Vol. 79: 235–245, 2017 AQUATIC MICROBIAL Published online June 16 https://doi.org/10.3354/ame01832 Aquat Microb Ecol

Contribution to AME Special 6 ‘SAME 14: progress and perspectives in aquatic ’ OPEN ACCESS The functional role of planktonic in altering seston stoichiometry

Stefanie D. Moorthi1,*, Robert Ptacnik2, Robert W. Sanders3, Robert Fischer1, Michaela Busch1, Helmut Hillebrand1

1Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), University of Oldenburg, Schleusenstraße 1, 26382 Wilhelmshaven, Germany 2WasserCluster Lunz, Biologische Station GmbH, Dr. Carl Kupelwieser Promenade 5, 3293 Lunz am See, Austria 3Temple University, Department of Biology, 1900 N. 12th Street Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA

ABSTRACT: Mixotrophic are widespread and relevant primary producers and consumers in planktonic food webs. Given their dual mode of , mixotrophs face different constraints in allocating resources to cellular structures compared to strict photoautotrophs. However, little is known about their stoichiometric requirements and their flexibility in nutrient content and thus food quality, or how this affects performance and nutrient recycling. In the present study, we tested for systematic differences in elemental composition between photoautotrophic and mixotrophic protists. We compiled intracellular nutrient ratios of mixotrophic and photo - trophic species from culture experiments and from 2 lake surveys. Overall, both laboratory and field data indicated that mixotrophy has a stabilizing effect on the nutrient stoichiometry of pri- mary producers under changing nutrient supply. In laboratory experiments, mixotrophs showed a lower variability in intracellular N:P ratios compared to strict phototrophs and were more stable in their elemental composition in response to a gradient of dissolved N:P availability. With increasing contributions of mixotrophic taxa to total lake phytoplankton, both the mean and variance in seston C:P ratios decreased, i.e. communities with higher proportion of mixotrophs overall exhibited more constrained seston stoichiometry. Our results show that mixotrophy may have direct implications for nutrient cycling and secondary production through regulation of seston stoichiometry, buffering stoichiometric constraints for and enabling a more stable secondary production compared to systems dominated by phototrophic specialists.

KEY WORDS: Mixotrophy · Stoichiometry · Nutrients · Food quality · Trophic transfer · Trophic efficiency · Plankton

INTRODUCTION levels within a food web and to use particulate and dissolved nutrient pools, thus augmenting their Mixotrophic planktonic protists, which are able to nutrition in terms of , macronutrients and combine heterotrophic and phototrophic modes of micronutrients including vitamins and trace metals nutrition within a single cell, have increasingly (Sanders et al. 1990, Caron et al. 1993, Maranger et been recognized and documented in aquatic sys- al. 1998, Jones 2000). These advantages may lend tems in the past decades (e.g. Sanders & Porter mixotrophs a competitive advantage over strict 1988, Caron 2000, Stickney et al. 2000, Unrein et phototrophs and (Bockstahler & Coats al. 2007, Hartmann et al. 2012). The combination of 1993a,b) and seem to outweigh increased meta bolic using and phagotrophic feeding costs of maintaining both modes of nutrition (Raven enables mixo trophs to function on multiple trophic 1997).

© The authors 2017. Open Access under Creative Commons by *Corresponding author: [email protected] Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un - restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited. Publisher: Inter-Research · www.int-res.com 236 Aquat Microb Ecol 79: 235–245, 2017

