911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360

Volume 29, Number 22 Thursday, June 6, 2013 Remembering a Friendship Born Out of Respect A Tribute to Jerry Peters by Andrew Tallackson

The snow fell heavy I offered a quick that day, large clumps run-through. Born in of white pounding Chicago, raised in the the sidewalk outside Miller Beach neigh- Mainstreet Theatre. borhood of Gary, but I watched from in- practically grew up side the building, in Michigan City. We seated at a cast-iron did everything here, I table and thankful for told him. What else? the warmth. Donna OK, well, attended a Kavanagh, standing performing arts high next to me, trembled, school, then Indiana as if trying to shake University in Bloom- off the cold. We were ington, majoring in joined by Jerry Pe- fi lm and journalism, ters, who handed us with a minor in clas- two steaming mugs of sical piano. Reporter, tea, the drinks warm- then editor at The ing our insides as we Peru (Ind.) Tribune, discussed a mystery a sister paper of The dinner-theater event News-Dispatch. Now, the two had planned I was where I wanted for New Year’s Eve at One of the only remaining photos to be, doing precisely Mainstreet. Ray Scott Crawford has of Jerry Peters. what I wanted to do. Twenty minutes lat- “Well,” Jerry said, er, the interview, it appeared, had come to stamping out his cigarette in a nearby ash- an end. I was wrong. The conversation was tray, “let me tell you about Michigan City.” nowhere near over. The roles were about to An hour later, he was still talking. What reverse. he liked. What disappointed him. How “So,” Jerry said, lighting a cigarette as things could improve. It was clear he loved he reclined against the wall near the ticket the city. Something else was clear: This booth, “News-Dispatch, huh? The new en- was a man who would become a major part tertainment editor. Tell me about yourself.” of life for me as entertainment editor. Peters Continued on Page 2 THE Page 2 June 6, 2013

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TM Trademark of American Soybean Association THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden 911 Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach.

Peters Continued from Page 1 bing with people. That was in December 1997, my fi rst month on Jerry wasn’t a saint. He was human. He had a the job. temper. If a press release didn’t make it in the pa- What I didn’t anticipate that cold winter’s day per, Jerry was on the phone letting me have it. If was the friendship that sprang from there, one that email was to blame, we lambasted the fl aws of tech- remained vibrant until the end. It was a friendship nology. If it was my fault, I apologized and made cemented out of respect for what we did in our re- sure the information still appeared in the paper. spective roles within the arts community. We had a major blowout in the fall of 2004, Jerry was Mainstreet Theatre. Or, to be precise, shortly before the theater group I co-founded, the he was Festival Players Guild, which presented Young People’s Theatre Co., presented its debut Canterbury Summer Theatre at Mainstreet The- production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor atre. The building was home for him. He took care Dreamcoat.” I can’t recall what it was about. Hon- of the bills, the contracts, the programs, the tickets, estly. I can see us, yelling and screaming at each the press releases, the photos, the ads – you name it. other, then calming down, apologizing. That’s typi- He worked closely with the Festival Players Guild cal of any show. Nerves fray, tensions mount and at board and Artistic Director Ray Scott Crawford. He some point, someone explodes. was active in the Michigan City Mainstreet Associa- Time is an effective healer, though. Days, months tion. Every Saturday from spring to fall, you’d fi nd and years mute the power an unpleasant memory him strolling past booths in the farmers market, holds to where it’s silenced indefi nitely. sometimes having Canterbury Summer Theatre Jerry, himself, seemed to have mellowed during cast members perform. the past few years. The edge was there, but the It was clear, though, that Canterbury Summer sting was gone. And in 2012, he reminded me of the Theatre was his fi rst love. Each summer, remark- true meaning of friendship. able young talent from across the country arrived Last year, you see, was when everything went to present about six shows in an insanely tight time wrong. Terribly wrong. frame. As the newspaper’s theater critic, I mar- That February, my wife and son and I were hav- veled at how the cast and crew cranked out a show ing dinner at Swingbelly’s. The waitress had just while in rehearsals for other productions. And there brought our food to the table. The hamburger on my was Jerry, opening the doors at intermission, when plate, drenched in barbecue sauce and surrounded you’d likely fi nd him selling refreshments and gab- by crisp potato chips, was mouthwatering. I smiled

Cast and crew for the 2012 Canterbury Summer Theatre The musical-comedy spoof “Musical of Musicals” was the only show I season arrive just outside the theater. was able to see during the 2012 Canterbury Summer Theatre season. THE June 6, 2013 Page 3 at my son, who was wolfi ng down his grilled-cheese sandwich. I looked away from him and the room appeared to be spinning. My vision blurred. As I slipped into blackness, the last thing I heard was my wife screaming, “Andrew, what’s wrong?” I came to a minute or so later: disoriented, on the fl oor, a cold rag on my forehead, my wife and son by my side. The murmur of conversations from alarmed customers permeated the air. I was told I’d blacked out, that a nurse dining nearby rushed to my side, preventing my head from slamming against a table. Who that nurse was, to this day, I don’t know. She never told me her name. EMTs then came into view, calmly explaining they were taking me to St. Anthony. I blacked out again during the trip to the hospital and yet again in the emergency room, where a nurse upon seeing me come to said, “Thank God, you scared us there for a minute.” That was the start of a long, grueling journey. Crohn’s disease, of which I’d been diagnosed in 1998, had zeroed in for the kill. If someone had told me then that 2012 would involve eight trips to the hospital and two surgeries, I would have replied, “No way. Not me. Not at 42.” But that’s precisely what happened. Jerry was there for me, though, during that fi rst full month at the hospital when it seemed like get- ting the disease under control was impossible. He visited twice. The fi rst time, I have no memory of it. Images from those fi rst few weeks are a blur. The second visit, I was more alert. Jerry fi lled me in on the upcoming season at Mainstreet and what was going on in Michigan City. There were a few devel- opments, in particular, he wanted to vent about. I had to laugh. “What?,” he asked. “Well,” I said, “here we are, what, 14, 15 years later, and nothing’s changed. You’re still griping, I’m still listening.” He paused, then let out a big, hearty laugh. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Months later, when my illness prevented me from working full time, Jerry wanted to make sure I still enjoyed the Canterbury season. Any show I wanted to see, he said, let him know. He’d save me a few comp tickets. My family and I did make it to a show: a spoof of Broadway musicals. My son, then 5, sat through the entire thing without squirming or com- plaining. In October, when Jerry and I united for an in- terview about local theater with Jane Daley from the La Porte County Convention & Visitors Bu- reau, Jerry mentioned that summer day, saying how proud he was that my son’s fi rst experience of seeing live theater for adults was at Mainstreet. He was beaming. I saw Jerry for the last time on Sunday, Nov. 4.

Peters Continued on Page 4 THE Page 4 June 6, 2013

Peters Continued from Page 1 I was standing by the piano in my living room He was leaving Michigan City Public Library as and felt all the strength evaporate from my body. I I arrived to return a few books. He asked about my collapsed into a chair. The only word I could utter health. I told him my second surgery was planned was, “What?” in one week. Doctors were convinced the procedure “We don’t have much information now,” Adam could solve my troubles. said. “I’ll call you or text you when we fi nd out more.” “Something tells me this is it,” he said. “This is I thanked Adam for letting me know, then stared going to do it for you. How long are you going to be off into space. This didn’t sound right. I just saw in the hospital? I’ll come visit.” Jerry. No, this does not make sense at all. What I told him about fi ve days. happened to Jerry, that’s something you read about “See you after the surgery,” he said, smiling as in the paper or see on TV or read online. I am not he walked away, headed for Mainstreet Theatre. I someone who receives a phone call to let me know thought nothing of it. It was a day like any other one of my friends has been murdered. That is a day. world of which I am not privy to. Thursday, Nov. 8. But I was. There it was. Plain and simple. Jerry I received a phone call from Adam Parkhouse, was gone. He was not coming back. the sports editor at The News-Dispatch. He was un- I was not able to attend his funeral. It was held characteristically cryptic. the day after my surgery. My wife went in my place. “Drew, was Jerry Peters, your friend from the Friends who visited me at the hospital asked if I theater group, around 69 or 70?” was OK. When I replied that I was recovering fast- “Yeah, why?” I asked. er than expected, some shook their heads and said, “Did he live on Walker Street?,” Adam asked. “That’s not what I mean.” “Yes, why, do you need me to call him about some- They meant Jerry. What could be said? Like ev- thing?,” I replied. eryone else, I was too numb from shock to say any- Silence. thing meaningful. “Adam, what?,” I asked, insistent on learning A few weeks ago, I walked into Mainstreet The- where this was headed. atre for the fi rst time in months. It was strange, not “Drew, Jerry was found dead in his house. They seeing Jerry there, him waving me over to show me think he was killed.” whatever he was working on. The walls were receiv- ing new coats of paint. It looked good, a reminder that amid tragedy, life goes on. Jerry’s legacy was defi nitely felt. This was his Live the Lifestyle and Feel like love, his passion. So much talent had graced that stage over the years. Knowing more would contin- you are ALWAYS on Vacation! ue to do so offered comfort. I smiled, opened up my Mortgage Rates have never been lower! notebook and began the interview with those pres- ent about the upcoming Canterbury season. In the same room, by the way, where Jerry and I met that cold winter’s day in December. Next week Andrew will give a view into the up- coming season at Mainstreet Theatre.

Maintenance Free Living at Beautiful Briar Leaf Golf Course Golf Course Setting, Hardwood Floors, Custom Cabinets and Granite Countertops throughout Home, Bright and Spacious, Masonry Fireplace, Open Concept Floor Plans, Full Basements, Two Car Attached Garage, PVC Decks, and Beautifully Designed Interiors. Two Luxury Ranch Townhomes with Special Model Pricing Free Couples Membership for Unlimited Golf for one year at Briar Leaf Golf Club-includes a 10% discount at Portofinos Restaurant Sales Office Hours: Located Between Friday, Saturday, Monday LaPorte and New Buffalo at 11-4 CST Briar Leaf Golf Course off SR 39. Sundays 12-4 CST 219-851-0008 Festival Players Guild Vice President Jan Dick prepares to apply a fresh coat of paint to the walls inside the building. THE June 6, 2013 Page 5


Q 4 bdrm 2.5 baths Open houses sheila carlson Q private deep lot Saturday, June 8 & Q vintage, but “new” Sunday, June 9 Q huge dormered bdrms 1-3pm

Q $469,000 selling homes inc Directions: 219.874.1180 Lake Shore Drive 219.861.3702 cell s. on Golden Gate [email protected] 2028 Juneway licensed in IN/MI Long Beach THE Page 6 June 6, 2013 Students Visit Hesston Steam Museum Michigan City’s Springfi eld Elementary School students enjoyed school day at Hesston Steam Museum on Friday, May 17th. Three hundred students had a great adventure learning about steam power, black- smithing, as well as taste testing at the old fashioned soda fountain, and riding all three gauges of trains. A fantastically fun day was had by all! THE June 6, 2013 Page 7 219-879-9950

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Located at US 12 & Karwick Road Michigan City adjacent to Long Beach, Indiana THE Page 8 June 6, 2013 “Meet the Author” at Temple News /RQJ%HDFK6XPPHU Children’s Book Author Isabel O’Connell to Sign 5HFUHDWLRQ3URJUDPV Books on Saturday June 8 Isabel O’Connell, author of three books for chil- 6XPPHU&DPS dren will be at Temple News Agency, 816 Jefferson  Ave. LaPorte at 10:00 a.m. on Sat., June 8, as part -RLQ\RXUIULHQGVDQGQHLJKERUVDW of LaPorte’s June “2nd Saturdays!” events. WKH/RQJ%HDFK6XPPHU&DPS  Isabel, who taught school for 25 years, a mother $JHVWR\HDUV of 4 and a musician in the LaPorte County Sym- 'D\V0RQGD\WKURXJK)ULGD\ phony will be here to meet, talk with, and 7LPH$0 sign her books for your children. 'DWHV-XQH$XJXVW During her teaching career, Isabel believed in the /RFDWLRQ/RQJ%HDFK&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU importance of reading books to her students each )HH5HVLGHQW1RQ5HVLGHQW day and has decided to write her own versions as 


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On seven pristine lots a traditional home Two bedroom, two bath, 1.5 story farm Three bedroom, two bath ranch on landscaped that comfortably sleep 17 in 4 bdrms that house shares 170 preserved acres of and wooded .35 acre lot. Private deck, basement, share 3.5 baths. Formal and less formal meadows, marshes, dunes, and forests. 2 car garage. Shoreland Hills Association, Lake living joins screen porch, in-ground pool, Outdoor space includes private courtyard, Michigan beach rights. City water and sewer deck, and firepit. 6/10 mile to Lake Michigan. patio, screened porch, and balcony. make way for pool or expansion. Bonnie Meyer @ (219) 617-5947 THE Page 10 June 6, 2013 June Genealogy Meeting CASUAL CHEF CAFÉ At 6 p.m., Tues., June 11, LaPorte County Genea- logical Society members Gloria Arndt and Dorothy Palmer will lead a tour of Low Cemetery at 600 West Johnson Road. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. LaPorte County pioneer John Van Meter (1837) created the cemetery by setting aside one acre of his land for a burial ground, fi rst known as Cool- spring Cemetery, then Midway Cemetery, and now UMPERNICKEL NN Low Cemetery. P I Fifteen known Civil War soldiers and one Revo- CASUAL, adj., relaxed, informal, homelike lutionary War soldier are buried there. Gloria and CHEF, n., magician who creates fantastic meals rife Dorothy will introduce members and friends to sev- with simplicity, succulence and professional care. eral cemetery residents, including Mary Low Mudge (1843-1924), Charles Otis Low (1841-1902), Ebene- CAFÉ, n., dining establishment, gathering place, not zer Palmer (1792-1845), Francis “Fanny” Crozier fast food or pretentious Palmer (1794-1845), Israel Shreve (1815-1865), and Samuel Fritz (1819-1880). After the tour the group “THE SOUP PLACE” will adjourn to a nearby restaurant for supper. Handcrafted Soups, Chowders, and Chili Except for this annual tour, the society meets at 7 served daily as well as Creative Salads, Pastas, p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month, weather and Sandwiches. Orders are constructed permitting. The public is welcome at all meetings. to order and we offer a large selection of For more information about the society’s activities vegetarian soups and entrees in awards, research, publication, and records pres- ervation, visit We serve award winning Italian Ice Cream Also at the web site, those who believe they have LaPorte County ancestors (and can prove it!) can (Gelato) and Sorbet (Italian Ice) fi nd information on how to apply for First Families 24 Delectable and Unique Flavors of LaPorte (before December 1840), Pioneer Fami- OPEN DAILY BREAKFAST & LUNCH lies (1841-1860), Settler Families (1861-1880), and CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Civil War Families (1861-1865). LARGER PARTIES WELCOME WITH PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS PRIVATE ROOM AVAILABLE 16090 RED ARROW HIGHWAY • UNION PIER, MI Meet the Artists at Village Gallery WWW.PUMPERNICKELINN.COM The Village Gallery is excited to present a multi- 269-469-1200 artist exhibit opening June 9 and on display through July 25. Ten talented artists from the 18 Artists co- operative online gallery will delight visitors in this diverse media exhibit. Oils, sculpture and pastels will be just some of the broad ranging mediums used by these award winning artists: Laurie Baumbart, Marilyn Diller, Rebecca Grochowski, Pat Hansen, Darlene Lenz, Suzy Nolan, Lorraine Orner, Judy Pampalone, Joanne Rayter and Jan Stewart. A “Meet the Artists” reception will be held on Sun., June 9 at 1:30 p.m. Both the exhibit and re- ception are free and open to the public. The Village Gallery at Pines Village Retirement Communities opened in 2009 and has showcased many artists from around the region and U.S. Located at 3303 Pines Village Circle (off Calumet Avenue just north of Cumberland Crossing) in Val- paraiso, the gallery is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There is no admission charge. For more information, phone Pines Village Retirement Communities at (219) 465-1591. THE June 6, 2013 Page 11


