Special one third additional. C. W. No. 327 Street. with snow longer thau a week in Notices, ISSUED Β IT vassers will find tbis tU«e most saleable book ever HOLMES, Congress all. The lity. head of THE Under "Amusements," $2.00 per Bonds can be published iu this country. The price is suited to the OF PHILADELPHIA. Established in 1829. of clear weather These Registebed proportion seems to have —The new Methodist church in Rockland square per week ; three insertions or less $1.50. time*. Now i·» your opportunity lo make money. for Sewing Machines. Me. Agencies been quite as great as in the Advertisements inserted in the ".Maine SIX MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PAID-UP STOCK JOHN HANKfcRSON, 2 E!m Street, Portland, CAPITA!,, SUOO.OOOOO summer, and 4 will be dedicated on the 2d of February by Burlington,.Cedar Rapids and Jan22d2w&w3t CHAPIN & EATON, 8β Exchange Street, (Weed.) State Press" (which has a large circulation ... is below zero has been our assets, û.er»,3ra degrees lowest tem- Professor Townsend of the Sem- In every part ol the State) for $1.00 per square SUBSCRIPTIONS. No bonds issued 011 road un- W. S. DYEK, 158, Middle St, over Η. Η. Hay's. Theological lor to Purchase. perature, so far. Yesterday I saw for first and 50 cents per square Minnesota Railroad Go. Wanted & 145 Middle St. morning inary in Boston. insertion, der HOBS BAKER, (OTcr Shaw'!.) •ach construction; issue limited to $20,000 per mile of HOUSE in the western part o* the city, well what appeared to be hoar frost, —The subsequent insertion.^ Broker's Insurance covering ladies of the Universalist ot Address all communications to Yielding about ten per cent, currency; principal 50 A located, woi th trom $4000 to $6900. Washington Co., buildings and sidewalks, but on examination society road built and in running order, BEING ONLY to in lists have been examined wnhout favorable results. Bakers. Turner held PUBLISHING CO. years run, payable gold. Secured by the rail- OP in became their annual levee in Follett'» PORTLAND B. Press Office. NEW YORK. Established 1850. I satisfied that it wa« old-fashioned road, branches, depot grounds, rolling stock, equip- janlTtt Address, W, C. COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. Hall, ABOUT HALF THE ACTUAL COST. The road is ment and franchises οι the snow sparingly deposited. Before nine in the Tuesday evening. 18th, and a compauy. capital. $400,000 AO January These bonds are only issued upon each section of JOHN Β MASTERTON, 22 Anderson Street. morning, rain bad begun to fall, but it clear- very successful levee it cards built, with tor 150 Miles as OO was—receipts $210. business being great economy cash; the road last as the same is completed and iu suc- "two or three ASSETS, .... 731,000 ed off in the cessful evening. —At the funeral operation. Tw o and a halt millions of dol- Men, or a Gentleman and wife, can find and services of the late Rev. are completed in the most lars Young Hoots, Shoes, Rubbers. THE ΒΛΤΗ AND already thorough manner, have been expended on this road. Eighty-three good board, and pleasant rooms, in a private family, FIRST NATIONAL· liOCKLA>1> STAOELLSE J. M. Graves it was W. BOUCHER No. 358 Street. stated that he had HVXIt Y DE Ε miles are nearly completed and equipped, and al- withintwominut.es* walk of the Post Office. For J. & CO., Congress bap- RING, and has had no competition with boats to tised ot.e equipped running regular trains; and the whole ready show large e.uning>, aud the remainder ot the address Box 42. strange thousand five of particulars PRESON, Fire Insurance lor the boats have converts, hundred line is progressing in con<truction. Company, Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom Work, say ; might continued all them in the line (over 400 miles) it is will be State of Vermont. and at expected completed Tlds Loan has been selected by our firm after a winter on the loute between Portland and Counsellor Law, thorough and careiul OF "WORCESTER, MASS. No. 101 Middle Street. —The Attorney investigation, consequently WANTED. WALTER BERRY, Travelers don't