Mixotrophy, here defined as the combination of try and higher nutrient content compared to photo - photosynthetic fixation and phagotrophic trophs (Elser et al. 2000, Persson et al. 2010). feeding, occurs in a variety of marine and freshwater The concept of (ES) ack- systems and in various phylogenetic groups and size nowledges the importance of nutrient imbalances be- classes, including algal groups such as chrysophytes, tween consumers and their prey, which particularly , haptophytes, raphidophytes and affect −phototroph interactions. Al tered sto- cryptophytes (e.g. Sanders 1991, Unrein et al. 2007, ichiometry of primary producers alters food quality for Jeong et al. 2010, Caron 2016). Phagotrophic phyto - herbivores, which strongly influences trophic inter - in the nanoplankton (2 to 20 µm) size class actions and food web dynamics, constraining consumer can constitute a substantial fraction of the phyto- grazing and growth rates, as well as nutrient recycling plankton and can be major , (e.g. Sterner & Elser 2002, Iwabuchi & Urabe 2012). particularly in oligotrophic systems (Zubkov & Tar- ES has successfully been applied to explain consumer ran 2008, Hartmann et al. 2012, Unrein et al. 2014). A food uptake rate, assimilation and growth efficiency number of bloom-forming harmful such as (Cross et al. 2003, Fagan & Denno 2004, Frost et al. dinoflagellates, haptophytes and raphidophytes are 2006), between consumer species (Hall also able to consume prey , which is as - 2004, Loladze et al. 2004) as well as the effects of con- sumed to facilitate their and bloom for- sumers on prey nutrient composition (Daufresne & mation in phytoplankton communities (Burkholder et Loreau 2001, Hillebrand et al. 2009b). al. 2008). Even though the relevance of phytoplankton stoi- Recent modeling efforts indicate dramatic in - chiometry for the transfer of matter and energy to creases in cumulative and/or trophic higher trophic levels has been recognized and ac- transfer efficiency when mixotrophy is included knowledged in numerous studies, very few studies (Mitra et al. 2016, Ward & Follows 2016). In spite of have addressed the stoichiometry of mixotrophic or- the diversity and wide distribution of mixotrophic ganisms that are able to pursue alternative production organisms and their potential contribution to these pathways and can supplement their uptake of inor- level processes, they have largely been ganic dissolved nutrients and photosynthetic carbon ignored or marginalized by many plankton ecolo- fixation by feeding on prey. While fluctuations in dis- gists, biological oceanographers and modellers solved inorganic nutrients strongly affect intracellular (Mitra et al. 2014; but see Caron 2016 and references C:nutrient ratios in purely photosynthetic organisms, therein). There are many systems for which the con- intracellular nutrient concentrations and ratios should tribution of mixotrophs to community production and be more stable in mixotrophic organisms, since pha - thus also their influence on global biogeochemical gotrophic feeding on nutrient rich prey can potentially cycles remain largely unknown. This becomes espe- compensate for inorganic nutrient limitation. In bac- cially obvious when addressing coupled elemental terial prey, for instance, concentrations of potentially cycles and stoichiometry, which has been studied limiting nutrients are often several orders of magni- almost exclusively using pure photoautotrophs. tude higher compared to the dissolved phase (e.g. Depending on the relative availability and algal Vadstein 2000). Examining the stoichiometry of mixo- demand, algae take up different dissolved nutrients trophic organisms thus has important implications for such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and thus plankton food web dyna mics and the cycling of link the cycle of different elements. The stoichiome- matter and energy, especially in the face of anthro- try of phytoplankton composition is therefore an pogenic nutrient loadings to aquatic systems (Vi- important component of global and regional biogeo- tousek et al. 1997, Rockström et al. 2009). chemical models and has received broad attention in Several studies have investigated concentrations of the literature (Sterner & Elser 2002, Hillebrand et al. particular nutrients in mixotrophic flagellates, but 2013 and references therein). Microalgae usually most of them focused more on the effect of light, show a broad plasticity in elemental composition de- temperature and dissolved nutrient conditions on pending on nutrient supply ratios, as nutrient assimi- phagotrophic feeding and its contribution to C and lation and photosynthetic carbon fixation are physio- nutrient budgets (Caron et al. 1993, Li et al. 2000, logically separated; fluc tuations in supplies Skovgaard et al. 2000, 2003, Smalley et al. 2003, Car- and their ratios are therefore partly reflected in a valho & Granéli 2010, Simonds et al. 2010, Brutemark phototroph’s elemental composition (Ågren 2004, & Granéli 2011, Wilken et al. 2014, Johnson 2015) or Hillebrand et al. 2013). In contrast, metazoan con- on the relationship of internal nutrient concentrations sumers generally have a more confined stoichiome- and toxin production in different harmful dinoflagel- Moorthi et al.: Mixotrophy alters algal stoichiometry 237