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ONE MAGNIFICENT LIFE RUBLOFF.COM THE Page 12 June 6, 2013 Orbovich to Speak at Music Conference Local Michigan City resident and concert violin- T ist, Nic Orbovich, has been awarded yet another high honor. He has been selected to deliver an ad- MERRION & ASSOCIATES REALTORS, INC. 1010 N. Karwick Road. • Michigan City, IN 46360 dress and demonstration at the 2013 Suzuki Teach- ers Association of Indiana’s annual conference, to be 219-872-4000 • 866-496-1752 held on July 13 in South Bend, IN. FAX (219) 872-4182 Nic is known to local audi- Specializing in Distinctive Properties Indiana and Michigan ences as the co-founder of the nationally acclaimed Michigan 1913 Lake Shore Drive City Chamber Music Festival, PRICE REDUCED! where he has performed as NOW: $329,000 • 3 BR, 1.75 BA violinist numerous times. He • Magnificent Views of Lake Michigan • Private Beach Access @ Stop 12 has been featured as soloist • Beamed Vaulted Ceiling in Large Family Room on Grammy Award nominated • ALSO AVAILABLE FOR WEEKLY SEASONAL RENTALS! recordings, Emmy Award win- OPEN HOUSE Sun., June 9 • 1-3 pm Cari Adams@ 219-898-5412 ning documentaries, and on 404 Pinewood Trail Grammophone Magazine’s Top Shoreland Hills Ten of the Year awards. Nic was also the bronze NEWLY LISTED! $280,000 medalist of the 1987 Her Royal Majesty’s Interna- • 3 BR, 1.75 BA • 2 Car Garage tional Music Festival Competition (Aberdeen, Scot- • Private Indoor Hot Tub land, U.K.). He is also the Chancel Choir director of • Newly Updated Kitchen & Bath • Large Deck & Private Fenced in Yard First Presbyterian Church, Michigan City. Joe G @ 219-861-3750 Orbovich has soloed with numerous local orches- tras, including the South Bend Symphony (with @MerrionRealty whom he will return as soloist in 2014), the Elkhart Debbie Burke, Principal Broker/Owner, GRI, ABR, RECS 219-221-0006 Symphony, and the North Shore Symphony of Chi- cago. Nic has coached with some of the world’s most important names in chamber music, includ- QWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE-)ing Alexander Schneider of the legendary Budapest Mention Ad Quartet, Rostislav Dubinsky of the Borodin Quartet R STATELINE Save $5.00 T R On A Lesson Or Trail Ride T (Russia), and Alan Grishman of the Mendelssohn R STABLES Expires 9/13 T Quartet (U.S.). R 219-778-9020 Horseback Riding T The address in July will emphasize the impor- R 10411 N. 200 E. • LaPorte, IN 45350 Trail Rides T Located directly behind Hesstons Supper Club, tance of chamber music development in young R 5 Minutes from New Buffalo Michigan Lessons T string players and will include a quartet reading R Kid Camps T YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUI and coaching session.

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A Great Day at Tryon Farm! Gold in the Women’s 5K. She had obviously taken On behalf of all the volunteers, Tryon Farm Hom- notes from her daughter, Madelyn, who was already eowners, sponsors and the entire Noonan family, I’d wearing the gold ribbon she’d earned in the kids’ like to say thank you for making the recent race one race. The 5K Men’s Race was won by Michigan City of the best days Tryon Farm has ever experienced. native, 13-year-old Parker DePalma, who clearly Over 285 runners toed the line, gave it their has a bright future in trail running. all, and were rewarded with medals, coconut wa- At the Women’s 50K distance, the action did not ter, chocolate milk, ice cold beer and the sense of disappoint. Carolyn Michael of Hobart, Indiana accomplishment that comes with meeting a great bested Clara Clemons in one of the closest races of challenge. Our oldest participant was running leg- the day. After fi ve loops and over 5-1/2 hours run- end Hal Higdon (82!). It was a true honor to host a ning, just 2 minutes separated these tremendous man who has shared his knowledge and love of run- athletes. This is about as close as an ultra race ning with literally hundreds of thousands of people. gets, folks. Next year ‘s entry is on us Carolyn! Af- The youngest entrant was 3-year-old Caleb Ksenak ter the fi nish, all the top women soaked in the ice whom I’m guessing will turn out to be a pretty good tub together. I think you’ll agree when I say that athlete (more about that later). Ultrarunners tend to be just about the coolest, laid The day offered some excellent racing and the back athletes you can meet. Something about the closest action was in the Kids’ 1K Race as Jackson Hennelly of Evanston, Il- linois, edged out best friend Conor Ebeling just as they reached the fi n- ishing mulch. In a tremendous bit of pacing that took a page out of Craig Virgin’s book, young Jackson brought the assembled crowd to its feet with his come-from-behind win at the tape. In the men’s 10K, it was payback time as Scott Ebeling (42:21) dominated a strong men’s fi eld to fi nish ahead of Jackson’s dad, John, who took 4th. A very strong performance was put in by Jacob Dewitt of Zeeland, Michigan, who placed second in 44:31. Ladies’ 10K winner was Natalie Krause of LaPorte. A radiant Amy Shinn of Michigan City ran a blazing 23:56 to take the 5k Winner Amy Shinn (left) Shouts Encouragement As The Kids Take Off!

Schoolhouse Shop At Furnessville Patio Plate Lunches a light gourmet treat

278 E. 1500 N. • Chesterton, IN 46304 (219) 926-1551 Closed Tuesdays THE June 6, 2013 Page 15 it? I am super proud of all of you. You’re the reason this race exists. I hope everyone enjoyed the 2nd annual Try- on Farm Trail 5/10/50K Run. Just like any other two-year-old, we experienced some growing pains, learned a lot, and had a blast. I hope you will all come back and see us in May of 2014. You can look forward to many improvements and an even bet- ter race day experience. I can also guarantee next year will be a bit cooler, as Valpo Velvet has already signed on to scoop free ice cream for runners! Happy trails! ----submitted by Will Noonan

“An offbeat race which is why I liked it.” --Hal Higdon (left) distance travelled and the pain that comes with it is very humbling. The Men’s 50K Race showcased a deep fi eld of talented runners. John Borman took the lead from the opening bell, but tired legs from running a 37 mile (oops!) 50K at Gnaw Bone a week earlier and the heat of the afternoon took its toll on the Valpo runner, and he fi nished in 2nd place. In the fi rst run of his life over 25 miles, Brent Ksenak made it look easy as he smiled his way to a course record 4:01 victory. His children Caleb and Ashley--who ran the kids’ race earlier--were on hand to cheer their dad. Something tells me we will be hearing more from Brent at the ultra distance. He will certainly be back next year to collect his free entry for win- Brent Ksenak Sporting A Winning 50K 2nd Place Finisher Clara Smile and 2013 TFT 50K Race Clemons Looking Fresh After Her ning this race and defend his Tryon Farm Trail 50K Champion Medal. 31 Mile Run title. Nick Schling had a strong 3rd place fi nish and I suspect the TFT 50 hasn’t seen the last of that ex- tremely fi t gent from Ohio. In the Masters Category, Mark Linn cruised to a 5:01 fi nish. Go Goshen! Special congratulations are in order for Traci, Katie, Jason, Todd, Val, Trish, Mike, Dave S., Bran- don, Steve and everyone else who completed his or her fi rst ultra on Saturday. That wasn’t so bad, was

All New & Exciting 3rd Place 5K Finisher Carissa Lytle with Summer Fashions! husband Patrick and their two children. For those who love - Eileen Fisher, For those who love - Eileen Fisher, Flax, Cut-Loose, Comfy, NYDNYD Jeans,Jeans, Niche &Niche Babette, & Babette Lauren Vidal

15412 RedRed ArrowArrow Hwy.Hwy. Lakeside,Lakeside, MIMI (269)(269) 469-7727 469-7727 Since 1962 New • Used • Repair • Parts Hours Ryan & Ann Gasaway, Owners 1406 Franklin Street Monday - Saturday 11 - 5 & Sunday 11 - 4 219-879-8248 Michigan City, IN 46360 THE Page 16 June 6, 2013 At the IN Dunes National Lakeshore • Mount Baldy Sunset Hike at National Lakeshore -- Fri., June 14 & 28 at 7:30 p.m. Enjoy a stroll with a ranger and then watch the sunset at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore’s Mount Baldy. This 60-minute program will help you understand the threats to this famous dune and what you can do to help protect it. Meet at the Mount Baldy Parking Lot located just north of U.S. Highway 12 in the eastern portion of the national lakeshore. • Stewardship Day at the National Lake- shore – Saving Mount Baldy -- June 15, 9 a.m.- noon Drive-In Please join a ranger and help in the restoration of Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore’s Mount Baldy. Volunteers are needed to remove invasive species. Wear comfortable clothes; work gloves and equip- After 65 years, we’re still making root beer ment will be provided. Insect repellent and sun- screen are recommended. the old fashioned way! Our car-hopsp serve Meet at the Mount Baldy Parking Lot located just up homemade items - cookedcooked to order.order. north of Highway 12 in the eastern portion of the national lakeshore. Nostalgia Personified!d! For more information about this program or other activities at Indiana Dunes National Lake- shore, contact the information desk at 219-395-1882 All beef hot dog & or check the park’s website at homemade root beer Art Auction at MC Public Library Fri., June 7, 5:00 p.m. The Michigan City Public Library is hosting an $3.35 entertaining night of fun on First Friday in June. There will be an art auction whch includes donated pieces from local artists and from many local fami- Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. lies to benefi t the library Endowment Fund. 118 W. Coolspring • Michigan City, IN 46360 The evening will include music by Kent Arns- 219-872-0331 • barger on steel drum and refreshments. Preview is from 5-6:30 p.m. with the auction at 6:30 p.m.

Dog Trainer “WILL MAKE HOUSE CALLS” Gerry Muncy          HM\SSZLY]PJLLJVJVUZJPV\ZKLZPNUÄYT P.O. Box 101 • New Buffalo, MI 49117 UWSOPUJJVT 3(>9,5*,A044,9 Phone: (269) 612-2004

In the new clubhouse at Legacy Hills Golf Course LaPorte’s Very First 299 W. Johnson Road Farm-to-Fork Dining 219.575.7272 Experience LaPorte’s Very First FarmFaarm-to-Fork-to-to-Fork DiningDining Expep rieni ce THE June 6, 2013 Page 17

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Delivering to Michigan City Open 7 days a week. THE Page 18 June 6, 2013 Michigan City Education Foundation Presents Teachers With Grants by Jan Van Ausdal

On May 15th, Michigan City teachers who re- that such awards were giv- ceived grants from Unity Foundation gathered at en and that the grants to- Barker Mansion to speak of their projects to other taled about $17,000. While teachers, the Unity Foundation members, special fi fty-seven grants were ap- invited guests and the news media who had come to plied for, thirty-eight grants cover the event. Snacks and beverages were avail- were awarded to fi fty-three able in the Barker Mansion dining room. They in- teachers and these grants cluded lemonade & iced tea, chips & salsa, chocolate reached about 3,400 chil- covered strawberries, veggies & dip, and cookies & dren in the Michigan City brownies. Unity Foundation employees Debbie Sell- Schools. It was noted that ers and Gabby Dziadkowiec were in the foyer as a lot of the projects are re- people arrived to present them with name tags and usable in future years with the teachers with tote bags. Michigan City Schools Supt. other children. Barbara Eason-Watson speaks at the meeting.

Then it was time for the teachers to make their pre- sentations and speak about Debbie how they used the grant Sellers of money. Barker Middle Unity helps guests sign School Music Teacher Shir- in. ley Allen brought her choir with her to sing to the audi- ence some of the numbers they learned in the project, Maggi Spartz of Unity “Broadway at Barker.” This Foundation addresses the program exposed the stu- teachers and others. dents to classic musicals through learning and performing the songs and viewing excerpts of the DVD’s. The culmination was a concert performance of a musical medley of songs from the musicals. Gabby Dziadkowiec from Unity distributes tote bags to teachers.

