FanfareNewsletter of the Foden’s Patrons Society January 2013

Inside this issue...

• Welcome – Mark Wilkinson • Presidents column – Chris Finnegan VP • MD’s Column – Michael Fowles • Foden’s in the Community – Ian Raisbeck • Partners – Sterling Instruments • Player Focus – Alan Hodgkinson • Reviews - British Open – Mark Bousie - Solo Contest – Andy Rolfe - National Finals – Chris Haigh - Cathedral – Paul Hindmarsh • DVD Order Form • Other news snippets – Ian Raisbeck • Forthcoming Events – Mark Wilkinson

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Welcome... - Mark Wilkinson, Principal

Dear Friends

What a year 2012 has been for the band! During my 20 years service this year has been by far the most memorable in relation to contest wins, profile and exposure for the band as well as enjoyment and consistently good playing!

2012 ‘A year to remember’

January: The band were in fine form at the ‘Royal Northern College of Music’ under the direction of former Musical Director Howard Snell where we performed a programme of ‘serious’ repertoire to a capacity and appreciative audience. This was followed by a CD recording with Howard the following day for a CD entitled ‘Masquerade’ to be released at the British Open contest in September.

February: Consisted of a number of concerts including our annual trip to Armagh, Northern Ireland. We also competed in the ‘North West Area Contest’ in Blackpool. At this contest we were placed a disappointing 3rd but still qualified for the National Finals to be held in October at the Royal Albert Hall.

March: Back to the recording studio to record two test pieces with our professional conductor Allan Withington to complete the ‘Masquerade CD’ as well as two highly enjoyable concerts at School performing ‘The Sound of Music’ with a number of primary schools as part of a project co-ordinated by Allan and Kirsten Withington.

April: Very proud to lead the ‘Sandbach Transport Festival’ once again as well as performing alongside and accompanying the winners for the ‘Cheshire East School’s Music Contest’.

May: Prestigious concert at the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester as well as sharing the stage with our friends, Lions Youth Brass at Congleton Town Hall.

June: Back to winning ways by becoming the ‘Whit Friday March Contest Champions’ picking up £7,000 in prize money. Later in June we were placed 3rd at the ‘English Nationals Contest’ in Preston which is the qualification contest for the European Championship in 2013 to be held in Norway. Disappointed to narrowly miss out; but it did mean we did not have to start raising the £25k to travel and compete in the contest! Also performed in an outdoor concert in Sandbach Park in a weekend festival organised by Sandbach Council to celebrate the Jubilee.

July: More educational work for the band appearing in concerts with the talented musicians at Little Lever High School, Bolton and Sandbach Boys School before 4 weeks band holidays. During this ‘break’ a number of the band players tutored on various summer schools with the ‘National Youth Band of Great Britain’, ‘National Youth Band of Scotland’, ‘Armagh Summer School’, ‘Wessex Summer School’ and ‘Bolsover Summer School.’

August: Returned from band holidays with a welcome return to Gawsworth Hall after a 12 year absence. Rehearsals start for the British Open Contest in September.

September: Crowned the British Open Champions!!! High profile concerts at Buxton Opera House, Bridgewater Hall as well as a fund raising concert for ‘Help the Heroes’ at Cranage Hall.

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence October: Principal players hold a coaching day in Norwich. Later in the month the band became the ‘National Champions of Great Britain’ the first time since 1999 and 102 years since the band won this and the British Open in the same year. Victory was followed by a lot of hangovers as well as an appearance on ‘BBC 1 North West Tonight’ as well as amongst various local and national press coverage.

November: ‘Masquerade’ is awarded ‘British Bandsman Magazine CD of the year’ beating releases from Black Dyke, Brighouse, Cory, Fairey’s, Leyland. Foden’s run their own Solo Contest for the 2nd time drawing over 130 contestants from all over this country, Ireland and Belgium. This contest also saw the first performance of the newly formed ‘Foden’s Youth Band’, which we are very proud off. Foden’s run their own ‘Self Promotional Concert’ at Manchester Cathedral to a capacity audience in excess of 830 people which is recorded as a live DVD release.

December: ‘Masquerade’ is awarded ‘Brass Band World Magazine’ CD of the year beating the above releases again! Appearance on ‘BBC 1 North West Tonight’ Christmas Special as well as an invitation to appear on a new BBC 1 TV programme with Frank Skinner, Gabby Logan and David Williams. Unfortunately the proposed TV programme was later postponed due to the withdrawal by the presenter. Foden’s record ‘Patrons Choice 6’ which will feature the winning performances from the British Open and Nationals, this will be dedicated to all of our Patrons. The year is finished off with our annual ‘Christmas Meal’ and a performance in front of our friends, supporters and Patrons at Sandbach School.