lates (Johnsen et al. 1999, John & Flynn 2000, Van de In the present study we therefore aimed for a better Waal et al. 2013, Pérez Blanco et al. 2015). We are understanding of stoichiometry by com- aware of only 2 empirical studies that have specifi- paring intracellular nutrient data (N:P) from labora- cally addressed the balance of intracellular nutrients tory studies on mixotrophic species (nanoflagellates, in particular mixotrophs and its dependence on envi- dinoflagellates and ) growing at different ronmental factors and potential differences in their concentrations of dissolved N and P. We compared nutrient stoichiometry compared to purely photo - this information to equivalent laboratory data from trophic or heterotrophic organisms. Chrzanowski et purely photosynthetic organisms across marine and al. (2010) investigated the elemental stoichiometry of freshwater systems spanning different taxonomic the mixotrophic Ochromonas danica in re- groups (dataset derived from Hillebrand et al. 2013). sponse to varied bacterial re source composition. They In addition, we analyzed seston C:P ratios from natu- found the molar C:N:P composition in O. danica to be ral phytoplankton communities as a function of the variable depending on the C:N:P of the food source, contribution of potentially mixotrophic species to the indicating that this flagellate only weakly regulated total phytoplankton community. We utilized data its element composition compared to a purely hetero- from 2 lake surveys that were carried out during trophic species. However, the authors did not consider summer stratification in 2004 (Striebel et al. 2009a, stoichiometric variation or comparison of the mixo - 2009b) and 2012 (Horváth et al. 2017). troph to purely photo trophic algae. The first experi- We used these data to address 2 hypotheses: (1) mental data suggesting that intracellular nutrient purely phototrophic species are more variable in concentrations and ratios are more stable (less vari- their intracellular N:P ratios than mixotrophic species able) in mixotrophs compared to pure phototrophs and show a stronger response to varying dissolved were provided by Katechakis et al. (2005). Their N:P ratios in the external medium compared to mixo- study compared stoichio metry and produc- trophic species because mixotrophs are able to com- tion of a phototrophic specialist alga (Scenedesmus) pensate for limiting of dissolved nutrients by also and 2 mixotrophic nano flagellates (Cryptomonas sp. exploiting particulate organic nutrient sources, i.e. and Ochromonas tuberculata) under different light feeding on prey; and (2) with increasing contribution and P supply and compared their relative food quality of potentially mixotrophic species to the total phyto- for . In accordance with the light:nutrient plankton community, seston C:P ratios and the vari- hypothesis (Sterner et al. 1997), biomass and nutrient ability of these ratios decrease because mixotrophs stoichiometry of the phototrophic specialist were very are able to buffer inorganic nutrient limitation by variable and strongly depended on light and nutrient phagotrophic feeding on prey. supply. Growth and fecundity of the zooplankton consumer Daphnia magna fed with Scenedesmus was limited by food quantity at low light intensities METHODS and by food quality (high C:nutrient ratios of prey) at high light intensities. In contrast, biomass and nu- Laboratory cultures trient stoichiometry of the mixotrophs were hardly af- fected by different nutrient and light supply, as they For the purely phototrophic species, we used a compensated for light and P deficiency by feeding on composite dataset of algal N:P compiled by Hille- bac teria. O. tuberculata was toxic to D. magna and brand et al. (2013). This composite dataset includes not considered further by Katechakis et al. (2005), but 56 datasets comprising 590 N:P ratios from 29 publi- presence of the mixotroph Cryptomonas resulted in cations, including only and diatoms, higher and more stable secondary production at most i.e. taxonomic groups in which no potential mixo- light:nutrient supply ratios compared to the purely trophs occur, as well as chlorophytes which have few phototrophic Scenedesmus. This suggests that mixo - marine and no known freshwater mixotrophs. trophs indeed may have a balancing effect on food For mixotrophic species, we searched the Web of webs under variations of light and dissolved nutrient Science by the Institute for Scientific Information for supply, potentially increasing the energy transfer ef- studies reporting intracellular particulate nutrient ficiency to higher trophic levels. Despite its potential concentrations. We used the search terms ‘mixo - relevance for food web dynamics and nutrient cycling troph*’ and (‘nutrient*’ or ‘stoichiometr*’), as well as in a changing environment, the specific role of mixo- ‘*’ and (‘nutrient*’ or ‘stoichiometr*’). trophs for seston stoichiometry has been largely From the studies we found, we included those into ignored. our analysis that contained particulate N and P data 238 Aquat Microb Ecol 79: 235–245, 2017