Heidi Jasse, the new Uni- ty Chairman of the MCEF, gave a history of the MCEF. Mary Lou Linnen, the retir- ing chairman of the MCEF, was presented a bouquet of Choir from Barker Middle, with Director Shirley Allen, prepares to sing. fl owers for her work. Michi- Teacher Debbie Boone of St. Paul’s School whose gan City Schools Supt. project was “Connecting Science with K’Nex,” had a Barbara Eason-Watkins number of large and colorful examples of what items was introduced and spoke had been built by her students. Brenda Christian- briefl y. Then Maggi Spartz son of Krueger had the project of “Readers Rock at of Unity spoke to the crowd. KMS!” She encouraged readers to read record set- Heidi Jasse of Unity, the new She mentioned that this chairman of the MCEF, speaks ting numbers of accelerated reader books over the year marked the 17th year to the crowd. course of the school year. After a student read ten THE June 6, 2013 Page 19 School, had the project, “Traveling Awesome Art & Imagination Proj- ects.” This was a traveling exhibi- tion to display student artwork throughout the community. said, “I was able to display their work in public sites. We Edwin Shelton, art teacher at Notre Dame, could display some Alan Boone from St. Paul’s School holds a K’Nex sculpture made by his speaks about “Traveling Awesome Art & wife’s students. Imagination Projects.” of the art as long as it was not af- AR books and passed the review tests, he received fi xed to the walls or to the ceiling. Other schools can an “I Rock” embroidered polo shirt. The goal was to also display art work of their students, even if they provide a fun and competitive challenge that will were not in this particular project.” Kristin Smith distinguish the students as “life-long readers” and and Sheri Tuesburg of Springfi eld Elementary had thus “life-long learners.” the project of “Using Mentor Texts as Signposts to Mandy Sherrick of Barker Middle School pre- Guide Our Writing.” They held a writing workshop sented the project she, Sara Blank, and Kathy through which students read mentor texts through Gushrowski used: “A Long Walk to Water.” The a “reader’s” and a “writer’s” eye. Students used the book, “A Long Walk to Water,” was read aloud on mentor texts to infl uence their own writing to be the closed circuit TV station. Students investigat- more like published texts. The teachers used folders ed how wells work, learned about culture, climate to hold the students’ work which will be presented and historical facts surrounding the story. Then, to the students at the end of this school year. students and staff members committed to drinking All teachers expressed their gratitude in receiving nothing but water for two these grants and said their “thank-you’s” in various full weeks. Adam Goebel of ways. The materials from this year’s grants will be Elston Middle had the proj- used again in the schools and the teachers intend to ect, “Science Up,” which in- apply for other grants to help their students learn, cluded the purchase of ma- and to make learning fun for their students! terials to promote students understanding of the scien- tifi c method in preparation for the annual science fair. Kristin Smith & Materials were made avail- Sheri Tuesburg from Springfi eld able to students to conduct Elementary talk experiments for their se- about “Using Adam Gobel of Elston Middle, lected science fair projects. Mentor Texts with “Science Up.” as Signposts It should be noted that this to Guide Our project resulted in 100% participation by the sci- Writing.” ence students at Elston in the science fair! Edwin Shelton, art teacher at Notre Dame

Erica Ackerson of Krueger with “Cast-Away!” Lexa Allison of St. Stan’s with “What I Love.” Erin Lozano of Lake Hills Elementary with “Writers’ Showcase.” THE Page 20 June 6, 2013 New Honor for Elizabeth Wiegand Elizabeth Grieger Wiegand, NCTM (Nationally Thanks to the many friends Certifi ed Teacher of Music) received notifi cation who supported the from Remington Congressional registry that she Tryon Farm Trail Run was nominated for membership in the organiza- in various wonderful ways!! tion. The Registry board is now publishing a book of biographies of Outstanding Professional people June 1 who are also Humanitarian Heroes. Mem- Mayor Meer’s Offi ce, LaPorte County Stranco Signs bership includes people from all walks of life. The Michigan City Convention and Visitors Bureau Amy Shinn’s Boot book will be archived in the Library of Congress. It First American Camp Management Granor Farm will also be archived at Texas Woman’s University Panini Panini in Ms. Wiegand’s Repository for Renowned Women New Buffalo Savings Rolling Stonebaker Bank Pizza Truck Shady Creek Winery Composers. Laura Lalone, State Loose Strings Blue Alicia Rutzen Ms. Wiegand serves as Music director at St. Peter Farm Insurance Grass Photography Church in LaPorte and the Traditional Choir and Blackbird Café Al’s Super Market Lange’s Meat Market guests is invited to sing in the outdoor amphitheatre Scartozzi’s Café and Dave Sullivan Wolf at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, Belleville, Spire Restaurant Catering Hound Marketing IL on Aug. 5 to close out a 3-day novena to Share the Grateful Diner Lake Front Salon Restaurant Arturo’s Bakery Healing the Hope. Featured will be the hymn she Roost Chicago Elle Salon 3 D Cakes composed, “Dear Mary, Our Lady of The Snows,” Dig the Dunes which she composed for the Shrine. It will be used Timothy Jeffrey Darling Boutique Steven Cohen Aveda Salon in a procession around the Shrine and in concert. Bridges Restaurant Ino-vate Kroger Foods, Soloists are George Mares and Tom LeDonne. LaPorte David’s Deli Extra Mile Fitness The performance is publicized worldwide, broad- Company Season’s Harvest Patrecia Lenore cast on TV and recorded. The Shrine is a chapter of Mindful Lake Shore Bone Shoreline Brewery Meditation and Joint Institute St. Mary Major Church, Rome, Italy. On June 8, the group will tape a patriotic pro- Everyone who lives at Tryon Farm!!! Special thanks! gram on Channel 99 and will include the “Michigan City is the Town” song by Ms. Wiegand. Copies of the song will be available at local stores. Proceeds from sales will be directed to the Unity Foundation and the Social and Learning Institute for the dis- advantaged. Special guests will be Maggie Spartz, AWARD WINNING Director of the Unity Foundation, and James Guer- ricci, Director of the Social and Learning Institute.

AARP Driver’s Safety Course Thurs., June 13 - 6:00 p.m. This program at the Michigan City Public Li- 227 West 7th Street brary is a refresher course that can help you learn Michigan City, Indiana 46360 the effects of aging on driving and how you can ad- just your reactions. Available in a 5-hour, one-day 219-872-8200 program, you may earn an insurance rate discount (check with your insurance company) by taking this course designed for drivers over 55 yrs. old. The fee is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. Bring your AARP card with you. • Full Service Bar And Dining Phone 873-3049 to register. • Families Welcome • Free WIFI a Lampshade Specialty Shoppe LAMPS - Vintage and New • Beautiful Outdoor Patio AAMERICANMERICAN MADEMADE LAMPSHADESLAMPSHADES In Stock or Made To Order FR • SA • SU • MO 12-5 P.M. (MI) • Live Music On The Weekends 900 W Buffalo St., New Buffalo, MI 269-469-2742 THE June 6, 2013 Page 21 Poetry Slam Camp 2013 June 17-22 & 22 • 10:00 a.m. This week-long program at the Michigan City Public Library consists of poetry activities for middle-schoolers, focusing on self-expression and slam-style writing and performance. Registration is only $5 which includes all activities, lunch Monday through Thursday and camp t-shirt. PNC students and professors are volunteering their time to create and lead the program. Perfor- mance night will be Sat., June 22, at 6 p.m. and is $6+257%,.(5,'(72/$.(0,&+,*$1DQHDV\ open to the public. Phone 219-873-3049 to register ZDONWRWKHVWRUHVLQ1HZ%XIIDOR7KLVORYHO\ or for more information. VFUHHQSRUFKIDFHVWKH6RXWK7KHODQGVFDSLQJ VXUURXQGLQJWKHKRXVHSURYLGHVDVHWWLQJ ZKHUH\RXFDQQRWVHHDQ\QHLJKERUVH[FHSW Polish Heritage Festival Meeting IURPRQHZLQGRZ)LUHSODFHEHGURRPV EDWKVFDUJDUDJH Sunday, June 9th - 10 a.m. 6HHPRUHGHWDLOVDWUHPD[KFFRP International Friendship Gardens 2055 E. U.S. Hwy 12 - Michigan City, IN (East of the Blue Chip Casino) Everyone will meet in the parking lot at the main gate. The festival site will be mapped out for setting up the locations for every venue. The Polish Garden will be checked to see what needs to be done. Sev- eral people from Michigan City have been cleaning up the Polish garden on a weekly basis. Information: Mark Kolasa at 219-873-1788. History Discussion Group (9(5<7+,1*,17,3723&21',7,21ZLWKD History buffs and those who are simply interested VN\OLJKWWKDWSURYLGHVQDWXUDOVXQOLJKWLQWKH in learning more about history are invited to West- NLWFKHQGLQLQJDQGOLYLQJURRPVEHGURRPV IXOODQGKDOIEDWKV$WWDFKHGFDUJDUDJH chester Public Library’s History Discussion Group GHFNODUJHEULJKWORWZLWKWUHHVRQWKH on Sat., June 8, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the SHULPHWHU(DV\DFFHVVWR&KHUU\%HDFK Bertha Wood meeting room at Thomas Library, 200 6HHPRUHGHWDLOVDWUHPD[KFFRP W. Indiana Ave., Chesterton. Registration is not necessary. Join Thomas Murphy and Jon Fraley as they lead a discussion on the Battle of Midway. The focus of the discussion will be the decisions made by the commanders, the work of naval intelligence, and the “luck” involved in achieving success. Because the anniversary of D-Day is in June, attendees will discuss that, too. For more information, phone Leea at (219) 926- 7696 or Serena at (219) 983-9715.

%(7:((1/$.(0,&+,*$1$1'0,/'$¶6 FODVVLFEULFN&KLFDJRVW\OHKRXVH7RWDOO\ UHQRYDWHGIURPWKHVWXGVRXWLQVLGH$OOQHZ PHFKDQLFDOVEHGURRPVEDWKV([WUDGHHS ¶[¶ ORW6RPHZRUNQHHGHGRQWKH Your Best Stop for Everything to Rent RXWVLGHRIWKHKRXVHDQGWKHJDUDJHQHHGVD Equipment & Party Rentals QHZURRI for Contractors and 6HHPRUHGHWDLOVDWUHPD[KFFRP harbor country Do-It-Yourselfers Also Your Best Source for Propane O: 269.469.5635 Ext. 302 C: 269.612.0505 628 Longwood Drive • Michigan City, IN Dan Coffey E: [email protected] 219.814.4251 W: THE Page 22 June 6, 2013 Moonlight and Merlot at the Mansion ”Moonlight and tine days of those who Merlot at the Man- worked in Oliver’s sion,” presented by factory as well as ar- the Center for His- tisans and craftsmen tory, offers an engag- who helped construct ing look at different his mansion. The twi- aspects of the Oliver light tour includes Mansion and the fam- a look at the man- ily who lived there. sion’s exterior and the The wine-and-cheese home’s Library and events take place at Den, which was used 7:00 p.m. Eastern by J.D. Oliver. time on Wednesday, Construction on the June 12, 19 and 26, 38-room Oliver Man- each featuring a talk sion began in 1895, and a twilight tour of and the family moved the historic house. in on New Year’s The series pre- Day 1897. Copsha- mieres on June 12 holm, as the Olivers with Copshaholm The Oliver Mansion later named it, was Curator Kristie Er- designed by Charles ickson’s presentation of “The Oliver Mansion vs. Alonzo Rich of New York. The rounded arches, tur- Downton Abbey: A Look into the Life of Servants.” ret, gambrel roof, and wide sweeping veranda refl ect Erickson compares the life of the servants of the the mansion’s Romanesque Queen Anne style. Oak, popular PBS series “Downton Abbey” with that of cherry and mahogany woodwork can be found on all the servants who worked at the Oliver Mansion. three fl oors of Copshaholm, giving a rich warmth The behind-the-scenes tour that evening showcas- to the feel of the interior. Fourteen fi replaces and es the mansion’s Dressing Room, Kitchen, Butler’s leaded glass windows, purchased from Tiffany & Pantry and Servant’s Quarters. Co., New York, add to the beauty of the house. The On June 19, “Festive Frocks and Gala Gowns,” Oliver Mansion’s furnishings are original, showing presented by Erickson and Registrar Kristi Dunn, the house as it appeared when the Oliver family offers a look at formal wear worn by the Oliver fam- lived there. The home and its gardens are listed on ily and party culture of the time–from the Victorian the National Register of Historic Places. Era to the Roaring Twenties. Set against the back- Tickets for each event of “Moonlight and Merlot drop of the Oliver Mansion’s Ball Room, Billiard at the Mansion” are $15/adults, $12.50/seniors, and Room and Main Hall, the twilight tour that evening $10/members, and include complimentary wine, explores the rooms in which the Oliver family did beer and soft drinks as well as an assortment of much of their formal entertaining. cheese and fruit. A series pass, providing tickets for The fi nal event, “A Day in the Life,” taking place all three events, can be purchased for $30/adults, on June 26, provides a savvy snapshot of a typi- $25/seniors, and $20/members. Reservations are re- cal work day of J.D. Oliver, President of the Oliver quired and seating is limited. Chilled Plow Works. The talk, given by Director of For information, phone (574) 235-9664 or visit School Programs Travis Childs, also examines rou-

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photos by Janet Baines

The Guardian Riders were on hand to escort during the day. The rain forced the service indoors, but the wreath laying and gun salute still took place at Greenwood Cemetery. Placing a wreath on the Danny Bruce (Vietnam) Memorial in Washington Park

Memorial Day services moved into the Skwiat American Legion Post.

At the WWII Peace Monument

Paul Hannon gets ready to sing. Musical accompaniment by members of the Municipal Band.

