To be an Honorary Companion: Admiralty, 27th June, 1907. Doctor Jean Etienne Justin Schneider, Principal The following have been promoted Doctor of First Class, French Army, late Chief to the rank of in His Majesty's Fleet:— Doctor to the Shah and President of the Sani- tary Council of Persia. Henry Douglas Wilkin, D.S.O. William Sefton Bowman. To be Companions; Charles William Keighly-Peach. John Stratheden Campbell, Esquire, Indian Civil Maurice Woollcombe. Service, Commissioner of the Kumaon Division, Cecil Irby Prowse. United Provinces. Guy Reginald Archer Gaunt. Frederick Palmer, Esquire, Chief Engineer, Charles Herbert Morgan. Port Commissioners, Calcutta. George Bowes Hutton. Nawab Bahrain Khan, Chief of the Mazari Tribe, Edward Buxton Kiddle. of the Dera Ghazi Khan District, Punjab. Cole Cortlandt Fowler. Shrimant Anand Rao Gaekwar, lately Senapati, William Firth Slayter. Baroda State. Sir Douglas Egremont Robert Brownrigg, Thomas Henry Stillingfleet Biddulph, Esquire, Bart. Accountant-, Patiala State. Ronald Arthur Hopwood. Surgeon-- Warren Roland Charles Frederick Corbett, M.V.O. Crooke-Lawless, M.D., Coldstream Guards, Arthur Lindesay Cay. Surgeon to His Excellency the Viceroy. Godfrey Marshall Paine, M.V.O. Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander John Maunsel Dated 30th June, 1907. MacLaughlin, V.D., Honorary Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency the -iu-Chief in The following have been pro- India and Commandant of the Surma Valley moted to the rank of Commander in His Light Horse. Majesty's Fleet:— George Claudius Beresford Stirling, Esquire, William Mitchell Moir. Superintendent of the Northern Shan States. William Johns Beckett Law. Francis St. George Manners-Smith, Esquire, Reginald Arthur Norton. Superintending Engineer for Protective Charles Edward Whately Pyddoke. Irrigation Works in Rajputana. Herbert Routley Moss Williams. David Melville Babington, Royal Artillery, Reginald Ernest Carr. Superintendent, Cordite Factory, Wellington. Claude George Reginald Brandon. Chinubhai Madhavlal of Ahmedabad. Gerald Hubbard Welch. Samuel Digby, Esquire, Secretary, Indian Section, Walter Reginald Glynn Petre. Society of Arts. William George Ainslie Kennedy. Rowland Henry Bather. Henry Willcox Osburn. Arthur Kenneth Macrorie. William Leslie Elder. Chancery of the Royal Victorian Order, Herbert Reginald Norbury. St. James's Palace, June 28, 1907. William Douglas Paton. Cecil Halsted France-Hayhurst. The KING has been graciously pleased to Alfred Barnett Barker. make the following promotions in, and appoint- Frank Larken. ments to, the Royal Victorian Order:— Arthur Cloudesly Shovel Hughes D'Aeth. To be Knights Commanders: Arthur de Kewer Livius May. Rudolf Miles Burmester. Lieutenant-General Douglas Mackinnon Baillie Lionel George Preston. Hamilton, Earl of Dundonald, C.V.O., C.B., Colonel, 2nd Life Guards. Dated 30th June, 1907. Sir Thomas George Shaughnessy, President of The following Sub-Lieutenants have been the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. •promoted to the rank of Lieutenant hi His Colonel Douglas Frederick Rawdon Dawson, Majesty's Fleet:— C.V.O., C.M.G., Comptroller in the Lord Chamberlain's Department. Edward Benedict Arathoon Bernard Acworth. To be Commanders: Walter Robert Morant Wynne. Lieutenant-Colonel Sir William Hutt Curzon Geoffrey Alfred Luscombe. Wyllie, K.C.I.E., M.V.O., Political Aide-de- Gordon McLeod Cameron. Camp to the Secretary of State for India. Arthur Grendon Tippet. Sir Henry Arthur White, Solicitor to His Majesty Arthur d'Arcy Punnett. The King. Frederick Archibald Warner. Sir Hugh Montagu Allan, Director of the Allan Herbert Acheson Forster. Steamship Company. John William Titus Salt. Eustace Neville-Rolfe, Esq., M.V.O., His Majesty's James Robert Carnegie Cavendish. Consul-General at Naples. Laurence Reynolds Palmer. Claude Baynard Evans. To be Members of the Fourth Class : *Lionel George Foote. The Honourable John William Fortescue, Frank Lumb. Librarian to His Majesty The King at Windsor Herbert Fitzherbert. Castle. Andrew Francis Gordon Tracy. The Honourable Richard Charles Moreton, Theodore Keppel Elmsley. Marshal of the Ceremonies to His Majesty Charles Ernest Maconochie. The King. Dated 30th June, 1907. Charles John Cleland, Esq., D.L. Commander St Vincent Nepean (, * Promotion subject to being granted a certi- retired), Chief Inspector of Life Boats, Royal ficate of efficiency as required by Article 270, National Life Boat Institution. Clause 3, of the King's Regulations.