Friday, August 31, 1973

After conferring with lawyers Nixon chooses appellate route

SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. (AP)--Presi- routinely re- James McCord said Sirica's order to dent Nixon directed his lawyers corded conver- Nixon was good news. yesteday to appeal a federal judge's sations in his "I believe those tapes may be very order to produce the secret Water- Oval Office and material to my case," McCord said. gate tape recordings. elsewhere. The President's decision on his He said the tapes may shed light next step in the historic legal Acting on be- on alleged offers of executive battle came 24 hours after Chief half of the clemency to him U.S. and other Watergate District Court Judge John J. Watergate Grand defendants. Sirica ordered Nixon to produce Jury, Prosecutor for his private inspection the Cox subpoenaed tapes demanded by special Watergate tapes of eight Guyana government Prosecutor Archibald Cox. meetings and one telephone Nixon announced Wednesday he would call between awaits refuse to obey the order. After Nixon and his Castro visit summoning his top White House lawyers advisers at the to California, he disclosed yester- time, John W. GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP)--The Guyana day he would seek review by the Dean III, H.R. government yesterday began decorating U.S. court of appeals in Washington. Haldeman and the capital of Georgetown with flags "Appropriate papers for obtaining John D. Ehrlich- and buntings for a visit from Cuban review are being prepared" and will man. Prime Minister Fidel Castro, who is be filed before a stay order granted The White due Sunday afternoon. by Sirica expires next Thursday, House also has Foreign Minister Sonny Ramphal de- the White House statement said. rejected a sub- scribed the Cuban leader as "one of poena delivered the foremost revolutionary leaders of Deputy Press Secretary Gerald L. by the Senate this generation." Warren turned aside questions on committee, what legal approach the appeal will prompting the Castro will visit for one day before take. But the White House lawyers panel to file traveling with Guyana's Prime Minis- are certain to repeat Nixon's RICHARD NIXON claim a separate suit ter Forbes Burnham and Jamaica's that executive privilege allows him .Supreme Court to force disclos- Prime Minister Michael Manley to the to keep confidential material sought to rule ure. non-aligned summit in Algiers begin- in a criminal investigation. ning next Wednesday. Whatever the appeals court decides, Indications were that White House They will fly in a Cuban Airlines it is virtually certain the case lawyers gave some consideration to jet for the Algerian capital. will be carried to the U.S. Supreme seeking a further stay of Sirica's Court. This could take months, ruling in hopes of consolidating Ramphal said that although the visit meaning a final ruling would not the suit with the one brought by the will be only for one day, Castro will come until some time in the fall. Senate panel. But the President de- be able to see "some of the Capital" cided instead to seek immediate re- and the Guyanese people will be given The dispute began last month, when view of Sirica's ruling. an opportunity to see the Cuban lead- a former White House aide told the Meanwhile in Springfield, Ill., er. Senate Watergate committee that Nixon convicted Watergate conspirator Page 2--LATE NEWS ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Friday, August 31, 1973 iiRetailers given extra week

to post gastO price Pst ceilhgsas piceceilngs.a digest of late news GAZETTEER

WASHINGTON (AP)--The government yesterday ex- tended the retail price freeze on gasoline for an additional week to give gasoline retailers more time to post new gasoline price ceilings. The ceilings had been scheduled to go into OTTAWA, Canada (AP)--Militant members of the striking effect Saturday, but were delayed by a court non-operating railway workers stormed through security challenge brought by gasoline retailers. guards in a Canadian Parliament building yesterday shout- ing their opposition to back-to-work legislation. The effect of yesterday's action on gasoline Police tried to remove the approximately 200 workers supplies over the holiday weekend was not known. but they were outnumbered. Some policemen were knocked The extension of the price freeze until Sept. down or struck, windows were smashed and a TV camera 7 is the third for gasoline prices. It original- crew was attacked. Parliament had been scheduled to de- ly was scheduled to expire Aug. 15. bate a hack-to-work bill yesterday aimed at settling the week old national rail strike. The government has The Cost of Living Council says it should voiced confidence that the bill -ould be accepted by force many gasoline retailers to lower prices the House of Commons and the strikers. from one to three cents per gallon.