Ceremony and wreath State Senator laying at the Ken Scott Jim Arnold (Vietnam) Memorial in gave a brief Gardena Park. speech. (l-r): Bob Hock, Paul Hannon, Senator Jim Arnold, Ron Pittman THE Page 26 June 6, 2013 MCHS MCJROTC Honors Fallen Heros The Memorial Day weekend is the traditional start of summer, a time when most Americans spend relaxing by doing leisure activities. The real purpose of Memorial Day is to remember American military men and women who died in the service to our nation. Cadets from the Michigan City High School Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps honored those who paid the ultimate sacrifice by placing flags on veterans graves and participating in two Memorial Day events.

not easy getting up early on a Saturday morning,” said Cadet 2nd Lieutenant Alex Wyman, “but it is the least I can do to honor those who have served our country. I feel that, in least a small way, I am saying ‘thank you’ to all who have worn a military uniform,” he continued. The first Memorial Day event was at the Skwiat American Legion Post in Michigan City. The original plan was to have a parade march from Ames Field to the Greenwood Cemetery and have the ceremony at the cemetery. Inclement weather forced the ceremony inside. Despite the close quarters, it was a very digni- 15 cadets help canvass the Greenwood Cemetery, fied ceremony. The JROTC Color Guard posted and placing flags on all veterans graves from wars ranging retrieved the National and Marine flags to start and from the Civil War to the latest wars on terror. “It’s conclude the ceremony. Most of the Michigan City

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Cadet Sergeant Quinton Dixon. Major Tom McGrath said that the dedication these cadets demonstrate is a great example to all youth. “I think one of the most important characteristics of a great society is how it honors those who protect its freedom. These cadets have set an example for all The final ceremony was at Nelson Park in Trail of us to emulate.” Creek. The Color Guard again began and concluded The cadets next scheduled ceremonies will be on the ceremony, conducted under windy and cold condi- Independence Day when they will participate in the tions. Along with the MCHS cadets, the VFW Firing Michigan City ceremony and then the LaPorte 4th Detail and State Senator Jim Arnold participated in of July parade. They will also march in the Summer both ceremonies. “It makes me feel good to be able Festival Parade on July 6th and work the Drum and to participate in these ceremonies with individuals Bugle Corps competition that night. Cadets will be who have accomplished so much in their lives, and busy in June with their Leadership Camp in Yellow are so proud to have served in the United States Springs, OH, and community service activities like military. It gives me something to shoot for,” said the Queen of All Saints Festival.

beach bum jewels ““AA MMidsummeridsummer Night’sNight’s Dream”Dream” SUNDAY, JUNE 9TH, 2013 jewelry * gifts * art 2:30 PM central time

Celebration Side of Authentic Beach Glass Jewelry Tumbled by Mother Nature International Friendship Gardens Artwork by Local Artists * Artisan Crafted Items & Nautical Decor Liberty Trail entrance FREE Parking. First Friday – June 7, 2013 5-8pm Featuring: Handicapped assistance available. Author - Gay Lyn Birkholz and For tickets, call 219.878.9885 Fred Byer of Natural Bear Wood Products Adults: $12.00 • Children: $6.00 A delightful way to have your children experience a play, surrounded Studio/Gift Shop Hours: by beautiful trees, lush grass, wonderful fl owers and…creatures! Thursday – Saturday 11 am – 5 pm Children are encouraged to come dressed as fairies and elves ! Sunday 12 pm – 4 pm & by appointment 621 Franklin Street Michigan City, IN IFG, METAMORPHIS TRAVELING THEATER COMPANY, 219-743-9595 THE PAULS FOUNDATION & MCCEC GRANTS THE Page 28 June 6, 2013 Make Indiana State Parks and Reservoirs Your Gym This Summer You can get in shape, experience the outdoors and earn a shot at winning prizes by taking the Depart- ment of Natural Resources Fitness Challenge. The challenge is sponsored by DNR’s Division of State Parks & Reservoirs. The challenge entails walking, biking, paddling or swimming at least 25 miles inside one or more of Indiana’s state parks and reservoirs between now and Oct. 31. • ApparelApparel Indiana has 24 state parks and eight reservoirs. Learn more about them at or • AccessoriesAccessories download an Indiana Recreation Guide at dnr. • JewelryJewelry Horseback riders can join too, but must complete • ShoesShoes 100 miles on state park or reservoir trails. Those who pass the challenge will be entered in a drawing for prizes that include annual passes and permits, subscriptions to Outdoor Indiana maga- zine, DNR campground gift cards and more. Fitness challenge participants must log their vis- its to state park or reservoir properties and get a signature from staff each time. “Participants often comment on how this has 112222 NN.. WWhittakerhittaker StreetStreet • NewNew Buffalo,Buffalo, MIMI helped them explore new and unique outdoor places 2269-469-498069-469-4980 in Indiana while getting great exercise,” says Gin- ger Murphy, Assistant Director for Stewardship for Indiana State Parks & Reservoirs. “We are happy to continue this challenge for another year!” For more information, visit 'XQHODQG%HDFK'XQHODQG%HDFK and click on the “2013 Fitness Challenge” link. ,QQÃ5HVWDXUDQWÃ%DU 5SegS^8[`W6[`[`Y5SegS^8[`W6[`[`Y  1RZ2SHQ'DLO\DWSP Crowning Glory %UHDNIDVW6DWXUGD\ 6XQGD\SP BEAUTY SALON & WIG RETAIL  1604 Franklin Street (DUO\%LUG Michigan City, IN 46360 2UGHUE\SPWRHQMR\DFRPSOLPHQWDU\ Top Designer Wigs in Stock ,QQVDODGDQGGHVVHUWRI\RXUFKRLFH Match all competitive prices  6XPPHU1HLJERUKRRG)DYRULWHV Appointment needed for wig 0RQGD\ &KLFNHQ3LFDWWD  consultation 7XHVGD\ /DNH3HUFK   Browsers welcome! :HGQHVGD\6HOHFW'ULQNV :LQH  219-872-6160 7KXUVGD\ 6XVKLYDULHVZHHNO\  )UL 6DW 3ULPH5LE  

6XQGD\ 7KH%HVW)ULHG&KLFNHQ  205 Tilden Ave., Michigan City  Cabinets & 219-878-9914 6WRS'XQHODQG%HDFK Countertops 3RWWDZDWWDPLH7UDLO • FREE ESTIMATES • GRANITE CABINETS &  • FREE IN HOME CONSULTATIONS • SOLID SURFACE COUNTERTOPS 5HVHUYHRQ2SHQ7DEOH • FREE FIELD MEASURING • LAMINATE FOR ANY ROOM! ZZZ'XQHODQG%HDFK,QQFRP Family Owned & at the Same Location Since 1987 Come Visit Our Showroom THE June 6, 2013 Page 29 The Lakeside Garden Walk Sponsored by The Lakeside Association of Harbor Country’s Lakeside, Michigan. Date: June 29, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. eastern time. The Lakeside Association is a long-standing or- ganization that invites residents to participate in their community through parades, an ice cream so- cial, and other family events. Volunteers from the association also maintain the Lakeside Park, a rest- ful green space in the village center. Proceeds from the garden walk, the association’s main fund raising project, go to the Scholarship Fund benefi ting high school seniors in the River Valley School District. This year the walk will feature eight unique gar- dens that represent Harbor Country. Within short driving distances of each other (1 to 6 miles), partic- ipants will experience a range of delightful settings: lake views, cozy cottages, an historical estate, work- ing vegetable gardens, inviting patios and water features, and more just waiting for you to discover. TICKETS --$35 in advance / $45 the day of the walk --By mail: Send a $35 check to: 2013 Garden Walk, The Lakeside Association, P.O. Box 415, Lakeside, Michigan 49116. Pick up your ticket the day of the walk at the Lakeside Park (corner of Red Arrow Highway and Lakeside Road) --From area businesses beginning May 15. Sites posted on the web site. --Walk-ins the day of the walk. Stop by the tent in Lakeside Park and purchase your ticket (corner of Red Arrow Highway and Lakeside Road) More information at or 773-343-1680.

QUICK SERVICE PLUMBING REPAIR, INC. (219) 362-0157 or Toll Free (888) 499-1559 Complete Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Sales and Service. Modern Sewer Cleaning, Jetting and Inspection Equipment Competitive Rates - Senior Citizens Discounts New Selection of 60 day warranty on most Service Work 1 Hour Minimum Service Call - Travel Time 1 Way - Sorry, No Credit Spring Handbags & Scarves Insured, Bonded, LIC. #PC81038838 Charles Dillon, Owner $5.00 Off Entire Purchase of $25 or More NOW OPEN Expires 6/30/13 Located in the Karwick Plaza All Redlined Items 60% off

“Priced Right Everyday Hardware Store” Call 878-1720 FALL HOURS: TH-SAT. 11 AM-4 PM • SUN NOON-4 PM Flooring, Cabinets & Installation Services 305 W. BUFFALO ST. (US HWY 12 AT LOOKOUT LANDING), NEW BUFFALO Tools, Electrical, Plumbing, Hardware, Paint, Lawn & Garden 269-469-0505 THE Page 30 June 6, 2013 Moving Wall to Visit Three Oaks

SUMMER HOURS: Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday-Monday 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Our specialty is the authentic Naples Style Pizza prepared The Three Oaks American Legion Post 204 is and cooked just as it was 170 years ago in a wood fi red honored to bring The Moving Wall to Three Oaks, hearth oven. This style pizza is as much a method of rich Michigan from August 22-26, 2013. The Moving tradition as it is a food. Wall will be stationed at the American Legion on Memorial Drive and will be run, maintained, and Our passion is to provide our guests this authentic staffed by area volunteers. Napoletana pie along with fresh salads and refreshing house The Moving Wall will be open 24-hours a day made Gelato using only the fi nest fresh ingredients, cooked during the August 22-26th display. There will be an using time honored traditions and served in a warm inviting opening ceremony on Friday, August 23, at 8 a.m. atmosphere. We also offer the fi nest micro-crafted beer and closing ceremony on Sunday, August 25. Every- and wine. one is invited to visit the wall free of charge and pay respects to the men and women who have given the Come and relax, enjoy the tradition of this fi ne food ultimate sacrifi ce for our country. with a story to tell, Authentic Wood Fired Pizza. “The Three Oaks American Legion Post 204 is ex- cited to have the opportunity to present the powerful 219-879-8777 remembrance of each soldier, past and present, that SUMMER HOURS: continue to guide our country,” said Deb Staples, Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m. -10 p.m. • Sunday-Monday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Post 204 member. “We are grateful to the Pokagon Fund for helping to support our efforts to bring this 500 S. EL PORTAL MICHIANA SHORES, IN commemorative structure to Three Oaks.” INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SEATING The Three Oaks American Legion Post 204 is CARRYOUT searching for volunteers for the August 22-26th u a t e event. Please email [email protected] to www.stop50woodfi volunteer. More information about the wall and to make a donation, please visit www.movingwall.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin ALL-PRO (Never known to fail.) Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of CONSTRUCTION CO. God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. 919 St. Rd. Hwy. 212 • Michigan City, IN 46360 Oh, Star of the ‘Sea, help me and show me, herein you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, SUMMER SPECIALS Queen of Heaven and Earth! I humbly beseech Kitchens • Bathrooms • Garages • Roofi ng • Siding you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in Decks • Porches • Concrete Work • Foundation Work this necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, show me herein you are my mother. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for Exterior & Interior Quality Painting us who have recourse to thee (3x). Holy Mother, I place this cause in your Basement Remodeling • Factory Direct Prices hands (3x). Holy Spirit, you who solve all problems, light all roads so that I can attain my goal. You who gave me the divine gift to forgive and forget WE WELCOME ALL HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE PROJECTS all evil against me and that in all instances in my life you are with me. I CALL FOR FREE QUOTE want in this short prayer to thank you for all things as you confirm once E-mail: [email protected] Offi ce: (219) 874-2069 again that I never want to be separated from you in Eternal Glory. Thank Fax: (219) 879-2328 you for your mercy toward me and mine. The person must say this prayer 3 consecutive days. After 3 days, the request will be granted. This prayer must 30% Off With This Ad be published after the favor is granted. w p t Licensed • Insured • Bonded THE June 6, 2013 Page 31 About The Moving Wall In 1959 the Department of Defense named the fi rst two American casualties of the Vietnam War. Sixteen years latter, the last 18 casualties occurred on May 15, 1975. The Moving Wall is in remem- brance of all those who served, fought, and continue to guide our country to safety. “The Moving Wall” is the half-size replica of the Washington, DC Vietnam Veterans Memorial and has been touring the country for more than twenty years. When John Devitt attended the 1982 dedi- cation in Washington, he felt the positive power of “The Wall.” He vowed to share that experience with those who did not have the opportunity to go to Washington. John, Norris Shears, Gerry Haver, and other Vietnam veteran volunteers built The Moving Wall. It went on display for the fi rst time in Tyler, Texas in October of 1984. Today, The Moving Wall contin- ues to tour the country and spends about two weeks at each location. The American Legion Post 204 is located at 204 W. Linden, Three Oaks, Michigan 49128. To make a tax deductible donation to The Moving Wall efforts, donations are being accepted online,, or by check payable to “Moving Wall Fund” and submitted to Horizon Bank in Three Oaks, Michigan.

