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ПРОГРАММА | 2 3Rd KAZAKHSTAN GLOBAL INVESTMENT ROUNDTABLE 2019 Nur-Sultan, Ritz Carlton May 17, 2019 ТРЕТИЙ ЕЖЕГОДНЫЙ КАЗАХСТАНСКИЙ КРУГЛЫЙ СТОЛ ПО ГЛОБАЛЬНЫМ ИНВЕСТИЦИЯМ Нур-СултаН, Ritz CaRlton 17 мая, 2019 ПРОГРАММА | 2 3Rd KazaKHStan GloBal inVEStMEnt RoUndtaBlE 2019 NUR-SULTAN, RITZ CARLTON MAY 17, 2019 PRoGRaMME 3 | PROGRAMME 9:00 aM MoRninG REGiStRation 10:30 aM oPEninG REMaRKS JaMES KynGE, GloBal CHina EditoR, FinanCial tiMES 10:40 aM PRiME MiniStER’S KEynotE aSKaR MaMin, PRiME MiniStER oF tHE REPUBliC oF KazaKHStan 10:50 aM PlEnaRy SESSion tHE nEW EConoMy BooStinG KazaKHStan’S inVEStMEnt PotEntial Venue: Grand Ballroom New technologies have brought along dramatic changes to our lives in the past 20 years. They disrupted whole industries, affected governance models, empowered entrepreneurs, consumers and policy-makers. They also levelled the playing field of global competition, giving countries across the globe a chance to excel by leveraging, first and foremost, their human capital. Kazakhstan is no exception. The government’s modernisation programme has proved conducive for innovation and elevated the country’s economy beyond its vast endowment of natural resources. How can the rise of new sectors further strengthen the country’s role as a business hub at the heart of Eurasia? What are the opportunities and challenges? ModERatoR: JaMES KynGE, GloBal CHina EditoR, FinanCial tiMES Askar Mamin, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Hans-Paul Buerkner, Chairman, BCG Alain Pilloux, Vice-President, Banking, EBRD Li Qingping, Chairwoman of the Board, CITIC Bank Corporation Limited Mehmet Şimşek, Turkish politician and economist, former Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Valery Vavilov, Co-Founder and CEO, Bitfury Group PROGRAMME | 4 12:00 PM SiGninG CEREMony 1:00 PM BUSinESS lUnCH 2:30 PM FiRSt PaRallEl SESSionS BEGin RoUndtaBlE 1 KazaKHStan’S PRiVatiSation dRiVE: BUildinG a CaPital MaRKEt tHRoUGH tHE iPo oF StatE-oWnEd CHaMPionS Venue: Ballroom 1 The initial public offering (IPO) of Kazatomprom, the world’s largest uranium producer, in November 2018 marked a landmark achievement for the country’s privatisation programme. Other major state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are now expected to go public and thus give new momentum to the government’s privatisation programme. Which Kazakh SOE will be next? What is the timeline for the remaining of the privatisation programme? ModERatoR: JaCoPo dEttoni, dEPUty EditoR, Fdi MaGazinE (a FinanCial tiMES GRoUP PUBliCation) Alikhan Smailov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Guest of Honour: Mehmet Şimşek, Turkish politician and economist, former Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Timothy Bennett, CEO, Astana International Exchange (AIX) Clemente Cappello, Founder and CIO, Sturgeon Capital Almassadam Satkaliyev, Managing Director — Head of Asset Management, Sovereign Wealth Fund «Samruk-Kazyna» JSC, Chairman of the Board of Directors, KEGOC JSC Meirzhan Yussupov, Chief Financial Officer and Member of Executive Board, NAC Kazatomprom JSC 5 | PROGRAMME RoUndtaBlE 2 BUildinG BRidGES BEtWEEn EURoPE and aSia: KazaKHStan’S RolE at tHE HEaRt oF tHE nEW SilK Road Venue: Ballroom 2 Sitting at the heart of the Eurasian continent, the country has emerged as a key transport link in the grand scheme of reviving the network of ancient trade routes also known as the Silk Road. What are the opportunities of becoming a transport and logistics hub for overland Asia-Europe trade? What the challenges? ModERatoR: JaMES KynGE, GloBal CHina EditoR, FinanCial tiMES Zhenis Kassymbek, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Jens Osmo Dallendoerfer, Vice President Sales Area Eurasia, WILO SE Group, General Director, WILO RUS LLC. Chen Shixin, Vice