Minutes of a meeting held at Aston Flamville Parish Church



R Wilson - Chairman P Adams G Bryan M Evans D Lanwarne M Lindop C Train R Train

Officers present:- Mrs D Johnson on behalf of the Clerk to the Aston Flamville Parish Meeting -

Also in attendance: Cllr I Hewson Cllr D Woods Cllr D Freer( observing)

Apologies:- J French M Jones J Rix Cllr S Scott – District Councillor Cllr E White – County Councillor


Aston Flamville Parish Meeting - Wednesday, 28 October 2015 1. MINUTES

The minutes of the meeting held on 1 June 2015 ,as circulated, were approved as a correct record.


Land on the corner of Hinckley Road/Lychgate Lane

A discussion had taken place at the last meeting on the draft plans, published for local comment, for the building of one house on the plot. Subsequently the owner produced alternative draft plans, showing two/three houses on the site. These draft plans were copied to some residents by the Chairman and comments had been fed back verbatim to the owner/developer. It is understood that the owner is still reviewing his options and no formal planning application has been made.



Aston Flamville Parish Meeting - Wednesday, 28 October 2015 The Chairman presented his report which included the following:

Terry Ward (Previous Chairman)

Terry stood down as Chairman at the last meeting. As many of you will know Terry passed away on 11 July 2015, having given excellent service to the community for many years. Our thoughts and prayers go to his wife Toni.

Planning Applications:

The Chairman reported that he was not aware of any formal planning applications.

Trees on Hinckley Road interfering with Telephone Wires

Leicestershire County Council Highways Authority had been advised of this problem at the end of September and that action is still awaited. The Chairman advised that he would contact the Highways Authority again.

Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan (FVNP)

The FVNP covered the future development plans for the villages of , Croft, , Thurlaston, & , all of whom have Parish Councils together with Aston Flamville, Parva, and all of whom have Parish Meetings.

Elmesthorpe Parish decided to withdraw from the proposed plan, thus necessitating boundary changes etc. The redefinition and renaming (now Leicestershire Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan) of the plan was agreed by all Parishes/Parish Meetings in June, and now awaits District Council approval for the new area before proceeding through the full gambit of consultation,/referendum/approval/adoption etc.

There are no specific developments for Aston Flamville.


The new Rector of Burbage with Aston Flamville, Reverend Andrew D Hall, was inducted and installed in the Parish on 3 September. We welcome Andrew and his wife Sandra to the community.

Village Christmas Fair

The Christmas Fair will be held on Saturday 21 November 2015 from 10am until 2pm.

Residents and Councillors contributed to the meeting on all of the subjects discussed.


Aston Flamville Parish Meeting - Wednesday, 28 October 2015



Aston Flamville Parish Meeting - Wednesday, 28 October 2015 District Councillor Report.

Cllr D Woods reported on the following:

 Youth Council

Blaby District Council had thrown their full weight behind the Youth Council, encouraging young people to get involved in the community and highlight issues in the lives of young people and allow them to act upon them.

The Youth Council was going extremely well with 21 members already.

 Business Festival

The first ever Leicester Business Festival was held on 26 October 2015 which included a business breakfast, giving local firms the opportunity to access free business support.

Leicester is one of the largest economy in the Midlands. The festival will include events, seminars, conferences and many more, offering exciting opportunities for their companies.

 Outstanding Achievements Awards

The Outstanding Achievements Awards were held at the beginning of October and this was another successful event.

 Happy Blaby

Blaby has been named the 6th happiest place to live in the UK.

District Councillor Report

Cllr I Hewson Scrutiny Commissioner reported on the following Scrutiny Working Groups:

 Finance Working Group

Section 106 distribution effectiveness. Does the website provide information the Parishes need.

Leisure – examine the financial impact on the Council and the opportunities for the provision of leisure services across the District.

Income Generation – detailed review to gain understanding of where income can be generated and propose recommendation for exploration of ideas including what services are doing.

 Performance Working Group

Fly Tipping – a focused review to examine reasons for the increase in fly 5 tipping, and the Council’s and Public response to form recommendations for improvement in the natural environment. Aston Flamville Parish Meeting - Wednesday, 28 October 2015 Affordable Housing – examine the capacity of providers to take on new affordable housing after delivery by developers on new schemes – including external witnesses from developers and social housing providers and the link between affordable housing provision and homelessness.

Channel Shift – focused review of internal service changes as each service fully implements change. Examine delivery progress and savings achieved, understand the impact on the community.

 Communities Working Group

Car Park Review – examine the revised draft strategy and focus on the car parking review. Provide feedback to inform Cabinet decision.

Welfare Reform – review the impact of welfare reform and the increased demand on services. Meeting focused review work.

Community Transport – examine how community schemes serve the district and help BDC meet its economic aspirations. How could this be supported and enhanced.


There was no other business to discuss.


The date of the next Parish Meeting to be arranged in consultation with the Chairman for a date in May 2016.



Aston Flamville Parish Meeting - Wednesday, 28 October 2015