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specializing in: Computerized Alignments Air Conditioning Repairs LLehman’sehman’s OOrchardrchard Mechanical Repairs WWineryinery / CCideryidery / FFarmarm MMarketarket FFruitruit SSalsas,alsas, Jams,Jams, Ciders,Ciders, WinesWines andand MoreMore SSTRAWBERRIESTRAWBERRIES RRHUBARBHUBARB • DWARFDWARF TREESTREES • NEWNEW SALSASSALSAS

269.820.2050 109 Generations Drive Three Oaks, MI 22280280 PortagePortage RoadRoad NNiles,iles, MichiganMichigan 4912049120 HHOURSOURS MMon-Saton-Sat 9-59-5 • SundaySunday 12-512-5 ((269)269) 683-9078683-9078 THE Page 32 June 6, 2013 Notes From the Beach Garden Club Members and guests of The Beach Garden Club celebrated our Annual Founder’s Day with a Lun- VVictorianictorian IInnnn cheon at The Long Beach Country Club, May 23rd. Co-Hostesses, Rima Binder and Tina Sonderby se- VVacationacation RRoomsooms & SuiteSuite lected the delicious menu and made the fl oral table arrangements for this celebration. Each member 123 East Mechanic Street and guest was invited to take home a pink begonia New Buffalo, MI planted in a pink wine glass from the arrangements. Marianne Gosswiller welcomed members and guests. Jinny Hilf gave a special original blessing 269-469-0051 before lunch was served. Although the day was blustery and cold, more like November than May, friendship and gardening ideas more than warmed the hearts of those in attendance. Vida Kluko of Green Spirit Farms, New Buffalo, Ivelise’s Yarn Shop Michigan enlightened the attendees about Vertical Gardening. Plants in Green Spirit Farms are not planted in soil. Harvest is about every 30 days. Nu- 1601 Lake Shore Drive trients come from water. Sunshine is provided by St. Joseph, Mi 49085 customized, monitored lighting. No pesticides are Mon – Sat 10 am – 7 pm necessary! Vertical Gardening is an exciting topic. Sun 12 pm – 7 pm To have a location so close to the beach area is a wonderful new fi nd! 269-925-0451 Jacqueline Widmor Stewart, Author of A Field Guide to Michigan Riveria, presented a copy of her book to each member. Offering “Fiber, Friendship, Inspiration and Education” Beach Garden Club members collected travel size toiletries and toothbrushes, as well as monetary donations, to be presented to The Sandcastle Shel- GET WELL ter, Michigan City. For: Stomach, Colon, Liver, Gall-Bladder, Pancreas, Rectal Disorders The Beach Garden Club was founded by Mrs. George Holt in 1933. Rakesh K. Gupta MD ----submitted by Jane Moon, Publicity Low out of pocket cost Honors most private plans • Accepts approved amounts from insurance 1501 Wabash Street, Ste. 303 Michigan City, IN • COMPLETE • NEW 800-422-9080/219-874-8711 REMODELING CONSTRUCTION

• ROOM • 4 SEASON ADDITIONS ROOMS ALL BRICK REPAIR • SIDING • CONCRETE Chimneys • Tuck Pointing ALL MASONRY REPAIRS • DECKS 219-861-6341 • MASONRY 30 Yrs. Exp. • Free Est. Northern Ind. & Lower Mich. Glass Block Chimneys Windows • GARAGES • FLOORING Gene Burke • 219-344-7563

WARREN J. ATTAR Agent Ted Perzanowski, M.Div., B.A. Representing State Farm Since 1971 My 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service Number is 219.879.9155 Michigan City inc 312.938.9155 Chicago (219) 874-4256 STATE FARM %53s%VERGREEN0LAZA Auto An effective alternative to Life Fire -ICHIGAN#ITY ). [email protected] counseling and psychotherapy for INSURANCE ® &AX   WWWWARRENATTARCOM individuals, couples, and families THE June 6, 2013 Page 33 Footlight Announces Auditions Footlight Players of Michigan City has announced audition dates for its August production of “Dearly Departed” and its October production of “The Pas- sion of Dracula”. Both auditions will be held at Footlight Theatre, Monday -Thursday 4-9 pm 1705 Franklin St. on Mon., June 10th and Tues., Friday & Saturday 4-10 pm | Sunday 3-8 pm June 11th from 7-9 p.m. Individuals may choose to audition for both productions or just one. Back by Popular Demand! Cast requirements for “Dearly Departed”, direct- $18 Daily Features ed by John Avilla, are 4 men, 6 women. Require- Sunday ments for “The Passion of Dracula” are 7 men, 3 Prime Pot Roast women. No prior experience is necessary. Monday 8 oz Top Sirloin • 12 oz Center Cut Ribeye Tuesday Medical Interpreters Course at Hospital 6 oz Filet Mignon • 12 oz New York Strip The ten-week course includes Saturday classes Wednesday Lake Perch • Canadian Walleye • Supper Club Frog Legs on the following dates: August 24, 31, September 14,21,28, October 5,12,19,26, and November 2, Thursday Baby Back Ribs • House Smoked Brisket 2013. Saturday classes are from 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Sixteen hours of practicum and clinical time are Friday Lake Superior Whitefi sh included. The classes will be held at IU Health La Porte Hospital, 1007 Lincolnway, room B113, lower All dinners include soup or salad and choice of side level. Come Hungry! The course includes 80 hours of classroom train- ing, practicum, pre- and post-tests, a midterm exam, Heston Supper Club | 2003 E 1000 N | La Porte, IN fi nal take home exam, and fi nal oral/written exams. 219.778.2938 | The course is designed for individuals who are bilingual in English/Spanish who have a desire to learn how to be a professional interpreter, and wish to further their education and expertise. Pre-requi- INDOOR/OUTDOOR sites include a completion of a language profi ciency LOCAL MARKET and entry exam administered by the course instruc- NOW OPEN! tor. Schedule an appointment at 219.326.1234, ext. 4629. Summer thru Labor Day Cost is $800 and includes textbook and all train- Thurs thru Sun 10 AM - 3 PM ing materials, and is payable by cash, money order Featuring - or credit card. To reserve a spot in the class, call Local Artists, Produce, 219.326.2322. 234 E. 2nd St., Michigan City Baked Goods, Jewelry, Located in Pioneer Pier Indiana’s Largest Kite Store, (219) 874-5864 Artwork, Resale Shop and Much More!

Experience The Grounds Guys® Difference

•‡/DQGVFDSH0DLQWHQDQFH Landscape Maintenance CallLAWN for a FREE,& •‡)HUWLOL]DWLRQDQG:HHG&RQWURO Fertilization and Weed Control LANDSCAPE • Landscape Design and no obligation ‡ Mulch/DQGVFDSH'HVLJQDQG Projects MAINTENANCEestimate! & •0XOFK3URMHFWV Tree Trimming CLEAN-UP •‡7UHH7ULPPLQJ Call for FREE, no obligation Estimate 877.373.LAWN877.925.LAWN | ‡6SULQJDQG)DOO&OHDQXS MULCH 5296 • Commercial or Residential PROJECTS © 2012 The Grounds Guys, LLC Independently owned and operated franchise THE Page 34 June 6, 2013 Calumet Astronomical Society Sat., June 8, 8:30-11 p.m. Conway Observatory, Lowell, Indiana The volunteers of the Calumet Astronomical So- ciety invite the public to explore the universe when they present their popular free public programs. Volunteers guide visitors in the use of telescopes and astronomical binoculars as they observe the majesty of the skies. Star charts, club information, and astronomy-related activities are presented. The events are open to everyone. Families and NW INDIANA’S MOST TRUSTED school groups are especially welcome. Please do INSURANCE ADVISORS not use standard fl ashlights in the observing area. Exposure to white light, even briefl y, will seriously FOR OVER 75 YEARS. impair night vision making observing diffi cult. Red fi ltered fl ashlights can provide illumination with- out affecting night vision. You can easily make a red Coverage for your most precious assets. light by cutting the end off of a red balloon and put- AUTO | HOME | LIFE ting it over a standard fl ashlight. Remember, after sunset temperatures may BUSINESS | HEALTH drop rapidly so dress appropriately for changeable weather. Inclement weather will cause these pro- grams to be cancelled. Phone the CAS “hotline” at 773-639-5491 for updated weather cancellations on short notice. Michigan City LaPorte Valparaiso Conway Observatory at Buckley Homestead is 219.879.4581 219.362.2113 219.464.3511 located 4.5 miles west of Interstate 65 just south of Route 2. Exit I-65 west at Rt. 2 toward Lowell to Hendricks Road, then south to the “T” at Belshaw. East (left) on Belshaw to the fi rst right (Chase Street) and south for one mile.

Atlanta Youth Choir at Methodist Church

First stop, Michigan City! The Youth Choir of Northside United Methodist Church of Atlanta, At Von Tobel Georgia will bring their music to the 10:45 a.m. ser- Lumber & vice at the Michigan City First United Methodist Hardware we have Church on Sunday, June 9th. The choir, made up knowledgeable of 81 youth and 14 adults, represents fi fteen differ- professionals on ent schools in the North Atlanta area. In addition staff that will help to their tour, they sponsor a summer mission proj- you through your ect where they spend a week working, teaching and worshipping in inner city Atlanta. From here their entire project. **Bring this Ad in and travels will take them to Grand Rapids, Sault Ste Come meet them and Receive 5% off your purchase on Cabinetry.** Marie, Milwaukee, St. Louis and Nashville. see why First United Methodist of Michigan City is locat- Von Tobel spells 5% discount cannot be paired with any ed on the corner of Pine and 7th St. For additional other discounts, applies to any cabinetry Sales, purchased at regular Von Tobel price. information, contact 219-872-7200. Exclusive to Michigan City location only. S-E-R-V-I-C-E. 7 >̽ÃÊ"˜Ê i#VZB)PNFw 9œÕÀÊœÀˆâœ˜¶ i3FNPEFMw œÀÊÃi˜ÃˆLiʓœÀÌ}>}iÊ i3FmOBODFw >`ۈVi]ÊÃÌ>ÀÌÊLÞÊV>ˆ˜} 9œ>˜`>Ê >ۈÃÊ>ÌÊnÇ·Óșΰ 321 East US 20 Michigan City, IN 46360 Phone: 219-879-8484; 8 */" Ê- ,6 ÊUÊ- -  Ê 6 Á THE June 6, 2013 Page 35

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You Are Invited to Stop By Our Studio & Browse Through Our Wide ––– INC ––– Variety of Wood Flooring Selections Refinish • Upholster • Restore Guaranteed Craftsmanship Pick-Up & Delivery in IL, IN, MI (219) 926-1966 219-872-1700 35 E. Hwy. 20 • Porter 4980 W. Hwy 20 • In “The Pines” • Michigan City, IN 46360 Old world craftsmanship for new world concepts MEMBER OF THE NATIONAL WOOD FLOORING ASSOCIATION

432 St. Johns Road • Michigan City, IN 219-872-5431 Mon - Fri 7:30-8 • Sat 7:30 - 6 • Sun 9 - 5 THE Page 36 June 6, 2013 Full Color Printing Brochures Fliers Newsletters Annual Reports Business Cards Promotional Pamphlets

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911 Franklin Street Michigan City, IN

(219) 879-0088 FAX (219) 879-8070 the Beacher Business Printers THE June 6, 2013 Page 37 Historian of the Year Announced The La Porte County Historical Society’s annual Williams in the Rolling Prairie Cemetery, placed a spring catered dinner meeting was held Tuesday, plaque for Austin Cutler in Pine Lake Cemetery, May 21 attended by 34 members and guests. the last Civil War veteran to be buried in La Porte The Historian of the Year awarding was held with County and participated in the Door Village Harvest Fern Eddy Schultz, chairperson, giving the history Festival and the Civil War Event at the La Porte of the award. This is the 15th year. A display was County Historical Society. Howard DeMyer, nomi- available showing photographs of all recipients and nated by Susie Richter, was honored posthumous- information about the reasons for them having been ly as a past individual who preserved the history. awarded. Each awardee is responsible for the pres- He sculpted the Indian that was initially placed in ervation of La Porte County history. Independence Plaza but now is located at the east Recipients of side of the court the 2013 awards house. were James F. Deadline for Bevins, nomi- nominations for nated by Bruce R. 2014 is April 15, Johnson as cur- 2014. Nomina- rent individual tion forms are who worked to available at the get the Lincoln museum or by Highway desig- e-mail from net- nated as a byway [email protected]. and designed the The society does kiosk regarding not meet in June, the highway. The July or August. kiosk is located in The next meeting the depot plaza in will be Tuesday, La Porte. September 17 The current or- at the museum. ganization nomi- Historian of the Year 2013 awardees are (left to right) James Bevins, Individual Historian of the Details will be nated by Bill Ad- Year, and Mike Downs and Ron Gill who accepted the award for David D. Porter, Camp #116, published as they Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War as Organization Historian of the Year. ams and honored become available. was the David D. Porter Camp #116 of the Sons Please visit the website at www.laportecountyhis- of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. They will of further information about the society and be dedicating a headstone in Patton Cemetery for its museum. The museum is located at 2405 Indi- Medal of Honor winner Walter P. Johnston, dedicat- ana Ave., La Porte. Hours are Tuesday through Sat- ed a marker for Col. Gilbert Hathaway in Pine Lake urday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. The facility is handi- Cemetery, dedicated a stone for Benjamin Franklin capped accessible.

northwest athletic club 301 West Kieffer Rd Michigan City, IN 46360 (219) 879-4401