of laboratory cultures of mixotrophic species to calcu- dinoflagellate studies), and some studies provided late intracellular N:P ratios. In many cases, a single both kinds of data. However, none of the mixotrophic publication yielded multiple datasets that were in- cultures were axenic, i.e. all of them contained cluded if independent experiments were performed potential bacterial prey, even if protistan prey was by growing the same mixotrophic species under dif- not present. Therefore, we can assume that mixotro- ferent conditions (e.g. different nutrient or light con- phic cultures that were grown without specific prey ditions (see Figs. S1 & S2 in the Supplement at www. additions might have ingested bacterial prey and int-res.com/articles/suppl/a079p235_supp.pdf) or if were thus also growing mixotrophically. All of the more than one species were investigated in a single included laboratory studies provided N:P availability study. In total, we collected 212 N:P ratios for 17 in the medium of the cultures, most of the studies also mixotrophic species from 16 publications and 2 so far provided light intensities (see Figs. S1 & S2); other unpublished studies, comprising 3 species, 8 environmental parameters, however, were provided dinoflagellate species, 3 chrysophyte, 2 haptophyte too inconsistently to be included in our analyses. and 1 cryptophyte species (Table 1), feeding on either We compared the median N:P ratio of purely photo - bacterial or microalgal prey. For our analysis, we trophic species to that of mixotrophic species across pooled all the data from different taxonomic groups, the entire data set, transforming all data to molar N:P as data were too scarce to distinguish between differ- ratios. Thereby, we determined the range and vari- ent groups of mixotrophs. Overall, the studies in- ability of N:P ratios for both groups and tested poten- cluded were quite inconsistent in the data they pro- tial differences of the N:P distributions with a Kol- vided. Some of them stated intracellular nutrient mogorov-Smirnov (KS) test. We then analyzed the concentrations of mixo trophs after growing with prey correlation between the internal N:P ratios to the organisms (we excluded studies where particulate supplied N:P ratios for phototrophs and mixo trophs nutrient data presented combined results for the sto- respectively. We used a general linear model (glm) ichiometry of mixotrophs and their prey), while other with identity (mixotroph versus photo troph) studies provided data for known mixotrophs without as categorical binary variable and ln-transformed enrichment with specific prey organisms (especially N:P availability as a continuous variable. A significant interaction (p < 0.05) between or- Table 1. Publications providing data on intracellular N:P ratios in mixotrophic ganism identity and ln-transformed organisms N:P availability suggests a signifi- cant difference between slopes. Taxonomic Species Publication group

Freshwater Field data Chrysophyte Dinobryon cylindricum Caron et al. (1993) Chrysophyte Ochromonas danica Chrzanowski et al. (2010) We used seston stoichiometry Chrysophyte Ochromonas danica Simonds et al. (2010) (C:P) data from 2 lake surveys that Chrysophyte Ochromonas danica Wilken et al. (2014) were carried out in Germany Chrysophyte Ochromonas tuberculata Katechakis et al. (2005) Cryptophyte Cryptomonas sp. Katechakis et al. (2005) (Bavaria) and Austria in Septem- Ciliate Euplotes daidaleos S. D. Moorthi (unpubl. data) ber 2004 (Survey A; Striebel et al. Ciliate Coleps sp. S. D. Moorthi (unpubl. data) 2009a,b) and August to September Marine 2012 (Survey B; Horváth et al. Dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella M. Busch et al. (unpubl. data) 2017). These particular surveys Dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum M. Busch et al. (unpubl. data) Dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Van de Waal et al. (2013) were selected because both stud- Dinoflagellate Ceratium furca Smalley & Coats (2002) ies had reliable microscopic bio- Dinoflagellate Ceratium furca Smalley et al. (2003) volume estimates and used highly Dinoflagellate Dinophysis norvegica Gisselson & Granéli (2001) comparable methods in terms of Dinoflagellate Fragilidium subglobosum Skovgaard et al. (2000) sampling procedure etc. (Striebel Dinoflagellate Gyrodinium galatheanum Li et al. (2000) Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum M. Johnson (2015) et al. 2009a,b, Horváth et al. 2017). Haptophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri Johnsen et al. (1999) In these surveys, altogether 76 Haptophyte Prymnesium parvum Carvalho & Granéli (2010) samples were collected from 61 Haptophyte Prymnesium parvum Skovgaard et al. (2003) different lakes in south-eastern Haptophyte Prymnesium parvum Brutemark & Granéli (2011) Ciliate Mesodinium rubrum Brutemark & Granéli (2011) Germany and Austria during sum- mer stratification (July to early Moorthi et al.: Mixotrophy alters algal stoichiometry 239

