History Trail W E


Water S

Parliament Building

Stormont Castle

The Pavilion

Stormont House


Play Park

Car Park


Picnic Area

Dog Exercise Area

The Department of Finance is working to promote and enhance the Stormont Estate as a visitor and tourist attraction and has created a series of adventure trails to showcase the rich biodiversity of the woodlands and to give visitors a brief insight into the history of the Estate. Each trail can be navigated using a trail map. There are three trails, a woodland trail, an environment trail and a history trail suitable for all age groups. Adventure awaits, go find it. VERSION 2 1 2 3

Lord Carson Memorial Prince of Wales Lord Carson What is the first name of the man who In what month did Edward Windsor What other profession did Lord Carson sculpted the Lord Carson open Parliament Buildings? have besides Barrister and Politician? History Trail Memorial Statue?

Can you help us find the answers to the clues to the History Trail? 4 6 We have developed a trail for you to explore using your 5 navigational skills and power of observation. We need you and your friends to locate all 9 clues, answer the Gleaner Statue Summer House Gate Lodges questions and solve the final answer. Where was the Gleaner Statue moved On what side of Carson’s Statue is the How many stories are in the Gate following the exhibition? Summer House located? Lodges? Using the map, make your way around each of the locations. Each location can be found easily and has a question linked to it.

Answer the question on your sheet. Each shaded letter will be used to make up your final answer. Once you 7 9 have solved all the clues, write the letters into the final answer grid. Stables Barrage Balloon Anchors In what direction of are Barrage balloons were anchored to the From what month in 1997 was Mo the Stables? ground by cables, made of what Remember that you are responsible for the safety of Mowlam the Secretary of State? yourself and others in the group while on the trail. Do material? not allow your children to go ahead and separate from the group. Don’t forget to respect the privacy and property of others. Before you begin, agree on an emergency rendezvous point should someone become separated. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z B R F I O A U S V C Q M X E Y Z O P E T K Q S G I F DECIPHER

The Department of Finance is working to promote and enhance the Stormont Estate as a visitor and FINAL ANSWER tourist attraction and has created a series of adventure trails to showcase the rich biodiversity of the woodlands and to give visitors a brief insight into the history of the Estate. Each trail can be navigated T H E using a trail map. There are three trails, a woodland trail, an environment trail and a history trail suitable for all age groups. Adventure awaits, go find it. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9