Charity Number SC045378

The Children's Wood

Report and Financial Statements

For the Year Ended 31 October 2020 The Children's Wood Report and Accounts for the Period Ended 31 March 2020



Reference and Administration Details 3

Trustees' Annual Report 4 - 7

Independent Examiner's Report 8

Receipts and Payments Account 9

Statement of Balances 10

Notes to the Accounts 11 - 13

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Reference and Administration Details

Charity Name The Children's Wood

Charity Number SC045378

Principal Address

Trustees Chairperson (resigned November 2020) Chairperson (appointed November 2020) Treasurer (appointed September 2020) Secretary Safeguarding

(appointed September 2020) (appointed September 2020) (appointed September 2020) (resigned August 2020)

Bankers TSB Bank Henry Duncan House 120 George Street Edinburgh EH2 4LH

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Trustees' Annual Report

The trustees present their report and accounts for the year ended 31 October 2020

Structure, Governance and Management

The charity is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (a SCIO). It was registered in its current legal form on 27th January 2015. It has a single tier structure and as such the trustees are the members of the charity.

The Charity Trustees hold regular meetings, communicate with each other regularly and generally control the activities of the SCIO. The Charity Trustees are referred to collectively as the “Board”.

Trustees can be elected at any point throughout the year.

Objectives and Activities

Charitable Purposes

The advancement of education by: •Providing outdoor learning for children and their carers •Organising public and schools’ events •Working with schools and other organisations to educate about the benefits of learning and playing outside in nature. •Working with local, young people and their families to support and encourage young people’s personal and professional development.

The provision of recreational facility, or the organisation of recreational activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended, by: •Preserving a woodland experience in the city so maintaining and protecting our local environment. •Creating opportunities for children and the community to play outside in nature and meet each other by organising playgroups and events •Developing space for participants to explore in a safe and secure outdoor environment for the benefit of the community and its cohesion •Develop a safe space for young people through the regular opportunities to participate in a youth group •Providing activities or services which aim to relieve the impact of poverty and income inequality on people living in the operating area. This could include food related activities.

The advancement of citizenship or community development by •Training teachers, young people and volunteers •Working with the local community around North Kelvin Meadow in the nearby wards within City of (geographically this covers those living predominantly in the /Kelvin, Canal, and wards of the city) •Creating intergenerational opportunities and engaging with harder to reach groups through events and linking up with other groups within the community. •Through support and training allow young people to grow, develop, seek employment and take ownership over their lives and within their community.

The advancement of arts, heritage, culture or science • Through community projects and events.

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Trustees' Annual Report

Achievements and Performance

Charitable Activities

During this period, we ran the following regular activities – Food from the Wood project delivering food to vulnerable and self- isolating people in the G20 area. We supported the community to continue to garden and local schools and community groups to access the Children’s Wood and North Kelvin Meadow for outdoor learning and fun. We ran Forest Schools for local nurseries, schools and young people. We supported the G20 young people to run Safe Street Play in the Wyndford community during summer 2020. We supported young people and the wider community, to get involved with volunteering in the Food from the Wood project throughout the pandemic. We worked with the West End Festival and Queen Margaret Drive Community to run the Windows of Wonder community events programme. We collaborated with various partners such as the Violence Reduction Unit and Street Cones to help reduce violence locally.

Schools Engagement Activities Our Schools and Community Co-ordinator has continued to lead a diverse schools and community programme on the land despite the challenges of 2020. She has facilitated schools using the land for outdoor learning in response to the pandemic. She was in contact with the schools and local groups during the restrictions and checked on the land to make sure everyone was safe and that we were following government guidelines. When restrictions eased she led Forest School and outdoor learning activities with local schools and groups.

Community Engagement We adapted the way we engaged with the community in response to the pandemic. Despite the restrictions we engaged with a variety of groups to manage the land and to help support children and adults to access the Children’s Wood and North Kelvin Meadow for recreation and learning. Many local people have commented on how the land has been a place of respite during the difficult times of 2020. The Children’s Wood community helped to cook and safely deliver food during the national lockdown.

Partnership Working We’ve been working in partnership with different organisations such as local schools, The Violence Reduction Unit, Street Cones, Social Work, Universities, Maryhill Housing, Police , West End Festival, Queen Margaret Drive Community and local community groups. We have been working on shared aims such as supporting mental health and well-being, outdoor learning, gardening and violence reduction.

Public Events During 2020 we reduced our public events in response to the pandemic. We organised a series of Windows of Wonder events in collaboration with the West End Festival. The community participated in decorating windows during October. There were fire spinning activites, music and fairy lights decorating the children’s wood and in the wider the area. We also hosted a series of outdoor storytelling events in collaboration with the West End Festival.

