St Martin-By- News Published and funded by St Martin-By-Looe Council July/August 2010

Parish Council Update Election of Officers to serve to May 2011 Councillors Kim Smith and Robert Henly were elected to serve as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively; Councillor Lynne Burt was elected to serve as the Council’s representative for Rights of Way. Councillors Roberta Powley and Ronald Matthews will represent the Council at meetings of the Memorial Hall Committee, whilst Councillor Kim Smith was reappointed to represent the Council on the St Martin’s School Trust and at the Association of Local Councils. Councillor Barbara Reynolds was elected to represent the Council on the Road Safety Partnership. Planning Applications An application was considered for the construction of a garage with terrace over and hard standing, at Tigh-na-Mara, . Donations During the May /June meeting it was agreed to donate £50 to The Cornwall Deaf Association and CAB Cornwall respectively. A request from Cruise Bereavement Care was refused due to limited funds. Police Report For the period 27th May 2009 to 27th May 2010 (one year) for the whole of the area covered by Looe Police Station there were a total of 618 crimes reported. A total of 17 of these crimes were reported within the Parish of St Martin. For the period 1st May – 27th May 2010 there were a total of 30 crimes reported for the whole area covered by Looe Police Station, of which 1 was committed within the Parish. This crime was a report of theft of two granite balls from a gateway at Penvith Farm. Meeting Dates You are always welcome to attend the Parish Council Meetings. the next meetings are July 1st and Sept 2nd at 7.30pm. Public participa- tion is welcome before the meeting starts.

1 Tredinnick Farm Shop & Tea Rooms

Widegates, Near Looe, Cornwall

Local Fruit and Vegetables Fresh meat Farm scrumpy, beers and wines Home made preserves and local honey Fresh bread, cakes, and pies Organic Cornish Ice Creams

Open 7 days per week 9am - 6pm Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday Tel: 01503 240992 Signposted on the A387 between and Looe Under new management.

2 No Man’s Land Memorial Hall News Dear Resident. If you reside in No Man’s Land and own No Man’s Land or drive a vehicle this applies to you. Due to some difficulty in collecting the Village payments due regarding parking of vehi- cles in the car park belonging to the Flower and Memorial Hall, the committee has been Produce forced, reluctantly to put the responsibil- ity of collecting any outstanding debts Show arising into the hands of a private com- pany, Combined Parking Solutions. August 7th 2010 If you regularly park your vehicle in the 2.30pm, above car park you are in effect agree- ing to the terms and conditions laid Memorial Hall down by the Hall Committee and as such you must abide by theses condi- Schedules available tions. The terms and conditions regard- from: ing parking for residents in Holland Bindown Stores, Road in the Memorial Hall car park can Tredinnick Farm Shop be obtained from any Memorial Hall And Committee member. Remember the £20 Committee Members. per year fee is far cheaper than an £85 fine. Looe Police Station contact number. If you need to contact your local Police Station you can use the number below: 01503 266173 If there is no one available to answer your call please leave a mes- sage and a member of the team will contact you on their return. To report a crime, or for information and advice: 08452 777444 Emergency 999

3 Morval Vintage Rally 2010

Once again the time for The Morval Vintage Rally is fast approaching and we are busy trying to find new and interesting things to do and see, as usual we will have a spectacular show of vintage tractors, cars, bikes, station- ery engines, military and commercial and of course the the big steam engines Photo courtesy moving around the field all weekend. We are looking forward to seeing all the regular trade stalls and hopefully some new ones. There are some very interesting crafts booking in to the craft tent and for a new display this year we have a Wild West Village to show us how it was done. Fingers crossed for the arrival of the helicopter which always raises a lot of interest and we are grateful to RAF Shawbury for their continued support. Last year as most of you will remember we had rather a lot of rain on the Sunday which left the field very wet and muddy for the Monday, but still the visitors came and most people said they had a good time in the mud, but we have to say that in these weather conditions many of the sideshows like bouncy castles etc cannot open, this is due to health and safety and completely out of our hands, so we do ask the public to try to understand as we do not want accidents if they can be avoided. As usual we have kept our entrance fee to the same £3.50 adult, £2.50 OAP, children over 7 £1.50 . This year we will be raising funds for Derriford Hospital Oncology & Chemotherapy Unit and Cornwall Air Ambulance. Do try and support us and have a great weekend AUGUST 28TH 29TH & 30TH.

4 Morval Vintage Steam Rally Bray Farm, No Mans Land, Nr Looe Sat/Sun/Mon 28th, 29th, 30st August 10.30am - 6pm In aid of Derriford Hospital Oncology & Chemotherapy Unit and Cornwall Air Ambulance.

