Storage Made Easy

Enterprise File Share and Sync Fabric

Feature List

Storage Made Easy Enterprise File Share and Sync Fabric features

Cloud Connectors supported (back end)

SME Default Storage provided on SaaS platform uses Amazon S3 Key / Secret Key Auth Gmail OAuth used to connect OAuth Archive, Backup, Index, and attachments RackSpace Files Key / Secret Key Docs OAuth FTP/FTPS/SFTP pervasive protocol, use to connect to on-site storage WebDav pervasive protocol, use to connect to to on-site storage CIFS Dedicated CIFS connector (for on-premise only) Google Apps Email OAuth OneDrive Oauth Oauth Egnyte WebDav protocol Zimbra username / password FilesAnywhere username / password Google Storage Key / Secret Key Auth Windows Azure Key / Secret Key Auth CloudMe username . Password Auth Sharepoint SharePoint protocol used to connect SafeSync username / password Amazon Cloud Drive username/password Google sites Oauth Huddle OAuth (Enabled on request) OpenStack Key tenants SwiftStack OpenStack Key tenants Open S3 - S3 Compatible Cloud Key / Secret key - supports any S3 compatible storage Alfresco On-Premise username / password - webdav like protocol Office 365 SharePoint protocol used to connect iKeepinCloud WebDav like protocol EMC Atmos EMC Atmos API and S3 API CleverSafe S3 compatible API PogoPlug username / password – PogoPlug API still in beta Evernote Username / Password – Index Only FileNet SME CMIS Connector Documentum SME CMIS Connector OpenText SME CMIS Connector IBM FileNet SME CMIS Connector Amplidata Using S3 compatible API Nuxeo SME CMIS Connector

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Cloud Connectors supported (cont.)

NemakiWare SME CMIS Connector Basecamp BaseCamp V2 Oauth. Username/password for BC V1 SugarSync username / password Instapaper username / password – Index only S3 interface API HP Cloud Based OnOpenStack iCloud username / password OneDrive Oauth Scality Using S3 compatible API Jive Hostname with Username / Password IBM Connection Files username / password Memset Memstore Based OnOpenStack Oauth Amazon S3 DES-CBC3-SHA Secure US Federal Government Amazon S3 RC4-MD5 Secure US Federal Government Nifty Supported using S3 compatible API Connectria Supported using S3 compatible API Constant Cloud Storage Supported using S3 compatible API Tiscali Cloud Storage Supported using S3 compatible API GreenQloud Supported using S3 compatible API SeeWeb Cloud Storage Supported using S3 compatible API Riakcs Supported using S3 compatible API Cloudian Supported using S3 compatible API Supported using S3 compatible API HostEurope Supported using S3 compatible API Ceph Supported using S3 compatible API and also RADOS Minio Supported using S3 compatible API Softlayer Supported using OpenStack API Supported using OpenStack API NetGear ReadyNas Supported using WebDav Provider Dunkel Storage Supported using S3 compatible API CloudVPS Supported using OpenStack API OAuth Caringo Swarm Object Storage Supported using S3 compatible API HPSS Default Authentication access SpectrumScale (GPFS) Via OpenStack / S3 API

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Features Applicable to all Clouds

Protocol / Interface Support (front end)

WebDav WebDav interface over any mapped cloud SME API Rest API FTP / FTPS Interface FTP Interface over any mapped cloud SFTP Interface SFTP Interface over any mapped cloud S3 interface S3 interface over any mapped cloud Ports Required Port 80 and/or 443 is required. For FTP port 21 is required and for FTPS. port 990. For SFTP port 2200 is required

User Management

Batch User Creation xls, cvs import (custom as required), AD / LDAP Import Active Directory Integration Fully Supported. Multiple Domains and failover proxy support LDAP Integration Fully Supported (tested again OpenLDAP) Single Sign on Support Active Directory, LDAP out of the box, other Identity Management systems as needed Block User access BYOD device blocking is supported plus best of breed integration User Profiles Quota management, Group/Role management,


