May 9, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2607 women and undermine women’s health that he is the Republican nominee. I dented expansion and economic care. ‘‘Planned Parenthood’’ became a have heard a number of Republican growth, Senator Bennett worked tire- swear word. has treated Senators say: I am not going to the lessly to ensure that our State’s infra- women with disdain. He has called convention. Well, that solves the prob- structure kept pace with the demands women dogs, pigs, and he defends rape. lem, doesn’t it? Republican Senators of a booming population. Were it not Trump watched as congressional Re- need to say whether they are going to for Bob and the indispensable role he publicans walked away from com- vote for this guy. The Republican Par- played in securing much needed fund- prehensive immigration reform. He lis- ty’s chickens have come home to roost ing for these transportation projects in tened as House Republicans likened in the form of Donald J. Trump. , our State would not be the prime DREAMers to drug mules. Is it any sur- Mr. President, I ask the Presiding Of- destination for business, entrepreneur- prise that Donald Trump—now the Re- ficer to announce—I see Senator ALEX- ship, and innovation that it is today. publican nominee—uses Latinos and ANDER, the senior Senator from Ten- I need not rehearse all of Senator immigrants to generate fear, to be a nessee, on the floor—the business of Bennett’s accomplishments in the Sen- fearmonger? He has called undocu- the day. ate because his public legacy speaks mented immigrants criminals and rap- for itself. The TRAX and FrontRunner f ists. public transportation systems in Utah Donald Trump has watched Repub- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME are perhaps the most tangible symbols licans deny the existence of climate The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under of that legacy, but there are plenty change, and he is following in their the previous order, the leadership time more. I join all Utahns in thanking footsteps. He would rather believe in is reserved. Senator Bennett for his many years of crackpot conspiracy theories than ac- loyal service to the Beehive State. We cept climate change. It is real, but this f love him, and we will miss him dearly. is what he said about climate change: MORNING BUSINESS In addition to fighting tirelessly for ‘‘The concept of global warming was the people of Utah, Senator Bennett The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under created by and for the Chinese in order exercised remarkable prudence as an the previous order, the Senate will be to make manufacturing appropriator and provided principal in a period of morning business until 4 noncompetitive.’’ Try that one on. leadership on the Banking Committee p.m., with Senators permitted to speak That is a direct quote. That kind of and as chairman of the Joint Economic therein for up to 10 minutes each. harebrained thinking has no place in Committee. He was a talented law- The President pro tempore. the White House, but sadly it is not far maker, skilled at forging consensus from the anti-science climate change f and reaching compromise without sac- denial that is now Republican Party REMEMBERING BOB BENNETT rificing his core conservative values. doctrine. Over the 18 years that Senator Ben- On nearly every issue, Donald Trump Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I rise nett served in this Chamber, he con- has simply adopted the positions of the today in honor of the memory of a sistently demonstrated sound judg- modern Republican Party. Through humble statesman and an adored col- ment and strong leadership. In a short their obstruction and anti-Obama poli- league and a dear friend, Senator Bob time, he gained the trust of his Repub- tics, Senator MCCONNELL and Repub- Bennett. Bob passed away peacefully in lican colleagues, who considered him a lican leaders constructed Donald his house last week with his wife and trusted resource on matters of strategy Trump’s Presidential campaign and his children gathered around him by his and policy. After seeing Bob’s rapport platform piece by piece. He is the bedside. In the wake of his passing, the with other legislators, then-Senate ma- nominee of the Republican Party, and Bennett family has witnessed an out- jority leader asked him to he is the nominee the Republican lead- pouring of love as thousands of individ- serve on the leadership team. Senator ers deserve. Now the Republican Party uals from across the country have Bennett also served in leadership posi- is his. reached out to pay their respects to a tions alongside Majority Leader Republicans want Trump to be their man who served selflessly to the very MCCONNELL, with whom he shared a standard bearer. They are scrambling end of his service here. To the many deep and meaningful friendship. to get behind this hate-spewing nomi- expressions of love and admiration that While Senator Bennett was well nee. There is no better example of Re- have already been offered in Bob’s known for his quiet, contemplative de- publicans marching lockstep with honor, I wish to add a few words of my meanor, he was also regarded as an or- Trump than the Supreme Court va- own. ator—a good one. He came frequently cancy. The Republican National Com- I had the distinct privilege of serving to the floor to engage his colleagues on mittee is trying to bring their party alongside Bob Bennett for nearly two the most complex issues of the day. He together by promising this dangerous decades as we jointly represented our was exceptionally articulate, speaking man will appoint Justices to the Su- beloved State of Utah here in the with an eloquence and ease that re- preme Court. Republicans say they . During the many flected the brilliance of a well-cul- want their misogynistic, anti-women, years of our service together, Bob be- tivated mind. Whether he was giving a anti-Latino, anti-middle class billion- came more than a respected partner; he public address or holding a private con- aire to determine the balance of the was a trusted confidante and a cher- versation, Bob could explain even the Supreme Court for the next generation. ished friend. most complicated policies in simple, Republican Senators say they trust the In this Chamber, Senator Bennett understandable terms. He was a pre- judgment of a man who mocks our vet- was widely revered as a wise and eminent communicator whose talents erans, belittles JOHN MCCAIN as not thoughtful leader committed to finding will be sorely missed. being a war hero, and mocks Ameri- innovative solutions to the most dif- Mr. President, up to this point, I cans with disabilities. They want him ficult challenges of the day. But above have spoken at length about how Sen- to fill the Supreme Court. It is a sad all else, he was a passionate fighter for ator Bennett will be remembered as a day for this country when the Repub- the people of Utah, who were always public figure, but I also wish to speak lican Party trusts the judgment of a foremost in his mind. I have never met about how I will remember him as a vile, swindling billionaire. But anyone someone so committed to his constitu- personal friend. who has been paying attention to what ency as Senator Bennett was to the Bob Bennett was one of the most Republicans have been doing the past 8 people of Utah. humble men I have ever met. In a years should not be shocked. It is no exaggeration to say that Chamber teaming with outsized egos Hillary Clinton is going to be the every Utahn has benefited from Bob’s and rampant self-importance, Bob Democratic nominee. I support Hillary public service. You cannot ride the stood apart. He always eschewed the Clinton. I am not hiding from that. Re- train, take public transportation, or spotlight and never esteemed himself publican Senators need to stop waffling drive on the freeway in our State with- above anyone else. On some days, you about Donald Trump. Not going to the out seeing the fruits of Bob’s labor in could even find him riding the Metro in convention doesn’t take away the fact the Senate. As Utah faced unprece- to work. When a staffer asked him why

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