I, Lucifer

part two written by Pete D. Gaskell

www.mzp-tv.co.uk based on Peter O'Donnell's Modesty Blaise FADE IN:

INT. MODESTY’S BEDROOM - NIGHT ON STEVE COLLIER, as he rolls over in bed and JOLTS himself awake. A desk-lamp is switched on, and it takes Steve a moment or two to acclimatise himself. And that’s when MODESTY BLAISE hurries past, moving at a brisk pace, carrying an open suitcase, fully-dressed. She heads over to a nearby wardrobe, opens it, and starts neatly and quietly layering in clothes. Steve forces himself up into a sitting position. STEVE Modesty? What are you doing? Modesty’s head SNAPS around - a deer-in-the-headlights look momentarily flashing across her face. It’s gone in a second - and she resumes her packing, not making eye contact with Steve. MODESTY Leaving. STEVE Why? MODESTY Trouble at home. Steve raises an inquiring eyebrow. STEVE Your sort of trouble? Modesty stops what she’s doing for a moment, finally turning to face Steve properly. MODESTY My sort of trouble, yes. STEVE And were you going to let me know, or just disappear in the middle of the night? Awkwardly, Modesty looks to her packing again. STEVE (CONT’D) You were just going to go? 2.

MODESTY (bites her lip) I’d have left a note. STEVE (incredulous) A note?! MODESTY (snapping) What more did you want? It’s been three days, Steve! Three wonderful days, yes, but that is all! Steve runs a hand through his hair, stunned. STEVE So what was I to you? Some sort of toy that you played with to while away the time? MODESTY No! You were more than that! STEVE Clearly not much more! Sighing, Modesty closes her suitcase, before settling down onto the bed next to Steve. MODESTY My life’s dangerous, Steve. STEVE I know. I’ve seen enough. MODESTY No, you’ve seen too much. She reaches out with her hand, touching him gently on the side of his cheek. MODESTY (CONT’D) I can’t risk having people get close to me. Steve gulps nervously. STEVE I’m prepared to take that risk. MODESTY (shakes her head) No, you’re not. (strokes his cheek) I think I know you by now. (MORE) 3. MODESTY (CONT'D) You probably have some fantasy of turning me away from my life, becoming a housewife or something. STEVE Isn’t it possible? MODESTY Never. I’ve chosen this life. It’s who I am. And I won’t change it for anybody. She climbs off the bed, reaches over for her suitcase. STEVE Well, in that case, I’ll just have to be careful, won’t I? MODESTY No. With a small, sad smile, Modesty looks back at Steve, shaking her head. MODESTY (CONT’D) It’s best this way. She trundles her case through the bedroom towards the door, stopping just as she gets there, her hand on the handle. MODESTY (CONT’D) Stay as long as you want. Put the keys in the pigeonhole when you’re done. STEVE How long will you be gone for? MODESTY Can’t say. And then she throws one last look over her shoulder as she opens the door. MODESTY (CONT’D) Goodbye, Steve. STEVE Seeing as we’re in Paris, shouldn’t it be au revoir? MODESTY (shakes her head) Goodbye. With that, she steps through the door, closing it behind her. 4.

Steve listens to the sound of her footsteps as they grow quieter, before CRASHING back onto the bed, distraught.

EXT. MODESTY’S COUNTRY HOUSE - DAY The small house, set in its own grounds. PUSH IN on the wooden door - which has been TORN violently off its hinges...

INT. MODESTY’S KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS The place looks like a tornado’s been through it. The metal door’s dented inwards, the slats over the windows are buckled and twisted, cupboard doors are open and swinging, and crockery is scattered all over the floor. KICKS away one of the cluttering pans in disgust and fury. WILLIE Knew I shouldn’t have cleared off and left you. Modesty’s sitting with JACK FRASER at the upturned kitchen table. He’s bruised and bloody. Modesty’s dabbing at him with a bit of cotton wool. MODESTY Don’t be so hard on yourself, Willie. If you’d have been here, you’d have just ended up like Fraser here. (with a stern look) Or worse. WILLIE (gesturing) I know that. But I’d still liked to have been here, you know? (grumbles) So I wouldn’t feel so soddin’ useless right now. Fraser winces a touch, so Modesty backs off with the cotton wool, watching him carefully. FRASER Never seen anything like it. Just tore through the place. MODESTY Alone? 5.

FRASER (nods) One man army. All he needed. Willie turns to face them, his anger now on a low simmer. WILLIE Yeah, he wouldn’t have trusted anybody else on something like this. (nods at Fraser) You’re lucky you’re alive, mate. FRASER I reckon he thought I wasn’t. (shrugs) When I realised things were going bad, I fell back on a trick I learned in Tibet one time. Slowed down my breathing. MODESTY I know the one you mean. Probably saved your life, that. SIR GERALD TARRANT walks into frame, holding out a cup of tea for Fraser to take. SIR GERALD Here you go, old man. He takes a seat beside them whilst Fraser takes a quick sip...then looks at Sir Gerald in disgust. FRASER What the hell’s this? (off a stern look from Sir Gerald) ...sir. Sir Gerald produces a small bottle of brandy from inside his jacket pocket. SIR GERALD Slipped a bit of this in. Healing powers of the gods, this stuff. He chuckles to himself as Fraser downs the spiked tea a little quicker than normal. SIR GERALD (CONT’D) (to Modesty) I’ve put the word out. As many people as I can spare will be looking for Delicata’s hide. WILLIE Call ‘em off. 6.

SIR GERALD What? WILLIE People who deal with Delicata have a habit of turning up dead. You’re putting your people at massive risk. SIR GERALD Give me a little credit here, Garvin. We’re British. We work through middle-men. He then turns to Modesty, who’s been quietly observing all this with a thoughtful expression. SIR GERALD (CONT’D) I’ve been trying to get in touch with Rene Vaubois as well... MODESTY Don’t bother. He should be holed up in his Cannes villa by now. (off Sir Gerald’s quizzical eyebrow) On my suggestion. SIR GERALD All the same... Modesty holds up a hand, interrupting him. MODESTY Forgive me, Sir Gerald, but I think Willie’s right. Delicata’s dangerous, and he’ll be expecting something now. (beat) This can’t be done through official channels. SIR GERALD (dryly) Who says I deal in official channels? Nodding politely, Modesty pushes back her chair, getting to her feet. MODESTY That’s as maybe, but Willie and myself will use our own method. She walks through the room with purpose, stopping by Willie’s side. 7.

MODESTY (CONT’D) I think it’s time we called in a few favours...

EXT. RED LIGHT DISTRICT - NIGHT A bombardment of FLASHING NEON SIGNS welcome us to: TOKYO, JAPAN Cramped streets, filled with signs taking up every last inch of space - all FLASHING, Japanese script everywhere you look. All the signs have a red tint to them. FOCUS ON DALE COOPER - an Australian ex-pat in his forties, tall, slender, and genial. He wanders through the area with a glint in his eye, taking in the ladies of the night flouncing their wares in an alleyway, by a lamp-post... A firm HAND grabs Cooper by the shoulder. He turns to find a bulky JAPANESE MAN wearing a kimono. JAPANESE MAN (thick accent) Hey! You want a good time? COOPER With you? The man remains where he is, his grip tight. Cooper can’t break free. JAPANESE MAN Traditional girl. Geisha. Cheap. COOPER How cheap? The Japanese man leans in, whispering in Cooper’s ear. Cooper’s eyes widen at what he hears. COOPER (CONT’D) Enough for the train ride home... He nods, and the Japanese man lets go. COOPER (CONT’D) All right. Lead on, shogun... Smiling slightly, the Japanese man turns on his heel, quickly disappearing down an alleyway, leaving Cooper chasing to catch up. 8.

EXT. TEA GARDEN - NIGHT The Japanese man - or pimp, as we should call him - leads Cooper through a beautiful little green area, full of scented plants and flowers. He stops by a small wooden shack, shaped like a traditional tea-house, complete with a small entrance-way to crawl through. Bowing once, the pimp steps aside, gesturing for Cooper to enter the tea-house. Cooper nods, bending down to the necessary level. Through the gap, we see a GEISHA GIRL with her back to us, working away. She has a bottle and some glasses laid out. Satisfied, Cooper nods at the pimp, bowing in the traditional manner, hands together. COOPER Arigatou. The pimp copies the gesture. PIMP Okkei. And with that, Cooper crawls through the entrance, in the most ungainly fashion possible, kicking his shoes off behind him as he enters...

INT. TEA-HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Cooper settles himself down on the small mat laid out for him, crossing his legs. COOPER Konnichiwa. The geisha humbly turns to face Cooper, head bowed, almost touching the floor. She offers up a thumbnail glass of sake with both hands, which Cooper quickly takes. COOPER (CONT’D) Bottoms up, eh? Smirking a little at his line, Cooper throws back the glass in one. The geisha finally looks up to meet his gaze - and we see she’s MODESTY BLAISE! 9.

