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Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Short Communication

Indigenous uses and traditional practices of endemic and threatened Chilgoza Wall. ex D.Don by tribal communities in , , northwestern Himalaya

Swaran Lata, P.S. Negi, S.S. Samant, M.K. Seth & Varsha

26 September 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 13 | Pages: 16891–16899 DOI: 10.11609/jot.6117.12.13.16891-16899

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Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2020 | 12(13): 16891–16899 ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) PLATINUM OPEN ACCESS DOI: htps://

#6117 | Received 08 May 2020 | Final received 13 August 2020 | Finally accepted 22 August 2020

S h o Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of endemic and threatened r t Chilgoza Pine Pinus gerardiana Wall. ex D.Don by tribal communites in C o Kinnaur District, Himachal Pradesh, northwestern Himalaya m m 1 2 3 4 5 u Swaran Lata , P.S. Negi , S.S. Samant , M.K. Seth & Varsha n i 1,2,3,5 Silviculture & Forest Management Division, Himalayan Forest Research Insttute, Panthaghat, , c a Himachal Pradesh 171013, . t 4 Amit Lodge, Near Comely Bank, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh 171013, India. i 1 [email protected] (corresponding author), 2 [email protected], 3 [email protected], o 4 [email protected], 5 [email protected] n

Abstract: Pinus gerardiana is an endemic and threatened pine of important species (Samant et al. 1998, 2007). Among northwestern Himalaya. It is the only conifer in India which is traded for the conifers of Himalayan region, Pinus gerardiana is its nuts. In additon to subsidiary source of income to Kinnaura tribes, it is an important part of ecology, traditons, and culture of Kinnaur very popular. This species is natve and endemic to the District of Himachal Pradesh. Kinnaura are one of the largest ethnic northwestern Himalaya (Kumar et al. 2013) and falls groups of Himachal Pradesh famous for their own unique traditons, culture, and lifestyle. In view of this, the present study was conducted under the threatened category. It belongs to the family to document the indigenous uses and traditonal practces of Pinus Pinaceae and is a well-established multpurpose species gerardiana (Chilgoza Pine) by Kinnaura tribes of Himachal Pradesh. in the area of occurrence. This species was discovered At present, destructve harvestng practces of collecton of Chilgoza nuts, fuelwood, torchwood, tmber, and needles of Chilgoza Pine is by Britsh Army Ofcer Captain Patrick Gerard in 1932 not only causing serious damage to trees but also afectng its natural (Farjon 1984) and commonly known as Chilgoza or regeneraton and future crop producton. Thus, this contnuous loss of Neoza and also known as ‘Ree’ in Kinnaur. Chilgoza Chilgoza Pine will afect the livelihood of the tribal communites and ecosystem of the area in near future. Hence, populaton assessment, Pine is a very slow growing tree and its average life span ecological niche modeling, awareness programmes, and sustainable is 150–200 years. It is a small to medium size tree up harvestng of cones are suggested for its conservaton. to 25m tall. Chilgoza Pine is the only conifer in India,

Keywords: Endemic, indigenous uses, threatened, tribal communites. which is traded for its edible nuts which are rich source of carbohydrate (21.6%), proteins (15.9%), fats (49.9%), moisture content (7.5%), fber (2.2%), and mineral The Himalayan region is one of the recognized mater (2.90%) (Anonymous 1969). The species has mega biodiversity hotspots (Johnsingh et al. 1998; restricted distributon in India and is confned to hilly Mitermeier et al. 2004) as it is known for rich, tracts in dry temperate region of northwestern Himalaya representatve, natural, unique and socio-economically at 1,600–3,300 m and also extends in the mountains of

Editor: Aseesh Pandey, G.B. Pant Natonal Insttute of Himalayan Environment (NIHE), Pangthang, India. Date of publicaton: 26 September 2020 (online & print)

Citaton: Lata, S., P.S. Negi, S.S. Samant, M.K. Seth & Varsha (2020). Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of endemic and threatened Chilgoza Pine Pinus gerardiana Wall. ex D.Don by tribal communites in Kinnaur District, Himachal Pradesh, northwestern Himalaya. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12(13): 16891–16899. htps://

Copyright: © Lata et al. 2020. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of this artcle in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

Funding: Natonal Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh [Project name: NB-HPRO/DPD-Projects].

Competng interests: The authors declare no competng interests.