Administer Users Either SME or delegated to LDAP or Active Directory Administer Security Comprehensive options Administer User Passwords Additionally set lock out controls Add additional Admins Able to limit subset of features Administer Notifications Administer File Events Administer Folder permissions Folder permissions can be different at nested levels Administer File sharing Set policies Administer Devices Enable / disallow devices Set User quotas Provisioning API Supports integration with custom provisioning systems SNMP Traps Base OS is therefore all SNMP traps are fully supported Monitoring Base OS is Linux therefore normal monitoring tools / Apps, such as Nagios, can be used

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

File Sharing

Support for shared folder Support also for password protecting shared folder Shared folder URL Support for providing a URL where users can drop files Shared folder permission controls Supported either via SME Identity management or AD/LDAP Subfolder permission control Sub folder permissions can be different to parent folder permissions Group / E-Room Access Supported with Business WorkSpaces File Change Notification Can be configured with Audit Watch rules Distributed File Locking Comments and Notifications Comment collaboration can be real time Shared file expiration Set passwords and time expiry on files and password controls Built in messaging Send users messages via web interface. Also supported on Mobile Fax integration By default with Interfax service SMS integration Ability to integrate with Twilio for SME event notifications Data workflow rules For group/E-Room shares Email integration Share files direct from email Outlook Plugin, Mac Mail Plugin and also filebox to email attachments to a folder Social Sharing Twitter, , WordPress (off by default) Restrict / control file sharing Admin control point File Share support on devices iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Tablet, Windows Phone, other devices via HTML5 mobile App File Share support on desktop Windows, Mac, Linux

Files (other)

Tag / Classification support for files For easy grouping and classification of data Unified search Across multiple storage or data endpoints Favorite files Ability to favorite files for quick access across Apps and devices Contacts Create and store contracts directly within the Cloud File Server for use with sharing. Create files Create new files from the web for txt, doc, xls, ppt or html for editing File Comments Each file has full file commenting availability and users can collaborate in real-time on comments.

Trash Bin Concept To prevent accidental deletion (for certain object stores trash can also be configured to empty to another container for data retention)

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Identity Management

SME Identity Management system Secure Token Authentication, X500 style use / directory management Bulk Import of Users Using CSV or excel files Active Directory/LDAP Multi-Domain support Google Identity Management Currently feature complete. Not released into production platform yet Ping Identity Management Completed this for one client (custom previously) Integration with third party providers On demand, paid engagement

Access Control Permissions

Granular permissions on shared folders Creation of shared folders by users As designated by Group/Role Read only access to folders Note this is different to DLP view only Read/Write access for users/roles No access for users and roles Shared sub folder permissions Providers management of shared sub folder permissions

Restrict access by IP address e.g office only or by country Restrict access by Client type e.g web and Windows tools only Restrict shared folder creation Granular control on user capabilities Set storage Quotas per user Set File Sharing Policies Configure default time expiry, whether a password should be set and how many times a file can be downloaded Virtual Workspace access control Control sharing with external users via a separation of concerns between internal and external sharing for security reasons Governance

Event Auditing Comprehensive event auditing for user actions and file actions

Audit granularity Ability to set audit options around types of events to monitor

Event notifications On Audit events – set an Audit Watch.

Audit integration Available for exports as .cvs or excel or an API is provided

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Governance (cont)

Reporting On bandwidth or storage used per user, role or department

Geo location logging The platform support GEO Location features for all document uploads which records the IP address and Town / Country of Origin, and the IP Address Town / Destination Country where the upload is accepted

Administration role Admin role for each Account. Can be more than one admin

GEO Location restrictions Restrict where the server can be used from by IP address

Block device / App use As part of BYOD management capabilities devices or Apps can be blocked from use on a per user basis. The solution can also integrate with best of breed BYOD solutions such as BlackBerry Sector, Oracle Mobility, Mobile Iron.