September). Survey A used 42 samples from 36 lakes trophs (KS test, D = 0.196, p < 0.001). The median and Survey B used 34 samples from 34 lakes; 9 lakes molar N:P of phototroph biomass in the laboratory were sampled in both surveys. Integrated epilimnetic studies examined here was 15.00 (interquartiles from water samples were taken from boats in both cases. 8.53 to 31.37), whereas for mixotrophs the median Species were identified and quantified by light was slightly higher (19.7) and the interquartiles were microscopy, and species-specific biovolumes were less widespread (12.32 to 25.40) (Fig. 1). With in - estimated by approximation to simple geometrical creasing N:P of available dissolved nutrients, both bodies. At least 20 cells were measured for each mixotrophs and phototrophs increased their internal abundant species in each sample. In an initial analy- N:P ratios. Both main factors, available N:P and sis, we checked whether microscopic estimates of organism identity (mixotroph versus phototroph), algal biovolume scaled with sestonic particulate significantly affected cellular N:P ratios (p < 0.001 for organic carbon (POC) (Fig. S3). For de tails on sam- both factors), explaining 54% of the variation in the pling procedure and microscopic ana lysis see glm (adjusted R2 = 0.538). Also the interaction of both Striebel et al. (2009a) and Horváth et al. (2017). Par- factors was significant (p < 0.001), suggesting a sig- ticulate fractions of C and P were analyzed as out- nificant difference between the slopes of cellular ver- lined in Striebel et al. (2009a). Data from both lake sus dissolved N:P in ln−ln space (Fig. 2). These data surveys were pooled, and the percentage of mixo - indicate that, as the relative availability of dissolved trophs was estimated by pooling the biovolume of all P decreased (available N:P increased), more P was taxa with potential phagotrophic capacity (chryso - retained in mixotroph biomass compared to photo - phytes excluding Synuro phyta, Cryptophyta, Dino- troph biomass. phyta and Haptophyta) and dividing it by the total Overall, the range of N:P ratios provided for differ- phytoplankton biovolume. Ciliates and heterotrophic ent groups in different studies was broader for photo- protists (especially heterotrophic dinoflagellates and trophs than for mixotrophs (Fig. S1), which also cryptophytes) were not considered in this analysis. In might have contributed to more variable N:P ratios in order to limit the variability of total P as confounding phototrophs. The range of light intensities used in factor, eutrophic samples (total P >30 µg l−1) were excluded from the analysis. Within the selected data, 5 C:P is uncorrelated with total P (Spearman’s ρ = 0.053; Fig. S3). In order to examine the dependence of seston C:P ratios on mixotrophs, we performed a regression of 4 molar C:P on the proportion of mixotrophs (% mixo - trophs) in the total phytoplankton community for each sample, using generalized additive models for 3 location scale and shape (GAMLSS; Rigby & Stasino - poulos 2005). Non-constant error variance was fit along with the mean, as the pattern suggested hetero - scedasticity along the % mixotrophs gradient. Model 2 selection was performed by first fitting a minimal Ln(molar N:P ratio) model (trend of the mean) and subsequently testing whether the model was significantly improved when taking non-constant error variance into account (AIC 1 criterion). In order to test for the robustness of a trend of C:P with % mixotrophs, we also calculated a rank correlation. 0 mixo phyto RESULTS Organism group Fig. 1. Molar N:P ratios (ln) of mixotrophic (mixo, n = 212) and Laboratory cultures strictly photoautotrophic (phyto, n = 590) planktonic protists, based on data pooled from laboratory studies (Table 1; Hille- brand et al. 2013). Median (horizontal line), interquartiles The distributions of molar cellular N:P ratios dif- (boxes) and ranges (vertical lines) are shown as well as fered significantly between mixotrophs and photo - outliers (>1.5 times interquartile range) 240 Aquat Microb Ecol 79: 235–245, 2017

