TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY COUNCIL AGENDA Monday, May 8, 2017 9:00 am 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn Ontario


1. Call to Order

9:00 a.m.

2. Staff Awards

(a) Steve Fitchett - 30 Years of Service

3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

4. Consent Agenda

1. Adoption of Consent Agenda

(a) To adopt the Consent Agenda of May 8, 2017

i) Council/Committee of the Whole Minutes 5 - 25 (a) Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting 26 - 29 (b) Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting

ii) Committee of the Whole Recommendations/Resolutions 30 (a) Recommendations from the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting

iii) Department Reports Received for Information 31 - 39 (a) Financial Services Report 2017-11 RE: Q1 Financial Statement 40 - 41 (b) Operations Report 2017-12 RE: Road Resurfacing Tender Results 42 - 44 (c) Operations Report 2017-13

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RE: MacTier Arena Usage

5. Delegations (10 min. each) - 10:00 a.m. 45 - 50 (a) Brian Mcrae - Federation of Anglers and Hunters RE: Sunday

6. Public Meeting held under authority of the Planning Act - 10:00 a.m. 51 - 64 (a) Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014-75 By-law 2017-42 65 - 72 (b) Development Services Report 2017-18 RE: Tomahawk Island (2 Island 1685) By-law 2017-43

7. Regular Agenda

(a) To adopt the Regular Agenda of May 8, 2017

8. Communications From Mayor and Council

9. Communications from CAO

10. Portfolio Chair and Department Head Reports 73 - 76 (a) CAO Report 2017-07 RE: Canada 150 Update 77 - 91 (b) Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 2017-39 92 - 124 (c) Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial Statement (/w BDO Presentation 11:00 a.m.) 125 - 128 (d) Financial Services 2017-10 RE: Fees and Charges Amendment By-law 2017-38 129 - 142 (e) Operations Report 2017-11 RE: MacTier Storm Sewer (/w CC Tatham - 11:30 a.m.)

11. New Business 143 - 144 (a) Mayor Braid RE: Seniors' Month Resolution

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145 - 146 (b) Mayor Braid RE: Lake of Bays Resolution - Accommodation Review Process 147 - 148 (c) Councillor Bochek RE: Coldwater Steampunk Festival - Request for Funding (d) Mayor Braid RE: OPP Costing Investigation

Report The Three Township Mayors have been engaged with a consultant to convince the Province to Change the Act so invoicing for Policing by the OPP ends up at the Municipality that incurred the cost rather than District charging the total bill through assessment. Currently the Townships are paying 67% of the bill when they only incur 20% of the cost or in dollars the Townships are subsidizing the Towns by about $4,000,000.00 Our group and the Consultant were moving along quite well until there was a shuffle in the Provincial cabinet. New Ministers and new staff were in place, and we had to almost start the whole process over again. We adjusted the remaining amount of the money Council approved in consultation with the consultant in hopes we would have our project complete by the end of April 2017. However, the changes to the ACT that the Province is proposing has moved along slower than originally planned and our request for changes to the billing model have not yet been introduced. The Province proposes to have the process finished by end of June. (latest proposal) There is no guarantee from them yet that they will introduce our changes, but our consultant is working diligently with the Ministry. They understand the issue and that our problem is quite unique from the other Municipalities using the OPP services. As our District Council members will know, we have tried 5 times to convince District Council to amend the way District bills the residents for the service. Our last attempt in April introduced a motion to meet the Towns half way with a “Made in Muskoka Solution” proposed by the Mayor of Huntsville. The voting result was the same as the other 4 attempts, with the Town Councillors voting against the Township Councillors. (generally 12 – 10) (since two Townships are short a council member at the Council Table) Even the Mayor of Huntsville who introduced the “Made in Muskoka” resolution voted against his own resolution. So, what I am asking Council is to approve up to another two months payment to our Consultant. We are paying $575.00

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plus $74.75 HST each month = $649.75 total

Resolution Whereas the Province is proposing changes to the Police Services Act And Whereas the three Muskoka Townships have proposed changes to our billing model to pay for the services we receive And Whereas the three Townships are currently paying 67% of the total bill for Muskoka and receiving 20% of the service And Whereas Council approved funding to hire a consultant And Whereas the process is not complete yet, Now Therefore Council approves an additional amount of funding for up to two months of invoicing at $649.75 per month. And that Staff be directed to fund the additional billing from the OMPF Reserve Fund.

12. Presentations (a) Suzanne Craig, Integrity Commissioner RE: Final Report (1:00 p.m.) Report to be Published May 5, 2017

13. By-laws 149 - 169 (a) By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update 170 (b) By-law 2017-40 RE: Appointment of Secretary-Treasurer (Millar) 171 - 181 (c) By-law 2017-41 RE: Building By-law

14. Confirming By-law

182 (a) Confirming By-law 2017-44

15. Adjournment

(a) Adjourn the May 8, 2017 meeting

Page 4 of 182 Township of Georgian Bay Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting Monday April 10, 2017 9:00 AM 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn Ontario

Councillors Present Mayor Braid Councillor Bochek Councillor Cooper Councillor Douglas Councillor Edwards Councillor Kay (until 12:15 p.m.) Councillor Wiancko

Staff Present Laurie Kennard, CAO Jane Corbeil, Director of Financial Services / Treasurer Connie Devlin, Director of Human Resources / Health and Safety Jessica Gunby, Clerk (A) Amber McDonald, Deputy Clerk (A) Brad Sokach, Director of Operations Tony VanDam, Director of Fire and Emergency Services

Others Present Jamie Robinson, MHBC

Call to Order 9:00 a.m.

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Mayor Braid declared pecuniary interest with two items – Wilson Land Swap by-laws and Legal Filing Report #2.

Closed Session C-77-2017 Cooper / Douglas WHEREAS, section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001,as amended provides authority for Councils of Municipalities to close a meeting, or parts of a meeting, to the public if the subject matter pertains to a matter identified in Section 239(2);

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 5 of 182 AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay deems it necessary to close this portion of the meeting in order to address matters under the following Sections of 239(2); b) Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board: RE: Macey Bay Judicial Review Update (K. Mullin) b) Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board: RE: OMB Matter Update (K. Mullin)

NOW BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay moves into a Closed Session of Council at 9:02 a.m. CARRIED

C-78-2017 Douglas / Cooper BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council does now rise from Closed Session at 9:32 a.m. without a report. CARRIED

Consent Agenda C-79-2017 Cooper / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the Consent Agenda, being Part 7, as amended / circulated; Remove Item 1.iii)c) – Six Mile Lake ICB Update and add as Item 13.c AND THAT authorization is given for any action within to be taken. CARRIED

i) Council/Committee of the Whole Minutes Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting C-80-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council meeting as circulated. CARRIED

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting C-81-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts the minutes of the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole meeting as circulated. CARRIED

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 6 of 182 ii) Committee of the Whole Recommendations/Resolutions Recommendations from the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting C-82-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts the following resolutions passed at the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole meeting: COW-15-2017 Cooper / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that no changes be made to the current process of providing instructions to legal Counsel. CARRIED

COW-16-2017 Douglas / Cooper BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends that Council adopt the Private Parking By-law. AND FURTHER THAT Committee of the Whole recommends that Council support the By-law department to regulate and control parking in designated areas within the Delawana Resort. AND THAT it be reviewed after 1 year. CARRIED

COW-17-2017 Cooper / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee of the Whole recommends that Council adopt the revised Animal Control By-law with the removal of seasons residents requiring Township of Georgian Bay tags. CARRIED

COW-19-2017 Cooper / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that the Clerk be directed to bring forward a by-law to incorporate Hunter Lane into the Township’s road network. CARRIED CARRIED

iv) Department Reports Received for Information BDO RE: 2016 Audit Planning Report C-83-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the 2016 Audit Planning Report prepared by BDO as information only. CARRIED

CAO Report 2017-05

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 7 of 182 RE: Shared Services - HR / HS C-84-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive CAO Report 2017-05 regarding Shared Services – Human Resources for information purposes. CARRIED

Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014-75 Update C-85-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives Development Services report 2017-16 regarding housekeeping for 2014-75 as information only. CARRIED

Financial Services Report 2017-07 RE: 2016 Legal Fees Summary (additional information) C-86-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the 2016 legal fees summary – additional information report for information purposes. CARRIED

Operations Report 2017-03 RE: Road Resurfacing Costs C-87-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report regarding Road Surfacing Costs for information purposes. CARRIED

Operations Report 2017-06 RE: Arena Roof Update C-88-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report regarding the Arena Roof Update for information purposes. CARRIED

Operations Report 2017-07 RE: District Road 34 Closure C-89-2017 Bochek / Kay

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 8 of 182 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive the report regarding District Road 34 Closure for information purposes. CARRIED

Items in the agenda were reorganized for timing accommodations.

Financial Services Report 2017-08 RE: 2016 Reserve and Reserve Fund Statement C-90-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves the transfers for 2016 as noted on the 2016 Reserve and Reserve Fund Statement. CARRIED

Mayor Braid RE: Rail Safety Week

Chief Van Dam answered questions about CP in MacTier; Councillor Wiancko advised of the information night on May 11 at the arena.

C-91-2017 Bochek / Edwards WHEREAS Public - Rail Safety Week is to be held across Canada from April 24 to April 30, 2017; WHEREAS it is in the public’s interest to raise citizens’ awareness on reducing avoidable accidents, injuries and damage caused by collisions at level crossings or incidents involving trains and citizens; WHEREAS Operation Lifesaver is a public/private partnership whose aim is to work with the rail industry, governments, police services, the media and other agencies and the public to raise rail safety awareness; WHEREAS Operation Lifesaver has requested City Council adopt this resolution in support of its ongoing effort to save lives and prevent injuries in communities, including our municipality; BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council proclaims national Rail Safety Week, to be held from April 24 – April 30, 2017. 30, 2017. CARRIED


Ms. Gunby advised the by-laws were all approved at the previous Committee of the Whole meeting but were being ratified today.

By-law 2017-25

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 9 of 182 RE: Parking on Private Property C-92-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt By-law 2017-25 being a by-law for Parking on Private Property. CARRIED

By-law 2017-26 RE: Animal Control C-93-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts By-law 2017-26 being an Animal Control By-law. CARRIED

By-law 2017-36 RE: Hunter Lane C-94-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts By-law 2017-36 being a by-law to add a portion of Hunter Lane to the Township's Road Inventory. CARRIED

Development Services Report 2017-15 RE: Macey Bay Peer Review

Councillor Edwards expressed concern with going ahead with the peer reviews before a waterfront plan has been submitted and that there are legal matters and expectations of the MNRF outstanding at this time.

Mr. Robinson explained that the MNRF is no longer responsible for the review of these items; it’s in the hands of the Township. Since the Site Plan Agreement (SPA) has been submitted, the Township has 120 days to make a decision or the applicant can file an appeal with the OMB, which would put the decision making in the hands of the Board, no longer the Township. Staff have received enough information for the application to commence peer reviews of the reports.

Councillor Wiancko inquired as to why only three reports were being peer reviewed; Mr. Robinson said that all parties had agreed to the remainder of the reports during the OMB process so there was no need for a peer review.

Discussion on this matter resumed later in the agenda.

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 10 of 182 Presentations Suzanne Craig, Integrity Commissioner (10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.) RE: Interim / Preliminary Report

Ms. Craig presented her interim report to Council ( ).

Councillor Edwards responded with the following statement which he provided to the Clerk for inclusion in the minutes:

“I want to thank the Integrity Commissioner (IC) for her comments with respect to her investigation of the very short complaint against me from our Mayor - Larry Braid.

I was sent a copy of the IC's draft report last Monday (April 3) with the message that I had to respond by Friday in order that my comments might be considered and reflected in the IC's report.

Given that I am a tax specialist CPA, aged 72, I am very busy at this time of year. And while I asked for a deferral, the IC responded that the Township wanted the issue dealt with on April 10.

I would note that this complaint against me first came up in early January. I responded promptly to the complaint. There were a number of deferrals etc. such that the Mayor, myself and the IC never met. My last contact from the IC was a month ago and then I was told last week that the event had to go on at the April Council meeting.

Of importance was that in searching for Council material of December 2010, I came across the approved SEGBAY lease and the signed SEGBAY lease which were dramatically different. The lease was approved at the inaugural meeting and called for the tenant to pay their share of operating costs. The lease signed by the Mayor and Clerk had all expenses paid by the Township. Further, the annual term was replaced by an automatic renewal such that the lease never came back to Council.

As all know, I was very concerned with this major change in the lease yet didn’t want to accuse anyone and asked at the March 2017 meeting if the substituted lease could be reviewed by the Township auditors. BDO could review and conclude on the impact of the substituted lease. This motion was defeated on a recorded 4:2 vote (Cooper and Edwards voted in favor).

With this as background I have the following comments regarding the complaint registered against me by Mayor Larry Braid:

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 11 of 182 I haven't taken the time required to properly answer the concerns of the Mayor - as I have been extremely busy. Further, my request for a deferral was rejected.

I understand that Mayor Braid is concerned that my apology was made after many in the chamber had left the chamber and thus didn't hear my apology. For this I am sorry and do apologize, and do hope that the missing attendees are present today to hear my apology to Mayor Braid. I fully appreciate how difficult it is when public members in the Chamber applaud for a member of Council who is critical of the actions of the municipality or the Mayor. On this indiscretion, I do apologize and can understand the personal concern.

To clarify, my reference to Mayor Braid and a lawsuit was only referring to the difficulty the Mayor experienced when he didn't obtain the required audit of his expenses (over $10k) required by the Ontario provincial legislation. Given I didn't come across the "substituted lease" issue until after the date of the Mayor's complaint, it must be noted and appreciated that I was not referring at any time to any aspect associated regarding the substituted lease - which the CAO has indicated is now going before the Courts.

My comments at the January 2017 Council meeting were with respect to my serious frustration with what has, or more importantly hasn't, been done with respect to the Macey Bay development application.

As I have clearly stated since August 2015 I have not understood what has been happening with regard to the proposed Macey Bay Trailer park development. Specifically, I have been unable to understand the following:

Why the "lame duck" Council of Jim Walden was approving a very substantial trailer park development at a period when no major $ expenditures were allowed to be made by Council during the period near the end of a municipal Council term?

When the Macey Bay issue came before closed session in August of 2015 I didn't understand what was going on, what the legal rights of the parties were and what position was being taken by the Township? I say this as an experienced professional (MBA, CPA, CA, CFP) who has been a tax professional with a major accounting firm - (PW/PWC where I was a tax partner from 1981 through - until my early retirement in 2000 - subsequently being an entrepreneur with several private manufacturing operations and working in Indonesia.)

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 12 of 182 Subsequent to the closed session update on Macey Bay in August 2015 I came to Toronto to attend the 2 day OMB hearing to try and understand what was happening with the proposed Macey Bay Trailer Park development. At the quickly called OMB hearing I was struck by serious legal precedents being made by a recent political appointee where he concluded that on the issue of "what constitutes a reasonable time" the ruling given was that since no one has shown that 19 years is unreasonable - that therefore it must be reasonable! To say that I lost confidence that day is an understatement.

Despite a number of closed session speaker phone information sessions from the Township lawyer I have not been able to understand who is giving instructions, who is driving the ship, which direction we are going, or for whose advantage. As a result I have become very confused, very suspicious, very concerned, very frustrated, as to what is happening, why and for whose benefit? Add to this as noted at August 2016 - the fact that on a per trailer basis the Township receives $42 per year per trailer.

I do hope that these comments provide some degree of background. However I think it is very important to understand my motivations for being on Township Council.

While my francophone ancestors provided an early connection with the Bay (my grandmother’s brother-in-law worked at Muskoka Mills on the Muskosh in the 1870s), and my 2nd cousins have a number of properties on the Coast in the Township which brought me to boat trips on the Bay in the 1950s - it was my marriage in 1972 that brought me to the Bay on a regular basis; starting to build a cottage in 1977, becoming president of the Cognashene Cottagers in the 1990s and being a member of the task force working on the community plan in the early 2000. My involvement with Township politics came about at a weak moment at a cocktail part in August 2010. However the most important aspect is that I love this special piece of paradise.

What I have learned about Georgian Bay Township is that there are the majority who simply love the place, want to preserve it so that all can continue to enjoy its beauty and perfection into the future, but there is also a small group who look at Georgian Bay as a way to make a lot of $$$, and do not have the same respect for the environment. As all know this has lead to planning restrictions, building restrictions, and yet threats to the environment have taken on even more importance.

This is the background that brings me to Georgian Bay Township Council today April 10, 2017.

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 13 of 182 First I do apologize to Mayor Braid for any errors I have made with respect to the Township Procedural by law.

Second, I apologize for any incorrect assertion I have made with respect to the court involvement of the Mayor in early 2011 which I understand flowed from the Mayor not obtaining the required audit of his expenses.

Third, I apologize to Mayor Braid if I have, through my comments regarding the need to preserve the environment to ensure proper financial controls and other important controls, inferred any negative comments on his role as the Chief Councillor of the Township.

Fourth, I apologize for any other activities of mine at Council that have caused the Mayor any concern or loss of face with the residents of the Township.

However, my most important apology is to all the residents of the Township Of Georgian Bay, for not being able to convince Council of the need to afford all of the residents of the Township an opportunity to have a full public hearing regarding the proposed Macey Bay trailer park development.”

Paragraph added to written statement after the meeting: As I commented on April 10th I didn't appreciate the 90 day time period which together with my concerns regarding my reporting concerns as a member of the self-regulating CPA Institute, and my concerns regarding possible fraud took my attention away from the Mayor's complaint.

Ms. Craig thanked Councillor Edwards for his statement and clarified that she did not state in the preliminary report that the respondent did not contact her nor has she said there are several issues at play. She also stated that Code of Conduct complaints are no place for OMB decisions or Conflict of Interest matters.

She continued that staff want to work in a harassment-free environment and be respected in their role as a subject matter expert. She requested Councillor Edwards’ statement be forwarded to her as his response; he will forward but stated it was not his actual response to the preliminary report and he will forward her something the first week of May.

She explained the steps she takes while investigating a complaint and that the Code of Conduct states the IC shall report her findings no later than 90 days after receipt of the complaint. For fairness and public interest, complaints should be handled in a timely fashion.

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 14 of 182 C-95-2017 Cooper / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the interim preliminary findings report of the Integrity Commissioner;

AND THAT Council acknowledges that the Integrity Commissioner has received and has granted a request from the Respondent to the Complaint for a time extension to allow him the time to make a statement regarding any errors or omissions of fact in accordance with Rule 9 of the Code of Conduct Complaint Protocol;

AND THAT the Integrity Commissioner will bring back a Final Report to Council which shall contain the Commissioner's opinion as to whether a breach of the Code has occurred along with any recommended consequences or sanctions. CARRIED

Public Meeting held under authority of the Municipal Act - 11:00 a.m.

Clerk's Report 2017-11 RE: Hansen Road SRA Closing / Land Swap By-laws 2017-17, 2017-18, 2017-19, 2017-20, 2017-21 and 2017-22

Ms. Gunby explained this was the final step in the Land Swap on Hansen Road.

C-96-2017 Cooper / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt by-laws 2017-17, 2017-18 and 2017-21, being by-laws to close up the Shore Road Allowance, to deem the property no longer on a plan of subdivision, and to finalize the land swap previously approved by Council at 33 Hansen Road. CARRIED

Mayor Braid declared pecuniary interest on the next resolution. He left his chair and Councillor Bochek took over.

C-97-2017 Cooper / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt by-laws 2017-19, 2017-20 and 2017-22, being by-laws to close up the Shore Road Allowance, to deem the property no longer on a plan of subdivision, and to finalize the land swap previously approved by Council at 13 Hansen Road.

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 15 of 182 CARRIED

Mayor Braid returned to his seat.

Clerk's Report 2017-12 RE: Shore Road Allowance (HENZE) By-law 2017-27

Ms. McDonald provided additional information regarding the application.

C-98-2017 Douglas / Cooper BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council pass By-law 2017-27 being a by-law to stop up and close the Shore Road Allowance adjacent to 45 Lindsay Lane. CARRIED

Clerk's Report 2017-13 RE: Shore Road Allowance (BARONE, et. al) By-law 2017-28

Ms. McDonald provided additional information regarding the application.

C-99-2017 Douglas / Cooper BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council pass By-law 2017-28 being a by-law to stop up and close the Shore Road Allowance in front 175, 181 and 205 Wesley Road and part of the Road Allowance adjacent to 185 Wesley Road and 205 Wesley Road. CARRIED

Clerk's Report 2017-14 RE: Shore Road Closing (O'HARA) By-law 2017-29

Ms. McDonald provided additional information regarding the application.

C-100-2017 Cooper / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council pass By-law 2017-29 being a by-law to stop up and close part of the Road Allowance at 314 O’Hara Point Road. CARRIED

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 16 of 182 Clerk's Report 2017-15 RE: Shore Road Allowance (ADAMS, et. al) By-laws 2017-30, 2017-31, 2017-32, 2017-33, 2017-34 and 2017-35

Ms. McDonald provided additional information regarding the application.

C-101-2017 Douglas / Cooper BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council pass By-laws 2017-30 to 2017-35, being bylaws to stop up and close the Shore Road Allowances adjacent to 912, 924 and 938 Lost Channel Shore and to deem them to not be lots on a plan of subdivision. CARRIED

Regular Agenda C-102-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the Regular Agenda of the April 10, 2017 Council meeting as amended: Add Item 13b) Georgian Bay Forever Phragmites Control Program Report Add Item 13c) Six Mile Lake ICB Update CARRIED

Communications From Mayor and Council

Councillor Wiancko attended the following meetings: SSEA, Harbour school, Historical Society, MacTier Events Committee and Honey Harbour / Port Severn Canada 150.

Councillor Douglas attended CoA, MacTier Events Committee, also met with residents and staff.

Councillor Cooper attended the following meetings: two District Council, Honey Harbour school and Georgian Bay Land Trust.

Councillor Edwards has been working with issues relating to septic matters, Macey Bay, and getting assistance from people on a history of items.

Councillors Bochek and Kay had nothing to report.

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 17 of 182 Mayor Braid said there is a petition to the Province to clean up their share of Phragmites, he had discussions about the OPP billing, and has been in discussions about what to do with the closed Health Hub.

Communications from CAO

Ms. Kennard outlined the report on the Consent Agenda about shared HR services with Penetanguishene. She also advised that herself and the Clerk attended a seminar on leadership where the main message was that municipal priorities and the agenda of Council are often a results of vocal demands from a small group of citizens, which can sometimes take precedence over the needs of the Township as a whole.

Portfolio Chair and Department Head Reports CAO Report 2017-04 RE: Conflict of Interest Legal Filing #1

Ms. Kennard advised that the report (as well as report 2017-06) is self- explanatory and she is required to notify Council of the filings as per the Township’s Indemnification By-law. When matters are resolved, Council will receive another update. She informed Council the cost of Legal Filing #1 could be between $30-$50k and that if the named Councillors are found not at fault, the insurance company may reimburse their legal fees and costs may be sought from the applicants.

C-103-2017 Bochek / Kay BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive CAO Report 2017-04 as notice required under Section 9 of By-Law 2003-41. CARRIED

Mayor Braid left his seat for the next matter and Councillor Douglas took the Chair.

CAO Report 2017-06 RE: Conflict of Interest Legal Filing #2

Councillor Edwards stated that he doesn’t think Councillors would automatically get reimbursed if found not at fault; Ms. Kennard explained that the by-law provides for automatic reimbursement which doesn’t require further Council approval.

C-104-2017 Bochek / Kay

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 18 of 182 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receive CAO Report 2017-06 as notice required under Section 9 of By-Law 2003-41. CARRIED

Mayor Braid returned to the Chair and Councillor Douglas made the following statement which she provided to the Clerk for inclusion in the minutes:

“I would like to speak to the situation regarding the legal proceeding that has been launched against myself, and Councillors Kay and Wiancko, by three community members, regarding allegations of conflict of interest with voting to support the community based SEGBAY Chamber of Commerce for a $5,000 grant in the 2017 Budget – something this Council and past Council has done for the past number of years.

Firstly, neither Councillor Kay nor I are current members of the SEGBAY Chamber of Commerce, so in my opinion this legal proceeding is a non- issue and I’m confident that we will be granted removal from the conflict of interest proceedings. I feel there is absolutely no conflict for myself as there is no financial gain as a member directly or indirectly and again I am confident that will be established.

Even though I believe that it is the right of any elector to make an application to court for a reason allowed under the MCIA, it is most distressing to me that we have members of the community spending so much negative time and energy going out of their way to try to influence the public as to the professional competence and credibility of myself, Councillor Kay and Wiancko for the volunteer time spent supporting our local Chamber of Commerce - a non-profit organization. The SEGBAY Chamber of Commerce is largely operated by community members who are volunteers. Some Councillors volunteer in their personal time as personal members of the community not as Councillors although we always uphold the expectations required of ourselves as elected officials. Members of the community volunteer countless hours with the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations for the betterment of the community as a whole.

For example, the SEGBAY Chamber of Commerce has raised over $90,000 in the past three years running chartable fundraisers for our hospital. Some of the members on this council - Councillors Kay, Bochek, Wiancko, Mayor Braid and myself, have spent numerous hours as volunteers and / or have been huge supporters of the Chamber’s initiatives to raise funds for the community as community members not as Councillors. This is something our constituents recognize, making them very proud of their election choices and confirms to them one of

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 19 of 182 the reasons they voted us to this Council. We care deeply about our communities.

In small communities, such as the community of the Township of Georgian Bay, the support of our residents is heavily relied on to volunteer their time to these most important community groups such as the SEGBAY Chamber of Commerce. It is very difficult to secure people to volunteer their personal time, which is needed in our communities. This kind of behaviour deters people from getting involved in their communities for fear of being pulled into legal proceedings without any merit.

The topic of taxpayer money being spent on legal fees unnecessarily has been brought to the Council table many times by some Councillors. This legal proceeding is a prime example of why our legal fees are being driven up. The tax payer is paying for these lawsuits in one way or another.

This kind of behaviour, in my opinion, is a personal attack, bordering on harassment and an attempt at character defamation of the Council members, for reasons I believe have nothing to do with the reasons cited in the legal proceedings, rather more to do with personal attacks on present Council members and political grandstanding for the up and coming election in 2018.

I trust that the reason for bringing this matter forward will be made clear to the community and that these individuals are prepared to answer to their community as to what they are hoping to accomplish and to the possible damage and legal cost to the community for their actions.”

Delegations - 1:00 p.m. Six Mile Lake Ratepayers Alliance RE: Membership Information

Mr. Graziano explained to Council that the reason the membership information was not being released, as per their by-law, was because of the online trolling and bullying that was occurring and their members want to remain anonymous.

He clarified that their group does not represent those wanting larger cottages, as many believe, and they are confident that Council will look beyond the membership numbers and focus on core policies.

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 20 of 182 Councillor Wiancko requested to be copied on the emails from the group to the rest of Council members; Councillor Bochek stated he would like to attend their AGM when it occurs.

LOOMEX (1:10 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.) RE: Fire Master Plan Presentation

Terry Guthrie made a presentation to Council ( and answered questions of clarification regarding the Plan.

C-105-2017 Douglas / Cooper WHEREAS it is beneficial to have Council input into the Fire Master Plan as one of the major stakeholders; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following two Councillors be chosen to represent Council and provide input into the process: Councillor Bochek Councillor Douglas CARRIED

Council recessed into Committee of the Whole for the scheduled delegation and returned back to Council immediately following.

Development Services Report 2017-15 RE: Macey Bay Peer Review (continued)

Ms. Kennard advised that if Council does not direct staff to move forward, if the applicants appeal to the OMB for non-decision, there would be a rush to prepare the peer reviews at that time.

Councillor Edwards stated he preferred to defer until the legal matters were all resolved, Keith Sherman hasn’t been involved yet and also the Site Plan Application submitted was not complete; Mr. Robinson advised it is in fact complete and he is not clear why Mr. Sherman would be involved in this matter.

