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The Tennessee Magazine THE TENNESSEE MAGAZINE . THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 91 14 Davies Plan ration Road on the histon'c Davles Plantarion Mailing Address: P. O. Box 247, Brunswid, 2'3738014-0247 Telphone: (901) 381 - 1447 OFFICERY & SO- President JAMES E. BOBO Vice President PMIE MORGAN Contributions of al1 types of Tennessee-related genealogical Editor DOROTHY M. ROBERSON materiais, iacluding previously unpublished fknily Bibles, Librarian LORE'ITA BAlLEY diaries, joumais, letters, old maps, church minutes or Treasurer FRANK PAESSLER histories, cemetery information, family histories, and other Busiiess h4auager JOHN WOODS documents are welcome. Contributors should send photo- Recording Secretary RUTH REED copies of original documents or dupiicates of photos since Corresponding St~etaryBETTY HUGKES they cawot be returned. Mamscripts are subject to editing Director of Sales DOUG GORDON for @e and space requirements, and the contributor's name Director of Certificates JANE PAESSLER and address will be noted in the published article. Please Director at Large MARY ANN BELL include footnotes in the article submitted and iist any Director at Large SANDRA AUSTM additional sources. Check magazine for style to be used. Manuscripts or other editorial contributions should be typed EDITORIAL STm: Charles and Jane Paessler, Estelie or printed and sent to Editor Dorothy Roberson, 7150 McDaniel, Caro1 Mittag, Jean Alexander Wesf Ruth Reed, BelsGeld Rd., Memphis, TN 38 1 19, [email protected] Kay Dawson LIBRARY ST- Loraine Trenk, Carolyn Williams, BilEe Arnold, Winnie Caiioway, Billy Can, Kay Dawson, Lena Members can obtain information fiom this file by writing Forrester, Jean Gillespie, Mr. and Mts. Stanley Hams, Amelia TGS. Give your ancestor's ñiii name, at least one date and Hawk, Barbara Hookings, Joan Hoyt, Tburman Jackson, one location, -se a seif-ad-ped #lo Sharon Kelso, Benjamin McDow, Eugene Mathas, PizDe &. If the information is available, you will receive two Morgaq Ruth Reed, Bobbie Re~ie,Deborah Sandridge, photocopy pages of up to 10 surnarne cards of your ances- Charles Yates, and Saturday volunteers fiom the Chief tors, inciuding the name of the person[s] subrnitting the Piomingo, Fort Assumption, Hermitage, %ver City, and information. Any other data, ifavailable, wiU be supplied at Watauga DAR chapters. 50 cents per page (five cards to a page). Please limit requests to one a month, and to one family name per request. If you Cover allwtration of TGS Research Cerater- Eslelle McDcsnzal haven't sent us your own sumame data, please do. Type or print on 3xS"index cards your ancestor's name; dates and THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY places of birth, death, and maniage; and names of parents and publishes The Tennessee Genealogical Magazine, spouse(s). In the bottom le-d comer, put your Ansearchin' News, (ISSN 0003-5246) in March, name,address, and the date submitted. June, September, and December of each year. Annual dues are $20, and members receive the four issues published in the 12-months period followuie payment of their dues. Issuea missed due to late TGS sponsors this program to recogfh and honor the payment or unnotified changes of address can be settiers who meto Tennessee before 1880. To place your bought separately, if available, for $7.50 ach, ancestors in this roli of honor, request an appíication fiom incl'uding postage. Members are entitied to one free Mrs. Jane Paessler, Certificate Program Director, at TGS. query each year and may place additional qneries Complete and return it with supporting documents or other for $3 each. (Non-mernbers pay $5 each.) All que- proof of your ancestor's residency. (Farnily charts or computer printouts are not considered suflicient proof) must be related to Tennessee Queries including an Each application must be accompanied by a $1 0 fee. e-mail address wiU be inserted in TGS' web page Attractive certiíicates suitable for fiaming are issued to free of charge. each person whose application meets program qwldica- I tions. Certiñcates are inscribed with the prime ancestor's name, when and where he or she settled m Tennessee, and the applicant's name. I ANSEQRCHIN' NEWS, USPS M77-490 ts pribüdd quaHew by and for THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, MC, 9114 Davks PlPntPtiw R8, Bnmmíck, TN, a IKRI - pmflt BQOKs.