5 Furthermore, variation of this relationship decreased with increasing proportion of mixotrophs on total phytoplankton in the lake surveys: the predictability of seston stoichiometry was higher in samples with high proportion of mixotrophs (hetero - 4 scedastic relationship; Fig. 3).


3 Both laboratory and field data indicated that mixo- trophic organisms have a balancing effect on the nutrient stoichiometry of primary producers under changing environmental conditions that potentially alter algal nutrient content and thus food quality. 2 Supporting Hypothesis 1, in laboratory cultures, mixo - trophs showed a lower variability in their intracellu- ln(cellular N:P molar ratio) lar N:P ratios compared to strict photoautotrophs and were less responsive to the N:P availability gradient, i.e. showed a less pronounced increase in internal N:P 1 with increasing N:P ratios in the external medium. Investigation of seston stoichiometry in the Austrian mixo and Bavarian lakes revealed that with in creasing phyto contribution of potentially mixotrophic phytoplankton 0 taxa, seston C:P ratios decreased, as did the variance of C:P, thus supporting Hypothesis 2. 0.0 2.5 5.0 The 2 lake datasets show systematic deviation in ln(available N:P molar ratio) their seston C:P ratio. C:P ratios in the 2 surveys dif- Fig. 2. Molar N:P ratios (ln) of mixotrophic (mixo) and strictly fer most at low % mixotrophs, while they are very photoautotrophic (phyto) planktonic protists along a gradi- similar towards high % mixotrophs. A negative rela- ent of available N:P ratios in the external medium. Lines are linear regressions with the standard error of the slope as tionship between the fraction of mixotrophs and C:P shaded area ratio is especially evident in Survey B, while Survey A only shows a decrease in variation of C:P ratio with different studies, however, was much broader for increasing fraction of mixotrophs (Fig. 3). At the phototrophs than for mixotrophs; we can thus assume same time, the 2 datasets show very similar scaling that light intensities did not play a role as a biasing relationships between total P, algal biovolume and parameter confounding the patterns observed in our POC (Fig. S3). This confirms that methods for bio- study (Fig. S2). volume estimation and sampling procedures are gen- erally comparable. We therefore suggest that the deviation between the 2 surveys reflects different Field data environmental conditions in terms of lakes and cli- matic conditions (stratification pattern and availabil- A negative correlation between proportion of ity of free resources). mixotroph biomass in a community and sestonic C:P Given the ubiquitous occurrence of mixotrophs in was evident from a rank correlation (Spearman’s ρ = most aquatic environments (Caron 2016), our find- −0.29, p = 0.01). As the data indicated non-constant ings have major implications for trophic transfer and error variance with increasing fraction of mixotrophs, nutrient cycling in plankton food webs. Supporting we fitted a GAMLSS model, which allows fitting the initial findings of Katechakis et al. (2005), whose trends in mean and error variance simultaneously. results provided empirical evidence for the hypothe- Model selection clearly supported a negative rela- ses tested in our study, our findings encompassing a tionship between sestonic C:P ratios and the relative breadth of studies indicate that mixotrophy may in - contribution of mixotroph biomass to the total phyto- deed enhance the transfer of energy and nutrients to plankton community (fraction of mixotrophs; Fig. 3). higher trophic levels, ensuring more stable second- Moorthi et al.: Mixotrophy alters algal stoichiometry 241