C-106-2017 Bochek / Cooper BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to retain the services of the following consultants to peer review the following reports submitted by Macey Bay Development Corporation in support of the Site Plan application: • Environmental Impact Study: North South Environmental • Traffic Study: at Planning Department discretion

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 21 of 182 • Hydrogeological Study: at Planning Department discretion (including Phosphorous and Storm Water Management) AND THAT the Township Planning Consultant and Township Engineering Consultant will be relied upon to provide professional support on the review and the Planning and Engineering aspects of the Site Plan; AND THAT that Macey Bay Development Corporation be required to pay to the Township a deposit of $25,000 prior to work commencing by the peer review consultants Recorded Vote Councillors Bochek, Cooper, Douglas, Wiancko and Mayor Braid – Yea Councillor Edwards - Nay CARRIED

Development Services Report 2017-10 RE: Middleton Subdivision Amendment S2005-5

Mr. Robinson stated the developer has been working on satisfying conditions of draft approvals and he recommends Council vote in favour of supporting the extensions.

C-107-2017 Bochek / Cooper BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council recommends to the District of Muskoka that the Conditions of Draft Approval for Subdivision File No. S2005-5 be amended in the manner described in this report. CARRIED

Development Services Report 2017-11 RE: Middleton Subdivision Amendment S2005-6

C-108-2017 Bochek / Douglas BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council recommends to the District of Muskoka that the Conditions of Draft Approval for Subdivision File No. S2005-6 be amended in the manner described in the report. CARRIED

New Business

Georgian Bay Forever (GBF) Phragmites Information

Council discussed the pamphlet and stated the matter can be left with GBF.

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 22 of 182

Development Services Report 2017-16 RE: Six Mile Lake ICB Update Mayor Braid stated the direction of Council was that the two groups from Six Mile Lake meet and determine the issues and come back with an agreement.

Mr. Robinson stated there were two issues: the ICB requires the Township do to a study, and new and / or expanded policies will be implemented to better guide applicants and CoA members on how to evaluate applications for GFA in the community. The other issue was the survey, which was pushed back to the community groups to say they should work together on that and provide the Township with the results of the survey.

Councillor Wiancko suggested having the two groups work together but the Township provide clerical staff to take notes. Ms. Kennard said the original direction was for the two groups to have one meeting, which they did, and Mr. Robinson stated the report was to merely provide information, not ask direction.

C-109-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the report regarding the Six Mile Lake Interim Control By-law Update for information purposes. CARRIED

Councillor Bochek made the following statement regarding Legal Filing #2 which he provided to the Clerk for inclusion in the minutes:

“The truth is I have not received a notice to appear in Superior Court. The applicant is aware that I am sitting in Council today and this may be an opportune time to serve me.

Today, Council will hear that in order for me to be reimbursed for my lawyers fees (approximately $10,000) I would have to be cleared of any breach of the Municipal Act as it pertains to a Conflict of Interest. When I am cleared of the alleged breach, then and only then, will you, the tax payer, pay for my defense (via Indemnification By-Law). With the ever- increasing property taxes, one must be aware and concerned with the ever-increasing legal costs stemming from many unsubstantiated claims.

Councillor Cooper and Councillor Edwards are not charged with any wrong doing although I understand Councillor Edwards is named on the

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 23 of 182 notice to provide an affidavit of evidence against the Mayor and four other Councillors. The amount the tax payers could be paying is in excess of $50,000. This will be added to the legal expenses that already have exceed $150,000 this term (this portion was not read aloud in Council).

I will only speak for myself and will be accountable for my actions knowing that I have lived my life volunteering to various groups and associations in the Township of Georgian Bay which include donating my personal time to the SEGBAY Chamber of Commerce of which I have not been a member since 2015, as evidence will show.

I don't understand why I would be punished and publicly embarrassed for being a part in raising over $30,000 with Canoe for Cancer, $90,000 for Georgian Bay General Hospital, as well as my wife and I donating our time and funds to Habitat for Humanity, Lions Club in MacTier, organizing Canada 150 celebrations, fundraising for Wendat Senior Club and funding or organizing Santa Claus parades and parties.

Municipal funding of local organization is paramount in bringing communities together, although I am not a member of any cottage association, special interest groups, business association or Chamber of Commerce as evidence will prove. My wife and I will continue to serve our communities volunteering our time and money and will not allow individuals with an election agenda and a vindictive approach to shame council members.

I have spent my first two years on council working with all council members, communities and associations promoting that working together gets things done. This action drives a wedge deep at the core values of council and further divides our very distinct communities. I believe I was elected to council not as a member of any group or party, but solely based on my commitment to help make a better community to live and work.”

Councillor Wiancko did not have a written statement for submission but did say that he agrees that the court actions are politically motivated. There is indication it’s a crime to be a Councillor and a volunteer simultaneously, yet the Councillor training he has received in the past say to be involved and volunteer. He noted there was hypocrisy in this situation when all of Council vote for recreation grants for their communities and don’t declare pecuniary interest.

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 24 of 182 Confirming By-law C-110-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts By-law 2017-27, being a by-law confirming the proceedings of the April 10, 2017 Council meeting. CARRIED

Adjournment C-111-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council does now adjourn at 2:57 p.m. until Monday, May 8, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. or at the call of the Chair. CARRIED

Clerk (A) Mayor

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Council Meeting Page 25 of 182 Township of Georgian Bay Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday April 10, 2017 1:30 PM 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn Ontario

Members Present Chair Braid Member Bochek Member Cooper Member Douglas Member Edwards Member Wiancko

Absent with Regrets Member Kay

Staff Present Laurie Kennard, CAO Jane Corbeil, Director of Financial Services / Treasurer Connie Devlin, Director of Human Resources / Health and Safety Dave Fedoriw, Chief Building Official Jessica Gunby, Clerk (A) Brad Sokach, Director of Operations Tony VanDam, Director of Fire and Emergency Services

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Members Wiancko and Edwards declared with the Cottage Rental Matter under New Business.

Delegations Rebecca Willison, District of Muskoka RE: Lake System Health Monitoring Program

Ms. Willison provided a presentation to the Committee ( ) and answered questions of the Members.

Adoption of Agenda COW-21-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole adopts the agenda of the April 10, 2017 meeting as amended / circulated. CARRIED

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Page 26 of 182

Administration Open Forum (Per Schedule L, Sections a, b and c)

Alec Downey requested to speak about cottage rental issues on Myers Lake; Member Wiancko left the room for this matter.

Development Services Development Services Report 2017-14 RE: Building By-law Update

Mr. Fedoriw answered questions of clarification from the members.

COW-22-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that the draft by-law, being an updated Building By-law, be approved; AND THAT Schedule H of the Township’s User Fees and Charges By-law be updated to include securities section as noted in the Updated Building By-law report. CARRIED

Operations Operations Report 2017-08 RE: MacTier Storm Sewer

Mr. Sokach referred members to their agendas where there were photos of the storm sewer, which is in very rough shape. An application was made for funding which was not approved. One suggestion was to make it an open ditch but members had safety concerns with children playing in the area.

Members requested more details or a visit to the area before making a decision.

Ms. Corbeil advised that the money could be taken from reserves but incurring debt is the preferred method for this project. Mr. Sokach advised that the repair must be done; Ms. Kennard also stated that the matter has been discussed for the last couple of years but hasn’t been tackled due to the expense.

COW-23-2017 Bochek / Edwards

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Page 27 of 182 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends that Council directs staff to proceed with only the first phase of the MacTier Storm Sewer project for 2017, that being addressing the failed pipe along North Street and Fern Avenue; AND THAT staff and C.C. Tathams explore the use of an open ditch down Fern Avenue as a cost reduction measure as opposed to replacing the existing pipe; AND THAT staff report back to Council at the May, 2017 Committee of the Whole meeting regarding the feasibility of an open ditch; AND THAT staff and C.C. Tathams initiate the Environmental assessment process if it is determined that an open ditch is feasible; AND THAT the project be funded by the issuance of debt. DEFEATED

Operations Report 2017-09 RE: Bressette House

Mr. Fedoriw provided members with upgrades / repairs that were required at the Bressette House. Ms. Kennard stated direction is needed in order to move ahead as the price for repairs is higher than planned.

COW-24-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends that Council directs staff to obtain a quote for a structural review of the Bressette House second story walls to identify the cause of the wall to lean and provide recommendations for resolution if needed for decks and second storey floor joists. CARRIED

New Business

Members Edwards and Wiancko left their seats.

Chair Braid RE: Cottage Rental Matter

Members discussed the possibilities of licensing cottage rental properties, providing rules / creating a by-law of what’s allowed, and mere education of those who rent their cottages out.

COW-25-2017 Bochek / Cooper

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Page 28 of 182 BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to investigate ways to possibly enforce short-term cottage rentals. CARRIED

Members Edwards and Wiancko returned to their seats.

Adjournment COW-26-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole does now adjourn at 4:06 p.m. until Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. or at the call of the Chair. CARRIED

Chair Clerk (A)

Minutes of the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting Page 29 of 182

C- -2017 Consent THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY Council Agenda DATE: 10 April 2017


Councillor Bochek MOVED BY: Councillor Cooper

Councillor Douglas SECONDED Councillor Edwards BY:

Councillor Kay Councillor Wiancko Mayor Braid

DEFERRED ______CARRIED ______DEFEATED ______REFERRED ______BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopts the following resolutions passed at the April 10, 2017 Committee of the Whole meeting:

COW-22-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends to Council that the draft by-law, being an updated Building By-law, be approved; AND THAT Schedule H of the Township’s User Fees and Charges By-law be updated to include securities section as noted in the Updated Building By-law report. CARRIED

COW-24-2017 Bochek / Edwards BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee of the Whole recommends that Council directs staff to obtain a quote for a structural review of the Bressette House second story walls to identify the cause of the wall to lean and provide recommendations for resolution if needed for decks and second storey floor joists. CARRIED

COW-25-2017 Bochek / Cooper BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to investigate ways to possibly enforce short-term cottage rentals. CARRIED

MAYOR Recommendations from the March 13, 2017 Committee of the Who...Page 30 of 182

Financial Services Department REPORT 2017-11

To: Mayor Braid and Council (Consent) From: Lynn Andrews, Deputy Treasurer Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: Financial Statement as at March 31, 2017 (1 st Quarter)


• Council approved the consolidated municipal budget By-law 2017-07 on February 13, 2017; • For the purpose of comparing actuals to budget, 25% of the year has elapsed as of March 31, 2017.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council receives the 1 st Quarter Financial Statement (for the period ending March 31, 2017) for information purposes.


On February 13, 2017, Council passed by-law 2017-07 approving the 2017 consolidated municipal budget. The budget, as approved, breaks down the municipal revenues and expenditures into two funds: Operating and Capital. These funds are further broken down by department.


The Financial Statement document (attached as schedule “A”) presents the 2017 budget and the 2017 actuals to March 31, 2017. The 2017 percent column represents the percentage of revenues and expenditures realized in comparison to budget (year to date). The previous year for the same period is presented for comparison.

The internal transfers between funds are being allocated on a quarterly basis. These relate to funding projects from reserves, annual operating transfers to reserves and grant funding being allocated on a quarterly basis as needed to cover grant related expenditures. This provides a more realistic financial picture of actual operations.

Financial Services Report 2017-11 RE: Q1 Financial Statement Page 31 of 182

Financial Services Department Report 2017-11 Financial Statement as of March 31, 2017 (1 st Quarter) Page 2 of 2


As in previous years, most of the capital projects as well as seasonal activities related to Operations and Development Services have not yet started. Therefore, as of the end of the first quarter, there are no significant variances to report.


Strategic Plan Strategic Direction 1: Municipal Fiscal Responsibility Strategic Direction 5: Transparent and Representative Government


Not applicable

Respectfully submitted by: Lynn Andrews, PMP Deputy Treasurer

Reviewed By: ☒Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒Jane Corbeil, CPA, CMA - Director of Financial Services/Treasurer

Attachments: Schedule “A” – Financial Statement (as at March 31, 2017)

Financial Services Report 2017-11 RE: Q1 Financial Statement Page 32 of 182 TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY GL5410 Page : 1 Financial Services Report 2017-11RE: Q1Financial Statement Date : Apr 21, 2017 Time : 1:14 pm 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENT

For Period Ending 31-Mar-2017 Schedule "A" - Report FIN 2017-11

TOTAL 2016 2016 2016 % TOTAL 2017 2017 2017 % 2017 $


GENERAL GOVERNMENT Operational Revenue General Government (1,093,800) (285,853) 26 (1,191,500) (297,617) 25 (893,883)

Total Operational Revenue (1,093,800) (285,853) 26 (1,191,500) (297,617) 25 (893,883) Operational Expenditures General Government 1,864,083 309,582 17 1,871,666 267,920 14 1,603,746

Total Operational Expenditures 1,864,083 309,582 17 1,871,666 267,920 14 1,603,746

Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT 770,283 23,729 3 680,166 (29,698) (4) 709,864 COUNCIL Operational Revenue Council (19,000) (1,450) 8 (28,000) (1,479) 5 (26,521)

Total Operational Revenue (19,000) (1,450) 8 (28,000) (1,479) 5 (26,521) Operational Expenditures Council 237,348 58,002 24 260,315 48,041 18 212,274

Total Operational Expenditures 237,348 58,002 24 260,315 48,041 18 212,274

Total COUNCIL 218,348 56,552 26 232,315 46,562 20 185,753 ADMINISTRATION Operating Revenue CAO 0 0 0 0 (180) 0 180 Clerks (76,050) (7,608) 10 (76,000) (1,105) 1 (74,895) Community Support Services (31,670) (8,750) 28 0 0 0 0

EconomicPage 33 of182 Development (28,400) 0 0 (28,500) (1,010) 4 (27,491)

Total Operating Revenue (136,120) (16,358) 12 (104,500) (2,295) 2 (102,205) Operating Expenditures CAO 200,376 43,168 22 211,172 42,010 20 169,162 Clerks 231,619 40,995 18 254,222 62,707 25 191,515 HR/ Health and Safety 138,236 27,986 20 143,530 31,283 22 112,247 Community Support Services 67,090 14,484 22 30,970 4,756 15 26,214 Economic Development 172,681 37,009 21 170,440 12,330 7 158,110

Total Operating Expenditures 810,002 163,641 20 810,334 153,086 19 657,247

Total ADMINISTRATION 673,882 147,284 22 705,834 150,791 21 555,042 FINANCIAL SERVICES Operational Revenue Finance (122,000) (13,130) 11 (173,500) (17,004) 10 (156,496)

Total Operational Revenue (122,000) (13,130) 11 (173,500) (17,004) 10 (156,496) TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY GL5410 Page : 2 Financial Services Report 2017-11RE: Q1Financial Statement Date : Apr 21, 2017 Time : 1:14 pm 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENT

For Period Ending 31-Mar-2017

TOTAL 2016 2016 2016 % TOTAL 2017 2017 2017 % 2017 $


Operational Expenditures Finance 592,537 117,690 20 633,001 96,808 15 536,193 Information Technology 225,063 49,341 22 247,464 55,253 22 192,211

Total Operational Expenditures 817,600 167,031 20 880,465 152,061 17 728,404

Total FINANCIAL SERVICES 695,600 153,901 22 706,965 135,056 19 571,909 PROTECTION SERVICES Operational Revenue Fire Department (50,600 ) (6,300 ) 12 (66,100 ) (17,379 ) 26 (48,721 ) By-Law Enforcement (12,000 ) (1,494 ) 12 (12,000 ) (740 ) 6 (11,260 )

Total Operational Revenue (62,600 ) (7,794 ) 12 (78,100 ) (18,119 ) 23 (59,981 ) Operational Expenditures Fire Department 545,537 115,991 21 599,631 139,166 23 460,465 Emergency Management 14,339 2,853 20 14,221 3,084 22 11,137 Fire Association 19,800 293 1 0 0 0 0 By-Law Enforcement 116,493 21,323 18 124,852 23,179 19 101,673

Total Operational Expenditures 696,169 140,460 20 738,704 165,428 22 573,276

Total PROTECTION SERVICES 633,569 132,666 21 660,604 147,309 22 513,295 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Operational Revenues Building Dept. (444,600 ) (47,238 ) 11 (447,000 ) (58,272 ) 13 (388,728 ) Planning (163,655 ) (36,832 ) 23 (128,705 ) (22,710 ) 18 (105,995 )

Total Operational Revenues (608,255 ) (84,070 ) 14 (575,705 ) (80,982 ) 14 (494,723 ) Page 34 of182 Operational Expenditures Building Dept. 540,246 89,174 17 577,110 127,882 22 449,228 Environmental Re-Inspections 69,347 12,590 18 72,209 12,337 17 59,873 Planning 645,699 117,131 18 611,799 172,231 28 439,568

Total Operational Expenditures 1,255,292 218,895 17 1,261,118 312,450 25 948,668

Total DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 647,037 134,825 21 685,413 231,468 34 453,945 OPERATIONS - PUBLIC WORKS Operational Revenue Roads - External (7,000 ) (1,209 ) 17 (2,200 ) (1,064 ) 48 (1,136 ) Roads - Township (1,900 ) (850 ) 45 (2,300 ) 0 0 (2,300 ) Roads - District (417,000 ) (150,967 ) 36 (424,414 ) (158,692 ) 37 (265,722 ) Waste Management - District (20,000 ) (6,687 ) 33 (2,850 ) (53 ) 2 (2,797 ) Cemetery (3,725 ) (1,040 ) 28 (3,725 ) 0 0 (3,725 )

Total Operational Revenue (449,625 ) (160,752 ) 36 (435,489 ) (159,808 ) 37 (275,681 ) Operational Expenditures TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY GL5410 Page : 3 Financial Services Report 2017-11RE: Q1Financial Statement Date : Apr 21, 2017 Time : 1:14 pm 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENT

For Period Ending 31-Mar-2017

TOTAL 2016 2016 2016 % TOTAL 2017 2017 2017 % 2017 $


Roads - External 3,195 1,099 34 3,685 953 26 2,732 Roads - Township 898,282 239,128 27 866,790 244,648 28 622,142 Roads - District 386,300 129,038 33 398,749 133,956 34 264,793 Roads - First Nations 13,693 5,781 42 14,537 5,205 36 9,332 Street Lighting 0 0 0 42,290 17,666 42 24,624 Sidewalks 10,891 5,680 52 9,600 4,268 44 5,332 Roads - Mechanic 38,537 6,027 16 37,858 4,772 13 33,086 Waste Management - District 13,150 4,033 31 2,881 644 22 2,237 Cemetery 16,159 893 6 21,183 826 4 20,357

Total Operational Expenditures 1,380,207 391,680 28 1,397,573 412,937 30 984,636

Total OPERATIONS - PUBLIC WORKS 930,582 230,928 25 962,084 253,129 26 708,955 OPERATIONS - PARKS, REC. & FACILITIES Operational Revenue Community Services Building 0 (1,225 ) 0 0 0 0 0 PR&F Administration (1,100 ) (1,100 ) 100 (1,100 ) (1,100 ) 100 0 Recreation Programs (23,600 ) (2,692 ) 11 (14,000 ) (800 ) 6 (13,200 ) MacTier Arena (33,450 ) (18,176 ) 54 (36,400 ) (17,437 ) 48 (18,963 ) Baxter Ward Community Centre (6,500 ) (1,893 ) 29 (6,400 ) (3,072 ) 48 (3,328 ) Honey Harbour Park Landing (32,100 ) (9,500 ) 30 (30,800 ) (9,751 ) 32 (21,049 ) Port Severn Public Park (500 ) 0 0 (2,800 ) 0 0 (2,800 ) Bressette House (7,200 ) (1,800 ) 25 (1,200 ) (300 ) 25 (900 ) MacTier Library (4,000 ) (439 ) 11 (2,000 ) (545 ) 27 (1,455 )

Total Operational Revenue (108,450 ) (36,825 ) 34 (94,700 ) (33,005 ) 35 (61,695 ) Operational Expenditures Administration Building 109,209 47,153 43 132,091 46,848 35 85,243

CommunityPage 35 of182 Services Building 28,337 10,112 36 34,979 5,884 17 29,095 PR&F Administration 102,374 22,814 22 102,726 22,163 22 80,563 Recreation Programs 50,930 5,075 10 44,176 159 0 44,017 Ball Fields 12,467 1,260 10 13,188 1,202 9 11,986 MacTier Arena 269,656 73,305 27 309,909 79,478 26 230,431 Public Beaches 14,574 5,082 35 16,712 4,601 28 12,111 Baxter Ward Community Centre 174,391 42,920 25 196,697 46,903 24 149,794 Honey Harbour Park Landing 59,720 17,234 29 61,102 18,250 30 42,852 Public Parks 14,913 (11,536 ) (77 ) 23,583 6,449 27 17,134 Port Severn Public Park 63,593 5,611 9 59,270 5,844 10 53,426 Bressette House 23,515 5,455 23 20,933 4,001 19 16,932 Water Access Areas 21,938 6,879 31 25,741 6,094 24 19,647 Trails 3,449 269 8 6,740 274 4 6,466 MacTier Library 17,001 1,688 10 13,910 1,292 9 12,618

Total Operational Expenditures 966,067 233,321 24 1,061,757 249,441 23 812,316

Total OPERATIONS - PARKS, REC. & FACIL 857,617 196,496 23 967,057 216,436 22 750,621 TAXATION TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY GL5410 Page : 4 Financial Services Report 2017-11RE: Q1Financial Statement Date : Apr 21, 2017 Time : 1:15 pm 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENT

For Period Ending 31-Mar-2017

TOTAL 2016 2016 2016 % TOTAL 2017 2017 2017 % 2017 $


Operational Revenue Taxation - Penalty & Int/Reg/Cert (200,000) (36,022) 18 (205,000) (34,929) 17 (170,071) Taxation - Lower Tier (5,131,007) (1,282,752) 25 (5,288,528) (1,322,033) 25 (3,966,495) Taxation - LT Capital 0 67 0 0 72 0 (72) Taxation - Supplementaries Lower Tier (35,000) 0 0 (35,000) 0 0 (35,000) Taxation - Railroad (3,209) 0 0 (3,209) 0 0 (3,209) Grants-in-lieu (102,702) 151 (0) (113,700) 0 0 (113,700)

Total Operational Revenue (5,471,918) (1,318,556) 24 (5,645,437) (1,356,890) 24 (4,288,547) Operational Expenditures Write-offs 45,000 2,809 6 45,000 9,362 21 35,638

Total Operational Expenditures 45,000 2,809 6 45,000 9,362 21 35,638

Total TAXATION (5,426,918) (1,315,747) 24 (5,600,437) (1,347,529) 24 (4,252,908)

Total OPERATING 0 (239,367) 0 0 (196,475) 196,475 Page 36 of182 TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY GL5410 Page : 5 Financial Services Report 2017-11RE: Q1Financial Statement Date : Apr 21, 2017 Time : 1:15 pm 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENT

For Period Ending 31-Mar-2017

TOTAL 2016 2016 2016 % TOTAL 2017 2017 2017 % 2017 $


GENERAL GOVERNMENT Capital Revenue General Government (1,104,020 ) (108,020 ) 10 (1,180,100 ) (142,015 ) 12 (1,038,085 )

Total Capital Revenue (1,104,020 ) (108,020 ) 10 (1,180,100 ) (142,015 ) 12 (1,038,085 )

Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT (1,104,020 ) (108,020 ) 10 (1,180,100 ) (142,015 ) 12 (1,038,085 ) COUNCIL Capital Revenue Council 0 0 0 (7,200 ) 0 0 (7,200 )

Total Capital Revenue 0 0 0 (7,200 ) 0 0 (7,200 ) Capital Expenditures Council 0 0 0 7,200 0 0 7,200

Total Capital Expenditures 0 0 0 7,200 0 0 7,200

Total COUNCIL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ADMINISTRATION Capital Revenue Clerks 0 0 0 (35,000 ) 0 0 (35,000 ) Economic Development 0 0 0 (10,000 ) 0 0 (10,000 )

Total Capital Revenue 0 0 0 (45,000 ) 0 0 (45,000 ) Capital Expenditures Clerks 35,000 0 0 76,000 3,660 5 72,340 Economic Development 10,000 0 0 10,000 0 0 10,000 Page 37 of182 Total Capital Expenditures 45,000 0 0 86,000 3,660 4 82,340

Total ADMINISTRATION 45,000 0 0 41,000 3,660 9 37,340 FINANCIAL SERVICES Capital Revenue Financial Services (22,000 ) (10,764 ) 49 (30,000 ) 0 0 (30,000 )

Total Capital Revenue (22,000 ) (10,764 ) 49 (30,000 ) 0 0 (30,000 ) Capital Expenditures Finance 30,000 12,764 43 36,000 8,232 23 27,768 IT Capital 26,000 5,502 21 20,000 0 0 20,000

Total Capital Expenditures 56,000 18,266 33 56,000 8,232 15 47,768

Total FINANCIAL SERVICES 34,000 7,502 22 26,000 8,232 32 17,768 PROTECTION SERVICES Capital Revenue TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY GL5410 Page : 6 Financial Services Report 2017-11RE: Q1Financial Statement Date : Apr 21, 2017 Time : 1:15 pm 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENT

For Period Ending 31-Mar-2017

TOTAL 2016 2016 2016 % TOTAL 2017 2017 2017 % 2017 $


Fire Department (26,440 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Capital Revenue (26,440 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Expenditures Fire Department 235,160 39,018 17 360,800 74,541 21 286,259

Total Capital Expenditures 235,160 39,018 17 360,800 74,541 21 286,259

Total PROTECTION SERVICES 208,720 39,018 19 360,800 74,541 21 286,259 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Capital Revenues Building Dept. (2,000 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Capital Revenues (2,000 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Expenditures Building Dept. 35,000 0 0 5,000 1,018 20 3,982

Total Capital Expenditures 35,000 0 0 5,000 1,018 20 3,982

Total DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33,000 0 0 5,000 1,018 20 3,982 OPERATIONS - PUBLIC WORKS Capital Revenue Roads - Township (243,800 ) 0 0 (310,700 ) (14,550 ) 5 (296,150 )

Total Capital Revenue (243,800 ) 0 0 (310,700 ) (14,550 ) 5 (296,150 ) Capital Expenditures Roads - Township 756,925 59,252 8 1,009,800 66,050 7 943,750 Page 38 of182 Total Capital Expenditures 756,925 59,252 8 1,009,800 66,050 7 943,750

Total OPERATIONS - PUBLIC WORKS 513,125 59,252 12 699,100 51,500 7 647,600 OPERATIONS - PARKS, REC. & FACILITIES Capital Revenue Administration Building (27,900 ) 0 0 (17,100 ) 0 0 (17,100 ) Comm. Serv. Building 0 0 0 (110,600 ) 0 0 (110,600 ) Ball Fields 0 0 0 (7,000 ) 0 0 (7,000 ) MacTier Arena 0 0 0 (160,000 ) (4,826 ) 3 (155,174 ) Public Beaches (45,000 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Baxter Ward Community Centre (300 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Honey Harbour Park Landing (3,163,100 ) 0 0 (300,000 ) 0 0 (300,000 ) Public Parks (56,500 ) (20,240 ) 36 (111,000 ) 0 0 (111,000 ) Port Severn Public Park 0 0 0 (15,000 ) 0 0 (15,000 )

Total Capital Revenue (3,292,800 ) (20,240 ) 1 (720,700 ) (4,826 ) 1 (715,874 ) Capital Expenditures Administration Building 45,000 0 0 65,300 0 0 65,300 TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY GL5410 Page : 7 Financial Services Report 2017-11RE: Q1Financial Statement Date : Apr 21, 2017 Time : 1:15 pm 2017 FINANCIAL STATEMENT

For Period Ending 31-Mar-2017

TOTAL 2016 2016 2016 % TOTAL 2017 2017 2017 % 2017 $


CSB Building 0 0 0 110,600 0 0 110,600 Ball Fields 0 0 0 7,000 0 0 7,000 MacTier Arena 0 0 0 160,000 7,240 5 152,760 Public Beaches 55,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Baxter Ward Community Centre 6,875 0 0 0 0 0 0 Honey Harbour Park Landing 3,313,100 0 0 300,000 0 0 300,000 Public Parks 93,000 22,489 24 111,000 650 1 110,350 Port Severn Public Park 0 0 0 15,000 0 0 15,000 Bressette House 50,000 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Capital Expenditures 3,562,975 22,489 1 768,900 7,890 1 761,010

Total OPERATIONS - PARKS, REC. & FACIL 270,175 2,249 1 48,200 3,064 6 45,136

Total CAPITAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page 39 of182

Operations Department REPORT 2017-12

To: Mayor Braid and Council (Consent) From: Brad Sokach, Director of Operations Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: 2017 Road Resurfacing Tender Results

REPORT HIGHLIGHTS • The Township has partnered with the District of Muskoka and several other Muskoka municipalities for road resurfacing tenders; • The costs for the Township of Georgian Bay 2017 roads resurfacing is approximately $39,000 under budget; • Staff will be resurfacing Community Center Road with chip seal instead of the originally proposed asphalt.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report regarding 2017 Road Resurfacing Tender Results be received for information purposes.