Each retailer must post on his gasoline pump LONDON (AP)--Three firebombs exploded in the heart of by Sept. 7 special stickers that list the gasoline , England's second city, yesterday and security ceiling price, plus the octane rating. authorities feared Irish terrorists were spreading their Retailers may obtain the stickers from one of bombing campaign from London to other major cities. No 33,000 local post offices around the country. casualties were reported in the blasts in three city center stores. They came 12 hours after two bombs ex- The Cost of Living Council made clear there was ploded in Solihull, a residential suburb of Birmingham not enough time for the retailers to put the late Wednesday night. Yesterday's bombs went off as ceilings into effect, even though an appeals 160 Scotland Yard detectives, some armed, raided the court Wednesday granted a stay of a lower court homes of suspected Irish terrorists and sympathizers in order that prohibited enforcement of the ceilings. London, The extension of the freeze and the ceiling prices also apply for diesel fuel. PAPEETE, Tahiti--(AP)--France appears to have suspended The Phase 4 regulations for the rest of the its nuclear test series in the South Pacific but may be petroleum industry, including other petroleum planning further blasts in mid-September, observers said products, have been in effect since Aug. 19. here yesterday. They noted that the area around the Council Director John T. Dunlop said yesterday Mururoa Atoll test base remained off limits to ships the new ceiling prices "will assure motorists and aircraft two days after what is believed to have of stable gasoline prices while at the same time been a fifth test Tuesday. Two French navy meteorlogical assuring dealers of minimum mark-ups which are vessels arrived in Tahiti yesterday from the test site, .actually above the average national markup ap- indicating the current series was over. There have been plied during 1972." reports of five atmospheric tests, including one pos- \ French Defense Minister 14 / sible failure, since July. Robert Galley admitted yesterday he had held extensive talks with senior military and scientific personnel at the test bases this week.

Water crisis Guantanamo Local Forecast - Gazette

1ear Ada. alph ". Chme--t.1b fr Water figures for yesterday: Continued partly cloudy to cloudy with scattered showers and thunder- L. . - .b Affi . ffie WATER PRODUCED: 1,070,000 storms in the area. Visibility 10 mi. JIC Brad Durfee.Editoril Adiso reduced to 5 mi. in areas of showers. JO2 S e Vi rg. . .Ed o WATER CONSUMED: 1,115,000 Winds light & variable southerly 8-12 J0sN J c o - . . .Repo -a . . knots by noon. Max. temp. 88 Min 74. J0sN s. dy . . f,,, .,. .etr. WATER LOSS: 45,000, Bay cond. 1 to 3 feet. t- pulse codiatph uesa e lto fo hpad _:nnepesa -5 dueh High tide: 1214, Lowtide: 0530/1820 dieto f he avlas pulc ffisofcr Itspaed fou -. p.-- WATER IN STORAGE: 14,183,000 .-- d.-.- -- 10 Friday, August 31, 1973 Guantanamo Gazette Local News--Page 3 MARS's mission: Support the personnel

