Satholic (Shoirmaster
Ulip ſatholic (ſhoirmaster F E E R U A R ºr N IN E T E E N F I F. T. E. E. N. º -- s ºrietº uſ ºf. (ºrºguru uſ America Oſbe Catholic Choirmaster THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN of The Society of St. Gregory of America A magazine for those interested in Liturgical Church Music. Nicola A. Montani, Editor. STAFF OF CONTRIBUTORS. Very Rev. E. R. Dyer, S.S. D.D.; Very Rev. A. De Santi, S.J.; Rev. L. Bouhier, S.S.; Mr. James A. McDavitt; Rev. A. Dress, Mus. D.; Dom A. Eudine, O.S.B.; Rev. A. L. Gabert, Mus. D.; Dom Gajard, O.S.B.; Rev. Garrouteigt, S.S.; Rev. Virgil Genevrier; Rev. G. Gleason, S.S.; Mr. F. W. Goodrich; Rev. H. T. Henry, Litt. D.; Rev. N. Holly; Rev. G. Huegle, O.S.B.; Mr. J. P. Keating; Rev. E. M. McKeever, LL.D.; Rev. T. Laboure, O.M.I.; Rev. C. H. Lefebvre, S.J.; Rev. L. P. Manzetti, Mus. D.; Mr. A. Mauro, Mus. D.; Dom A. Mocquereau, O.S.B.; Rev. J. M. Petter, S.T.B., Mus. D.; Mr. A. Van Dyke Power, Litt. D.; Mr. R. R. Terry; Rev. D. Waedenschwiler, O.S.B.; Mr. W. N. Waters; Rev. S. M. Yenn.; Dom L. M. Zerr, O.S.B. All editorial matter, programmes, etc., should be addressed to the editor. All matter pertaining to advertising, subscriptions, etc., should be addressed to Bro ther Berchmans, Station D, Baltimore, Md. On general matters concerning the Society, address: The Society of St.
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