David Aaker Mark Kroll EXTREME CROSS TRAINING New Buffalo | Michigan 269.612.0290 269.612.0888 WWW.NORTHWESTATHLETICCLUB.NET THE Page 38 June 6, 2013 Activities to Explore Take advantage of these In the Local Area: June 5 -- 12th season of Roosevelt Pipe Organ special savings! recitals at the former First Congregational Church, 6th & Washington streets, MC. Doors open at noon. This week features the Queen of Angels Choristers NEW A/C SYSTEM with organist Kent Jager. Free, open to the public. June 6-9 -- Riverside Marketplace. Indoor/out- door market. 234 E. 2nd St., MC. Behind Galveston $150 OFF Steakhouse. 10 am-3 pm. Info: 219-874-5864. the purchase of a new A/C System. June 6-9 -- Queen of All Saints Festival, Wood- Offer good through 7/31/13 at Michiana Mechanical. Not valid on prior purchases or combined with other offers. land & Barker Ave., MC. Carnival rides, games, musical entertainment, food and more. June 6-10 -- At the Vickers Theatre: “Disconnect.” SERVICE REPAIR DISCOUNT Exploring the destructive potential of the internet. Starring Jason Bateman and Hope Davis. Rated PG-13. Thurs thru Mon/6 pm; also Sat/11 am. Also: $25 OFF “No.” About Chilean dictator Pinochet and the vote Must present coupon at time of service. to keep him or end his reign in 1988. Spanish with Offer good through 7/31/13 at Michiana Mechanical. Excludes Diagnostic Fee. Not valid with other offers or on prior service. Eng. subtitles. Thurs thru Mon/9 pm; also Sat/Sun 3 pm. Rated R. All times Eastern. Vickers Theatre, 6 N. Elm St., Three Oaks, MI. www.vickerstheatre. com VALUE! June 7 -- First Friday Art Walk, Uptown Arts $79 OFF $149 District, MC. 5-8 pm. Businesses and galleries come A/C Tune-Up Value alive with food, fun and refreshments, and art and music. Offer good through 7/31/13 at Michiana Mechanical. Not valid on prior purchases or combined with other offers. June 7 -- Art Auction at the MC Public Library to benefi t Endowment Fund. Preview 5-6:30 pm; auc- tion starts 6:30 pm. Refreshments; music by Kent Arnsbarger. June 7 -- Beckie Menzie and Tom Michael in “The Sound of THEIR Music” at Acorn Theater, 107 Generations Dr., Three Oaks. 8 pm MI time. Tix 219-874-2454 $20; reserve at 269-756-3879. June 7-9, 14-16 -- “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Stage 800-789-2210 play at 4th Street Theater, 125 N. 4th St., Chester- ton, IN. Curtain at 8 pm; Sundays at 3 pm. Tix $18; reserve at 219-926-7875. Group rates available. June 7-9, 14-16, 21-23 -- “Fiddler on the Roof.” Musical play at Footlight Theatre, 1705 Franklin St., MC. Tix $15/adults, $10/children 12 yrs. & un- Golfers! der; reserve 874-4035 or June 8 -- Farmers Market at 8th & Washington Escape from streets, MC. 8 am-noon. June 8 -- 5K Run and Walk Fundraiser for St. Stanislaus Kostka Church repair fund with coop- eration from Town of Trail Creek. Start at Nelson Park (Whippoorwill & Meadowlark streets) at 8 am. The island green at Entry forms at St. Stan School, Trail Creek Town Hall, Tylisz Appliances or Queen of Angels Book- store. Info: phone school at 879-9281. Men’s, Women’s & Couples’ Leagues, Large Active Men’s June 8 -- St. Stanislaus Kostka Convent Resale Club where you always have a game, Shop Plant and Seed Exchange. Also re-purposed Award-Winning Junior Programs & Great Golf on a fun, garden decor. 9:30 am-3:30 pm. 1501 Franklin St. interesting course. You’ll love our greens! (corner of Franklin & Ripley), MC. 874-4743. Like Us on Facebook for more Golf Specials! June 8 -- National Get Outdoors Day at the Indi- Briar Leaf Golf Club 3233 N. SR 39 LaPorte, IN 219-326-1992 ana Dunes National Lakeshore. 11 am-4 pm. Held (Just 7 minutes south of New Buffalo) at the Dunes Learning Center, 700 Howe Rd., Ches- terton, IN. Family fun: hiking, kayak demos, music, lunch on the lawn and more. 219/395-9555 or www. THE June 6, 2013 Page 39 June 8 -- Brew at the Zoo. Tasting of local food, craft beer and wine at Washington Park Zoo. Must The Potted Plant be 21. Live music. 6-9 pm. Tix $50. 219-873-1510. Greenhouse & Nursery June 8 -- A Divine Evening with Charles Busch Annuals, Hanging Baskets, Flats, Accents, (cabaret) at Acorn Theater, Three Oaks. 8 pm MI and Arrangements. Custom Planters. Geraniums time. Tix $30; reserve at 269-756-3879. June 8-9 -- 40th Anniversary Celebration at the Perennials, Shrubs, & Small Trees Old Lighthouse Museum, Washington Park, MC. Large assortment of Sedums and Hosta. 10 am-4 pm. Activities both days including Coast Large Hosta. Guard demo and presentation on early Fur Trade. Mulches, Stone & Soil Sold in Bulk. Guest speakers at 1 pm on June 8 at Millennium 9813 W. 300 N. Plaza. Info: 219-872-6133. Michigan City June 9 -- “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” per- (Behind Harbor GMC) formed by the Metamorphis Traveling Theatre at May & June Friendship Gardens, E. US 12, MC. 2:30 pm. More 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. info at 219-872-4813 or 219-878-9885. Open Daily June 9 -- The Hat and The Little Black Dress, 219-241-0335 fashion show by The Milliners of Etsy. 3 pm MI time at Acorn Theater, Three Oaks. Tix $80/$40/$20; re- serve at 269-756-3879. June 12 -- 12th season of Roosevelt Pipe Organ WELCOME BACK! WE’RE OPEN FOR SEASON 10! recitals at the former First Congregational Church, Voted Best Ice Cream in 6th & Washington streets, MC. Doors open at noon. NWt Indiana 9 Years in a Row! This week’s organist: Br. Ben Basile. Recitals are Locally Owned &Operated by the Martin Family free and open to the public. ŵ June 13 -- “Dig Into Reading” Summer Reading Proudly serving 32 fl avors of delicious, old fashioned, Program at MC Public Library kicks off with a visit hand scooped from Parents’ Choice award winner Leonardo at 10 Super Premium Ice Cream! am. Free. Visit his website at Gift Certifi cates Available June 13 -- Summer Concert at the amphitheater Et &>sKZ^ in Washington Park, MC. 7 pm. Every Thursday LOTS OF NEW FLAVORS! Like us on facebook! thru Aug. 8. Free, but parking fees apply. Hours: Monday - Sunday Noon – 10 pm June 15 -- FLAG DAY. Ceremony at Millennium Plaza, Washington 115 W. Coolspring Ave Park, MC. 1 pm. Info:872-4120. Michigan City, Indiana Corner of Coolspring & Wabash June 15 -- Pancake Breakfast (pancakes, sau- (219)872-1024 sage, juice). 7:30-10:30 am at St. Luke United Lu- theran Church, 2000 E. Coolspring Ave., MC. $5/ adults, $3/children 6 yrs & younger). Proceeds to benefi t St. Luke Vacation Bible School. June 15 -- Understanding Your Dreams at MC )/(0,1*721 Public Library with dream therapist Terese Fabbri. 2 pm. Free program. &216758&7,21 June 26, 30 -- Pink Tea at Barker Mansion, 631 Quality custom homes and remodeling Washington St., MC. Reservations now being taken 4XDOLW\FXVWRPKRPHVDQGUHPRGHOLQJ  at 873-1520. Traditional English tea and entertain- 'HVLJQEXLOGVHUYLFHVDYDLODEOHDesign/build services available  ment. $25 per person. $SURYHQORFDOEXLOGHUA proven local builder Farther Afi eld:

June 6 -- SMSO’s Casual Classic Series: a Multi- Focus)RFXVRQJUHHQHQHUJ\ on green/energy efficientHIILFLHQWFRQVWUXFWLRQ construction media Presentation of Kaleidoscope of Sound Con-  cert. 6 pm MI time at Heritage Museum and Cul- Structural6WUXFWXUDO,QVXODWHG3DQHOV 6,3V  Insulated Panels (SIPs)  tural Center, 601 Main St., St. Joseph, MI. Ticket Kevin.HYLQ)OHPLQJWRQ2ZQHU Flemington, Owner  info at 269-982-4030 or SKRQHID[219.878.7117 phone  June 9 -- Weko Beach Summer Concert NHYLQ#IOHPLQJWRQFRQVWUXFWLRQFRP866.590.2259 fax ZZZIOHPLQJWRQFRQVWUXFWLRQFRP Series:This week featuring Everyday People (coun- try folk & rock band). 7 pm MI time. 5239 Lake St., Bridgman, MI. THE Page 40 June 6, 2013

PLUMBING DYE & HEATING 1600 Lake St., La Porte 219-362-6251 Toll Free 1-800-393-4449 On June 6, 1755, American Revolutionary War pa- triot Nathan Hale was born in Coventry, Connecti- cut. In 1776, before being hanged by the British as Specializing in Plumbing, Heating, Serving an American spy, he uttered these inspiring words, Air Conditioning, Heat Pumps, You Since “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my Radiant Heat Boilers, Water Heaters, 1939 country.” & Sewer Services On June 6, 1933, the fi rst motion-picture “drive- in” theatre was opened in Camden, NJ. Space was • Residential • Commercial • Industrial provided for 500 cars, and patrons viewed the fi lm “Big Enough To Serve You… on a screen measuring 40 by 50 feet. Small Enough To Know You…” On June 6, 1944, in what would become known as “D-Day,” allied troops landed on the German-held coast of Normandy, France. On June 7, 1776, Virginia’s Richard Henry Lee proposed that the Continental Congress adopt a The fine art of furniture resolution calling for a declaration of independence from Britain. On June 7, 1860, the “dime novel” fi rst appeared when a New York publisher issued Malaeska, the Indian Wife of the White Hunter, written by Ann Stevens. It was advertised as “a dollar book for only a dime!” On June 7, 1929, the sovereign state of Vatican City came into existence. original designs by On June 7, 1972, the musical “Grease” opened on Terry Hanover Broadway. On June 8, 1772, Scottish engineer Robert Steven- son, who invented the fl ashing light used in light- houses around the world, was born in Glasgow. On June 8, 1867, Frank Lloyd Wright, considered 13400 Red Arrow Hwy, Harbert, MI•269-469-5687• to have been one of the world’s greatest architects, was born in Richland Center, WI. On June 8, 1869, Chicago inventor Ives McGaffey received a patent for a vacuum cleaner, a “sweeping machine” that was to revolutionize house cleaning. On June 8, 1948, “Texaco Star Theater,” the long- Christos running TV variety program, made its debut on Coin & Jewelry NBC with Milton Berle as host. PAYING HIGH PRICES FOR: On June 8, 1994, President Bill Clinton received an honorary degree from Oxford University, where • RARE COINS he had studied as a Rhodes scholar. • ALL TYPES OF COINS On June 8, 2003, “Hairspray” won eight Tony • SCRAP GOLD Awards including Best Musical. • ANY SILVER On June 8, 2004, in a celestial rarity, Venus lined • FINE WATCHES up between the sun and the Earth. On June 9, 1781, English inventor George Ste- 1802 E. US Hwy 20 phenson, who was known as the Founder of Rail- Michigan City, IN (219) 814 4333 ways, was born in the English village of Wylam. Evergreen Plaza On June 9, 1790, John Barry’s “The Philadelphia ALWAYS BUYING COLLECTIONS & ESTATES Spelling Book” became the fi rst book entered for an American copyright. THE June 6, 2013 Page 41 On June 9, 1893, American popular music compos- er Cole Porter was born in Peru, IN. On June 9, 1903, the White Sox were incorporated under Illinois law with $5,000 in capital. On June 9, 1990, Angus McBean, a world-re- nowned British photographer of entertainers, died at the age of 86. It was his photographs of Vivien Leigh and Audrey Hepburn, both virtually unknown at the time, that propelled them into stardom. On June 10, 1610, the fi rst Dutch settlers landed on Manhattan Island. On June 10, 1847, the fi rst edition of the Chicago Tribune was published, with approximately 400 copies being distributed. On June 10, 1865, Richard Wagners’ opera, “Tristan and Isolde,” premiered in Munich, Germany. On June 10, 1946, Italy replaced its abolished monarchy with a republic. On June 10, 1971, President Nixon ordered the lifting of the 21-year United States embargo on trade with China.

On June 10, 1977, Apple Computer shipped its Like us on FB fi rst Apple II personal computer. and receive special discounts! On June 11, 1770, Captain James Cook, command- ing HMS Endeavour, discovered ’s “Great Barrier Reef.” an Aveda concept salon be yourself.f be beautiful. On June 11, 1776, Virginia adopted a Bill of Rights, the fi rst colonial legislature to do so. On June 11, 1776, the Continental Congress ap- pointed Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, and Roger Sherman as a committee to draft a Declaration of Indepen- dence from Britain. Talk to On June 11, 1838, the Iowa Territory was orga- nized. us about a On June 11, 1859, a prospector laid claim to a sil- 401(k) ro ver deposit in Nevada’s Six-Mile Canyon. The claim llo

later turned out to be the multimillion-dollar Com- v e

stock Lode. r On June 11, 1919, Sir Barton won the Belmont . Stakes, becoming the fi rst Triple Crown winner in the history of American thoroughbred racing. Jim Eriksson, Agent If you’re about to retire or On June 11, 1979, cyclist Bryan Allen, 26, fl ew the 405 Johnson Road human-powered aircraft Gossamer Albatross across Michigan City, IN 46360 change jobs, you may have Bus: 219-874-6360 some decisions to make the English Channel. [email protected] about your retirement plan On June 12, 1943, the Trans-Canadian Highway, money. Good thing there’s linking Alaska to the mainland states, was offi cially someone who knows you opened. and is ready to help. On June 12, 1947, Babe Didrickson Zaharias be- Like a good neighbor, came the fi rst native born American woman to win State Farm is there.® the British Women’s Amateur Golf Tournament. CALL ME TODAY. On June 12, 1987, President Ronald Reagan vis- ited the Berlin Wall and, in a speech, challenged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.” On June 12, 1997, the Treasury Department un- veiled a new $50 bill intended to be more counter- State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, feit-resistant. 1001389.1 Bloomington, IL THE Page 42 June 6, 2013 LBCC Women’s Golf Leagues 18 Hole League May 28, 2013 Event: Regular Golf

“A” Flight Low Gross: Eunie Nondorf twin, full, queen, king Low Net: Carol Excell quality Low Putts: Sue Luegers mattresses HourGlass “B” Flight healthy Back Support Low Gross: Kathy Kenefi ck rest Low Net: Mary Weithers Additional support where you Low Putts: Jean Guerin need it most... it’s BackSense FEATURES: • 13% more lumbar “C” Flight • Exclusive, enhanced support Low Gross: Tina Sonderby support grid increases fi rmness in critical areas. • 50% more durable Low Net: June Salmon • 18% more shoulder • Maintains proper Low Putts: Rima Binder and hip support spinal alignment “D” Flight Low Gross: Nancy Thill HourGlass Back Low Net: Nancy Thill Support MORE THAN JUST A FURNITURE STORE! 1106 E US Hwy 20, Michigan City Sunken Approach: Jane Irvine #10, (219) 872-6501 or 1-800-606-8035 June Salmon #14 Mon.-Fri. 9:30-6, Sat. 9-6 Sunday 12- 4 Birdies: Eunie Nondorf #5, Jane Irvine #10, Sue Luegers #10

9 Hole League May 30, 2013 Event: Guess Your Score

Championship Flight Low Gross: Linda Wilson Low Net: Linda Wilson Did you know that Low Putts: Donna Hennard installing a tankless water “A” Flight heater can save you a $100 Event: June Salmon, Gloria McMahon Low Gross: Nancy Henry or more on your gas bill? Low Net: June Salmon Call TODAY for a Putts: Nancy Henry FREE estimate or for more “B” Flight Low Gross: Cindy Pontius information. “C” Flight Low Gross: Bonnie Reese Low Net: Regina Bradley Low Putts: Judy Curtin