President, Asian Development Bank Pavel Sokolov, Deputy Chairman of the Board, NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC Gruia Stoica, President, Grampet Group - Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR) Roman Trotsenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors, AEON Corporation Fang Wei, Mayor of Lianyungang (China) PROGRAMME | 6 dEEP diVE 1 MininG: a yEaR aFtER tHE REFoRM Venue: “Moscow” Room The new subsoil code approved in mid-2018 set the tone for future developments of the Kazakh mining industry. Has it prompted the expected changes in the country’s mining sector? ModERatoR: HEnRy Foy, MoSCoW BUREaU CHiEF, FinanCial tiMES Roman Sklyar, Minister of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Qin Junman, Chairman, China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd. (NFC) Alp Malazgirt, CEO, Yilmaden Holding, Yildirim Group company Victor Popov, President, DINATRON Group of Companies 7 | PROGRAMME dEEP diVE 2 EnERGy in tHE ERa oF nEW tECHnoloGiES Venue: “Vienna” Room Technology has disrupted the way we produce and consume energy. With renewable energy on the rise, energy from traditional fossil sources is also upgrading to match tightening global standards for efficiency and environmental friendliness. Kazakhstan is rich in fossil resources, and has potential for renewable energy too. Will the combination of both make the country a hub for the production of clean energy? ModERatoR: naStaSSia aStRaSHEUSKaya, CEntRal aSia CoRRESPondEnt, FinanCial tiMES Kanat Bozumbayev, Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rza Nuriyev, Partner and Managing Director, Head in Central Asia and Caspian region, BCG Kang Qifa, Vice President, Huajin Group Alex Stillavato, Renewables Business Manager, Eni Energy Solutions – Kazakhstan PROGRAMME | 8 4:00 PM CoFFEE BREaK 4:30 PM SECond PaRallEl SESSionS BEGin RoUndtaBlE 3 tHE tRadE and inVEStMEnt diVidEnd oF KAZAKHSTAN’S MULTI- VECTOR DIPLOMACY Venue: Ballroom 1 The country’s crafty multi-vector diplomatic approach raised its international profile and also contributed to its success in the sphere of trade and investment. How can Nur-Sultan further strengthen its global status in a world fraught with geopolitical and economic tensions? What are the main implications for global businesses and governments alike? ModERatoR: JaCoPo dEttoni, dEPUty EditoR, Fdi MaGazinE (a FinanCial tiMES GRoUP PUBliCation) Beibut Atamkulov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Demircan Köse, CFO, Advisory Board Member, DAL Holding Yatırım A.Ş Igor Nechaev, Head of MCC, EuroChem Ulf Schneider, Founder and CEO, SCHNEIDER GROUP Ricky Tan, Founder, Chairman and CEO, KinderWorld International Group, Chairman, Pegasus Education Group Denis Van den Weghe, Honorary Consul of Belgium to Kazakhstan, President, Kazakhstan’s Association of Honorary Consuls 9 | PROGRAMME RoUndtaBlE 4 a BREadBaSKEt FoR EURaSia: UnlEaSHING tHE PotEntial oF KazaKHStan’S aGRiCUltURE Venue: Ballroom 2 In a world facing growing demographic pressure, Kazakhstan vast agricultural and arable land has the potential to play a key role in meeting the challenges of global food security. Is the country’s agribusiness sector on the verge of a new golden era? ModERatoR: HEnRy Foy, MoSCoW BUREaU CHiEF, FinanCial tiMES Saparkhan Omarov, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan Joshua Dixon, Vice President and General Manager - International Irrigation, Valmont Industries Philip Jarvis, Managing Director, Direct Agriculture Werner Liepach, Director General of Central and West Asia Department, Asian Development Bank Alexandre Subbotin, Member of the Board – Minister in charge of Industry and Agriculture, Eurasian Economic Commission Alois Schönberger, Member of the Board, POLCOTTON LTD Alexandre Rudakov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, “Agricultural