Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, APRIL 3,2001 SESSION OF 2001 185TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 20 i HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PHILLIPS, PISTELLA, READSHAW, ROBERTS, SAINATO, The House convened at 11 a.m., e.d.t. SATHER, SCHULER, SHANER, SOLOBAY, STABACK, STETLER, E. Z. TAYLOR, J. TAYLOR, THOMAS, TIGUE, TRELLO, TRICH, C. WILLIAMS, WILT, WOJNAROSKI, THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE YOUNGBLOOD, YUDICHAK and ZUG (PATRICIA H. VANCE) PRESIDING An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for a special plate to honor prisoners PRAYER of war and those missing in action; and further providing for payment to special funds. REV. DJ PAGLIA, Chaplain of the House of Representatives and associate pastor of Evangelical Assembly Referred to Committee on TRANSPORTATION, April 3, of God, Ephrata, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: 2001. Shall we pray: No. 1252 By Representatives SURRA, BEBKO-JONES, Our gracious Heavenly Father, we give You thanks for BELARDI, CALTAGIRONE, STURLA, TIGUE, another great and wonderful day in this chamber. We ask You CAPPABIANCA, CRUZ, LAUGHLIN, THOMAS, to give direction to the leadership of the House as well as to STABACK, McCALL, YOUNGBLOOD, STEELMAN, each member of the House of Representatives, who have come FREEMAN, JOSEPHS, SOLOBAY, SHANER, HARHAI, from near and far to consider the business of our HORSEY, JAMES, BELFANTI, GRUCELA, COLAFELLA Commonwealth. and MICHLOVIC Grant to each one wisdom, compassion, and a greater understanding of the needs of the citizens of our great State. An Act providing a meal or rest period for employees after May each of us in this moment and throughout this session seek working a specified number of hours.
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