During 2012 the band have performed in 99 rehearsals, 38 concerts/recordings, 6 coaching days (not including rehearsals and tutoring the Foden’s Youth Band)

We are always on the look out for any help that Patrons may be able to offer in various areas, if any one would like to help the band in any way please contact myself on 07740 354106 or [email protected]

Finally, from 2013 we have had to slightly increase the minimum donation of becoming a patron from £16 to £18 due to increased costs in the printing and distribution of the patrons magazine. I hope this will not deter you for continuing with your membership which we greatly value and appreciate.

On behalf of all at Foden’s thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you all again at the Patrons Concert on the 19th February.

Mark Wilkinson

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Presidents Column MD’s Column - Chris Finnegan, Vice-President - Michael Fowles, Musical Director

Dear Friends

2012 has been my first full year as a Vice President of Foden’s Band. It was a privilege to be asked to join the team particularly as I am not a musician and can barely sing in tune!

I grew up in the 1950’s listening to my grandfather and uncles sing the praises of Foden’s Motor Works Band, so when I returned to the North West, in 1989, I had lots of opportunities to reacquaint myself with their music and performances.

Being part of the team has made me realise just how much effort, dedication and team work is involved behind the scenes to deliver the immaculate performances and the incredible results... what a year!

This wonderful bunch of individuals work together as a team, they all give 110% of their time, not just playing and practising, but also running the band as you might any business, generating funds, trying to balance the books and watch the cash flow. I have found that they have some remarkable strengths, but I am still not sure which element is the most important. Is it the stability and consistency of the players and their friendship and loyalty to each other and to us? - They certainly have these qualities. Is it their musicianship and their inspirational conductors and associates, or the army of helpers and the healthy network of supporters and partners? The answer is probably all of these things in equal measure. Just as reassuring is that they also recognise that a strength , if neglected, can easily become a weakness- nothing stands still and it is important to look forward for new opportunities and partnerships.

To me Foden’s Band is a wonderful ambassador for British brass banding; for the North West and for Sandbach, long may it continue. I am proud to stand alongside them on any day.

Thank you for reading my thoughts and thank you for your support, please carry on spreading the message!

Please also be assured that your Band really does need you.

Best Wishes to everyone for 2013

Chris Finnegan

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence MD’s Column - Michael Fowles, Musical Director

Hello Friends

Well what a year! The “Double” doesn’t happen that often and all of us associated with the band are incredibly proud of the achievement. To give you some idea of the rarity let me share the most recent sequence of “Doubles” – 1985, 1993, 2000 and then Foden’s in 2012 some 102 years since our illustrious band last achieved this feat!

The last 12 months have seen the band on consistently high form on the concert platform entertaining audiences the length and breadth of the country with 2 particular highlights for this writer being the Bridgewater Hall Spring Festival and our own self-promoted concert in Manchester Cathedral. At the Bridgewater the band gave a varied programme that included a stunning solo performance by our old friend Rex Richardson and a powerful performance of The Legend of King Arthur by our musical associate Dr Peter Meechan. This last piece is the title track of our latest CD that features the music of Dr Meechan and has met with critical acclaim. This disc was released at the Cathedral which was fitting as Peter had arranged the Requiem by Faure for this concert but it was his Epitaph for Hillsborough (also on the disc) which provided the musical highlight of the night for many – the silence which greeted the performance was only disturbed by football fans outside the venue which gave the performance a poignancy few will forget.

The band’s quality of recordings has again been recognised by the awards panels of the various banding press with the CD Masquerade gaining CD of the Year awards. This marvellous disc features 4 pieces from the serious side of the repertoire with the band rising to the challenge superbly and with wonderful direction from Howard Snell and Allan Withington.

As you know December `usually sees the band record the latest disc in the Patrons Choice series and this year is no exception. I can now tell you that Patrons Choice 6 will be a very special release indeed. It will include both winning performances that secured the “Double” conducted by Allan Withington. This will make the disc a unique memento of a very special year so is a disc not to be missed.

In addition it will feature our award winning “Double” soloists Richard Poole (Nationals Best Instrumentalist) and Glyn Williams (British Open Best ). Other soloists on the disc will be Lesley Howie, Helen Williams, John Barber and a Xylophone duet by Mark Landon and Anthony Mann which, along with other concert material on the disc, you will hear at the Patrons Concert in February when this special disc in the series will be released.

Michael Fowles

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Foden’s in the Partners Community - Sterling Instruments - Ian Raisbeck, 2nd Cornet, Youth Band Co-ordinator

Monday 6th August saw the start of the 12th Annual Armagh Old Boys’ Summer School led once again by 9 tutors from Foden’s Band. This year’s tutors were Richard Poole, Ian Raisbeck, Lesley Howie, Natsumi McDonald, Mark Bousie, Shaun Farrington, Stewart Baglin, Anthony Mann and Michael Fowles.

