Issue 24 Matters August 2019

Notice that nothing in the The next paragraph goes even above definition mentions further: “For this reason, a anything about being valid matrimonial contract Catholic, or being Christian, cannot exist between the or being married in the baptized without it being by Church. Marriage is a natural that fact a .” This institution that predates and means that any valid marriage goes far beyond , between the baptized is not YOU SAY TOMATO, and we recognize Non- only natural but sacramental. I SAY MARRIAGE. Christian and Non-Catholic “Baptized” here means any

. This is why even baptized Christians, including We have covered many topics Non-Catholics and Non- Non-Catholics. So, if two in this newsletter about the Christians who have a prior baptized Non-Catholics subject of marriage, but we marriage and wish to enter a marry, their marriage is have not really reflected in new marriage in the Catholic sacramental according to the any depth on what marriage Church or who are in a second , even if they is. We will therefore look this or subsequent marriage and do not believe that marriage is month at the canonical wish to come into the Church a sacrament themselves. definition of marriage and through the RCIA must have While this understanding of what kinds of marriages there the validity of any prior marriage may raise certain are. marriages resolved through theological questions, the

the process. All distinction between a merely 1055 §1 defines marriages are by definition natural marriage and a marriage as a “partnership of permanent, for life, and sacramental marriage is the whole of life…which is exclusive, between one man important for certain ordered by its nature to the and one woman, and, unless canonical procedures, the good of the spouses and the and until God changes that, explanation of which goes procreation and education of we must uphold it for beyond the limits of this children.” Canon 1056 fleshes everyone, Catholics and Non- newsletter. this definition out by Catholics alike. identifying the essential That’s it for now. Next time properties of marriage: unity Marriage according to the we will look at some other and indissolubility. So, by its above, universally applicable kinds of marriages. Until then, very nature, marriage is an definition is commonly keep the faith, love God’s exclusive and permanent referred to as natural people, and always honor the covenant established between marriage. All marriages that code! a man and a woman for their are truly marriages are good and the good of having therefore natural marriages, and raising children. This is a but some natural marriages matter of divine law (Matthew are also sacramental 19:3-9), and no human power marriages. Canon 1055 §1 on earth, including the , states that the natural can change it. institution of marriage “has

been raised by Christ to the

dignity of a sacrament between the baptized.”