Acknowledgements: We are thankful to the director, Himalayan Forest Research Insttute, Panthaghat, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh for facilites and encouragement. The fnancial assistance received from NABARD, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh is acknowledged. We are also thankful to the tribal communites of district Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh for providing authentc informaton on indigenous uses and traditonal practce of Chilgoza Pine.

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eastern Afghanistan and . In Himachal Pradesh, area under Chilgoza forest has already shrunk to about it mainly occurs in Kinnaur District and Pangi divisions 2,000ha in Himachal Pradesh because each and every and Threta range of Chamba Forest Division. In Kinnaur cone is lopped except those which are out of reach District Chilgoza is found only in Morang, Kalpa, Kilba, and lef on the trees by the tribal communites (Tandon and Pooh forest ranges of Kinnaur forest division. It 1963; Singh et al. 1973; Sehgal & Sharma 1989), which also extends westwards to Kishtwar District of Jammu not only afect natural regeneraton, but also future crop & Kashmir union territory. Chilgoza Pine is found producton. associated with Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana, Previously, Chilgoza of Kinnaur was not so intensively Juniperus polycarpos, Fraxinus xanthoxyloides at higher exploited for nuts, because Chilgoza forest of Afghanistan elevatons and with Quercus ilex, Olea cuspidata, and and Baluchistan used to meet most of the country’s Alnus nitda at lower elevatons. The undergrowth in requirement before partton (Tondon 1963). In additon Chilgoza forest are represented by Daphne oleoides, to this, in the past, due to the concern for wild animals Lonicera quinquelocularis, Lonicera hypoleuca, Ephedra and natural regeneraton, the tribal communites kept gerardiana, Rosa webbiana, and Artemisia maritma. In some cones on trees to allow a small porton of seeds Kinnaur District, the species replaces Pinus roxburghii to reach the ground and regenerate. In spite of difcult (Cheel) near and contnues along the ecological conditons, the forests of the species are Valley up to Dubling, Ropa, and up to Lambar in Tidong able to regenerate. During the last fve decades, the Valley. network of roads has allowed hortculture development Seeds of Chilgoza are the only commercial edible in Kinnaur due to which tribal communites have pine nuts available in India and accordingly major source started considering Chilgoza as subsidiary source of of its indigenous supply is Kinnaur District of Himachal income. The village communites sell the nuts harvest Pradesh. Small quanttes of the nut, however, are also contracts to private contractors who employ contractual collected from Pangi Valley () of Himachal workers for harvestng Chilgoza cones. They cut many Pradesh besides some parts of Jammu & Kashmir union branches and collect all cones without the concern of territory. Out of total 2,060ha in Himachal Pradesh, future cone producton and natural regeneraton. Since, about 2,040ha falls in Kinnaur Division and a small there is no restricton on the quantty of Chilgoza nuts porton (20ha) in Chamba District (Troup 1921), which is collecton and the tribal communites harvest almost the main source of Chilgoza nuts in the country. Being every mature cone resultng in poor regeneraton. in short supply there is a heavy demand of Neoza nuts Due to lack of regeneraton, young size classes of trees (sold as dry fruit) and 80–100 tons per year Chilgoza are scarce or entrely lacking, while mature and over reaching the Indian market comes from Kinnaur District. mature trees predominatng in its natural habitat. The approximate export value of its annual produce is Today, due to over exploitaton and habitat destructon, around INR 180 million (Negi 2002). On an average, one reducton in Chilgoza Pine forests is growing concern tree yields about 7.4kg of nuts per year. Income from throughout the range of distributon. Because of its the sale of Chilgoza seeds contributes to the annual dwindling populaton, this species is also listed in the income of many poor tribal families of Kinnaur, usually in Near Threatened category as per IUCN threat category the form of supplementary income. For some families, (Farjon 2013). The studies carried out so far are related however, this species is the main source of income. to ecology, regeneraton and insect pest problems Overall, in the zone, the share of the fnancial income of Chilgoza Pine, however, none of the studies have due to Chilgoza in the total fnancial income of the investgated and documented the traditonal uses households varies 5–25 %; this share can exceed 25% of Chilgoza Pine. Therefore, the present study was for some household (Pelter & Daufy 2009). Chilgoza carried out to document the indigenous knowledge and Pine are mostly located in natural forests, and are not traditonal practces of Chilgoza Pine in Kinnaur District cultvated by local people because of its slow growth and of Himachal Pradesh. takes long tme to produce commercial nuts. But, due to the dependency of local people, it has been classifed as Material And Methods social forestry species in spite of being a conifer (Sehgal & Study Area Khosla 1986). In Afghanistan, the government promotes Kinnaur is one of the tribal districts of Himachal community-based conservaton programmes to protect Pradesh (31055’50’’–32005’15’’ N & 77045’00’’–79000’35” and conserve the Chilgoza Pine and also to enhance E) with total geographical area 6,400 km2 (Figure 1). the livelihood of local communites (MAIL 2012). The There are fve tehsils in district Kinnaur, namely Kalpa,

