
Assignment: Write a poem that tells a story. It should have characters, , , rising , , and falling action. Narrative Poem Rubric

2.5 2 1.5 1 My points The story line of my poem Message/ is clear and easily The story line of my The story line of The story line of Story identified. There is an poem is clear and easily my poem is my poem is not obvious and identified. identifiable. identifiable. resolution.

The words and phrases The words and The words and The words and phrases in in my poem are sort of phrases in my poem phrases in my Words and my poem are vivid, they vivid, and most of them aren’t really vivid poem do not seem Phrases support the main idea and support the main idea and do not connect carefully of my poem. and tone of my poem. to the main idea. selected.

Poem has an easily No attempt to Poem has a rhyme Attempt to have a Flow/Rhyme identifiable rhyme scheme use line have a scheme. rhyme scheme. throughout. rhyme scheme.

Poem has 2-3 stanzas Poem has at least 3 stanzas and follows the and follows the narrative , Presentation/ structure, which includes Poem has less which includes and Poem has 2 stanzas. Length and exposition, rising than 2 stanzas. exposition, rising action, climax, and falling action. action, climax, and falling action. No examples of Two or more examples of Two examples of One devices poetry devices poetry devices from your poetry devices from from your unit 2 used or if they Figurative unit 2 notes that are used your unit 2 notes that notes that is used are used they are Language correctly and enhance the are used correctly. correctly. not used poem. properly.

Few minor errors, if any, Some errors that don’t which do not detract from Many errors that So many errors Conventions/ distract too much from the overall poem. Poem is detract from the that the poem is Neatness the overall poem. Poem typed or written in my best overall poem. difficult to read. is easy to read. handwriting.

I included a I included a writer's I included a writer's note writer's note that I did not include note that gave an Writer’s Note that gave a detailed answer gave an answer to a writer's note answer to each of the to each of the 3 question. each of the three with this poem. three questions. questions.

Total /25