The format for the course saw a change in previous years with the creation of two separate bands due to attracting over 100 delegates. The Sterling Band, conducted by Mark Bousie, featured players of a standard equivalent to grade five and below and the more advanced delegates attended the Sovereign Band rehearsals led by Michael Fowles.

The course was once again a busy but enjoyable week, featuring full rehearsals, sectionals, warm ups and master classes led by Lesley Howie, Anthony Mann and Ian Raisbeck. Thursday evening saw the annual Young Soloists Night which featured music by the Foden’s tutors as they accompanied over 25 solos, duets and quartets from the excellent and brave young musicians on the course. After the Friday lunchtime BBQ, which featured a tutors treat from Foden’s, including ‘Live and Let Die’ by Richard Poole and a stunning rendition of ‘Rule Britannia’ by Natsumi McDonald, the hall was packed down ready for the Saturday night gala concert.

The Saturday night gala concert saw two stunning performances by the Sterling and Sovereign Band before joining forces for the massed items of Star Lake, Hymn to Barossa and Procession to the Minster.

Whilst at Belfast Airport on the Sunday morning the Foden’s tutors were left arguing over who had gained the most weight throughout the week, the one thing they did agree on was that this was the best course yet and were already looking forward to next year.

Thanks must go to Ivor Stephenson and his tireless team of helpers who work all year round to ensure that the summer school, and February visit of Foden’s, run smoothly every year.

Regular readers will know that for the past year I have been updating you on our efforts to form and mentor our own youth band. I am delighted to tell you that we achieved our aim! The new band opened for applications in June 2012; the response was over-whelming with 60 places being filled by young players from all around Cheshire and further, including South Yorkshire, Lancashire, North Wales and the Midlands. On September 28th the band rehearsed for the first time and on November 3rd its inaugural performance took place.

The new band have benefited from expert direction / tuition from Foden’s tutors, as well as performing alongside international soloists Les Neish and Jens Lindemann. Performances in 2013 have already been confirmed at the prestigious Royal Northern College of Music Festival of Brass and at Cheshire’s picturesque Gawsworth Hall.

It has been a long road to reach this point; new partnerships have been forged, in particular with Love Music Trust (Cheshire East Music Hub) and Royal Northern College of Music. It is my hope that we are just at beginning of an exciting journey for Foden’s, supporting our Youth Band for many years to come.

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Partners - Sterling Instruments

Sterling Musical Instruments have been manufacturing in the UK since 1987, producing brass instruments specifically aimed at the British style brass band. By employing several Boosey & Hawkes craftsmen, the company was able to rapidly establish itself in the brass band market, producing hand built quality instruments.

The next stage of development was to recognise the growing demand by musicians, that not everyone wanted the standard ‘off the shelf’ instrument. This has resulted in the development of the new ‘Sterling Virtuoso Range’, which allows musicians to design an instrument that best suits their needs and demands.

The founder and sole owner of Sterling, Paul Riggett (himself an accomplished brass musician), was previously Manufacturing Manager for Boosey & Hawkes Ltd before creating Sterling. As such, he has unequalled experience in the manufacture and design of professional brass instruments.

In 2006 Paul approached Glyn Williams from Foden’s to try out his Sterling Virtuoso Euphonium; after a week of blowing the instrument, Glyn refused to send it back and wrote out a cheque instead. Since that time Glyn has worked very closely with Paul improving the whole range of Sterling Instruments and selling them into the brass band market.

The Sterling Virtuoso Euphonium is now described as the “Choice of Champions” and it’s easy to see why. At Foden’s Glyn has been joined on the instrument by Mark Bousie, at Brighouse & Rastrick by both David Thornton and David Belshaw, and at Leyland Band by Lewis Musson who was the 2011 BBC Radio Young Brass Soloist of the Year - just to mention a few of the high profile players now playing Sterling!

Paul is also very proud that his instrument has also been chosen by euphonium legends Trevor Groom and Lyndon Baglin, giving it even more kudos in the brass band world.

Sterling Musical Instruments are pleased to be partners with the Foden’s Band and that their instruments have been chosen by Lesley Howie and the section and most recently by Natsumi McDonald and Mike Warriner in the Baritone section. The Sterling Soprano Cornet gained extra recognition after Foden’s Richard Poole won the coveted Best Instrumentalist Prize at the 2012 National Brass Band Championships and Paul is currently working on the development of a Flugel Horn with help from Helen Williams. A new Sterling Cornet is also almost ready for launch onto the market and will be tried at Foden’s first!

Paul and Sterling Musical Instruments are very much looking forward to welcoming Foden’s Band to the Corn Exchange in their home town of Bedford on 19th May 2012 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of instrument production.