MODESTY Down the hatch... Cooper almost CHOKES on his drink, his eyes popping out. COOPER Blaise! He tries to crawl away from her, moving as fast as he can - but TWO LEGS block the entrance-way. COCKNEY VOICE (O.S.) Wouldn’t do that if I were you, mate. And the head of the pimp - who we now know is WILLIE GARVIN - appears, just for a menacing moment. Sweat begins to pour off Cooper’s face - a lot more than should be natural. COOPER What have you done to me? MODESTY Just a little concoction... COOPER (squeals) Poison?! MODESTY Truth drug. Though it’ll hurt a bit. (smiles cruelly) I have the antidote...somewhere... Cooper starts shaking his head from side to side, adamantly denying everything and shaking the spots from his vision. COOPER I can’t tell you anything. I don’t know anything! MODESTY Oh, come on, Cooper. You’re the biggest rat since the Black Death. Still Cooper remains defiant - but the pain is starting to tell on him - he’s shaking, sweating, tearing up. COOPER Honestly! MODESTY Honestly? You’ve got three minutes before the pain really starts to kick in... 10.

Gaping in horror, Cooper finally relents, nodding. COOPER Fine. Tell me. Ask me. Anything! MODESTY Simon Delicata. Where is he? COOPER No! No. Can’t tell you! Cool as you like, Modesty rolls up the sleeve of her kimono, checking her watch. MODESTY Two minutes thirty... COOPER I don’t know where he is! Modesty just looks at him with dubious narrowed eyes. COOPER (CONT’D) ...but I know he’s working with some others now. A group of right weird sorts. WILLIE (O.S.) (growls) Delicata works alone. COOPER (pleads) Not any more he doesn’t! MODESTY And who told you this information? COOPER A guy called Gavin Powers. Double- crossed them a few months back. MODESTY And has Delicata got to him yet? COOPER (shakes his head) Nope. And you’ll find out why if you meet him. Modesty leans forward, her eagerness visible in her eyes. MODESTY So where can we find him? 11.

EXT. MOUNTAIN RANGE - DAY A spectacular set of mountains, with a set of buildings and roads clustered together at its base, a tiny town. METEORA, GREECE PUSH IN on the tops of one of the mountains, breaking through the layers of clouds to REVEAL: A monastery perched right on the peak, clinging to the rock like a leech.

EXT. METEORA MONASTERY - DAY An open courtyard, surrounded by weathered stone buildings. Several monks in habits go about their daily chores. FOCUS on one in particular - who stands out from the rest. He’s in his thirties, an African-American, and he’s extremely well-built. This is GAVIN POWERS. He slips through the courtyard, heading towards an out- building, nodding at the occasional monks he passes. Finally reaching the building he’s after, he pushes the door open, stepping straight in to find...

INT. CHAMBER - CONTINUOUS ...Modesty, lying on his bed, wearing an all-black jumpsuit. The room itself is simple and spartan - a bed, a desk, and plenty of stone, slightly brightened by a couple of religious pictures in frames on the walls. Powers freezes in shock upon seeing Modesty. POWERS How did you get in here? MODESTY With difficulty. She THROWS down a hefty backpack - complete with grappling hook wrapped around it. As she props her feet up, we find she has heavy crampons attached to the bottom of her boots. POWERS (haunted) You here to kill me? 12.

MODESTY That depends on what you’ve got to tell me. POWERS (gulps) Are you from him? MODESTY Who’s “him”? Powers quickly closes the door behind him, dropping his voice to a whisper. POWERS Simon Delicata. Modesty smiles thinly - she’s got her man. MODESTY No, but I know of him. She jumps to her feet and begins pacing around the small room, encircling Powers. MODESTY (CONT’D) I’m Modesty Blaise. Powers’ eyes bulge out. POWERS The...? MODESTY Oh yes. POWERS Where’s...? MODESTY Willie Garvin? In the chapel, brushing up on some psalms. That causes Powers’ eyebrows to rise. MODESTY (CONT’D) Oh yes, he knows them all. Me? I only know a select few. (leans in close) Like 32:7 for example... Powers closes his eyes, speaking by rote. POWERS You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. 13.

MODESTY Exactly. She stops circling Powers, moving over towards his desk instead, busying herself with the items placed on it. POWERS Okay. What do you want? MODESTY Information. Specifically, the location of the aforementioned Mister Delicata. Powers shakes his head vigorously. POWERS Can’t tell you that. I’m cut off from the world up here. MODESTY You see, I don’t believe you. She snaps her head up, looking right at him, through him. MODESTY (CONT’D) Someone who’s run as fast and as far as you have must surely want to keep their ear to the ground... Reaching over, she picks up a Bible, which she opens - finding an iPhone lodged inside! Smirking, Modesty removes the phone, tossing it over to Powers, who catches it expertly. POWERS Still can’t help you. If he finds out... MODESTY But what if the monks find out about your flouting of their rules, eh? With that, she turns over one of Powers’ portraits off the wall - revealing a pinup of a nude model on the opposite side. MODESTY (CONT’D) I’m sure they’ll bring you back down to earth... Panicking now, Powers wipes the sweat from his brow. POWERS Okay, okay. He’s in the Med. 14.

MODESTY This is the Med. I need something a bit more specific than that. POWERS I can’t be. They’re on a yacht, they go from port to port. MODESTY And what port are they in right now?

EXT. CITYSCAPE - DAY PAN ACROSS the sun-kissed sea as it enters a beautiful harbour, filled with expensive yachts. Behind the harbour lies the fortified medieval city of: DUBROVNIK, CROATIA Stone walls and battlements, cobbled, narrow streets - perfectly preserved. Surrounding the city are a range of towering hills - and we FOCUS on one of them, where a construction crew are working.

EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAY A familiar setting - traffic cones, barriers, bulldozers and diggers - and a road-crew, decked out in hi-vis jackets. One of them breaks away from the others - MIROSLAV. He’s in his forties, weather-beaten and lackadaisical. He climbs into one of the nearby bulldozers, starting it off on its route. FOLLOW the bulldozer as it trundles down the tarmac road until it starts to approach a tight corner, with a savage drop below.

INT. BULLDOZER - CONTINUOUS Miroslav’s clutching the wheel tightly, his concentration evident, as the bulldozer closes in on the hairpin turn. WHOOSH! An arrow SHOOTS through the open bulldozer window, EMBEDDING itself in the dashboard! With a SCREECH, Miroslav hammers the brakes - the bulldozer within inches of the drop! 15.

Leaning forward, Miroslav dislodges the arrow from the dashboard, finding a folded note attached to it. Quickly, he takes the note and reads it, before looking out of the open window. There’s a ledge running parallel to the road, slightly higher up the hill. WHOOSH! A second arrow HURTLES toward Miroslav - but this one has a harness attached to it. Miroslav grabs the harness, shrugging it on over his arms and shoulders, then presses HARD on the accelerator...

EXT. HILLSIDE - CONTINUOUS ...and the bulldozer SAILS off the edge of the hill - PLUMMETING down towards the valley below. But a small figure DANGLES in mid-air, attached to a cable via harness - Miroslav. Slowly, surely, he’s hauled upwards, away from the bulldozer, and up onto the overlooking ledge...

EXT. LEDGE - CONTINUOUS As Miroslav lands HARD on the ledge, COUGHING up a cloud of dust as he breathes. Looking up, he finds: Modesty, standing over him, a crossbow slung casually over her shoulder. Behind her, Willie is operating a winch attached to the crossbow with some cable. As soon as he sees them, Miroslav prostrates himself, almost kissing the ground. MIROSLAV Miss Blaise. I am honoured. MODESTY Good to see you too, Miroslav. She offers a hand to Miroslav. MODESTY (CONT’D) Get up, we’re equals now. Miroslav shakes his head, remaining where he is. 16.

MIROSLAV No. I am forever in your debt. Willie can’t help but chuckle a little at that. WILLIE Right flatterer, this one. MODESTY (to Miroslav) For someone so eager to please, Miroslav, you’re awfully difficult to track down. No answer from Miroslav, who struggles to his feet, looking a tad sheepish. MODESTY (CONT’D) (gesturing at the construction site) Have to say, didn’t expect you in a place like this. (raises eyebrow) Particularly considering the little nest-egg I sent you... MIROSLAV (shrugs) I spent it too quickly. Willie abandons the winch, moving over to Modesty’s side. WILLIE Always were a bit of a high-roller, weren’t you, Miro? MIROSLAV I’m afraid so. My wife left me, took the kids - I had to find something. Modesty leans in conspiratorially. MODESTY You telling me you don’t dabble in anything else? MIROSLAV Such as? MODESTY Keeping your ears open? MIROSLAV I’ve been known. A smile from Modesty. She shares a nod with Willie before pressing on. 17.

