ISSN 0970-8669 Review

ulasi Kshetra, situated in District Thas been exhibiting it’s brilliant glory in Odisha since its establishment. It's religious, spiritual traditional, cultural magnanimity have been perpetual upto the modern, contemporary age since its establishment. Tulasi Kshetra is the holy land of great ascetics concerned to their deep insight to spiritualism, metaphysics. The name of Tulasi Kshetra has been dignified by the impact of Baladev consciousness and culture. The ancient glory of Tulasi Kshetra, spiritual greatness of Lord Baladev are really great chapters for research. Baladev had been erected by great Biswakarma Really the culture of Lord Jagannath is indebted as a creditable industrial architecture. That place to Lord Baladev culture. Jagannath culture has has been situated now in the west of local board been enriched by the intrinsic impact of Baladev in Juma Mosque. In the revenue record of 1892-

The Ancient Baladev Temple of Tulasi Kshetra

Dr. Basudev Das culture. There is latent coordination of Baladev 1893 in Plot No-25 and Plot No-24 building culture with Jagannath culture. temple and Verandah of stone are written. The name “Temple” is totally prerogative of Hindu As the image of Lord Balabhadra had deity. The original mystery had not yet been been worshipped first, so he has been regarded discovered. In 1926-27, revenue record plot as the eldest brother of Lord Jagannath. In natural No.103 and 104 are witnesses of this place. environment, (Coastal Land) having 7 rivers, 17 During the period of Mogul rule, Emperor subscribers, the glory treasure of Lord Aurangzeb had given direction to demolish Hindu Balabhadra could not have been propagated. It temple and eradicate Hindu culture. In that could not have attracted the distant pilgrims like direction, Khan-I-Dowrani was appointed for Shreekshetra, Puri. In untrodden place, Tulasi destruction work. His military in chief, Miad Kshetra having throne of Lord Baladev had been Mahhamad Jan was once venturing to Kanika on a secret place for worship. the way from Kendrapara and unexpectedly It has been reflected in “Padma visualised such charming temple. He demolished mythology” that the ancient temple of Lord it and erected a mosque there. It is there in the

74 JUNE-JULY - 2018 Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669 history that Kujanga and Kanika were efficient in pedestal. The gem decorated bed having pillars navigation. There was little contraction between of gold was very much alluring. Seventy five two areas. Kujanga was defeated itself and it had handed long gem throne (Chatrrashramandap) helped King of Kujanga Gopali Mahammad Jan was very much glittering. The steps to temple to defeat Kanika in war, when the temple of were very much heart-throbbing. At the top of Kendrapara was demolished. the temple, gem jar and flags were adding the Emperor Aurangzeb had highly praised beauty of the temple. The buildings looked Mahammad Jan and rewarded him. Khan-I- attractive with white colour. Poet Biprashri Dowran had written a letter from Remuna to Madhuri had depicted the beauty of Baladev Mahammad Jan that as a representative of temple with uncompared architectural beauty and Aurangzeb he has been highly satisfied demolishing cultural glory. He was contemporary to Lord Kendrapara temple and erecting a Mosque in his Achyutananda. Bipra Madhuri was the disciple place. He had also directed Mahammad Jan to of Lord Chaitanya Dev in 1520. The destroy all temples built for 12 years either in brick establishment of temple is a real history. Before or soil. He also directed not to reform old temples. the birth of Christ in Second Century Kharabela Dr. Harekrushna Mahtab has also written had ruled over Kalinga. in the history of Odisha that Khan-I-Dauran had The King Skanda Barma, the King of written to the agent Mahammad Jan that the Nanda dynasty, has mentioned in his writing about destruction of the temple of Kendrapara and building of Mosque there has greatly pleased him. his establishment of feet pedestal of Lord . The order was communicated to all Faeejadar, Vipers with seven hoods are worshiped as Lord Thandar (Page-56). At that time Baladev temple Balabhadra. Being incarnation of Shesanaga, the and Tulasi Kshetra, Kendrapara was a famous image of Lord Baladev in basalt stone is symbol land attracting attention of many people. of sacred Lord. Secondly in the share of Sidha pond, a feet worshipping place is worshipped. is distant 60 kilometres from From the opinion of people, it is declared as feet Kendrapara. People were coming from such of Lord Balabhadra. In Odisha, feet prints distant untrodden place being hypnotised by the worshipping tradition have been elaborate in many greatness of Lord Baladev. Due to the arrival of Kalapahada in 1558 in Odisha, the priests, places. disciples were very much frightened and kept the Naga Devata worshiped during “Ananta images hidden in distant Baranga Jhada forest. Brata” is a cultural worship in Odisha . To avoid But Kalapahada had not done any harm to the fear of serpentines, reptiles, auspicious Ananta temple, and had stolen treasure of the temple. Dev with ploughing gesture is worshipped Then the followers had again re-established the everywhere. image on the same pedestal. There is 105 year gap between the encroaching period of Everywhere, images of Lord Siva were Mahammad Jan in 1663 and period of established. Jajati Keshari had erected many Kalapahada in 1558. Before the Mogul attack images of Lord Siva on the way to Puri. Among and demolition of temple, the temple was erected them Indreswara in Indupur was an exception. in youth. When deities had visited the Baladev Here there is a dilapidated temple of Indreswar. temple, they became hypnotised to see the gem It is mentioned in history that Jajati was venturing