By JOC BRAD DURFEE Rico, for those interested in util- The evening you wish to make izing our facilities," added Mac- your call will find one of our "I'm traveling barefoot November Pherson. local operators sitting over his Zero Juliett Victor Golf and stand- If a resident wants to place a set contacting a "Gateway" station ing by to copy. This is November call between the hours of 6 and 8 in the states, thus starting the Zero Golf Charlie Golf." p.m. (local time) he should contact first step in actually getting you If you happen to be traveling on one of the below-named MARS volun- in touch with the party to whom you Sixth street in Villamar and hear teers during normal working hours wish to speak. seemingly nonsensical words to this so that they can get the necessary One such operator, that is fam- effect, emanating from a household, information to the operator who will iliar to Guantanamo MARS operators, don't become alarmed. be working the net on the night you is Marlin J. "Mac" McCollum of It is Chief Radioman Harold "Mac" wish to place your call: Belmar, N.J. MacPherson performing a public ser- RMC H. MacPherson, Jr. -- "He is more fondly known as vice by placing a phone patch to the 85133/85406/95476 'Grandpa Mac' to our guys here. He States for another Guantanamo resi- is a civilian who volunteers his dent. RM1 G. Haneke -- 85442/85419 time -- seven days a week -- to RMC K. Rouse -- 85459/85582 place phone patches anywhere in the states," noted MacPherson who is CWO3 C. Hornbrook -- 85419/ known as "Uncle Mac" on the net. 85143 "Another 'Gateway' station who goes out of his way to help the GYSGT G. Salinas -- 95351 local fellows is also a civilian volunteer,named Don H. McLean of SMCS H. Allen -- 85559 Greeneville, Tn.," added Mac. "Without these guys on the other ETN2 D. Shearer -- 85133/85406 end our efforts would be useless and I sure wish they could all come QM1 T. Kennedy -- 85434 to Guantanamo for a visit so we could meet them and tha'k ttm in RM1 J. Brooks -- 64214 person". Here is the procedure you should use when placing a MARS call: Mac, and other local members of "Brooks works and lives on the The caller will be put on the the Navy-Marine Corps Military Af- other side and caters primarily to air first and should speak distinct- filiate Radio System, place phone the Leeward community, which works ly, saying a few sentences to the calls between 6 and 8 p.m. every out nicely," added Mac, party being called. This enables evening from rigs in their homes. Those that wish to place a call the operator on the other end to A full-time MARS station is also on Saturday and Sunday should call tune in your voice. available, for your use, during during the week at the work phone After you have finished with normal working hours at Marine Bar- numbers listed above to book a your initial conversation, say the racks. weekend call. word, '"over." This enables the MacPherson is Area Coordinator, To place a call during the day MARS operators to throw various Cuba, for the MARS system and re- residents should call Sgt. Gary switches and then allows the other cently returned from a conference Coffman at the military station at party to speak to you. When they held in St. Louis, Mo. concerning Marine Site at either 951195 or finish, they will say the word, the operation of this worldwide 95491 during normal working hours. "over," with you then picking up communications network. When requesting a MARS phone the conversation. MARS was established in August patch the members will need the 1962, making this year its 11th following information: year "on the air." .Your name and the phone exten- Officially, the MARS mission is sion that you can be reached at to provide Department of the Navy between the hours of 6 and 8 sponsored emergency communications p.M. on a local, national and interna- .The name of the party to whom tional basis as an adjunct to nor- you wish to speak. mal naval communications. .Whether it is a station-to- Mac revealed, "Our secondary station or a person-to-person mission here is to provide morale call. and quasi-official communications .City and state calling. for the community." .Area code and telephone number "We accomplish this part of our (use all numerals). mission by providing overseas radio- .State whether it will be a telephone patches to the U.S. and first-time patch for you or the also to Camp Garcia Vieques, Puerto other party or both if known. (See MARS, Page b) Page 4--ENTERTAINMENT Guantanamo Gazette Friday, August 31, 1973 All new Channel 8 TV