MODESTY Good. Do you know where Simon Delicata is now? We know he’s working with a crew, but... Miroslav shakes his head, jerking a thumb over his shoulder. MIROSLAV Last I heard, he was on a yacht down there in the harbour. WILLIE Not any more. We checked it over. Sold it off a week back to some Russian billionaire who wants to use it for when his team’s playing in Europe. MIROSLAV Then I can’t help you. He looks down, avoiding Modesty’s piercing gaze. MODESTY (hard) You see, I don’t believe you. Flushing red, Miroslav looks anywhere but at Modesty now, starting to panic. MIROSLAV I can’t. If he finds out I told you, he’ll ki - - MODESTY Kill you. Familiar story. WILLIE (cold) Too familiar. Modesty approaches Miroslav, putting an arm around his shaking shoulder. MODESTY There’s one thing I don’t think you’re considering, Miroslav. She walks him over to the precipice - looking down on the valley below, and the smouldering wreck of the bulldozer. MODESTY (CONT’D) All your workmates saw you climb in that bulldozer and drive over the edge. (beat) They all think you’re dead. 18.

Miroslav SWALLOWS hard. MODESTY (CONT’D) Now if you tell me what I need to know, I can give you a new life. Set you up somewhere in Germany, say, with enough finances to keep you in sin. Suddenly, she KICKS Miroslav’s legs out from under him, causing him to TOPPLE over the edge... But just before he plummets, Modesty GRIPS him hard by the collar and leans in, whispering in his ear. MODESTY (CONT’D) If you don’t tell me, you can die as everyone believes you did. (stern) Your decision. Quaking in total fear, Miroslav keeps staring at the huge drop looming in front of him. MODESTY (CONT’D) Where is he?

EXT. VILLA - DAY A classical building - all stonework and columns. A private pool glistens in the sunlight. A huge tropical garden extends out from the buildings, perfectly maintained. The whole building is perched on a promontory, overlooking the crisp waters of the Mediterranean. KAPPARIS, CYPRUS A closer look shows something slightly amiss with the picture - armed guards patrolling the area, looking menacing. SWING AROUND to REVEAL: Modesty and Willie, standing a good mile away, outside the line-of-sight of the guards. Both have high-powered binoculars to their eyes. WILLIE I don’t like it, Princess. Whole place is jammed up like a bank- vault. MODESTY There’s always a way... She leans forward a little, concentrating. 19.

MODESTY (CONT’D) ...and I think I may just have found it. BINOCULAR POV Focusing on a sign prominently displayed in the grounds right by the gates - a FOR SALE sign. END BINOCULAR POV As we PUSH IN on the gates, we TIME CUT TO:

EXT. VILLA GATES - LATER Modesty standing by the entrance, dressed formally, hair tied back, clipboard at the ready. WILLIE (O.S.) Still not happy about this. I should be up there with yer. Calmly, Modesty touches one of her earrings, speaking crisply and quietly. MODESTY Not a chance. They’d recognise you in a heartbeat. WILLIE (O.S.) And if they recognise you? MODESTY I’ll just have to take that risk. There’s a sound from beyond the gates, and Modesty quickly touches her earring again, straightening up. The hulking form of SIMON DELICATA approaches the other side of the gates, chomping heavily on a cigar. He nods to someone off-screen, and the gates SWING OPEN. Immediately, Modesty walks through, brandishing a business card, which Delicata glances at. DELICATA Welcome, Miss Popopopa... (tries again) Popopopo...Popapopo... MODESTY (sweetly, with a slight accent) Papadopoulos. Kevser Papadopoulos. Delicata’s brow wrinkles, confused. 20.

MODESTY (CONT’D) Greek father, Turkish mother. Couldn’t agree, so I ended up a half-Greek, half-Turkish outcast. DELICATA And then an estate agent, huh? MODESTY (shrugs) What else was there to do? A moment, and then Delicata LAUGHS loudly. He extends his hand out for a shake, which Modesty tentatively accepts. DELICATA I like you. (beat) Simon Delicata, head of security. He turns away, knocking off the ash from his cigar, and for a moment, Modesty’s expression turns cold. As soon as he turns back, her mask is on again. Delicata gestures towards the villa. DELICATA (CONT’D) Follow me. He sets off up the driveway, with Modesty trailing behind, looking all around her. DELICATA (CONT’D) Have to say, surprised to see you here so quick. (points at the sign) Only put the sign up yesterday. MODESTY I have contacts. People in the know. Lets me swoop in before anyone else gets their claws in...

INT. LIVING ROOM - LATER A beautiful expansive room - light flooding in from all angles, showing off the antique furniture. Dotted around the room are various sculptures, statues, pottery, and displays of African artwork. It’s a living space crossed with a museum. Modesty and Delicata stand in the centre, Modesty looking around in wonder. 21.

MODESTY Wow. DELICATA Yeah, huh? He gives Modesty a quick appraising look. DELICATA (CONT’D) Not to be funny or anything, but you sure you can afford this kinda place? MODESTY I’ll find a way. (wistful) Story of my life. DELICATA Isn’t it everyone’s? Modesty nods, accepting that. MODESTY Buy high, sell even higher. How business works. DELICATA Yeah. Shame Mr. Seth isn’t here. We could do with someone like you. MODESTY Where is Mr. Seth, anyway? She walks across the room to the glass double-doors which open out onto a swimming-pool. DELICATA Entertaining other guests. Through the window, we see the muscled form of LUCIFER emerging from the pool, and Modesty’s eyes widen. Delicata, noticing this, pulls her gently away, back into the living room. MODESTY Well, I hope to see him soon. I’m sure we have plenty to discuss. Have to say I’m impressed so far. DELICATA Soon as he’s free, I’ll introduce you. Until then, you’ve just got me for company. There’s a sound of shuffling from beyond one of the doors leading off from the living-room. 22.

PUSH IN on Modesty, who turns to face the door as it opens. There’s the sound of footsteps - and then a strangely familiar male voice... MALE VOICE (O.S.) Modesty? SWING AROUND to REVEAL the source of the voice: STEVE COLLIER! Modesty closes her eyes, accepting the inevitable... CLICK! Delicata’s holding a gun to her temple, his finger curling around the trigger. DELICATA Blaise, huh? Quick as a flash, Modesty DUCKS, jerking her elbow back HARD into Delicata’s crotch. He doubles over, winded, and Modesty CRACKS up with her elbow into Delicata’s gun-hand, loosening his grip a touch. She grips Delicata’s gun with both hands, and, with a vicious TWIST, WRENCHES it free. Jumping back, she pulls up the gun, cocking the safety and aiming it right at Delicata’s forehead. MODESTY Steve? She looks over - but Steve’s vanished from view, back into the rabbit-warren of the rest of the villa. As Modesty turns back, she finds Delicata’s straightened himself up, a gloating expression on his face. MODESTY (CONT’D) Where’s Diana Pilgrim? What have you done with her? Delicata just CHUCKLES, not intimidated in the least. DELICATA Nice moves... He pulls out another gun from within his waistband - a heavier model than the one Modesty’s got - and points it straight at Modesty. Stand-off. 23.

DELICATA (CONT’D) ...but you’re dealing with the pros now. Modesty flicks a casual eyebrow at him, staring him down, not giving an inch. MODESTY Haven’t you heard? BANG! Modesty quickly repositions her gun - BLASTING Delicata’s right out of his hand! MODESTY (CONT’D) So am I... Delicata looks at his now-empty hand, impressed. MODESTY (CONT’D) Now tell me where you’ve got her... Suddenly smug, Delicata begins to take giant strides towards Modesty, grinning as he does so. DELICATA And if I say no? MODESTY (cold) Then I’ll kill you. DELICATA Like to see you try... Modesty SQUEEZES the trigger - but all we hear is a CLICK. Out of bullets! MODESTY (looks at the gun) Only one bullet at a time? DELICATA I only need one... Delicata LUNGES forward - knocking the gun out of Modesty’s hand - and then CLUMPING a fist into her face, sending her FLYING backward! She LANDS in a crumpled heap, SMASHING her back into a bookcase with some force. But she bounces back, LEAPING onto the balls of her feet, dancing towards the approaching, lumbering, Delicata. 24.