Community Gardening Our community gardener continued to look after and develop the community garden. Due to the pandemic, the group gardening stopped and started during the lockdown periods and according to government guidelines. The community garden continued to thrive and flourish and many people said how much it meant to them during the challenging times of 2020.

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Trustees' Annual Report

Glasgow City Council Communities Fund We received 3 years funding for our G20 Youth Festival from to cover some of our core costs. This helped to make the G20 youth project more sustainable through paying for youth workers and some core costs.

Training We participated in various training programmes such as Trauma Training and Help the Helpers training with Vilolence Reduction Unit. Child protection and Food Hygiene Training.

Food From The Wood At the beginning of 2020 we were running a Forest School for Girls in the Children’s Wood. When it became clear that there was going to be a national lockdown we asked “How can We Help? From this came the idea to support local people who were vulnerable or self isolating with cooked meal deliveries. The Food From The Wood project was well supported by the communtiy as well as support through funding from the Government and local anchor organsations such as Partick Thistle Charitable Trust. We received funding from Glasgow City Council to upgrade our kitchen at the G20 youth club so that we could make and safely deliver food to people.We worked with a professional chef and a team of our youth workers, staff, young people and volunteers to safely deliver food during most of 2020.

G20 youth Festival The G20 Young people helped to deliver the Food From the Wood project. When the restrictions eased in summer 2020 the young people led outdoor ‘safe street play’ for local children in the Wyndford community. They received training and were supported to successfully deliver this programme. This was funded by Maryhill Housing. During 2020 we supported 15 of the G20 young people to successfully apply for the Transition Fund through the Independent Living Fund. This opened up access to various opportunities for young peopel such as paying for training, driving lessons, ipads, equipment and courses. We supported young people with CV’s, job interviews and to successfully enter employment. During 2020 most of our activities were reduced in number and very often one to one. This meant we could focus on developing and strengthening the relationships between the young people and the club.

Plans for future periods

We plan to: •upskill our team to develop our capacity to manage the Children’s Wood and Meadow. This will involve attending tree management courses and other conservation and gardening courses •focus on outdoor activities and access to nature for G20 young people. Develop our trauma informed approach. Deliver a summer festival around football , music and creativity •support young people with employability by creating and finding job opportunities, and supporting young people into positive pathways through the G2o Youth Festival •Continue to work with the local community to access the Children’s Wood for outdoor learning and fun. This may involve developing a charter to help with managing the use of the land. Supporting the local community and groups to take an active role in managing the land. •Strengthen and create new partnerships with other groups and organisations •Support the aims of the Climate Challenge Conference COP26 in November 2021 through partnership working

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Trustees' Annual Report

Impact of Covid-19

We responded to the pandemic by creating the Food From the Wood project and much of our energy went into feeding local vulnerable people during these challenging times. We focused on maintaining the relationships we had with local schools, community groups, local people and young people through staying in touch and supporting people with outdoor learning, gardening and activities as restrictions allowed.

Financial Review

The charity generated a surplus of £74,214 in the year (2019: deficit of -£9,618). At balance date, reserves stood at £90,318 (2019: £16,104), with £43,958 of these being unrestricted free reserves (2019: £9,009).

Reserves Policy

It is the policy of the Charity to maintain reserves at a level equivalent to three months' operational expenditure. The trustees consider that reserves at this level will ensure that they will be able to continue the charity’s activities in the time taken to secure new projects.

Based on the accounts for the year ended 31 October 2020, ordinary expenditure for three months amounts to £36,415. At 31 October 2020 reserves equalled £90,318 therefore the trustees are satisfied that this policy is being met. Funds held above this level will be reinvested in the Children's Wood.

The trustees declare that they have approved the report above.

Signed on behalf of the charity's trustees:



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The Children's Wood Report and Accounts for the Year Ended 31 October 2020

Receipts and Payments Account

Unrestricted Restricted Total 2019 Funds Funds Funds Total Receipts Notes £ £ £ £

Grants 2 11,564 184,928 196,492 98,936 Donations 3 12,808 - 12,808 3,755 Charitable Activities 4 10,577 - 10,577 4,915 34,949 184,928 219,877 107,606 Payments

Charitable Activities Costs 5 - 145,663 145,663 117,224 - 145,663 145,663 117,224

Net Receipts/-Payments 34,949 39,265 74,214 (9,618)

Transfers Between Funds - - - -

Net Surplus/-Deficit for the Year 34,949 39,265 74,214 (9,618)

Funds Brought Forward 9,009 7,095 16,104 25,722

Funds Carried Forward 6 £43,958 £46,360 £90,318 £16,104

The notes on pages 11 - 13 form an integral part of these accounts.

