^Ethnic Purity' Comment Agues Carter Eampaign
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PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Thurs., April 8, 1976 \ The weather --.S Inside today Partly cloudy today, highs In 50s. Area news.......... 8 Dear Abby.......19 Fair and cooler tonight, lows in upper Business..............9 Editorial ............4 20s or low 30s, Increasing cloudiness Classified__ 13-18 Family ___5 & 7 TOM B EA H IE Saturday, high in 50s. National weather “ T fc e Bright One*^ Comics............. 19 Sports . ........11-13 Meat Manager aays...Don’t misa out on this Fantastic U.S.D.A. Choice Beet forecast map on Page 16. TWENTY PAGES TWO SECTIONS Salal Every place of beef trimmed of excess bone & fat...Hera’s tenderness MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1976- VOL. XCV, No. 162 Myond your fondest sxpectatlons...and the Finest Quality Beef all U.S.D.A. PRICE! FIFTEEN CENTS Choice assuring you a better buy for your money. Please your family as well as your purse and shop Highland Park’s U.S.D.A. Choice Beef Sale Now! And we will custom cut meat to your specifications! So shop now and save! Save! Despite public apology Sava! Sale Ends Sat., April 10th. REPEAT OF A SELLOUT ^Ethnic purity’ comment USDA agues Carter eampaign ^ '£V. lly LEWIS EOHI) “It was an unfortunate choice of Jackson told Pittsburgh reporters becoming the nominee in a llnilcil Press liilernutionul words and an unfortunate use of a he was "appalled" by Carter's deadlocked Democratic convention “J CHOICE Two words — "ethnic purity" — phrase,” Carter said. “I know how I remarks. “He is talking to one group strengthened by the Carter flap—got plagued presidential candidate Jim feel. I know my record in Georgia. I one way and another another way," a heartier welcome than any of the my Carter today. would make sure that anyone, who Jackson said. declared candidates in Pennsylvania. The former Georgia governor wanted to move into a neighborhood, Hubert Unmphrey — his chances of apologized at a Philadelphia news would have the right to do it." conference Thursday for saying Carter was asked whether he was REG. :0% OFF there was nothing wrong with a com saying "there is nothing wrong with SAVE munity “ trying to maintairt the the thought, just that it was a poor ROASTS, STEAKS & GROUND REEFI » » ; PER LR. ethnic purity of its neighborhoods." use of words.” He replied: "Yes.” But criticism mounted — not only Udall, also in Philadelphia cam Food stamp reforms U.S.D.A. CHOICE from opponents Morris Udall and paigning for the April 27 Penn BONELESS Henry Jackson but also from blacks, sylvania primary, termed Carter's BACK RUMP lb 1.89 <1.51 a major source of support in Carter's words "very disturbing language to approved by Senate ROUND ROAST string of Democratic primary vic hear from a presidential candidate." ■ uis.faVA.CHO'lCE............................ ......................................... tories. "I think Americans — particularly WASHINGTON (UPI) - Despite coalition of conservatives' said new LARGE "That statement is going to haunt our minorities — should ask Carter: Buckley portrait viewed END arguments it would bust the budget, Agriculture Department cost data in RIB ROAST OF BEEF 1.89!<1.S1 him for a long time," said Rep. Just who do you want to wall out?" the Senate has approved a com dicate the compromise would actual Ronald Dellums, a black con Udall said. Dr. William Buckley and Mrs. Mary Ann Harvill, president of promise food stamp reform bill to ly add $500 million to the program's the Buckley School PTA, inspect the portrait of Dr. Buckley FIRST gressman from California. “He's Udall noted that Carter had stated eliminate high-income abusers from $5.8 billion price tag. If the figures now vulnerable. He’s on the defen he also favored affirmative action CHlIck sfEAK or ROAST CUT ib.1 l O S the program but substantially in are accurate, Allen said, the bill which was presented to the school Thursday by Mrs. Harvill. L/ .................. ...................................................................................................................................rr.T ........................................................... ..........;............................... sive." housing programs, involving federal crease benefits for the truly needy. would amount to "budget rbusting" The presentation took place during a Grade 2 Bicentennial U.S.D.A. CHOICE ROUND - a ,.! US.D.A. CHOICE - CENTER CUT : ^ . A telegram denouncing Carter’s funds to break down traditional The program, whiQh helps feed and “reform in reverse." program at the school. (HeraL^photo by Pinto) statem ent was filed by the 17 patterns of segregation. about 19 million persons, had been lb. members of the Black Caucus, in CUBE STEAKS M l-?? 