She UNLEASHES a quick SNAP-KICK to his stomach with her left foot - and then a vicious KICK with her right into his chin. Delicata staggers a little, and Modesty rushes forward, trying to press home her advantage... But Delicata blocks her karate-chop with his forearm, and then UNLEASHES a monster PUNCH right into her cheek... The force PROPELS Modesty across the room - and she SLUMPS to the floor, SLAMMING into a display cabinet - causing several artifacts to rock a little. Delicata approaches, pulling back his foot, ready to put the boot in... WHOOSH! Modesty SWIVELS her feet in a SCORPION-KICK, SWEEPING Delicata off his feet and CRASHING him down onto the carpet. Reaching around, Modesty grabs hold of a small figurine, and BASHES it over Delicata’s head, knocking him out. Modesty struggles to her feet, taking a look at the broken artifact in her hand. She TUTS to herself, placing it back where she found it. Then she touches her ear - and lets out a little curse. There’s a sound from over by the window, and Modesty looks up to find Lucifer wandering into the room, stripped to the waist and looking a little baffled. LUCIFER What is all the commotion? He looks around, assessing the situation - the smashed-up room, the fallen guns, the unconscious Delicata...and Modesty, standing amidst it all. LUCIFER (CONT’D) Was this your doing? Modesty shrugs, guilt written all over her face. LUCIFER (CONT’D) Delicata is one of my most loyal manservants. You must surely be a spawn of Heaven. That causes Modesty’s brow to wrinkle - a what? She slowly approaches Lucifer, a devilish smile on her face and a spring in her step. 25.

MODESTY Maybe it’s just my angelic smile...? Now toe-to-toe with Lucifer, Modesty LASHES out with a fist... Like lightning, Lucifer’s hand moves to BLOCK her punch, diverting it away. Modesty’s eyes narrow a touch, but she tries again, aiming her punch lower, for the stomach...... And once again, almost in a blur, Lucifer’s hand moves to BLOCK her attack again, pushing her fist to one side. Modesty backs up a little, letting Lucifer approach her...and then she sticks out her leg, hoping to trip him up...... But he’s once again too quick, nimbly adjusting his stride to miss her. Backing away faster and faster, Modesty GRABS hold of a chair, and SLIDES it along the floor towards the oncoming Lucifer. He extends a hand, GRIPPING hold of the chair, slowing its movement, stopping it dead. But that was only phase one of Modesty’s plan - she RUSHES forwards, towards the chair... As she approaches it, she LEAPS onto the chair, using it as a platform, raising her foot high, aiming for Lucifer’s chin... SNAP! Lucifer reaches out and GRABS her leading foot in mid-air, then SPINS around, using her momentum, before HURLING her bodily across the room! CRUNCH! She hits the wall HARD, and lapses out of consciousness. TIME-LAPSE Modesty slowly regains consciousness, bleary-eyed and dazed. She finds herself tied to a chair, her hands and feet bound by rope - so tight it’s cutting in. Sitting across from her is SETH, legs crossed, his stare penetrating, his fingers twiddling a pen whilst his other hand holds his notebook open. Behind him stands Delicata, arms folded, menacing grimace on his face. 26.

SETH Welcome back to the land of the conscious, Miss Blaise. MODESTY Who are you? SETH The owner of this house and the leader of this operation. (leans forward) The man you, apparently, wanted to speak to. Was that genuine, or part of your elaborate bluff to fool the redoubtable Mr. Delicata? MODESTY What if I said both? Was that a flicker of a smile on Seth’s stony face? SETH Then you may even exceed the skill level that I had attributed you as having. (nods) You have been quite a worthy adversary. MODESTY Forgive me, but I’m not really used to hearing compliments from men who tie me up... SETH But it is true. You have tracked us across the globe, made a bit of a mess, and even bruised the body and ego of Mr. Delicata here. Modesty breaks her gaze away from Seth, flicking her eyes up to meet Delicata’s, her mouth twisting into a scowl. MODESTY Not bruised enough. Delicata marches around towards Modesty, but Seth holds him back with a casual hand. SETH I’m afraid, my dear, that this is where your journey ends. He opens up his notepad and clicks his pen, ready to write. SETH (CONT’D) Now tell me, who knows of your presence here? 27.

MODESTY Who says anybody else knows? SETH I didn’t make the mistake of underestimating you. I hope you didn’t fall into that trap with me. Bringing up the notepad up into his line of sight, he starts to read, noting Modesty’s reactions all the time. SETH (CONT’D) Now, we’ve decided that the following people know of your whereabouts: Willie Garvin, Sir Gerald Tarrant and his assistant Jack Fraser, and Rene Vaubois. He pulls down the notepad, giving Modesty his most armour- piercing stare. SETH (CONT’D) Is there anyone else we should be aware of? Modesty stares him down for a moment - before shaking her head, looking away. MODESTY What will happen to them? SETH What needs to happen. We cannot risk anyone else following in your footsteps. Job done, he closes his notepad, clicking his pen and fastening it to his top pocket. He clicks his fingers at Delicata. SETH (CONT’D) Kill her. Modesty looks over at Delicata, tensing, expecting the inevitable... DELICATA No. That causes Modesty’s eyes to widen in surprise, whilst Seth’s nostrils FLARE - but he doesn’t turn around, remaining as cold as ice. SETH That was a direct order, Mr. Delicata. You have ten seconds to explain yourself. 28.

DELICATA (quickly) She won’t be here alone. Garvin will be somewhere. Use her as bait and pull him in. SETH I fail to see how keeping her alive would alter the sequence of events. Modesty watches, intrigued, working out the power dynamics between these two. DELICATA If Garvin knew we’d killed her, nothing could stop him. SETH You’re my chief of security, Mr. Delicata. It is your job to stop him in that instance. (menacing) I do hope this isn’t fear on your part. Delicata takes offence to that - glowering at Seth. DELICATA Not fear. Caution. I’ve heard stories about Garvin going completely off the chain one time he thought Blaise had been offed. (beat) Cleaned out a full house, twenty, twenty-five men. We can’t afford that. SETH (nods) Noted. We shall play it your way, then. As long as this plan is not just your own way of ending your personal vendetta with Garvin. DELICATA Not only. Seth frowns a little at that, but doesn’t continue the line of conversation. Instead, he gets to his feet, giving Modesty one last look. SETH Take Miss Blaise to Schultz. Just to install that little...extra security... 29.

EXT. OUTSIDE VILLA - DAY Modesty is being walked around the front of the villa by two guards, guns at their side, hidden from plain view. Delicata strides away in front. Suddenly, Modesty drops down into a crouch. Instantly, the guards produce their guns and point them right at her temple. Delicata GROWLS, marching back over to Modesty, who fiddles around with her shoe. DELICATA What are you trying to pull, Blaise? MODESTY Nothing. Just a stone in my shoe. Delicata grunts, accepting this, as Modesty takes off her shoe, spins it upside-down and knocks the sole of it. Satisfied, she puts the shoe on the ground and wriggles her foot back into it. FOCUS on her thigh - as she tucks her thumb and little finger back inward towards her palm - leaving three fingers extended. PULL BACK HARD to the vantage point outside the villa - where Willie stands, binoculars to his eyes. Tearing the binoculars away, Willie stares directly forwards, lost in thought. WILLIE Three days then. Ta, princess. And with that, he disappears into the foliage behind, vanishing from view.

INT. SURGERY - DAY A cramped little room that looks more like a study than an operating theatre. Books, models and equipment litter the shelves that take up most of the space. In the centre, Modesty lies face-down on an operating table, stripped to the waist, still fully conscious. Around her, SCHULTZ busies himself, pushing a trolley of medical implements around into position. MODESTY Can I get a magazine or something whilst I’m waiting? 30.

Schultz pauses, assessing her coldly. SCHULTZ I take it Seth has explained what I’ll be doing here? MODESTY Just a blow-dry, isn’t it? SCHULTZ (losing patience) Your sense of humour does not resonate with me, I’m afraid. MODESTY Shame. Walking around, Schultz stands right before Modesty and produces a small capsule from within his coat. SCHULTZ I shall be placing this into your body. It will allow Mr. Seth to keep track of your movements. MODESTY How? SCHULTZ Allow me to demonstrate. He points over to a cage on a shelf in the corner. Inside the cage scurries a white rat. SCHULTZ (CONT’D) The rat contains the same implant. By pressing this button, like so... Touching a button on a small remote control, Schultz hurries over to the cage eagerly. The rat pauses its scurrying, shivers for a few seconds - and then BURNS up from the inside - as FLAMES course through its body! Schultz quickly extinguishes the flames with a wet towel, leaving behind the charred husk of the dead rat. SCHULTZ (CONT’D) A flammable agent released into the bloodstream. Active in seconds. He moves back over to Modesty. SCHULTZ (CONT’D) I trust that was sufficient. Modesty just nods, sickened in the extreme. 31.

SCHULTZ (CONT’D) Good. Now allow me to make a small incision... Noticing a fencing sword propped up against a shelf, Modesty nods at it, raising an eyebrow. MODESTY With that? SCHULTZ If only. No, a foil should only be used in the noble... MODESTY ...art of fencing, yes I know. You sound like my instructor. (pushing) Maybe you and I could have a little match sometime? SCHULTZ I think not. He moves around to her back and leans forward, ready to begin, scalpel at the ready. SCHULTZ (CONT’D) The only blade touching your flesh will be this one. And with that, he CUTS into Modesty’s skin - causing blood to immediately BUBBLE up. Modesty TENSES from the pain, her muscles on edge. SCHULTZ (CONT’D) Normally, we’d provide you with some anaesthetic, but Mr. Seth believes that a little pain...will go a long way... And he DIGS in deeper - causing Modesty to SCREAM for all she’s worth!

INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT A tropical dive of a place - hot, sticky, and simple. The sound of a SHOWER in the background is the only noise in the otherwise silent room. The SCREECHING shower cuts out - and Willie emerges from the bathroom, towel around his waist, using another to dry his top half with. He settles down on the bed and opens up his laptop - revealing an open Skype connection. 32.

On the other end, sitting in his office, is Sir Gerald, who looks in disgust at Willie’s state of undress. WILLIE Evenin’, Sir G. SIR GERALD Garvin. Good to see you’ve dressed for the occasion. Willie grins at that, letting out a little chuckle. SIR GERALD (CONT’D) Any word from Modesty? WILLIE Nothin’ more. Keeping her locked up and out of harm’s way. SIR GERALD (concerned) You’re sure she’s still alive? WILLIE Positive. If they were planning on killing her, she’d have let me know somehow. He finishes drying himself and begins rummaging around in his suitcase, looking for a shirt. SIR GERALD Why do you think they want her alive? WILLIE (shakes his head) Anybody’s guess. Not thinkin’ about it, ‘cos it would do my head in. Finally, he finds a shirt, and tugs it on over his head and shoulders, before leaning back in to face Sir Gerald. WILLIE (CONT’D) Too busy concentrating on my end of the job when the time comes. (raises an eyebrow) What about you? Have you got any help lined up? Now it’s Sir Gerald’s turn to shake his head. SIR GERALD Afraid not. Fraser’s still not in any fit state, and I can’t risk any of my agents on a matter like this. (sighs) (MORE) 33. SIR GERALD (CONT'D) My association with Modesty and yourself is strictly off the record, so if I was to get actively involved, people would start to ask questions so awkward even I couldn’t dodge them. Willie sucks the air through his teeth, but manages to nod. Not happy, but accepting. WILLIE What about John Dall? Think him and his paras could lend a hand? SIR GERALD (shakes his head) Already asked. Problem is that you’re right on the border between the Turkish and Greek sides of Cyprus. The place is a powder-keg ready to blow as it is. (beat) If an American squad were to descend from the skies, all guns blazing...well, we’d have all sorts of issues to contend with. WILLIE So I’m on my lonesome, then. SIR GERALD Unfortunately. (lowers his voice) But there might be something I can do. I know a few people who know people...and it might be possible to...alter the demarcation lines of the borders a little. Might make things easier... WILLIE (cracks a smile) Crafty bastard. SIR GERALD I do my best. WILLIE Keep me posted, Sir G. And with that, he signs off - pushing the lid of his laptop down and bringing his case into view. FOCUS on the various accoutrements he’s got in there - grappling hooks, sucker-pads, a bow-and-arrow, knives... 34.

INT. MODESTY’S ROOM - LATER The door to the room SLIDES open, and Modesty is shepherded in by a helpful heavy. Modesty shuffles into the room proper, still suffering from her ordeal at the hands of Schultz. The heavy takes up guard duty in the corridor as the door SLIDES closed. Immediately, Modesty’s scanning the room - a neat, tidy, spartan affair with an ensuite bathroom. But she’s not alone - the sheets on the bed SHUFFLE - and DIANA PILGRIM sits up, fully awake! Diana SNIFFS the air for a moment, then reacts in surprise - a beam of delight crossing her face. DIANA Modesty! Even through the pain, Modesty smiles, glad to have found her quarry at last. DIANA (CONT’D) Is Willie with you? Modesty bites her lip as she settles down on the bed next to Diana, curling her feet up. MODESTY No, no he isn’t. A tinge of disappointment crosses Diana’s face, but she covers it quickly enough. DIANA You come to break me out of here? MODESTY That was the plan. DIANA (curious) Was? Modesty extends an arm around Diana’s shoulders, comforting her, and comforting herself. MODESTY Yep. Didn’t work out. DIANA Oh. (beat) Who got ya? Delicata? 35.

MODESTY No, that other monstrosity. DIANA (with hatred) Oh. Him. Getting back onto her feet, Modesty winces in pain, feeling her back. DIANA (CONT’D) You OK? MODESTY Not really. Just had a visit to our friendly German doctor. DIANA Right. Don’t worry, the anaesthetic wears off after an hour or two. MODESTY Shame he didn’t use any then, isn’t it? Diana’s sightless eyes widen in shock at that statement - and she SHIVERS out of sympathy. Modesty leans over, whispering in Diana’s ear. MODESTY (CONT’D) Keep talking, I’ll start to sweep the room for any bugs. DIANA No need. Room’s clean. MODESTY (raises an eyebrow) You sure? DIANA Positive. Guess they don’t expect a blind girl on her own to start shouting out her escape plans... The dry wit causes Modesty to smile at her young companion, despite the nature of their predicament. MODESTY Well, that might change now that I’m here. DIANA Hasn’t yet. (taps her ear) Anything like that registers for me. (MORE) 36. DIANA (CONT'D) A buzzing sound, probably too low for you to hear, but it irritates the hell out of me. (sincere) And this room’s clean. Modesty appears satisfied by that. MODESTY (impressed) You seem to have a fair few talents at your disposal, Diana... DIANA Look who’s talking. (her voice lowers) But that’s why I’m here. Me and Lucifer, we have the same... MODESTY What are you talking about? STEVE (O.S.) She’s trying to explain that they’re both... Modesty’s head WHIPS around upon hearing Steve enter the room. Moving fast, forgetting her injuries for the moment, she LUNGES at Steve, PINNING him up against the wall. She leans in, livid - every word she says is laced with pure venom. Steve’s terrified. MODESTY You bastard! You’re working for them! You always have been! STEVE No! I don’t work for them! Well, I suppose I am, but I didn’t mean to! Modesty TIGHTENS her grip, her eyes FLARING dangerously. MODESTY That’s why you were in Paris - distracting me. That whole “never leave me” speech makes so much more sense now! (reaching a crescendo) And then, when I show up here, you turn up and blow my cover! She begins to THROTTLE Steve, her pent-up aggression pouring out - and Steve starts SPLUTTERING. Diana rushes up to the pair of them, PUSHING Modesty away as hard as she can. 37.

DIANA Modesty! Stop it! Dr. Collier’s on our side, let him go! Backing away carefully, Modesty looks between Diana and Steve, unsure. MODESTY This true? Steve, struggling for air, nods furiously. MODESTY (CONT’D) So all that I mentioned was what? Coincidence? STEVE (panting) I guess so. I tell you, I didn’t know who you were in Paris until you told me. (looks from Modesty to Diana) You two know each other? MODESTY Long story. DIANA Yeah. We met, Modesty kept me hidden long as she could. MODESTY Guess the story isn’t that long. She guides Diana back to the bed, before pulling out a chair for herself and sitting on it, looking at Steve curiously. MODESTY (CONT’D) So where do you fit in, then? STEVE Remember why I was in Paris? I had a job lined up? This is that job. MODESTY (dubious) Really? Because I hardly think Seth’s the type to indulge in a passion for metallurgy... STEVE You’d be surprised... (stops, thinks better of it) ...but I suppose I’d better come clean. Metallurgy’s only a hobby, not my job. 38.

MODESTY (suspicious) What are you then? STEVE A parapsychologist. I study ESP, the paranormal, that kind of thing. Modesty folds her arms, a surprised expression on her face. MODESTY Why keep that hidden? STEVE I’ve learned that if you tell people you have a doctorate in that line, they think you’re, well, crazy. MODESTY (rolls her eyes) Fair enough, but what’s that got to do with... STEVE It’s like we were trying to say before. Diana here has...abilities. Taking her cue, Diana pushes the pillows up behind her, allowing her to sit up on the bed. DIANA Yeah, you know the theory about how if one of your senses doesn’t work, the others compensate? MODESTY I’m familiar. DIANA Well, I can sorta...find things. Stuff you can’t normally see. I can hear it, or feel it, in the ground or in the air, or... STEVE It’s a recognised phenomenon. MODESTY And lucrative, in the right field. Diana nods enthusiastically. DIANA Yeah. Me and my sister ran a business back in Canada. Dealt with housing firms, mainly. (MORE) 39. DIANA (CONT'D) I found where the power cables and gas mains were underground for them. MODESTY Which begins to explain Seth’s interest in you. And now Steve picks up the baton of conversation, clearing his throat, gaining Modesty and Diana’s attention. STEVE That’s where I come in - I’ve been tasked with finding a way to combine the abilities of Diana with Lucifer. MODESTY Why? What’s special about him? STEVE (puffs out his cheeks) He’s a very powerful ESPer. You’ve probably seen it yourself. He can predict the future, within certain guidelines. The cogs start to turn in Modesty’s mind, as the pieces of this disparate jigsaw puzzle begin to fit together. MODESTY Like a death? STEVE I suppose it’s possible. MODESTY I’m thinking it is. Steve rubs his chin, deep in thought. STEVE Unfortunately, my experiments haven’t been going too well... DIANA Yeah, but at least they’re more humane than what they were trying beforehand... That causes Modesty to look around, concern and sympathy washing over her face. MODESTY Why? What did Lucifer do to you? 40.