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Statement of Balances

Unrestricted Restricted Total 2019 Funds Funds Funds Total £ £ £ £

Opening Cash and Bank Balances 9,009 7,095 16,104 25,722 Surplus/-Deficit for the year 34,949 39,265 74,214 (9,618) Closing Cash and Bank Balances 43,958 46,360 90,318 16,104

Signed on behalf of the trustees:



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Notes to the Accounts

1. Basis of Preparation

These accounts have been prepared on the Receipts and Payments basis in accordance with the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Charities Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2006 (as amended).

2. Grants Unrestricted Restricted Total 2019 Funds Funds Funds Total £ £ £ £

Bank of Scotland 18,720 18,720 Cashback for Communities 5,000 5,000 Commonweal - 4,000 Corra Foundation 19,406 19,406 4,000 Creative Scotland YMI 17,000 17,000 Foundation Scotland 3,904 3,904 GCC - Integrated Grant Fund 11,190 11,190 66,495 Glasgow City Council 40,436 40,436 Hugh Fraser 4,800 4,800 Maryhill Housing Community Fund 4,070 4,070 Mikel Fund - 2,500 National Lottery Community Fund - 9,785 North United Communities 15,144 15,144 North West women's Centre 1,000 1,000 Other Small Grants 1,432 4,028 5,460 8,156 Partick Thistle Community Wellbeing Fund 22,630 22,630 RGB Kew - 4,000 RES Group 1,966 1,966 Robertson Trust 9,500 9,500 Scottish Refugee Council 5,000 5,000 Soutar Charitabe Trust 1,000 1,000 St Nicholas Care Fund 3,100 3,100 Tesco 1,166 1,166 Vaughan Williams Trust 6,000 6,000 11,564 184,928 196,492 98,936

3. Donations Unrestricted Restricted Total 2019 Funds Funds Funds Total £ £ £ £

Individual Donations 12,808 12,808 3,755 12,808 - 12,808 3,755

4. Charitable Activities Income Unrestricted Restricted Total 2019 Funds Funds Funds Total £ £ £ £

Delivery of Events 9,951 9,951 4,915 Sundry Income 626 626 10,577 - 10,577 4,915

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Notes to the Accounts

5. Charitable Activities Costs Unrestricted Restricted Total 2019 Funds Funds Funds Total £ £ £ £ Staff Costs Salaries 59,593 59,593 32,333 Sessional 48,275 48,275 46,758 Staff expenses 578 578 348

Running Costs Accounting Support 458 458 367 Activities 2,407 2,407 17,691 Bank Charges 2 2 - Catering 3,268 3,268 3,276 Cleaning 200 200 - Equipment 5,065 5,065 109 Events & Workshops 400 400 - Facilities Hire 5,495 5,495 439 Food 1,802 1,802 792 Heat, Light and Power 132 132 - I.T. & Software 616 616 - Insurance 947 947 1,135 Marketing & advertising 699 699 2,808 Materials & events 7,376 7,376 - Office Costs - 524 Professional Fees 2,072 2,072 958 Rent/Lease of Buildings 1,800 1,800 3,622 Repairs & Maintenance 1,078 1,078 667 Sundries 331 331 468 Telephone 836 836 42 Training 686 686 4,330 Travel & subsistence 1,547 1,547 557 - 145,663 145,663 117,224

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Notes to the Accounts

6. Related Party Transactions

During the year to 31 October 2020, no trustees received any remuneration or expenses (2019: nil).

There were no transactions with related parties in the year (2019: nil).

7. Funds Analysis Opening Closing Balance Balance Unrestricted 1 Nov 19 Receipts Payments Transfers 31 Oct 20

General 9,009 34,949 - - 43,958 9,009 34,949 - - 43,958 Restricted

GCC Integrated Grant Fund 3,095 11,190 14,285 - Robertson Trust 9,500 1,727 7,773 Creative Scotland YMI 17,000 3,180 13,820 Bank of Scotland Foundation 18,720 14,635 4,085 Foundation Scotland 3,904 70 3,834 Area Partnership 13,107 11,136 1,971 Corra Foundation 4,000 4,000 - GCC Holiday Food Fund 30,287 30,287 - Get Go Wyndford 1,070 1,070 - Partick Thistle - Comm Wellbeing 22,630 16,187 6,443 Cashback for Communitites 5,000 5,000 - Hugh Fraser 4,800 - 4,800 Street Play 19,214 19,214 - Scottish Refugee Council 5,000 1,366 3,634 Soutar Charitable Trust 1,000 1,000 - St Nicholas Care Fund 3,100 3,100 - Covid Response Fund 15,406 15,406 - Commonweal Fund 4,000 - 4,000 - 7,095 184,928 145,663 - 46,360

Grand Total 16,104 219,877 145,663 - 90,318

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