16892 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2020 | 12(13): 16891–16899 J TT Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of Pinus gerardiana Lata et al.

Figure 1. Kinnaur District in Himachal Pradesh and India.

Sangla, Morang, Pooh, and Nichar. The major soil types men, women, youth and elders between the age of 29 of the region are sandy loam and clayey loam. The and 78 years. These knowledgeable local persons were climate of the region is dry temperate sub-alpine and interviewed through semi-structured questonnaire. The alpine types, and the region is dominated by conifers questons were mainly for the informaton generaton and broadleaved species i.e., Cedrus deodara, Pinus on indigenous uses and traditonal practce of Chilgoza wallichiana, P. gerardiana, Alnus nitda, Acer caesium, by Kinnaura tribal communites. For informaton Picea smithiana, Fraxinus xanthoxyloides, Betula utlis, generaton, questons related to the Chilgoza were Taxus wallichiana, Abies pindrow, A. spectabilis, Quercus asked in local dialect and as well. Details of the semecarpifolia, and Q. ilex, Juniperus polycarpos in dry indigenous uses and traditonal practces of Chilgoza have temperate and sub-alpine zones and medicinal and been given under results. Plant specimens were also aromatc plants and other herbaceous species in alpine collected, dried by using routne botanical collecton and region. herbarium techniques, identfed and preserved (Jain & Rao 1997). Plant species voucher specimens (0012-18, Methods 0013-18, 0014-18, 0015-18, 0016-18) have been kept in Present study is based on extensive and intensive the herbarium of Himalayan Forest Research Insttute, surveys conducted from 2017 to 2019 in the Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India. The informaton was representatve 16 tribal villages namely Rarang, Ribba, compiled, analyzed and documented. Rispa, Jangi, Moorang, Thangi, Lippa (Morang range), Nesang, Sunnam, Labrang (Pooh range), Pangi, Tangling, Results and Discussion Barang, Telangi (Kalpa range), and Kilba, Urni (Kilba Pinus gerardiana is an important conifer tree mainly range) of Kinnaur forest division of district Kinnaur. occurs in dry higher and trans-Himalayan tract of district From each village, 3–8 knowledgeable persons were Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh. Kinnaura tribes of district interviewed and the names and other details of persons Kinnaur collect its nuts due to their economic and socio- interviewed are given in Table 1. The informants included cultural importance. Sale of the nuts contributes to the

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2020 | 12(13): 16891–16899 16893 J TT Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of Pinus gerardiana Lata et al.