Week of Sept. 3-9: 9:30 David Frost Revue. David the pockets of a crime syn- Hartman joins Frost for sa- dicate. Knowing he is to M 0 NDA Y tirical evaluation of "The be called before the commit- 12:00 Mission Impossible. Minorities." tee investigating 1:00 Laredo. organized 10:00 News. crime, Sen. Stowe tries to 2:00 Mary Tyler Moore Show. 10:05 Monday Night Baseball. learn what prompted the 2:30 Paul Lynde Show. 2:50 Movie: charges. "They Came to Rob Las TU ESDA Y 10:00 News. Vegas." 1969, adult drama, 12:00 Laramie. 10:05 Movie: "Tales Gary Lockwood, of Terror." Elke Sommer, 1:00 Judd for the Defense. Trilogy of shock and horror Lee J. Cobb, Jack Palance. 2:00 M*A*S*H. from the works of Edgar Al- Gangsters lay complex plans 2:30 Movie: "Joan of Arc." Based lan Poe--"Morella", "The to penetrate the impregnable on Maxwell Anderson's play, Black Cat" and "The Case of Skorsky armored car. Mem- "Joan of Lorraine", this is M. Valdemar". bers of the armored car hi- the story of the life and jack gang fight among them- death of Saint Joan. 1950 WEDNESDA Y selves as they try to break drama stars Ingrid Bergman, 12:00 Wyatt Earp. into car filled with $10 Jose Ferrer, Ward Bond, and 12:30 Lancer. million from Las Vegas. J. Carroll Naish. 1:30 Laugh-In. 4:30 Buck Owens Ranch Show: Guest 4:30 Wyatt Earp. A group of 2:30 temperatures Rising. star Freddie Hart sings "All Englishmen come West and in- 3:00 Movie: "Tales of Terror." Over Me", new country singer vest in cattle ranches. No- 4:30 Auto Racing. Drivers and Stormy Winters does "I'm All body suspected, however, that backers watch McClaren's Right", Susan Ray does "Wheel one had a sharp mind, an eye "winged-racer" break the of Fortune", Tony Booth sings for pretty women and the Indianapolis speed record; "Lonesome 77203", and Buck ability to use guns with then rush to copy the de- does "You Left Me with My great skill. sign. Arms Full of Empty", "I'm 5:00 Bridget Loves Bernie. "Paint- 5:00 NBC Reports. This infor- Lonely All the Time" and ing, Painting, Who's Got the mation special looks into "Everything Reminds Me that Painting?" Bridget has a the health crisis in Aner- You're Gone". tough time finding a home ica today. 5:00 Labor Day Special. for a painting which hung in 6:00 Panorama. 5:30 Temperatures Rising. Dr. her nursery until another 6:30 It Takes a Thief. Al Mundy Noland gets Campanelli to ap- painting, possibly very val- has to steal a phony set of prove the paper to improve uable, is discovered under books from a company to con- communications after Lefko- the surface of the canvas. vince an aging millionaire witz, the orderly, becomes 5:30 Doris Day. "Forgive and For- that his favorite daughter the editor. Lefkowitz causes get." Doris writes a smash- is selling oil to the Russians. chaos rather than communica- ing article about unfaithful 7:30 Sonny & Cher. Guests in- tion with his gossip column love in which she advises clude Jean Stapleton, Chad made up of blind items. the aggrieved party to for- Everett, William Conrad, 6:00 News Brief-Sea Lyle Hunt. give and forget. However, Waggoner and Australian 6:30 Judd for the sing- Defense. Judd Doris doesn't follow her own ing star Rolf Harris. defends a man pushed into advise. 8:30 Perry Mason. homicide by the pressures of 6:00 Panorama. 9:30 Science Fiction Theater. a demanding job, the con- 10:00 News. flicts 6:30 Mr. Ed. arising from his loss 10:05 Movie: "". of his job and learning his 7:00 Gunsmoke. Milligan, a member This 1966 adult movie is wife's infidelity with his of a posse hunting bank rob- a clever satire on the far former boss. ber and murderer Jack Nor- out caper featuring 7:30 Flip Wilson. the Guest stars in- cross, shoots and kills the female counterpart of James clude Sugar Ray Robinson, outlaw in panic. However, Bond. Stars Dick Bogarde, comic George Carlin and the Dodge citizens seem outraged Monica Vitti, Terence Stamp, Pat Boone family. when they discover Norcross Harry Andrews and Alexander 8:30 Lancer. The Lancer family is was shot in the back. Knox. caring for a small boy whose 8:00 Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. mother is dead and whose Guests include Ernest Borg- THU SDA Y father is a noted outlaw. nine, John Wayne, Don Rickles, 12:00 Bold Ones. When the youth expresses a Arthur Godfrey and comic 1:00 It Takes a Thief. desire to meet his father Slappy White. 2:00 Movie: "Modesty Blaise". for the first time, the Lan- 9:00 Bold Ones. Sen. Hays Stone's 4:00 Camera Three. The aesthetics, cers arrange a truce with aide, Jordan Boyle, is accused craft and mechanics of the devious sheriff. of using his office to line the 300-year-old Kabuki, Friday, August 31, 1973 Guantanama Gazette !NETT :N -Page 5 -