Birdies: Linda Wilson #16 THE June 6, 2013 Page 43

PROFESSIONAL, CARING, EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER. 15 yrs. exp. CLASSIFIED If you need someone to care for your loved ones, call 219-809-8183. CLASSIFIED RATES - (For First 2 Lines.) 1-3 ads - $7.00 ea. •• 4 or more ads - $5.50 ea. (Additional lines- $1.00 ea.) SELF IMPROVEMENT – INSTRUCTIONS PH: 219/879-0088 - FAX 219/879-8070. Mrs. King’s Summer Arts Camp – 2 sessions: 7/26-7/29 & 7/29-8/2 Email: [email protected] Serving the boys and girls ages 5-9 (in the backyard of our summer home CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE RECEIVED BY in Long Beach).Taught by a Chicago Public School art teacher. FRIDAY - NOON - PRIOR TO THE WEEK OF PUBLICATION $85 per one week session. Spaces are limited! PERSONAL SERVICES Contact: Ellen King (312) 497-3657 or [email protected] SAVE YOUR PRECIOUS MEMORIES DIGITALLY ON CDs or DVDs HEALTH & PHYSICAL FITNESS Home movies-slides-pictures transferred to CDs or DVDs • • • MASSAGE THERAPY & WELLNESS CENTER • • • Wedding & Event Documentation. Experienced massage therapists specializing in the treatment of stress, Corporate and Industrial Video Productions soreness and pain. Check website for details on other offerings. Contact: Patrick Landers at Midwest Video Communications 219-879-8433 or [email protected] 1010 North Karwick Road • Michigan City, IN (Karwick Plaza in the offices of Merrion & Associates Realtors) ALTERATIONS PLUS. Clothing alterations. 219-879-5722 516 Wabash St., Michigan City. 219-874-0086. WEEKEND WOMEN’S RETREATS. July 26-28 & Sept. 20-22 RON NAGLE MUSIC. Entertainment and Lessons: in beautiful Three Oaks countryside. Delicious food coming at you all day pop, strings, band & voice. Call 219/872-1217. from local gardeners and ranchers. A Yoga class on the screened porch BANKRUPTCY Get a Fresh Start, Stop Lawsuits and Garnishment, Sunday morning. 4 acres of beautiful gardens, pines and areas to sit and or Stop Foreclosure. Call 219-879-ATTY (2889) work. Big pond to swim in and river front. Blueberries in season…all you Also making claims with bankruptcy funds for mesothelioma victims. can pick! Hydro-therapy hot tub overlooking the land. Come here--relax th Bankruptcy Atty. Doug Bernacchi • 215 W 8 St., MC, IN. and we’ll take care of you. 8-10 Women MAX. Celebrate in Style! Beautiful Club Room available for rent for Private FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL DONNA BLUE Parties or Business Meetings. Perfect for Showers, Christenings, @ 269-426-8279. Birthdays…any celebration! Call and reserve the St. Andrews Clubroom NATURAL BALANCE MASSAGE. In the comfort of your own home. located at Briar Leaf Golf Club in LaPorte for parties up to 40 individuals. By appointment only. 219-380-6280 or 219-898-5398. Call 219-325-8541. PROFESSIONAL CLOCK, WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIR SHOP. 609 Franklin St., Michigan City. Reasonable. Call 219-872-0429. CLEANING - HOUSEKEEPING Don’t sell your gold locally to someone for 50% so they can turn PERSONAL TOUCH CLEANING -- Homes - Condos - Offices. around and sell it for up to 95% of the value to the professionals. I will Day and afternoons available. - Call Darla at 219/878-3347. help you sell it directly to the professionals for a low commission. SUZANNE’S CLEANING Call Joel 269-469-0064. 219/326-5578. EYELASH EXTENSIONS by April Fallon. Ask me about my Spring CLEANING SOLUTIONS. Home & office cleaning services, Special. 219-878-3007. Xtreme lash – precision application. 14 yrs. exp. Insured, free estimates. Call 219-210-0580. JERRY’S CLOCK REPAIR SHOP on Tilden Ave., Michigan City FINISHING TOUCH: Residential & Specialty Cleaning Service is open. Call 219-221-1534. Professional - Insured - Bonded - Uniformed #1 in Customer Satisfaction. Phone 219/872-8817. HOME HEALTH – CAREGIVERS - NANNIES HOME MATTERS CLEANING SERVICE INC. COMFORT KEEPERS Residential & Commercial accounts welcome; Specializing in Providing Comforting Solutions For In-Home Care vacation homes. Window cleaning specials begin March. Homemakers, attendants, companions • Melissa 219-898-1060. From 2 to 24 hours a day (including live-ins) ESSENTIAL CLEANING. Specializing in New Construction/Remodeling Personal emergency response systems Clean-up, Business and Home Maintenance Cleaning. Residential and All of our compassionate caregivers are screened, Commercial. Insured and references available. Call Rebecca at bonded, insured, and supervised. 219-617-7746 or e-mail [email protected]. Call us at 877/711-9800 Or visit Maid By the Lake. Home Cleaning Service for residential and rental home properties. Offer weekly, bi-weekly, one time cleans. Bonded & Insured. VISITING ANGELS Visit - e-mail [email protected] AMERICA’S CHOICE IN HOMECARE or call 219-575-8837. Select your Caregiver from our Experienced Staff! 2-24 hour Care, Meal Preparation, Errands. QUALITY CARPET CARE. Since 2003. Light Housekeeping, Respite Care for Families Air Duct Cleaning • Upholstery Cleaning • Oriental Rug Cleaning. All Caregivers screened, bonded, insured 219-608-3145. 2501 Oriole Trail, Long Beach, IN 46360 Call us at 219-877-8956 • 800-239-0714 • 269-612-0314 D & K CLEANING SERVICE Or visit seeking rental cleaning accounts. Call 219-363-6561. IN Personal Service Agency License #09-011822-1 Perfectly Flawless. Has it been hard for you to find someone to clean CAREGIVER FOR THE ELDERLY your home to your standards?!?! Well not anymore!! I specialize in clean- can help the person to maintain an independence ing & organizing to perfection! Great References! Call Bridgette today in the security of his/her own home. so you can relax your summer away! Personalized services may include: Call 219-210-0636 • e-mail: [email protected] • 7 days/24 hours care and attention • day or night shift assistance ECO FRIENDLY CLEANING. • personal care and grooming • medication reminders • prescribed exer- AFFORDABLE & SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. cises • lifting and transferring • assistance with meals and nutrition Teresa 219-814-2090 • [email protected] • laundry and light housekeeping • errands and shopping SALAT CLEANING SERVICE. Specializing in vacation rentals, Call Halina at 219-872-6221 • leave message commercial businesses, and construction clean-ups. Call 219-873-6364. CULTURED, EXPERIENCED CARE PROVIDER will be available part time or occasional care. HANDYMAN-HOME REPAIR-PLUMBING Experienced w/dementia patients, etc. Verifiable, exemplary references. QUALITY CARPENTRY: Expert remodeling of kitchens, bathrooms. NO AGENCY please. Call Emillie after 6 pm. 219-221-3450. Also: doors, windows, skylights, ceramic tile, drywall, decks & repairs. HELPING HANDS IN HOME CARE. Full service, professional, Small jobs welcome. Call Ed at 219/878-1791. compassionate care. Personal/attendant care, transportation, errands, ••HP Electric•• meal prep, housekeeping, respite, bathing, nursing, therapy, ••Emergency Service 24/7 •• Licensed & insured developmentally disabled care. 219-879-7472. ••Cell 219-363-9069 • Office 219-326-5578 THE Page 44 June 6, 2013

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LAKESHORE PAINTING • Interior • Exterior HIRE Sue’s HUSBAND Wallpaper Removal • Drywall Repair Is your list of household repair & maintenance projects growing? 219-916-4415 Small jobs welcome. - Quality Work. -- Call Ed Berent @ 219/879-8200.  LANDSCAPE-Lawns-Clean Up, Etc.  • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • H & D TREE SERVICE and LANDSCAPING, INC. -- Full service tree and shrub care. Trimming, planting, removal. H & H HOME REPAIR • [email protected] Firewood, snowplowing, excavating. -- Call 872-7290. We specialize in: • Carpentry • Finished Basements • New Baths • Decks • FREE ESTIMATES • Electrical • Plumbing • Flooring • Ceramic Tile • Drywall/Painting • Power Washing. Jeffery Human, owner -- 219/861-1990. HEALY’S LANDSCAPING & STONE 219/879-5150 HANDYMEN AT YOUR SERVICE. We can do most anything. Serving 218 State Road 212, Michigan City, IN Northern Indiana since 1989. Call Finishing Touch, Inc. 219-872-8817. YOUR #1 STOP FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS! RENT-A-MAN MAINTENANCE INC.                            Power Washing (decks, houses, concrete) – gutters – yard work – ADDIE’S LAWN MAINTENANCE & Power Wash Yard Clean-Up • moving/hauling – estate clean-up Mowing • Aeration • Thatching • Stain & Seal • Residential & Commercial any odd job (no job too small) Free Est. Call 219-221-6222 or 219-229-7700. Serving your community for over 10 years.                            Free estimates – fully insured Call us at 219-229-4474   JIM’S LAWN SERVICE  Free EstImates. Call 219-879-3733 -- Leave message. BILL SMART – Skilled Handyman • Carpenter • Electrician Plumber • Painting and Tile. Sorry I haven’t called you back! • THE GROUNDS GUYS LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT Booked up till the end of June. THINK SPRING! CLEAN-UP & LANDSCAPE PROJECTS Commercial and Residential MICHIANA HOME REPAIR & REMODELING. Interior/Exterior. 877-373-LAWN (toll free) • 219-878-3032 Can do insured. Call for free estimates. 219-561-4483. [email protected] STANDRING ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION. Complete roof tear offs, LAWN MOWING, GUTTER CLEANING, SPRING CLEAN-UP, vinyl siding, soffits, fascia & gutters, vinyl replacement windows. YARD WORK. For details, call ABE at 219-210-0064. Fully insured. 630-726-6466. Ask for Terry. 33 yrs. experience. THE CONSCIENTIOUS GARDENER HALE’S MASONRY & CONSTRUCTION. A Garden Task Service for Homeowners Who Seek Help All phases of construction. New, remodeling, decks, trim, masonry fire- in Sustaining the Beauty of Their Outdoor Design places, cultured stone, brick, tuckpointing, paving and repairs. SPRING CLEAN UP • WEEDING • PLANTING • CARE Flooring: hardwood, ceramic tile. Call 219-879-8029. FOR INQUIRIES AND APPOINTMENTS / 219-229-4542 PREMIER POWER WASH Decks, Fences, Concrete, Houses. One Way Lawn Care includes: trimming, mowing, edging, raking, seed- Resealing available. Insured. Call 219-363-0475. ing and maintaining all your lawn care needs. Call 219-617-5936 today A-PLUS, INC. for your free estimate. Nate is waiting for your call. Call now for all of your remodeling needs! Earth-friendly, gorgeous landscape design. We specialize in all aspects of Interior/Exterior Remodeling, Organic lawn care, sustainable landscape maintenance. Painting & Roofing! Cleaning & Staining Decks! Design • Install • Maintain • Consult No job is too small or too large. Please call our expert staff for a free Call today, 219-448-0148 • quote. Fully licensed and bonded. (219) 395-8803 CHUCK’S LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE. CHIMNEYS • BRICK REPAIR • TUCKPOINTING & FIREPLACE Custom landscape design & installation. Tree & shrub planting. REPAIRS • Call Gene Burke 219-229-4109 (M.C.) Compete Lawn Renovation, i.e., Seed & Sod - Mulch & River Rock. CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION. For all your construction needs. 20 yrs. exp. Retaining Walls & Planters: Rock. Block Flagstone Timbers. Railroad ties. Free estimates. Licensed & insured. Call 219-873-0908. Drain Tile Installation for Water Control PAINTING-DRYWALL-WALLPAPER Brick Patios -- Driveway Designs -- Parking Problems? Resolved! High tolerance tree and stump removal -- Tree and bush removal WISTHOFF PAINTING -- REFERENCES Insured and References - Senior Discount. Small Jobs Welcome -- Call 219/874-5279 ONE CALL DOES IT ALL JEFFERY J. HUMAN INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING & STAINING 219/221-1119. Custom Decorating - Custom Woodwork - RB’s SERVICES —tree removal, spring & fall clean-up, haul away debris Hang/Finish Drywall - Wallpaper Removal and other landscaping needs, leaf clean-up in fall, handyman and car- Insured. Ph. 219/861-1990. [email protected] pentry needs. Power washing. In business 26 yrs. Roger 219-561-4008. A & L PAINTING COMPANY -- INTERIOR & EXTERIOR TOP NOTCH LAWN GUTTER & CLEAN-UP SERVICE. 20-YEARS EXPERIENCE. Also Power Wash, Seal & Paint Decks. (Reliable, fair prices). Call Bill at 219-814-4034. Seniors (65+) 10% off labor. References. Reasonable. Phone 219/778-4145 • 219/363-9003 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES DUNIVAN PAINTING & POWERWASHING Want to be a Jr. High teacher? Enthusiastic, intelligent, hardworking, Interior/Exterior •Deck Washing & Staining. Drywall Patch & Repair high-achieving, self-directed, well-educated energetic people who like Local. Exp. Insured. Reasonable Rates. Call Brian at 219-741-0481. working with 12-14 year olds wanted. Math & Science, English & History WAYNE’S PAINTING. Sale on all labor: 10% off and extra 5% off labor specialists. Also teach homeroom, advisory group & extra-curricular activ- for all seniors. Interior/Exterior painting and staining. Power washing ity. Please send cover letter & resume to Head of School Kieran McHugh, decks, siding and more. Call 219-363-7877. Renaissance Academy, 4093 W. US Hwy 20, LaPorte, IN 46350 or via email: [email protected] JOSEPH PAINTING – Interior/Exterior. Power Washing Drywall Repairs. Insured. Free est. 219-879-1121 or 219-448-0733. Part time nanny needed for summer. This is a great opportunity for a college student looking for a part time job. I have 3 energetic children who ALL BRIGHT PAINTING. Interior/Exterior. Fully insured. love going to the beach, making crafts, and having fun. Looking for some- Free estimates. Proudly serving the area for over 15 yrs. 219-861-7339. one who can work 2 to 3 days during the week as well as one weekend PROFESSIONAL FINISHES evening. Please contact me for further details at [email protected] • Pressure Washing and Deck Staining • Interior/Exterior Painting • Vinyl Siding • Drywall repairs • Providing professional services WANT TO SELL in area for over 15 years • Customer satisfaction priority #1. FILES • 4 DRWRS • USED • ALL STEEL • MC STORE ONLY - FIRME’S Insured. Referrals. Steve 574-279-1915. (2 Stores) 11th & Franklin Streets, Michigan City - 219/874-3455 LOYALTY FOR HIRE. Hardworking, honest painter. Interior/Exterior work Hwy 12, Beverly Shores - Just West of Traffic Light - 219/874-4003 at competitive pricing. Insured. Free Estimates. Call Nick for a quick VW CABRIOLET RED CONVERTIBLE. 1986. 47,500 original miles. quote at Fineline Painting & Maintenance 219-707-0257. One owner. $4,200. Call 219-210-0210. THE June 6, 2013 Page 45

