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Save^361^^ *828 PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HER^p,_Mon^,_Aj[giKt^27^197^_ Used Cars in Demand Fetching High Prices Hurricane David Spins Ludes Plans Guidelines Captain Carl Presides yers Say Hospital Through Caribbean Sea To Combat Class Cutting At Closed RSox Meeting Not the Gift it Seerns DETROIT (UPI) - The used ear spring that knocked the bottom out of the Radio /haoK Page 12 market has suddenly taken off. Dealers big car market. Page 2 Page 10 Page 9 say they've just about written off the One result was a surge In prices for problems caused by the gasoline shortage. small used car models. Big cars — most hurt in the recent As an example, a 1977 Chevrolet slump — are fetching higher prices. Small Chevette listed at $1,875 wholesale in cars arc still in demand at the higher April. In June the’ wholesale price on the prices they reached after the gas crunch. same model had climbed to ^,100 and in SUPER Clear Today, With a stronger used car market August to $2,275. pushing up trade-in values, the upswing The most recent indications are the Cloudy Tonight could foreshadow improvement in new small car prices have topped out and big car sales. used cars are increasing in value. Dctallu on pago 2 "It's been unbelievable," said Sam Trade-in values are pegged to wholesale Lafata of Flint, Mich., owner of the Aptco prices. Ordinarily, a strong used car Auto Auction, one of the nation’s largest market encourages new car sales by STEREO wholesale clearing houses for used cars. boosting the amount a buyer can get for "I just wish I could get more cars his used model. because I know I could sell them.” Lafata, who wholesales between 600 and Get Into Realistic® Quality Hi-Fi At Super Savings! ^ Enerf^ Update Vol. XCVIII, No. 279 — Mancheotof. Conn., Tuesday, August 28,1979 This new wave of interest in used cars 700 cars weekly on average, had an 80 per­ Wuhington: Resistance from was confirmed by other spokesmen for the cent sale one day recently. A month ago some oil firms may cause the industry. he was auctioning about 30 to 35 percent of Energy Department to scrap its 2- "This is the consensus I'm getting from his stock daily. week-old program informing talking to our members all over the coun­ “We’re really knocking out the used motorists how much gasoline try." said Joe Eikenberg. owner of Arrow cars,” Lafata said. “It’s been like this for Powerful Stereo Hi-Fi Receiver ought to cost at the service station Striking Teachers Motors of Baltimore and president of the the past three or four weeks and it's get­ STA-95 by Realistic pump, officials said Monday. National Independent Automobile Dealers ting better every week.” St. Louis; Independent service Association. The revival of the used car market com­ station dealers, testifying Monday "We find that big cars are more in de­ es at a time when new car companies are before a House Small Business mand again and they're bringing better giving cash incentives to dealers, or, in subcommittee, urged Congress to prices — and the small cars are still in de­ the case of Chrysler Corp., offering cash Disrupt Openings prohibit major oil companies mand. rebates directly to the customer — in from owning and operating their ■‘The traffic's picking up, the sales are effect cutting prices. own gasoline stations. By United Press International say there is no money tor any in­ stayed home today on the first day of starting to pick up. We've almost written Why, then, are buyers flocking to used Richland, Wash.; The Striking teachers from Oklahoma crease above the 9 percent offered. classes. Teachers there rejected a off the problems the gasoline shortage car lots? government’s nuclear reactor at and Louisiana to Michigan and A strike in Louisiana’s second proposed two-year contract over the created. We re back to a more normal Eikenberg said he believes people are the Hanford Reservation was shut Illinois are disrupting the start of fall largest school district — Jefferson weekend. August,” Eikenberg said. ;>■ beginning to realize there are good values down because of a “ slight” classes, giving thousands of the Parish in suburban New Orleans — Teacher salary disputes elsewhere Used car sales by independent dealers in big cars; Lafata explains the upturn by *140 nation’s students an extended appeared to gain strength Monday, in Illinois kept schools closed in Park temperature increase in one or new car franchises regularly outpace saying buyers are being thrifty and are un­ pressure tube, but there was no summer vacation. picking up support from bus drivers Ridge for a second day, delayed the deliveries of new cars, and there is willing to go the full price for a new car. change in the level of radioactivi­ In Oklahoma City’s first teachers’ and teachers. start of classes in Granite City and another