5:00 Toward the year 2000. Learn- this happens with Jess serving CHANNEL 8- ing from the past, penologists as deputy sheriff--he must have in the future will emphasize good reason--to save the life changing the criminal as a of a man who once saved his. 4:30 Room 222. An underachiever means of protecting society. 9:30 M*A*S*H. She's like a bird on is Pete's problem as he starts 5:30 Escape. the loose in a china shop--a a flying school in an effort 6:00 Panorama. walking disaster area who to inspire a boy no one has 6:30 Carol Burnett Show. Guests scares off event the men at been able to reach. include Tim Conway and The M*A*S*H. It's all about a plot 5:00 Wild Kingdom. A black bear Carpenters. to secure a date for Lt. Edwina is tranquilized and tagged 7:30 Ironside. A movie starlet gets Ferguson-and guess who's cho- in the mountains of Yellow- involved in a search for sen to be her knight in shining stone National Park. bank robbers when her flight "amour?" 5:30 On Campus. arrives in San Francisco at 10:00 News. 6:00 Panorama. the same time as a plane 10:10 Movie: "Comedy of Terrors." 6:30 Maude. Perversion. That's carrying the thieves. Iron- Horror, Comedy, 1963, Vincent neighbor Arthur's cry after side's aide, Ed Brown, finds Price, Peter Lorre, Basil hearing his little Angela the actress irresistible and Rathbone. was playing with Maude's falls in love with her. grandson, Philip. The 8:30 Mission Impossible. Joe SUNDA Y "Angel" had not a stich of Conrad, a drug dealer plans 10:00 Herald of Truth. clothes on. to capture the largest ship- 10:30 Christophers and Sacred Heart. 7:00 Mod Squad. It becomes an ment of Cocaine ever brought 11:00 Religious Special. intricate family affair for into the country. Mimi, an 11:30 To be announced. Julie when her cousin, who alluring IMF agent, leads 4:00 CBS Golf Classic. has been discharged from the Conrad into the trap by pos- 5:00 David Steinberg. Guests: Army, fails to return home. ing as a dance hall waitress Burns and Schrieber, Carol The squad separates to fol- with a criminal past. Wayne and Della Reese. low leads-- to no avail. It 9:30 This is your Life. The life 6:00 News Brief. culminates in a climax that of Bette Davis is brought to 6:05 Across Seven Seas. has heartbreak in store for the screen. 6:30 Bonanza. Paroled to Ben Cart- a number of people. 10:00 News. wright, Griff King leaves Ne- 8:00 Bobby Darin. Guests in- 10:10 Boxing from the Olympic. vada State Prison and heads clude: Florence Henderson 11:00 Dick Cavett. This show from for the Ponderosa. and Pat Paulsen. April of this year shows 7:30 Dean Martin. Guests: Martin 9:00 Circle of Fear. A magazine Dick talking with five re- Milner and comic Lonnie Shore. writer goes to Potters turned POW's--one from each 8:30 Laredo. With a little en- Field to research a story branch of the service. ticement from Joe and Chad, and then is plagued by a 12:00 Surprize Movie. Reese volunteers to escort the ghostly likeness--a dop- Bordeaux sister to Mirando pelganger (a ghostly counter- SATURDA Y City. He is surprized to dis- part to a living person) 9:00 New Zoo Review. cover they are missionary nuns who attempts to take over 9:30 Sesame Street. on their way to reopen an aban- his body and personality. 10:30 Uncle Kaler's Kartoon Karnival. doned mission for the Commanches. 10:00 News. 11:00 To be announced. 9:30 Don Rickles. Don becomes the 10:10 Movie" "The Dunwich Horrors" 4:00 Wide World of Sports. owner of a new sports car. How- The Whateley family of Dun- 5:30 The American Sportsman. ever, he soon forgets he is a wich has long been ostra- 6:00 News Brief. good sport when at every turn cized by the rest of the 6:05 Paul Lynde. Paul believes he discovers his new prize is community for its strange he has the presidency of the just one big bundle of bugs. behavior and weird rituals. city bar association all 10:00 News Brief. Wilbur Whateley, a young man wrapped up--until he sees the 10:10 Movie: "Winesburg, Ohio." with unusual mental powers, nude portrait of his daughter An absorbing, engrossing and tries to succeed where his Barbara, as painted by his touching view of small town ancestors failed--to bring loving son-in-law Howie, life--a Public Broadcasting back another race of beings hanging in a local saloon. Service television production superior to man to rule the 6:30 Sanford and Son. of Sherwood Anderson's un- earth. Supernatural, 1970, 7:00 Black Omnibus. The black woman compromising story. The story Dean Stockwell, Sandra Dee. is rhapsodized. Host: James is set in Ohio during the Earl Jones. Guest: Lou 1900's and centers on a chron- F RI DA Y Rawls. ically-ill matron resigned to 12:00 Mod Squad. 8:00 Mary Tyler Moore. Rhonda nas her dreary existence. 1:00 Circle of Fear. lost 20 pounds. She looks great 11:30 Tonight Show. Here's Johnny, 2:00 Gunsmoke. but inside she still feels with one of the best of the 3:00 Movie: "The Dunwich Horrors." fat and Mary is determined best past progrmas. Worth re- 4:30 Dick Van Dyke. Dick's mom to help her realize how at- peating are the antics of Jo gets 'booked on a narcotics tractive she's become. Anne Pflug; actor-singer Jack rap after son Lucas brings 8:30 Laramie. Slim knows that few Cassidy , singer Jaye P. Morgan home some marijuana and mom people could take Jess's gun and Don Ho. Then there's the smokes it by mistake. away from him. And so when audience that gets into the action. Page 6.Lecal New Guantanamo Gazette Friday, August 31, 1973

