THE DIAPASON JULY 2018 Summerall Chapel at The Citadel Charleston, South Carolina Cover feature on pages 22–23 860-560-7800
[email protected] PO Box 6507, Detroit, MI 48206-6507 ,Z>^D/>>Z͕WƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚĐŚĂƌůĞƐŵŝůůĞƌΛĐŽŶĐĞƌƚĂƌƟƐƚƐ͘ĐŽŵ W,/>>/WdZh<EZK͕&ŽƵŶĚĞƌƉŚŝůΛĐŽŶĐĞƌƚĂƌƟƐƚƐ͘ĐŽŵ ANTHONY & BEARD ADAM BRAKEL THE CHENAULTS JAMES DAVID CHRISTIE PETER RICHARD CONTE LYNNE DAVIS ISABELLE DEMERS CLIVE DRISKILL-SMITH DUO MUSART BARCELONA JEREMY FILSELL MICHAEL HEY CHRISTOPHER HOULIHAN DAVID HURD SIMON THOMAS JACOBS MARTIN JEAN HUW LEWIS RENÉE ANNE LOUPRETTE ROBERT MCCORMICK BRUCE NESWICK ORGANIZED RHYTHM RAÚL PRIETO RAMÍREZ JEAN-BAPTISTE ROBIN BENJAMIN SHEEN HERNDON SPILLMAN CAROLE TERRY JOHANN VEXO BRADLEY HUNTER WELCH JOSHUA STAFFORD THOMAS GAYNOR 2016 2017 LONGWOOD GARDENS ST. ALBANS WINNER WINNER 50th Anniversary Season THE DIAPASON Editor’s Notebook Scranton Gillette Communications One Hundred Ninth Year: No. 7, In this issue, we are pleased to present a wide range of short Whole No. 1304 features for your reading pleasure and edifi cation. Yves Rech- JULY 2018 steiner, artistic director of France’s Festival Toulouse les Orgues, Established in 1909 provides us with a historical overview of transcribing music for Stephen Schnurr ISSN 0012-2378 the organ. André Lash gives us a fascinating glimpse into the 847/954-7989;
[email protected] culture of the pipe organ in China. You will be amazed to learn of An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, the organ’s growing presence in that part of the world! And Brian the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music Gurley reports on the recent gathering of the Conference of church building and the Schuelke organ at Trinity Evangelical Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians in Michigan and Indiana.