much en- Young Men's Christian Associotiou within the ensuing year. It is one ot the most im- we have no hesitation Winterport. very in recommending it to our in Fair at Boston triends as a CAPITAL AND ASSETS, «200,000 joy riding cold coaches, albeit the netted Ρίο SO Kxcliaiifje St., perfcCily safe, profitable and first-class in the lower part of the for which manag- $25,000. They hid no roads in the State of New York. It short- city, Booksellers and Stationers. ers of the and are portant security. Our opinion is lully confirmed by the fol- ASTABLEa liberal rent will be Bath Rockland line very at- lotteries ot the sort <3m paid. ordinary ; but sold "vote»" Jaull PORTLAND, 111;. lowing strong letter from the experienced and emi- For furtiier porticulars euquire at ATso Agents for the HOYT, FOGG & BREED, 92 Middle Street. tentive to secure the comfort of passengers. ens the route from New York City to Buffalo 70 nently successful manager of the for articles of which thus netted sever- Pennsylvania Mr. John T. of this has been an value, Railroad : 90 Berry, city, Company BXCnAKGË ST. al times their cost. miles,and to Oswego 45 it traverses a Jan 12-d2wis Book-Binders. owner in tho line for twenty Mr. T. T. SNOWr miles, populous PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. National Life Insurance Co., years. Ricker, the ot street —The Methodist in President's < OF TUB SMALL & SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street. Superintendent your meeting-house Harring- AT district destitute of other railroad facilities, which ffice, ) Boarders Warned and Mr. White of COUNSELLOR LAW, Pbiladelj hia, May llth, 18G8. J railroad, L)amariscotta,liave ton been blown down in the FEW Gentlemen boarders can be accommodated Unifecf'Staies oi been having great must, turnish it a and loeal busi- Messrs. Henry Clews $ Co., No.32 Wall Street:— America, Washington,D.C interested with him four years of that large profitable A with large and pleasant rooms ac No. 4 Locust I Bonnet and Biat Bleacher?. of October 58 St., Portland. Oentlemen:—Jn answer to your request of the time. This liue is in gale 8th, religious services are held Exchange srreet. Good references required.
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    7A L. Uo1^ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. U Th is Book is the property of H.B.M. Government and is to be kept in safe custody by the person to whom it has been Issued. Hu Jhifftoritu SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. AUGUST, 1915. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, ETC., GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS R€PORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 31st JULY, 1915. LISTS OF SOLDIERS’ BALANCES UNCLAIMED. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY J. J. KELIHER k CO., LTD., MABSHALSEA ROAD, S.E. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This Book is the property of H.B.M. Government, and is to be kept in sate custody by the person to whom it has been issued. [ Crown Copyright Reserved^ 3Bn Autljaritn. SUPPLEMENT TO THE MONTHLY ARMY LIST. AUGUST, 1910. PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, ETC., GAZETTED, AND DEATHS OF OFFICERS REPORTED, BETWEEN 1st & 31st JULY, 1915. LISTS OF SOLDIERS’ BALANCES UNCLAIMED. LONDON: PRINTED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF HIS MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY J. J. KELIHER & CO., LTD.. MARSHALSEA ROAD, S.E. 92468—Wt. 20143—11,500—8/16—J. J. K. & Co. Ltd. 1 Promotions, Appointments, &c. S 3C PROMOTIONS, APPOINTMENTS, &c., since last Publication. War Office., 31st July, 1915. REGULAR FORCES. ARMY. {Extract from the London Gazette, ‘Pith July, 1915.) War Office, With July, 1915. His Majesty The KING has been graciously pleased to promote Major (temporary Lieutenant-Colonel) A. W. P. Knox, 68th Vaughan’s Rifles (!■ rentier Force), Indian Army, to i revet Lieutenant-Colonel in recognition of his distinguished service. Dated 14 July, 1»15. ****** COMMANDS & STAFF.
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