MARSGRAM forms may be picked up at the Marine Exchange or the MARS sta- S0 tion at Marine Site. You just fill FBPO outlines them out and get them back to Gary and he'll take care of the rest. "We are looking forward to the future and will hopefully add addi- proceedures for tional and better services to the Guantanamo community," said Mac. "Shortly, Gary at the Marine Site station, will begin experimenting in full duplex phone patching which better service means that he will transmit your voice on one frequency and receive your party's voice on another. The advantage of this service is that it The Fleet Branch Post Office, in will eliminate saying the word 'over' an attempt to serve you better, has and you will be able to carry on a been trying to get as much word out normal conversation as you do on a as possible regarding new proced- landline telephone," continued Cuba's ures and helpful hints via The MARS coordinator. Guantanamo Gazette and the American "A frequent mistake people often Forces Radio-Television Service. make, in their anxiousness to in- When this service becomes avail- able, it will Here are some of those "helpful form the folks back home of the be advertised so that the community can take advantage of hints" as listed by Postal Clerk news, is that of trying to answer Chief Marlin Kirby: questions or acknowledge comments it. "Our one drawback, and the fellows while the other party is still - If you have any problems or feel sorry about it, is that we can't talking. When this is done the FBPO utilize MARS to place phone patches complaints, go directly to the other party cannot hear and the simply write to Jamaica because they don't allow with them rather than caller is often missing part of the about them to your relatives and third party patches within their conversation," remarked Mac. night or day, country," said Mac. friends. "Anytime A helpful hint while utilizing there be someone there to In conclusion he noted, "We guys should a MARS phone patch is if you tilt help you," Chief Kirby says. have the facility and the energy to the earpiece away from your ear, --Don't call any of the post you can hear the party much better. get the calls through. Now it is up to the public to utilize it." offices during mail call or when If you squeeze the earpiece to your you know the mail has arrived. "We voice tends to be ear, the other LOCAL have two phones and two of our 10 muffled. to 15 clerks preparing the mail "The operator who is running the BRIEFS must take precious time out to try phone patch will help you with the to answer people who want to know procedures to insure the best pos- the time of mail call. We try to sible connection," said Mac. give the time via the radio and All phone patches made by the television and by posting it out- MARS system will be placed collect side as soon as determined. The unless the station you are talking *TV longer we have to spend on the to is in your hometown, in which phone, the longer it takes to get case it will be a toll-free call. the mail out," Kirby says. The charges on the collect calls A Labor Day special will be pre- will be from the "Gateway" station sented Monday on Channel 8 at 5 --Be sure to inform people who (the MARS station contacted by p.m. At this time, the "Designed 4 will be writing to you to provide Gitmo's operator) to the city or Xpression," the USO group currently your complete Gitmo address includ- toen to which you are placing the performing at various places in ing the box number, place of work, call. Gitmo, will give their program. FPO or FBPO numbers. "We don't To show how inexpensive it is, "Sea Hunt," originally scheduled have enough employes to quickly lo- you can place a station-to-station for this time slot, will be seen cate the 8,000 people on this base call from the East Coast to the at 6:05 p.m. Panorama will not be and must hold up certain letters West Coast for approximately $1.40 presented Monday, with five minutes and packages until our Director's plus tax for the first three min- of network news briefs being given Service provides us with the com- utes. instead. plete address." Another service offered by MARS -- Use whichever number gives you by here is the MARSGRAM, provided the best service, whether it be FPO Gary Coffman at the Marine Site. New York or FBPO Norfolk. "Since You can actually send a message- * Scouts New York is a much larger city and type communication to the person of has a much larger airport than Nor- your choice. The MARSGRAM will Kenneth Gault was named Cub Scout folk, there are more flights into leave here by teletype and be re- of the month for the second month New York on a daily basis," Kirby ceived by Camp Lejeune, N.C., for in a row at the Cub Scout meeting says. "Therefore, though some further relay to the addressee. Wednesday night. 15 boys received Central, Mountain and Pacific states "This service provides that awards. Three of these awards were may seem closer to Virginia than little extra touch for special for one year of perfect attendance New York, mail from those states occasions such as anniversaries, at den meetings. Mrs. Reivi's usually reach Gitmo quicker via birthdays, weddings and things of S den won the attendance award. New York." that nature," added Mac. Friday, August 31, 1973 Guantanamo Gazette SPORTS--Page 7 Predictions see Foreman Clemente's widow files suit easy winner in title bout