DIGGER DRIVING DEMONSTRATION * Live Music all weekend * Hot food all weekend Admission * Clay Pigeon shooting * Vintage Cars and Motorcycles Adults £3.50 * Stationary engines * Tractors OAP £2.50 * Miniature Steam * Bouncy Castle Child £1.50 * Children’s entertainer * Miniature train rides Under 7’s FREE * Static Owl Display * Commercial Vehicles LICENSED BAR * Military vehicles * Big Steam * Trade stands Secretary; * Craft tent * Charity stalls Mrs B Reynolds * Face painting * Ferret racing * Falconry display 01503 240520 * Working dogs display Programme can be altered subject to circumstances

5 Inlets and Egrets III - Riverside Ramble 21st July.

The Inlets & Egrets Ramble offers an introduction to healthy exercise whilst discovering the natural history and heritage of this hidden corner of Cornwall. Some of the best scenery that Cornwall has to offer can be seen on a midsummer ramble from the Car Park in to . Starting with Coffee at The Ship Inn, Lerryn, the guided walk is led by Forestry Commission Rangers & N.T. Wardens, through a varied land- scape of estuary, wood and farmland with superb views of the River throughout, along with the sights and sounds of the estuary's diverse bird life. Stopping for a light lunch at Angie's Cafe in the tiny hamlet of St Winnow, the walk concludes with our return to Lerryn at approx. 3.30pm. Free parking in Lerryn's public car park is quite plentiful, but as these rambles are very popular, please consider lift-sharing wherever possi- ble. This walk is part of a series of rambles in and around South-East Cornwall, organised by Mobilise, with the aim of getting folk of all ages fit, healthy and happy. Age Group: All ages welcome. There are a number of wooden stiles along the route, so this walk may not be suitable for all. Cost of event: FREE Meeting Place: The Ship Inn, Lerryn and the Public Car Park adjacent to the Post Office. 10am for 10.30 start. (Map Ref: SX 140 570 Sat-Nav -PL22 0PT). How to get there: There are a number of minor roads off the A390 between Middle Taphouse & , the first of which is at Downend R J REYNOLDS PLUMBING & HEATING Ltd Phone 01503 240520 Mobile 07968741805 / 07843565852

All types of plumbing and heating, Oil, Natural gas LPG. lead work Underfloor heating, landlords certificates/ Gas safety checks, Boiler servicing.

1 Bucklawren Road, St Martins, Looe, Cornwall, PL13 1QS

6 Inlets and Egrets III - Riverside Ramble 21st July.

Cont from page 4. If you miss this turn, proceed towards Lostwithiel taking the first left, sign posted to the Earl of Chatham , before dropping down into the town and taking the road for Lerryn. In Lerryn, cross the bridge and turn into the village car park after 200m on the right. Clothing required: Dress for the weather. Suitable footwear for walking forest tracks and farmland. . How far is the walk? As far as you feel comfortable, but around 5 Miles total. Booking required: Booking is not essential. Dogs allowed: Well behaved dogs on a lead welcome Contact for more information: Leave your details for Dave Readman on 01209 310062: he will get back to you, or email [email protected] Catering Arrangements: Midday to 12.30pm, light lunches will be available from: Mrs Angie Stephens Angie's Cream Teas St Winnow Museum 1 Mohun Cottage ST WINNOW Lostwithiel

Holiday Activities in Cornwall Local Farm Shop and Deli

Check availability and book Help to preserve choice. on-line for: Horse Riding, Buy local and support local Coasteering, Surfing, 4x4, Cornish producers Canoeing, Paddle Boarding, plus much more. 18 Fore Street East Looe

7 Liskeard Show Saturday 10th July The Showground, . Show open from 8.00am. Lots to do and see Adults £7, Children £3, Under fives free. A Great Family Day out. Show Disco and BBQ on the Showfield, 8pm ‘till late, licensed bar. Public Notice Has your house not sold, The audit of accounts for the St Martin-By- but still want to move? Looe Parish Council Why not let it through for the year ended 31 March 2010 has been FISHER MANAGEMENT concluded. The annu- al return is available 19 years experience in for inspection by any local government Property Management elector for the area of the St. Martin-By- Looe Parish Council on application to: Charles Hyde, Parish [email protected] Clerk, 8 Trelawny 01503 262400 Road, , Liskeard, PL14 3TS between 10am - 2pm on Monday to Fridays (excluding Public Hol- idays), when any lo- cal government elector may make copies of the annual return. Please ring 01579 340905 to make an appoint- ment. Copies will be provided to any local government elector on payment of £1 for each copy of the an- nual return. Charles Hyde. Parish Clerk. 1st July 2010