The road resurfacing projects proposed for the Township were tendered in conjunction with the District of Muskoka. Most of the other lower tier municipalities also used this process as it typically reduces costs due to the bulk purchasing.


The tendering was completed in two parts. The first part addresses road pulverization and the addition of gravel to the pulverized road surface. The second part of the tender is for the application of chip seal or slurry seal.

The low bidder for the pulverization and gravel is Weeks Construction Inc. The low bidder for the chip seal application is Fowler Construction Company Limited. The low bidder for the slurry seal is Miller Paving Inc.

The 2017 capital budget included funds for the placement of asphalt on Community Center Road. Township staff will be changing the surface type from asphalt to chip seal which is consistent with most other Township roads and will result in a cost savings of approximately $8,000.

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The Table below shows the tendered amounts versus the Township budget. As shown, the overall project is approximately $39,000 under budget.

Road Tendered Amount Budget Amount (excluding HST.) Community Center Road $21,707 $18,100 Toby’s Road $50,949 $57,000 Prisque Road $71,766 $87,500 Corrivale Road $38,726 $39,900 Lone Pine Road $50,517 $51,300 Peninsula Trail $29,152 $34,400 Hungry Bay Road $32,412 $26,000 Portage Road $48,186 $68,400

TOTAL $343,415 $382,600


Strategic Goals

Municipal Fiscal Responsibility

Minimize and control municipal budgets by spending wisely, controlling costs, and keeping tax increases to an annual minimum.

Well Managed Infrastructure

Ensure that local infrastructure meets the demands of permanent and seasonal populations, effectively connects communities, and improves communications and accessibility across the entire municipality.



Respectfully submitted by: Brad Sokach, Director of Operations

Reviewed By: ☒Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒Jane Corbeil, CPA, CMA - Director of Financial Services/Treasurer


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Operations Department REPORT 2017-13

To: Mayor Braid and Council (Consent) From: Brad Sokach, Director of Operations Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: Arena Operations Update

REPORT HIGHLIGHTS • Over the past two years the ice has been put into the arena approximately four weeks earlier than prior years to better align ice availability with skating and hockey schedules; • The arena revenues over the past two years are up approximately $10,000 per year over the previous four years; • The arena operating expenses are down approximately $20,000 per year as compared to the previous four years in large part due to the redeployment of staff to other areas of the Township operations.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report regarding Arena Operations Update be received for information purposes.


In July of 2015 a report was brought forward to the Committee of the Whole (COW) regarding the ice-in date for the MacTier Arena. The reason that the report was brought forward was that staff were recommending that the ice be put in the arena in early September as opposed to after Thanksgiving as had been the practice for the previous three years.

The COW affirmed this approach and requested that staff report back in two years to update Council on the uptake of ice during September and October as well as the associated operations costs.


Table 1 below shows the number of days the ice has been in the arena over the past six ice seasons.

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TABLE 1 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017

Ice In 13-Sep-11 12-Oct-12 11-Oct-13 14-Oct-14 14 -Sep -15 12 -Sep -16 Ice Out 19-Mar-12 18-Mar-13 21-Mar-14 23-Mar-15 21 -Mar -16 19 -Mar -17 Days of 188 157 161 160 189 188 Ice

The revenues over the past seven seasons are shown in Table 2 below. The revenues have increased approximately $10,000 over each of the past two seasons.

Table 2 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2016/2017

Revenue $23,458 $26,699 $17,110 $23,481 $33,038 $33,706

The Table below shows the arena expenses during the ice-in season over the past six seasons.

Table 3 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2015-16 2016-17 Hydro $44,963 $52,343 $45,636 $51,465 $44,187 $58,997 Insurance $12,315 $12,604 $12,989 $20,733 $16,796 $16,563 Maintenance $33,987 $25,299 $20,870 $22,461 $15,880 $14,619 Propane $9,426 $11,742 $9,578 $13,348 $9,705 $9,027 Wages/Benefits $61,370 $63,523 $65,483 $67,956 $44,601 $41,382 TOTAL $162,061 $165,511 $154,556 $175,963 $131,169 $140,588

Over the past two years, there has been a reduction in expenses associated with running the arena during the ice-in period. This has primarily been achieved through an adjustment in the scheduling of staffing and the rental of ice during weekends. Recreation staff has also been included in snow clearing efforts throughout the winter which has also reduced the amount of time spent at the arena.

It should be noted that the hydro costs may not be accurate for the past two years due to usage being estimated for some time periods and subsequently corrected on a future bill.


While it is unlikely that revenues will cover the expenses of running the arena any time soon, it appears that efforts in recent years to increase ice usage and control expenses have been successful in reducing the disparity between revenues and expenses.

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Strategic Goals

Municipal Fiscal Responsibility

Minimize and control municipal budgets by spending wisely, controlling costs, and keeping tax increases to an annual minimum.

Establish Cohesive Communities

Create a unified municipality that celebrates its unique communities and cultural differences facilitated by strong municipal leadership and open communications.


Operations 2015-06 MacTier Arena.pdf

Operations Report 2015-13 MacTier Arena Ice In Date - June 30, 2015.pdf

Respectfully submitted by: Brad Sokach, Director of Operations

Reviewed By:

☒Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒Jane Corbeil, CPA, CMA - Director of Financial Services/Treasurer



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Sunday gun hunting

Sunday gun hunting during open seasons is permitted in the southern Ontario municipalities listed below.

The list and map of southern Ontario municipalities permitting Sunday gun hunting are updated every April 1 and September 1.

On April 1, 2017, no new municipalities were added to the list and no municipalities were removed from the list.

For an alphabetical list of all southern Ontario jurisdictions offering Sunday gun hunting, refer to the chart below.

Municipality/Township Geographic Area Addington Highlands, Township of Lennox and Addington Adelaide-Metcalf, Township of Middlesex Algonquin Highlands, Township of Haliburton Alnwick/Haldimand, Township of Northumberland Amherstburg, Town of Essex Archipelago, Township of the Parry Sound Armour, Township of Parry Sound Arran-Elderslie, Municipality of Bruce Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh, Township of Huron Asphodel-Norwood, Township of Peterborough Athens, Township of Leeds and Grenville Augusta, Township of Leeds and Grenville Ballantyne, Geographic Township of Nipissing Bancroft, Town of Hastings Bayham, Municipality of Elgin Beckwith, Township of Lanark Belleville, City of Hastings Blair, East Mills, Hardy, Henvy, Laurier, Lount, McConkey, Mowat, Parry Sound Patterson, Pringle, Wallbridge, Wilson, Geographic Townships of Blandford-Blenheim, Township of Oxford

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Municipality/Township Geographic Area Bluewater, Municipality of Huron Bonfield, Township of Nipissing Boulter, Geographic Township of Nipissing Boyd, Geographic Township of Nipissing Bracebridge, Town of Muskoka Brant, County of Brant Brock, Township of Durham Brockton, Municipality of Bruce Brooke-Alvinston, Municipality of Lambton Brown, Geographic Township of Parry Sound Callander, Municipality of Parry Sound Calvin, Township of Nipissing Carlow/Mayo, Township of Hastings Cavan-Millbrook-North Monaghan, Township of Peterborough Central Elgin, Municipality of Elgin Central Frontenac, Township of Frontenac Central Huron, Municipality of Huron Centre Hastings, Municipality of Hastings Chatham-Kent, Municipality of Chatham-Kent Chatsworth, Township of Grey County Chisholm, Township of Nipissing Clearview, Township of Simcoe Cramahe, Township of Northumberland Dawn-Euphemia, Township of Lambton Douro-Dummer, Township of Peterborough Drummond/North Elmsley, Township of Lanark Dutton/Dunwich, Township of Elgin Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre and Haliburton Clyde, United Townships of East Ferris, Township of Nipissing Edwardsburgh/Cardinal, Township of Leeds and Grenville Elizabethtown-Kitley, Township of Leeds and Grenville Enniskillen, Township of Lambton Essa, Township of Simcoe Essex, Town of Essex

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Municipality/Township Geographic Area Faraday, Township of Hastings Fort Erie, Town of Niagara Front of Yonge, Township of Leeds and Grenville Galway-Cavendish and Harvey, Township of Peterborough Georgian Bluffs, Township of Grey Georgina, Town of York Gravenhurst, Town of Muskoka Greater Napanee, Town of Lennox and Addington Grimsby, Town of Niagara Hamilton, Township of Northumberland Harrison, Geographic Township of, except that part in The Archipelago, Parry Sound Township of Hastings Highlands, Municipality of Hastings Havelock-Belmont-Methuen, Township of Peterborough Highlands East, Municipality of Haliburton Howick, Township of Huron Huntsville, Town of Muskoka Huron East, Municipality of Huron Huron Kinloss, Township of Huron Joly, Township of Parry Sound Kawartha Lakes, City of Kawartha Lakes Kearney, Town of Parry Sound Killarney, Town of Sudbury Kincardine, Municipality of Bruce Kingston, City of Frontenac Kingsville, Town of Essex Lake of Bays, Township of Muskoka Lakeshore, Town of Essex Lanark Highlands, Township of Lanark Lauder, Geographic Township of Nipissing Leamington, Municipality of Essex Leeds and the Thousand Islands, Township of Leeds and Grenville Limerick, Township of Hastings Lincoln, Town of Niagara Loyalist, Township of Lennox and Addington

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Municipality/Township Geographic Area Lucan Biddulph, Township of Middlesex Machar, Township of Parry Sound Madoc, Township of Hastings Magnetawan, Municipality of Parry Sound Malahide, Township of Elgin Marmora and Lake, Municipality of Hastings McDougall, Municipality of Parry Sound McKellar, Township of Parry Sound McMurrich/Monteith, Township of Parry Sound Meaford, Municipality of Grey Merrickville-Wolford, Village of Leeds and Grenville Middlesex Centre, Municipality of Middlesex Minden Hills, Township of Haliburton Mississippi Mills, Town of Lanark Montague, Township of Lanark Morris-Turnberry, Township of Huron Muskoka Lakes, Township of Muskoka Newbury, Village of Middlesex Niagara Falls, Municipality of Niagara Nipissing, Township of Parry Sound Norfork County Norfolk North Dumfries, Township of Waterloo Stormont, Dundas and North Dundas, Township of Glengarry North Frontenac, Township of Frontenac Stormont, Dundas and North Glengarry, Township of Glengarry North Grenville, Municipality of Leeds and Grenville North Huron, Township of Huron North Kawartha, Township of Peterborough North Middlesex, Municipality of Middlesex North Perth, Municipality of Perth Stormont, Dundas and North Stormont, Township of Glengarry Northern Bruce Peninsula, Municipality of Bruce Norwich, Township of Oxford

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Municipality/Township Geographic Area Otonabee-South Monaghan, Township of Peterborough Ottawa, City of Ottawa Papineau-Cameron, Township of Nipissing Paxton, Geographic Township of Nipissing Pelee, Township of Essex Perry, Township of Parry Sound Perth East, Township of Perth Port Colborne, City of Niagara Port Hope, Municipality of Northumberland Powassan, Municipality of Parry Sound Prescott and Russell, United Counties of Prescott and Russell Prince Edward, Country of Prince Edward Quinte West, City of Hastings Ramara, Township of Simcoe Renfrew, County of Renfrew Rideau Lakes, Township of Leeds and Grenville Ryerson, Township of Parry Sound Sarnia, City of Lambton Saugeen Shores, Town of Bruce Seguin, Township of Parry Sound Severn, Township of Simcoe Shawanaga, Geographic Township of, except that part in The Archipelago, Parry Sound Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield, Township of Peterborough South Algonquin, Township of Nipissing South Bruce, Municipality of Bruce South Bruce Peninsula, Town of Bruce Stormont, Dundas and South Dundas, Township of Glengarry South Frontenac, Township of Frontenac Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry, Township of Glengarry South Huron, Municipality of Huron Stormont, Dundas and South Stormont, Township of Glengarry Southgate, Township of Grey

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Municipality/Township Geographic Area Southwest Oxford, Township of Oxford Southwold, Township of Elgin St. Clair, Township of Lambton Stirling-Rawdon, Township of Hastings Stone Mills, Township of Lennox and Addington Strathroy-Caradoc, Municipality of Middlesex Strong, Township of Parry Sound Tay Valley, Township of Lanark Tay, Township of Simcoe Tecumseh, Town of Essex Thames Centre, Municipality of Middlesex Tiny, Township of Simcoe Trent Hills, Municipality of Northumberland Tudor and Cashel, Township of Hastings Tweed, Municipality of Hastings Tyendinaga, Township of Hastings Wainfleet, Township of Niagara Warwick, Township of Lambton Wellington North, Township of Wellington West Elgin, Municipality of Elgin Whitby, Town of Durham Whitchurch-Stouffville, Town of York Whitestone, Municipality of Parry Sound Wilmot, Municipality of Waterloo Wollaston, Township of Hastings Updated: March 29, 2017 Published: August 14, 2015

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Development Services Department REPORT 2017-17

To: Mayor Braid and Members of Council From: Jamie Robinson, MCIP, RPP, Planning Consultant Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: Housekeeping Update and Consolidation to Zoning By- law 2014-75


• This Report provides an overview of the sections of the Zoning By-law that are proposed to be updated by staff as a result of a housekeeping update to Zoning By-law 2014-75.

• Consolidations previously enacted amendments to the Zoning By-law have also been included.

• A Public Meeting has been scheduled for the May 8 Council Meeting.

• Following the Public Meeting, Council has an opportunity to consider the Housekeeping By-law in its entirety or various sections of the Housekeeping By-law individually.



Choose one of three options:

1) Council directs staff to prepare a report responding to the concerns raised by letters of objection or persons attending the public meeting about the proposed amendments and providing a recommendation;

2) as there were no objections by letter or appearance at the public meeting, Council approves the By-law in the form attached as Attachment 1 to this Report.

3) as there were no objections by letter or appearance at the public meeting, to portions of the By-law in the form attached as Attachment 1 to this Report, Council hereby approves portions of the By-law in the form attached as Appendix 2 to this Report (portions not to be approved to be struck).


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Development Services Department Report No. 2017-17 Housekeeping Update to Zoning By-law 2014-75 Page 2 of 10

The Township of Georgian Bay enacted Zoning By-law 2014-75 on November 10, 2014. Since the enactment of the Zoning By-law, staff have had just over two years to work with the provisions of the new By-law. Through this two-year period, changes that would improve the document have been identified. This includes instances where historic zoning permissions was not carried forward. The purpose of the housekeeping amendment is to conduct updates to the By-law that are generally housekeeping in nature.

In addition to the housekeeping updates, as part of this process, the changes to the Zoning By-law that have been applied as a result of site specific Zoning By-law Amendments and decisions from the Ontario Municipal Board have been consolidated into the Zoning By-law. These components of the By-law are not subject to appeal, as they represent a consolidation of previously approved By-laws.

As with any amendment to a Zoning By-law undertaken in accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act , it is a requirement that a Public Meeting be held. Advertising has taken place to conduct a Public Meeting in accordance with the legislative requirements of the Planning Act.

The following Table 1 summarizes the housekeeping changes that are proposed and included in the Draft Amending Zoning By-law that is included at Attachment 1.

The consolidated changes have not been included in Table 1.

Table 1: Housekeeping Changes Subject Proposed Modification Comment Area 4.1.8(a) All accessory a) Section 4.1.8 a) shall Important to buildings be amended by adding ensure buildings shall be the following text at are appropriately setback at the end of subsection setback from least 2 a) “or the limit of a right-of-ways metres from right-of-way, where a all other right-of-way exists” buildings and at least 4 metres from a private road. Dryland b) Section shall Provide clarity Boathouses be amended by adding that dryland a new subsection e) boathouses are after subsection d) as not permitted to

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follows: “Dryland have a flat roof boathouses are not permitted to have a flat roof. A dryland boathouse must have a minimum roof pitch of 3/12.” 4.11 a) Legally c) Section 4.11 a) shall be Section should Existing amended by inserting also apply to Buildings the words “and structures on Structures” after the undersized lots words “Legally Existing Buildings.” 4.11 d) Damaged d) Section 4.11 d) shall be Section should Legally amended by inserting also apply to Existing the words “and structures Buildings Structures” after “Damaged Legally Existing Buildings.” In addition, the second paragraph of Section 4.11 d) shall be amended by adding the words “or structure” after the words “Nothing in this By-law shall apply to prevent the reconstruction of any permitted legally existing building”. 4.11 f) Existing e) Section 4.11 f) shall Section intended Undersized be amended by adding to apply of vacant Lots the word “Vacant” after undersized lots the word “Existing” and before the words “Undersized Lots.” In addition, the second paragraph of Section 4.11 f) shall be amended by adding the word “vacant” after the words “Where a”. 4.11 g) Existing f) Section 4.11 g) ii) shall Minimum lot area ii) Undersized be amended by requirements on Lots deleting the words Georgian Bay to “Shoreline Residential apply to Island (SR) zoned lots and Lots. Subsection Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014...Page 53 of 182

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Shoreline Residential iii) applies to Island (SRI) zoned lots mainland lots. on unsubdivided islands, must have a lot area of at least 1.0 hectare above the 177.0 C.G.D. contour of which a minimum of 0.8 hectares must be above the 177.4 C.G.D. contour and a minimum of 0.4 hectares above the 178.3 C.G.D. contour” and replacing with the words, “Shoreline Residential Island (SRI) zoned lots on Georgian Bay, must have a lot area of at least 1.0 hectare above the 177.0 C.G.D. contour of which a minimum of 0.8 hectares must be above the 177.4 C.G.D. contour and a minimum of 0.4 hectares above the 178.3 C.G.D. contour.” 4.11 g) Existing g) Section 4.11 g) iv) Fix typo iv) Undersized shall be amended by Lots deleting the word “application” and replacing it with the word “applicable” before the words “zone provision of the By-law” 4.12 Legal Non- h) Section 4.12 d) shall Title modification Conforming be amended by adding to reflect contents Uses the words “and of section Replacement” after the word “Restoration.” 4.20 Permitted Yard i) Section 4.20 shall be Appropriate to Encroachments amended by renaming measure yard Column 3 of Table 4.3 encroachments from “MAXIMUM from the limits of Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014...Page 54 of 182

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PROJECTION FROM the required yard MAIN WALL” to as opposed to the “MAXIMUM building wall. PROJECTION INTO REQUIRED YARD” 4.26 c) Septic j) Section 4.26 c) shall Added as per Systems be amended by adding resolution C-310- the following text at 2016 the end of subsection c) “Where an existing Enables the developed property upgrade of has an existing existing systems sewage system with with no prior no prior approval from approvals. the MOECC or Township, such system may be replaced in a location that does not encroach further into the required front yard setback, required side yard setback or required rear yard setback. Notwithstanding this, any expansion of a septic system must comply with the requirements of Part 8 of the Ontario Building Code and the minimum elevation requirements identified in Table 4.5.” 6.3, Zone k) Section 6.3 Table 6.2 Fix typo Table 6.2 Requirement Column 7 Lot Frontage Table (Minimum) shall be amended by adding the word “or” after the word “Existing.”

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6.3, Table Requirement l) Section 6.3, Footnotes Modification for 6.2 Table for Table 6.2 – mainland Footnote (6) shall be properties to amended by replacing conform to OP the number “177.7” with “177.4.” 6.5, Table Zone m) Section 6.5, Table 6.3 Modification to 6.3 Exception “SR1 Exceptions” shall reflect Zoning By- be amended by law 2003-13 deleting the text in exception SR1-28 and replacing it by adding the following to Column 5 following “Minimum Rear Yard Setback – 5 metres”

6.5, Table Zone n) Section 6.5, Table 6.3 Modification to 6.3 Exception “SR1 Exceptions” shall reflect OMB be amended by adding Decision PL a new exception SR1- 131044 46 and adding the following to Column 5 “Maximum Gross Floor Area 227 sq. m”

6.5, Table Zone o) Section 6.5, Table 6.5 By-law 2009-55 6.5 Exception “SR3 Exceptions” shall amended By-law be amended by adding 91-19 the following text “SR3-8” to Column 1 Not carried and “Sleeping Cabin forward in By-law Prior to principal 2014-74 dwelling” to Column 2. Appropriate to carry forward historic use permissions 7.3, Table Requirement p) Section 7.3, Table 7.2 Correct footnote 7.2 Table Column 5 – Front was referenced Yard, reference to Footnote (4) is deleted and replaced with Footnote (3). Section Requirement q) Section 7.3, Footnotes Correct Typo 7.3, Table for Table 7.2 Footnote Footnotes (3) shall be amended Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014...Page 56 of 182

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for Table by deleting “SR3” and 7.2 replacing it with “SRI3”. 7.5, Table SRI Exception r) Section 7.5, Table 7.5, Exceptions exist 7.5 Table delete exceptions as SR Exceptions. SRI3-13, SRI3-14 and SRI Exceptions SRI3-15. can be deleted Section Requirements s) Section 11.1, Deletion by OMB. 11.1 Table Footnotes for Table New Footnote (1) 11.1 (1) shall be included to permit amended by deleting park model the text “Only if homes as a existing on or before permitted use in September 18, 2006” existing (which was deleted by recreational the OMB) and vehicle parks as replacing the text with was permitted in “Park model homes By-law 91-19. are a permitted use in existing trailer or Modification recreational vehicle ensures that use parks.” permissions from 91-19 are carried forward. 17.2, Permitted t) Section 17.2, Table Existing lots are Table Use Table 17.1 shall be amended not permitted a 17.1 by including Accessory dock if entire Docks as a permitted frontage is EP- use in the EP-PSW PSW or FH1. Zone and FH1 Zone, See next row for but subject to additional details Footnote (4) for EP- PSW and Footnote (5) for FH1. 17.2, Permitted u) Section 17.2, Table Table Use Table 17.1 shall be amended This regulation 17.1 by adding Footnote (4) would permit a as follows: one dock in A holding symbol shall specific apply (not mapped) on circumstances, all EP-PSW Zones. where an EIS has Only one dock shall been completed. only be permitted in the EP-PSW Zone, and only on an existing lot where the entire shoreline of the lot is Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014...Page 57 of 182

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EP-PSW, and only after the holding symbol has been removed from the area where the dock is proposed. The condition for the removal of the holding symbol shall be the completion of an Environmental Impact Study to identify the dock location and dock type with the least impact to the PSW. 17.2, Permitted v) Section 17.2, Table This regulation Table Use Table 17.1 shall be amended would permit a 17.1 by adding Footnote (4) one dock in as follows: specific circumstances, A holding symbol shall where an EIS has apply (not mapped) on been completed. all FH1 Zones. Only one dock shall only be permitted in the FH1 Zone, where the entire shoreline of the lot is FH1 and only after the holding symbol has been removed from the area where the dock is proposed. The condition for the removal of the holding symbol shall be the completion of an Environmental Impact Study to identify the dock location and dock type with the least impact to the FH1. 19 New w) Section 19 Provide clarity Definitions Definition DEFINITIONS shall be with respect to amended by adding calculating dock the following definition projection “Dock Projection means the distance a dock, or combination Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014...Page 58 of 182

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of a ramp and dock extends into the water as measured from the current water mark” after the definition for “Dock, Main ”. 19 New x) Section 19 Remove Definitions Definition DEFINITIONS shall be regulation from amended by deleting definition. subsection (c) of the definition for “ Park, Private .” 19 New y) Section 19 Definition Definitions Definition DEFINITIONS shall be updated to reflect amended by amending that Ramps are the definition for permitted to “Ramp ” to include the attached to words “or free- freestanding standing deck” after decks (in all areas the word “mainland” in but Cognashene) both instances. Schedule A Modifications Map # Comment Summary of Modification Housekeeping Amending Schedule Map 118 Modified to Changed CM1-2 to SR1 Schedule A1 reflect 91-19 Zoning Map 137 Purchase of Added Shoreline Road Schedule A2 Shore Road Allowance and updated lot Allowance boundaries as per survey – Changed Shore Road Allowance to SR1 Map 48 Modified to Change SR3 to SR3-8 and EP Schedule A3 reflect 91-19 Zoning and site specific amendment Map 24 Holding Changed R3-3(H5) to R3-3 (Holding Zone Provisions Removed) Satisfied Map 149 Provide Added Note Regarding Lots clarity to user on unmaintained Hillside Drive Map 41 Modified to Change WD to RU Schedule A5 and reflect 91-19

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Map #32 zoning Map 112 Modified to Changed BR-2 to BR-1 Schedule A6 reflect 91-19 Map 131 Modified as Change SR1 to SR1-46 Schedule A7 per OMB Decision PL131044 Diagram Modifications Diagram Diagram Title Comment # Diagram Dock and Ramp Provide clarity on 16 Measurement cumulative width measurement of docks

A copy of the draft Amending By-law is provided as Attachment 1. A copy of the tracked changes Consolidated Zoning By-law is provided at Attachment 2. A copy of the updated Zone Schedule Mapping and Zoning Diagrams is provided at Attachment 3.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jamie Robinson, MCIP, RPP Planning Consultant

Reviewed by:

☒ Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer


Attachment 1 – Draft Housekeeping By-law Attachment 2 - Tracked Changes Zoning By-law Consolidation Attachment 3 – Updated Schedule A Maps

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Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 14-75, to incorporate housekeeping updates

WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay enacted By-law No. 14-75 to regulate the use of land within the Township of Georgian Bay;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay deems it expedient in the public interest to amend By-law No. 14-75;

AND WHEREAS authority to pass such a by-law is provided by Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13 and amendments thereto;



a) Section 4.1.8 a) shall be amended by adding the following text at the end of subsection a) “ or the limit of a right-of-way, where a right-of-way exists”

b) Section shall be amended by adding a new subsection e) after subsection d) as follows: “ Dryland boathouses are not permitted to have a flat roof. A dryland boathouse must have a minimum roof pitch of 3/12.”

c) Section 4.11 a) shall be amended by inserting the words “and Structures” after the words “Legally Existing Buildings.”

d) Section 4.11 d) shall be amended by inserting the words “and Structures” after “Damaged Legally Existing Buildings.” In addition, the second paragraph of Section 4.11 d) shall be amended by adding the words “or structure” after the words “ Nothing in this By-law shall apply to prevent the reconstruction of any permitted legally existing building ”.

e) Section 4.11 f) shall be amended by adding the word “Vacant” after the word “Existing” and before the words “Undersized Lots.” In addition, the second paragraph of Section 4.11 f) shall be amended by adding the word “vacant” after the words “Where a”.

f) Section 4.11 g) ii) shall be amended by deleting the words “Shoreline Residential (SR) zoned lots and Shoreline Residential Island (SRI) zoned lots on unsubdivided islands, must have a lot area of at least 1.0 hectare above the 177.0 C.G.D. contour of which a minimum of 0.8 hectares must be above the 177.4 C.G.D. contour and a minimum of 0.4 hectares above the 178.3 C.G.D. contour” and replacing with the words, “Shoreline Residential Island (SRI) zoned lots on Georgian Bay, must have a lot area of at least 1.0 hectare above the 177.0 C.G.D. contour of which a minimum of 0.8 hectares must be above the 177.4 C.G.D. contour and a minimum of 0.4 hectares above the 178.3 C.G.D. contour.”

Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014...Page 61 of 182 g) Section 4.11 g) iv) shall be amended by deleting the word “application ” and replacing it with the word “applicable” before the words “zone provision of the By- law”

h) Section 4.12 d) shall be amended by adding the words “and Replacement” after the word “Restoration.”

i) Section 4.20 shall be amended by renaming Column 3 of Table 4.3 from “MAXIMUM PROJECTION FROM MAIN WALL” to “MAXIMUM PROJECTION INTO REQUIRED YARD”

j) Section 4.26 c) shall be amended by adding the following text at the end of subsection c) “Where an existing developed property has an existing sewage system with no prior approval from the MOECC or Township, such system may be replaced in a location that does not encroach further into the required front yard setback, required side yard setback or required rear yard setback. Notwithstanding this, any expansion of a septic system must comply with the requirements of Part 8 of the Ontario Building Code and the minimum elevation requirements identified in Table 4.5.”

k) Section 6.3 Table 6.2 Column 7 Lot Frontage (Minimum) shall be amended by adding the word “or” after the word “Existing.”

l) Section 6.3, Footnotes for Table 6.2 – Footnote (6) shall be amended by replacing the number “177.7” with “177.4.”

m) Section 6.5, Table 6.3 “SR1 Exceptions” shall be amended by deleting the text in exception SR1-28 and replacing it by adding the following to Column 5 following “Minimum Rear Yard Setback – 5 metres”

n) Section 6.5, Table 6.3 “SR1 Exceptions” shall be amended by adding a new exception SR1-46 and adding the following to Column 1”Two dwelling units per lot” and to Column 5 “Maximum Gross Floor Area 227 sq. m”

o) Section 6.5, Table 6.5 “SR3 Exceptions” shall be amended by adding the following text “SR3-8” to Column 1 and “Sleeping Cabin Prior to principal dwelling” to Column 2.

p) Section 7.3, Table 7.2 Column 5 – Front Yard, reference to Footnote (4) is deleted and replaced with Footnote (3).

q) Section 7.3, Footnotes for Table 7.2 Footnote (3) shall be amended by deleting “SR3” and replacing it with “SRI3”.

r) Section 7.5, Table 7.5, delete exceptions SRI3-13, SRI3-14 and SRI3-15.

s) Section 11.1, Footnotes for Table 11.1 (1) shall be amended by deleting the text “Only if existing on or before September 18, 2006” and replacing the text with “Park model homes are a permitted use in existing trailer or recreational vehicle parks. ”

t) Section 17.2, Table 17.1 shall be amended by including Accessory Docks as a permitted use in the EP-PSW Zone and FH1 Zone, but subject to Footnote (4) for EP-PSW and Footnote (5) for FH1.

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u) Section 17.2, Table 17.1 shall be amended by adding Footnote (4) as follows:

A holding symbol shall apply (not mapped) on all EP-PSW Zones. Only one dock shall only be permitted in the EP-PSW Zone, and only on an existing lot where the entire shoreline of the lot is EP-PSW, and only after the holding symbol has been removed from the area where the dock is proposed. The condition for the removal of the holding symbol shall be the completion of an Environmental Impact Study to identify the dock location and dock type with the least impact to the PSW.

v) Section 17.2, Table 17.1 shall be amended by adding Footnote (4) as follows:

A holding symbol shall apply (not mapped) on all FH1 Zones. Only one dock shall only be permitted in the FH1 Zone, where the entire shoreline of the lot is FH1 and only after the holding symbol has been removed from the area where the dock is proposed. The condition for the removal of the holding symbol shall be the completion of an Environmental Impact Study to identify the dock location and dock type with the least impact to the FH1.

w) Section 19 DEFINITIONS shall be amended by adding the following definition “Dock Projection means the distance a dock, or combination of a ramp and dock extends into the water as measured from the current water mark ” after the definition for “Dock, Main ”.

x) Section 19 DEFINITIONS shall be amended by deleting subsection (c) of the definition for “ Park, Private .”

y) Section 19 DEFINITIONS shall be amended by amending the definition for “Ramp ” to include the words “or free-standing deck” after the word “mainland” in both instances.

z) Schedule A shall be updated as detailed in the following Table:

Schedule A Modifications

Map # Comment Summary of Modification Housekeeping Amending Schedule Map 118 Modified to Changed CM1-2 to SR1 Schedule A1 reflect 91-19 Zoning Map 137 Purchase of Added Shoreline Road Allowance Schedule A2 Shore Road and updated lot boundaries as per Allowance survey – Changed Shore Road Allowance to SR1 Map 48 Modified to Change SR3 to SR3-8 and EP Schedule A3 reflect 91-19 Zoning and site specific amendment Map 24 Holding Changed R3-3(H5) to R3-3 (Holding Zone Provisions Removed) Satisfied

Development Services Report 2017-17 RE: Housekeeping to 2014...Page 63 of 182 Map 149 Provide clarity Added Note Regarding Lots on to user unmaintained Hillside Drive Map 41 Modified to Change WD to RU Schedule A5 and reflect 91-19 Map #32 zoning Map 112 Modified to Changed BR-2 to BR-1 Schedule A6 reflect 91-19 Map 131 Modified as per Change SR1 to SR1-46 Schedule A7 OMB Decision PL131044 Diagram Modifications Diagram Diagram Title Comment # Diagram Dock and Ramp Measurement Provide clarity on 16 cumulative width measurement of docks

This By-law shall come into force and effect pursuant to the provisions of and Regulations made under the Planning Act.

Read and finally passed this 8th day of May, 2017



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Development Services Department REPORT 2017-18

To: Mayor Braid and Members of Council From: Jim Dyment, BES, MCIP, RPP, Planning Consultant Report Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment – Tomahawk Club


• Proposed Amendment to Zoning By-law No. 2014-75 to permit 22 docks in the Shoreline Residential Island Type Four Exception One SRI4-1 Zone.

• The Zoning By-law currently permits 22 dwellings on the 52-acre Island, known as Tomahawk Island. The island is one lot that is known as the Tomahawk Club.

• The Zoning By-law would permit a maximum of four docks on the Island.

• There are currently 18 docks on the property (14 of these docks would be considered legal non-complying structures.

• An application for building permit for the development of an additional dock has resulted in this Zoning By-law Amendment Application.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council directs staff to prepare a report responding to the concerns raised by letters of objection or persons attending the public meeting about the proposed application for Tomahawk Island (2 Island 1685) and providing a recommendation;

OR (choose 1 )

BE IT RESOLVED THAT as there were no objections by letter or appearance at the public meeting regarding the Zoning By-law Amendment for Tomahawk Island (2 Island 1685), Council approves the By-law.


Tomahawk Island (Island 1685-2) is a separate conveyable island, having an area of approximately 22 hectares (52 acres), and is owned entirely by the Tomahawk Club. The Tomahawk Club was formed and purchased the lands in 1899. There are 22 members of the Club who utilize the lands for private cottages. At the present time, there are 18 docks servicing the properties. Development Services Report 2017-18 RE: Tomahawk Island (2 I...Page 65 of 182

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In the winter of 2016, the Tomahawk Club made an application for an additional dock to service the cottages on the island. At that time, it was determined that By-law 14-75 would limit the number of docks on the island to four. There are currently 18 docks on the island as shown on the air photo attached to this Report as Appendix 1. The current zoning of the property permits up to 22 cottages on the island. To address the effect of the new provisions of By-law 14-75, the Tomahawk Club has filed this application to permit 22 docks on the property. This would enable each of the 22 cottages to have a dock.


The Island is irregularly shaped and located northeast of Beausoleil Island, south of Star Island and off the shoreline of the main land. There is a central docking facility located on the inner bay of the Island and a number of individual docks associated with cottages that are dispersed around the perimeter of the Island. The club members generally obtain access from the marinas in the Honey Harbour area.

The westerly shoreline of the Island is sparsely vegetated; however, inland and toward the easterly shore, there is increasing depths of soils and vegetation. The island is sheltered from outer Georgian Bay by Stars Island and Ardilaun Island. The inner channel between the island and the main land is relatively narrow, at one point narrowing to about 30 metres. Consideration of the narrow channels is built into the permissions for docks in the Zoning By-law.

Beausoleil Island is a Provincial Park located to the southwest of the Island. There is a limited amount of shoreline residential development east of the island, primarily to the northeast, and on the abutting islands.

Official Plan of the District Municipality of Muskoka

The subject lands are located within the ‘Waterfront’ designation of the District of Muskoka Official Plan (Consolidated October 3, 2014). The policies within the District Official Plan permit shoreline residential development and accessory uses. The District Official Plan (Section K.58) requires docks to be approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and/or Transport Canada if required. The District Official Plan (Section D.20 and Section F.21) requires the maintenance of the shoreline as a vegetative buffer within the designated area for three quarters of the water frontage. Given the large size of the Island, it is anticipated that the establishment of 4 additional docks would maintain conformity with this policy.

It is noted that the District Official Plan provisions have been implemented in the Township Official Plan and Township Zoning By-law.

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Township of Georgian Bay Official Plan

The subject lands are located within the Honey Harbour Coastal Waterfront Community and are designated Waterfront by the Township of Georgian Bay Official Plan. The Waterfront designation permits residential uses and accessory structures. The docks would be considered accessory structures to residential uses. Section F. states that docks and boathouses shall not be permitted where they create a hazard to navigation defined in the Canada Shipping Act or other applicable legislation.

Section F. provides specific policies for residential compound developments such as Tomahawk Island. Subsection e) states that docking facilities shall be kept to a minimum required to service the dwelling units in a residential compound development. Where practical, such a facility shall be clustered together in order to maintain open space character of the waterfront. Subsection h) requires development to occur subject to site plan control. Section F. requires new residential compounds to proceed by Zoning By-law Amendment. This compound already exists and has site- specific zoning to allow for 22 dwellings. The placement of future docks will be subject to Site Plan Control. This will ensure conformity with this policy of the Official Plan.

The specific policies for the Honey Harbour Waterfront Community identify issues related to boat traffic in Honey Harbour and the importance of considering impact of development on congestion in busy channels. Section F.5.8.4 indicates that the development should find an appropriate balance between the natural shoreline and built form including docks and boathouses. The policies state that, wherever possible, 25 percent of the shoreline frontage or up to 23 metres, whichever is less, may be developed for shoreline activity areas while these policies are intended to apply to a single development. The principle is that the amount of development in the shoreline area should be minimized to the greatest extent possible.

Generally, the policies in the Official Plan support the development of docks to serve the residential units provided that the impact of those docks on the environment and boat navigation are minimized.

Zoning By-law

The property is currently located in the Shoreline Residential Island Type Four Exception One (SRI4-1) Zone. The exception allows a maximum number of 22 dwelling units. Otherwise, the provisions of the SRI4 Zone apply.

While the special exception for the number of dwelling units was carried through from By-law 91-19 to By-law 14-75, the general provisions of the new Zoning By-law restrict the number of docks on a property to a Development Services Report 2017-18 RE: Tomahawk Island (2 I...Page 67 of 182

Development Services Department Report No. 2017-18 Tomahawk Club Zoning By-law Amendment Page 4 of 7 maximum of four docks (Section d)). There are presently 18 docks located within the SRI4 Zone on Tomahawk Island. The provisions of the aforementioned Section of the Zoning By-law make 14 of those docks legal non-conforming. The Tomahawk Club has indicated that they would like permission for one dock for each dwelling unit that is permitted in accordance with the SRI4-1 zoning provisions. In all other respects, the provisions for docks in Section would apply. As a result, the provisions of Section b) also need to be amended as it relates to the SRI4-1 zone since they provide for a cumulative width of docks of a maximum of 23 metres. This cumulative width of docks is already exceeded in the existing condition.

The minimum lot frontage in the SRI4 Zone is 60 metres. If the provisions of Section were to be applied as if each of the 22 cottages had a minimum lot frontage, the 15 percent permission for cumulative width of docks per lot would provide for 9 metres per dwelling. It is therefore suggested that the exception provide for a maximum cumulative width of docks and boathouses for Tomahawk Island at 200 metres (9 metres x 22 = 198). This should provide sufficient regulation for the development of docks while still maintaining the intent of the By-law and the Official Plan. The development of shoreline structures, would still be required to comply to the other dock and boathouse regulations of Section 4.1.13 of the Zoning By- law.

Site Plan Agreement

The Township of Georgian Bay and the Tomahawk Club have an existing site plan agreement which dates back to 1993. It is recommended that this site plan agreement be updated to identify the locations of the future docks and to illustrate the locations of present docks. The amendment to the site plan agreement would replace the old Schedule A, which is attached as Appendix 3; with a new Schedule A. Should the Zoning By-law Amendment be approved, the Township would then entertain and application for amendment to the Site Plan Agreement.

Respectfully submitted by:

Jim Dyment, BES, MCIP, RPP Planning Consultant

Reviewed by:

☒ Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒ Jamie Robinson BES, MCIP, RPP – Planning Consultant

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Development Services Department Report No. 2017-18 Tomahawk Club Zoning By-law Amendment Page 5 of 7 Attachments:

1. Site Location Map 2. Air Photo 3. Current Site Plan Schedule A 4. Draft Zoning By-law

Attachment 1 – Site Location Map


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Attachment 2 – Air Photo

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Development Services Department Report No. 2017-18 Tomahawk Club Zoning By-law Amendment Page 7 of 7 Attachment 3 – Current Site Plan – Schedule A

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Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 14-75, with respect to lands legally described as Island 1685-2, (Tomahawk Island) Former Township of Baxter, Township of Georgian Bay, District Municipality of Muskoka.

WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay enacted By-law No. 14-75 to regulate the use of land within the Township of Georgian Bay;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay deems it expedient in the public interest to amend By-law No. 14-75;

AND WHEREAS authority to pass such a by-law is provided by Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13 and amendments thereto;



Table 7.6 – SRI4 Exceptions is hereby amended by adding the following Special Zone Requirement for the SRI4-1 exception in column 5 of the table:

“ maximum number of docks - 22 maximum cumulative width of docks and boathouses – 200 metres”

This By-law shall come into force and effect pursuant to the provisions of and Regulations made under the Planning Act.

Read and finally passed this ___ day of ______, 2017.

______Larry Braid, Mayor

______Jessica Gunby, Clerk (A)

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CAO REPORT 2017-07

To: Mayor Braid and Members of Council From: Laurie Kennard, CAO Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: Canada 150 Events Update

REPORT HIGHLIGHTS • A variety of community events are being organized • In addition to financial support previously approved, organizations are requesting additional ‘in kind’ support. • Staff are also recommending purchasing Canada 150 banners to mark the occasion.


Resolution #1 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mayor and Council authorize staff to support the Gloucester Pool Cottage Association and the Honey Harbour Co-Op requests for ‘in kind’ Township support for their Canada 150 events.

AND THAT Mayor and Council delegate authority to staff to approve additional requests for similar types of assistance, as appropriate, for events celebrating Canada 150 in 2017.

Resolution #2 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Mayor and Council authorized staff to purchase Canada 150 banners to mark the milestone anniversary.


There are a variety of celebrations of Canada’s 150th anniversary happening around our Township this summer.

Ward 1 – had requested and were approved for $5,000 in Township funding for their celebrations. They are doing the majority of their celebrations during their Pedal and Play weekend (Civic weekend) and not on the Canada Day weekend.

Ward 3 – Gloucester Pool Cottage Association (GPCA) is planning an afternoon event in Port Severn Park on July 1 st . Ward 3 was approved for $5,000 in funding, to be managed by SEGBAY Chamber of Commerce.

Ward 4 – The Honey Harbour Co-op is planning on a morning event in Honey Harbour on July 1st . Ward 4 was approved for $5,000 in funding, also to be

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CAO 2017-07 Canada 150 Events Update Page 2 of 4

managed by SEGBAY Chamber of Commerce, but they have since determined they don’t have a need for the funds as they are not planning anything beyond their normal Canada Day celebration.

Gala – Council agreed that the Township does not have the resources to put on this event and directed staff to solicit another organization that might be willing to take it on. SEGBAY was not able to assist. The Baxter Snow Riders expressed some interest but upon further review determined it was not feasible for them either, therefore there will be no gala held.

Ward 2 has not requested Township Funding or let the Township know if they have any Canada 150 plans.


Community Celebrations

In addition to the financial commitment, the organizers of some of the events have asked for additional Township ‘in kind’ support. Specifically, requests for the following support have been received:

GPCA for Port Severn Park Celebrations • Use of Port Severn Park, pavilion, parking area and docks, with all rental fees waived • Use of stage including set up and tear down with rental fees waived • Use of tables and chairs • Use of canteen building • Close off boat launch for the day • Assistance in developing posters and flyers for the event • Promotion of the event through Township website and social media channels • Garbage removal throughout the day • Waiving the building permit required for the tent(s) required • Assistance to review and approve layout of events at the park • Assistance to hang posters, flags as required.

Honey Harbour Co-op for Honey Harbour Celebrations • Use of tables and chairs • Garbage removal throughout the day

Staff are comfortable they can accommodate all requests except for dedicated support the day(s) of the event(s) for items such as on-going garbage removal. The Canada Day long weekend will be a busy one in all of our areas and our staff resources will be spread very thin. The organizers have been made aware that they will need to do most of the support for the

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event(s) with volunteers. In addition, the use of tables and chairs will be limited to what the Township has available and the various events will need to coordinate what they require and may be required to have volunteers move them from one venue to the next.

It is anticipated that the MacTier Events Committee may have similar assistance needs from the Township for their later celebration. In addition, it is anticipated that there may be additional requests for Township assistance that the organizers have not yet considered. Staff recommend Council provide delegated authority to staff to approve requests that they feel are reasonable and manageable within our existing staff complement, for Canada 150 events only.


The organizers of all of the events have also been asking if the Township planned to hang Canada 150 banners to celebrate the anniversary. Currently we have Township banners hung throughout the Township with the Township logo/brand and depicting Township themes of canoes, birds, ATVs and snowmobiles. They are hung at the following locations:

• 11 on Port Severn road toward Christie Mill; • 2 at Port Severn Park entrance(s) • 6 in Median on Lone Pine; • 6 in Honey Harbour; and • 6 in MacTier.

To further celebrate Canada 150 throughout the Township, Council may wish to consider replacing some or all of the banners currently hung with Canada 150 banners. Staff recommend only replacing half (or every other one) with a Canada 150 banner to celebrate the event, to both keep the Township brand hung and save on costs of banners that can only be used for one year.


The waiver of the fees and charges for the events is approximately $2,500 as exact details are not yet confirmed. In kind staff support will be managed within our existing complement.

Canada 150 banners were not contemplated in the 2017 budget, however there is currently $15,000 (Wards 2 and 4 plus gala funding) of Canada 150 funds unspoken for. Replacing half of our banner with Canada 150 banners will cost approximately $1,200.

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Strategic Plan Strategic Direction # 2 – Establish Cohesive Communities. Goal to create a unified municipality that celebrates its unique communities and cultural differences.

RELEVANT BACKGROUND REPORT: CAO 2017-02 CAO 2016-07 Admin 2016-11 Financial Services 2016-04

Respectfully submitted by Laurie Kennard, CAO

Reviewed By:

☒Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒Jane Corbeil, CPA, CMA - Director of Financial Services/Treasurer



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Clerk’s Department REPORT 2017-16

To: Mayor Braid and Members of Council From: Jessica Gunby, Clerk (A) Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: Update to Code of Conduct


• Council recently approved an updated Code of Conduct, written with the assistance of the Integrity Commissioner (IC).

• The IC advised staff recently there was a section missing about time limits; that has now been inserted.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves By-law 2017-39 (repealing and replacing By-law 2016-67) being the amendment to the Code of Conduct to includes a limitation period of 6 months.


Council adopted an updated Code of Conduct in September 2016, but a limitation period was not included, which is standard in most codes.


The update comes as a recommendation from the Township’s Integrity Commissioner who recommends that complaints must be filed within six months of the incident that gave rise to the complaint.


There is no financial consideration for the by-law update.


Strategic Plan

Goal: Provide local governance that is transparent, includes objective representation on Municipal Council for all residents and communities within the township, and is conducted with the utmost integrity.

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Administration Report 2017-16 Updated Code of Conduct Page 2 of 2


Clerk’s Report 2016-26

Respectfully submitted by Jessica Gunby, Dipl.M.A., Clerk (A)

Reviewed By:

☒Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒Jane Corbeil, CPA, CMA - Director of Financial Services/Treasurer

Attachments: Draft By-law 2017-39

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 78 of 182 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY BY-LAW 2017-39

Being a By-law to establish a Code of Conduct for Council (Repealing By-law 2016-67)

WHEREAS The Council of the Township of Georgian Bay believes that public trust and public confidence are essential to good governance;

AND WHEREAS Section 223.2(1) of the Ontario Municipal Act 2001, as amended, authorizes the municipality to establish codes of conduct for members of the Council of the municipality and of the local boards of the municipality.

AND WHEREAS , in order to promote public trust and uphold confidence, it is imperative that each member of Council conduct his or her self in a manner that is above reproach, and conduct himself, or herself, in public, and in respect to the public, in such a way as to reflect the decorum and dignity of the office that he or she holds;

AND WHEREAS Section 223.3(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, authorizes the municipality to appoint an Integrity Commissioner who reports to Council and who is responsible for performing in an independent manner the functions with respect to the application of the code of conduct for members of Council and the application of procedures, rules and policies of the municipality governing the ethical behaviour of members of Council;

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 79 of 182 NOW THEREFORE the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:

1. That Schedule "A" is attached to and forms part of this by-law; 2. That this By-law shall be known as the Council Code of Conduct; 3. Where the provisions of any other by-laws are inconsistent with the provisions of this bylaw, the provisions of this by-law shall prevail; 4. That this By-law replaces and repeals By-law 2016-67; 5. This by-law shall come into full force and effect upon passage;

READ AND ENACTED in Open Council this 8th day of May, 2017.

______Larry Braid, Mayor

______Jessica Gunby, Clerk (A)

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 80 of 182 Schedule "A" to By-law 2017-39


The purpose of this code is to encourage high ethical standards among Municipal Council Members and to provide a general understanding of the fundamental obligations of Municipal Council Members. It will provide conduct rules for members so that misconduct may be avoided and clear standards exist against which to assess potential misconduct of those members.


Mutual respect and equality before and under the law are the foundations of local government.

Members of Council are expected to conduct themselves at all times in such a way as to promote respect for Council, all levels of government, and government administration including all municipal staff.

Members of Council may passionately debate issues and promote ideas but must always do so with dignity, decorum, and respect for other opinions.

Municipal Council Members hold positions of privilege. Therefore, they must discharge their duties in a manner that recognizes a fundamental commitment to the well being of the community as a whole and have high regard for the integrity and presence of the Corporation.

Members of Council will accurately communicate the attitudes and decisions of Council, even if they disagree with a majority decision so that there is respect for the decision-making process of Council; respect that official information related to decisions and resolutions made by Council will normally be communicated in the first instance to the community and the media in an official capacity by the Mayor or the Mayor's designate, and that information concerning adopted policies, procedures and decisions of the Council is conveyed openly and accurately.

3. INTERPRETATIONS (Definitions)

Communication(s) include, but are not limited to, written or spoken words in the form of e-mail transmissions, Instant Message (IM) transmissions, telephone and cell phone communications, communications generated electronically, and pictures.

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Preferential means giving specific advantage or priority to a person or group.

Public Comment means disclosures or statements made in public, or in the course of a speech, lecture, radio, television or internet broadcast, in the press, or in published form.

Confidential Information is information that is not available to the public as a general course of established municipal practice, or is restricted and controlled under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The following is in no way an exhaustive list of information that is to be protected, but it shall provide guidance as to the nature of the information to be protected:

• Personal data of employees or others.

• Records related to internal policies and practices, which if disclosed, may prejudice the effective performance of a municipal operation.

• Records of a financial nature reflecting information given or accumulated in confidence.

• Files prepared in connection with litigation and adjudicative proceedings.

• Records / reports presented to Council in Closed Session, whether verbal or written.

Confidential Reports of consultants, policy drafts and/or internal communications, which, if disclosed, may prejudice the effective operation of the municipality.

Conflict of Interest is a term used to describe the situation in which a public official or fiduciary who, contrary to the obligation and absolute duty to act for the benefit of the public or a designated individual, exploits the relationship for personal benefit, typically pecuniary. Examples include, but aren’t limited to:

• Any matter in which the member has a financial interest

• Any matter in which the member is a shareholder in, or a director or senior officer of a corporation that does not offer its securities to the

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 82 of 182 public and such corporation has a financial interest in the matter.

• Any matter in which the member has a controlling interest in, or is a director or senior officer of, a corporation that offers its securities to the public and such corporation has a financial interest in the matter.

• Any matter in which the member is a member of a body and such body has a financial interest in the matter.

• Any matter in which a parent, spouse, same sex partner or any child of the member has a financial interest, if known to the member.

Moderate Hospitality means a meal, garment, plaque or award paid for or provided by an individual, firm, or group.

Workplace means any land, premises, location or thing at, upon, in or near which a worker works.

Workplace Harassment means engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.


a. Business Relations

Members of Council must conduct themselves and arrange their private business in such a way to balance their rights to have opinions as private citizens and their ethical obligations to avoid participation in activities that grant or appear to grant any special consideration, treatment or advantage on to an individual or group which is not available to every other individual in the Township.

b. Communications

A Member of Council recognizes the importance of cooperation with other Members of Council and respect for the professional roles of staff. Members of Council will strive to create an atmosphere during Council and Committee meetings and through email and social media communications that is conducive to solving issues before Council, using respectful language and behavior in relation to fellow members, staff and the public.

• Members of Council must conduct themselves at Council or Committee and through informal email and social media communications, with

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 83 of 182 decorum and respect for other Members of Council, staff and the public.

• Members of Council shall not communicate via email or otherwise in such a way as to denigrate the decisions of Council or staff.

While a Member of Council may publicly state that they did not support a decision of Council or that they voted against the decision, a Member of Council must not denigrate the Council decision when responding to a member of the public, as this will undermine the confidence in the decisions of the municipality and the rule of law.

• Members of Council will accurately communicate the decisions of Georgian Bay Council, even if they disagree with a majority decision of Council, so that there is respect for and integrity in the decision making processes of Council;

• Members of Council may publicly state that they did not support a decision of Council or that they voted against the decision;

• Members of Council shall refrain from making disparaging comments about other Members of Council and the Council processes and decisions.

c. Confidential Information

Confidential information includes information in the possession of, or received in confidence by the Township, that the Township is either prohibited from disclosing, or is required to refuse to disclose under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

Members of Council shall not use information that is obtained in his or her capacity as a member and that is not available to the general public to further or seek to further the member’s private interest or improperly to further or seek to further another person’s private interest.

In accordance with the rules under MFIPPA and the Procedure By-law, Members of Council shall not:

i) Where a matter has been discussed in camera, and where the matter remains confidential, disclose the content of the matter, result or the substance of the deliberations of the in camera meeting; and,

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 84 of 182 ii) Disclose or release by any means to any member of the public, any confidential information acquired by virtue of their office, in either oral or written form, except when required by law or authorized by Council to do so.

The obligation to keep information confidential is a continuing obligation even if the Member ceases to be a member of Council or committee.

d. Gifts and Benefits

Members of Council shall not accept a fee, advance, gift, loan, or personal benefit that is connected directly or indirectly with the performance of his or her duties of Office. The following are recognized as exceptions within this code:

• Compensation authorized by-law;

• Campaign contributions in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act;

• Moderate hospitality derived from attendance at banquets, receptions or similar events, for charitable, not for profit, community purposes, or where the Member is either speaking or attending in an official capacity and where attendance serves a legitimate public duty.

e. Influence

Members of Council shall avoid the improper use of the influence of their office, and conflicts of interest, both apparent and real. Members of Council shall not extend, in their discharge of their official duties, preferential treatment to family members, organizations or groups in which they or their family member have a pecuniary interest.

Members of Council shall not use his or her position to seek to influence a decision of another person or Council so as to further his or her private interest(s), or the interest(s) of his or her relatives or friends.