SAN JUAN (AP)--The widow of Roberto Clemente TOKYO (AP)--World Heavyweight Boxing champion George has filed a $15 million suit in federal court Foreman slumped back in a chair in a sweltering gym here, charging two aviation firms and the U.S. with pollution pouring in through the windows and com- government with negligenc in connection with the mented again on predictions that he would knock out the death of her husband. challenger Joe "King" Roman within two rounds. The Pittsburgh star ball player died Dec. 31 "I hope they're right," he said yesterday. in an air crash, shortly after taking off in a chartered cargo airplane. He was leading a It was only two days before the 15-round title fight, relief mission to earthquake-shattered Nicaragua. to be seen live via closed circuit television in the United States. Four others died in the crash and the widow No word has been received from AFRTS Washington con- of another victim filed a corresponding suit for cerning radio coverage in Guantanamo Bay. $3 million. Defendants in the suits are McDonnell-Douglas Roman, 25, had tapered off to long walks. Both fighters Corp., Curtiss-Wright Corp., and the U.S. govern- planned only loosening up exercises for today, the eve ment. McDonnell-Douglas manufactured the ill- of Foreman's first defense of the title he won by knock- fated DC-9. Curtiss-Wright made the engines ing out Joe Frazier in the second round Jan. 22 in that powered it. Kingston, Jamaica. Local boxing experts have stressed Roman's speed, and Both firms were charged with negligence and his camp's announced his strategy will be to stay out breach of warranty in the manufacture and co- of range of Foreman's knockout punch until the champion laberation of parts. is worn out.

"If he's fast, good for him," said Foreman. "I really don't know what he's got going for him. I'll find out in Yank Durham dead at 52 two days. That's enough for me." Although Tokyo's air contrasts sharply with that in PHILADELPHIA (AP)--"Yank" Durham, manager of boxing Hawaii, where Foreman trained before coming to Japan champions died yesterday morning as the result of a Aug. 15, he said the pollution had not bothered him much, stroke suffered Aug. 28. He was 52. except for some thick smog when he was out running "He was in a coma since being stricken," said a Wednesday morning. hospital spokesman shortly after Durham died at 1:50 yesterday morning. The challenger, he said, is loose -- not afraid of his 'undefeated opponent. Durham was manager of former heavyweight champion Of Foreman's 38 victories. 35 have been by knockout, Joe Frazier, light-heavyweight champion Bob Foster including 11 first round knockouts. and middleweight contender Willie "The worm" Monroe. Frazier and Durham's family wer present in the "The sooner you get it over with, the less chance you Temple University Hospital at the time of his death. have of getting hit," said Foreman's trainer, Dick Sadler. He predicted chances of an early knockout tomorrow Two-man relay race set are good if Roman comes out fighting.

The Guantanamo Bay Motorcycle Club will hold a two- I"When the referee says come out fighting, that's what man relay race Sunday at the Leeward Point cycle track. it means--it doesn't mean come out feeling, dancing or Registration will be from noon till 12:50. The feinting." Sadler declared. race will start at 1 p.m. Jay Edson of Phoenix, Ariz., will referee the bout.

Participants don't have to be club members. The two judges will not be announced until half an hour before the fight, but they are expected to be Americans. About 80 per cent of the seats in the 15,000-seat arena have been sold for the twin-feature card of Foreman-Roman and a 15-round world Boxing Council Junior Lightweight Championship bout between champion Ricardo Arredondo of Mexico and Japanese challenger Morito Kashiwaba, officials said.

Roman, with a record of 44 victories-22 by knockout, seven losses and one draw, will receive $100,000 for the fight. Foreman, of Hayward, Calif., is to receive SAf $1 million.

Staff on holiday . .no Gazette Monday Guantanamo Gazette Friday, August 31, 1973

f What's happening

'11 TODAY COMO CLUB presents the Dynamic Duo from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. KHIVA will perform at the Windjammer. TRADEWINDS will perform at the SPO Club from 8 v.m. to midnight. CPO CLUB pool tournament will begin with the name drawing at 6:30 p.m. The first two rounds of play will begin at 7:00 p.m. There will be 32 games.

