Index to the Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society
Index to the Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society. Introduction These pages are scanned from the Index to the Transactions of the Stirling Natural History and Archaeological Society, Volumes I to LVII, Compiled by Duncan McNaughton, M.A., F.S.A. (Scot) and published by the Society in 1936. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE VOLUMES 58 TO 61, FOR WHICH THE USER NEEDS TO CONSULT THE CONTENTS Some scanning errors will not have been corrected. A few errors in the original index have been silently corrected and a few odd spellings are modernised but many oddities remain. Most entries refer to the titles, a few to sub-headings - there is no Index of the actual content of articles. The references are to volumes usually identified by Roman numerals and to starting page of article by Arabic numbers (but there are inconsistencies in the original which have NOT all been corrected). The Index volume also includes a list collating Roman and Arabic volume numbers, an Index of Authors and Index of Illustrations; these are NOT included here. A Abbey, Cambuskenneth, i. 38; xx. 48, 50. Abbey Church of Culross, Restoration of, xxix. 17. Abercrombies of Tullibody, The, xlix. 139. Abercromby, Sir Ralph, Soldier and Churchman, xxxi. 50. Aberfoyle, Excursion to, v. 102. Aberuchill and Kilbryde, The Campbells of, xlvii. 58. Adder, The, iii. 63. Addresses, Presidential. (See Presidential Addresses.) Administration, History of Burghal, xxxiii. 9. Agriculture and Agricultural Implements, Old Scottish, xxviii. 116. Airth, Ancient Owners of, xlix. 74. Airth, Bruces of, and Their Barony, xlix. 81; 1. 63.
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