Member of Council shall not attempt to require or compel municipal staff to participate in political activities or to undertake personal or private work on behalf of the member.

f. Meeting Deliberations

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 85 of 182 A decision of Council is final, unless and until further debate occurs through a motion for reconsideration or, in the case of the Committee of Adjustment, an appeal is made to the OMB.

i) When a Council or Committee agenda has been published, any deliberations on a staff report or matter properly before Council shall be done at a regular Council or Committee meeting.

ii) No debate shall happen prior to the meeting by email or any other method.

g. Preferential Treatment

Members of Council shall not, in the exercise of an official power, duty, or function, give preferential treatment to any person or organization based solely on the identity of the person or organization. No Member of Council shall grant any special consideration or advantage in matters related to his/her position on Council to any person or organization(s) beyond that which is available to every citizen.

5. Inappropriate Conduct – Harassment

Harassment is prohibited under both the Ministry of Labour statutes and the Ontario Human Rights code. In addition to this, Harassment, whether it occurs inside or outside the workplace but is related to the work environment or activities of elected office, is considered to be Workplace Harassment and is inappropriate and prohibited behaviour for the purpose of this Code of Conduct.

Member of Council shall not bully, threaten, coerce, or otherwise harass, or intimidate employees or volunteers of the municipal organization, municipal contractors, the public, or his/her colleagues.

Members of Council shall not engage in any form of slanderous, malicious, or demeaning communications in regards to other members of Council, municipal staff, or the public. This restriction shall extend to meetings of Council or local boards where the right of personal privilege may be claimed.

Members of Council recognize and respect the roles of Municipal staff and affirm that only Council as a whole has the capacity to direct staff members. In addition, members shall acknowledge and respect the fact that staff carry out directions of Council as a whole and administer the policies of the Township, and are required to do so without any undue influence from any individual member or group of members. Members shall not publicly criticize

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 86 of 182 individual staff members in a way that cast aspersions on their professional competence and credibility.

6. Conflict of Interest

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act prohibits a member of Council from voting on a matter for which they have a pecuniary interest; however, the Integrity Commissioner shall not accept or investigate a complaint in relation to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA). Complaints / matters regarding the MCIA are to be reviewed with the complainant’s own legal counsel and to pursue the enforcement of the complaint pursuant to Section 9 of the MCIA.

7. Consequences of Misconduct

Every member of Council who fails to meet his or her obligations under this code is subject to any one or a combination of consequences below as determined by the appointed Integrity Commissioner;


• reprimand in Open Council (Censure);

• suspension of honourariums for a period of not more than 90 business days;

Corrective action:

• removal from committees of Council for a period of time;

• any remedial action deemed appropriate by the Integrity Commissioner

• any combination of the above

8. Code of Conduct Complaint Protocol

Individuals including Township employees, members of the public or members of Council, who identify or witness behavior or activity by a member of Council that appears to be in contravention of the Code of Conduct, may address the prohibited behavior or activity by:

i) Advising the Member that the behavior or activity appears to

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 87 of 182 contravene the Code of Conduct;

ii) Document the incidents including dates, times, locations and other persons present, and any other relevant information;

iii) Request the Integrity Commissioner to assist in informal mediation of the complaint with the Member in an attempt to resolve the issue, if agreed to by the parties; or

iv) Completing a Complaint Form/Affidavit (include in the Complaint Form, an explanation of why the issue raised may be a contravention of the Code of Conduct, evidence in support of the allegation).

Council, through an approved Resolution may request that the Integrity Commissioner receive a Code Complaint, including the name of the Member Council that appears to be in contravention of the Code of Conduct. The Council resolution shall include an explanation of why the issue raised may be a contravention of the Code of Conduct and any evidence in support of the allegation. This information shall be given to the Member under investigation.

The Complaint shall be sent directly to the Integrity Commissioner, who will determine if the matter is, on its face, a complaint with respect to noncompliance with the Code of Conduct and not covered by other legislation or other Council policies.

If the Complaint, including any supporting affidavit, is not, on its face, a complaint with respect to non-compliance with the Code of Conduct or the complaint is covered by other legislation or complaint procedure under another Council policy, the Integrity Commissioner shall advise the Complainant of the Council member in writing.

If the Integrity Commissioner is of the opinion that the referral of the matter is frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith, or that there are no grounds or insufficient grounds for an investigation, the Integrity Commissioner shall not conduct an investigation, and where this becomes apparent in the course of an investigation, terminate the investigation.

If the Integrity Commissioner decides to commence an investigation, he/she shall process as follows:

i) Give the complaint and supporting documents to the Member of

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 88 of 182 Council who is alleged to have contravened the Code, with a request to provide a written response within a prescribed period of days; and,

ii) Give a copy of the Member’s response to the complainant with a request to provide a written response (except if the complaint is by way of Council resolution as at point 3 above).

If necessary, after reviewing the submitted materials, the Integrity Commissioner may speak to anyone and examine any other documents or electronic materials and may enter any Town work location relevant to the complaint for the purpose of investigation and potential resolution.

No complaint shall be received by the Integrity Commissioner after June 30th in any year in which a municipal election is regularly scheduled.

The Integrity Commissioner shall report her/his findings to the complainant and the Member generally no later than 90 days after receipt of the Complaint Form.

i) The Integrity Commissioner shall submit a Report to Council shortly after submitting her/his findings to the parties.

ii) Where the Complaint is sustained in whole or in part, the Integrity Commissioner shall recommend to Council that the Member in contravention of the Code receive any sanction or corrective action as outlined in Section 7.

If the Integrity Commissioner determines that there has been no contravention of the Code of Conduct or that a contravention occurred through inadvertence or an error in judgment in good faith, the Integrity Commissioner shall report a finding of no contravention to Council.

Upon receipt of a report, the Township Clerk shall process the report for the next meeting of the Council.

9. Investigation of Complaint

Any person may file a complaint regarding the conduct of a member of Council provided the incident giving rise to the complaint occurred within the preceding six (6) months.

A Complaint must be made in writing, signed by the person making the complaint, and sent directly to the Integrity Commissioner.

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The Integrity Commissioner may investigate the complaint(s), make findings, and report to Council on breaches, or potential breaches, of this code. They will also recommend to Council what the appropriate consequences of the breach may be. Where the Integrity Commissioner appointed for the municipality cannot or will not make a determination regarding a complaint, Council may pass a resolution requesting a judge of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to conduct an investigation of the member's conduct under Section 274(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended. Should the Judge determine that a breach has occurred; the consequences contained in this policy shall be considered along with all other penalties provided for in other Acts of the Legislature.

The Integrity Commissioner shall conduct the investigation in accordance with the principles as set in the Code of Conduct Protocol. The Integrity Commissioner may choose to invoke the powers of investigation under the Public Inquiries Act.

In conducting the investigation, the Integrity Commissioner must maintain records of information gathered and witnesses interview. Investigations are to be conducted in private, and all information is to be treated as confidential.

Prior to submitting the report to Council, the Integrity Commissioner will provide a copy of the Final Report to any person against whom he or she is proposing to make adverse findings and give him or her an opportunity to make a statement regarding any errors or omissions of fact. Upon expiry of the time given to provide a statement, the Integrity Commissioner will not entertain further comments and will submit a final report to Council, the Complainant and the Respondent.

The Integrity Commissioner shall provide a report to Council in Open Session, which shall contain the Commissioner's opinion as to whether a breach of this code has occurred along with any recommended consequences or sanctions. Council shall be required to accept or decline, by recorded vote, the report of the Commissioner.

The Council body will be responsible for the implementation of any consequences, penalties or sanctions against its members.

10. Advice on Potential Breaches

The appointed Integrity Commissioner may advise members of Council on potential breaches of the code. As long as all the facts known to the member

Clerk's Report 2017-16 RE: Code of Conduct Update By-law 201...Page 90 of 182 are disclosed to the Integrity Commissioner and there is no change to these facts, the member may rely on any written advice provided by the Integrity Commissioner.

11.Cooperation with the Integrity Commissioner

All Members of Council are required to cooperate with the Integrity Commissioner during a Code of Conduct investigation. Failure to cooperate with the Integrity Commissioner, actions conducted to obstruct the Integrity Commissioner in the carrying out of her or his responsibilities or actions to threaten or undertake a reprisal against a person initiating a complaint or cooperating with the Integrity Commissioner, constitutes a breach of the Code of Conduct

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Financial Services Department REPORT 2017-09

To: Mayor Braid and Council From: Jane Corbeil, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: 2016 Draft Financial Statements


• BDO has completed their audit of the Township’s financial statements and Trust Funds for 2016. • Nicole White, CPA, CA, partner of BDO, will provide an overview and answer any audit-related questions that Council may have. • BDO has provided recommendations regarding Tangible Capital Assets that staff will work towards implementing. • The Township improved its financial position in 2016 with the accumulated surplus increasing by $801,000 to $20,413,000, which includes $16,700,000 Tangible Capital Assets, $3,316,000 Net financial assets and $397,000 Other assets. • Tangible Capital Assets decreased by $448,000 which indicates again the need for capital additions and improvements to be addressed annually through the budgeting process. • Property taxes of $10,509.73 were written off as a result of Municipal Act Section 357 applications and other assessment changes processed by MPAC.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves the 2016 draft consolidated financial statements;

AND THAT the Mayor be authorized to sign the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position and the Trust Funds Statement of Financial Position;

AND THAT the 2016 delegated write-off amounts be received for information.


BDO Canada LLP (BDO) has recently completed their audit of the Township’s financial statements and Trust Funds for 2016. Nicole White, CPA, CA, partner of BDO, will provide an overview of the Independent Auditor’s Reports as well as the Township’s key performance results. Ms. White will also answer any audit-related questions that Council may have. Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 92 of 182

Financial Services Department Report 2017-09 2016 Draft Financial Statements Page 2 of 3


The attached 2016 draft financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. The Consolidated Financial Statements include the results for the Township as well as the Library Board. The Trust Fund Financial Statements include the results of the Cemetery Care and Maintenance, Cemetery Monument Care and Performance Bond Trusts.

BDO has provided recommendations regarding Tangible Capital Assets. The standards of the audit profession require the auditors to report on any internal control findings. BDO’s observations are as follows:

“Tangible Capital Assets Tangible capital assets (TCA) are input into the capital asset program after year end and amortization is then calculated. Currently, there is no internal independent review of the assets capitalized, of the assets disposed of or of the estimated life and amortization calculations. During our audit we noted some assets that did not have a correct estimated life entered. These were fixed in the program and new schedules provided to us. We recommend that the TCA schedules be reviewed by an independent person for reasonableness prior to the audit.

We also note that some assets have been set up with a useful life that better reflects the actual useful life rather than the useful life as set out in the by-law from 2009. We would recommend that the TCA by- law be updated to reflect current practices.”

Management agrees with the recommendations. As the Township obtains greater resources for Asset Management and works towards updating the Asset Management Plan, the recommendations will be implemented.

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs requires municipalities to complete their annual Financial Information Return (FIR) based on their financial statements as well as other data. The Township’s FIR will be submitted to the Ministry by the May 31 due date.


As highlighted in BDO’s attached Year End Report, the Township improved its financial position in 2016. The annual surplus was $801,000, which resulted in the accumulated surplus increasing to $20,413,000. The accumulated surplus includes $16,700,000 Tangible Capital Assets, $3,316,000 Net financial assets and $397,000 Other assets.

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Financial Services Department Report 2017-09 2016 Draft Financial Statements Page 3 of 3

Tangible Capital Assets (TCAs) decreased by $448,000. Although the Township had TCA additions of $972,000, amortization of existing TCAs equaled $1,420,000. This indicates again that the Township’s capital assets need repair or replacement, are reaching the end of their useful life or, in some cases, are beyond their useful life. This is consistent with the results of the Ministry’s Provincial Financial Indicator Review (Based on 2015 FIR) that was reported to Council in December 2016. The Township’s capital assets will need to continue to be addressed annually through the budgeting process.

By authority of the Delegations of Duties and Powers By-law (2017-02), the amounts written off by Staff for 2016 were as follows:

• Property Taxes - Municipal Act Section 357 applications and other assessment changes processed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC): $10,509.73 • Accounts Receivable: $0 • Accounts Receivable or Property Taxes under $5: $0


Strategic Plan Strategic Direction 1: Goal: Minimize and control municipal budgets by spending wisely, controlling costs, and keeping tax increases to an annual minimum.



Respectfully submitted by: Jane Corbeil, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer

Reviewed By: ☒Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒Jane Corbeil, CPA, CMA - Director of Financial Services/Treasurer

Attachments: BDO – Year End Report for the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay 2016 Draft Consolidated Financial Statements

Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 94 of 182

Year End Report for The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay


Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 95 of 182


Where are you today?

Key Performance Results ...... 3-6


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(5,000) 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Revenue 8,500 9,994 8,729 7,549 7,364 Expenses 7,700 8,174 7,866 8,114 7,784 Net Financial Assets (Debt) 3,316 2,044 981 (15) (185) TCA Additions 972 2,259 1,323 1,130 1,159 Annual Surplus (Deficit) 801 1,820 863 (565) (420) Accumulated Surplus 20,413 19,612 17,793 16,929 17,495


Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 97 of 182


Revenue 2% Property taxation 1% 3%

Fees and user charges

15% Government grants

Investment and other income 17% 62% Penalties and interest on taxes

Obligatory reserve fund revenue recognized


Revenue 0% Property taxation 1% 2%

Fees and user charges

26% Government grants

Investment and other 52% income

Penalties and interest on taxes 18% Obligatory reserve fund revenue recognized


Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 98 of 182

Township of Georgian Bay

Five Year Expense Comparison (in thousands ‘000)

Year 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

Operations - parks, recreation and culture $1,552 $1,754 $1,611 $1,691 $1,615

Planning and economic development 771 743 869 750 619

Fire services, emergency management and by- law services 835 841 811 883 847 Building and septic inspection services 592 744 604 504 472 Operations - roads, streetlights and environmental services 1,966 2,010 2,064 2,294 2,384

General government and administration 1,984 2,082 1,907 1,992 1,847

$7,700 $8,174 $7,866 $8,114 $7,784


Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 99 of 182



Salaries and benefits


1% Goods and services 1%

50% Contracted services

29% Interest




Salaries and benefits


1% Goods and services 2% 50% Contracted services

Interest 28%



Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 100 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2016


Independent Auditor's Report 2 Consolidated Financial Statements Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 3 Consolidated Statement of Operations 4 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Financial Assets 5 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 6 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 7 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 10 Independent Auditor's Report Trust Funds 22 Trust Fund Financial Statements Trust Funds Statement of Financial Position 23 Trust Funds Statement of Continuity 23 Trust Funds Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 24

Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 101 of 182 Independent Auditor's Report

To the Members of Council, Residents and Ratepayers of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2016, and the consolidated statements of operations, changes in net financial assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay as at December 31, 2016 and the results of its operations, changes in its net financial assets and its cash flow for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards.

Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants

Bracebridge, Ontario Report Date

Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft2 Financial S... Page 102 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

December 31 2016 2015

Financial assets Cash $ 4,133,885 $ 2,836,976 Restricted cash (Note 1) 1,174,625 1,322,493 Taxes receivable (Note 2) 1,489,797 1,458,031 Other receivables 350,956 1,149,718 Land held for resale 51,390 51,390

7,200,653 6,818,608

Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 633,971 1,192,687 Tax revenue received in advance 123,472 167,337 Deferred revenue (Note 1) 1,216,203 1,369,441 Long-term liabilities (Note 4) 1,910,711 2,045,125

3,884,357 4,774,590

Net financial assets 3,316,296 2,044,018

Non-financial assets Tangible capital assets (Note 5) 16,685,031 17,132,548 Inventories held for consumption (Note 6) 236,610 242,292 Prepaid expenses 174,716 193,221

17,096,357 17,568,061

Total accumulated surplus (Note 7) $ 20,412,653 $ 19,612,079

Contingencies (Note 8)

On behalf of Council:

The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft3 Financial S... Page 103 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Consolidated Statement of Operations

(Note 9) Budget Actual Actual For the year ended December 31 2016 2016 2015

Revenue Property taxes (Note 10) $ 5,288,544 $ 5,300,388 $ 5,219,111 User fees 1,382,580 1,417,384 1,778,935 Government transfers - Federal (Note 11) 2,680,320 85,351 95,267 Government transfers - Ontario (Note 11) 1,114,728 1,165,316 2,493,209 Government transfers - Municipal (Note 11) 68,170 25,669 42,756 Investment income 57,200 47,112 50,364 Miscellaneous revenues (Note 12) 788,100 458,981 314,668

11,379,642 8,500,201 9,994,310

Expenses (Notes 13 & 14) Operations - parks, recreation and culture 1,678,189 1,551,658 1,753,987 Planning and economic development 787,380 771,254 743,395 Fire services, emergency management and by-law services 879,533 835,171 841,494 Building and septic inspection services 634,429 591,269 744,463 Operations - roads, streetlights and environmental services 2,333,719 1,966,186 2,009,652 General government and administration 2,192,635 1,984,089 2,081,810

8,505,885 7,699,627 8,174,801

Annual surplus 2,873,757 800,574 1,819,509 Accumulated surplus, beginning of year 19,612,079 19,612,079 17,792,570

Accumulated surplus, end of year $ 22,485,836 $ 20,412,653 $ 19,612,079

The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft4 Financial S... Page 104 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Financial Assets

(Note 9) Budget Actual Actual For the year ended December 31 2016 2016 2015

Annual surplus $ 2,873,757 $ 800,574 $ 1,819,509 Acquisition of tangible capital assets (4,423,060) (972,262) (2,259,659) Amortization of tangible capital assets (Note 13) 1,931,333 1,413,114 1,505,712 Gain on sale of tangible capital assets (8,500) (2,507) (31,137) Proceeds on sale of tangible capital assets - 9,172 35,536

373,530 1,248,091 1,069,961

Consumption (acquisition) of inventories held for consumption - 5,682 17,348 Acquisition of prepaid expenses - 18,505 (25,239)

- 24,187 (7,891)

Increase in net financial assets 373,530 1,272,278 1,062,070 Net financial assets, beginning of year 2,044,018 2,044,018 981,948

Net financial assets, end of year $ 2,417,548 $ 3,316,296 $ 2,044,018

The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft5 Financial S... Page 105 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended December 31 2016 2015

Operating transactions Annual surplus $ 800,574 $ 1,819,509 Non-cash items Amortization of tangible capital assets 1,413,114 1,505,712 Gain on disposal of tangible capital assets (2,507) (31,137)

2,211,181 3,294,084 Changes in non-cash assets and liabilities Change in taxes receivable (31,766) 744 Change in other receivables 798,762 (580,080) Change in accounts payable and accrued liabilities (558,716) (241,802) Change in tax revenue received in advance (43,865) (5,558) Change in deferred revenue (5,370) (469,655) Change in inventories held for consumption 5,682 17,348 Change in prepaid expenses 18,505 (25,240)

2,394,413 1,989,841

Capital transactions Proceeds on sale of tangible capital assets 9,172 35,536 Cash used to acquire tangible capital assets (972,262) (2,259,659)

(963,090) (2,224,123)

Financing transactions Debt repayment (134,414) (127,761)

Increase (decrease) in cash during the year 1,296,909 (362,043)

Cash, beginning of year 2,836,976 3,199,019

Cash, end of year $ 4,133,885 $ 2,836,976

Supplementary Information During the year, the Municipality paid cash interest in the amount of $103,441 (2015 - $110,093).

The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes are an integral part of these financial statements. Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft6 Financial S... Page 106 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

December 31, 2016

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements The consolidated financial statements of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay ("Municipality") are the responsibility of management. They have been prepared in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay is a municipality in the province of Ontario. The municipality provides services such as general government services, protection to persons and property, transportation and roadways, public works, planning, parks and recreation.

Reporting Entity The reporting entity includes the Municipality and all entities that are controlled by the Municipality.

All controlled entities are consolidated in the Municipality’s consolidated financial statements according to the Municipality’s percentage ownership except for entities that meet the definition of a government business enterprise or a government business partnership, which are included in the consolidated financial statements on a modified equity basis. Inter-organizational balances and transactions are eliminated upon consolidation.

Entities fully consolidated in the Municipality's consolidated financial statements include: Georgian Bay Library Board - 100%

Basis of Accounting The consolidated financial statements have been prepared using Canadian public sector accounting standards.

Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash on hand, bank balances, temporary borrowings and temporary investments in money market instruments with maturities of three months or less.

Restricted Revenue Contributions, other than government transfers, are deferred when restrictions are placed on their use by the external contributor, and are recognized as revenue when used for the purpose specified.

Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft7 Financial S... Page 107 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

December 31, 2016

Post Retirement Benefits The Municipality is an employer member of the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS), which is a multi-employer, defined benefit pension plan. The Board of Trustees, representing plan members and employers, is responsible for overseeing the management of the pension plan, including investment of the assets and administration of the benefits. The Municipality has adopted defined contribution plan accounting principles for this Plan because insufficient information is available to apply defined benefit plan accounting principles.

Non-financial Assets Non-financial assets are not available to discharge existing liabilities and are held for use in the provision of services. They have useful lives extending beyond the current year and are not intended for sale in the ordinary course of operations. The change in non-financial assets during the year, together with the excess of revenues over expenses, provides the consolidated change in net financial assets for the year.

Tangible Capital Assets Tangible capital assets are recorded at cost less accumulated amortization. Cost includes all costs directly attributable to acquisition or construction of the tangible capital asset including transportation costs, installation costs, design and engineering fees, legal fees and site preparation costs. Contributed tangible capital assets are recorded at fair value at the time of the donation, with a corresponding amount recorded as revenue. Amortization is recorded on a straight- line basis over the estimated life of the tangible capital asset commencing once the asset is available for productive use as follows:

Site improvements 10 to 25 years Buildings 20 to 40 years Transportation infrastructure 3 to 25 years Vehicles 7 to 20 years Machinery, equipment and furniture 5 to 25 years Electronics 4 to 10 years

Inventories Held for Consumption Inventories of supplies held for consumption are recorded at the lower of average cost and net realizable value.

Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft8 Financial S... Page 108 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

December 31, 2016

Taxation Revenue Taxes are recorded at estimated amounts when they meet the definition of an asset, have been authorized and the taxable event occurs. For property taxes, the taxable event is the period for which the tax is levied. As taxes recorded are initially based on management’s best estimate of the taxes that will be received, it is possible that changes in future conditions, such as reassessments due to audits, appeals and court decisions, could result in a change in the amount of tax revenue recognized. Taxes receivable are recognized net of an allowance for anticipated uncollectable amounts.

Revenue Recognition Revenues are recognized in the period in which the transactions or events occurred that gave rise to the revenues. All revenues are recorded on an accrual basis.

Revenue related to fees or services received in advance of the fee being earned or when the service is performed is deferred and recognized when the fee is earned or the service is performed

The Municipality is entitled to collect interest and penalties on overdue taxes. These revenues are recorded in the period the interest and penalties are levied.

Government Transfers Government transfers are recognized as revenue in the consolidated financial statements when the transfer is authorized and any eligibility criteria are met, except to the extent that transfer stipulations give rise to an obligation that meets the definition of a liability. Transfers are recognized as deferred revenue when transfer stipulations give rise to a liability. Transfer revenue is recognized in the statement of operations as the stipulation liabilities are settled.

District and School Boards The Municipality collects taxation revenue on behalf of the School Boards and the District Municipality of Muskoka. The taxation, other revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities with respect to the operations of the School Boards and the District Municipality of Muskoka are not reflected in these consolidated financial statements.

Trusts Under Administration Trusts administered by the Municipality are not included in these consolidated financial statements.

The financial activity and position of the trust funds are reported separately on the schedule of trust funds balances and trust funds statement of continuity (Page 23).

Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft9 Financial S... Page 109 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

December 31, 2016

1. Restricted Cash and Deferred Revenue

Deferred grant revenue arises when grants received are conditional upon eligible expenses being incurred and where amounts received in advance have not been fully expended on eligible expenses.

The balance of deferred revenue reported on the consolidated statement of financial position is made up of the following:

2016 2015 Deferred grant revenue $ 41,578 $ 46,948

Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds Development Charges Act 737,004 740,869 Cash in Lieu of Parkland 431,719 567,338 Federal Gas Tax 5,902 14,286

1,174,625 1,322,493

$ 1,216,203 $ 1,369,441

Obligatory reserve funds supported by: Restricted cash $ 1,174,625 $ 1,322,493

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December 31, 2016

1. Restricted Cash and Deferred Revenue (continued)

The net change during the year in the deferred revenue - obligatory reserve fund balances is made up as follows: Development Cash in Lieu Federal Charges Act of Parkland Gas Tax Total

Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds, beginning of year $ 740,869 $ 567,338 $ 14,286 $ 1,322,493 Funds received during the year 71,246 12,377 75,461 159,084 Interest earned 6,906 5,009 155 12,070 Funds used during the year (82,017) (153,005) (84,000) (319,022)

Deferred revenue - obligatory reserve funds, end of year $ 737,004 $ 431,719 $ 5,902 $ 1,174,625

The interest earned is included as investment income on the consolidated statement of operations. The Development Charges Act, Cash in Lieu of Parkland and Federal Gas Tax funds used during the year of $82,017 and $153,005 are included in miscellaneous revenues (Note 12), and $84,000 is included in government transfers - Federal on the consolidated statement of operations.

The above funds held as deferred revenue are restricted in their use by their respective legislation. Funds held under the Development Charges Act are recorded by the following components: Community Services, Fire Protection, Public Works - Building and Fleet, Public Works - Roads and Related and General Government.

2. Taxes Receivable

The Municipality is responsible for levying, collecting and remitting taxes imposed by School Boards and the District Municipality of Muskoka. In addition to general levies, the Municipality also levies waste management, hospital, water and sewer levies on behalf of the District of Muskoka. Of the total taxes imposed of $20,445,789 as shown in (Note 10), the Municipality only retains $5,300,388. At December 31, 2016, the Municipality had tax receivables of $1,489,797 of which approximately 25% relates to the Municipality's share of tax revenues.

2016 2015

Taxes receivable $ 1,516,411 $ 1,484,645 Less: valuation allowance (26,614) (26,614)

$ 1,489,797 $ 1,458,031

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December 31, 2016

3. Temporary Borrowings

The Municipality has an operating facility agreement with TD Canada Trust. The amount available under the facility is $8,000,000 from January 1 to September 30 of each year and $4,000,000 from October 1 to December 31 of each year to finance general operating requirements. The interest rate on this facility is TD Bank prime less 0.75%. At December 31, 2016, the Municipality had drawn $nil (2015 - $nil) on the credit capacity under this facility.

4. Long-Term Liabilities

The balance of long-term liabilities reported on the consolidated statement of financial position is made up of the following:

2016 2015

Debenture payable - District Municipality of Muskoka, payable $40,985 semi-annually including interest at 5.340%, due July 2026 $ 628,782 $ 675,304 Debenture payable District Municipality of Muskoka, payable $40,621 semi-annually including interest at 5.233%, due December 2027 672,975 717,256 Debenture payable District Municipality of Muskoka, payable $37,321 semi-annually including interest at 4.835%, due April 2027 608,954 652,565

$ 1,910,711 $ 2,045,125

Long-term debt payments for the next five years and thereafter are due as follows:

Year Gross Interest Net 2017 $ 237,855 $ 96,442 $ 141,413 2018 237,855 89,078 148,777 2019 237,855 81,330 156,525 2020 237,855 73,177 164,678 2021 237,855 64,599 173,256 Thereafter 1,307,836 181,774 1,126,062

$ 2,497,111 $ 586,400 $ 1,910,711

These debentures relate to financing portions of the Administration facility, Public Works/Fire Hall facility, and Port Severn bridge sidewalk project.