TOMORROW for sale DEVIL PUPS will have their first meeting at 8:30 a.m. at the FRA building. Parents should bring their children, ages 11 to 13 years old. 3.7 Luger Black*Hawk, will fire .38 WINDJAMMER will present the USO show in the main ballroom at 9 p.m. special shells, like new. 97140 AT. LEEWARD POINT SPO CLUB will present the Dynamic Duo. KHIVA will entertain at the COMO Club at 8:15. Metal kitchen cannister set, $5. CPO TOPSIDE LOUNGE will present the Tradewinds from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. Call 96253 AT. Breakfast will served in the dining room from 10:30 until all are served.

1965 6uick Wildcat, power steering, SUNDAY power brakes, air conditioner. $900. GUANTANAVO BAY ARCHERY ASSOCIATION will meet at 4 p.m. at the target range. Call 64371 or 85778 DWH or 7424 AWH. For more information call S. Adams 85840 dr J. Wages 99280. CPO CLUB will present the Dynamic Duo from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Breakfast will be excellent 1968 Plymouth Sattelite, served from 10:30 p.m. until all are served. condition. $1,150. Call 951212 AWil CPO CLUB final rounds of pool tournament will begin at 5 p.m. or 64238 DWH. REEF RAIDERS will dive from Hidden(Blind) Beach at 9 a.m. PROTESTANT SUNDAY SCHOOL for two years old through second grade will be at good condition Stereo, AM/FM radio, 9:15 a.m. at Marina Point. Third grade through adult will meet at 9:30 a.m. in cabinet, $50. Call 99212 AT. at Chapel Hill. GUANTANAMO SELF-DEFENSE CLUB will meet at 2 p.m. at the Child Day Care Cente 1965 Sears 150 c.c. motor scooter, For more information call 97110 AWH. $80, runs good, body beat. Call 85444 DWH or 97200 AWH and ask for MONDAY Willy. OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY will have registration for the Fall semester at the base Library from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tution aid will be available on a first- Magnavox 12" diagonal portable comi- first-serve basis. Payment is not required at the time of registration. black and white T.V., brand new REEF RAIDERS will have an underwater rodeo at 10 a.m. at Phillip's Park. Bingo prize, $85. Call 90136 AT. THE LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE FLEET RESERVE ASSOCIATION is having a Labor Day picnic for members and families at 3 n.m. on the FRA patio. Aluminum tank, Healthways-sonic reg- CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL will meet at 7 p.m. at the McCalla Chapel. ulator and C-Vue gauge, wet suit ani Refreshments will follow the benediction and discussion. Call 85131 for all accessories, $225. Call Dr. more information. Perry, 85554. LABOR DAY BAKE SALE AND RAFFLE next to Marine Corps Exchange from 10 a.m. until all goods are sold. Prizes are a bottle of champagne and $50 cash. giveaway BINGO will be played at 8 p.m. at Morin Center. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS will meet at 8 p.m. in the Hospital training room. For Six cats: two males, one female, more information call 7493 DWH or 97191 AWH. part Persian, all black, six weeks old; black female and black and white TUESDAY male both three months old; mother OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY will have registration at the base library from 10 a.m. of all. Call 99212 AT. until 4 p.m. MARINE BARRACKS STAFF NCO AND NCO WIVES CLUB will meet at 1:30 p.m. at the Lovable ten week old female puppy, Lola Willis home, M-113. call 951001, ex. 234. LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION will meet at 8:30 a.m. on the golf course. For more information call 952279. wanted GUANTANAMO SELF-DEFENSE CLUB will meet at 6 p.m. at the Child Day Care Center. For more information call 97110 AWH. Director for Teen Club. To apply' SURE LOSERS will meet at 7 p.m. in the Hospital classroom. For more infor- contact Maj. Hester, 85601 AWH. mation call Ann Blum, 99337 or Vickie Hayslip, 96105. BOY SCOUTS will meet at 6:45 p.m. at the Boy Scout hut, Sixth Street, Villamar. Axle and hub for 1963 Rambler stick For more information call 97115. shift. Call 952276 AT. BINGO will be played at 8 p.m. at the CPO Club.

Somebody to repair air conditioner and use of a lawn mower. 98227 AT. *