University of Copenhagen
Anvendelse og betydning af byens parker og grønne områder Holm, Stine Publication date: 2000 Document version Også kaldet Forlagets PDF Document license: Ikke-specificeret Citation for published version (APA): Holm, S. (2000). Anvendelse og betydning af byens parker og grønne områder. Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab. Forest and landscape research, Nr. 28 Download date: 07. Apr. 2020 Skov & Landskab Forest & Landscape Anvendelse og betydning Research No. 28. 2000 af byens parker og grønne områder (Use and importance of urban parl<s) Stine Holm Miljø- og Energiministeriet Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab Skov & Landskab Forest & Landscape Anvendelse og betydning Research No. 28 . 2000 af byens parker og grønne områder (Use and importance of urban parl<s) Stine Holm Miljø- og Energiministeriet Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab Forest & Landscape Research is issued by the Danish centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning (SI<ov & Landsl<ab). SI<ov & Landsl<ab is a centre for research, education, and extension concerning forest, landscape and planning. It is a mutually binding cooperation between the following three independent institutions: the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole, KVL), the Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute (Forskningscentret for Skov & Landskab, FSL) and the Danish Forestry College (Skovskolen), both under the Ministry of Environment and Energy. The Centre was founded in 2000. The journal accepts Ph.D. theses, D.Sc. theses, and other major research reports of scientific standard concerning forest, park, landscape, and planning research written in Danish or English. The content of the journal undergoes a scientific peer-review process. Forest & Landscape Researcli is to be considered the continuation of Forsl<ningsserien - The Research Series (ISSN: 1398-3423).
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