The annual principal and interest payments required to service the long-term liabilities of the Municipality are within the annual debt repayment limit prescribed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

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The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2016

5. Tangible Capital Assets

Land Machinery and Site Transportation Equipment Construction 2016 2015 For the year ended December 31 Improvements Buildings Infrastructure Vehicles and Furniture Electronics in Progress Total Total

Cost, beginning of year $ 6,113,932 $ 9,262,151 $ 18,392,211 $ 4,101,342 $ 1,158,819 $ 208,898 $ 73,082 $ 39,310,435 $ 37,571,404 Additions 217,377 70,519 466,449 153,130 70,078 20,820 (26,111) 972,262 2,259,659 Disposals - - (47,702) (111,989) (99,894) (72,543) - (332,128) (520,629)

Cost, end of year 6,331,309 9,332,670 18,810,958 4,142,483 1,129,003 157,175 46,971 39,950,569 39,310,434

Accumulated amortization, beginning of year 1,931,137 4,244,003 12,905,522 2,204,570 769,199 123,455 - 22,177,886 21,188,404 Amortization 257,738 336,817 450,267 264,190 73,606 30,496 - 1,413,114 1,505,712 Disposals - - (47,702) (105,323) (99,894) (72,543) - (325,462) (516,230)

Accumulated amortization, end of year 2,188,875 4,580,820 13,308,087 2,363,437 742,911 81,408 - 23,265,538 22,177,886

Net carrying amount, end

Page 113 of182 of year $ 4,142,434 $ 4,751,850 $ 5,502,871 $ 1,779,046 $ 386,092 $ 75,767 $ 46,971 $ 16,685,031 $ 17,132,548

The net book value of tangible capital assets classified as work in progress is not being amortized because they are under construction is $46,971 (2015 - $73,082).

The Municipality holds an historical treasure pertaining to the David Milne Cottage. This item is not recognized as a tangible capital asset in the financial statements because a reasonable estimate of the future benefits associated with such property cannot be made.

13 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2016

6. Inventories Held for Consumption 2016 2015

Recycled asphalt product $ 148,365 $ 149,589 Culverts 9,370 11,666 Sand and salt 71,146 75,390 Other 7,729 5,647

$ 236,610 $ 242,292

7. Total Accumulated Surplus

The Municipality segregates its accumulated surplus in the following categories:

2016 2015

Reserves Working funds $ 1,462,012 $ 1,348,394 Departmental projects 2,433,272 1,966,060 Other 677,575 574,717 Library 64,037 64,037

4,636,896 3,953,208 Capital outlay financed by long-term liabilities and to be recovered in future years (1,910,711) (2,045,125) Investment in tangible capital assets 16,685,031 17,132,548 Surplus 1,001,437 571,448

Total accumulated surplus, end of year $ 20,412,653 $ 19,612,079

The investment in tangible capital assets represents amounts already spent and invested in infrastructure and other non-financial assets.

Reserves represent funds set aside by by-law or council resolution for specific purposes.

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December 31, 2016

8. Contingencies

A number of claims have been filed against The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay requesting damages. These claims fall within the Municipality's insurance coverage. The ultimate outcome of these claims were not determinable at the time of issue of these consolidated financial statements. No provision for these claims has been recorded in these consolidated financial statements. Settlements in excess of insurance, if any, will be reflected in the period in which settlement occurs.

In August 2010, the Municipality terminated an employee. An initial statement of claim was filed by the employee in August 2012 claiming $1,250,000 in damages, which was received by the Municipality in December 2012 through its legal counsel. In June 2013, an amended statement of claim was filed against the Municipality by the employee claiming damages in the same amount. In May 2014, an amended statement of claim was filed against the Municipality by the employee claiming revised damages of $1,500,000 plus costs. At the date of issue of these financial statements, the outcome of any settlement was not determinable. Management feels that the claim is without merit.

9. Budget

The Budget was adopted by Council on January 11, 2016. Council has reviewed and approved the 2016 Report on Excluded Expenses as required by Ontario Regulation 284/09 which expressly permits municipalities to exclude amortization expense from the budget. In addition, the budget expensed all tangible capital expenses rather than including amortization expense. As a result, the budget figures presented in the consolidated statements of operations and change in net financial assets represent the Financial Plan adopted by Council on January 11, 2016 with adjustments as follows:


Budget By-law deficit for the year $- Add: Capital expenditures 4,423,060 Debt repayment 134,415 Transfers to reserve funds 589,555 Less: Amortization (1,931,333) Transfers from reserve funds (341,940)

Budget surplus per statement of operations $ 2,873,757

Under Canadian public sector accounting standards, budget amounts are to be reported on the consolidated statement of operations for comparative purposes. The 2016 budget amounts for the The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay approved by Council have been restated to conform to the basis of preparation of the revenues and expenses, including amortization on the consolidated statement of operations.

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December 31, 2016

10. Operations of School Boards and the District Municipality of Muskoka

During the year, the following taxation revenue was levied and remitted to the school boards and the District Municipality of Muskoka:

2016 2015

Taxation $ 20,445,789 $ 19,832,599 Taxation from other governments 118,967 113,490 Less: school board requisitions (5,301,703) (5,263,643) Less: upper tier requisitions (9,962,665) (9,463,335)

Township portion of taxation revenue $ 5,300,388 $ 5,219,111

11. Government Transfers 2016 2015

Revenue: Federal gas tax fund $ 84,000 $ 71,868 Other federal grants 1,351 23,399

Total federal grants 85,351 95,267

Ontario municipal partnership fund 1,101,500 1,037,800 Other provincial grants 63,816 1,455,409

Total provincial grants 1,165,316 2,493,209

Total municipal grants 25,669 42,756

$ 1,276,336 $ 2,631,232

12. Miscellaneous Revenues (Note 9) Budget Actual Actual 2016 2016 2015

Donations $ 425,000 $ 18,548 $ 42,759 Gain on sale of tangible capital assets 8,800 2,507 31,137 Penalties and interest on taxation 200,000 202,904 203,862 Funds used during the year (Note 1) 154,300 235,022 36,910

$ 788,100 $ 458,981 $ 314,668

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December 31, 2016

13. Amortization

Amortization is reported in the following categories:

(Note 9) Budget Actual Actual 2016 2016 2015

Operations - parks, recreation and culture $ 670,254 $ 524,346 $ 574,440 Fire services, emergency management and by-law services 179,497 140,423 153,191 Building and septic inspection services 28,703 22,454 18,535 Operations - Roads, streetlights and environmental services 932,496 631,715 645,521 General government and administration 120,383 94,176 114,025

$ 1,931,333 $ 1,413,114 $ 1,505,712

14. Expenses by Object

Total operating expenses for the year reported on the consolidated statement of operations are as follows:

(Note 9) Budget Actual Actual 2016 2016 2015

Salaries and benefits $ 3,886,992 $ 3,831,360 $ 4,082,070 Goods and services 2,462,118 2,255,143 2,307,874 Contracted services 122,000 98,314 172,925 Interest 103,442 101,696 106,220 Amortization 1,931,333 1,413,114 1,505,712

$ 8,505,885 $ 7,699,627 $ 8,174,801

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December 31, 2016

15. Post Retirement Benefits

OMERS provides pension services to more than 470,000 active and retired members and approximately 1,000 employers. Each year an independent actuary determines the funding status of OMERS Primary Pension Plan (the Plan) by comparing the actuarial value of invested assets to the estimated present value of all pension benefits that members have earned to date. The most recent actuarial valuation of the Plan was conducted at December 31, 2016. The results of this valuation disclosed total actuarial liabilities of $87,554 million in respect of benefits accrued for service with actuarial assets at that date of $82,128 million indicating an actuarial deficit of $5,426 million. Because OMERS is a multi-employer plan, any pension plan surpluses or deficits are a joint responsibility of Ontario municipal organizations and their employees. As a result, the Municipality does not recognize any share of the OMERS pension surplus or deficit. Contributions made by the Municipality to OMERS for December 31, 2016 were $274,040 (2015 - $254,210).

16. Trust Funds

The trust funds administered by the Municipality amounting to $670,343 (2015 - $261,878) have not been included in the consolidated statement of financial position nor, have the operations been included in the consolidated statement of operations. At December 31, 2016, the trust fund balances are as follows: 2016 2015

Cemetery care and maintenance funds $ 35,924 $ 34,626 Monument care 12,191 11,838 Performance bonds 622,228 215,414

$ 670,343 $ 261,878

A separate trust fund audit report is at page 22.

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December 31, 2016

17. Segmented Information

The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay is a diversified municipal government institution that provides a wide range of services to its citizens such as recreation, roads and fire. Distinguishable functional segments have been separately disclosed in the segmented information. The nature of the segments and the activities they encompass are as follows: Operations - Parks, Recreation and Culture This service area provides services meant to improve the health and development of the Municipality's citizens. Recreational facilities include two community centres. Also, the Municipality provides library services, cemetery services, trails, beach access and parks to assist with its citizens' needs. Planning and Economic Development This department provides community planning services in accordance with the Ontario Planning Act and all other applicable legislation. Additionally, it provides economic opportunity and development, and works to provide healthy communities within the Municipality. Fire Services, Emergency Management and By-law Services This segment encompasses the fire department which is responsible for providing fire suppression services, fire prevention programs, training and education to the public. The fire department consists of two full time staff members as well as a complement of up to 60 volunteer fire fighters. Additionally, this segment also provides emergency management and preparedness for the Municipality. In addition, they enforce a number of Municipal by-laws and Provincial Statutes including property standards, noise control and parking enforcement. Building and Septic Inspection Services This department is responsible for reviewing, issuing and inspecting building and septic permits in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. In addition, they have a septic re- inspection program that is in effect and completed annually. Operations - Roads, Streetlights and Environmental Services This segment area is responsible for providing the Municipality's transportation infrastructure including roads, sidewalks and streetlights. Additionally, some waste management and lagoon services are provided on behalf of the District Municipality of Muskoka. General Government and Administration This area accounts for the revenues and expenses that relate to the operations of Council, CAO, Clerk, Treasury, Human Resources, Health and Safety, Information Technology and other areas that cannot be directly attributed to any specific segment. The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies. In measuring and reporting segment revenue from transactions with other segments, inter-segment transfers are measured on the basis of budgeted amounts. Amounts that are directly attributable to a number of segments have been allocated on a reasonable basis as follows: Taxation allocated to segments based on total expenses for the year

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The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2016

17. Segmented Information (continued)

Fire Services, Operations - Operations - Emergency Building and Roads, General Parks, Planning Management Septic Streetlights and Government Recreation and Economic and By-law Inspection Environmental and 2016 For the year ended December 31 and Culture Development Services Services Services Administration Total

Revenue Taxation $ 1,068,154 $ 530,928 $ 574,928 $ 407,027 $ 1,353,513 $ 1,365,838 $ 5,300,388 Fees and user charges 119,165 109,105 53,518 457,068 382,415 296,113 1,417,384 Government transfers 33,539 13,236 - - 84,000 1,145,561 1,276,336 Investment income 662----46,450 47,112 Miscellaneous revenues 258,143 - (2,067) - - 202,905 458,981

1,479,663 653,269 626,379 864,095 1,819,928 3,056,867 8,500,201

Expenses Salaries and benefits 555,599 414,008 474,913 492,516 626,935 1,267,389 3,831,360 Goods and services 468,429 357,134 212,971 79,324 636,245 501,040 2,255,143 Contracted services ----91,488 6,826 98,314

Page 120 of182 Interest -----101,696 101,696 Amortization 524,346 - 143,448 19,429 631,715 94,176 1,413,114 Inter-segment transfers 3,284 112 3,839 - (20,197) 12,962 -

1,551,658 771,254 835,171 591,269 1,966,186 1,984,089 7,699,627

$ (71,995) $ (117,985) $ (208,792) $ 272,826 $ (146,258) $ 1,072,778 $ 800,574

20 Financial Services Report 2017-09RE: 2016 Draft Financial S...

The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

December 31, 2016

17. Segmented Information (continued)

Fire Services, Operations - Operations - Emergency Building and Roads, General Restated Parks, Planning Management Septic Streetlights and Government Recreation and Economic and By-law Inspection Environmental and 2015 For the year ended December 31 and Culture Development Management Services Services Administration Total

Revenue Taxation $ 1,119,814 $ 474,612 $ 537,243 $ 475,294 $ 1,283,040 $ 1,329,108 $ 5,219,111 Fees and user charges 136,576 143,104 59,428 480,216 440,850 518,761 1,778,935 Government transfers 40,233 15,786 347 38,463 1,477,185 1,059,218 2,631,232 Investment income 836----49,528 50,364 Miscellaneous revenues 79,669 - 3,500 - 27,637 203,862 314,668

1,377,128 633,502 600,518 993,973 3,228,712 3,160,477 9,994,310

Expenses Salaries and benefits 659,296 415,973 477,151 643,548 606,876 1,279,226 4,082,070 Goods and services 489,928 327,422 206,605 83,876 630,945 569,098 2,307,874 Contracted services ----172,925 - 172,925

Page 121 of182 Interest -----106,220 106,220 Amortization 574,441 - 154,702 17,023 645,522 114,024 1,505,712 Inter-segment transfers 30,322 - 3,036 16 (46,616) 13,242 -

1,753,987 743,395 841,494 744,463 2,009,652 2,081,810 8,174,801

$ (376,859) $ (109,893) $ (240,976) $ 249,510 $ 1,219,060 $ 1,078,667 $ 1,819,509

21 Independent Auditor's Report

To the Members of Council, Residents and Ratepayers of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the trust funds of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2016, and statement of continuity for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards; this includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the municipality's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the municipality's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the trust funds of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay as at December 31, 2016, and its continuity of funds for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards.

Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants

Bracebridge, Ontario Report Date

Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft22 Financial S... Page 122 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Trust Funds Statement of Financial Position

December 31, 2016

Care and Monument Performance Total Total Assets Maintenance Care Bonds 2016 2015

Cash $ 35,674 $ 12,317 $ 622,228 $ 670,219 $ 337,316 Due from general account 250 - - 250 -

$ 35,924 $ 12,317 $ 622,228 $ 670,469 $ 337,316

Liability and Fund balances Due to general account $ - $ 126 $ - $ 126 $ 75,438 Fund Balances 35,924 12,191 622,228 670,343 261,878

$ 35,924 $ 12,317 $ 622,228 $ 670,469 $ 337,316

Statement of Continuity

For the year ended December 31, 2016

Care and Monument Performance Total Total Maintenance Care Bonds 2016 2015

Balance, beginning of year $ 34,626 $ 11,838 $ 215,414 $ 261,878 $ 321,248 Receipts Monument fees 1,000 - - 1,000 489 Investment income 298 103 2,747 3,148 3,657 Perpetual care receipts - 250 - 250 250 Developer receipts - - 404,067 404,067 11,705 1,298 353 406,814 408,465 16,101 Expenditures Transfer to township ----72 Transfer to developer ----75,399


Balance, end of year $ 35,924 $ 12,191 $ 622,228 $ 670,343 $ 261,878

On behalf of Council:

23 Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 123 of 182 The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Trust Funds Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

December 31, 2016

Management Responsibility The financial statements of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay Trust Funds are the representation of management. Precise determination of some assets and liabilities may be dependent upon future events and estimates and approximations. These estimates and approximations have been based upon the available information, using careful judgment and review.

Accrual Basis of Accounting Sources of financing and expenditures are reported on the accrual basis of accounting. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenues as they become available and measurable; expenditures are recognized as they are incurred and measurable as a result of receipt of goods or services and the creation of a legal obligation to pay.

24 Financial Services Report 2017-09 RE: 2016 Draft Financial S... Page 124 of 182

Financial Services Department REPORT 2017-10

To: Mayor Braid and Council From: Jane Corbeil, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: Fees and Charges Amendment By-law 2017-38


• This by-law is required to reflect recent approvals. • The first is the addition of the weekend arena rental policy. • The second is the addition of securities for building undertaking agreements.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt By-law 2017-38 being a by-law to amend appendices to By-law 2016-102.


By-law 2016-102, being a by-law to establish and require payment of various fees and charges, was approved at the December 5, 2016 Council meeting and took effect January 1, 2017.


At the February 13, 2017 meeting, Council approved the Weekend Arena Rental Policy (OP-01-2017). An update to the fees and charges by-law is required to reflect the policy which requires any weekend rentals to cover the cost of staffing the rink regardless of the posted hourly rental rate.

At the April 10, 2017 meeting, Committee of the Whole recommended that the fees and charges by-law be updated to include securities for building undertaking agreements.

The attached by-law amends Appendices “E” and “H” to reflect the required changes.


There is no financial consideration for the amending by-law.

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Financial Services Department Report 2017-10 Fees and Charges Amendment By-law 2017-38 Page 2 of 2


Strategic Plan Strategic Direction 1: Goal: Minimize and control municipal budgets by spending wisely, controlling costs, and keeping tax increases to an annual minimum.


By-law 2016-102 Operations Report 2017-02 Operations Report 2017-02 Attachment Development Services Report 2017-14

Respectfully submitted by: Jane Corbeil, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer

Reviewed By: ☒Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒Jane Corbeil, CPA, CMA - Director of Financial Services/Treasurer

Attachments: By-law 2017-38 – Amend Appendices to By-law 2016-102

Financial Services 2017-10 RE: Fees and Charges Amendment By...Page 126 of 182


BY-LAW 2017-38

Being a by-law to amend appendices to By-law 2016-102

WHEREAS Section 391(1) of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality to impose fees or charges on persons for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it, for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or any local board and for use of its property including property under its control;

AND WHEREAS Section 391(3) of the Municipal Act states that the costs included in a fee or charge may include costs incurred by the municipality or local board related to administration, enforcement and the establishment, acquisition and replacement of capital assets;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay deems it expedient to amend the Fees and Charges By-law 2016-102 for the municipality;


1. That the fees and charges by-law 2016-102 for various municipal services and activities be amended (by adding) in accordance with the following:

Appendix/Dept. Fee Description Fee “E” – Operations – MacTier Arena Shall cover Parks, Recreation & Ice – weekend (in accordance with policy OP- the cost of Facilities 01-2017) staffing of the rink regardless of the posted hourly rental rate Appendix/Dept. Description Security “H” – Building/Septic Securities – Undertaking Agreements Required Services per Building By-law 2017-41-Schedule “B”*

Delayed Demolition – Land Access $20,000 Delayed Demolition – Water Access $40,000 Zoning By-law Exception #1 $40,000 Zoning By-law Exception #2 $5,000

*Special Provision – The CBO (Chief Building Official) may, where a proposed project does not reach the above amounts, ask for 3 quotes

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from reputable contractors and reduce the security amount accordingly.

2. That any by-law or by-laws, or parts of any by-law or bylaws that are inconsistent with this by-law are hereby deemed repealed.

3. That this By-law shall come into force and effect immediately upon the final passing thereof.

READ and finally passed this 8 th day of May, 2017 .

______Larry Braid, Mayor

______Jessica Gunby, Clerk (A)

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Operations Department REPORT 2017-11

To: Mayor Braid and Council From: Brad Sokach, Director of Operations Date: May 8, 2017 Subject: MacTier Joseph Street Storm Sewer Update

REPORT HIGHLIGHTS • A report regarding the replacement of a storm sewer running through MacTier from approximately Joseph Street to Fern Avenue was defeated at the April COW meeting; • Staff understand that since the April COW meeting several members of Council have visited the storm sewer to better familiarize themselves with the proposed project; • Staff are seeking direction from Council on how to proceed.


BE IT RESOLVED THAT the report from the Director of Operations regarding the MacTier Joseph Street Sewer Update be received;

AND THAT staff proceed with Option ______;

AND THAT the project be funded through the issuance of Debt.


The agenda of the April, 2017 Committee of the Whole (COW) meeting included an item regarding the large failing storm sewer in MacTier which generally runs from Joseph Street to Fern Avenue. The staff report included a recommendation to proceed with replacing only a portion of the sewer line project in 2017 and further that the option of replacing a portion of the existing pipe with an open ditch be explored as a cost savings measure. The resolution included in the April 2017 staff report, which included moving forward with the staff recommendation, was defeated.

A link to the April COW staff report is included at the end of this report.

As requested, staff are bringing this project back to Council for discussion and direction. Staff understand that a number of members of Council have visited the site since the April COW meeting.

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Staff wish to emphasize that it is strongly recommended that, at a minimum, the section of storm sewer located to the east of High Street be addressed in 2017. It is further recommended that the remainder of the pipe to the west of High Street be replaced in the next year.

Staff provide the following options: 1. Do Nothing – not recommended; 2. Proceed with the replacement of the entire pipe from Joseph Street to Fern Avenue; 3. Proceed with the replacement of the pipe from Joseph Street to High Street and, where feasible, replace the pipe east of High Street with an open ditch; 4. Proceed with the replacement of the storm pipe from High Street to Fern Avenue in 2017 and budget for the remainder in 2018; 5. Proceed with the replacement of the storm pipe from High Street to Fern Avenue where an open ditch is not feasible; 6. Other.


The estimated 2017 construction cost for the above options is shown below: 1. $0 – not recommended; 2. $2,200,000; 3. $1,500,000 - $2,100,000; 4. $1,000,000 + 2018 costs of $1,100,000; 5. $750,000-$1,000,000; 6. Not Applicable.

The 2017 Capital Budget included $190,600 for this project. An application for an additional $1,620,000 was submitted by the Township for the 2017 OCIF Grant but the Township was notified in February that the application was not successful.

Potential sources of funds include: • Debt; • Capital Asset Repair and Replacement Reserve; • Other Reserve(s);

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Staff recommend that the project be funded by the issuance of debt. The benefits of issuing debt include: • Responsible way to spread the costs of a project over the life of the asset to ensure that the ratepayers who benefit from the asset share in the cost. To fund through reserves would place the entire burden on the current taxpayer and none on future taxpayers. • The debt amount contemplated is well within the Township’s maximum provincially set limit. • Interest rates continue to be at record lows (currently 2 to 4% depending on term). • Debt is issued through the District in conjunction with other municipalities in order to obtain a favorable borrowing rate. • Reserves would remain available for future unexpected opportunities and expenses and would remain at the average level held by similar municipalities as identified in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs’ Financial Indicator Review for 2015.

The Capital Asset Repair and Replacement Reserve is projected to have $470,000 available per the 2017 budget, which is not enough to fund the project. In addition, the reserve is earmarked for other capital projects identified in the 10-year capital plan. As a result, staff do not recommend this reserve as a funding source for this project.

Other reserves are projected to have a total of $3,895,000 available, primarily the OMPF reserve (957,000) and Working Capital reserve (1,200,000). There are enough funds available to finance the project, but this is not recommended by staff since it would greatly reduce the Township’s financial ability to respond to any further unexpected opportunities or expenses as well as additional capital requirements expected to be identified in the Fire Master Plan later in 2017. It would also reduce the Township’s reserves below the average level of reserves held by similar municipalities as identified in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs’ Financial Indicator Review for 2015.


Strategic Goals

Municipal Fiscal Responsibility

Minimize and control municipal budgets by spending wisely, controlling costs, and keeping tax increases to an annual minimum.

Well Managed Infrastructure

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Ensure that local infrastructure meets the demands of permanent and seasonal populations, effectively connects communities, and improves communications and accessibility across the entire municipality.


Operations Report 2017-08 - MacTier Sewer Update - March 13, 2017

Respectfully submitted by: Brad Sokach, Director of Operations

Reviewed By:

☒Laurie Kennard, CPA, CA - Chief Administrative Officer ☒Jane Corbeil, CPA, CMA - Director of Financial Services/Treasurer

Attachments: None

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Operations Report 2017-11 RE: MacTier Storm Sewer (/w CC Tat...Page 133 of 182 1 5/3/2017

Existing Sewer

 CCTA was retained to investigate existing sewer after flooding experienced in Spring of 2016.

 Existing sewer installed in 1980/81.

 Sewer capacity less than 25 year return period storm. Recommended to be 100 year return period storm

 No defined overland flow route for larger events.

 Existing sewer collects local flow from residences including sump pumps.

 Existing sewer in very poor condition with ongoing failures and standing water present.

CCTV Sewer Inspection

 Many concerns noted; pipe deflections, joint separation, pipe tears, invert deformation, debris buildup, buckling of side and top of pipe along with several other deficiencies.

 The sewer between High Street and the outlet in worst condition remainder in poor condition.

 Potential for staging of replacement over 2 years.

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CCTV Screen Shots – Joseph St. to High St.

CCTV Screen Shots – Joseph St. to High St.

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CCTV Screen Shots – Along/Across High St.

CCTV Screen Shots - Along North St.

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CCTV Screen Shots - Along North St.

CCTV Screen Shots - Along Fern Ave.

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CCTV Screen Shots - Along Fern Ave.

Options Considered

 Replacement at existing location

 Replacement inside Municipal ROW

 Flow reduction

 Flow diversion

 Pipe Types

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Alignment Options Considered

 Alignment Option 1 – Reconstruct on existing Alignment.

 Pipe Option 1 – Corrugated Steel Pipe Arch - $1.7M.  Life span – 50 - 75 yrs

 Pipe Option 2 – Concrete Box Culvert - $1.95M  Life span – 75 - 100 yrs

 Alignment Option 2 – Realign sewer along Joseph Street, north to North Street then east to rejoin existing alignment at High Street.

 Additional cost of approximately $0.9M over Option 1.

Flow Diversion/Reduction Options

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Options Considered

 All options require construction of a replacement sewer on existing alignment to collect local and/or reduced flows.

 Costs for flow diversion/reduction options more than replacing the sewer alone. Due to property required, access for construction and additional approvals required from MNRF, MOECC and DFO.

Open Ditch on Fern Avenue

 Potential for converting to open ditch on Fern Avenue.

 Depth (+/-2m) will be +/-6m wide at top minimum.

 Existing available area is 7.5 to 8.0m between edge of asphalt and property limits.

 Reduced private property access.

 Schedule A+ Pre-Approved Project in accordance with Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

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 The existing sewer be replaced on its current alignment with a concrete box culvert sized to accommodate the 100 year storm event.

 An overland flow route through the rear yards be constructed to convey flows from larger storm events.

 Staging of construction so that the section between High Street and the outlet is completed first with the remainder completed next year.

 Investigate potential for conversion to open ditch along Fern Avenue


 We understand there will be cost sharing with The District.

 Estimated total construction cost is $1.95M includes 25% contingency and engineering allowance.

 Estimated Township share is $1.65M.

 Phase 1 – High St to Outlet (+/-185m) $850,000

 Phase 2 – Joseph St to High St (+/-180m) $800,000

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Operations Report 2017-11 RE: MacTier Storm Sewer (/w CC Tat...Page 142 of 182 10 Minister Ministre délégué Responsible for aux Affaires des Seniors Affairs personnes âgées 6th Floor 6e étage 400 University Avenue 400, avenue University Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel.: (416) 314-9710 Tél.: (416) 314-9710 Fax: (416) 325-4787 Téléc.: (416) 325-4787

April, 2017

Dear Mayor or Reeve,

June marks the 33rd anniversary of Seniors’ Month in Ontario. To recognize the important role seniors play in our communities, we will be celebrating this year under the theme of “Living Your Best Life.”

During our celebrations in June, we can highlight how our seniors have built our communities and continue to contribute their time and talents in many ways.

It’s important we all recognize their achievements, and what better way than by proclaiming June as Seniors’ Month in your community. I am asking you to make this proclamation and have attached a sample to make it easier for your municipality to participate. We will also be sending promotional materials for Seniors’ Month soon.

I would also like to encourage you to work with your local MPP(s) to host Seniors’ Month events in your community. We would be happy to help you promote your event online. Please send your event details to [email protected].

Two years ago we introduced our Twitter account to Ontario’s seniors and we were impressed by the enthusiastic response to our online campaign. If you haven’t already done so, please follow us @OntSeniors.

For 2017, I encourage you to visit (and like) our new Facebook page:, where seniors across Ontario can share information important to them.

Each year, municipalities have the opportunity to pay tribute to one outstanding senior with the Senior of the Year Award. A certificate, provided by the Ontario government, is signed by Her Honour the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor, myself as Minister of Seniors Affairs, and the local Head of Council.

I encourage you to submit a nomination before April 30, 2017 and during Seniors’ Month, showcase how your seniors are making a difference in your community. Throughout the month of June, I hope to visit a number of municipalities to help celebrate the achievement of local seniors.

Finally, for more information on Seniors’ Month and other supports for seniors, please visit the Ministry website at

Thank you for your consideration, and for honouring how our seniors are living their best lives.