annual income of most of the families of Kinnaur District communites during winter (Image 1E, F). and contributes signifcantly in fulflling daily livelihood 6. Medicine: Resin of Chilgoza Pine mixed with needs. The total producton of Chilgoza in Kinnaur is 100– mustard oil is used to cure arthrits and swellings. Resin 300 ton/year and approximate export value of its annual is used to cure cracked feet. The nuts are eaten raw produce is around INR 150–450 million depending upon as well as in roasted form to cure physical weakness, crop producton (Pelter & Dufy 2009). In additon to cough and cold. Seed oil is used to cure, body pain, eye nuts, other parts of this valuable tree are also used by problem, wounds, and ulcers. the tribal communites in various household needs and 7. Traditonal food and beverage: The Chilgoza to perform various religious and socio-cultural functons. nuts are used as one of the ingredients for preparaton of The details of indigenous uses are given below. salted tea locally known as ‘Namkeen cha or Chha cha’. 1. Timber: The wood of Chilgoza pine is hard, Afer removal of seed coat, nuts are mixed with Walnut tough, durable and used as tmber. It is used for the Juglans regia and kernels of Apricot Prunus armeniaca. constructon of houses especially for roof thatching, The mixture is ground to make paste, and is used in fooring and central poles of kitchen and stairs, and preparaton of nutritous salted tea (Image 1C). Nuts are preparaton of wooden boxes which is used for storing also used as dry fruit in halwa and kheer preparaton in fruits, grains, and other items. festval occasions especially in Sazo festval (Image 1B). 2. Fuel wood: The wood is used as fuel wood 8. Detergent: Previously, ashes of Chilgoza cones throughout the year. Afer the seed extracton, dried were used for washing cloths and kitchen utensils by the cones are also used as fuel wood during winter season. tribal communites. 3. Torch wood: The wooden fakes of Chilgoza 9. Farmyard manure: The dried needles are Pine are used as traditonal torch wood known as ‘Sang’ collected by tribal communites from forest in large (Image 1D). It is used for burning fre, night movements quanttes during the month of September–October and and irrigatng felds during night. A special torchwood used in the agricultural felds and orchards for mulching dance known as ‘Sangpuling chasham’ is also performed to retain moisture, protect top soil from erosion and by the villagers of Ribba village on the occasion of improve soil fertlity (Image 1A). The needles also festval of fowers known as ‘Fulaich’ where the festval used as bedding material in cowsheds of the catle is celebrated at district level. Villagers collect long and decomposed needles are removed from the resinous wooden fakes and arrange them into bundles cowsheds and subsequently used as farmyard manure in by tying with twigs of Indigofera heterantha and in the agricultural felds and orchards. Tribal communites also midnight, they burn the top of the bundles and dance collect cones and spread them in their agricultural felds. (Image 1G). The decomposed cones help to sofen the hard soil. 4. Agriculture implements: Logs are hard, 10. Economic use: Chilgoza nuts play a signifcant resinous, water proof and immune to fungal atack and role in improving livelihood of the tribal communites. In used for the preparaton of agricultural implements, i.e., the whole distributon area of Chilgoza in Kinnaur District plough and yoke locally known as ‘tal’ and ‘kol’. In older every household of the tribal communites collect the tme, these were used for ploughing the agricultural Chilgoza in the months of September–October from felds, now few local farmers use it. Wood is also used adjoining forest areas. They earn money INR 1,500– as drains for irrigaton purposes in agricultural felds and 1,800/ kg by selling the Chilgoza nuts locally and use it constructon of small bridges over streams and nallahs. for fulflling their daily household needs. The small poles and branches are used for the fencing of 11. Cultural uses: Chilgoza is an important part of agricultural and hortcultural felds and overhead shed a marriage ceremony in Kinnaur District for generatons. formaton for cultvaton of grapes and storage houses Seeds are used in preparaton of garlands known as ‘ree of dried grasses. maling’ which is used in performing various marriage 5. Household items: The wood is used for the rituals, and also ofered to local deites, brides, grooms, preparaton of traditonal mortar and pestle known family members, relatves and guests during wedding as ‘kaning’ and ‘musling’ and used for mashing grains, ceremonies as a token of respect and love. It is also used seeds, etc. In Kinnaur District, it is traditonally used in various death ceremonies and ofered to dead bodies for the extracton of oil from Apricot nuts, Walnut, and before funeral as a symbol of homage to the departed Chilgoza nuts. The small pieces of Chilgoza wood is used soul. The branches of the Chilgoza Pine are also used in preparaton of ‘takli’ locally known as ‘pankt’ or ‘koru for the preparaton of welcome gate during the visit of pankt’ which is used for spinning of wool by the tribal dignitaries to the villages and marriage ceremonies. The

16894 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2020 | 12(13): 16891–16899 J TT Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of Pinus gerardiana Lata et al.

Table 1. List of Kinnaura tribes interviewed in Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh.

Alttude (m); lattude & Name Age Gender Village Forest range longitude 1 Chering Pur 78 M Rarang 2 Upkari Devi 65 F Rarang

3 Jai Nand 42 M Rarang 2,500; 31o36’06.58”N & Morang o 4 Kabeer Singh 55 M Rarang 78 21’08.32”E 5 PushapLata 45 F Rarang 6 Maya Devi 49 F Rarang 7 Rajeev Rathore 34 M Rispa 8 Shiv Ram 53 M Rispa 2,300; 31o34’47.6”N & 9 Lajvant 47 F Rispa Morang 78o23’16.2”E 10 Sharda Devi 47 F Rispa 11 Raj Bhagat 55 M Rispa 12 Harnam Singh 67 M Ribba Abhishek 13 31 M Ribba Negi 14 Bhag Narayan 66 M Ribba 2,400; 31o35’2.0”N & 15 Dan Bhajan 55 M Ribba Morang 78o21’50.0”E 16 Suminder Singh 59 M Ribba 17 Hans Raj 38 M Ribba 18 Yogita 51 F Ribba 19 Narayan Singh 34 M Ribba 20 Ratan Singh 36 M Jangi 21 Rajinder Singh 44 M Jangi