Set File Sharing policies Configure default time expiry, whether a password should be set and how many times a file can be downloaded

BYOD As part of BYOD management capabilities devices or Apps can be blocked from use on a per user basis. The solution can also integrate with best of breed BYOD solutions ie BlackBerry Sector, Oracle Mobility & Mobile Iron

DLP Web View Only permissions. Document / image watermarking, Policies

File Security

Encryption from client to storage All files can be made secure using managed AES 256 bit encryption of data encryption, even if the underlying storage Stored. cloud does not support encryption. Managed encryption is controlled by the Cloud Administrstor.

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

File Security (cont.)

Private encrypted links Any shared files that are encrypted will need to have a key entered for file access. This can also be centralised so the administrator of the Cloud sets the encryption key for all users."

Private shared time based links Full audit on all shared links

Set password for shared links Expire shared links manually Single access point for auditing and data encryption Enable/Disable collaboration features Full User actions Audit Administrator can turn on event auditing and control the granularity so that all file events are logged for all users and the unique IP address is recorded against the event Geo Location logging The platform support GEO Location features for all document uploads which records the IP address and Town / Country of Origin, and the IP Address Town / Destination Country where the upload is accepted

Ransomware ready Setup a replica that retains original files.


Shared folders The Organization shared folders feature enables special folders to be set that all users in the Organization will see and access the content of these folders. This is a great way to store common organization data and ensure that all users have access to company content such as Marketing, Human Resource literature etc.

Online browser editing using Zoho API key registration required

Collaboration with external users Each user has the ability create virtual collaboration groups in which users can be invited to share content. Each member can, if required, be given permission to share content with the group and the group can be configured for all members to see each other, or not

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Collaboration (cont.)

Auto Sharing File Rules Specifically works with the virtual collaboration groups and enables sharing of content basedon rules. ACL Can be set for Shared Folder and virtual collaboration groups File locking Users can lock files if they don’t want other collaborators to update the file being worked on Unlimited Document versioning support Document versions are support and you can view previous versions

Built in messaging for collaboration Messaging is built into the platform so users can send each other messages from the web,windows or iOS platforms Comment on files Users informed of comments via notifications Unlimited Document Version support The platform provides document version support to view previous version of documents

File / Folder Sharing Advanced file sharing features which include sharing files over email, Twitter and RSS. Each file also has its own unique URL. File shares can also be set to expire after a number of days for safety Fax integration Integrate with the Interfax service which enables users to send documents as faxes directly from our service. An Interfax account is needed Workflow rules Rules can be set on data so that users are emailed if new files are uploaded to a specific folder, or file versions changes. Users can filter on certain types of file extensions or set all file extensions Language Support

Multi-Language Support (web) Using PO files. Can be self-administered and added.

Multi-Language Support (Apps) Using device localization strings

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346


Scalable Architecture Can be deployed HA - n-Tier architecture Multiple Deployment options available Depending on load requirements Solution is highly available and scalable Tested with thousands of users and millions of files. Largest deployed user base is for 350,000 users Data Access Can access data using Rest API, SME Client Aps, FTPS, FTP, WebDav, de-facto Amazon S3 API


Unified Cloud Search With full search operators Tagged files Allows for grouping of data from disparate clouds and easy search Content Search Integration with Apache Lucene / SOLR for search of document content across any mapped cloud)