DIANA It’s what he didn’t do that’s the problem. (hesitant) They put me in a room with him. I didn’t do what he wanted, so he threw me out, saying that he “doesn’t want the defective child in his presence any longer”. She breaks down in tears, causing both Modesty and Steve to go over to her. Steve fusses around awkwardly, whilst Modesty cradles the girl’s head in her hands. MODESTY It’s all right. They’re going to get their comeuppance soon enough. Diana nods, wiping her eyes, brushing away the tears. The door to the room slides open, and the guard stands in the doorway, glaring into the room. GUARD He wants you. DIANA (snivels) He can go to hell. GUARD Not you. (points at Modesty) Her. Modesty’s eyes widen in surprise. MODESTY I’m not going anywhere. GUARD You make out like you have a choice. He brings up a gun, pointing it right at Modesty. His expression says that he knows how to use it, too. DIANA (taps Modesty on the arm) Go. MODESTY No, I... DIANA Just go. Better for all of us. 41.

Modesty looks from Diana to Steve, who shakes his head, overcome with all manner of emotions. STEVE I agree. I have confidence in you, Modesty. More than I have in myself. Realising she has no choice, Modesty gets to her feet and heads for the door. MODESTY Lead on, then...

INT. LUCIFER’S ROOM - NIGHT Darkness. A CHINK of light appears as the door SLIDES open, and Modesty gets SHOVED inside, before the light vanishes as quickly as it appeared. Modesty remains in the doorway, allowing her eyes to adjust to the gloom. CLICK! A light SWITCHES on, bathing the room in an ethereal red glow - illuminating the walls, which are covered in runes and other demonic symbols. The only furniture in the room is the bed - a four-poster with an elaborate spiked bedhead. On the bed lies Lucifer - fully-dressed and totally poised. LUCIFER I’m glad you’ve accepted my invitation. MODESTY Didn’t really have much of an option. Lucifer nods, smiling evilly, as he pats the bed next to him. LUCIFER You will make love to me now. Modesty openly SCOFFS at that. MODESTY I will not! Furious, Lucifer JUMPS off the bed, standing to his full height - and as soon as he does, Modesty nips over to the bed and steals one of his pillows. 42.

LUCIFER (glaring at Modesty) That was not a suggestion! It was a demand! Still not treating Lucifer with any respect, Modesty pushes past him and places the pillow on the floor by the wall. She then sits on it, using it as a cushion. MODESTY No-one gives me orders. Who do you think you are? Towering over her, Lucifer clenches his fists, his eyes bulging out of their sockets in shock. LUCIFER I am the Prince of Darkness. MODESTY (unfazed) Prove it. Furious now, Lucifer ROARS - stepping towards Modesty and BACKHANDING her HARD across the cheek! Modesty rocks back on the pillow, feeling her cheek, still with a twinkle in her eye. MODESTY (CONT’D) That just tells me you’re a thug. Anyone could do that. Do something only you can do... Lucifer FUMES at that, his nostrils FLARING. LUCIFER You dare to... Lost in his own anger, he fails to notice as Modesty JUMPS to her feet and RUSHES him... Carried by her momentum, Modesty FORCES a stunned Lucifer up against the wall, before SPRINTING for the door... Lucifer shakes himself, stunned at the sudden action - but then GLIDES across the floor, getting to the door just before Modesty - blocking her path. LUCIFER (CONT’D) Well played. He SHOVES her backward, and she falls onto the bed, BOUNCING back up quickly. MODESTY Not well enough. 43.

Lucifer settles down next to her on the bed, looking her over, but still tense, ready just in case. LUCIFER I fear I have misjudged you, and for that I must apologise. (beat) You are obviously a Trickster of some kind. MODESTY I can live with that. LUCIFER I’m sorry. I haven’t encountered someone with your set of skills in quite some time. Modesty raises an eyebrow, intrigued. MODESTY What about Seth? LUCIFER (dismissive) A loyal servant. Nothing more. MODESTY Really? Because he seems to give you plenty of orders... LUCIFER (shaking his head) He merely vocalises my own impulses. He operates on my terms. That is the illusion. MODESTY Illusion. Hm. So what are your plans, then? Why go to all this trouble? Lucifer shrugs, imperiousness recovered, arrogance starting to return. LUCIFER World domination. I am the Devil. It’s always been my goal. He leans over to Modesty, kissing her lightly on the cheek. LUCIFER (CONT’D) And you shall be my Queen. ON Modesty’s expression of pure distaste, we DISSOLVE TO: 44.

INT. DINING ROOM - NIGHT An elegant room dominated by a long wooden table, filled with the clutter of a meal in progress. At one end of the table sit Modesty and Lucifer. He’s feeding her with a look of wonder on his face. Sitting opposite them at the other end of the table are Seth and REGINA, with Seth ramrod-straight as ever, notepad by his side. Regina keeps reaching across and stroking his arm. Directly between the two couples, looking and acting like a fifth wheel, is Steve. He looks at Lucifer with distaste, Modesty with disappointment, and the others with disgust. LUCIFER She’s remarkable, isn’t she? SETH (with a patient smile) Indeed she is. Which is why we must speak with her now. LUCIFER Is this conversation not worthy of my presence? SETH No. It is a matter of low importance, and your presence is not required. LUCIFER Then I shall take my leave. With that, he moves away from the table, stopping to kiss Modesty’s hand, before leaving the room. Regina watches him go with a look of giddy excitement. REGINA It looks like Lucifer’s found young love at last. SETH We must be wary that this lust does not turn into infatuation. STEVE (under his breath) Yes. Modesty shoots Steve a hurt look, but Steve returns it with an even stare. 45.

MODESTY (to Seth) Of course. You wouldn’t want anyone else corrupting him now, would you? Seth steeples his fingers, not flinching at all. SETH And what would you mean by that? MODESTY You know exactly what I mean. What you’ve done to him is reprehensible. He’s totally convinced he’s the Devil now, thanks to you. Cool as you like, Seth picks up a napkin and wipes around his mouth, not rising to the bait. SETH An elegant solution to his problems, don’t you think? MODESTY You’ve driven him insane! SETH (dismissive) Perhaps. MODESTY Why? Seth just smirks, not willing to say any more. REGINA It’s not because we don’t love him. He is our child. Modesty and Steve stare at each other in shock. MODESTY/STEVE What?! SETH Not exactly. We found him as an orphan on the streets of Paris. REGINA (dreamily) It was like he fell from heaven. MODESTY Ironic, considering he now believes he’s the Devil. 46.

Finished with the napkin, Seth screws it up into a ball and tosses it over his shoulder. SETH Quite so. He came to us at our lowest ebb. Regina leans forward, tearing her eyes away from Seth for the first time. REGINA We used to be popular actors. Radio actors. But then, television and cinema arrived. Being a radio actor was akin to not being an actor at all. SETH Which was when we happened across Lucifer. MODESTY (smouldering) And you’ve used him ever since. SETH Wouldn’t you? He drums his fingers on the table as he speaks. SETH (CONT’D) He has provided us with the means to acquire great wealth. (points at Modesty) And wealth, as you should be acutely aware, Miss Blaise, allows you to pursue your dreams. Steve looks from Seth to Modesty with narrowed eyes. SETH (CONT’D) In the case of Regina, it has allowed her to restore herself to her former beauty. Modesty casts a sceptical glance at Regina, who strokes her hair, relishing the attention. MODESTY And you, Seth? What do you get out of it? The thrill of murder? SETH (dismissive) Merely a means to an end. STEVE And what end is that? 47.

SETH (cold) Dr. Collier, I thought we... STEVE It would help with my studies if I knew something about what you intended for Lucifer and Diana. SETH Very well. He opens his notebook, and both Modesty and Steve lean forward, intrigued. SETH (CONT’D) I feel there is something lacking in the world today. The wonder of discovery. (beat) I have always been fascinated by men like Columbus, Magellan, Cook. Or archaeologists like Carter, Belzoni and Quatermain. STEVE Wasn’t he fictional? SETH Point still stands. That thrill of finding something new, or something that has been lost for centuries, has been lost itself. But my plan will enable me to recover it. And it’s near it’s completion. MODESTY So why do you still need me around? SETH A necessary evil. But not for too much longer. Unnoticed by anyone else, Modesty slides one of the table- knives up her sleeve casually. MODESTY (under her breath) We’ll see about that.

INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT Modesty’s curled up on the window-sill, using her stolen table-knife to WHITTLE away at the bars on the window. The door opens behind her, and Steve quietly shuffles in, opting to settle down on the toilet seat. 48.