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Player Focus Alan Hodgkinson, Bb Bass

Tell us a little about your background as a Musician.

Having lived abroad in Jordan, Hong Kong and the Philippines as a young boy, brass banding was never at the fore front of my mind. I actually started to learn to play the trombone when I was around 9 years of age. I was living in the Philippines at the time and grew up with the American style of schooling and banding. I wanted to play in the big band and jazz idiom. My father played guitar for Billy J Kramer and the Dakotas for a while but other than that, there was no musical family background.

As we left, my father asked if we wanted a leaving present. I asked for a trombone, my brother asked for a guitar. My dad came back with two guitars! Not a great start. So, when we came back to the UK and moved back to Saddleworth (the heart of Brass banding country), I went to the school there. I asked if they had any spare trombones and the reply I got was “no, but try this for size”! I was dumped with a BBb bass. I persevered for a little while but the transport issues became too much. Lugging a BBb for a mile and a half from the bus stop to the house was not ideal! Anyway, a little later a friend of mine told me that the Dobcross Youth Band was looking for a bass player. I decided to go up for a blow and the rest is history. Banding gets in your blood. It’s a bit like a drug! Since those hazy days, I have played with some of the top bands in the country (Fairey’s, Brighouse, Leyland and Flowers to name a few) before the dream phone call happened, asking me to join the one band I always dreamed of playing for. That band is, of course, Foden’s.

What is your favourite part of playing for Foden’s Band?

I think there are a number of things that makes playing for Foden’s so special. Firstly is the standard. It’s so extremely high and as a result very satisfying. The band is crammed full of fabulous musicians. Highly talented, highly motivated, extremely musical and they make such a great sound. Not only are they great at what they do around the music stand, but they are some of the best people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. It’s a real team effort and at times I feel humbled to be a part of such a great team.

What have been the highlights of your musical career so far?

The highlights have to be what we have just achieved. It was always a dream to win a major competition with any band. Any would have done if I’m being honest. But, to do the double is usually reserved for those dreamers like me. It never happens in reality, until now! It has been amazing and it’s something that will live with me for the rest of my life. It doesn’t matter what walk of life you’re from, to be a National Champion and an Open champion in anything you do is a massive achievement.

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Do you have any aspirations for the future?

I guess the one thing that I would like to do but never have done, is experience the European Brass Band Championships. It’s a contest that has always been elusive but I feel with the current band, we can not only qualify for it but win it as well! Of course, I would love to defend our Double Champions status as well. That would be an amazing feat that I don’t think has ever been done before! Once that is achieved (if at all possible), I don’t think I could go anywhere else and retirement looms. I haven’t thought about what would happen after I finish playing. Start a family maybe? I do not particularly want to go into conducting but you never know. However, it wouldn’t be at the standard the band play at.

What does your day-to-day job involve?

I work in the stores for a Chemical Research & Development company based in the High Peak (Chapel-en-le-Frith). I have worked with the firm for 15 years now. My job involves in a nut shell, handling lots of nasty and quite life threatening chemicals, looking after the needs of the 90 or so chemists and packing/ sending out packages. It changes from day to day but it’s definitely a far cry from my banding!

What do you enjoy doing when you have time off work and band?

When I’m not doing either, I usually spend my time cooking (a hobby I really enjoy and curry is a particular favourite of mine), reading occasionally and watching films. Of course the thing I do most though is just spending quality time with my other half. As a none bander who has been thrown in at the deep end, she is extremely understanding of what the “hobby” entails. Not only is she very understanding but she is very patient and supportive. Without her support, I couldn’t really carry on to the high standard that Foden’s demands. On top of that, all our free time is currently being used to organise our wedding next summer!

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Review British Open - Mark Bousie, 2nd Euphonium

Winning a major brass band contest is not an easy thing to do. This might seem to be an entirely obvious statement to make although our amazing autumn of 2012 might indicate otherwise! There are a number of factors that need to come together on contest day in order for you all of sudden to find yourself on stage celebrating with your fellow lads and lasses of the band and a big trophy not too far away from your reach. Firstly, and most importantly, the band needs to deliver a performance of the highest musical and technical values. But then there are the indeterminable factors of the draw, how the other bands perform and the subjective opinion of the adjudicators.

For the past four years at the banding capitals of London, Birmingham and Preston (!) the contesting chemistry for Foden’s had brought some near misses, but not quite a winning equation. Happily on the 1st September 2012, on a sunny day in the heart of England, all of this changed and so began one of the most successful periods in the band’s illustrious history as well as maintaining its record of winning the British Open in recent Olympic Years (2004 and 2008 both saw victories for the band).