huge market in transactions Eikenberg said the fact the in­ IVvo Tape Monitors ty, it was reported Monday. walkout ever, which' is nearly a week The walkout is disrupting classes Dupo and prompted an between private buyers and sellers. dependents are selling a low-priced vehi­ Washington; A federal judge old, hundreds of teachers jeered at for about 65,000 students and — overwhelming strike vote in Last year, franchised new car dealers cle is going to stand them in good stead un­ Two-Way Dubbing Duai Tuning Meters Monday took under advisement a substitutes crossing picket lines for depending on whose figures you Elmwood Park. sold 9,W3,000 used cars and independent til the economy recovers. complex court battle among the the first day of classes Monday. believe — anywhere from the 68 to 77 In Oown Point, Ind., the first day used car dealers delivered 4,390,000 units, “Next year probably will be a new car Hurry for limited-time super savings on one of our finest Exxon Corp.; Reliance Electric Some 33,407 of the capital city’s percent of the teachers are out on the of school for nearly 6,000 students Eikenberg believes sales this year will year again,” Lafata said. “Prices (on receivers ever. It has power: 45 watts per channel, mini­ Co., a Cleveland-based electric 42,589 students attended school, but picket lines. Less than 10 percent of was disrupted Monday by striking be off about 5 to 10 percent from 1978 — used cars) will climb so high you’ll almost mum RMS at 8 ohms from 20-20,000 Hz, with no more motor manufacturer, and the with 60 preent of the teachers absent, the district’s buses, which serve 75 teachers. mostly because of the gasoline crunch this be forced into buying a new car.” than 0.08% total harmonic distortion. It has features Reg. Federal Trade Commission over a they wandered without supervision in percent of the students, showed up Teachers’ strikes in two suburban galore: facilities for use with up to 3 tape decks, hi and lo 399.95 breadbox-sized energy-saving school hallways and hung out win­ Monday. Pittsburgh school districts — Char- Management Seminar Set filters, FM muting, more. 31-2082 device th ^ could could save vast dows watching their instructors out­ Robbie Davis marched her two tiers Valley and Bethel Park — amounts OMnergy. side. children into J.C. Ellis Elementary barred more than 12,000 students HARTFORD — Managers and others organizational structure they will need to “Oh, look at the little old lady School past picketing teachers, but from their first day of classes Mon­ who would like to learn tested methods of accomplish their goals. TheE4^nom y going to fulfill her dreams as a only because they “wanted to come day. developing and marketing new products, Milton D. Rosenau, who will be leading teacher,” said one striking teacher, to school so badly,” she said. Nearly 1,500 teachers were on or revitalizing old or failing products may the seminar, is president of the Rosenau W ashingto^; U.S. cor­ strike in four Michigan districts — porations took a beating in the se­ taunting a substitute entering a “Teachers have been underpaid for profit from attending a three-day seminar Consulting Co., a firm which assists Cassette Deck with Dolby* NR “Tower” Floor Speakers school building. “ Isn't that wonder­ years and I’m glad to see 'em getting Benton Harbor, Plymouth-Canton, to be offered here Sept. 24 to 26 by the technology-based companies with all cond quarter of this year, with Olivet and Allegan. The walkout in SCT-16 by Realistic Optimus' T-100 by Realistic output, productivity and profits ful.” angry, frustrated enough, or University of Connecticut. aspects of new product development. The teachers are asking for a 12- to Allegan disrupted the opening day of alt dropping, new government whatever it is to finally do something Sponsored by the UConn School of Previously, Rosenau worked in various 13-percent salary increase and other about it.” school Monday for 100 physically and executive positions for other research figures showed Monday. Business Administrationand the UConn fringe benefits, but school officials In Sparta, 111., 2,300 students mentally handicapped children. Division of Extended and Continuing oriented companies. Before this, he spent Washinglon; The White Education, the seminar will take place at 17 years in management, marketing and House will ask for an extra $2.5 the Holiday Inn. engineering positions with the Perkin- billion in defense funds to catch The comprehensive seminar should Elmer Corp. in Connecticut. up with inflation, but is uncertain enable participants to choose successful Because enrollment is limited, whether to seek larger military Thatcher Vows War strategies for developing and marketing applicants will be accepted on a first- spending to boost Senate chances new products.
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