14’ ALUMINUM CANOE. 3 person with oars. SUMMER RENTALS – daily, wkly or monthly. Fabulous location across $50. Call 269-231-5099. from Lighthouse Place Outlet Mall. Charming Victorian. 1BR $125/night; efficiency $100/night. All have full kitchen, queen size beds, completely furn. GARAGE SALES, ESTATE SALES, ETC. Call Darlene at 954-816-7765. Multi-family Estate Sale. Furniture, designer clothes from Apparel LONG BEACH BEACHFRONT. 3BR, 2.5BA, A/C, cable, W/D. Center, home decorations from the Merchandise Mart, Italian scooters, Weekly/monthly. Call Jim 773-405-9879. snowmobile (well-maintained), and much more, all priced to sell! Sat., June 8, 9 to 3 (ET), 342 Berrien St., New Buffalo.  REAL ESTATE FOR SALE  DON’T WAIT!! Reserve your tables now for the Town of Michiana 1817 Lake Shore Dr., Sheridan Beach. Entertain by the beach. Single Shores Garage Sale on June 15th!! Simply make out your check to the family home with 2 units on LSD. Upstairs is a 2BR, 2BA and downstairs Michiana Shores Park Booster Club and mail to 601 El Portal South, a studio with full kitchen. Deck with bar and lake views. Steps to beach. Michiana Shores, IN 46360-1175, attn: Park Booster Club. WHEN: June $485,000. Please call for more information 847-274-9800. 15th, 2013, 9am-noon. Set-up time: 7:30am. WHERE: Michiana Shores 2051 LSD, Long Beach. Mid-century ranch, 4BR, 3BA, Fire Station. COST: $10/table, Canopies for rent $10. finished basement w/4th BA. Spacious living areas, guest suite, CONTACT: Dolly Millick at 219-872-5143 to reserve your table(s). lakefront deck/patio, attached 2-car garage, surplus parking. 80 ft. lot. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE! FSBO $799K. [email protected] WANT TO RENT or LEASE 123 GLIDDEN AVE., SHERIDAN BEACH. Rustic 2-story cottage. Great location, large lot, wooded, private, steps to the beach. Mature Couple seeks longer-term rental in area. Excellent credit $149,000 negotiable. Call 219-879-9319. & references. We are flexible, good at caring for home. 574.653.1003. RENT WITH OPTION TO BUY LAPORTE CO. REAL ESTATE Lovely gracious 5BR home. 219-707-5565. REAL ESTATE INVESTING 2943 LSD. 4BR, 2.5BA on 2 wooded lots (80 x 218). Lake views from every room. By appointment only. Call 219-874-5704. INVESTOR WANTED FOR PRIME BEACH PROPERTY IN MICHIGAN CITY. CALL 219-872-4446 or e-mail [email protected] PRIVATE HILLSIDE OF LAKE SHORE DR. Fantastic lake views. 5BR, 4BA. Open floor plan. $949,000. Call 708-829-1523. RENTALS INDIANA LONG BEACH COZY 3/BR HOUSE AT STOP 15 (Across from Beach) Summer Rental. Fireplace and Large Deck. No pets. Call 708/370-1745.               DUNESCAPE BEACH CLUB LAKEFRONT CONDOS -- 2 and 3 bedrooms. May 15-October 15 -- $1,200 to $2,000 per wk. (1 mo. min.) DUNESCAPE REALTY - 219/872-0588. WINTER RENTAL ON LAKE SHORE DRIVE. $850/mo. + utilities. Community First Aid/CPR/AED Course Call 708-602-3394. Stop 31. Dec to May/June or short term avail. Nicely furn. 3BR, 2BA IU Health La Porte Hospital is offering a com- with 3-season porch. Family room. Wifi avail. $800/mo + util. W/D. No munity-based First Aid/CPR and AED course for smoking, no pets. 4-min. walk to beautiful beach. See VRBO #372192. Call Pat at 630-649-8524. adults, children and infants. GREAT 5BR HOUSE. CLOSE TO BEACH AT STOP 20. Dates: Sat., June 15, and Sat., August 10, 2013 CALL PATTY AT 773-401-2966. Time: 8 am – 3 pm, CST CHARMING VINTAGE MICHIANA HOME – ¼ blk. from lake, Stop 37. Location: 1100 Lincolnway, across the street from Furn., 3BR, 2BA. Delightful décor, new beds. Sleeps 8. C/A, frpl, BBQ, the hospital screen porch off lg. kitchen, wraparound deck, deck off master BR, W/D, dishwasher, TV/DVD, linens, all util. except phone. Anyone requiring a certifi cation card for these For info email [email protected] • Phone Judy 847-814-8215. skills, e.g., teachers, bus drivers, day-care provid- SHERIDAN BEACH – charming knotty pine cottage. 4BR, 2BA. C/A, ers, coaches, scout leaders, community members cable. ½ blk. to beach. Close to park, zoo and shopping. Ping pong and with children or loved ones at risk for injury or foosball for those rainy days. $1,400/wk. Call Pam 708-383-2635. BEACH HOUSE – STOP 31 3BR, 2BA Home. Cable, BBQ, deck, heart attack is eligible to take the course. large yard, A/C, W/D, DW. Linens, towels and beach chairs provided. Cost: $65.00, cash, money order or credit card See it at VRBO #207001 or call John at 773-562-6561. A book is provided upon payment HOUSE FOR RENT ON LAKE SHORE DRIVE To register or for more information, phone 3/BR, 2BA. A/C. Frpl., W/D. Summer rentals avail. Also avail Sept thru May. $850/mo + util. Call 708/227-8756. 219.326.2322. FOR RENT – A PLACE YOU CAN CALL HOME. Comfortable, nicely furnished room, includes all, for mature lady of good character. $485/mo. Sec. dep., credit check & lease req’d. If interested, call aft. 6 pm. 219-229-3450. Beautiful, fully equipped Michiana home for rent. .8 mile to lake. HORIZON Adahi Trail. 3BR, 1st flr. Master, 2.5 BA, 2.5 attached garage. Large screened in back porch, cable/internet. No pets, no smoking. AWNING $1,600/wk + cleaning fee. Contact: Marcia at 708.975.0086. LONG BEACH SUMMER RENTAL… just bring your bathing suit, every- thing else provided in this very clean 3BR, 2BA John Lloyd Wright home just 100 yrds. from great beach. Totally updated, remodeled kitchen, great Canvas Awnings room, family room, flat screen TV, internet, WI-FI, C/A. Screen Porch Shades Lg. double tiered deck, gas grill. Call Janet at 708-205-5100. Canvas Repairs EXECUTIVE HOME FOR SUMMER RENT. July-August available. Beautiful! Call now 219-210-1181, going fast. Call for free design & estimate AFFORDABLE MICHIANA GET-A-WAY. Newly refurbished 1BR Apt. Sleeps 2-5. Living room, kitchen with fireplace, lg. covered deck. Walk to 219-872-2329 lake. Pets considered. No smoking. $650/wk. Sat.-Sat. 800-513-2940 2227 E. US 12, Michigan City Call 815-685-3597. THE Page 46 June 6, 2013

Inferno by Dan Brown Bertrand Zo- “I pray Mankind will understand the gift I leave brist is the late, behind. not-lamented “My gift is the future. scientist caus- “My gift is salvation. ing all this “My gift is Inferno.” ruckus after his With those words, a strange man plunges off a death. You will building to his death, leaving behind a legacy of... be surprised at what? Something that the people chasing him are the core of his mortally afraid of...something that could improve research and the quality of life for future generations...or destroy his “gift” to hu- it. manity that Once again, Dan Brown takes us deep into a Langdon is now swirling vortex of mind-boggling symbols and codes racing to fi nd. that are tied to history and art and one brilliant Suffi ce it to say scientist who could be man’s savior or his destruc- that Zobrist tor. Problem is, his legacy must be found before his lived by Dante’s “gift” is unleashed on the world. words, especial- Harvard University professor Robert Langdon, he ly these -- “The of The Da Vinci Code fame, is back again, this time darkest places waking up in a hospital in Florence, Italy, with no in hell are re- remembrance of the past several days. And, a bullet served for those wound in his head. Dr. Sienna Brooks is assigned who maintain to Langdon. Before she can get very far with how their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” To give you Langdon got to the hospital, a woman dressed in the reasoning behind Zobrists’ rationale would give black leather comes striding down the hall, shoot- away the whole story! ing a doctor who stood before Langdon’s room. Dr. Let me just say that true to form, Dan Brown has Brooks manages to get Robert out of the hospital brought the reader another exciting mystery torn safely and takes him to her apartment. from the pages of history, as well as a great guide to Who is this woman? And why is she risking her the churches and palaces of Italy. And he makes it very life to help him? A very good question which all work. The clues, the heart-pounding race against will take almost all of the 463 pages of this book to time, the good and bad people chasing Langdon and discover. Sienna make for great escape reading. A strange object is sewn into the pocket of Lang- One thing different in this book is Dan Brown’s don’s coat. The clue within points to the famous lit- look at a world-wide problem that really has scien- erary piece, “Inferno,” by Dante. What are we look- tists and world leaders working on every day. He’s ing for exactly? As in The Da Vinci Code, it leads done an admirable job of combining this element us on a race against time fi rst through the great with all the excitement only a novel can bring. historical structures of Florence, Italy, then on to This would make a great Father’s Day gift for Venice, and fi nally, ending in Istanbul, Turkey. your favorite male reader! Inferno is available in Dante’s death mask provides the fi rst clue and hardback ($29.95 retail) at bookstores and online. the most damning against Langdon, as security The Wall Street Journal said, “Fast, clever, well- tapes in the museum shows him and another man informed...Dan Brown is the master of the intellec- stealing the mask, although his short term memory tual cliffhanger.” Well said. loss leaves him speechless as to why he would do Till next time, happy reading! such a rash thing.

219 879 0088 fax 219 879 8070 NEW AGE COMMUNICATION [email protected] OLD FASHIONED SERVICE

the Beacher Business Printers 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City THE June 6, 2013 Page 47 Micky Gallas Properties 123 (219) 874-7070 CRS T 1-800-680-9682 Micky Gallas ABR, CRB, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SRES Cell 219/861-6012 LAKESIDE LIVING ! 2001 Lake Shore Drive Long Beach $WUXH/RQJ%HDFK+LVWRULFLFRQ7KLV6SDQLVK&RORQLDO5HYLYDO 9LOODZDVRQHRIWKHILUVWKRPHVLQ/RQJ%HDFK,WUHWDLQV WKHXQLTXH¶VIHHOZLWKRULJLQDOFKDUDFWHUEURXJKW EDFNWROLIHZLWKLWV¶UHFHQWUHQRYDWLRQ




1(:/,67,1* %ULQJ\RXUFUHDWLYLW\DQGSHUVRQDOIODUHWRPDNHWKLV KRXVHDKRPHRQHWKDWKDV\RXUSHUVRQDOWDVWHDQG VLJQDWXUHRQLWZKHQ\RXEULQJLWEDFNWROLIHZLWK FXUUHQWGD\DPHQLWLHV&DOOWRGD\IRUDQ DSSRLQWPHQWWRVHHWKHHQGOHVVSRVVLELOLWLHVDQG Offered for $229,000 SRWHQWLDOLQWKLVJUHDWRSSRUWXQLW\ 2 Robert John Anderson** 312/980-1580 Jordan Gallas 219/861-3659 Daiva Mockaitis, GRI 219/670-0982 Pat Tym*, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES 219/210-0324 Shirl Bacztub, GRI 219/874-5642 Susan Kelley*, CRS 312/622-7445 Barb Pinks 219/325-0006 Mary Frances Wilkin 219/814-7055 Judi Donaldson, GRI 219/879-1411 Tina Kelly* 219/873-3680 Nancy Rusboldt, ABR, e-Pro, GRI, SFR Jamie Follmer 219/851-2164 Karen Kmiecik-Pavy, GRI 219/210-0494 219/861-9407 *Licensed in Indiana and Michigan **Licensed in Indiana and Illinois THE Page 48 June 6, 2013 CENTURY 21 Long Beach Realty 1401 Lake Shore Drive ~ 3100 Lake Shore Drive 219.874.5209 ~ 219.872.1432

Family Owned and Operated Since 1920 OPEN HOUSES - JUNE 9TH, 2013 2110 Oriole Trail, Long Beach Open 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm 3 bedroom home on 32,000 sq ft of prime Long Beach real estate. Great location with complete privacy. Just a short walk to the beach, golf course, restaurants and shopping. Fenced yard, storage shed, plenty of parking. Large 4 season room, huge private patio. 2.5 car heated garage. Entry foyer has a fabulous stained glass window. $310,000

2026 Somerset Road, Long Beach Open 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Beautiful beach home inside and out. Lush landscaping can be enjoyed from the shady deck conveniently accessed from the main floor. Terraced flower beds adorn the front. The interior reflects the color creativity of the exterior. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths included in the 2464 sq ft of living space. $469,000

Are you interested in renting your beach property, but don’t want to deal with the hassle? We are getting calls for people looking for Summer rental options. Call the office today so we can add your beach home to the list of available properties.

Doug Waters*, Principal Broker, GRI 877-7290 Tom Cappy* 874-6396 Sandy Rubenstein*, Managing Broker, 879-7525 Richard Klare 872-0947 June Livinghouse*, Broker Associate, ABR, GRI 878-3888 Rosemary Braun 879-9029 Sylvia Hook*, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI 871-2934 Zakaria Elhidaoui, Broker Associate 219-448-1052 *Licensed in Michigan and Indiana

Doug Waters* Sandy GRI 123 Rubenstein* Principal Broker T Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated Managing Broker