The band headed to Birmingham with great confidence. The test piece, ‘Electra’ by Martin Ellerby, a highly rhythmic, lyrical and exciting new commission for the contest suited the band and as usual Allan Withington had not left a stone unturned. The rapport between Foden’s and Mr Withington has always been excellent, but after two years working together, has grown into something special.

So to contest morning and the crucial draw: Number 9 meant we’d be performing just before the adjudicator’s ‘comfort’ break. An ideal performance time, but only if you deliver the ideal performance! And deliver the band certainly did! The first movement, ‘Lust for Revenge’, saw the band perform with drive, intensity and energy, whilst the second movement, ‘Laments’, showcased the bands legendary sound and world class stable of soloists. By the time of the final movement, ‘Dance to Death’, Foden’s was on musical fire and the adrenalin fuelled performance drew the audience into a frenzy.

Then the long wait for results. The grapevine had told us that Black Dyke, Cory and Brighouse had also delivered fine performances. The results ceremony was an occasion that will stay long in the memory. A happy personal coincidence was that, as the recipient of the 2012 Mortimer Medal, I was seated on the Symphony Hall stage, waiting nervously alongside representatives from all of the competing bands. First the individual instrumental awards and with Glyn Williams winning yet another solo prize, I think we knew we’d be in with a shout. Not that this made the countdown to first prize any less agonising! By the time Black Dyke’s name had been announced as runner up all of the favourites for the Open Shield, except Foden’s, knew their fate. Had a band sneaked up unnoticed, however? The sense of relief and jubilation as the compere announced the British Open Champions of 2012 to be the Foden’s Band was immense and was the cue for great celebration late into the night!

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Review Foden’s Solo Contest - Andy Rolfe, 2nd Cornet

November 3rd saw the second year of the Foden’s Solo, Duet and Quartet Contest at Sandbach School. Although only one year on, this “new” initiative has grown into probably the largest contest in the country with 180 players of varying ages descending on Sandbach. Although excellent planning has been a trademark of this contest, this year proved to be more of a task with extra entries making a 3rd adjudicator a necessity. The entries this year have even reached the European shores with players from Belgium in addition to most corners of the UK travelling to be part of this great day.

With support from Besson, this year’s adjudicators included superstar Les Neish, Cornet soloist Harmen Vanhoorne and Richard Ashmore, the bass trombone of the BBC Ulster Orchestra. Audi Macclesfield again gave generous support to ensure we had a sound financial base to start from.

The day started at 9:30am across three different halls; there were many excellent performances from every class and each adjudicator had the difficult task in choosing a top three. Competitors and spectators were able to visit trade stands from a variety of suppliers including Glyn Williams Musical Instruments, Boobs and Brass, IMAS Music, Birchfield Music and The King’s Division. The refreshment stand had a constant queue as Foden’s stars Richard Poole and Mark Landon served hot dogs and cakes and there was a great atmosphere of excitement and optimism.

As expected the two silent guests on show throughout the day got masses of attention. The trophies of the British Open and Nationals Championships sat proudly up at the front of the stage where the youth band was to perform at the end of the day. This was a treat for everyone to admire the pinnacles of banding success and get their photograph with these two famous trophies.

The end of day concert showcased the latest success story from the Sandbach stable, the Foden’s Youth Band. 62 fine players treated the audience to a wide range of music and featured Richard Poole and Les Neish under the baton of Mark Bousie. All three of the exhausted adjudicators had a great day and with special awards distributed everyone left Sandbach with a smile on their face. Special thanks went to Fiona Rolfe for again demonstrating fine planning and organisational skills, the principal sponsors Besson and Audi Macclesfield, the competitors for embracing the day and competing in good spirit and to my fellow band members for fantastic support.

We are now looking forward to our 3rd Solo Competition in 2013!

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Review National Finals - Chris Haigh, 1st Horn

In 1910, Britain was a very different place to the world we now inhabit; the hull for the world’s largest ocean liner had recently been launched in Belfast, King George was the reigning monarch and a band from the little town of Sandbach won the two largest brass band contests in the world.

Before the cheers from Foden’s triumphant British Open victory had died down, Allan Withington and Mike Fowles were already preparing an onslaught on the leviathan test piece Ravel’s “Daphnis and Chloe” arranged by Foden’s ex-conductor Howard Snell. The plan was simple in its conception, but would present a great challenge the new British Open champions, musicality and impressionism was the key – perform Ravel like an orchestra.

With a fiendish soprano part and such delicate nuances littered throughout, the band worked to the contest with an intensity never previously seen. Teamwork that humbled the two conductors in the middle and an overwhelming sense of pride from every member of Foden’s that dared to dream of the “double champions” title oozed from the Flowcrete band room.

