Priority question for written answer P-001294/2021 to the Commission Rule 138 (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID), Tudor Ciuhodaru (S&D), (ID)

Subject: COVID treatments and care in the home

Thousands of patients are dying of coronavirus every day and, as if that were not enough, the SARS- CoV-2 variants, whose possible resistance to vaccines remains an unknown quality, are continuing to spread at a rapid rate.

With scientific research concentrated on vaccine development, there is still no clear guidance available on the best treatments for the virus. In the majority of countries, in fact, doctors have no choice but to take full responsibility themselves for alternative treatments administered to patients.

It has been demonstrated that the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin, antibiotics, cortisone, adenosine and hydroxychloroquine in the early stages of infection has positive effects in terms of inhibiting virus replication.

Furthermore, efficacious and structured care in the home is proving to be a viable option in terms of eliminating all risk of infection and stopping hospital wards becoming saturated.

Could the Commission say therefore:

1. Will it, including through EMA, embark upon a proper and systematic collection of data and promote studies concerning the best types of treatment to be administered to patients?

2. Will it issue healthcare workers with guidelines and protocols on times and methods for administering the specific treatments most in use at present, as well as on the compatibility of these treatments with possible previous illnesses?

3. Will it earmark funds for the development in the Member States of systems providing social- welfare care in the home services?


1 This question is supported by Members other than the authors: (ID), (ID), (ID), (ID)