- com- oqmhtion Periodiahi pastnge paid at Bnauwick, TN 38014 donated to the TGS Library should be mailed to Mrs. Loretta and nddiaomilmdbgoñices. Bailey, Librarian, Tennessee Genealogical Society, P.O. Box ANSE4RWIhr' NEWS 247, Bmnswick, TN 38014. Please indicate if a book review P.O. Box 247. Bninswiek TN 38014-0247 is desired.We aiso welcome mernoriums.i Editorial Viewpoint by Dorothy Marr Roberson The Lewis Family of Rhea County, Tennessee ly í'lmmm @tu¿&)Jackson Cannon County Marriages, 1838 Rutherford Rifles Reconvene in Murfreesboro in 1880 Tennessee Obituaries Meigs County Wills, 1835-1849 The GhosQ of the General and the Good Samaritan by Card Y. Mittag Partings Names, Status Changed by Special Acts Columbia Turnpike Directors Named by Governor FranMin Water Company Incorporated Runaway Tennessee Comings & Goings Picture Features Five Generations of East Tennessee Family Tennessee Marriages General Assembly Establishes Academies of Learning, Names Trustees Here's A Query You May've Missed Commissioners Appointed To Se11 Lots in Sevierville Lebanon-Nashville Tumpike Offícers Elected in 1838 Tennessee Soldiers' Descendants Sought by Georgia Camp Former Tennesseeans in 1850 Marshall Co., Miss., Census flmtallment 4) Genealogical CD Reviews Book Reviews Gleanings From Here and There Monroe County Marriages 1838 Are These Pieces of Your Puzzle? Some Sites To Behold Greenwood Payne Named Gate Keeper of Nashville Bridge Major Searcy Describes 1813 Creek War Battle Hay Fever & Kissing Yesterday's Alternative Medicine: The Springs of Summer (ípart 1) Surname Searching Queries When Was the Last Time ... Writing Your Query by Sue Mmine Index of This Issue by Frcmk PaessZer Inside Back Cover: Tennessee Counties - Dates They Were Formed & Their Parent Counties TENNESSEE is not to be outdone in many EDITORIAL- things - and especiaiiy when it comes to ghosts. Dorothy Marr Roberson The state certainly has had its share - and pe- rhaps then some -- of TENNESSEE'S OLDEST VETERAN, John George thgsthat go bump in the Painter of Hermitage Spnngs (Clay County), died 1st Mar Numerous legends involving ghosts have emerged about 2001 in the 112th yaof bis age -- as obituary kters of Canton, the Wiiiiamson CoW piantation home of the yesteryear would say. McGavocks thaí figured so prominently in the Civil War During his Army service in the ñrst World War, Painter battle at Franklin. led horse-drawn ammunition wagons to the fiont fines. Bom Our steilar researcher-writer, Caro1 Mittag, was in- 20 Sep 1888, he was the son of Patrick Henry Painter and trigud by the subject and decded to do a bit of delving into wife Susan Geneta McCauley, and in his youth worked as a the situation. Her '~~g~''aPPa 0x1 P%es 19-21 of thisissue. blacksmith and farmer in the Keeling Branch cornmumty of *** Jackson County. On 12 Nov 1917, at age 29, he enlisted in the Army with TGS MEMBER Lynn (Pieme) APP~@ McCandless, his brother, Hartley L. Painter, and served as a pnvate in former Mem~hianwho now lives ~JI Texas, is shafing the France with the 115th Artillery. After the war, he resumed resulfs of her 1 1 Yas of genealogical ~~earchby putting it blacksmithing in bis heme com~and on 8 jan 1920 married on a webpage accessible to d. It contains d the data she's bis cMdhood sweetheart, Giuie Watson, who died 7 Nov COmpiied On hei atlCeStOiS as well as 0thM families --literdy, 1989. he^ had two daughters, one of whom -- Doris (M*. hundreds and hundreds of folks [perhaps thousands WOU~~be Caivin Potts) of Mt. Juliet -- survives. He also left a sister, more Steh Botts of Honda, six grandchildren, eight great- To partake of Lynn's generosity, just go to : grandchiidre~and five great-great-grandchildren. He was bttp:l~ootsweb.cod-I-n/ living with a grandson, Dannie Green, when he died. *** The U.S. Department of Veterans Mairs said Painter was beiieved to have been the nation's oldest surviving DUItING MY FREQUENT genealogical searches through veteran. Frane bestowd its highest honor - the National 0ld Tennessee newsPaPers, 1have re~eatedl~come upon ads Order of he Legion of H~~~~-- on him. Funeral =Mces extoiíing the hdth-gbhg qualities of the state's natural were at Red Boiling sphgs, and bunal dh honors ~plkgs. ILl this era 0f bottled water fi0m ~p&gs idl OVei followeú at Hermitage Springs Cemetery. everywhere except Tennessee, 1 began to wonder whatever Painter's longevity has to be attributed to fis genes happened to the springs our ancestor~visited. rather than his diet. According to the Associateú Press story So 1 began to do a little dabbfing ... and before my about his death, he ate & slightly scrambled eggs and research feet even got good and wet, 1 was inundated with bowls of Rice Krispies every day. The regimen apparently SP~~S.There must've been a watering hole h virtuauy al1 of supplied him with a lifetirne of snap, pop, and crackle. Temessee's 95 counties at one time or another. It was interesting to read thaí one Nashville doctor suggested to his *** patients that they try the mineral sp~gwater instead of SOME PEOPLE CALL ~]rSE~NDIP~ .. others call relying on the patent medicines of the day ... He was no doubt it plain old luck. The latter term was used by TGS Member a man of time. M~ findings7 which focus On the Thuman uBoddyn ~~~lr~~~in expl-g how he fomd resorts that were built at the sp~gs,begin on Page 47 of this some lmers daenby fis T~~~~~~~ance.or wil1iarn T.
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