5®! ] "That add-on is characteristic of criticized for allowing families with I cluding Rep. Andrew Young of his approach,” Udall said. "On an U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BONELESS incomes up to $16,00 to qualify. A key Georgia, one of Carter's leading sup amazing number of major issues reform will limit eligibility to per $10 million short SHOULDER ROAST or STEAK 11.89 11.5 1 porters. Jimmy meets himself going through sons with net incomes at or below RATH'S that revolving door." poverty level, now $5,050 for a family uVs.D.A. CHOiCE CAlV oRNIA UNDEM^^ = » « '■ of four. SAUSAGE MEAT 39 ^ lb. The bill passed 52-22 Thursday and Legislature ready to okay CHOCK ROAST 11 1 .3 9 1,?1.1 1 was sent to the House, Earlier,, Low bids average 3.38% senators cleared awpv a budgetary MR. BOSTON hurdle and adopted the compromise TOP round roast i 11 -89! 1.1.51 on short-term notes version on a 49-39 vote. FISHCAKES . ib59^ The Senate also approved, 71-0, a $1.8 billion state budget UVS.D.A. CHOICE - BONELESS ^ a = « 4 ' ‘i h Manchester has received a low bid bid of 3.42 per cent for $400,000. companion bill requested by the HARTFORD (UPI) - A $1.8 billion The Senate voted 22-14 on the only ineffective GOP opposition. DUBUQUE averaging about 3.38 per cent for $1.4 There were seven bidders at the Agriculture Department to reduce lb. state budget, which backers said in revenue bill, raising $116.8 million in While the budget's bottom line was BOnOM ROUND ROAST ! H .89 i 1 1 .5 1 million in bond anticipation notes for bid opening Wednesday at Hartford fraud among vendors who sell the volved "only pain,” was a step away new state revenues but only $14.5 only $1.7 million below the $1.8 billion work on the Regional Occupational food coupons. The bill sets tighter CANNED HAM .3lb.cinM .9 9 National Bank in Hartford. from full legislative approval today, million through higher taxes. The the governor recommended, there Training Center at the campus of The notes are bond anticipation controls for reporting of stamp but the threat of a vetp by Gov. Ella spending bill was backed 110-35 in the were major sliifts from her proposals Manchester Community College. notes to refinance notes which receipts and criminal penalties for SIRLOIN STEAK ll2 .4 9 il1 .9 9 T. Grasso hung over it. House and 27-8 in the Senate. on how to raise the extra $116 Jhe successful bidders were Hart mature April 15 and were sold to a vendors who withhold or embezzle Mrs. Grasso has said the spending "There are no politics in this million. ford National Bank with bids of 3.35 food stamp money. New York City investment group at side of the budget approved by the" budget, only pain, ” said House The biggest change in the spending per cent for $500,000; and 3.39 per Ironically, the major debate on the FISH DEPT 4.75 per cent interest. The new notes House and the Senate Thursday was Majority leader William A. O'Neill, bill was a $7 million addition to state T-BONE STEAKS il.2.59 i 1 .2 .0 7 cent for another $500,000; and run from April 15 to Oct. 15.- food stamp bill focused not on the proposed reforms but on its $10 million short. The revenue bill, D-East Hampton, answering institutions of higher education, to be Colonial Bank and Trust Co. with a raised through tuition hikes. budgetary impact. also passed by the Senate Thursday, Republican charges Democrats were FRESH About $70 million in revenue would Sen. James Allen, D-Ala.. and a was to be considered by the House overspending because this is an elec PORTERHOUSE STEAKS 112 .5 9 :1 2 .0 7 today. tion year, be raised next fiscal year, beginning Mrs. Grasso said Thursday she July 1, through two accounting POLLOCK News summary could not accept a budget with a methods, shifting into that fiscal TOP ROUND STEAKS 112.49 j H .9 8 built-in, $10 million deficit, and, if year tax revenues usually not due in Complied from United Press International Court helps Mrs. Ford lawmakers endorsed, it she would state coffers until the following fiscal FILLET 1.09 U.S.O.A. CHoiCE "fulfill my responsibilities," ap year. parently meaning a veto. About $35 million would come from EVE STEMES ^3.49 {<2.70 State National Appropriatio-ns Committee corporate business taxes, $30.6 Coehairman Sen. Robert D. Houley, million would be from utility taxes NEW HAVEN - R. Sargent NEW YORK — Sources said avoid picket lines D-Vernon, said the budget was a and another $4 million would be from Shriver Jr., one of six dropouts Thursday the defense in the NEW YORK (UPI) -With the Ladies Home Journal, where she was “livable product, a product of our foreign insurance levies. from the Democratic presiden kidnap trial of Samuel Bronf assistance of a federal court order.