Dipika Damerla Minister of Seniors Affairs

Enclosed: sample proclamation

Mayor Braid RE: Seniors' Month Resolution Page 143 of 182 Seniors’ Month Proclamation

Seniors’ Month June 1 – 30, 2017

WHEREAS Seniors’ Month is an annual province-wide celebration;

WHEREAS seniors have contributed and continue to contribute immensely to the life and vibrancy of this community;

WHEREAS seniors continue to serve as leaders, mentors, volunteers and important and active members of this community;

WHEREAS their contributions past and present warrant appreciation and recognition and their stories deserve to be told;

WHEREAS the health and well-being of seniors is in the interest of all and further adds to the health and well-being of the community;

WHEREAS the knowledge and experience seniors pass on to us continues to benefit all;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Township of Georgian Bay declares June 2017 as Seniors’ Month.

Mayor Braid RE: Seniors' Month Resolution Page 144 of 182 Mayor Braid RE: Lake of Bays Resolution - Accommodation Revi...Page 145 of 182 Mayor Braid RE: Lake of Bays Resolution - Accommodation Revi...Page 146 of 182 Jessica Gunby

To: Suzanne Burtenshaw Subject: RE: Dear Georgian Bay Council, COW

From: Suzanne Burtenshaw Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 1:58 AM To: Jessica Gunby; Larry Braid; Brian Bochek; Kathy Kay; Pat Edwards; Cynthia Douglas; [email protected]; Peter Cooper Subject: Dear Georgian Bay Council, COW

Dear Jessica, I was hoping to be allowed to bring a delegation before Council but since they have requested a written request, instead of waiting until I get home from Florida, I have decided to write it tonight via email, with hope that it will go before COW as soon as possible...Please re-iterate I am not looking for just a donation, instead I am asking the Township of Georgian Bay to become a soft-border community is the outline letter as requested:

Dear Georgian Bay Township Councillors, COW

I feel I would be doing a dis-service to the people of Georgian Bay Township who volunteer, love, participate in, invite friends to, and plan their weekend around...The Coldwater Steampunk Festival...If I didn't at least try an make this annual event sustainable. (It is currently unsustainable).

Background info: Back when I was a director with the Segbay Chamber of Commerce I volunteered to be the person to bring a delegation to Tay, and Severn Townships...on behalf of Segbay and Georgian Bay ask these neighbouring Townships for a donation to the Just Add Water Festival. For the two years that I did the asking, and most likely after me... (JAW) received cash from Tay and In-Kind from Severn, as a result of this face to face request. It was pretty easy, since the elected officials of both these "Soft Border" municipalities realized the benefits of having a unique festival that attracts visitors and tourists to the area. (Outside $$$ coming in).

Fast Forward to the Coldwater Steampunk Festival. We are attracting thousands and thousands of people to the area. There is not even enough available accommodation here...people are pre-booking motels & hotels months ahead in Gbay, Midland and Orillia. To give you an idea of the scope of this festival...TREIMS estimates the economic benefit to our area to be $525,000.00 (based on 6,000 attendees in 2016). In 2017 we could see 10,000 people descend on the Village of Coldwater pop. 1100.

The event consists of a few lead-in activities, on the Thursday (car show), and Friday (artisan demo's), with the Main Event Day being Saturday 9 - 5 pm. (August 12, 2017). The cash budget for the day is $30,000.00 with another 100,000.00 in In-Kind support, making the event valued at over $130 K, volunteer hours at approx. 4000. The entire community is involved and the entire town is transported back in time over 100 years. This is what draws tourists from all across Ontario, the USA and abroad.

The festival has become larger than myself, and has taken on a life of it's own. Festival goers have a certain expectation when they see crowds in the thousands. Safety, Bi-Lingual, Shuttle bus, Washrooms, Signage, Road closures, Ambulance, Headline quality performances, Music, Artisans, etc.

1 Councillor Bochek RE: Coldwater Steampunk Festival - Request...Page 147 of 182 Up until now, I have been spending most of my summers running around from merchant to merchant collecting 25.00 - $100.00, etc., having to go back 3 - 7 times just to actually get the money. Sometimes these small donations come in after the festival is over. I spend all winter writ ing grants crossing my fingers something will come in. (We have been turned down 3 times from Celebrate Ontario) and are ineligible for any Canada 150 funds. This reality is what makes the event unsustainable over time. The festival is in it's 7th year. Unfortunately, corporate sponsors are few being we are a rural area. We have lots of In-Kind support but need some consistent cash operating capital and support from the Municipalities to continue and open grant doors.

To host an event this big, planning has to begin over a year in advance and some expectation of regular funding has to be in place. (ie.) The Midland Buttertart Festival receives 10K from their BIA and 10K from the Town of Midland. The Collingwood Elvis Festival is underwritten by the Municipality.

I am writing you to do my due diligence, to try and make the Steampunk Festival sustainable by asking those Municipalities and Organizations who directly benefit from the event to create an annual budget for it, and become a community partner. $500.00 - $5000.00. The Coldwater Steampunk Festival is a registered Not-for- Profit corporation (in good standing) with a Community Bank Account set up at TD Canada Trust CW Branch. Our mandate is to provide opportunity for Youth in the Arts, Promote literacy & Recycling plus connect youth to their settler roots. (Pride in Community). We do this by making history relevant to a new generation through the genre of Steampunk, the fastest growing cultural phenomena of the past few decades.

Steampunk unites young and old through age old crafts such as steam power, crochet, chain maille, iron forging, and costuming, etc. Quality Heritage performances and a philosophy of Re-use, Re-Purpose and Recycle are at the heart of the Coldwater Steampunk Festival. Culture, Cosplay, Anime and The Maker Movement are represented.

Please consider becoming a community partner and join the other organizations that have pledged to try and make this event sustainable:

Coldwater BIA, Coldwater Lions Club, Segbay Chamber of C., Tow nship of Severn, Simcoe Tourism, Heritage Canada...Td Canada Trust, Orillia Packet & Times, and more.

Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, Suzy Burtenshaw, Festival Chair, 2011-2017. For a minimum of $500.00 your logo will appear on the Festival Poster and on all recognition materials with on-going social media.

p.s. The winner year after year of the Art Competition comes from Honey Harbour!

2 Councillor Bochek RE: Coldwater Steampunk Festival - Request...Page 148 of 182 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY BY-LAW 2017-26 Being a By-law to regulate various matters relating to the keeping, licensing and controlling of animals in the Township of Georgian Bay.

WHEREAS the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended, authorizes the Council of the local municipality to pass By-laws prohibiting or regulating keeping of animals or any class of animals within the municipality, prohibiting or regulating the running at large of in the municipality and requiring the licensing of dogs;

AND WHEREAS the Municipality Act, S.O. 2001, as amended, authorizes the Council of a local municipality to pass By-laws for the seizure, impounding and sale of impounded animals;

AND WHEREAS the Municipality Act, S.O. 2001, as amended, authorizes the Council of a local municipality to pass By-laws regarding the muzzling and leashing of dogs;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay enacts as follows:

1. Short Title This By-law may be cited as the “Animal Control” By-law.

2. Interpretation For the purpose of this By-law, the following terms shall have the following corresponding meaning:

a. Bite shall mean the piercing or puncturing of the skin as a result of contact with an animal’s tooth or teeth and “Bitten” has the same meaning;

b. Capable person shall mean a person of sufficient size and stature able to control and restrain a dog to such an extent that the physical well being of any person or animal is not threatened;

c. Control shall mean secured by a leash of not more than 1.5 meters in length and under the supervision of a capable person;

d. Grandfathered shall mean the lawful keeping of any animal, currently prohibited under the provisions of this By-Law, provided such animal was lawfully kept prior to the prohibition;

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 149 of 182 e. shall mean a dog trained and used as a guide for a blind person or for hearing impaired and shall include a service dog to aid a person due to a medical condition;

f. Kennel shall mean:

• A premise where more than three (3) dogs are kept for the purpose of show, training, or breeding; or • A premise where more than three (3) dogs are kept and cared for on behalf of the owner of the dog;

g. Law enforcement dog shall mean a dog trained to assist law enforcement officers and used to by such officers in the execution of their duties;

h. Leash shall mean a rope, chain or other material or restraining device used to restrain a dog;

i. License shall mean a license issued pursuant to this by-law in the form of an identification tag issued by the town or a designate;

j. License inspector shall mean a person or persons appointed by as a municipal law enforcement officer by the township;

k. Muzzle shall mean a humane fastening or cover device that cannot be removed by a dog, of adequate strength and design and suitable to the breed for which it is used, that is placed over a dog’s mouth to prevent it from biting as approved by an Officer and “muzzling” has a similar meaning;

l. Notice to Muzzle means a notice containing muzzling requirements, pursuant to Section 14.2 of this bylaw;

m. Officer shall mean a police officer, license inspector, municipal law enforcement officer, animal control officer, poundkeeper or any other person appointed by by-law to enforce the provisions of this bylaw;

n. Owner of a dog includes a person who possess or harbours a dog, and if the owner is a minor, the person responsible for the custody of the minor and “owns” and “owned” have a corresponding meaning;

o. Proof shall mean documentation by a qualified veterinarian attesting to the age of the animal together with purchase documents such purchase documents being in an original form and identifying the animal, the name and address of the store or person from whom the animal was purchased, the date the animal was purchased, the

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 150 of 182 purchase price and the name and address of the purchaser, or medical records identifying the animal, the name and address of the qualified veterinarian administering such medical service and the date such services were administered, including the date of commencement of such care of the animal. Such record must clearly establish that the applicant owned the animal in question prior to the date of passage of a by-law to otherwise prohibit the keeping of such animal and further that the owner and animal resided in the Township at such time;

p. Pound shall mean such premises and facilities designated as a Township shelter and Pound;

q. Pound keeper shall mean the person appointed as such by the Township;

r. Resident shall mean a person who resides within the geographic limits of the Township of Georgian Bay, this residence being their full time or permanent residence;

s. Tag shall mean a tag issued by the Township indicating the year issued and tag number;

t. Township shall mean the Township of Georgian Bay or the land within the geographic limit of the Township of Georgian Bay as the context requires.

3. Singular and Plural Use

In this by-law, unless the context otherwise requires words importing the singular shall include the plural and use of the masculine shall include the feminine, where applicable.

4. Licensing

Every owner of a dog which is twelve (12) weeks of age or older shall; a. Annually and not later than February 28 th in each year or within seven days of becoming an owner, cause the dog to be registered, described and licensed with the Township pursuant to this by-law;

• Name, address and telephone number of the dog owner; • Name, age, gender, breed and colour of dog; • A valid certificate which proves that the dog’s rabies vaccination is current on the date of application or renewal of a license; • Proof of sterilization from a qualified veterinarian if applicable.

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 151 of 182 b. Securely affix on the collar of the dog, the dog tag issued by the township or its representatives.

c. In the event that a dog license is lost obtain a replacement dog tag and pay the fee set out in Schedule “A” hereto

d. A new resident of The Township of Georgian Bay shall not be required to pay a license fee for a dog if the license for said dog has already been obtained for the current year fro another municipality to which he or she has previously been a resident, providing such license is forfeited to the Town or its representatives and payment is made for the cost of a replacement dog tag at the fee set out in Schedule “A”

e. Notwithstanding Section 3.1, the owner or a guide dog or a law enforcement dog is not required to license the dog within the township:

• The township may require the owner of a dog to establish to its satisfaction that the dog is a guide dog or a law enforcement dog.

5. Kennels

a. Every owner of a kennel shall obtain a license from the Township, before the 28 th day of February in each calendar year and pay the required fee as set out in Schedule “A” of this By-law.

b. The issuing of a kennel license is subject to zoning approval and compliance with the Ontario Building Code Act.

c. No person shall keep more than three (3) dogs over three (3) months of age at one location unless a kennel license is obtained.

d. Every person who owns or operates a kennel shall comply with the following requirements:

• A kennel shall be in a separate building and shall not be attached to a building which is or may be used for human habitation; • A kennel shall be maintained in such a manner as to be free from damage.

e. Every person who owns or operates a kennel shall ensure the kennel facility has:

• A floor of concrete or other impermeable material; • A drain opening constructed as a plumbing fixture; • Electric lighting;

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 152 of 182 • Windows that may be opened for proper ventilation; • A heating system sufficient to adequately heat the building; • Hot and cold running water; and • A food preparation area.

f. Where dogs are permitted to use an outside area, there shall be constructed around such area a fence having a height of at least five feet (5); the wall of the adjacent building may be included as part of the fenced in area. The fenced in area shall not be required where the outside area is more than two hundred fee (200) from the property lines.

g. Every person who owns or operates a kennel shall:

• Display the license in a conspicuous place on the premises for which the license is obtained; • Maintain the kennel in sanitary, well ventilated clean condition and free from offensive odors; • Clean the floor area daily or more frequently if required; • Keep the dogs in a sanitary, well bedded, well ventilated naturally lighted, clean quarters at an appropriate temperature; • Adequately feed and give water to the dogs periodically each day and keep them in a clean, healthy, condition free from vermin and disease.

6. Inspections

An officer or any other person authorized by the Township, may inspect any premise where dogs are kept, pursuant to this bylaw

7. Standards of care

a. Every person who keeps a dog in the geographical boundaries of the Township of Georgian Bay shall provide that dog, or cause it to be provided, with such food, water, exercise, attention and veterinary care as may be required from time to time to keep the dog in good health and an environment that is appropriate to meet the physical and behavioural needs of the species.

b. If a dog is customarily kept out-of-doors, the person or persons keeping or having custody or control of the dog shall at all times provide for its use, a structurally sound, weatherproof, insulated enclosure with flooring, that;

• Is located in accordance with the Zoning by- law of the Township and;

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 153 of 182 • Provides sufficient space to allow the dog the ability to turn about freely and to easily sit, stand and lay in a fully extended position; • Every person who keeps an unspayed female dog shall, during each period that the dog is in heat, keep it confined so that it will not attract other dogs.

8. Tethers

a. No person in the Township shall keep a domestic animal tethered on a chain, rope or similar restraining device of less than three (3) metres in length

b. No person shall keep a domestic animal tethered on a rope, chain or other similar restraining device unless:

• a tether is of an appropriate length for the species tethered; • the domestic animal has unrestricted movement within a range of such tether; and • the domestic animal cannot suffer injury as a result of tethering.

9. Number of Animals

a. No person shall keep or permit to be kept at any one time on any one property no more than three (3) dogs, excluding dogs three (3) months of age or less

b. Notwithstanding Section 9.1 in the communities of Port Severn as defined in Schedule “B” of this bylaw, Honey Harbour as defined in Schedule “C” of this by-law and MacTier as defined in Schedule “D” of this By-law, no person shall keep or permit to be kept at any one time on any one property no more than two (2) dogs.

c. Section 9.1 does not apply to the owner of a licensed kennel, the owner or an animal hospital operated by a veterinary surgeon, the owner of a or the Pound keeper.

d. No person shall keep or permit to be kept at any one time on any one property no more than six (6) cats, excluding cats three (3) months of age or less.

10. Poop and Scoop

a. Every owner of a dog shall immediately remove excrement left by the dog anywhere in the Township.

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 154 of 182 b. Section 10.1 does not apply to the premises of the owner of the dog, but does not relieve the owner of the dog from his responsibility under the Township’s property standards by-law.

c. The provisions of subsections 10.1 and 10.2 do not apply to a person who is sight impaired with respect to a guide dog, to a person keeping a service animal or to a person with a disability that prevent such a person from complying with subsection 10.1 or 10.2

11. Noise

a. No person shall allow a dog to persistently , whine, howl or otherwise become a nuisance.

12. Dogs Running At Large

a. Every owner of a dog shall ensure that his dog does not run at large within the Township.

b. For the purpose of this bylaw, a dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found in any other place other than the premises of the owner of the dog and not under the control of a capable person but shall not include a dog being used for hunting in the bush.

c. An officer may destroy any dog running at large if it

• Represents a threat to the safety or any person or animal; or • Is severely injured.

13. Seizure and Impounding of dogs

a. An Officer may seize and impound any dog found running at large.

b. An Officer may destroy a dog in a humane manner where required for reasons of safety to people or animals, or where the dog is injured and should be destroyed without delay for humanitarian reasons, and no damages or compensation whatsoever shall be recovered by the owner of the dog or any other person on account thereof

c. An officer may seize and impound dogs kept in a kennel where it is found the kennel is not operating in accordance with the requirements of this By-law and the kennel license shall be revoked.

d. In the event that a dog is not destroyed, the Animal Control Officer or the Pound keeper shall restore possession of a dog to the owner when:

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 155 of 182 • The owner attends at the pound and claims possession of the dog within five days (5), excluding the day on which the dog was impounded, statutory holidays; and • The owner pays the required fee as set out in schedule “A” of this By-law; • The owner obtains or provides proof of, a valid current dog license.

e. Where a dog is impounded and whether or not the dog is claimed from the pound or not, the owner of the dog shall be liable for the impound and maintenance fees set out in Schedule “A” of this By-law, plus the costs of any damage, fines, expenses, veterinary care, vaccination or immunization and shall pay all fees on demand by the township

f. Where possession of a dog is not restored to the owner of a dog within the five (5) day period referred to in section 12.4, the pound keeper may sell the dog for such price as he deems reasonable.

g. Where the owner of a dog does not claim the dog within the five (5) day period referred to in section 12.4 and the dog has not been sold the pound keeper may destroy the dog in a humane manner or otherwise dispose of the dog as he sees fit, other than for experimental purposes, and no damages or compensation whatsoever shall be recovered by the owner of the dog or any other person on account thereof.

h. Any dog impounded and not wearing a tag for the current year, may at the discretion of the pound keeper be given an inoculation to provided temporary immunization against distemper or any other contagious or infectious disease.

i. Any dog running at large may be seized by any person, who shall deliver the dog as soon as practicable to the Officer or the Pound keeper.

14. Dangerous Dog:

a. Prohibition

• Law Enforcement Dogs which are in the course of fulfilling their duties, and their authorized owners are exempt from the provisions of this section; • No owner or person keeping a dog shall permit his or her dog to attack, bite or engage in a fight with any person, domestic animal or any other animal that is kept or used as a pet by any person.

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 156 of 182 b. Notice to Muzzle

• Where the Officer has reasonable grounds to believe that a dog has bitten a person, domestic animal, or any other animal that is in control of or used as a pet by any person, the Officer shall:

o Where the bite is the first bite on record and it occurs on private property, serve the owner with a written warning which shall caution the owner that any subsequent bite will automatically result in the issuance of Notice to Muzzle as set out in Schedule “E” and a possible prosecution under the Dog Owner’s Liability Act, R.S.O 1990, c. D.16, as amended; or o Where the bite occurred on public property or where the bite is a second or subsequent bite, the town shall serve the dog owner with a Notice to Muzzle.

• When an owner is served with a notice to muzzle, the owner:

o Shall display a warning sign at the main entrance of the property that is clearly visible, warning of the dog; o While on the property of the owner, shall cause the dog subject to the notice to muzzle to be tethered or confined in a fenced in area in a way that prevents the dog from going beyond the limits of the owners property or being accidently or intentionally released; and o Whenever off the property of the owner, shall cause the dog subject to the notice to muzzle to be muzzled and leashed and the owner shall not permit such a dog to be left in the control of a person under the age of sixteen (16) or someone who is not capable person. o A written warning and a notice to muzzle may be served by hand delivery or prepaid registered mail service and in the event of service by prepaid registered mail service, shall be deemed received on the fifth (5 th ) day after the date of mailing. o May request a hearing before the Township of Georgian Bay Council by delivering a notice to the Clerk within fifteen (15) calendar days of deemed receipt of the Notice to Muzzle. o A request of a notice to appeal a Notice to Muzzle pursuant to Subsection 13.2.4 does not act as a stay of the muzzling requirement under a Notice to Muzzle.

15. Exotic Animal Regulation

a. Exotic animal prohibited

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 157 of 182 Except grandfathered animals, no person shall possess, harbour or keep any animal set out in Schedule “E” attached to and forming part of this by-law.

b. Grandfathered Animals

• Remove or register exotic animals

Any person who possess, harbour or keeps a prohibited exotic animal shall remove exotic animal or make application and provide the Township of proof that the animal was lawfully owned prior to the prohibition, within 90 days of a prohibition of the keeping of an animal. Upon being satisfied that the animal was lawfully owned prior to the prohibition, the Township Clerk or designate may deem the animal to be “Grandfathered” and enter such information pertaining to the animal and its owner into a registry of grandfathered animals. A grandfathered animal may be kept until it has died or has been otherwise disposed of.

• Special Conditions for grandfathered animals

The Township may, at the discretion of the Township Clerk or designate impose special terms or conditions on the keeping of any grandfathered animal (e.g housing). Any person who possess, harbours or keeps a grandfathered animal shall comply with any special term or condition imposed by the Township Clerk or designate.

• Grandfathered animal re-located

Any person who moves a grandfathered animal to a location other than the one on file with the Township shall notify the Township Clerk or designate of the new location within forty-eight (48) hours after the animal is moved.

c. Exemptions

• Exotic Animal Exemption- Veterinary Hospital

This section shall not apply to a veterinary hospital as permitted under the Township Zoning By-law which is under the care of a license veterinarian

• Exotic animal exemption- Township Sanctioned event

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 158 of 182 This section shall not apply to any animal being displayed or exhibited for a set period of time in a Township Sanctioned event, which is operated in accordance with the Township’s conditions.

• Exotic animal exemption- licensed by Provincial or Federal Government

This section shall not apply to anyone holding a license under any statue of the Legislature of Ontario or the Government of Canada, which permits the keeping of animals under stating conditions.

• Application to Council- conditions

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section, any person may make application to Council to be granted an exemption from any of the provisions of this Section with respect to the keeping of any class of animal where a written request is received for such authorization. Council, by resolution may refuse to grant any exemption or may grant the exemption applied for or any exemption of lesser effect and any exemption granted shall specify the time period which it is effective and may contain such terms and conditions as Council sees fit.

• Grant of exemption - decision – Council

In deciding whether to grant the exemption, Council shall consider the application and any written submission then received by Council and made by the applicant and Council may consider such other matters as it sees fit.

• Grant of exemption – terms – conditions – breach – void

• Breach by the applicant of any terms or conditions of any exemption granted by Council shall render the exemption null and void.

16. Severability

If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any section of part of this By- law invalid, it is the intention of Council that the remainder of the By-law shall continue in force

17. Enforcement and Penalty • Enforcement A Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer, Police Officer or Animal Control Officer is hereby vested with the Authority of enforcing the

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 159 of 182 provisions of this By-law

• Entry and Inspection An officer may, at all reasonable times, enter on land including buildings and structures other than a dwelling unit, for the purpose of carrying out an inspection to determine compliance with this By- law

• Obstruction No person shall hinder or obstruct or attempt to hinder of obstruct, any officer exercising a power or performing a duty under this By- law. Any person who alleged to have contravened any of the Sections of this By-law shall identify themselves to the Officer upon request, failure to do so shall be deemed to have obstructed or hinder the Officer in the execution of their duties.

• Penalty Every person who contravenes any provision of this by-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 33.

18. Repeal

By-law No. 2005-121 is hereby repealed and any other by-laws regarding the regulation of dogs and animal keeping are hereby repealed and replaced with By-law 2017-26.

READ AND ENACTED in Open Council this 10 th day of April, 2017.



By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 160 of 182 SCHEDULE “A” TO BY-LAW 2017-26


Dog license Prior to February 28 After February 28

Neutered or Spayed $15 $25

Not Neutered or Spayed $25 $35

Replacement Tag $5

Kennel License $100 $125

Daily Pound Fee $20

Daily Maintenance Fee $20

Where applicable GST is included

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 161 of 182 Schedule “B” – Community of Port Severn






Moreau Rock

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 162 of 182 Schedule “C” – Community of Honey Harbour



S 4

S S S 4 4 4 O S 4 OOO O O OOO



0 0 0 0 K Y KKK Y Y Y K O Y OOO 0 O 0 0 0

0 E


H Manitou Point H H H Manitou Point H Manitou Point Good Harbour D Good Harbour DDD E


0 0 0 E

0 Y

Y Y Y Y 0 D 0 0 0 DDD 0 BBB D B

4 N

4 4 4 NNN




Penetang Rock S Penetang Rock SSS Gull Rock S Gull Rock KK KI Hotchkiss Rock IIIM Trans-CanadaTrans-Canada HighwayHighway Hotchkiss Rock TT Trans-Canada Highway T LL NN

Talbot Islands D TalbotTalbot IslandsIslands GG D D RR EE R OO NN E Talbot Islands RR EE TalbotTalbot IslandsIslands R LL GG GG III IAA N NN Wood Landing NN EE HoneymoonHoneymoon BayBay Wood Landing DD Honeymoon Bay BB D B DD AA III 44 Spero Point H 00 Spero Point YY HH 00 Goblin Bay FryingFrying PanPan BayBay H Minnicog Channel Goblin Bay RR HH Minnicog Channel R YY Cherry Point DD SS Alice Rock RRDD Pirates Cove Cogawa Point GS PiratesPirates CoveCove Cogawa Point D D IIING RR E KK Skylark Rock R JOEE Skylark RockRock DeerDeer Island Channel HH JJ LongLong BayBay TT UU OO LostLost BayBay ChimneyChimney BayBay S BlueberryBlueberry Point S S Ojibway Bay Minnehaha Point HH Ojibway Bay LittleLittle DogDog ChannelChannel TT Main Channel RR Main Channel North BayBay OO NN Red CedarCedar Point N TurtleTurtle BayBay PleasantPleasant Point SandpiperSandpiper Bay ShoreShore Dinner PointPoint Beausoleil Bay Pratt BayBay CardinalCardinal Cove Cardinal Cove Wana Keta Bay RR DD D V D D D V V V SS D R E R RR Chapel Point A EE R Chapel Point

A A A South Bay R Parnassus Cove A South Bay RR CC N C NN N N N NNN Pleasant Point Joe'sJoe's RockRock AA O O OOO O OO H O O RRR HH R CC S C O SSS S OOO E O III EEE RR I IIIR G D G GG D DDD B G DDD D BB D TreasureTreasure BayBay ThurallinThurallin PointPoint D B D D Treasure Bay W A WW Y AAA W Y A A Y R AAA RR A W R W L LLL Y L I YY M III E D Y MMM I EE D D D YY M N E D Y BeausoleilBeausoleil Island TonchTonch PointPoint NNN LL Tonch Point L T LL A TTT AL AA T AA R A G A RRR GGG V R G VV V



LLL BBB L EEE ThumbThumb PointPoint E P Thumb Point Bayview ParkPark VV PRPRPR AAA TTT A EE T R Georgian Bay Islands National Park III YYY Georgian Bay Islands National Park IS RR SSS III ISSS R I S RRR III R NN RRR QQQ FingerFinger PointPoint Q DDD EE DDD U E D UUU D BB EEE RD B E OUR Wolverine Beach EE BO E RRR RB R HAR AA YY H D EEY ClearwaterClearwater Beach C DDD ONE Clearwater Beach Gin Rocks CC HO TobiesTobies BayBay HH

RR TurningTurning RockRock DD

D RRD Papoose Bay UEUEE Papoose Bay ParcParc nationalnational des Îles-de-la-Baie-Georgienne SQUQQUE RIIIS PR H HHH


Georgian Bay NNN Georgian Bay N

E Centennial Island Vennings Bay EEE Y YYY


A Pinery Point Maceys Bay AAA Maceys Bay R RRR







By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 163 of 182 Schedule “D”

Community of MacTier







HHH III GG 4 444 4 HHH 0 000 0 0 000 S 0 SSS




4 444 4

0 000 0 0 000 0




By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 164 of 182 Schedule “E” Notice to Muzzle

Notice Number: ______

Owners Name: ______

Owners Address: ______

Name of Dog: ______Breed: ______

Description(colour/markings/sex): ______


Dog Tag #: ______Year of Dog Tag: ______

Microchip No. (if applicable): ______Rabies Tag Number: ______

Year of Rabies Tag: ______Veterinary Clinic: ______

The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay is in receipt of a witness statement regarding a dangerous dog, pursuant to By-law 2017-26, Section 14 that the dog described above did bite and puncture the skin of a person or domestic animal.