When the day was upon us, Foden’s waited in the small church that had been booked as our rehearsal venue in Kensington for the draw to come through…17th. An initial sigh of relief followed by the eagerness and excitement that had carried us this far, we boarded the coach and prepared for our performance.

With Brighouse and Rastrick going for a hat-trick of wins at the National Finals and Black Dyke desperate to maintain their run of form which had seen them lift the European title earlier in the year, this was without doubt one of the most hotly-anticipated competitions in the history of brass banding.

Waiting backstage at the Royal Albert Hall was somewhat surreal this time as opposed to our other appearances here. The band were calm and collected and there was a real buzz about the players, where the butterflies in our stomachs seemed to be cocooned by our confidence. Allan Withington, the band’s enigmatic musical director, stood, as he always did, in the corridor behind the stage and remarked to me, “If we go out there and play like we can, nothing can stop us. It will be unbelievable.” I nodded in agreement, not wishing to say anything less enigmatic to ruin the moment.

As the band walked out onto the stage it could only be comparable to a football team stepping onto the turf at Wembley in the world cup final. The near capacity hall (the largest number seen at the event in recent years) was a hive of expectancy and anticipation. This was it… When the final note of the Bacchanale from “Daphnis and Chloe” sounded, the audience were

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence wild and the excitement reached fever pitch. Looking around the stage people were genuinely empty of emotion and passion that they had poured through their instruments for the last sixteen minutes. Allan Withington tapped his stand with his baton, visibly proud of his players’ achievements.

The results of the contest were a somewhat livelier with the majority of the band personnel finding themselves at “The Goat” pub for a post-performance beverage (or two), half a mile from the hall. One member of the band had his mother on the phone who was in the hall so he could listen to the results and thus, the countdown from 6th placed band through to champions of Britain began. Looking around I saw a huge clutch of players listening to the telephone, as well as Allan Withington and his wife, Kirsten, Foden’s composer in residence, Andy Scott, amongst others. As second place was announced…Brighouse and Rastrick, the excitement in myself and everyone around me was reaching fever pitch levels. Could this be it? Have we won the greatest contest in the world for the first time since 1999? The next few moments were a blur of pints being thrown into the air, Foden’s players running the half-mile stretch down Kensington high street in a way that would make Olympians shudder, tears, hugs and screams of delight.

In 2012, on stage at the Royal Albert Hall, Foden’s players celebrated not only winning the huge National Championship trophy, but also the brass band from the little town of Sandbach celebrated winning the two largest brass band contests in the world for the first time since 1910.

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Review Manchester Cathedral - Paul Hindmarsh

The following article features excerpts from a review published in the British Bandsman magazine...

There was a palpable atmosphere of anticipation and celebration in Manchester Cathedral on Sunday evening ahead of the concert by the double champions, Foden’s Band under associate conductor Michael Fowles. This was the chance for friends and supporters to experience something of the quality of musical performance that has made 2012 such a memorable year for the Sandbach band. When I arrived, with 40 minutes still to go before the start, the nave of the Cathedral was already buzzing and by 7.30 when the Rev. Mark Ashcroft, one of the Cathedral’s clergy team, welcomed us all, virtually every seat was taken.

Howard Snell’s polished transcription of the Bach chorale prelude In Thee is Joy opened the concert with an appropriate style and resonance, given the surroundings. The space suited Foden’s finessed sound. With its sonorous chords and dramatic energy Mendelssohn’s youthful overture Ruy Blas transfers more successful to brass band (in my view) than the better known Fingal’s Cave. In Michael Fowles’ reading, the contrasting lyrical and lighter second subjects, where the themes of burning ambition in Victor Hugo’s tragic drama give way to a moment of romance, were beautifully contrasted. The spell of dramatic tension created by Mendelssohn’s hot-bloodied overture was soon dissipated by the genial presence of Jens Lindemann. He had the audience in the palm of his hand straight away by explaining, with typical humour, why he was dressed in charcoal grey - his purple jacket being too ‘Brighouse’, his green one too ‘YBS’, and his black one with gold trim too ‘Black Dyke’!; and he played like a dream in fellow Canadian Allan Gilliland’s jazz concerto Dreaming of the Masters III.

After the fantastic flying fingers of the Concerto, Peter Meechan’s Epitaph for Hillsborough provided a moment of respectful calm. Dr. Meechan’s devotion to Liverpool football club is well known to his followers on Facebook and Twitter. This simple but powerful work is an altogether deeper mark of solidarity and sympathy to all those affected by the Hillsborough tragedy 25 years ago. Jens Lindemann and Foden’s followed this highly-charged work with another Meechan piece, Starlight, an expressive ballad style number, composed for Jens’ Dreaming of the Masters album. Is there are brass band in the land as stylistically flexible as Foden’s of 2012? During the first half, the band transformed itself with complete conviction from a champion brass band to the Foden’s ‘big band’, the Foden’s brass ensemble and for an epic rendition of The Great Gate of Kiev to end the first half, the Foden’s ‘symphony orchestra’.