8 9 Millendreath Over the past few years much has been made of the potential future of Millendreath and the valley it rests in. However, very little has been told of the varied past of the area. This article is based on over a total of over 100 years of personal experiences and knowledge of the area and not on hours spent leafing through old newspapers and books. Whilst books etc, offer a more permanent record, books cannot offer the personal touch and insight, so it is hoped you will find this approach interesting. If the in late 1930s you stood on the County road with your back to the sea and looked directly up the floor of valley you would have seen large amounts of Blackcurrant bushes. These fruits were picked and sent to market for sale, the land was owned by Captain Glover. The view of the valley floor was made more impressive by the large amounts of water iris and marsh marigolds that grew in the marshy area of the valley. Whilst there were people living in Millendreath the amount of accommo- dation was very limited. Captain Glover lived in a house below Black Rock and above the lime kilns. Black Rock house being owned by Mr & Mrs. Isaacs, Mr. Isaacs being a Coal Merchant in Liskeard. The other main accommodation on the right-hand side of the valley floor was comprised of railway carriages. Despite being designed for use on the railways, the carriages provided all year round accommodation. Also at that time there were also two roads in Millendreath. The road down from to Millendreath has changed very little over the last 60/70 years. The other road was the County road that ran from Millendreath to Kellow, this road having long since being washed away due to coastal erosion. Kim Smith General enquiries (and all services) 0300 1234 100 Children, schools and families 0300 1234 101 Libraries 0300 1234 111 Benefits 0300 1234 121 Adult care and support 0300 1234 131 Refuse and recycling 0300 1234 141 Planning 0300 1234 151 Housing 0300 1234 161 Council tax and business rates 0300 1234 171 Getting Registration services 0300 1234 181 Trading standards 0300 1234 191 in touch Environmental management 0300 1234 202 Environmental health & licensing 0300 1234 212 Roads, transport and parking 0300 1234 222

10 History Snippet by Jenny Wallis

I’ve been looking at some plans for the regeneration of the area on a grand scale – one that would bring the Looe area into the 20th century. It was part of the government’s initiative to pump-prime the economy after the Depression in the Thirties. Thirty million was ring-fenced for the railways and a project to alleviate poverty in the Looe area was approved and authorized by the G.W.R. Additional Powers Act of 1936. The scheme was to bring a branch line to a great G.W.R. hotel and golf links in Sunrising giving Looe the access and status enjoyed by New- quay and . Had the work been completed, there would have been the cry “! Trerulefoot! Change for Looe! Calling at and Millendreath.” The journey would have been spectacular. Coming over the 144ft high Keveral Viaduct with its 13 spans, passengers would have glimpsed the sea before the new fangled diesel rail-car sped into the 2,288yd long Seaton Tunnel. The train would have slowed into Millendreath Halt 123ft above Chubb’s Mill, and the imposing viaduct with its nine 70ft spans and three 30ft spans would probably still be here, giving Health and Safety a continual headache and photographers a focus for their lenses. The Metropolitan Railway Co bought land at Bodigga and Millendreath from the Duchy. Old rolling stock was brought down for temporary accommodation. Test bores were sunk. One still makes a scar on the hillside NE of Millendreath. Work stopped in 1939 never to be resumed. Land was sold off for housing and the Metropolitan Railway Company donated Bodigga Cliff to the National Trust. This gift to the nation is commemorated by a bench on the coast path. My information hints at the fact that other works were started in our parish. If you have any more details please let us know. With another depression looming we could persuade the government to pump-prime the local economy and finish the project! The (compulsory) Park and Ride at Trerulefoot Junction could solve all our traffic problems at a stroke! Let History repeat itself!

11 Parish Councillors contact details: Chairman Kim Smith 07504 195619 Vice-Chair Robert Henly 01503 240738 Councillors: Roberta Powley 01503 240650 Barbara Reynolds 01503 240520 Ron Matthews 01503 262845 Lynne Burt 01503 240383 Mike Elford 01503 265922 Clerk: Charles Hyde 01579 340905 [email protected]

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OPENING HOURS Monday to Saturday, 7am - 6.30pm Sunday 8am - 4pm Elaine & Martin look forward to seeing you soon. Tel: 01503 240840