MODESTY How is she? STEVE Out for the count. Room service must be pretty good. From the looks of things, she ate more than we did. MODESTY (mildly amused) The perks of Lucifer’s wrath. Steve’s not as amused. He folds his arms and stares at Modesty, who has her back to him. STEVE As opposed to having too much of his attention? Modesty abruptly stops what she’s doing, and half-turns to face Steve. MODESTY And what’s that supposed to mean? STEVE You know damn well. It’s a bit off, this sleeping with the enemy stuff, isn’t it? MODESTY I’m struggling to work out how it’s any of your business, Steve. She turns back round and continues her work, but Steve’s not for letting this drop. STEVE It’s my business if it gets us killed! I know you’re trying to get him onside, but how far do you take it? MODESTY Has anyone ever told you that you’re incredibly nosey? STEVE (defiant) All the time. With a sigh, Modesty again stops her whittling, this time laying down the knife and turning fully around. MODESTY Fine. I’ll let you know this once. (beat) (MORE) 49. MODESTY (CONT'D) Nothing goes on between me and Lucifer. I don’t think anything ever will. He seems content to listen to me talk. (raises her eyebrow) That satisfy you? Steve just nods, suitably chastened. Modesty watches him for a second, then turns back round. STEVE I’d have waited, you know. Giving up, Modesty climbs back down off the window-sill, standing in front of Steve, who has his head bowed, not matching her eyeline. MODESTY Waited? Waited for what? STEVE You. (looks up) After Paris, I hadn’t thought about seeing anyone else again. I was just going to wait... MODESTY (shakes his head) We’d broken up, Steve. You should have moved on. STEVE Good job I didn’t, eh? MODESTY (ignoring him) You didn’t know I’d show up again. It was chance that brought us back together. STEVE Was it chance? Or was it fate? He leans forward, looking imploringly at her. STEVE (CONT’D) Shall we give it another go? Modesty stares back at him, her armour weakening - before she shakes herself, and her resolve returns. MODESTY Not yet. We have other concerns. Tomorrow’s when we make our move. Steve nods, and Modesty leans forward, whispering. 50.

MODESTY (CONT’D) This is what I want you to do...

INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY The room’s been tidied up a bit since we last saw it - the broken artifacts have been removed, the furniture restored to its proper place. Neat and tidy again. Through the bay windows, we can see Modesty standing by the swimming-pool, watching Lucifer swimming powerfully. SWING AROUND to REVEAL Steve and Diana carefully walking into the living-room, full of purpose. Steve’s gently guiding Diana, but she’s resisting a bit, trying to break away from his arm. DIANA (harsh whisper) Give me a sec. STEVE Okay. He backs off, and Diana remains where she is, transfixed to the spot. She UNLEASHES a ream of CLICKS, and listens hard, her brow knitted, concentrating. Eventually, she NODS, and begins to stride towards one of the bookcases. Steve jogs to keep up with her. He catches up as she suddenly drops down to her haunches, her hands patting the carpet. Steve bends down to look as well. DIANA Here. Her hands close around something small - Modesty’s fallen earring/bluetooth! STEVE You’re sure that’s it? DIANA Positive. She stands back up, and Steve begins to point her in the direction of the hallway. As he does, he looks through the windows - making eye-contact with Modesty. He quickly NODS - and Modesty WINKS back in return. 51.

INT. MODESTY’S ROOM - LATER As Modesty enters, finding Diana sitting on the bed, and Steve hovering around her. MODESTY Well? Diana opens up her hand - revealing the earring within. MODESTY (CONT’D) Terrific. Well done, Di. She takes the earring, presses a couple of buttons on the side, then hands it back to Diana. MODESTY (CONT’D) (whispering) Go on. You know you want to. Diana smiles, then hesitantly brings the earring up to her mouth... DIANA Hello? WILLIE (O.S.) (filtered through) Jesus! There’s a loud CRASH from the earring, and both Modesty and Diana smile. Diana puts a hand to her mouth to stop herself from giggling, but isn’t completely successful. WILLIE (O.S.) (CONT’D) Princess? Is that you? DIANA (through sniggers) Depends what princess you’re talking about... WILLIE (O.S.) Di? That you? DIANA Yeah. WILLIE (O.S.) (relieved) Thank God. Treating you okay? DIANA They are now. (beaming) It’s great to hear you. 52.

WILLIE (O.S.) Same here. Modesty steps in, touching Diana on the hand and gently taking the earring off her. MODESTY Sorry to break into this touching reunion, but we have work to do. WILLIE (O.S.) Aye. Are you all right, Princess? MODESTY I’ll be better when we get out of here. Now listen carefully... She wanders over to the bathroom, as we CUT TO:

EXT. OUTSIDE VILLA - NIGHT The gates SWING OPEN, and a delivery van trundles up the driveway, parking up at a guard-box. A figure drops down from the undercarriage and rolls away, before getting to his feet and stealthily slinking towards the house, staying in the shadows. This is, obviously, Willie.

EXT. OUTSIDE HOUSE - NIGHT A guard paces up and down outside the house itself, rifle slung over his shoulder. There’s movement in the shadows - and then Willie steps out and LOCKS his arm around the guard’s throat. WILLIE (whispers) Sorry, mate. And then he TWISTS violently - the guard falls down dead, and Willie gently lays him out in the shadows. Moving quickly, Willie works his way along the wall, towards a row of barred windows. Carefully, Willie arranges his hands in the same way as Modesty did for her code-sign - and WHISTLES. Pause for a few seconds - and then a LIGHT switches ON, then OFF, then ON again. WILLIE (CONT’D) Thanks, Princess. 53.

Willie makes his way up to this window in particular, assesses it for a moment, then PULLS out one of the bars with a swift TUG. He looks in, and finds Modesty and Steve waiting for him. WILLIE (CONT’D) Room service.

INT. BATHROOM - LATER The last of the bars have been worked out, and Willie SQUEEZES through the gap, landing on the tiled floor with a hard BUMP. He quickly gets back to his feet, and Modesty BEAMS at him out of sheer relief. The pair hug for a moment, and then break away. Willie looks over at Steve. WILLIE What is it with you and danger, eh? Steve just shrugs, and Willie taps him on the back, before looking over at Modesty again. WILLIE (CONT’D) (nods towards the bedroom) She in there? MODESTY Yep. Willie unhooks his backpack from his back and THROWS it across to Modesty. WILLIE Everything you asked for’s in there. And without further ado, he moves into the bedroom, leaving Modesty and Steve alone. Modesty immediately unzips the backpack, starting to remove a number of items - a gun, ammo, some antiseptic cream, painkillers... STEVE I don’t know why we’re doing this, you know? MODESTY What? Escaping? 54.

STEVE Yes. Wouldn’t we be better off doing what we are now, working the inside, or whatever it’s called? We seem to be doing all right... Calmly, Modesty puts down the roll of bandages she’s holding and gives Steve her most patient look. MODESTY Steve. Trust me on this. Seth will kill me as soon as he gets chance, and don’t think you’re safe either. WILLIE (O.S.) Not if Delicata’s involved. He makes it his business to bump off anyone who might squeal on him. Willie re-enters the room, closing the door behind him. WILLIE (CONT’D) Which amounts to pretty much everyone. Suitably chastened, Steve retreats, allowing Willie to approach Modesty. MODESTY How is she? WILLIE Asleep. Better off, probably. Nodding, Modesty holds up a clear plastic bottle and an empty syringe. MODESTY Not much anaesthetic here, Willie love. WILLIE All they had. MODESTY (chews her lip) Fine. Save it for the other two. I’ll go without. STEVE But... MODESTY (with finality) Steve. That’s my decision. Now leave us to it. 55.

Steve looks at her in protest, but her stare is enough to convince him otherwise. He lets himself out. As soon as the door’s shut, Modesty pulls her top off and lies face first in the bath, giving Willie access to her back. The wound from Schultz has barely healed. Willie washes his knife in the sink. WILLIE I’ll try and be as painless... MODESTY Oh, Willie, you know me better than that. Just get on with it. With a rueful grin, Willie heads over to Modesty, leaning down to study her wound. Then he slowly brings the knife down, as we TIME-LAPSE TO: The sink, filled with blood, which slowly DRAINS away. Modesty, blood-soaked bandage wrapped tightly around her new wound, sits on the edge of the bath, looking drained. Willie watches her, a little worried. WILLIE You all right? MODESTY I’ll live. (smiles) You were gentler than Schultz, I’ll give you that. WILLIE Knew my Field Medic badge would come in handy one day. He knocks on the bathroom door, and Steve enters. He automatically blanches at the sight of Modesty and rushes over to her side. STEVE Modesty! Are you... MODESTY ...yes. STEVE But... MODESTY Steve. Get ready. Steve blinks at her in confusion. 56.

