Encounter Marine Park () - PART B Zoning Advice from and following MPLAG Meeting 4 - 15/02/2011

S 138°0'0"E 138°10'0"E 138°20'0"E 138°30'0"E S " " 0 0 ' '

0 0 C3 (green dash) expands on Aquatic Reserve 2 2 ° ° 5 5 3 This map represents initial zoning advice 3 and adds a southern section from MPLAG members.

IMPORTANT: Please note that this initial zoning advice from MPLAG members: - is not yet complete; MYPONGA BEACH - does not necessarily represent the views of all MPLAG members; - is subject to change. MYPONGA

The MPLAGs will meet again in late April/early May to consider any further information before finalising their advice on preferred zoning arrangements. D

D1 (pink), suggested alternative NORMANVILLE

YANKALILLA E1 (blue), suggested alternative

D2 (green), suggested alternative

INMAN VALLEY S S " " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 3 3 ° ° 5 5 3 3 E E2 (pink) suggested alternative RAPID BAY

E3 (orange), suggested alternative, 500m off the coast.



138°0'0"E 138°10'0"E 138°20'0"E 138°30'0"E

Invertebrate Community (0 to -10m) Seagrass (-10m to -30m) Bare Sand (-30 to -50m) Parks and Reserves MPLAG Suggestions J1 (dark purple), Invertebrate Community (-10 to -30m) Reef (0 to -10m) Unmapped (0 to -10m) Aquatic Reserves MPLAG Suggestions suggested alternative MPLAG Suggestions Invertebrate Community (-30 to -50m) Reef (-10 to -30m) Unmapped (-10m to -30m) Marine Park MPLAG Suggestions Data Source Suggestions - MPLAG Macroalgae (0 to -10m) Deep Sea Sponges Unmapped (-30 to -50m) Preliminary Zoning Scenarios Topographic data, Parks and Reserves - DENR Benthic Habitat Mapping - CSIRO, SARDI-PIRSA & DENR Macroalgae (-10 to -30m) Bare Sand (0 to -10m) Unmapped (>-50m) Special Purpose Areas 0 3 Harbours - DENR & Harbours and Navigation Act Anchorage Locations - Flinders Ports (Harbours) Underwater Cables - DTEI Seagrass (0 to -10m) Bare Sand (-10m to -30m) 0 3 Kms Compiled 9 March 2011 Special Purpose Area Projection Geographic (Underwater Cable) Datum Geocentric Datum of , 1994 Nautical Miles Coastline (median high water)

DEH Standard Marine Park: Encounter Marine Park (MP15) – PART B Date of meeting: 15/02/2011

Note: these comments should be read in conjunction with the feedback map.

Zone Comment number Comment (or colour) D D1 (pink) – Member Shoreline boundary starts at the northern end of Carrickalinga beach and heads north. Southern section is located offshore by approximately 2km to the Normanville jetty. Trade southern extension for beach offset.

D2 (green) – Member Allows seagrass and Sandy Beach Bay to be protected.

Member Get rid of zone D.

E E1 (blue) – Member Look at the original Encounter Marine Park Pilot (EMPP) for the agreed zone as an alternative.

E2 (pink) - Member Provides more commercial squidding south of this zone.

E3 (orange) - Member Provides for commercial squidding along the coast out to approximately 500m.

Member Commercial displacement will be significant under the original scenario. With strong easterly winds fisherman use this area as a sheltered area for fishing. Wirrina launched vessels also use this area on strong easterlies. The area is usually fished within 500m of the shore.

F Member Trade the deep trench on KI side for the Cape Jervis side.

Member Will displace charter, rock lobster, abalone, marine scale, and recreational fishers.

MPLAG feedback collated at meeting 4

G Member This would be a major impact on charter, rock lobster, abalone, marine scale, and recreational fishers in this area. Zones E G and H would take up to 70% of the fished area. Fisherman need to be able to move around in this zone to follow fish as they change grounds. Charter industry is not prepared to put any lines on maps until compensation is on the table.

Gallery Need to see the “regs”.

Member Tourism will be affected as well as the fishing industry.

H Member Zone will have a huge impact on charter, rock lobster, abalone, marine scale, and recreational fishers in the region.

Member Only place that charter fisherman can use on strong northerlies, if they couldn’t fish in this zone they would have to cancel charters on strong northerlies.

Member Lots of recreational boat fisherman launching from Victor Harbor use this area as well as Cape Jervis launched boats.

MPLAG feedback collated at meeting 4