This year has been a truly memorable one for the entire Foden’s team. Looking on from the outside, it is possible to view the major contesting success as just one outcome of an approach to music making that also embraces a strong team ethic, an ambitious artistic vision, and an appreciation of the values both of creating new repertoire and of mentoring the next generation of brass band musicians.

Foden’s Youth Band under Mark Bousie opened the second half of the celebration concert with four short items. A cinematic Fanfare for the Future and a more enigmatic Lament - Into the Unknown were both composed especially for the occasion by Andrew Stevenson.

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence The band made a terrific sound, easily filling the vast space, and showed in its next item, Williams Himes’ ever-popular version of Amazing Grace, that it can also play with some refinement and sensitivity in accompanying Jens Lindemann’s effortless obligato, which floated across the band from high up on the organ loft. The band’s final item, Valero, beloved of youth bands up and down the land, brought a smile to everyone’s face and an enthusiastic, well-deserved ovation.

The stage was soon set for the final and most substantial work of the evening, the first performance of a new version for brass and voices by Peter Meechan, of the Fauré Requiem. His brass realisation sounded completely natural and unforced - more like brass chamber music, with an organ-like fundamental sonority, than a brass band. Foden’s invited two local choirs to join them for this performance - Sandbach Voices and Uttoxeter Choral Society. Two fine young soloists, soprano Victoria Barton and lyric baritone Daniel Shelvey, are both senior students from the RNCM.

A superbly controlled performance of Howard Snell’s evergreen transcription of Procession to the Minster, with a tumultuous closing few bars - what stamina Foden’s possesses - provided an appropriate finish and the March The Champions sent us away well satisfied musically and emotionally. Mark Wilkinson and Foden’s band are to be congratulated for their enterprise in staging this celebration concert. I look forward to a sequel!

Foden’s Band are pleased to announce that the bands recent concert at Manchester Cathedral featuring Foden’s Band, Foden’s Youth Band, Jens Lindemann, Sandbach Voices and the Uttoxeter Choral society has been recorded for release as a live DVD.

The DVD will be released in January at a cost of £15 inc p&p

If you would like to order a DVD please complete the order form below and return to Mark Wilkinson, 7 Narbonne Avenue, Eccles, M30 9DL.

Please make cheques payable to Foden’s Band for the sum of £15

Name: Address:

Postcode: Tel no:

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Other News Concert List Snippets 2013

Streets Named

Foden’s were recently honoured with a housing estate choosing to remember some of the greatest names in the Bands illustrious history. The new housing development is currently being built on the former Foden’s Motor Works site by Barratt Homes, and with the co-operation of the band and the local council, nine names were submitted and approved by the local authority, the Post Office and local property gazetteers to be used as addresses for residents who will begin moving in later this year.

The new streets will incorporate ‘Rimmer Grove’ as well as ‘Cossack Walk’, whilst Rimmer’s great successor as conductor, William Halliwell will also be remembered in ‘Halliwell Court’. Three former playing greats will be remembered, with ‘Teddy Gray Avenue’ honouring one of the great principal cornet players of the band.

‘Webb Close’ after Arthur Webb Snr, and ‘Shergold Close’, after Hubert Shergold, commemorate two legendary performers who played for over 40 years with the band, including their golden period of National wins at Crystal Palace under Fred Mortimer.

‘Harry Mortimer Way’ perhaps needs no further explanation, whilst ‘Peter Fletcher Crescent’ honours the former Band President and ‘Patron’s Drive’, recognises the band’s worldwide group of supporters.

Awards Season

The Band are proud to announce further success for the band as well as two of our individuals; Firstly Mark Bousie was awarded the Mortimer Medal by the Worshipful Company of Musicians on 1st September at the British Open Championships. The award recognises Mark’s outstanding contribution to youth brass development, something which he has continued on behalf of Foden’s in recent years, recently conducting our first ever Foden’s Youth Brass Band rehearsals and performances.

Secondly, our composer in residence, Andy Scott has been nominated for a British Composers award for his piece ‘Spirit of Mingus’, written for and performed by Foden’s Band at the 2012 Royal Northern Festival of Brass. The awards recognise today’s finest British Composers from all genres and to be nominated is a fantastic achievement, we wish Andy all the best of luck!

Finally, the Band have are delighted to have been awarded CD of the year 2012 from both ‘British Bandsman’ and ‘Brass Band World’ Magazines. Our recording ‘Masquerade’ received critical acclaim from all reviewers and we are delighted that two esteemed publications have seen fit to award us these honours.