STEVE What? Willie raises his knife, a glint in his eye. WILLIE You’re next. And off Steve’s horrified look, we TIME-LAPSE TO: A small chip being dropped into a plastic beaker, alongside another one. WILLIE (CONT’D) That’s the little bugger. He hands it over to Steve, who’s sitting next to Modesty on the edge of the bath. He also looks drained, but not quite as ghostly as Modesty. WILLIE (CONT’D) Hardly worth the effort, is it? MODESTY Believe me, it’s worth it. Absently handing the beaker back over to Willie, Steve climbs unsteadily to his feet, heading for the door. STEVE I’d better wake... WILLIE (checking his watch) Nah, don’t bother. Guards’ll change shifts in a minute, so I’d better look lively. He drops the beaker down the toilet and FLUSHES, before picking up his backpack and starting to CLIMB back through the tight window-space. WILLIE (CONT’D) (winking at Modesty) I’ll be back before you know it.

EXT. OUTSIDE HOUSE - CONTINUOUS Willie hops down from the window and immediately begins jogging along the side of the house. He glances at his watch - his eyes widen - and he picks up his pace even more... Until - an ALARM starts to BLARE! 57.

Willie looks up - and finds himself trapped in the beam of a floodlight! He’s a deer in headlights - and before he can escape, several guards come piling out of different exits, guns drawn! With nothing else he can do, Willie slowly raises his hands in surrender.

INT. DARKENED ROOM - LATER Willie, his hands bound behind his back, gets roughly THROWN into the room - hitting one of the walls. He struggles into a sitting position facing the door - which is when Delicata walks in, a great grin splitting his face. DELICATA Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in. Willie says nothing - but his expression speaks volumes. DELICATA (CONT’D) Knew you’d come looking for your precious Princess eventually. Suddenly, he steps forward and LASHES out with a foot right into Willie’s stomach. Willie topples forward in pain - but that just causes Delicata to GUFFAW. With a GROWL of determination, Willie scrambles to his feet and CHARGES Delicata...... but the big man just reaches out and SQUEEZES Willie’s still-injured shoulder - causing Willie to wince... THUMP! An absolute hefter of a punch sends Willie SLAMMING back into one of the walls again. DELICATA (CONT’D) I’m enjoying this. There’s almost a skip in his step as he approaches Willie once more. WILLIE ‘Course you are. Unfair advantage. He nods at his restraints. WILLIE (CONT’D) Let me out of these, and we’ll see what happens, eh? 58.

Delicata pauses, pondering. Will he do it? He steps forward...... and that’s when Seth arrives on the scene, looking pretty impressed. SETH It seems congratulations are in order, Mr. Delicata. DELICATA Told you he’d come. SETH Indeed you did. And now it’s time to end this little sideshow. (calls to one of the guards) Bring the Blaise girl!

INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Modesty and Willie are tied together on chairs, back-to-back. Surrounding them are a bevy of guards. Seth oversees everything, his notebook, as ever, in hand. His other hand contains a gun. He CLICKS a magazine into place, before handing the gun over to an eager Delicata. SETH Economy, Mr. Delicata. One bullet, if fired correctly, will go through both of them. DELICATA (grinning) I like your thinking. SETH Naturally. Delicata marches over to face Modesty, levelling the gun right at her, but she just stares back defiantly. DELICATA Any last words, sweetie-pie? MODESTY None for you. With a curt nod, Delicata steps around her, going over to the other side to take on Willie. DELICATA What about you, Garvin? Sure you’ve got plenty to say... 59.

Willie looks up at Delicata, simmering hate radiating off him. He opens his mouth, ready to bite back a reply, when: LUCIFER (O.S.) What is going on here? Everyone turns to face the new arrival, as Lucifer strides in, worry and concern creeping across his face. SETH Nothing for you to worry about, Lucifer. A minor matter to attend to. LUCIFER You were going to execute Modesty! He rushes over to the scene. Thinking fast, Delicata brings up his gun, ready to kill Willie and Modesty...... but Lucifer’s there in moments, and with a SWEEP of his hand, he KNOCKS the gun out of Delicata’s grasp! Enraged, Delicata throws a heavy HAYMAKER - but Lucifer BLOCKS it with ease, then UNLEASHES a vicious UPPERCUT of his own - LIFTING Delicata into the air and CRASHING him into one of the walls! Lucifer TURNS on his heel - but immediately, all the other guards raise their guns with a CLICK, pointing them at him! SETH Lucifer! Please try to understand. Seth approaches his protege, trying his level best to remain as calm as possible. SETH (CONT’D) This man... (points at Willie) ...is Modesty’s accomplice. Together, they would have torn down our plans! LUCIFER (struggling) No. I cannot believe it. Modesty would not be that manipulative. Modesty can’t help but smile at that. SETH With respect, Lucifer, you don’t know her as I do. She could jeopardise everything. (beat) All the years I’ve served you, when have I ever told you wrong? 60.

Lucifer ponders that for a moment, Seth’s words starting to break through. LUCIFER (eventually) No. I will not allow you or any of my servants to kill her. That is the word of Lucifer. Frustration lines every inch of Seth’s face. He wrings his hands, as Delicata approaches from behind. DELICATA Seth...? Suddenly, Seth raises a thoughtful eyebrow. Quickly, he produces a pen, opens his notepad, and starts to scribble. SETH There may yet be a way to satisfy all our desires. He begins to walk away from the scene, busy writing, but not before waving a lazy hand at Modesty and Willie. SETH (CONT’D) Take them and lock them up somewhere. Separately. We shall continue this tomorrow morning...

EXT. OUTSIDE VILLA - DAY A promontory overlooking the sea far below. Standing atop this cliff are Modesty and Willie, facing each other, the wind ruffling their hair. Willie has his back to the sea. WILLIE I’m sorry, Princess. MODESTY (reassuring) Don’t be silly, Willie love. It’s not your fault. Surrounding the pair of them are a phalanx of guards, weapons drawn, tension high. Off to one side, a good distance away, stand a group of onlookers. Steve, Diana, Lucifer, Seth and Regina. SETH I have to admit, I am quite proud of this solution. 61.

REGINA (nodding at Lucifer) How did you convince him? SETH Comfortably enough. It’s a simple duel. One bullet for Blaise, one knife for Garvin. (shrugs) They’re both highly skilled, and at that level, technique becomes irrelevant. It’s all down to luck and fate. (beat) And not even the Devil can argue with fate. REGINA (whispers urgently) Would it not be easier just to kill them both now? SETH Possibly. But this way, if Blaise is successful, Lucifer can use her as he wishes, and remain calm, which could be useful to us for the endgame. (strokes his chin) If Garvin’s victorious, we can use his strength in the excavation. Neither of them, after what they’ll have been through, will have enough motivation to cause any further rebellion. REGINA And if they don’t go through with it? SETH Then the men will kill them where they stand. (smirks) I have thought of every eventuality. This is the perfect move. Smiling, Regina snuggles against Seth, enjoying this. REGINA I love you when you show off. SETH I know. Steve, on the other hand, looks sick to his stomach. He nudges Diana. 62.

STEVE I envy you, you know. I wish I didn’t have to see this. DIANA I don’t feel so blessed. (quieter) Promise me something? STEVE What? DIANA Whatever happens...don’t tell me. Back to Modesty and Willie, as Delicata approaches them, handing each their weapon - a gun for Modesty, a knife for Willie. He smirks at them both, then backs away. As one, they turn on their heels and begin to walk in opposite directions, taking great steps. ON Modesty, as she takes one, two, three...... and then DROPS into a backward roll, coming up facing Willie, and FIRING immediately! The KNIFE WHOOSHES just over her shoulder-blade, missing her by mere inches. Modesty watches it FLY past, then turns back to face Willie, who’s clasping his chest in desperation. Slowly, he pulls his hands away - and they’re drenched in blood! A wound on his chest starts to SPREAD menacingly, blood WELLING up. Willie, gritting his teeth through the pain, takes the time to focus on Modesty and shake his head. He STAGGERS backward, his legs giving way...and he TOPPLES off the edge of the cliff! Immediately, the guards and Delicata rush to the cliff-edge, looking over...... as Willie DROPS like a stone, PLUMMETING down and down towards the sea... SPLASH! He breaks the water, and immediately goes under. Delicata breaks out into a devilish grin - his nemesis vanquished at last. Seth and Regina look on with pride and fascination. Lucifer BEAMS in joy. 63.

Steve, on the other hand, is struggling manfully to keep a stiff upper lip. Reflexively, he PULLS Diana into a tight hug - squeezing her, letting her find solace in his arms. Finally, we FOCUS on Modesty herself. She’s on her knees, hair fluttering in the wind, every inch of her face showing the despair she’s feeling. A solitary tear crawls down her cheek as the full horror of what she’s done hits home. And on that image, we: FADE TO BLACK. to be continued