In Accordance with By-law 2017-26 Section 14 you are hereby ordered to restrain your dog as follows:


While the dog is on the property of the owner, as described above, the dog shall be tethered or confined in a fenced in area in a way that prevents the dog from going beyond the limits of the owners property or being accidently or intentionally released; and

The owner shall display a warning sign at the main entrance of the property that is clearly visible, warning of the dog.

While the dog is off the property of the owner, as described above, the dog shall be restrained by a muzzled and leashed and the owner shall not permit such a dog to be left in the control of a person under the age of sixteen (16) or someone who is not capable person.

In accordance with By-law 2017-26 Section 14 As the owner of the above described dog you may appeal this muzzle notice to Township of Georgian

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 165 of 182 Bay Council by delivering a notice to the Clerk within fifteen calendar days of the date on this notice by submitting a written request for a hearing on Schedule “F”. Such a request must be addressed the Clerk at 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn, ON, L0K 1S0. In the event that an appeal is taken from this Notice, the above Methods of Restraining Dog shall remain in effect pending the outcome of the appeal.

This Notice is served upon the owner in accordance with By-law 2017-26, section 13.2.1 on the _____ day of______, 20______

______Signature of MLEO Date

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 166 of 182 SCHEDULE “F” APPLICATION FOR HEARING WITH RESPECT TO NOTICE TO MUZZLE

This appeal form shall be delivered to the Clerk, by registered mail or in person within fifteen (15) days after the muzzle order has been received from the Township of Georgian Bay.

REGISTERED MAIL OR IN PERSON To: Clerk Township of Georgian Bay 99 Lone Pine Road Port Severn, Ontario L0K 1S0

Notice Number: ______

Owners Name: ______

Owners Address: ______

Name of Dog: ______Breed: ______

Description (colour/markings/sex): ______


Dog Tag #: ______Year of Dog Tag: ______

Microchip No. (if applicable): ______Rabies Tag Number: ______

Year of Rabies Tag: ______Veterinary Clinic: ______





If additional space is required, please attach additional pages to this form. The information contained in this appeal is true to the best of my knowledge

Signature of Dog Owner: ______Print Name: ______Date: ______

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 167 of 182 SCHEDULE “G”- Prohibited Animals

1. All Marsupialia (such as Kangaroos, Oppossums, Koala, Cusus) except Sugar Gliders 2. All non –human Primates (such as Monkeys, Apes, Chimpanzees, Lemurs) 3. All Canidae (Such as Wolf, Coyote, Fox) Except Domestic Dog 4. All Felidae (such as Lion, Tiger, Leopard, Panther, Lynx) except Domestic Cat. 5. All Mustelidae (such as Weasels, Ferret, Wolverine, Mink, Badger, Skunk, Otter) except Domestic Ferret. 6. All Ursidae (such as Bear, Panda) 7. All Hyaenidae (such as Hyena) 8. All Procyonidae (such as Raccoon, Panda, Coatimundi) 9. All Viverridae (such as Mongoose, Civet, Genet) 10. All Pinnipedia (such as Seal, Sea Lions, Walruses) 11. All Perissodactyle (such as Zebra, Tapir, Rhinceros) except domestic horse, ass and mule in areas other than SCHEDULE “B”. “C”, “D” 12. All Artiodactyla (such as Hippopotamus, Camel, Giraffe,) Except Sheep, Goat, Cattle, Alpaca, Vietnamese pot bellied pig in areas other than SCHEDULE “B”. “C”, “D” 13. All Edentata (such as Anteaters, Sloths, Armadilos) 14. All Proboscidea (such as Elephant) 15. All Chirotera (such as bats) 16. All Crocodilia (such as Crocodiles, Alligators, Caimans, Gavials) 17. All Chelydridae (such as Snapping Turtle) 18. All Venomous or poisonous reptiles 19. All snakes of the families Pythonidae and Boidae 20. All lizards that exceed two (2) metres in length from snout to the tip of the tail 21. All Falconiformes (such as Hawks, Eagles, Kites, Harriers, Osprey) 22. All Strigiformes (such as Owls, Vultures, Buzzards) 23. All Ratite Birds (such as Cassowaires, Rhea or Ostrich) 24. All Galliformes (such as Chickens, Turkeys, Grouse, Peacock) Except in areas other than SCHEDULE “B”. “C”, “D” 25. ALL Anseriformes (such as Ducks, Geese, Swans) Except in areas other than SCHEDULE “B”. “C”, “D” 26. All other venomous or poisonous animals (such as Black Widows) except New World Tarantulas 27. All Erinacidae except the Afican Pigmy Hedgehog 28. All wild Animals brought captive 29. All types of Anaconda Snakes


By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 168 of 182 Township of Georgian Bay Part l Provincial Offences Act By-law 2017-26 - Animal Control By-law

Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Short Form wording Provision creating Set Fine or defining offence 1 Owner, fail to license dog for Section 4.1 $75 current year 2 Owner fail to fix tag on dog Section 4.2 $75 3 Owner fail to obtain kennel Section 5.1 $300 license for current year 4 Fail to display kennel license Section 5.7.1 $75 5 Dog- fail to provide care Section 7.1 $300 7 Permit more than 3 dogs on Section 9.1 $125 property 8 Keep more than 2 dogs – Section 9.2 $125 Port Severn 9 Keep more than 2 dogs – Section 9.2 $125 Honey Harbour 10 Keep more than 2 dogs – Section 9.2 $125 MacTier 11 Fail to remove excrement Section 10.1 $100 left by dog 12 Allow dog to persistently Section 11.1 $150 bark, howl or whine

13 Dog at large Section 12.1 $150

14 Permit dog to attack Section 14.1.2 $350 person/animal 15 Hinder or obstruct an Officer Section 16.1.3 $300

By-law 2017-26 RE: Revised Animal Control Update Page 169 of 182 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY BY-LAW 2017-40

Being a By-Law to appoint a Secretary Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment (Millar)

WHEREAS pursuant to Section 44(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, a municipal Council may, by by-law, constitute and appoint a Committee of Adjustment composed of such persons as Council considers advisable;

AND WHEREAS Council approved By-law 2015-35 to appoint a Committee of Adjustment for the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay hereby enacts as follows:

1. THAT Lauren Millar be appointed Secretary-Treasurer for the Committee of Adjustment.

2. THAT this By-law shall come into force and effect on the day it is passed.

READ AND ENACTED in Open Council this 8th day of May, 2017.

______Larry Braid, Mayor

Jessica Gunby, Clerk (A)

By-law 2017-40 RE: Appointment of Secretary-Treasurer (Milla...Page 170 of 182 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY


Being a by-law respecting construction, demolition, sewage systems, change of use, conditional permits and inspections

WHEREAS section 7 of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992 c.23 empowers Council to pass certain by-laws respecting construction, demolition, change of use permits, sewage systems, inspections and enforcement related matters of the Building Code Act

AND WHEREAS By-law No. 2008-83 which was enacted by Council September 29, 2008, 2013-54 which was enacted by Council August 12, 2013, 2014-58 which was enacted by Council October 14, 2014 as amended, are hereby repealed and replaced by this By-law;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay enacts as follows:

1. Short Title

1.1 This by-law may be cited as the “Building By-Law”.

2. Definitions

2.1 For the purpose of interpreting the provisions set forth in this by- law, the following definitions shall apply:

(a) “Act” refers to the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992 , c. 23, including amendments thereto, except where specific reference is made to another Act of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario or the Parliament of Canada;

(b) “Applicant” means the owner of a building or property who applies for a permit or any person authorized by the owner to apply for a permit on the owners behalf, or any person or corporation empowered by statute to cause the demolition of a building or buildings and anyone acting under the authority of such person or corporation;

(c) “Architect” means an architect as defined in Division A, Article of the Building Code;

(d) “As Constructed Plans” means as constructed plans as defined in the Building Code;

(e) “BCIN” means Building Code Identification Number that is given to individuals and firms responsible for activities regulated under the act be qualified and registered with the Ministry;

(f) “Building” means a building as defined in subsection 1.(1) of the Act;

(g) “Building Code” means the regulation enacted under Section 34 of the Act;

(h) “Chief Building Official” means the Chief Building Official appointed by Council under section 3 of the act for the purposes of enforcement of the Act;

(i) “Construct” means to construct as defined in Section 1.(1) of the Act;

(j) “Demolish” and “demolition” means demolish as defined in subsection 1.(1) of the Act;

(k) “Council” means the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay

By-law 2017-41 RE: Building By-law Page 171 of 182

(l) “Inspector” means a person appointed by Council as an inspector under the Act;

(m) “Owner” means the registered owner of the land and includes a lessee and a mortgage in possession;

(n) “Permit” means written permission or written authorization from the Chief Building Official to perform work, to change the use of a building or part thereof, or to occupy a building or part thereof, as regulated by the Act and Building Code;

(o) “Person” means an individual, association, firm, partnership, corporation, trust, organization, trustee, or agent, and includes the heirs, executors, assigns, successors or legal representatives of the Person;

(p) “Professional Engineer’ means a professional engineer as defined in Division A, Article of the Building Code;

(q) “Sewage system” means a sewage system as defined in the Building Code;

(r) “Township” means The Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay; and

(s) “Work” means construction or demolition or both of a building or part thereof, as the case may be.

3. Classes and Types

3.1 Classes of permits with respect to the construction, demolition and change of use of buildings are set out in Schedule “H” Building/Septic Service - Calculation of Estimated Value of the Township’s Fees & Charges By-law.

4. The Application

4.1 To obtain a permit, the owner or an agent authorized by the owner shall file an application in writing by completing a prescribed form available at the Township of Georgian Bay Building Department Customer Service Counter or from our website

Building Permits

4.2 Where application is made for a building permit under subsection 8.(1) of the Act, the application shall:

(a) Identify and describe in detail the work and occupancy to be covered by the permit for which application is made;

(b) Describe the land on which the work is to be done, by a description that will readily identify and locate the building lot;

(c) Include a minimum of two sets of complete plans and specifications in accordance with Schedule “A” of this by-law for the work to be covered by the permit and show the occupancy of all parts of the building;

(d) State the valuation of the proposed work including materials, labour, and including the required fee;

(e) State the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and of the architect or engineer, where applicable, or other designer or contractor;

(f) Be accompanied by a written acknowledgement of the owner that he has retained an architect or professional engineer to carry out the field

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By-law 2017-41 RE: Building By-law Page 172 of 182

review of the construction where required by the Building Code;

(g) Attach approvals for all applicable federal and provincial statutes and regulations and municipal by-laws; and

(h) Be signed by the owner or his or her authorized agent who shall certify the truth of the contents of the application.

Demolition Permits

4.3 Where application is made for a demolition permit under subsection 8.(1) of the Act, the application shall:

(a) Contain the information required by clauses 4.2 of this Building Bylaw,

(b) May be required to be accompanied by satisfactory proof that arrangements have been made with the proper authorities for the cutting off and plugging of all water, sewer, electric, telephone or other utilities and services.

Conditional Permits

4.4 Where application is made for a conditional permit under subsection 8.(3) of the Act, the application shall:

(a) Contain the information required by clauses 4.2 of this Building Bylaw;

(b) A completed “Application for Conditional Permit” form available from the Chief Building Official;

(c) Contain such other information, plans and specifications concerning the complete project as the Chief Building Official may require;

(d) State the reasons why the applicant believes that unreasonable delays in construction would occur if a conditional permit is not granted;

(e) State the necessary approvals which must be obtained in respect of the proposed building and the time in which such approvals will be obtained;

(f) State the time in which complete plans and specifications of the complete building will be filed with the Chief Building Official.

Change of Use Permits

4.5 Every application for a change of use permit issued under subsection 10.(1) of the Act shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official and shall:

(a) Describe the building in which the occupancy is to be changed, by a description that will readily identify and locate the building;

(b) Identify and describe in detail the current and proposed occupancies of the building or part of a building for which the application is made;

(c) Include plans and specifications which show the current and proposed occupancy of all parts of the building and which contain sufficient information to establish compliance with the requirements of the Building Code including floor plans, details of wall, ceiling and roof assemblies, identifying required fire resistance ratings and load bearing capacities;

(d) Be accompanied by the required fee;

(e) State the name, address and telephone number of the owner; and

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By-law 2017-41 RE: Building By-law Page 173 of 182

(f) Be signed by the owner or his or her authorized agent who shall certify the truth of the contents of the application.

Sewage Systems

4.7 Every application for a sewage system permit shall be submitted to the Chief Building Official and contain the following information:

(a) Contain the information required by clauses 4.2 of this Building Bylaw;

Plans and Specifications

4.8 Sufficient information shall be submitted with each application for a permit to enable the Chief Building Official to determine whether or not the proposed construction, demolition or change of use will conform to the Act, the Building Code and any other applicable law;

4.9 After the issuance of a permit under the Act, notice of any material change to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which the permit was issued, must be given in writing to the Chief Building Official together with the details of such change which is not to be made without his or her written authorization.

4.10 Each application shall, unless otherwise specified by the Chief Building Official, be accompanied by two complete sets of plans and specifications required under this by-law;

4.11 Plans of Survey, signed by an Ontario Land Surveyor, shall be submitted to scale and shall be legible for all building permit applications, unless other wise exempted and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall include such working drawings as set out in Schedule “A” to this by- law, unless otherwise specified by the Chief Building Official;

The Chief Building Official may waive the requirements for a Plan of Survey for an alteration, extension or replacement septic system, with or without an expansion or proposal to increase capacity, provided the septic system is located in the same footprint or further back from the water and provided a site inspection is completed by Building staff to confirm the septic system will meet the Ontario Building Code and the Zoning By-law. If the Chief Building Official is concerned that the septic system may not meet the Ontario Building Code and/or the Zoning By-law, then a Plan of Survey or a certificate prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor must be submitted to the Township confirming compliance with the Ontario Building Code and the Zoning By-law.

The following Building Permit applications are not required to submit a Plan of Survey:

(a)Interior Renovations

(b) Dock or boathouse on an unsubdivided island

(c) Alteration, reconstruction, renovation or replacement of a legally existing building or structure provided the building or structure is located in the same footprint and is the same size

(d) For residential uses in the Urban Centres of MacTier and Port Severn and in the Community of Honey Harbour, any addition, alteration, expansion, enlargement, reconstruction, renovation, or replacement of a legally existing building or structure that is not located closer than the established building line. The established building line is where there are existing dwellings on the same street and the proposed building or structure may be built with a setback equal to the average setback of the adjacent dwellings on the same side of the street within

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By-law 2017-41 RE: Building By-law Page 174 of 182

the block.

(e) Dock or boathouse greater than 10 metres from any side lot line and straight line projection on the side lot line where it meets the front lot line at the water.

4.12 A new Plan of Survey prepared, on-site field verified, and certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor shall be submitted for building permit applications for replacement of/or new construction of dwellings on waterfront properties. The new Plan of Survey shall include dimensions, setbacks and the delineation of CGD elevations in accordance with the survey specifications (Section 4.16) required under this By-law.

4.13 A new Plan of Survey prepared, on-site field verified, and certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor shall be submitted for building permit applications for new septic systems on waterfront properties which are not replacing an existing septic system located on the said lands. The Plan of Survey shall include dimensions, setbacks, and the delineation of the CGD elevations in accordance with the survey specifications (Section 4.16) required under this By-law.

4.14 For all other building permit applications not specifically in Sections 4.11, 4.12 and 4.13, an existing Plan of Survey signed by an Ontario Land Surveyor may be accepted by the Chief Building Official provided that the existing survey includes the applicable dimensions, setbacks, and the delineation of the CGD elevations in accordance with the survey specifications (Section 4.16) required under this By-law.

4.15 Notwithstanding 4.14, a new Plan of Survey prepared, on-site field verified and certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor may be required if the Chief Building Official is of the opinion that the new, expanded and/or replacement building(s), structure(s), and/or septic systems(s) being applied for under the building permit application are not in compliance with the Zoning By-law and Ontario Building Code.

4.16 Surveys shall be submitted to scale, dimensioned, and shall show:

(a) The legal description, lot size, property dimensions, existing right-of- way, easements of municipal/utility corridors;

(b) The location and voltage of hydro-electric transmission lines;

(c) Lot size and the dimensions of the property lines and setbacks to any existing or proposed buildings;

(d) Existing and finished ground levels or grades;

(e) Existing right-of-ways, easements and municipal services;

(f) The location of any existing or proposed septic system; and

(g) In connection with applications for sewage systems under section 4.7 of this By-law:

(i) The location of any unsuitable, disturbed or compacted areas;

(ii) Proposed access routes for system maintenance;

(iii) The location of clearances located both on the property and in proximity to the property, as described in Division B, Tables,, and of the Building Code, which includes, structures, well with a water tight casing to a depth of 6m, other well, lake, pond, reservoir, river, spring not used as a source of potable water,

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By-law 2017-41 RE: Building By-law Page 175 of 182

stream and property line; and

(iv) The location of above ground electrical conductors and the voltage for same.

As Constructed Plans

4.17 The Chief Building Official may require that a set of plans of a building or any class of building as constructed be filed with the Chief Building Official on completion of construction under such conditions as may be prescribed in the Building Code.

5. Alternative Solutions

5.1 Where the prescriptive requirements or acceptable solutions of Division B of the Building Code are not met, the Chief Building Official may approve an alternative solution under Division C, Part 2 of the Building Code. An alternative solution proposal may be requested for a system or building design at the time of permit application, or if a material change is necessary to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which a permit is issued. The applicant, with or without their approved representative, shall submit:

(a) A completed “Application for an Alternative Solution” on the form available from the Chief Building Official;

(b) A description of the applicable objectives, functional statements and acceptable solutions;

(c) A description of the proposed material, system of building design for which authorization is sought;

(d) Supporting documentation demonstrating that the proposed material, system or building design will provide the level of performance required by the Building Code; and

(e) Payment of the required fee as set out in Schedule “H” of the Township’s Fee’s and Charges By-law.

5.2 The Chief Building Official or registered code agency may accept or reject any proposed alternative solutions and may impose conditions or limitations on their use.

5.3 Alternative Solutions that are accepted under this Section shall be applicable only to the location described in the application, and are not transferable to any other permit.

6. Notice of Requirements for Inspections

6.1 The owner or an authorized agent shall notify the Chief Building Official at least two (2) business days prior to each stage of construction for which notice in advance is required under the Building Code. In addition to the prescribed notice contained in Division C, of the Building Code, notice of any solid fuelled fire appliance rough in and notice of the final inspection detailed in clauses Division C, (1) (c) and (i).

6.2 Notice shall not be effective unless given in one of the following ways:

(a) Phone message given to the Township of Georgian Bay Building Department at (705) 538-2337; Ext. 233.

(b) E-mail message given to the Township of Georgian Bay Building Department to [email protected]

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(c) In person at the Township of Georgian Bay Customer Service Counter.

7. Transfer of Permits

7.1 Permits may not be transferred without the approval of the Chief Building Official, whose determination shall be made in his or her sole and absolute discretion and whose decision is final.

7.2 To transfer a permit, the new owner must complete and submit an application in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 of this By- law.

7.3 Upon the transfer of a permit by the Chief Building Official, the new owner shall be deemed to be the permit holder for the purposes of the Act, the Building Code and this By-law.

7.4 The fee set out in Schedule “H” of the Fees and Charges By-law shall be payable at time the application for transfer of permit is made.

8. Fees

8.1 The Chief Building Official shall determine the required fees for the work proposed or for administrative fees calculated in accordance with Schedule “H” of the Fees and Charges By-law and the applicant shall pay such fees.

8.2 Where any person has commenced construction, demolition or changes to the use of a Building before submitting an application for a permit or before receiving a permit, in addition to any other penalty under the Act shall pay the increased costs as set out in Schedule “H” of the Fees and Charges By-law.

8.3 No permit shall be issued until all fees related thereto have been paid by the applicant.


8.4 Upon written request from the applicant or owner, the Chief Building Official shall determine the amount of fees, if any, that may be refunded in accordance with Schedule “H” of the Fees and Charges By-law. Application for refund must be made within 6 months of the date of permit application in order to be eligible for a refund of any permit fee, in the case of:

(a) Withdrawl of an application; (b) Abandonment of an application (c) Refusal to issue a permit; or (d) Request for revocation of a permit pursuant to clause 8.(10)(e) of the Act.

9. Securities

9.1 Securities are required when an application is made that requires an Undertaking Agreement (see Schedule “B”). The Security is required to ensure that all work has been completed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code and the Township’s Zoning By-law. Securities associated with this requirement are listed in Schedule “H” of the Township’s Fees & Charges By-law.

10. Maintenance Fee

10.1 Where the Chief Building Official determines that a Building Permit remains open after two (2) years, the official shall cause to be mailed to the permit holder, in the fall of the following year, an invoice for the

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amount set out in Schedule “H” of the Township’s Fees & Charges By-law as Permit Maintenance Fee. If the fee remains unpaid at the end of the calendar year in which the invoice was issued, that fee shall be attached to the tax roll in accordance with Section 398(2) of the Municipal Act. S.O. 2001, as amended. This procedure will be applied annually thereon or until such time as the permit is revoked, closed or cancelled.

11. Registered Code Agencies

11.1 Pursuant to subsection 4.1(3) of the Building Code Act and Division C, Section 3.7 of the Building Code, the Chief Building Official is authorized to enter into service agreements with registered code agencies and appoint them to perform one or more of the specified functions described in section 15.15 of the Act.

12. Offences

12.1 Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence under section 36 of the Act and is liable to a fine as set out in the Act.

12.2 In addition, every director or officer of a corporation who knowingly concurs in the furnishing of false information, the failure to comply or a contravention under Section 36.(2) is guilty of an offence.

13. Effective Date

13.1 This by-law comes into force and effect on the date it is passed.

READ and finally passed this th day of , 2017.

Larry Braid, MAYOR

Jessica Gunby, ACTING CLERK

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Row Class of Permit Documents & Drawings Required 1(a) Permit to Construct Documents A New Residential a. Building Permit Applicaton Building b. Approval documents showing you have met applicable law (i.e. MNR Use Permit) - Detached House c. Heat loss/heat gain/duct calculations (per - Semi-detached dwelling unit) House d. Residential Mechanical Ventilation - Duplex/Triplex/Fo Summary urplex e. Energy Efficiency Design Summary Form - Townhouse Blocks Drawings a. Site Plan or Survey (as required) b. Site Grading Plan c. Architectural Drawings (designed by BCIN qualified, Architect, Professional Engineer or homeowner)(block floor plans, roof plans, elevations for townhouse blocks) d. Structural Drawings e. Roof truss/pre-engineered floor system shop drawings (including block plans for townhouse blocks)

1(b) Permit to Construct Documents Residential a. Building Permit Application b. Approval documents showing you have - Additions/Alterati met applicable law ons or c. Heat loss/heat gain/duct calculations - Accessory d. Residential Mechanical Ventilation Buildings Summary e. Energy Efficiency Design Summary Form

Drawings a. Site Plan b. Grading Plan c. Architectural Drawings d. Structural Drawings 2(a) Permit to Construct – Documents Non Residential a. Building Permit Application buildings, Residential b. Approval documents showing you have apartment buildings, met applicable law mixed use buildings c. Commitment to General Review by or other residential Architects and Professional Engineer buildings (not d. Heat loss/heat gain/duct calculations described in row 1(a) e. ASHRAE 90.1 & SB-10 Project Information form - New Buildings or f. MNECB & SB-10 Project Information form - Additions Drawings a. Site Plan b. Site Servicing/Site Grading Plan c. Architectural drawings d. Structural drawings e. HVAC Drawings f. Plumbing Drawings g. Electrical Drawings h. Fire Protection System Drawings

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2(b) Permit to Construct – Documents Non-residential a. Building Permit Application buildings and other b. Approval documents showing you have residential buildings met applicable law not described in Row c. Commitment to General Review by 1(a) Architects and Professional Engineers d. Heat loss/heat gain/duct calculations - Alterations - Tenant Drawings Improvements a. Site Plan b. Architectural drawings c. Structural drawings d. HVAC Drawings e. Plumbing Drawings f. Electrical Drawings g. Fire Protection System Drawings 3 Permit to Construct – Documents Other than Rows 1, 2 a. Building Permit Application and 4 b. Approval documents showing you have met applicable law - Tents/Air c. Documents from Rows 1(a) to 2(b) or Supported other documents which are applicable to Structures the scope of work proposed and required - Mechanical Only by the Chief Building Official to determine Permits compliance with the Building Code and - Plumbing Only other applicable law Permits - Designated Drawings Structures a. Drawings from Rows 1(a) to 2(b) or other - Farm Buildings documents which are applicable to the - Green Energy scope of work proposed and required by Projects (solar, the Chief Building Official to determine wind, geothermal compliance with the Building Code and etc.) other applicable law

4 Permit for Change of Documents Use a. Building Permit Application b. Approval documents showing you have met applicable law c. Commitment to General Review by Architects and Professional Engineers

Drawings a. Site Plan b. Architectural drawings c. HVAC Drawings

5 Permit to Demolish Documents a. Permit Application b. Approval documents showing you have met applicable law

Drawings a. Site Plan 6 Permit to Construct Documents Sewage System a. Building Permit Application b. Approval documents showing you have - Class 2 met applicable law - Class 3 - Class 4 Drawings - Class 5 a. Site Plan or Survey (as required) b. Cross Sections showing: - height of finished septic above natural grade

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- mantle layer - extended contact layer - filter sand(if filter bed) - trench depth (if trench bed) - stone area - backfill material c. Overhead layout of bed showing location of pipes, header and spacing, as well as overall dimensions of proposed bed

The Chief Building Official may waive the requirement for any specified documents or drawings where the scope of work, applicable law or building code does not, in the opinion of the Chief Building Official, necessitate its submission.

Schedule “B” Security Deposits

Fee Title Type of Work Deposit Releasing Securities Required Delayed Construction of a new A request to be made in Demolition dwelling that allows for Schedule writing by the two dwellings on one “H” of the owner/authorized property – prior to the Fees and agent, as well an occupancy of the new Charges By- occupancy inspection dwelling and the law being granted for the demolition of the new dwelling and the existing demolition permit has been closed for the existing dwelling Zoning By -law Construct a Sleeping Schedule A requ est to be made in Exception #1 Cabin prior to the main “H” of the writing by the Cottage/Dwelling being Fees and owner/authorized agent constructed and Charges By- and occupancy to be occupied law obtained for the Cottage/Dwelling and an inspection of the sleeping cabin to ensure it complies with the zoning by-law (i.e. kitchen facilities removed) Zoning By -law Allowing kitchen Schedule A request to be made in Exception #2 facilities in an existing “H” of the writing by the sleeping cabin while a Fees and owner/authorized agent new cottage is being Charges By- and an occupancy constructed law inspection to be completed on the Cottage/dwelling and an inspection of the sleeping cabin to ensure it complies with the zoning by-law (i.e. kitchen facilities removed)

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By-law 2017-41 RE: Building By-law Page 181 of 182 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY BY-LAW 2017-44

Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay at the Regular Meeting held the 8th day of May, 2017

WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001 , as amended, the powers of a municipality shall be exercised by its Council;

AND WHEREAS pursuant to Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001 , as amended, A Municipal power, including a municipality’s capacity, rights, powers and privileges under section 9, shall be exercised by by-law unless the municipality is specifically authorized to do otherwise;

AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that proceedings of the Council of Township of Georgian Bay as herein set forth be confirmed and adopted by by-law

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay enacts as follows:

1. The actions of the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay at the Regular Meeting held on the 8th day of May, 2017, in respect of each recommendation contained in the minutes of Standing and Special Committees as adopted or amended and each motion and resolution passed and other action taken by the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay at this meeting is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law.

2. The Mayor and proper officials of the Township of Georgian Bay are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the actions of the Council of the Township of Georgian Bay referred to in the preceding section hereof.

3. The Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Township of Georgian Bay.

4. Section 1 does not apply to any action or matter that is required by law to be done by resolution.

5. Section 1 does not apply to any action or matter to which Ontario Municipal Board approval is required until such approval is obtained but Section 2 applies for the purpose of obtaining such approval.

6. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day it is passed.

READ AND ENACTED in Open Council this 8th day of May, 2017.



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