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Puri on the way of Indupur, Kendra and Kujanga; ascetics in secret. When Brahmanya religion was because it was the straightway. In this coastal area treated as Royal religion, afterwards in many sea shore pilgrims were going to Puri and areas Buddhists were converted to Brahmanya Kendrapara. It is assumed that the place was the religion. centre and in all areas, there were villages, forests No one has really visualized the gem etc. Senior People believe that Jajati had image Manibigraha of Lord Baladev in eye. By established Kendreswar Mahadev. the mythological opinion, narration and saying of Moreover, Jajpur was the capital. So people the image of Lord Baladev is assumed Biraja and Baladev Mandala was not distant from something the image of Lord Baladev has Biraja. As king Jajati had discovered and re- something, the image of Lord Buddha. If it is the established, it is logical to explain that he had also image of Lord Buddha, the Spiritualists would worshipped Lord Baladev. Before it Ananta had have worshipped him in 2nd, 3rd B.C.Moreover, been discovered. Great ascetic Siddha Das had defeating Buddhistic ideology, Hindu Brahmanya disclosed Ananta Gupta Dev to limelight. consciousness became evolved. Arya people might have worshipped the image of Lord The Buddhist people, those who had Balabhadra as infinite Brahman. gone to the river shore for worshiping Siddha Das Gopal was exception among them. During the Perhaps Buddhists had been worshipped ruling period of Jajati, some Brahmins had turned in Siddhabana and Siddha Sarober. Out of fear, to Jajpur. Among the Brahmins, devotees of Lord they could not exist in the stream of Brahmanya Baladev were uncommon. Siddha Das is being religion and made it under earth. To protect some worshipped near Kuhudi. According to the deities from external enemies they are kept under greatness of Tulasi Kshetra it was predicted by earth. Such legend is also heard about Lord Lord Baladev “Siddha Das is my most obedient Jagannath. disciple. He must bring me to limelight by As devotee Siddha Das was absolutely excavation from Tulasi forest. So, my name will dedicated to Lord Baladev, he had ventured to be Siddha Baladev and the place where I must the forest with a milky cow to worship Lord emerge, its name will be Siddha Sarobar”. Now Baladev. For the unflinching devotion of Siddha this Siddha Sarobar of Siddha pond is situated at Das, Lord Baladev stood before him and Siddha Gopa village in Kendrapara Town. This Siddha Das directly met the Lord. This news was spread Sarober belongs to Siddhabana as mentioned in among Brahmin Society and they worshipped Srimad Bhagabat Gita. Maharshi Chyaban had Lord Baladev. The milk flew from the cow taken birth in that pond and he had obtained generated all the Siva images and Baladev eternal youth. He had got married with the temples, where the same legends are observed. daughter of Sharjyati Sukanya. It is assumed here In Salipur, Indupur, Manjuri, Kendrapara, that the Buddhists, those who had fled to forest, Kupari Baladev, , such legends are they started worshipping Hindu deities. Biraswati generated. During the ruling of Hastiburma Lord is a holy place of great ascetics. So, Siddheswar Vishnu had been worshiped. Subsequently Lord Lord has been worshipped from that period. Vishnu has been equal with Lord Baladev. Sidhmarichiani is worshipped as fountain of Lord Baladev is the infinite omnipotent, energy. It is assumed that Siddha groups were omniscient, omnipresent God. This philosophy had