22 Tenzin Zangmo 49 F Jangi 2700; 31o36’12.2”N & Morang o 23 ChetanDorjee 55 M Jangi 78 25’40.6”E 24 PriyaKumari 45 F Jangi 25 Sita Devi 52 F Jangi 26 Chetan Dorjee 55 M Morang 27 Dinesh Kumar 44 M Morang 28 Ghyan Kiran Devi 67 F Morang

29 Promila Kumari 35 F Morang 2,700; 31o39’19.8”N & Morang o 30 Chhering Palden 58 M Morang 78 23’11.1”E 31 Prem Singh 67 M Morang 32 Mal Jeet 58 M Morang 33 Kalyan Singh 66 M Morang 34 Padam Chand 46 M Thangi 35 Daleep Singh Negi 65 M Thangi 2,800; 31o33’58.4”N & 36 Partba 62 F Thangi Morang 78o28’11.6”E 37 Indu 48 F Thangi 38 Ashok 62 M Thangi Chering 39 43 M Lippa Tashi 40 Geeta Ram 46 M Lippa 2,700; 31o39’27.15”N & 41 Indravat 39 F Lippa Morang 78o22’57.84”E 42 ShyamLal 56 M Lippa 43 Sher Singh 60 M Lippa 44 GyalchenZangmo 62 F Lippa 45 Bogan Singh 44 M Nesang 46 Jaglender Singh 46 M Nesang 2,700; 31o39’04.4”N & 47 Susheel Kumar 40 M Nesang Pooh 78o30’13.4”E 48 Kamal Singh 50 M Nesang 49 Raghunath Singh 57 M Nesang

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2020 | 12(13): 16891–16899 16895 J TT Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of Pinus gerardiana Lata et al.

Alttude (m); lattude & Name Age Gender Village Forest range longitude 50 Padam Bhutl 55 F Sunnam 51 Prem Lal 45 M Sunnam 2,800; 31o45’36.26”N & 52 Jeeta Singh 42 M Sunnam Pooh 78o27’58.82”E 53 Terseem 43 M Sunnam 54 Tulsi Negi 55 M Sunnam 55 Rajeev Negi 39 M 2,900; 31o45’09.28”N & 56 Badri Sen 48 M Labrang Pooh 78o37’55.8”E 57 Jagat Negi 49 M 58 Sant Ram 29 M Pangi 59 Dev Bhagat 29 M Pangi 60 Rajeshwari 50 F Pangi Kalpa 2,300; 31o35’19.4”N & 61 Sant Ram 45 M Pangi 78o16’27.8”E 62 Durga Singh 49 M Pangi 63 Radha 34 F Pangi 64 Rajender Singh 36 M Pangi 65 Premi Devi 55 F Tangling Kalpa 2,100; 31o31’35.4”N 66 Balbir Singh 61 M Tangling 78o16’55.2”E 67 Laxman Singh 40 M Tangling 68 Gyatzin 38 M Barang

69 Pyarmani 37 F Barang Kalpa 2,200; 31o30’42.48”N & o 70 Parmila 60 F Barang 78 15’59.46”E 71 RadhaPyari 50 F Barang 72 Basant Devi 54 F Telangi Kalpa 2,000; 31o31’33.77”N & 73 Vikram 37 M Telangi 78o16’53.65”E 74 Samat Bahadur 59 M Telangi 75 Jiu Chand 55 M Kilba 76 Nandesh Kumar 34 M Kilba 77 G.S.Negi 46 M Kilba Kilba 1,900; 31o30’44.5”N & 78o09’38.1”E 78 Jamna Geer 54 M Kilba Chander Pal 79 53 M Kilba