Holding Eco-culture” LLC Thomas Welke, Senior Vice President of Global Grain and Protein GSI, AGCO Corporation PROGRAMME | 10 dEEP diVE №3 diGitiSation CHanGinG tHE RUlES oF tHE GaME in tHE PUBliC and PRiVatE SECtoR Venue: “Moscow” Room The rise of the Internet of Things, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, combined with the exponential capacity growth of computing devices has dramatically widened the range of tools available to public and private entities to pursue their mission. Public governance can be enhanced, private businesses can streamline their plans based on more accurate preliminary analyses and implementation phase. How is Kazakhstan adjusting to the ongoing technological revolution? ModERatoR: JaMES KynGE, GloBal CHina EditoR, FinanCial tiMES WElCoMinG REMaRKS: aSKaR zHUMaGaliyEV, MiniStER oF diGital dEVEloPMEnt, dEFEnSE and aERoSPaCE indUStRy oF tHE REPUBliC oF KazaKHStan Yerlan Durmagambetov, CEO, National Infocommunication Holding Zerde Enrico Albertin, Director of Operations - Countries Digital Transformation, Cisco Mikko Lavanti, Vice President, Central East Europe & Central Asia, Nokia Sanzhar Kettebekov, CEO, Autonomous Cluster Fund “Park of Innovative Technologies” 11 | PROGRAMME dEEP diVE 4 tHE aStana intERnational FinanCial CEntRE: a nEW FRontiER FoR KazaKH FinanCE and FintECH Venue: “Vienna” Room The AIFC embodies the vision of making Kazakhstan a major financial centre ruled by English common law at the heart of Eurasia. What is the future of the city’s brand new financial centre? Can it become a hotbed for financial innovation and local fintechs? ModERatoR: JoHn dEFtERioS, EMERGinG MaRKEtS EditoR and anCHoR, Cnn BUSinESS Kairat Kelimbetov, Governor, AIFC Christopher Campbell-Holt, Registrar and Chief Executive, AIFC Court and International Arbitration Centre Christian Pauletto, Professor, International University in Geneva (IUG) Linar Yakupov, President, Islamic Business & Finance Development Fund 6:00 PM BilatERal MEEtinGS and nEtWoRKinG 7:00 PM Gala dinnER 9:00 PM EVEnt EndS PROGRAMME
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    SYNERGY PARTNERS LAW FIRM 2 Appendix 1. Governmental Institutions President’s Administration Office Prime Ministry’s Office Mr. Adilbek Dzhaksybekov Mr. Bakytzhan Sagintayev Mangilik Yel street 6 , Government House, Government House, Left Bank, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, T: +7 (7172) 74-56-31. T: +7 (7172) 74-50-01. www.akorda.kz www.government.kz Minister of Energy Minister of Education Mr. Kanat Bozumbayev Mr. Yerlan Sagadiyev 19, Kabanbai batyr avenue, Mangilik Yel street, 8, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, T: +7 (7172) 74-00-75. T: +7 (7172) 74-24-28. [email protected] [email protected] www.mgm.gov.kz www.edu.gov.kz Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Finance Mr. Kairat Abdrakhmanov Mr. Bakhyt Sultanov 31, Kunayev street, Left Bank, 11 Pobeda avenue, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, T: +7 (7172) 72-05-17. T: +7 (7172) 71-77-64. [email protected] [email protected] www.mfa.gov.kz www.minfin.kz Minister of Internal Affairs Minister of Investments and Mr. Kalmukhanbet Kasymov Development 1, Tayelsyzdyk street, Mr. Zhenis Kassymbek Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, 32/1, Kabanbai batyr avenue, T: +7 (7172) 72-20-50. Astana 010000 Kazakhstan, [email protected] T: +7 (7172) 24-04-75. www.mvd.kz www.mid.gov.kz Minister of Justice Minister of Agriculture Mr. Marat Beketayev Mr. Askar Myrzakhmetov 8 Ministries House, 36, Kenesary street, Mangilik Yel street, 8, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, Astana 010000, Kazakhstan, T: +7 (7172) 55-59-95. T: + 7 (7172) 74-02-01. www.mgov.kz [email protected] www.minjust.kz Minister of Healthcare Mr.
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