76 JUNE-JULY - 2018 Odisha Review ISSN 0970-8669 been recognized in the subsequent literature as mentioned it to be held in 10th Century; because depicted below. during the period of Bhouma ruling, there was “I shall be powerful in force and strength; death of Buddhism and starting of Saibaism. My name will be magnificent; Saibaisim was spread from the Mahadevi Devi No one can determine my definition; of Bhouma administration. In this period Natha My name will be infinite; Saints were influential in Siddha Baladev. My name will be Balabhadra.” According to the authentic opinion during So, infinite, gigantic personality, the era of Madhabi Devi, the temple of tenth Balabhadra and Sankarsana are unseparable. He Century is Gundicha house in Kendrapara. This is known as Orion in mythology. So, Ratnagiri temple was situated at Santasahi in front of established by Jajati (near Indupur) resembles or house of “Mausima”. This with the temple of Mahakala. In 4th century B.C., temple was destroyed during administration of some Saints were found to worship Lord Sankar. Aurangazeb. In the epic Mahabharat there was Demonstration If we enter to the temple of Lord Baladev, of Sankarsana worshipping everywhere before in the south we visit Sriram, Goddess Sita, and the arrival of Lord Buddha in the Scenario of Laxman. A Chakra is also placed on the throne religious manifestation. Baladev and Sankar (Lord of esteemed Lord Baladev. ) were at a time initiated. In Tulasi Kshetra Mahatmya, those two deities were established. This circular Chakra is an ancient stone. Now near the “Maa Bhoi Pond” Jajati had There are twelve spokes in the Chakra. The main established or “Mahamaya” temple. The spoke has been broken for which it is made in Gupteswar, worshipped was mispronounced as cement. Some invisible lines were seen and by Garbheswar. the support of Sunakar Mekap, after washing, it was observed that in Debanagari Script, in a This temple was not built in lime, sand circular Circumference 235 sal has been written. and Molasses. From ancient stones, the temples Besides it a print of plus (+) print of a sickle were erected. The first Buddhistic Civilization too showing letter too are observed, This Chakra is had entered to Utkal through south Koshala. the Nilachakra of ancient temple. A spectacular Through the Gadjat area Sambalpur, Balangir, historical figure Kedar Nath Mahapatra has clearly Sonapur, Bouda through the river Shore of written that Baladev temple, Sarala temple were Mahanadi establishment of ancient God and at a time built by III Ananga Bhimadev. The goddesses are examples of it. temple of Kendrapara was probably built in Tulasi Kshetra is the part and parcel of 1230– 35. the valley near the Mahanadi. At that time the river Lord Baladev is first worshipped and Mahanadi was extended to Chandol of commanded the dignity of as elder brother. So Kendrapara. The arrival of Hiuen Tsang on the Baladev temple is believed to be built first prior port of Chelitola and visit of Puspagiri University is ever remembered. The movement of Jajati from to Lord Jagannath. Tulasi Kshetra seashore to Sonapur and discovering Lord Jagannath is historically evident.

There is no detailed statistics of the time, Dr. Basudev Das, Jaipura (Baladev Colony), creator of the temples. One critic, historian has Kendrapara-754211.

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