12 Strawberry Cheesecake Recipe

Nothing spells summer like strawberries and when you want a great dessert that is quick and easy to make for a barbeque or party, a strawberry cheesecake is the perfect answer. The rich, creamy filling on the biscuit base is lifted by the lively flavour of the juicy fruit and the bright red of the strawberries looks very festive against the cream of the filling. This is an easy no-cook recipe and just needs to set overnight in the fridge, so is a great dessert to make in advance and just bring out all ready to serve. Ingredients 250g / 8oz digestive biscuits 100g / 3oz melted butter 600g / 1 ¼ lb cream cheese 100g / 3 oz icing sugar 275 ml / 1 ¼ cups double cream 1 vanilla pod 400g / 1lb strawberries 25g / 1oz icing sugar Grease and line a 23cm / 9 inch loose bottomed cake with baking paper. Crush the biscuits to fine crumbs and then mix in the melted butter thoroughly. Make sure that all the crumbs are well coated other- wise the base won’t stay together. Press the crumbs well into the base of the tin in an even layer, then chill in the fridge for one hour. Put the cream cheese and sugar in to a bowl. Scrape the vanilla seeds out of the pod and add, then beat with an electric beater until it is really smooth. Add the cream and beat some more until the mixture is well combined. Spoon the filling onto the biscuit base and smooth the top. Leave in the fridge overnight to set firmly. Half an hour before you want to serve the cheesecake, remove from the fridge to come to room temperature. Puree half of the strawberries with the extra icing sugar and prepare the rest by slicing or halving them. Un-mould the cheesecake by slipping a hot knife around the edge, then loosening the sides and slipping off the ring. Slide the cheesecake onto a serving plate, then pile the strawberries on top and drizzle the puree over them. If you need the cheesecake to set more quickly or more firmly, then you can use 2 sheets of gelatine dissolved in water or lemon juice and mix it into the cream filling. 13 Kim's Quiz is back!

1. In the game of draughts, how many men does a player start with? 2. Which is the best selling car name of all time (The model has undergone several redesigns in is history)? 3. Which country in the world sends the most letters abroad? 4. What rank in the Royal Navy is the equivalent of the ar- my's Field Marshall? 5. Which army is headed by General John Gowans? 6. Which French car design achieved fame in motoring cir- cles for his 'double chevron' gear and logo? 7. Astrologically speaking, two of the fire signs are LEO and ARIES. Which is the third? 8. Who is the longest serving member of the Privy Coun- cil? 9. Which number president of the USA is George W Bush? 10. On which day of the year does All Souls Day fall? 11. What was Fanny Craddocks real first name? 12. What are the caves at Lascaux famous for? Answers on page 16 C J BUILDERS GENERAL BUILDING

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15 Events Diary

Regular events in the Memorial Hall

Every Every Every Every Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Line Dancing Stretch & Tone Mother and toddler group Art 7.30pm for the over 50’s 9.30am, 1.30pm - 10am - 11am Yoga Emma 01503 240497 3.30pm Contact Maria Yoga Whist Club, 01503 263505 7.30pm Yoga Other Dates and Events July - Sept Looe Lions Car boot Sales, Every Sunday (weather permitting), West Wayland Farm. July 1st Parish Council Meeting, Memorial Hall. 7.30pm. July 10th Liskeard Show, Merrymeet, from 8am. July 10th Moonlight Memory Walk at Dusk, Kilminorth Woods. July 10-11 Looe Festival By The Sea 2010. July 15th Launceston Show. July 21st Inlets and Egrets III - Riverside Ramble (see inside). July 24th Pengover, Merrymeet & Menheniot Show, 2pm. July 25th Looe Lion Rally, Wayland Farm, 8am - 4pm. July 26 - 31 Looe Carnival Week. Aug 7th No Man’s Land Flower & Produce Show, 2.30pm. Aug 10-11 The British Firework Championships, Hoe. Aug 14th Flower & Vegetable Show, 2pm. Aug 28-30 MORVAL RALLY, No Man’s Land (see inside). Quiz Answers Good quality jumble and 1. 12. 2. Toyota Corolla (25 million vehicles bric-a-brac always sold in 142 countries). 3. UK. 4. Admiral of the Fleet. 5. The Salvation Army. 6. Citroen. required, collection can 7. Sagittarius. 8. The Duke of Edinburgh be arranged. (appointed in 1951). 9. 43. 10. Nov 2nd. 11. Phyllis. 12. Prehistoric Cave Paintings Call Roberta on 01503 240650

Disclaimer: St Martin-By-Looe Parish Council and the editors will try to report accurately at the time of publication and require similar factual accuracy from contributors. We accept no responsibility for any views expressed by contributors or advertisers in this publication. Editor Charles Hyde 01579 340905.