Client Apps

Web Browser Hierarchical File Manager designed to easily navigate large data sets iOS client Native iPhone and iPad App Android Client Native Android App Windows 8 Tablet App Native Windows 8 Tablet App BlackBerry Client Native BlackBerry App Windows Native, Drive, Sync, Office Plug In's , Outlook Plugin, dedicated explorer App Mac Native, Drive, Sync, Spotlight search of date in clouds, Mac Mail plugin Linux Native, Drive, Sync, dedicated explorer App WordPress Backup Plugin Backup WordPress data to any cloud WordPress file share Plugin Share files from WordPress (with password and audit support) Web Browser Plug-In's For Chrome, Safari, Firefox SalesForce Force App App that integrates directly into SalesForce for behind the file private file sharing for SalesForce attachments. Gmail/Firefox Chrome Extension Secure file attachments for Gmail (web) FaceBook App Built for ISP's A consumer App for FaceBook file sharing Music Streamer App Mac only - built as proof of concept. Streams music for an mp3 file for any storage back-end

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Deployment Model

On-Site Use Behind corporate firewall as cloud control point Cloud only Use IaaS deployment AWS EC2, RackSpace, , Memset etc EC2 Deployment

Supplied as a software appliance image ie. VMWare, Hyper-V, KVM, , OVF. Can also be deployed as a Virtual Box image or as an OpenStack Compute image (Glance)


Branding Solution can be fully branded App Branding Yes, for mobile and desktop

Data Backup / Data Migration

Import / Export data between clouds Using SME Cloud Import / Export feature Cloud Migration capability For object storage clouds. Windows App only. Cloud to Cloud Archive/Backup Archive/ Backup data from one cloud directly to another cloud(s) Cloud Copy / Move Drag and drop directly from the web file manager Backup/Archive Email IMAP only. Email is backed up and each file becomes a text file and is indexed for search Data Protection

File Versioning support Supported and can be controlled by Admin. Also versioned view can be turned of in mobile and desktop apps. Web File Manager has "visual view" of versioning

SSL Transfer Admin can force https to be always on

Data at rest encryption Controlled by Cloud Admin for Team accounts

Public / private key data encryption 256 bit SHA-1 AES Data encryption. Can also be integrated with other encryption systems.

Group Policy To define security settings for all users

Retention policy Data not deleted unless removed from trash

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Data Protection (cont.)

Background backup to secondary storage SME Cloud to Cloud Archive

Email Backup Any IMAP email box can be backed up and be scheduled to be backed up at regular intervals.

Large File Support SME supports file splitting at an abstract level above any Cloud Provider and where cloud providers support this concept at an API level it integrates. An example of such an integration is OpenStack Swift Dynamic Large Objects (DLO’s) which are supported.

Content Manipulation

Create and Edit documents in Web Browser Uses Zoho and Google Docs integration or a plain text editor or SME ‘CloudEdit’ feature Edit Documents on Android Using SME FTP/Webdav and Kingston office Edit documents on iOS Using SME WebDav and Apple iWork or other WebDav enabled doc editors. The SME iOS App also allows in-app editing of text files on the Cloud using our own technology Edit documents directly on Windows Double click on docs from the cloud drive and use native editors or use SME MS Office or Libre Office Plug Ins Edit documents directly on Mac Double click on docs from the cloud drive and use native editors Web document viewing SME integrates with Google viewer and so can preview a multitude of document formats that Google Viewer supports. Also supports integrated web viewing if required. PDF Annotations SME provides a fully featured HMTL5 PDF Annotation suite with full burn and Audit capabilities WebDav / FTP Edit with any App that supports WebDav or FTP

Cluster Management

Cluster Management console Configure deployed instances to be clusterable and manage users / quotas etc from a single server Global Shared Folder Connector Work on shared team folders on each clustered server in a single namespace

Galera Ready Can be configured with Galera for GEO high availability and global consistency of meta-data

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Simplicity and Usability

Web based file manager Works like a desktop file manager with full drag and drop support Cloud Drive’s Supports cloud drives across all desktop operating systems akin to a users file server drive for simplicity and ease of use Sync Full support for dropbox like sync Packagers SME supplies packagers to enterprise customers in which they can self configure end user features and brand the Apps

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346

Storage Made Easy is the product trading name of Vehera LTD Reg No:07079346