80 Kapil 31 M Urni Kalpa 2,400; 31o31’41.56”N & 81 Veer badr 46 M Urni 78o07’43.06”E 82 Manohar 53 M Urni

fumes of needles are used for the purifcaton of houses its forests need proper management. Since the sixtes, during child birth, marriages, festvals, etc. The garland Himachal Pradesh Forest Department has been facing made from Chilgoza seeds are used in various fairs and the problem of Chilgoza Pine regeneraton, and tried to festvals, i.e., Ormig, Duyal, Suskar, Losar, Beesh, and overcome from this problem by carrying out plantaton Fulaich celebrated in various parts of Kinnaur District. programmes. But, results were not satsfactory In additon to this, it is important part of various rituals because of typical environmental conditons including in festvals and other customary rituals performed all soil of the region not allowing to survive. The present across the Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh (Image traditonal practces for the collecton of fuelwood, 2A,B). torchwood, agricultural tools, tmber, cones for seeds, The above mentoned cultural importance of and manuring agricultural felds are mostly destructve Chilgoza Pine, clearly refects that this tree is not only and require awareness among the tribal communites ecologically and economically important to the area for the sustainable utlizaton of this highly valuable but also forms important part of traditons and culture multpurpose endemic species. Most of the people are of the tribal communites. Although, Kinnaur is major not aware about the impact of excessive lopping which producer and supplier of Chilgoza in the country, stll is causing heavy damage to the trees and also afectng

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Image 1. (A–H) Utlizaton of Chilgoza pine by Kinnaura tribes of Kinnaur District: A—Chilgoza pine needle collecton | B—Halwa preparaton in Sazo festval | C—Local woman enjoying salted tea | D—Chilgoza torch-wood collecton | E—Spinning of wool using “Koru- Pankt” | F— Spinning of wool using “Pankt” | G—Chilgoza torch-wood dance | H—Chilgoza fuel wood. © Swaran Lata.

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2020 | 12(13): 16891–16899 16897 J TT Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of Pinus gerardiana Lata et al.



Image 2. (A–B) Utlizaton of Chilgoza nuts in marriage ceremonies in Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh: A— Marriage ceremony in Kinnaur | B—Kinnauri brides and grooms wearing Chilgoza garlends. © Shiv Raj.

natural regeneraton and cone producton in successive create awareness among the local communites about years. In additon, intensive grazing, damage by insects the conservaton and sustainable utlizaton of the and pathogens, birds, rodents and reptles, conversion of species. If the present trend of utlizaton contnues, it Chilgoza forest into orchards and other developmental will not only lead to the loss of all the services provided actvites like constructon of roads, buildings, and hydro- by this species but also, lead to soil erosion and overall power projects are also afectng Chilgoza habitats and change in the environmental conditon. The loss of stand populaton. Such severe biotc interferences and Chilgoza Pine and existng biodiversity will lead to lack of natural regeneraton may result in rapid decline drastc change in the ecosystem of the area, which may in the species populaton and contnued such practces lead to various disasters in the fragile area. Therefore, may lead the extncton of species in future. Keeping in populaton assessment and periodic monitoring using view of its limited distributon, there is stll considerable quadrat method for understanding the dynamics, scope for increasing its yield and regeneraton through sustainable harvestng of cones, and other parts of the sustainable harvestng and management of Chilgoza species, ecological niche modeling for predictng the Pine forests. Therefore, it is of utmost important to suitable area for in situ conservaton, standardizaton