Fig. 3. Sestonic C:P ratio as a function of fraction of mixotrophs in samples from natural lakes. Left panel shows the raw data from 2 surveys: Survey A in 2004 (Striebel et al. 2009a) and Survey B in 2012 (Horváth et al. 2017). The right panel shows all data together with results of analysis using generalized additive models for location scale and shape (GAMLSS), fitting the mean trend to the trend in variation along the x-axis. The bold line gives the trend of the mean, dashed lines indicate the per- centiles of error variance in steps of 5% along the predictor (i.e. the area below the lowest line comprises 5% of the error vari- ance, the next line 10% etc.). The estimates for the mean (±SD) slope and trend in variance are −1.92 ± 0.877 and −0.011 ± 0.0035, p = 0.003, respectively, for 76 observations with 72 residual degrees of freedom ary production in plankton food webs. The large vari- potentially leading to constraints in energy and nutri- ability in cellular elemental ratios of strict photoauto- ent flow through consumer−resource interactions and trophic species can have severe consequences for thus biogeochemical cycling in (Cherif & consumers that generally show a more confined stoi- Loreau 2013, Glibert et al. 2013). The results of the chiometry, which can lead to an elemental mismatch present study indicate that the stoichiometric compo- of the consumers’ nutrient demands and the rela- sition of mixotrophs is less affected by changes in tively plastic nutrient balance in their algal prey (e.g. nutrient supply than the stoichio metry of strictly Elser et al. 2000, Persson et al. 2010). Such mis- photoautotrophic organisms, based on the mixotrophs’ matches alter consumption rates on low quality prey ability to use both particulate and dissolved nutrient (high C:nutrient), either resulting in prey avoidance, sources. Potentially limiting nutrients such as P are or in compensatory feeding at the consumer individ- often much more concentrated in the prey organisms ual level (e.g. Hillebrand et al. 2009a). Eventually, of mixotrophs, such as , compared to the dis- feeding on low quality food may lower consumer solved phase (e.g. Vadstein 2000). Bacteria are known performance and growth efficiency, leading to re - to have relatively low and constrained C:P and C:N duced consumer and trophic transfer ratios (Sterner & Elser 2002, Makino et al. 2003), (Cross et al. 2003, Fagan & Denno 2004, Frost et al. enabling bacterivorous mixo trophs to maintain low 2006, Hillebrand et al. 2009a, Moorthi et al. 2016). C:nutrient ratios even when dissolved nutrient con- Thus, stoichiometric constraints of herbivores may centrations are low, potentially making them a nutri- even propagate through the food web to secondary ent-rich food source for higher trophic levels in nutri- consumers (e.g. Malzahn et al. 2007) and have far- ent depleted environments. Mixotrophy may thus reaching consequences for the community structure enhance the transfer of energy and nutrients to higher and of the entire food web. trophic levels, resulting in more stable secondary Anthropogenic nutrient input into the biosphere production in plankton food webs, as was demon- has almost doubled in the past decades (Vitousek et strated by Katechakis et al. (2005). In a marine study al. 1997, Rockström et al. 2009), leading to shifting involving N-limited planktonic assemblages, Ptacnik N:P ratios in many freshwater and coastal marine et al. (2004) found that the presence of the mixotro- systems. Atmospheric N deposition has already in - phic flagellate Chryso chromulina led to increasing duced a secondary P limitation (Elser et al. 2009), seston C:N ratios and enhanced copepod reproduc- 242 Aquat Microb Ecol 79: 235–245, 2017