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Concert List 2013

2013 promises to be an exciting year; the prospect of performing alongside the British Open Shield and National Championship Trophy is something we are already enjoying, and I am sure that next year will be no different!

As always, the following events are likely to be added to as the year progresses. For up to the minute details; visit our website

26 January 2013 Royal Northern College of Music 7.30pm

1 February 2013 Birmingham Conservatoire 8pm 8-10 February 2013 Armagh, Northern Ireland 16 February 2013 Dolgellau, Wales 7.30pm 19 February 2013 Patrons Concert 7.30pm

10 March 2013 North West Area Contest, Winter Gardens Blackpool

21 April 2013 Sandbach Transport Parade 11am

4 May 2013 Uppermill Civic Hall with Dobcross Youth Band 7.30pm 12 May 2013 Norwich Cathedral 6pm 18 May 2013 University of Southampton 7.30pm 19 May 2013 Bedford Corn Exchange 7pm 24 May 2013 Whit Friday March Contest, Tameside Villages 25 May 2013 Fallibroome High School Macclesfield (with Foden’s Youth Band) 7:30pm

6 July 2013 Hall for Cornwall, Truro 7.30pm

7 September 2013 British Open Championships, Symphony Hall Birmingham

12 October 2013 National Finals, Royal Albert Hall London 13 October 2013 Victoria Hall Hanley with Audley Male Voice Choir 7pm

2 November 2013 Annual Solo Competition, Sandbach School 16 November 2013 Sage Theatre Gateshead 7:30pm 17 November 2013 Brass In Concert Championships, Sage Gateshead

15 December 2013 Sandbach School 7:30pm

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Patrons Association Membership Application Form

The Patrons Association was formed to generate interest in the band and brass music in general. The band is totally self supporting and the patrons society is an important revenue stream that allows the band to exist.

Members are asked to make a minimum donation of £18. For this donation they will receive:

• 2 x Foden’s ‘Fanfare’ magazines per year. This magazine keeps you up to date with Concert Dates/venues and other interesting articles about band members and other band related subjects. • Two free tickets to the Patrons Concert held each year in the band’s home town of Sandbach. The only means of entry to this concert is with these tickets or if a Patron is unable to attend the concert they have a choice of a free CD from an approved list. • From February 2011, discounts on merchandise and CD’s.

We also offer the option of “Lifetime Patronage” at a cost of £200.

If you wish to become a member of the Patrons Association please complete the form below and send your donation to:

Foden’s Band Patrons Association, 7 Narbonne Avenue, Ellesmere Park, Manchester, M30 9DL

Enquiries - please email [email protected] Cheques made payable to ‘Foden Band’ - please do not send cash in the post.

Name: Address:

Postcode: Tel no: Email address:

Please indicate whether you are a: New Member Existing Member Donation amount:

Use Gift Aid and you can make your donation worth more. For every pound you donate, we get an extra 28 pence from the Inland Revenue. To qualify for Gift Aid, what you pay in Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax must at least equal the amount we will claim in the tax year. Please tick gift aid box

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence Foden’s Youth Patrons Membership Application Form

Foden’s Youth Patrons was formed to encourage and foster support for the band amongst our younger supporters. Membership is open to young people up to, and including, the age of 18.

Members pay an annual subscription fee of £15. For this Youth Patrons will receive:

• 2 x Foden’s ‘Fanfare’ magazines per year, which enables supporters to keep up to date with information and gossip about the band. This will also include information about the Youth Patrons, the web page and further developments. • Joining gift: choice of t-shirt/mute bag/music bag/water bottle. • Certificate of membership. • Automatic entry into quarterly draws to have a lesson with one of Foden’s principal players.

To become a member of the Youth Patrons please fill in this form and return, along with your donation, to:

Foden’s Youth Patrons, 4 Brookfield, Loggerheads, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 4RW

Enquiries - please email [email protected] or call 01630 673495 Cheques payable to ‘Foden’s Youth Patrons’ - please do not send cash in the post.

First Name: Surname: Address:

Postcode: Tel no: Email address: Which Instrument do you play?

Please choose a free gift: T-Shirt Mute Bag Music Bag Water Bottle Chest size (XS, S, M, L)

Parent/Carer’s name: Parent/Carer’s Signature:

Using Gift Aid will make your donation worth even more! For every pound you donate to us, we receive an extra 28p from the Inland Revenue. Just tick the Gift Aid box – it’s that simple! So that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation please can a Parent/Carer to print & sign their name below. Thank you! Please tick gift aid box

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence FanfareNewsletter of the Foden’s Patrons Society January 2013

Foden’s Band in partnership with:

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Band photography by Ian Clowes Goldy Solutions Ltd.

One Hundred Years of Musical Excellence