16898 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2020 | 12(13): 16891–16899 J TT Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of Pinus gerardiana Lata et al. of propagaton techniques for mass multplicaton, 1Trans and Greater Himalaya in India. Biodiversity Conservaton establishment of nurseries, and plantaton of seedlings Prioritzaton Project in India, WWF, New , 212–224pp. Kumar, R., G.S. Shamet, O.P. Chaturvedi, R.K. Avasthe & C. Singh in degraded forests, marginal lands and other suitable (2013). Ecology of Chilgoza pine (Pinus gerardiana Wall.) in dry habitats with the help of tribal communites and forest temperate forest of North West Himalaya. Ecology, Environment & Conservaton 19(4): 1063–1066. department are suggested. MAIL (2012). Chilgoza Pine Forest Conservaton and Restoraton Plan- Draf Report. Conclusion Mitermeier, R.A., P.L. Gil, M. Hofman, J. Pilgrim, T. Books, C.G. Mitermeier, J. Lamoreux & G.A.B.D. Fonseca (2004). Hotspots Pinus gerardiana is one of the pioneer, natve, Revisited: Earth’s Biologically Richest and Most Endangered endemic, multpurpose, and threatened species of Terrestrial Ecoregions, Conservaton Internatonal, Washington. district Kinnaur. It is not only important for maintaining Negi, S.S. (2002). Chilgoza or Neoza pine-an important NTFP of the tribal areas of Kinnaur District in H.P. Journal of Non-Timber Forest the ecology of the region but, also for providing various Products 9 (1/2): 70–72. ecosystem services to the tribal communites. This Pelter, R. & V. Daufy (2009). The Chilgoza of Kinnaur. Infuence of the species is highly suitable for the typical topographical Pinus gerardiana edible seed market chain organizaton on forest regeneraton in the Indian . Fruits (Paris) 64(2): 99–110. gradients and environment. Therefore, the conservaton Samant, S.S., U. Dhar & L.M.S. Palani (1998). Medicinal plants of and sustainable utlizaton of this species would help Indian Himalaya: Diversity, Distributon, Potental Value. Nanital in conserving the ecosystem, ecosystem services, Gyanodaya Parkashan. Samant, S.S., S. Pant, M. Singh, M. Lal, A. Singh, A. Sharma & S. livelihood optons, traditonal culture and customs and Bandari (2007). Medicinal plants in Himachal Pradesh, North overall environment of the region. , India. Internatonal Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management 3: 234–251. Sehgal, R.N. & P.K. Khosla (1986). Chilgoza Pine: The Threatened Social References Forestry Tree of Dry Temperate Himalaya. Natonal Symposium on Research in Social Development, 1–2 January. Anonymous (1969). Wealth of India, Raw Materials 8: 65–66. Sehgal, R.N. & P.K. Sharma (1989). Chilgoza: The Endangered Social Farjon, A. (1984). : Drawing and Descripton of Genus Pinus. Forestry Pine of Kinnaur. Technology Bulletn, FBTI, 6. Antquarian Booksellers, Associaton of America Pub, New York, Singh, R.V., D.C. Khanduri & K. Lal (1973). Chilgoza Pine (Pinus USA, 220pp. gerardiana) regeneraton in Himachal Pradesh. Indian Forester Farjon, A. (2013). Pinus gerardiana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened 99(3): 126–133. Species 013:e.T34189A2850009. Downloaded on 17 June 2020. Tondon, J.C. (1963). Revised working plan for the Kinnaur and Kochi htps:// Forest (Upper Satluj Valley), Himachal Pradesh. Vol-2. Ofce of en the Chief Conservator of Forests. Working Plan Circle, Himachal Johnsingh, A.J.T., G.S. Rawat, P.V. Satyakumar & J. Kuar (1998). Pradesh, India, 284pp. Prioritzaton of area for biodiversity conservaton of alpine zone- Troup, R.S. (1921). The Silviculture of Indian Trees. Vol-3, Oxford University Press, 1195pp.

Threatened Taxa

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 September 2020 | 12(13): 16891–16899 16899 PLATINUM The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at OPEN ACCESS All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

September 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 13 | Pages: 16715–16926 Date of Publicaton: 26 September 2020 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jot.2020.12.13.16715-16926

Review A checklist of buterfy fauna of Bankura Town, West Bengal, India – Ananya Nayak, Pp. 16868–16878 A history of primatology in India (In memory of Professor Sheo Dan Singh) – Mewa Singh, Mridula Singh, Honnavalli N. Kumara, Dilip Chetry & Santanu A diversity of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from a cashew ecosystem in Kerala, Mahato, Pp. 16715–16735 India – Mamparambath Subramanian Smitha & Ambalaparambil V. Sudhikumar, Pp. 16879–16884 Communicatons Clinical and pathological fndings in a Dwarf Red Brocket Mazama rufna University campuses can contribute to wildlife conservaton in urbanizing (Mammalia: Cetartodactyla: Cervidae) atacked by dogs regions: a case study from Nigeria – Eduardo Alfonso Díaz, Gustavo Donoso, Carolina Sáenz, Ivete Dueñas & – Iliyasu Simon, Jennifer Che & Lynne R. Baker, Pp. 16736–16741 Francisco Cabrera, Pp. 16885–16890