tion. The results by Ptacnik et al. (2004) show that suing different nutritional strategies, such as prima- mixotrophy does not necessarily reduce the C con- rily phototrophic flagellates capable of phagotro- tent of seston biomass. Especially in oligotrophic phy and primarily heterotrophic that have marine systems, bacteria contain a larger fraction of gained photosynthetic capacity through kleptoplas- the total amount of nutrients. Here the net effect of tidy or symbiotic algae (Caron 2016). Not much is bacterivorous mixotrophs may be an enhancement of known about protozoa that have kleptoplastidic or phytoplankton biomass at the expense of bacteria, symbiotic associations with microalgae, such as cili- resulting in higher sestonic C content (see also ates and many species of Rhizaria (Foraminifera, Thingstad et al. 1996 for ambi valent effects of mixo - Acantharea, Radiolaria). Rhizaria are particularly trophs on phototrophic algae). common in tropical and subtropical oceans (Caron Chrzanowski et al. (2010) demonstrated that the 2016) and their importance has been grossly under- mixotrophic flagellate Ochromonas danica was more estimated in the world ocean (de Vargas et al. 2015). variable in element stoichiometry (C:N, C:P and N:P) There are a few caveats to our investigation. Some in response to different bacterial resource composi- studies in our analysis included potential mixotrophs tion compared to purely heterotrophic flagellates. that are known to ingest bacteria grown in non- Taken together, the experimental observations of axenic cultures, but in which phagotrophic feeding Chrzanowski et al. (2010), Katechakis et al. (2005) by mixotrophs was not quantified. We assumed that and our study suggest that mixotrophic organisms bacteria were ingested and might have potentially are intermediate in their homeostatic abilities, being buffered nutrient limitation by dissolved nutrients. more variable in their stoichiometry compared to strict Furthermore, the laboratory cultures examined in heterotrophs, but less variable compared to strict our study were growing under different environmen- photoautotrophs. However, more data and studies on tal conditions, such as different light and tempera- the stoichiometry of heterotrophic and mixotrophic ture conditions. The variability of light conditions protists are required to verify this assumption. The used in different studies was higher for mixotrophs various nutritional strategies that mixotrophic pro- than for phototrophs and did not play a role as con- tists have evolved as well as the variable contribution founding factor for our observations (Fig. S2). How- of the 2 nutritional modes to the overall nutrition of ever, there was a broader range of nutrient availability the organism substantially complicate the descrip- (dissolved N:P) for phototrophs than for mixo trophs, tion of food web structure in aquatic systems. The which might have contributed to the in creased intra- contribution of mixotrophs to net community produc- cellular N:P variability observed in phototrophs com- tion on different trophic levels is difficult to quantify, pared to mixotrophs. and its integrated impact on global biogeochemical Temperature data were not consistently provided cycles still remains largely unknown. The prevailing for different studies and could therefore not be ana- nutritional mode of a mixotrophic species strongly lyzed, although this factor is known to alter the stoi- de termines its influence on trophic dynamics, regard- chiometry in algae. With increasing temperature, ing grazing control, nutrient uptake and regenera- algal C:nutrient ratios have been shown to increase, tion (e.g. Rothhaupt 1997, Fi scher et al. 2016, 2017), either due to enhanced carbon fixation per unit re - and very likely also intracellular stoichiometry. source (e.g. Moorthi et al. 2016) or due to decreasing Here, we presented an effort to resolve the effect of intracellular N and P concentrations based on en - mixotrophic organisms on nutrient stoichiometry in hanced efficiency of RNA (requiring P) and proteins plankton food webs. Our study indicates that mixo - (requiring N) in biochemical reactions (Woods et al. trophs might enhance food quality for herbivores by 2003). Also, the contribution of photosynthesis and constraining stoichiometric variation in the phyto- phagotrophy varies with temperature in mixo trophs plankton, resulting in a more stable transfer of nutri- (Wilken et al. 2013, Princiotta et al. 2016), which pre- ents and energy to higher trophic levels. However, sumably also alters intracellular nutrient stoichiome- further studies are necessary to validate this finding try. Our lake data analysis also needs to be consid- and unravel the relationship of different mixotrophic ered with some care, as we in cluded all potentially feeding strategies and their influence on nutrient mixotrophic taxonomic groups, but of course cannot dynamics across trophic levels. Due to the scarcity of be sure whether the dominant organisms in these data on the stoichiometry of mixotrophs, we could groups were employing phago trophic feeding at the only include a few mixotrophic species that are fre- time of sampling. Nevertheless, both lab and field quently used in laboratory experiments, and were data in our study implicate a significant role of mixo- not able to distinguish between different groups pur- trophic organisms in balancing stoichiometric con- Moorthi et al.: Mixotrophy alters algal stoichiometry 243

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Editorial responsibility: Paul del Giorgio, Submitted: August 2, 2016; Accepted: April 14, 2017 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Proofs received from author(s): June 4, 2017