Killer Whale Orcinus orca (Linnaeus, 1758) (Mammalia: Cetartodactyla: Indigenous uses and traditonal practces of endemic and threatened Chilgoza Delphinidae) predaton on Sperm Whales Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus, Pine Pinus gerardiana Wall. ex D.Don by tribal communites in Kinnaur District, 1758 (Mammalia: Cetartodactyla: Physeteridae) in the Gulf of Mannar, Himachal Pradesh, northwestern Himalaya Sri Lanka – Swaran Lata, P.S. Negi, S.S. Samant, M.K. Seth & Varsha, Pp. 16891–16899 – Ranil P. Nanayakkara, Andrew Suton, Philip Hoare ­& Thomas A. Jeferson,­ Pp. 16742–16751 Notes The Critcally Endangered White-rumped Vulture Gyps bengalensis in Sigur Plateau, Western Ghats, India: Populaton, breeding ecology, and Range extension and frst confrmed record of the Flightless Anomalure threats Zenkerella insignis (Matschie, 1898) (Mammalia: Rodenta: Anomaluridae) in – Arockianathan Samson & Balasundaram Ramakrishnan, Pp. 16752–16763 Nigeria – Dolapo Oluwafemi Adejumo, Taiye Adeniyi Adeyanju & Temidayo Esther Avifauna of Saurashtra University Campus, Rajkot, Gujarat, India Adeyanju, Pp. 16900–16903 – Varsha Trivedi & Sanjay Vaghela, Pp. 16764–16774 Power lines as a threat to a canopy predator: electrocuted Harpy Eagle in Five new species of trap-door spiders (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Idiopidae) southwestern Brazilian Amazon from India – Almério Câmara Gusmão, Danilo Degra, Odair Diogo da Silva, Lucas Simão – Manju Siliwal, Rajshekhar Hippargi, Archana Yadav & Dolly Kumar, de Souza, Angélica Vilas Boas da Frota, Carlos Augusto Tuyama, Maria Cristna Pp. 16775–16794 Tuyama, Thatane Martns da Costa, Ana Paula Dalbem, Adrian A. Barnet, Francisca Helena Aguiar-Silva & Manoel dos Santos Filho, Pp. 16904–16908 Rapid mult-taxa assessment around Dhamapur Lake (Sindhudurg, Maharashtra, India) using citzen science reveals signifcant odonate records First record of the Assam Leaf Turtle Cyclemys gemeli (Fritz et al. 2008) (Reptlia: – Neha Mujumdar, Dataprasad Sawant, Amila Sumanapala, Parag Rangnekar & Testudines: Geoemydidae) from the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya, India Pankaj Koparde, Pp. 16795–16818 – Aditya Pradhan, Niran Chetri & Saibal Sengupta, Pp. 16909–16911

Commercially and medicinally signifcant aquatc macrophytes: potental for Breeding biology of Malabar Tree Toad Pedostbes tuberculosus (Anura: improving livelihood security of indigenous communites in northern Bihar, Bufonidae) from Castle Rock, Karnataka, India India – Deepak Deshpande & Nikhil Gaitonde, Pp. 16912–16915 – Shailendra Raut, Nishikant Gupta, Mark Everard & Indu Shekhar Singh, Pp. 16819–16830 First record of Ourapteryx dierli Inoue, 1994 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae) from India Leaf nutrients of two Cycas L. species contrast among in situ and ex situ – Sanjay Sondhi, Dipendra Nath Basu & Krushnamegh Kunte, Pp. 16916–16919 locatons – Thomas E. Marler & Anders J. Lindström, Pp. 16831–16839 Notes on a communal roostng of two oakblues (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Arhopala) and the Common Emigrant (Pieridae: Catopsilia pomona) buterfies Contributon to the Macromycetes of West Bengal, India: 69–73 in Utarakhand, India – Diptosh Das, Prakash Pradhan, Debal Ray, Anirban Roy & Krishnendu Acharya, – Sohom Seal, Debanjan Sarkar, Agnish Kumar Das & Ankush Chowdhury, Pp. 16840–16853 Pp. 16920–16923

First report of mango leaf gall midge Procontarinia robusta Li, Bu & Zhang Short Communicatons (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from India – Duraikannu Vasanthakumar, Senthilkumar Palanisamy & Radheshyam Murlidhar A new species of Platylestes Selys (Odonata: Zygoptera: Lestdae) from the Sharma, Pp. 16924–16926 coastal area of Kannur District, Kerala, India – K.G. Emiliyamma, Muhamed Jafer Palot & C. Charesh, Pp. 16854–16860

A frst complete documentaton of the early stages of Hampson’s Hedge Blue Acytolepis lilacea lilacea Hampson, 1889 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from Publisher & Host Western Ghats, Kerala, India – V.K. Chandrasekharan & Muhamed Jafer Palot, Pp. 16861–16867


Threatened Taxa